HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-21, Page 1VOL. II.
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, nos.)
Pala up Capital.- 42poo,000
Rest Flied , - 1,000,000,
Mead oftloe Montreal.
Gntenn•en Idexeone.
Tweuty,Braneh offices in the Derainiety
Agencies tri the Dominion, V.$4 Europe-
• • 'Z'.=4Rr MAX.Z.113.',""T=Ce
Open every lawftil day feora IO nate
rnt.i .‘.4aturtlays AO te
A. general banking busiuess traneacted
Throe per emit. per annum allowed for
money on Iteposie Meee4ts wad, $7.0,Nrimp
Eeeter, Jan 28,
OXVier b
published every Thursdor
et ttie Office,
11,7-STRELT. rxE,r.a.
On Pedlar per annum If paid in Advanc
111140 ifraitse paid.
=atm ..rax-V.ttrata
'No paw discontinued until atreavoite
aro gees. Advertisements wIthont epc..11,43
direettone vW ho published till foetid and
charged art -or -tingly- Liberal d'rennt mode
301. tratieztettt anvvrthemente nutted for
inn periods- RI:cry description eif JOB
PRI:511Na turned ontin tho tne*ti *bele.
and at nitelottate falt* CileR4(11,114040,V ora -
for tylvcrt6iittg. sitat134pltestai VIC. tO
non% payable to
'William Sanders,
reit DIreefarr.
TfilVITT roonsan eitencita-nov.
Robinson, nectar. Sunday Services, ll a. ra'
and 7 p.m. Sabbath School, en I p. rn.
Itarnontsy Curnen-Jances.st, Bev. D.
Clement. Paay stor SundSilty tem i0,50 So,rn.
and 04/ p. m. Sabbath S;ehool., p
Kell; STRUKT-Itev. 3. 'Wiliam Pastor. Sun
;Pay services, litS4 4 In. and sar 31, in. Sabtettli
PritQUVTER IAN f'111'11C11 . W. Mar
Pastor. Sunday Services', I . tend GM
to. Sieltboth Savoie -at.) a.
Teafeetteenal ft.
Office over (Metro Dank, Exeter, Ontorio,
:Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
tract teeth teeth without pain by ;lying
'Vegetable Vapor, or 1111111Z_ the new
n titivate on the genie. Makes -Bold Fill!
ings rind ctlierdantal work the best poseible.
Goes to Zurich last Thursday in each month.
East side ()retain street, Exeter.
Doe a. A. 2101,LINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST.
Residence -Corner Andrew aud North
Streets. Exeter. Ontario.
rre A. AMOS. at 1)., C. M.L 02, =IN.; L.
Th 0.S Edin.; L. it. P. tit S. Gitigt4)W;
14 Edinburgh and Glasgow; M. C. 2. Ss S.,
Ontario; P. T. X. S., Toronto. Night bell at
Office. Crediton, Ontario. /y11-8
.1.." Exeter, u.taIi, opposit
Rotel.' Side entrance on sonth.-James me6 C6ntt6g street
leading to the Methodist Church.
T W. BROWNING.)LD., M. C. 2. S.
Viraduato of Victoria University. Office and
residence. DOMbli032 Laboratory, Exeter.
T"oronitrrYgreigiiiiii Itraelite
one block east of Samwell
Pickard's store. Opposite skat-
.ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan
qOace-Panson's l31ock, Exeter.
121 Conveyancers, ins. Money to loan
at 6 per cent.
.12i ary Public, Proctor in Meritime Court,
-Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Land
Agency. Goderich and Bayfield. Elayfield
office it t Swartz' Ho tel, open -every Thursday.
Money to loan at yery Iiivt rates.
.1rrAXES OKE,Exeter,'. Ont '
AXio Liebnsed
cr Auctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction
guaranteed. Sales arranged. at this office.
1.1BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Allot-
. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also. for the township of Usborne.
Sales_promptly attended to and terms reason
able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa
"L'A BOSSENBEEnv, Enrich, Ontario. Lie -
J24. ensed Auctioneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and itatisfactitin
TIT BOLT, Khiva, Ontario. Licensedrtet-
VI th
ioneer for e Counties of Midd elms
and Lambton, and the townships of Stephen
and Hay. All sates promptly: attended to
Tic EMBER, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
1.1.9 Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Offtee--Crediton, Ontario.
Nay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance:Company.
