HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-21, Page 2A 1_,QVE (TRAti$L4TAD TROIA THE Foramen By CO., Inoue.) ' thus, two thousand yeara ago, sought to and a180 also the mysteriens. col:venation be. *A yCHINAS BIGGEST (IITY. en vny welL I knew it all a Router I ----.--r- tea, their hoesee and those of their descend- tween the two at the moment of separation. of an hour after." ants for all tme to oero.e. No one can stand, And hoseld toe himself, "l!do father knowe, "You knew that 'nal probability Oboreti mo PEEING:Feb.12 th—The seventh prince, or upon the ramparts of thla struoure and Boo the criminal. HO heoWs that Oliver is de Bargemont waa the notircierer, and why guilty, Re allowedtelemelf to be arrested, in that case Maros aeoliee the Menentt el ' zubei 0vr 0buscittrofthbioe 1,,TPr ooserteroeifinCohos:intneonsohneddtiebe impreseed with t • P HA . He cannot betray hie eon, although ho Now,0muet"Pardon me. We accueed nobody. We was today mid to the Government for a THE OBE4THESS OTCHINESE HATTON W4 10123 4and regard him withcontented ourselves with saying WO we little over $100,000. it will be used as a It is a greater monoment than the pyramids ought' to betray In7 brother, If de Barge- had Been the maxquie and. the Marquis has temple, and the reason for the selling its of Egypt bunt by wadi kings for royal mot were here and I asked kb advice, what nohtreebverlit twit yWoeurli4-do; to beire tout me which. an emperor WAS berm The boy monument also of the great truth that While ist that no Chinese eobjeot can live in A IMMO) teMbSs and ite purpous was nobler. It is a would he say to *el Would he DOS answer, "What do yon mean to 40?" "Save our imn. otardkeer, to .pbreevmenvt cieusuuticevaafroamrrea.maktedmagn relatimus between the two are very carious tires bottloct up here twenty oenturies ago as' emperor now outranks his father and the man dim, his work remalos and that the nettle from shipwiecle A" "Hew canyon ?" la -041Tiveertea,r,ef jmeayvoinnormeetteetoeisstet9 ddetierect; 'fel hneeewwaeta inottoguilty. Tho oura. He, 4 4 wan Tett Eheatiparesgrsereeepiefint rendetelnisusevtehnethopevrienrone. the elavt then-eday,tasm, deodesieLthlbtanyeclAtlitit:ett ewer:roe:1 it Dou't burden your conseienee with each ad his "us might hAve murdered M4nbc4'1 meat, and thr Empress regent will probelo Shakespeare =lathe sCueld, and to A innnb. a memory." And while the ion wind sttutg Sue- And for InY P"tt I ha.t° him) "d ly Atilt have her place behind a gauze screen ler though no leo effective way, the mueole bhialcfoaceny'hanotellpist IlreajcipectlItgateaareclhe°Aehulde4°Oed edon'tme4aartealtnir1144° 4, 'bil:irv'u'll' ibfritIV b o Tt hhe- wiseeneplirettralbt714mtnpePerira°1r famigivealy aollf 4013biatreil; W.tarhhx0aitnbc114;t8whea94bibutiltbr(1;irnlari la ritax;azIbdi e:f:r7911ortiCunear nettaitterootan.i:fhniiectl. with ShO horror of the thing* vilieg who will inspire me?' "My God, rest is your affeir," Aodouddenly sbrugginghts ehoulders,with Meager than tweak, The Prince Hung, ed tbeMightY cathedral of Milan. --..-,-. A cynical smile he eaiel whet made the meg- /vim was regent In "°"°t4". 'x.4°1 the It istrate tremble with indignation ; bon emperor. is living at Peking, and the ht ale it wetter about *oleo wheth, flub Prince* IKaisee brother, is sad to be a eurrounclings are the peters: of desolation, . WAITER III. nopoman of weight, The fifth prince is the The road to it, which was once a paved ear. de maw" had jest rood/Tea ermo )3erergitesemarmafeawthiteer owraesz,(*grltilonegti:aseteleepst 1% Rderigrts it Igroni:riabodnt iititgonifatriaYnd many boalders and puddles. and it is irnpossible 114 highway, billow a ineentaie path filled vrith Paris some additlenal lizformatioo sent by Mr. de XSUPOS gave Mee a leek. so ter- funny stories are told of his praotical joke% toltmorestttheroeumgehle wietrh adnymithuienyg4,elswe tobtospommuieci Mr. Lacroix, the polioe commissioner. Ooe day the foremen of the printing holm, ta„ table that as Sn4denly became:silent Tilieu presently he Battles he gained the Oo;hiee pa ad atoeoaoceaer tehderi4vreiv driver when he was in camas by the hundreds,. Anci•OUr Mile litter which Oliver • bed gone, came into the eimpson *toe with eho hill for the notee (las,,riceuse me, ez=3.0 me, 1 was outy tot,. dlegulee and asked for Stride. The MAU look- and two donkeys, which made up the °eta ed at his poor clothes and asked him to jump of the party, had often to stand aside for willghtyCltilovIrhba4lim t:rdwerait In a quarter of 'bele magistaate allowed elm to Of Q He in. He del so and directed the driver to theetrdusio4bloatee'Cpbwirtheiseollhowgeer were and i 1 (igr 0 driven Veof ...,. n. 0, A "6 - take him to Prince Kung's residence. The aynnahae9nruttnila° 'geese* nreetra trreeallodrifotr*mo4Wnitht was very