Parties desiring to 'insure in the best ancl
theapest Insurance Company in the
can do so by applying personally, or by
mail to the undersigned. All application,
promptly attended ten Aloe agent for the
Wellington Company of Guelph.
E. BOSSENBEREY, Agent, Zurich, Ont.
Wren Married.
Offat Cost ti The youngest couple ever married
in the States wens waade man aud wife
Weduesday -night o Keyser. Their
names are Chloe iSilend, aged 18, and
Furniture at your own 'The sn°wi aged TheY "41 beqn
lovers fOr fou n1 after ftequen.,
entreaties revolved parental consent tO
marry. The bride was attired
short dness.
Mr. G. Ingram wishes to retire from
businees and will ea for the Rex sixty
days, Furnitureat Cos. An inspection
of the Goodssolicited„
w is a ebonee te get bar-
ns be is positively go -
retire front business,
0 Ingram
IINNSAliti, Obi
Hay Opunai
council mot ill Tou,n Hall. Zurich, o
inlay, March Isth with all tile mom
resent. Moved by Mr. tievreck, setondoil
gr. A. MeEttolUs that, the netitien of tho
Payire of Sodom reariesting the form.
I Ara union ;whoa section be granted
,it Finer Donahue', 1.6 appoltrited arbi-
behalf or /lax. Moved by O. go -
e conded by 31r. ti esti. tsi8t the ace o Ull t
PV044100t, Le lett over tin
eeting pint that 20. lieyrock be tn.
at4jto gQ and toe if the soul tentravin
done. The treasurer was rent:este
his securities at neat meeting.
isht dollars was granted to Mr.
n an indigent retts Moved b
Jtt onded by U. oltwen, thot the
0 rt bealOvtol and that IttOcorive
he printed to disteibutiou,
pollttkiteeper4 and fenee‘view.
ton Broderick has returt e
higanloolreng hale and hear
Grigg is on the sick list
present Due here 509t1 to beer of lee
We are pleased tik kart of tile recut. -
v of 34rs. W. who has been on
k Bet for some time.
e eay laet weelee horse belonging
. Henry Willert, of this place, mu
v. Mrs. Stacey who had charge of
ig, was returniug front Zurich,
Ity5P8U neans a bolt CO1110 011t
the AllAttli ValiStIt; the NOT110 tO
whkit frightened the horse and
started to run away leaving
d.COS to get home the Lest way
she o id.
Ou Tuenhey Last, the wedding bells
rang again in our midst it being
oause4 by M. Daniel Vincent aeid Miss
Pauline. Fisher who were joined togeth
er in the bowie of inatlilllellV„ by the
11e ?4 Oiltler, at the residence of the
brides father. There was a large num
be of invited friends in attendatice aud
all seem to say that a very enjo,yable
time was spent.
few exceptions, reae
eit to, that tide council accept
i'oCbt Company of 73 cents
coins:luta en ofetatute labor. The
accounts were then 144Scd:11.
statnte latvr rsfuntre,
&I ea-. flour for indigents,. atti
i iner, Itcove of •sterkernintli,
Irillge,f Vein. licyroclacharity
now*, se; Jolmaton and 1.)
L. turners, tee , EL. 3kiteutil& Waugh
roves/ $144; J. Welting, bleekintitit
1, $1.. Tee vermeil adjoured to meet ae a
f Rev misers:43y 3431't V.5thi
Biddulph Council,
no Connell met purtatent to adieus= t
In the Courtroormel d q'b113o. M.ir.it iottl
The Reeve anti membera trertnn Tittl
lowing acconnte were ordered to be petal.
Exeter litreecATIC oulvertiiting, tendons fer
bridge, $1; J. E. Mn,riayi stamp. for Atelitore,
• ncs Isaao Lewes, re1..ron4 Inv. 3.ike itch Nth.
lilting pound, ins; T. R51410111,11 dyo keep of
Kehoe Indigent *nil Attendance. S'
dice, coffin anti burning M. Ettlatati
niey as collo:ter 413roll$40; P. BONI AMI.
ir at sr, $un W. J. Smythe, Auditor I1&1Afl
; Juo..Kent, crop In dogatix,ei; Yno. Plan.
•n, letter press. $t; O. nodgins, 1 diy
der ditches and water couritea act. $4. 11. I).
Stanley. collecter thenttity for P. llarrets deg
me chattels. The dog west onlered to be killed,
J110. Quigley tp. tax retunded his preral•
OR being Ilestroyea L fire. The report of the
..tudieore woe received And 203 eopite ordered
to be printed in pamphlet form. The tender
of° co.,Lowos for the erection ofSatzlile bridge
aceepted,there war three tenders swell.
Hardy -42a; Patterson and Pearson
$3,30 and ea. Iiowes $230. F. Davie vas iip-
pointed overeeer at earn per iloy. Acorerann-
ieation from Jas. Tooliey o»king to boys hie
property taken from P.S. S. No.s, and attach-
ed P. 6....Vo.eoviiii svad And received1 end that
the clerk give the necessary natioethat A by
law for that purpose sv ill be considered at
the next mooting of the Council. A comm.=
kation from the trtatcos of P.s. S. No. 3 and
4 in req.!. lineation of Jas. Toohey WA1 reedy -
id 1188 1iltI. aw appointing readmit,
ters.fonetiviowere and poundkeepers woo duly
passed. Thecouncil adjourned to sneet on
mondoy Alan the istan the Temperance ball
Granton, at le a, un W. D. STANIAIY Clerk.
MoGilli'vray Council,
Council met pursuant to adjournment pres
ent, W. H. Taylor, Reeve, W. 1. Corbett end
et. 1 Xohuston, Deputy -Reeve; W. T. Ritchie
and E.Eargan Councillors. minutes airiest
meeting veil% approved andeijrneiL *Moved
by G. T. Johnston, seconded by E. Morgan,
That the eemuiunication from the municip.
al council of the township of Stephen in r�.
dard th the Grand Pend cut he "tied, and
that this council take 40 action in regard to
the by-lawlas our Solicitor considers it ill-
egal -Carried. "toyed by Corbett, seconded
by Ritchie, That the Auditors' Report a s now
read be adopted, and that the clerk have 300
copies printed. -Carried. Xiived by Johnitton
seconded by )(organ, That the Clerk is hereby
instructed to procure a surveyor to survey
mideroad between lots 10 and it in the 1111th
and l0th concessione.-Carried. Moved. WV
Corbett, seconded by Ritchie, That the Clerk
is hereby instructed to motley Sobn Drum*
mond patine miter, to have any person depos-
ing rubbish on the highway leading into
Ailsa Croix, prosecuted as the desposing ef
suck rublush makes it dangerous for persons
driving past. Carried. Moved by E. Morgan
seconded by G. T. Johnston, that By -Law -No
1 of 1889 as read (1r( and second time lie
now read a third time and passed. Carried.
Moved by W. L. Corbett seconded by W. dlit-
chie that the hereinafter named indiVidualit
be paid the several sums net forth vi..R.Seila
plank account, $10; G. Seabee graveleacconnt.
33.50; G. Saunders, error in roll and 'dos text
$16; J. Sosser account for spikes, $4.04; D. Ken
nody repairing KennecIte.beigge Tth. con. E.
C. R. $3: G. Glendineing error in dog tax, $11
Mrs. McPhail taxes refunded $6.16; T.E.Bayn-
ton,wood for Town liall,$3.75; I. Jones ,shovel
ling snow on Ione's side road,$5.25,• A.:Kilburn
3 sheep killed by dogs, coos; J. Ellis 1 sheep
kined.by dogs, sk S. Bolan, shovelling .snow
on Parkhill road, $5. Carried. Moved by W.
Ritchie, seconded by W. L. Corbett that this
Council adjourn to meet in the Town Hall,
the first Monday in April at ten o'clock a. m.
• WK. FliA1002, Tp. Clerk.
Mr. Milton Shoults. and R. Grundy
shipPed 31 valuable horses to Manitoba
on Tuesday last •
MAnninte-In London on 15th inst.,
Mrs. Lanib, widow of the late Joseph
Lamb, merchant at Lucani ti Mr. John
Walker of Ilderton.
Died at the residence, • Clandeboye,
on 14th inst., Mrs, Rd. Simpson, leaving
seven children the oldest only 9 years
of age. Mr. Simpson has the sympathy
of every one in his bereavement.
Mrs. John Dag„o• sold her fifty acre
farm on 5 con., liddulph, twe miles
from Lucan, to Mr, Fallen, of London
south, for the sum of $2,100. This prop-
erty was bought by Mr. Dagg some
few years since for $3,475. The boom
in Manitoba causing the decline In the
Iss lhen has returned to town and
ted dress -melting again.
totter intends putting a stone
tion under his new barn.