enr3ens' ' l'aub4"rgaei° muvder" driver stopped when he came into the street from the wild pasture tousle of Mongolia ago, we mid, nething Omit it, thottgh We Waa °Urer after all, "4 Satiar" w" '.1" our h h ea Hun w n kind.ra re travel tide road than they can thepaos. clown 0 Peking. Ponies and berme can DO tilQ114 YOAlr, havieg eleteroined et that 71-3a0.4aramarl'A;14I b*e, bad giVen no order at the kind for moo /107efr an241,` ,,bnrio, ne,_,..lt nenton ,,14' te..,11,1407steeto;Y; tQf th ee rg great Vo rinnreelfeall: said d was feamdoetnewateg my wiferode 'ifs al fair gamine of Chinese in - 13° " 44° o ° hearted ,I3 and h treepaessel es t the Andes, and thenaula Morin widell *Ye en 'en neeernP4ee dung he woiold certainly get the Etmin,i031:edr. iTeasaiivid:n:ick,:foratilee inia"tak447101; Md440jarareottlhent:dsra`n9tiabsurort.dosefucirtthalis:tvaarailts„jr0gystlirpubshic.: mia ho eevameeraigut toRsoti sehiamshz7 wenhoesragg4 berbretiifizr tewovieeeLorthIeteexniseewsiattra.beniisivII:tedewmigmulmi: said the feretnam tan emptoyee cune He sent 4 tAlegrel:14 to .a,-94134 whom he be nehl° 144"/ him onward and, to b•i4 surPtl034 as! I have ever eeee, It was htIng upon shafta, 40ssubbawbali0 tosoikYar 01,haset.,.ssa' 4411. It w" I ml.''' wiahed to interrogate on the facts told by stepped him et Ettnee doer, Here 4 great 41these mules. one In Imo ad ntwo be., . /Meru, end Quo te babel, where he wished retinue Caine Mit to Meet him, and the man htud, carded le to d & offie up tbe b The a1433tad vi,134t had pa4,804 t 64,1 how. ole aod the meatenger had tea= man et the blanks tioue which had jut come to him, Imperial nrhice. He had been talking very once more to queetien In view of the revele. learned that he had been entertelaing the othtrothuoghvottiegetullutdllsey/aauppalaplcitugm4tabrothuegbwhool: iTY wyoithu o'hattemembor, ere mo 4 detorty4, ,Tihen he Signed 4 warrant for the %met freely durine the ride aa to Whet the people outfit omo to tue ground if . #04 of the y0oha mon vow cliano to you., to4, vlireri And entrusted its ezemition to the thought of the Eneperer, Prince Hung earl The muleteer waa 4 1101.14mmed4n. as are men who bed arrested the Marqebe As the dith velum), and he feared that his many of these uorth Chlnameo, He weo "Yes, I Can eiielly emiugh." hie release teugue would lose him hie head. Tao fifth as stubborn 44 ibi4 arlios, and he deadoaty Re described Oliver, and added, yi7t141:111,14gtteerrblilleavit4e14 4olti doubt preventieg Priece disrelseed him aud the next day Sent ' nlviank.11 mhart Y ....,,,,..A aNnf+4...-. +.,..,..,,I. as he nvo i 10 eke, le t,0thatme_ ,11 earns I olirneaertabtea417 naervuttouzu eim from tieing SO. him a lot Of Meney and A new here* eta inle" Te "ft`t;t7Su' wrgi'Ztte''in":4vie'e"'oul-iza befige ezcoung tax srda; bet be her/ a° were lutioceet, eted would De ro3 greater for the Empezer, is uow the. mightiest Man in The evil WO4 already dime, it the Mereula eerie The overall prinee, as the tether of Amitraiiinei locviki:v bgdgiotvwzgzoontairtioaint my distinguished An Appearonce. and Mikes' the old men be/nett:4*A up a night awl a Chloe told ell the colonial world gems don heated from beueatli by flute, These ledges ee iileaelutly, thee I-geve him whet lie A. 1 on The uext day JAMS appeared at the ecciats4iekOpalwaly to tibilme 'hyli'noe rerideana" about nad Peking luvheitaob4)f tttb17ettmo" f.ottla.blogelloS P.41..tleYkelnietitniikt! wanted." .....y .eoger. "None of our people *newer your descrip, ing Chinaman. He te well made and inclieed tun; of mu"7:0 '"1.'FI'0""4131;:i1447g0":84 tyl&040"" acme And tie ten of our blanks lave 414- °lel eiou sent tor me, sir," he eeict "but I to fetneaa, wears the brighteet of imperial of ,atssttne in the days of the savtour. &Mated What has become of them t" eillse and ;Torte at times A het for au the Lo n s ore hatch bamboo ,r= around "I deal keiew." •t-":" .4. - f4i4,7i,'-'41:A. ainoffaltmAnutcQhfwthoendt'areag. aairri;"hph when you world an inverted diehpan. Ma ports.). anw,Jpe°uee'eturoa tuovibtob. 4ro-iii, „,-- i -40- g -e- an. -----i mo441-04 be PC4iy tbtie°snimabtrutateoef.471111044comrabb"u, went to get Mouloorgera'a pocketbook is a Ones. white Motigollan Fife); end he 04131014 slept. The deers e! the building all opeuedieto the court, MI half of them 7fnerogeo t smaot a t, SE iani no Lee: wili blOantetzt 0 city with A tettutie of.'servauto alener a pollee bed oxannuaa ete foreman, fjhunm fettruute youforgot Were Opert at the trout aid were anigned Ma AS hi* attention hid already bout ettmet 1)ektng le like ne other sit,' la ths wsrld• to the donkeys and melte a the "tuvellers. eel by the telegrata from Sharon which was hes ne love for year farads., and bee raven. ea latrnaelf by tellioe me all," It il "°"ti°113' different It'n° the °th°1' Theo brayed the live -long :sight, and their found in htenborguess +Aline, he 1ss4 sout in &lee know what you are speaking ettlee ot Chime, Aid is the meat Ailepolltan nounchlug 'straw could be distinctly baud Mr. DehlenVee* detailed seeennt. of." eity of Aids. It is mere like 4 great CAM And this was the report width the latter 4' I ishall be mere moles therefore," end than a eltY1 and Its walls, flttY fast bigpowidastiortalwertti/3eatint: etre trort; bed just rentived, i ven answered to that the megistrate then told of Belaruent visit, end thirty sod toore feet thick. make one o„o The deecription g of Oliver stud the magistrate wee plunged La int by pellet, without aulittiug ii eingle tali. ntilinotuktoaof;ar000blleadiej: ga:dgeosinegiesg,owonf irielnivhog fratend, Tc7hAuan.......,sor 1104 imATAial is rasa mv: 4u.„,r, falliog empires. The thousands of de. reflection when they told him *het Baum , eeeee.....ewe see the draye, and theee tat was *skin to speak with him. When lie had finished he saidei 4lop through the vim, filthy etreeti on poth nies, pued and pulled by etalivert, half naked What could he be wanting? Mr. de 04° kaa714:ifttilluttns,11141111410°11:1P11%, forged With huudrede ef *oldie= and servants* mem They carry sometimes as much as A Mauves bade them Show him in iestautly.e ten, and I have seen three men mid one that story in order to destroy as. How can dressed in the risggedest of gaudy liveries, . The men was welholremed, quite ilane. you have any truet in this Man the prime eerry out the Illueion, and when you leek the donkey her:mend to ane of themOne WO/ °61v intlood. Its beard, bawsver, b" motive of whose deposition was undoubted. reason of the rags you are told it le nob marl, Inked to the waist, beld the shafts of net been out. That was hie style of beaut,fautos . 1y to get my father arrested. Ile deceived poverty, but that the nobles dare not appear the barrow aided by a wide baud of camelamaze Re kept it eas s busby possible. Jeume s a you in order to Palley the &lodge he rich for fear the Goverument would levy o wool rope, which stretched from them 's Bergamo:it's money bed allowed hiva to dress his ebouldere, end two others walked in himself from heed to feet. He bad spent has spinet our family, end now he is trying contribution upon them, . to deceive you a secoud titue." Tne chief of them nobles aro Tartars, and front harnessed to the barrow by like betide eixty franca in that way out: of the floe bun. "Mr. Bergernont, Is:Weedy sympathize they aro teller and better.looking than the egrets their cheats, and snooping over and area. Reba eve PeallSa 414 elMleseanalm with you in ilading yourself in ouch a de. Chinon who come to lauserloa. They form the length of giving five france to his wife. plorable athetion. Do not :mike any mis• the greater part of the soldiers of the capital I toe& The donkey was. also her:meted to strainInA enemy ramie as they pulled. at the What hha he come to do, scud whet to take. I do not force you to speak. 1 m- of Chine, and it is sad that there are 50,. tho front at the barrow and be walked he. say! He was not Ionia explaining himself. torrogate you simply heceuse it is my duty. 000 of them in the city. They are poorly ")our honour," be said, 01orakit1e of the To insists would 130 it contemptible thing. armed with the oldest of muskets, ali pato d twriillesetiluhliner'else wileelharrows are entirely 'di 'Rouge Gum ' has tad you, hes he not, ifft Bat do not tell mth e uutrus, sir, reeler terve, and would swill little before one - T et hie drawer was robbed? A hundred francs and a pooket.book were taken. Tee keenAlguao altogether." fourth SS many Arnerloane armed with eren450221 ours. he wheels are es big And taking it Sheet of paper from hisdesk„ Winchester rifles. China, all told, has an around as the front wheels of a buggy andit the comets up through the ceotre of thebed of nee, yourbouour,if the thief were to come and he mod to army of three quartere of a nullion, and ' i' say to yearlo IQ I who did flat, and if you "Bead that, sir, and you will see that mbarrow nstead of beingin front of Ib, of the troop' of the proviocea are well as in An:arias, The load is put on each aide promiaenot to arrettme I wM tell you the soahead a the wheel 1100 there is a sort of frame - secret of the Bergetnont affeir aid the met. IeT12055»o ter Will then appear clear as the day,' what u ad have made aura of Bilarna'a al armed and are being trained by European • (TO 10; conniouso.) ffioers. The country now has eight amen. els, sod these are, turning out soma 8aas " neer, the lout off thu wheel. The hand "I would tell the thief I ould make no F . v:ork whieb runs up from the bed and would you do V w ---4 — -.