Morrison'formerly a teacher
here, paid a ehortvisit to the wheel last
Mre. G. Emitter stud „Miss Schmidt
beringville, 'ewe been the guests
Mr. E. Moiler.
Mr. Ed. Bosseulierry, of t17s pIa
tted thehotel beionging to fr. col
rth, in Remelt.
The weather Ms been very fine to r
at few days attil thus the sleighing
has tepidly decreased.
We are glad to see that Mr. Moore
has started a bolt store in town. This
has been a long felt want.
On Saturday last, the regular coun-
cil meeting of the township of Hay,
was held in the Town Hull, here.
Last Tuesday some more of our citi-
zens left for Dakota, among the Amu -
her we find the names of Messrs. Jacob
Deichert and Lewis Wurm.
Mr. Chris Ether has taken possession
of the house which formerly belonged
to Mr. Charles Lippert. Ho Is making
preparations to start his bakery there.
Grand Bend.
Eggs 18 Os. per doz., butter 17 cts.
per thin our burg.
• Mr. W. Lewis, of Crediton, paid our
village a visit last Tuesday.
The stow is fast disappearing from
our streets, leaving them in a very bad
Mr. R. Hamilton, of Lovers Lane, is
busy moving a barn home frora the
model farm which he purchased from
Mr. Pettis
Four of the Exeter sportsman came
down to the Hemlocks for game, and
went away with seven fine rabbits on
David Robinson' a Frenchman, jump
ed the bounty andwent to Uncle Sam's
domains, leaving a few of our 'business
men and others to mourn his departure.
Marriage, bells ;were ringing this
week. Two couples being' made one.
The Rev. Mr. Carrier, Presbyterian
Minister, of Grand Bend, tied the knots.
Mrs. McLellan, of this village,' but
formerly of Bayfield, is serionsly ill at
present, and also Mr. Fred Page. We
'wish them.at speedyereeeveey. • - •
The long talked of party has not as
yet made it appearance in our village,
if it don't come off Soon the boys says
something else will. 1 wonder what it
will be?
Chas. Mack is intending to put up a
new houee this spring and start house-
keeping, he has the material an on the
ground. We con oTatulate you Charles
but who is the lucky one.
We noticed on Thursday the 13t1i
March that the blue birds and Robins
had made there appearance again,atter
their visit tcrother parts for the winter.
A sure token of spring, "let us hope
they won't fool us."
Mr. McAllister was appointed leader
of song in Carmel Presbyterian' ,church
by a large majority...,
Moving is the order of the day. The
following parties are in that line: -
Messrs. Hodgins, Murry, Coxworth and
NO. 94.
A number of the farmers are melting
maple sugar.
Messrs. R. Carlisle and W. Elder went
to Goderich as jurors.
51essx's. J. Ilobkirk mid T. Brintnell
are erecting residences this year.
W. e. Davie, our, grocer, has a
flue ehoiee selectioe of seeds of all kinds.
A large number leave her to -day
for the west and many naore to follow.
Quite 0, number of converts of the
E. church united witli. the church on
melee. evening.
The Rev. Mr, Cook preached for the
resters, of Court Ivy Green 149.
They trite Foresters) Marched to and
front the elturle in regalia, 'I'lie Rev.
gentleman spite In 44 very inipreSAVe
The lier. Mr. Stewart, of Clinton and
the Rev. Nr. lieuderson of this place
changed pulpits last Sabbath, a•nd Rev.
Stewart proved himself an eble speaker
as, we have not the tenet doubt the Rev
Mr. Hendersen did there.
The Young Peoples Improvement
goeiety aceepteil the challetige o the
Forest Home, debating soeiety to de -
hate the subject "Resolved filet the
United Slates offera a, better field for
emigration then Canada," The debate
will take place on Monday evening
April ish(look out for April fooling) at
the assonation room here. The "cometn"
ar.e to have the affirmative side. Quito
a lively time is expected.
Messrs. With Boxie and A. Par
attende1 the concert at Fairfield
Friday night.
Miss Mitchell and Anse &endow,
Creditine were the guests ef Mr.
Evaus on Sunday last.