------ .f f e vehicle are equal to those of Krupp. Ira of the barrow Are very long and the bargain of the kind, unless ha repaid Ba. 210011ables. thThe Chineee Navy haswonderfolly improv. e ou ed since e late war total Franco, into, In Borne partof China, ch as Their tont pert othbed ends in two than) cattle whet belted stolen from him and A maiden watt accustomed to spin late on Northern squadron is cornmanded •by an i hazghat, Ihicalle was willing to let the Matte; stet Saturday in the moonlight. At One thne English nava" ofaser, and their ships, built tao wheelbarrow le the cab and th° street cer of the Chineseand eaoh barrow , —then--° the new moon on the eve of Sunday drew EGermanyli in and , are mo)* " And then, your honour ?' Ir up to itself, and now she attain the mngland oon best of the email men-of-war afloat is expeoted to carry two pm/tongue. 1 They have seen two pretty Chinese maidens being l' It might happen that I would close my and aphis and snw ins. And now, hen the curry the latest Improvements in the way of pushed along tho road in thin way, stud at eyes." " goemuser days' set in Iate in the atunmer gnand the hulls of some of their boat' are "But that would not be certain? The the white threads float around in the air:u of steel. They are, I am toldTientsin you find the streets often blocked , now making with these wheelbarrows, landed with thief, no doubt, would demand. certainty, Theeethreads aro the epinning of the lunar gun-bothem 'own, of. theown, and they have a coal, stone, wool cloth Ana h thousand and beast:13e, being the poreeeter of it scoret of epinner. cruder of 2.100 tone and of 2,400 horso.pow. one things which are used in ono form thefiret importance, he knows that he Is The moon is empeohdle a glsoetly avenger er, which they. built not long ago. The coun. or another by theChinese. In the great plan useful to Justice in the search for Moubor. of human arrogance, and has iti humors, aro try hex but a small national debt, amounting were the winds aro very strong the wheel- • guen murderer." oording to which thlogs go well or ill -with say the statistics, th not over $25.003,000, barrow carrier often hoitts a sail to help "Ab, well," saidtheltiagistrateointereated it. In its 'carcase it has a special force and and. by a judicious taxation it ,could mato him along, and the wind pushes with him in spite of himself, "I would give him that it certain good -will for the earth and its in- lish a navy and army which -might make as it goes. In Shanghai theta: wheelbarrow certainty, but always with the underatanding habitants, while in its decrease it is friendly the rest of Asia trerable. men pay a license, and not long ago an at.. thtst 1 ahead revoke my word if I found I bono one. The goad woman must not do . tempt was made to raise this from 50 cents I have just returned from had been fooled by an impostor." any sewing in the decrease of the moon for A TRW To me CHINESE WALL, to Si per year. The men clubbed together '" All right, with that restriction I accept the atitohes will not hold; farmingtools your word, Mr. de Mauves. It was I who must not be left in the fiella became, it is and I have seen enough to say that there hi anb streak to the number of some hundreds robbed Bncaille'a drawer. I know if: was believed, if they are, °sopa win not again no doubt of its existence and its greatness and the result was that the increase bad to a crime, but I swear it was the firat time I thrive there. If an unbeptized child is ox- Balt 1.700 years before America wog dia. be materially lessened. ever stole. The 100 franca I* have peld posed to the moonlight, it will lose its luck covered, when our anceatora, hannaked FRAM: G. GARI,ENTER. boon to Bacaille. Here is his SOCeptanoe. for ite whole life. If ono pante lathe moon and altogether savage, wandered through 11 is signed, you see. I like to have things with the finger, he will suffer from swelling prance, Germany, and England; when regular. / am a man of order." around the nail; and whoever spits at the Rome inehe height of her republican • Quiet Ways Are Best. Saying this he handed the magistrate a moon will lose all his teeth. The beliefs, forma government, and when the Roman Empire had not yet begun to be, these mas- paper soiled with marks of woie. It was too, are international. The same is the OEM What's the use in worrying, indeed a sort of receipt from Bacaille. .• with the religious notions about the new sive towers atill.orown the parapets and the Of hurrying - o " Be1arno," it said "has given back the morn. Somerset of every kind to be Era°. 1,600 mike of wall still stand. It is a twodays' ride by donkey from Peking, and one And scurrying, hundred francs he stole from me. As be ceasful, must be performed on Sunday night , Everybody flurrying shows repentance for his bad action,' I ask of the new moon. The hair must be out goes through the northern edge of the. great And breaking up their rest nothing more than to stop all complaint, only in the increase of the moon, otherwise plain of China and meets it in the great When everything is teaching us and I beg Mr. de Mauves to forget the affair: there is danger of getting headache. If a echhainu. ° " This is all right," min id the magistrate person returning home in the evening sees from mountains which separates Preaching and beseeching us ora Mingolia and Manchuria. To tettlen elowand end the fuss, • ? "but where did you get the hundred trance the full moon, he ought to take some Manchuria and Mongolia lie directly north For quiet ways are best money out of his purse, and utter an keen- of China. They are. lioth subjea to The ran that trickles down in showers you paid back to Bucaille " ' . " Ah, that is another pair of handles, as the tattoo that will make it increase a hundred and are governed by China, and they A blessing brings to thirsty flowers, saying is, I willteliyou all about it. But is times during.the month. equal in asze about onedialf the whole ter- And gentle zephyrs gather up it settled that there is to bene prosecution?" The moon is also supposed to have an in. ritory of the United States. About them Sweet fragrance from each brimming cup. '• "Yea, I promise you." • • . fluence over animals and planta—[" Popular lies Siheria, and south of their western edge There's ruin in the tempest's path, '"I have your word of honor?" Science Monthly." • is Thibet and Ili, whioh are also Chinese There'a ruin in a voice of wrath, • "I pass it to you." ' • . .gountries as to government. .5.11 are sparse- And they alone are blest) "Wei then, ra tell you what happened A New Explosive, • lyeettled and Mongolia has less than two Who early learn to dominate to me yesterday. I was having a nap when One of ohe newest military explosives has people to the square mile, while its whole Themselves, their violence abate, Mr. James de Bargemont wokeme, and put- jest .been experimented with in Englandon population is not -greater than the oity of And prove by their !serene estate ting a revolver to my head, said: an elaborate scale and with surprising re- New York. Manchuria has twelve millions That quiet ways are 'beet. "'You stole a pooketboat from Dwaine. sults. It possesses, under ordinary arum- of people, but botheountries are far more • I must have it." stances, a striking disinclination to explode. savag•3 -than the Chinese, and the Menge. Nothing's gained -by -worrying, "James' de Bargemont, did you. say I"' Kammer it, it is harmless es olay. Pat it liana live largely in tents. The trade of all Byhurrying "Yee, the •second eon. Bat; have pa- in the fire, it smoulders dully. Appla frio• these people, however, comes north from Anding; tience, it will be a question about the other don, it its unresponsive. Shook it with an Peking.and passes over the mountains and With fTrehtetetingmapneeeoftendwithflboat; arrin Go on" foie presently." ' • .‘ • eleotrio spark, or even a lightning bolt, it through! the great wall at the gate which I le harmless a brickbat. Pat a mass of it vieited. The wall was bullb originally to And in permit of some small prize "Well, with a good grace or a bad oneas — on a pile of gunpowder and ignite the latter, keep theirs out, but they have swarmed We ruph ahead. and are not wise, and above all, after having pooketed a note it is hurled to one side, unexploded. In through in hordes again and again, and it is And findtheunyr prioneteest ehdexeeoreci7 for five hundred francs, and you "see that brief, it may he handled and transported as a Manchurian emperor that now sits upon Afearful explains everything -2-' I handed over the freely and as safely as so muoh sand. But the Chinese throne.• pooketbo,ok which contained --a letter of apply a detonating oap properly, , and it What a wonderful structure it i'Tie better far to join the throng s 1 It That do their duty right along, stlauborgue's ? Andahis letter is now In the explodes with terrifioe force far greater and would extend more than half...way averse :Reluctant they to raise a fuss hands of James de Bargemont." more destructive than that of dynamite; America and it must bave consumed years, Or make themselves ridloulows. The Magistrate made 0 gesture of aisgust. giving off no smoke, no dame, and no in building it. As I stood upon its ramparts Calm and serene in heart: and nerve Here was a line of eel:fairy he might have noxious fumes. Its peculiar qualities of I could see it climbing the mountains and Their itrength is always in reserve, f011owed,buthad forgotten, 'andhe waS sorry action, as well as the seedy of its use, in- going down the valleys• as far as my eyes ' ' A And nobly stands each teat; for it. ., • • dioate that it will prove valuable