Quito a row oceured in front of the
P. 0.1ast Friday night, They say Jeff
did very well for a small boy.
Messrs. Wm. Sanders and 84474801
Sweet, of Exeter, gave our town a fly.
Ing visit on Friday evening last.
Dennis returned home on roilcItier
toruing frOm his visit to O11'a with a
brat:en buggy.. ' /On witnt to be more
areful in future.
MLcs Mary McFall% of the itecond
coneession Biddulph, who has been
visiting Wendt; at the Dufferin Hope,
has returned bonne
While driving up Main.se on Tuea-
day morning last Mr. T. Handford's
horse took fright and ran away smash-
ing the buggy badly.
Frank Johnston,
of this place, has
taken the contractof building 70 rods
of Russel patent fence for ?.ifie Stewed
McFalls, of Biddulph.
The boys of our town would like if
some one would give them another
party. They say nothing suits them
better than to see Jeff going to tea.
Mr. Wm. Boyle intends leaving for
the "Soo" in a week or two, He vrill
be greatly missed among the boys of
this town. We wish you a safe journey
Sugar making bas started again.
Last Sunday night a; few of the boys
went to sugar off in Mr. Colwell's weods
but they were chased and left things
in good shape for the men to go to
work- at the next morning.
whielt was taken afr by a sudden gnsh
et wieid, ot enee took after it and
by the time he had returned the ten
minutes had expired, thus leaving poor
John uninitiated, and John wishing to
eeek the mysteries of this noble order,
asked permissiou to try the initation
over again as he thought it not fair
to hold the initations outside but
thought they should have secured a
mere c,onvenient place for the oceasion,
hut the brethren thought. itriel
Acton, thus poor John Wall rejected,
They then appointed 3,in John Bex to
fulfill the position as Vice -President,
which he did, thialtinte hirasele idghly
honored by holding the same. After
the inittations were over aud the MOM*
hers had settled (loyal to business, it
eves moved by Thos. Rope% Seeelldeti hy
Thos. Pearson, that the By-lawa of the
order be Riede, Mitch woe carried,
aud are as follows: -(1) That no -
$011 be admitted a member of this onler
unless he be a bona tied woodsawyen
(2)That Remember be Allowed to cut
oeer fifty cords of wood a (ley, and no
lees than one -hundred. (8) That no
member of this order be alien -veil to leen
money unless they get a mortgage on
valuable property, such as the Lake
Huron survey, and that all interest
over Kt per cent. be granted for the
benefit of the order. (4) That no men.
ber be allowed to steal or take more
than 1/ cords of wood out of every ord
that he cuts if so shall he expelled frota
order. (4) That no member be allowed
coutreet for the cutting of wood 100 I
s out of town. (6) That no mem- "
be allowed to extrect any kno
s from wood that he ma,v take to
It was then moved by john Box
setonded by D. Carrell, that this
r give a ball and supper, at the r
ice of Paddy 'Collins, on 310114.1y,
ober 51st 1642, and that the ad-
miselon fee not exceed six bits. The
embers then diehanded in peace and
harmony to meet again at an esrly
While on their way to church last
Sunday two of our boys got stuek in
the mud, one of them losing One of his
rubbers but happily he had a house
near by that he could drop into and
dry his feet. He was taken care of
there till the evening when he was
driven to town. You must not try to
walk to church again' Dan:
et. Mop.
Messrs. Atkinson and Henry, loft
on Wednesday with a carload of horses
for the Western market. -
The Bell Telephone. Co. are making.
preparations for the removal of the cen-
tral office from Mr. Sharpea' store, to
Mr. T. G. Rolys drug store.
Mr. G. Carter,of the firm of G..Carter,
Son & Co. of this town, died on Satur-
day evening east Mr. Carter was re-
spected by all who knew him. His
quiet square dealing way having won
for him many friends. lie leaves a
large number of sorrowing friends and
relations. His funeral which took
place on. Tuesday was one of the
largest ever seen in St. Marys.
ANCIENT ORDER or Woonsewgnes.-
A meeting was held in the spadous
hall, which was erected by the above
order, in the rear of Mn Thomas Pear.
son's residence. At an early hour large
and powerful Men might have been
seen wending their way thereto and
nt 8 o'clock the hall wet) quite fun. On
motion of Thos. Roper and John Vande-
burg the following officers were ,elect-
ed: -President, Thomas Pearson Esq.;
Vice do, D. Carrol; Secretary, Patrick
Collins, Committee of Management,
Thos Roper, John Vandeburg and.