in mining could reach. It did not diminishin strength , And every day and alt about, . " What did it say V' ' • and other peaoeful arts. ' nor size at the•various points I visited, and By scenes within and SOOMB without, • "Ah 1 it is very fortunate that I took a its masonry would have been good work We can dim:tern, with ne'er a doubt, .00py, before—tud I :brought the copy with : Not to be his That quiet ways ate best, id on Sunday. for the American builders of to -day. It me• about twenty.five feet high and at the top --EJOSROHIla POLLARD. m ' Mr. de Mauves eagerly Bei' it as he held A certain politician holding office now in it is so wide that two carriages duld drive a it out, read it at a glance and rose abruptly. Wa.shingbon cornea from Gilead --- and he abreast along it and the hubs of •one would • Oliver 1 forger and murderer 1 Could it be hismtiprothuadt 7:f hi nensnaetietieveeowl siotnathvisittmiedf g toollerg;. nob touch those of the other. Its exterior trtie 1 • • .. .' • walls are ot blue brick of such a size that . . " Sanflower seed is coming to the fere as • And he began •th take • great strides MQSk preached in the village ohurch, and urfse of - his ternerks he ex- they look • like massive atones, , and an ertiole of •comineroial velue. As an ad- , through the room; quite forgetting .Balaruo. doluaritged t:Ile . °° these are filled in .with earth and mixture to Ohiolteo food its merits are in- . . • Paved with! britilk at the top. The diaposible. Veterinarians use- it in a merit.. Suddenly he found himself, before tha res. 4' Is ther&no balm in Gilead ?" . • cal, and in a curt, imperious tone 'said :MrBlank jamped to his feet at o. • grass and the moss hare now grown over the (Ana way in the treatment of horsee. Its . nce 4' Yoh have /mown the serious iccusation "01 course there is he sung out, to the top of toissreat wall. No archersnoweard growth ifs considered of use in the proven - which this letter makes., have you, from the horror of the congregation o but you cane, it, and ib stands amid the anowst mountains a tion of malaria,and the extrection of a wain; day Rion into your hands ?" , . , -monument of he almond -eyed men who able oil from it: is is looked for result." „ . get it on Sunday:" . •. If he failed, they would, always veinal), "For the last time, where is thet pocket- ignoreat alike Of his attempt end hie ex- book To he esist, pectations. " What Use its it to you! What proof The next 44v, towerels evening—,he hail have yoa that its contents can intereet not left the oath*, 'became he hoped Bal. your, aeue's wife would come—they told him that 'So you have lt then," exolaimed, James is beggar woman was ab 'the gate, and was joyfully, was not 40001,0a.., asking to gee hiro. Well, yes, I have it but 1 tell yen He hurled out. Ib was stie, with her you would de better not to ask me for it," three children clinging to her ragged, dress. why r, "Sir," she Iola, "I promised you I wculd "Buse it wee notprove any very greet eome. You were good 00 2110, fold SO 1 kept prism for the cause of justice. And I auquite my promise." tura of dile, that you would not be so onx- 4' Beleancl" Jetts to have it, it you knew what it contain- " I:leen:ea to the hot two heele ago. He ed. Come, do you weiet a bit of advice? clrua, and asleep there. That la how 1 Leave me Alone and go away. without knovi; managed to get oat." log more abeut the letter in question. It That ie Well, hurry there." will give you trouble," "Take care of youraelf Biro for Bolero° le "Keep your advice to yourself." a wicked men, and atrong. In cold blood "YOU aVe'W/COng not to fOlIQW it. When he can reason'and would not dare to use you nave seen, the letter it will be too late. violenee towards you, bat when he IS CirSuk Yon are seadng to yourself are you Pets that he no longer knowe anything, and I tremble this letter in hianhergue's pocket -book cow for yoa —so tau& the more"—She did not tains proof of your father'e innoemme?" like te say more, as he: was disposed to set James did oot answer, but every feature oat at once withon.t listening to what more of bbs Nee sahib° Was sure of it, and inereas. she Iced to say. ed his impatience. But nevertheleis she added:" And if you are deceived, how then? "Marc especially, glace I think from What if the letter proves the Outran?' r What he tom, me that he I:tea-peeling Gaude- " Wretch 1" let." " Dotet getter. e.passion. All thatdoesn't "That be all rbeht,'he Wel. only ask matter to me Atte; all. It may be that the one thingmarcof yen, It is now four peper proves your father's lonocence. Yee. e'olaels, 1 Tenet lige your heeband alone, but even then Yen won't have got delehed audweald be mobarmeeed by your pesmence." with the law, I tell you that, Your Whet- SallFg this he went Off tawarde the feeeet, teal the mily Bergemoute awl whether it be and ui an leo= awl 4 halt Wa4 before the oe oe somebody et“, there is a Bargemont cabin. The doer was Shut. Re 'palled it ineoteea in any owe open. There was etill a little daylight. A Jumos listeeeel to him in terror. In fire ef pine branches was blaring en the two Wielded, hoarse voice he muttered. tibiae slats. Belierue was Weep' on the heap The pocketbook or teer the soul tot of deed leaves, but the leaping siamu your beggarly body.', Sherrecl that It WOUld net he long before he ",You are wrong, 1 ware you that you are awelte, making a mistake:" Jerilee steod and leaked at the man for A Tbds pecket-beek I tell you, awl dee moment. invezle of the revolver was pressed against Hie awollen fece, the colour of A red the fable% heeeei brick, was Weed that of it druukard who "Yon offer me dve hundred trawl, do hail become brutalized by aloha. His hair you', and beard anamt esvered hie entire feet*. "Yee, 1 do" His breathing was heavy and laboured. "It is a good enough offer, but I haven't Was it poaSible that one SQ 0104S bad in his go them, henile the -proof be Was veelting ? That on iipiere they are, teem theme. him, so iguolueabeing,depentled the hewer 'Thanks, a genuine nate for Isa bundTedl of tile =aqui% the meet aucompremisiug Lotmo get up. I haven't the poket book end lapriedit aineugmen ou me. It wee too preelous, az WAS tOO Jelfilea.pnt hie baud roughly OA Beierree's much afraid of lethigit." shoulder eud forcibly *hook him.- Stepped. beck 00allow 111 tegetup. The drunkard Awoke oAd said "galosh. IS Batumi rose, ma went to the he* pert et thet yea Goudelet ? Yon hey° it heavy eat elle but. As he peeeed be threw an armful this evening. Wheee the matter?" of pine branchon the fire, and by, the As James did not *newer, Umlaute turn- dear him alleehgew up, he eeettenea the cd and raised himself rubbing ids eyes. new bank note, mutterlug as he did ela 44 Why. that lice't Geadelet," be said 83 120 '-One Can never be quite sure. In thew rose up, pushing forward his head to get A deys a men doesn't ituew for eertoin whom look at the yoeug Inan'e face. to trust." Who are you? 010 know who you Thee he lased *stone bleb in one cor- ere----*' kett At this pont isa began to talk uerot the but, rani tookont the pocketbook. indistinctly *gain."Here le what you wanted," he said "bit6° Ilan't trouble yourself to enquire. Tem you arc wrong, you are quite wrong." James de Bargemont." James seized 1521115 without even thbking "Ah uoid Beleruc, a Utile uneasilY, to see if the peper WAS bn 00, rushed away "And you Neve teat vour WaV in the forest as fast as he could, as if he had been com. perhape, and want me to pat you beak on mitting a theft. 'He wanted to be alone to lb 1"read the peper. He walked very quickly, "No. I want to tale with yon." putting his baud on his breast to restrain "Te talk *1 Came, come 1 Have oou the bestlegs of his heart. All the warniugs, Come to offer me the farm egein from 'width and myeterioue words ofBelarne were weigh. your father expelled me in so humiliating a leg heavily on his mind. way?" "What could it be?" he had wanted to flay. " my father was right in expelling When he Teethed the castle he sew nobody, you."neithtr Olotilde nor his brother. He shut Wares ground his teeth like a wild beast himself up in hie own room, pub the pooket. and had an ugly look. book on the table, end stood looking all it "There" said be, " if t. 15 Ls not it, I am without daring to open it. "But I must curious to know what you want with me." dci„it," he murmured. At last he made up his "I will not moke ea wait long for an Mind and opened it antiwar. Lest -week you robbed the drawer A letter dropped from the open enVelope. where Bucaille, the landlord of the Rouge He held it a long time ho hie hand hesitat. Gawn, every night puts the receipts of the ingly. day." Ale 1 Ah 1 What a god joke,"*seld Then thinking no doubt that rhe Barge. Belem laughinmouta were Lacapsble of °rime, and that if . ..Theee wore ge hundred franca in that the letter hold Any reoret it could inter drawer." est him only slightly he unfolded and read "When I turn thief it wM 00 105 fs bigghr Ite turnen pale, trembled, and could sum. 1 want to live on my own earninge, "Betides them. there nas a pocketbook hardly have been recognized as he read these in that drawer entreated to Becaille by a linear traveller, Mauborgue, hewho was murdered. misfortune happens me, let them look That pocketbook contained an envelope and either on my person, or among my paters, o 1 .tter. I nuust have that." • for lettere of exchange and notes signed. A. "You are it polieemat now then, are Simpson lc Clennam London. The signs - tare la a forgery and is the work of Mr. von?" Oliver de Bargemont to whom I lent: on " Answer me."• " Virelithen, I will answer you. I now these notes, one hundred and twenty five k thousand francs with which he had to pay nothing about what you are talking of. a gambling debt. If these letters and notes And if this story is all you came to tell me my good are found, let Mr. Oliver de Bargemont be you had better be going again, little gentleman." prosecuted as a forger. If they are not "/ :hall lose no time debating with found, it is because I have been robbed of them, and I can be robbed only after UM you," said James. " I am convinced it was you who robbed Bacaille. In that dead. I accuse nobody, but owe a valuable bit of information to juatice, Idauborgue. osse you have adanborgues pooket.bobk. Now this is what I offer you, five hundred "Have I read aright!" he murmured, francs, df yen hand it over to me, or, by '0r heaven, I shall kill you like a dog if you tion -ram I the victim of some halluoina He ran through the acensng linea once don't i " Oh 1 oh 1 how dtalk 1" , more and trembled so that his teeth gnash - you o James had drawn a revolver from his poo- tegother• ket, cookcd and pointed it at Balarans "No, it 'isn't possible. It is some infam- breast. He made a step backward, but ous machination of that wretoh, Hama, James blocked the door. To escape was and the .prOof is that this man athaused my impossible. The fellow was eeizsd with a father, in his deposition before the judge, and in these lines • the question ie nottabout fit of marling which. made him show his my father. but my brother. If that were teeth, while his hand opened and closed true, why did Balaruc keep this paper ? again as if he would dearly Jove to grasp the why young man in their embrace. hy-did he not give it up!' "James kept his eyes very calmly fixed And so he vainly combatted his innermost on him. Suddenly, before he could ward convictions. the blow, before he could stoop down, Bal. For -to that argument, reason ansiver- erne hoehurled at him one of the logs which ea 2— served as seats. Tne huge mass, hurled with " Ream:used .my father because he hates him. He has not betrayed Oliver, because enormous force, strack James on the shoul- der, and made him stagger and fall against to do that would be to save the Marquis,00 the door. His revolver fell out of his hand, whom het owes a grudge since.his expulsion and Balaruc hurls himself upon him, saying from the farm. Because to give up Mau - sneeringly: • borguet letter to de Mattves would be to " Yost are in my house. 2ou threaten accuse himself of thievery, of having robbed me, and I have a -might to defend myself. Bacalle. And finding his hatred satisfied Get youxaelf together again, if you can. he did not wish to run the risk of condeno But he finds the officer still on his feet. nation.' The revolver is on the ground, quite near He reflected further as follows "Isabel them, and both atruggle for it. His left knows that my father is not guilty. She arm being disabled, James has only his right sa.w Oliver but wilt' not accuse him, why? to defend himself with. Ho seizes Basalt° It is because the thought of dishonoring i by the throat, and his fingers of steel grasp Oublioly the family n which she was it with the indomirable force ot a vise, lifting brought up is repugnant to her? Is it be - him nearly from the ground. Bahama cense .to save the Marquis is to destroy struggles to fide himself, but his breath is Oliver? And Oliver loves her. She knows it. She knows it. I have told her so. And choked off, there is is rattling in his throat, hia arms fall down Softly, his face turns she. does she love him?" blue, James turns him over on the bed. He pressed his forehead with his feverish He could cagily have searched him, and hands. • taken the pocket book, that object of hie "Row I suffer!" he murmured. He opened the windows and leant over the anxiety, but the thought of doing so is ab- horrent to his sense of right. So he waits balcony. The air was icy. It until the wretched man has regained con. was freezing. • The ,sky hung like sciousnese, but, for security's sake he makes a deep 'blue cloth studded over with the trout, which appeared to gliaten with sure of the rbvolver. Baler= presently breathes again. Hirebloodshot eyes are full the rayfeof an inviable hearth. . "What to do 1 What to do 1" he asked of hatred. He had found is stronger than hits:self, and no bent hie head in -shame. himself. "I have told you," James said mice more, All the incidents • connected with his "that Telma' kill yoss like a dog UU1080 you father's arrest recurred to his memory. obey Irte.•• He thought of the calmness of the Mar, " Isn't one murderer in your family quip, the strange:look he hod given his eld- enough ? est son, the singular attitude of the latter, '' James trembled and turned pale. who did not seem astonihed at the arrest,