David Carrol. The President then
took the cheir, and the hiitation of
members took place, Which was
to saw ten Aloha of wood in ten min-
utes: All the members were initiated
with the exception of John Vindeburg
who, while in the attempt of cutting
his ten stiekS lost his Christie stiff
Ur. Adam Geyser, of Sarnia, 13 ILQZRQ
u vie%
Mr.Ben Eater Vent Saturday anti
Sunday In Loden.
Miss Zulu, of Chicago, is the guest of
Mr. IL Switzer.
Miss Miner has returned to Zurich
after a short visit here.
Bnern-On the 10th inst., the wife of
M. Chambers of a son.
Mr. Jno. Lee*, sou of Wm. Lewis J.
P. left on Tuesday for Manitoba.
Manname.-On Tuesday, the 19t1I
inst., Mr. Geo. Mawhinney, to Miss M
Martin, all of Stephen.
Mr..lohn Feist rind wife and Chas.
Switzer, of Michigan, formerly of Ore&
itou archaize visiting the old acquaint-
A meeting of the Directors of the
spring show was held at hotel on
Monday -evening and decided to have a
show. Date not settled on.
Dr's Amos and Cowan performed a
surgieal operation on Mrs. W. N. Tait,
in removing a large tumor. The many
friends of Mrs. Tait, will be glad to
hear that she is progressing favorably.
A large number attended the inaug-
ural meeting of the S. o. R. on Satur-
day evening in Carter's carving estab-
lishment. The business places closed
early iat order to relieve the loafers, &c.
front their self-appointed duty of occu-
pying space on connters and. sprinkling
the floor with tobacco juice &c. After
the meeting was called to order the
following officers were appcintedt*Chief
Ranger, Wm. Sewel, . who nominated.
himself and whose desire to be, the
"biggest toad in the puddle" readily
proeurod for him this office. Vice C.
IL, Jas, Mole -hill. He accepted the
position with Pleasure expressing his
delight at being placed so near his
dear friend the C. R. Some thought
lie would be better fitted for the position
of night scout owing to his well-known
'midnight perejrinations. Chief Spout-
er,' Harry Reblid.. This was"' thought
to be &very fitting appointment as he
would have free scope to exercise those
oratorical powers with which he one
day fondly hoped to eleetrify the mem-
ber § of the local legislature. S. W. W.
Hensel. • Some insinuated that the
little game he had with the C. S. and
Mende would prevent him from attend-
ing but the -appointment was allowed
to stand Subject to revision. J. W.,
John Jung. The .right man in the
right place if he could be prevented
from giving the grips etcto his better
half. The ehapla,in undertook to keep
him in the way of rectitude. ' L G., C.
Constable. Some objected to this say
14' he would be oftener found at the
front of the hall instead of ‘at the door
where his services would the wanted.
0. G., John Wagon -maker. This
position was acceptal on condition that
the society furnished him With an UM-
brella to protect hint from rain old
eggs etc. Chaplain Wm. Saunders,
"His portly and majestic figure well
became the Cloth" was the comment of
a member. Physician, Dr. Soma. Dr.
Calamity: had been, nominated but
objections were raised on account of
his living so far away. The chaplain
thought the farther away he lived the
better. He was called, to order. Chief
Complainer, J. G. Jung, This wan
greeted with loud apphiaise. Encychn
peedia, Ben Reble. He will be lunch
used as a reference by the other mem-
birs on the laws of Canada, and Opium -
bus, Ohio. See.Treas, Charley .Angel,
This appointment was made on con-
dition that the 1. G. keep an eye OA
b1111. After the appointments the lodge
was closed by the chaplain in due form
Next meeting on Saturday evening
next when new members will be bal.
toted for and general business trims -
The r 1
Several Exettnjtes hav eetted our
burg recently.
The Conservatives of Usborne,
meet in the Township Hall here. on
28t11 March, for the appointraent et
delegates to attend couvention an
other imeortant busleees. Let every
ouservative atteral.
On Thursday evening last a large
crowd gathered to sernade tsupposed.
wedded pair. The music consisted of
horns, cow bells, tin pans etc. Much
to their surprise they foiled that the
pair had not been married, and all lefe
much dissapointed. On Tuesdayeven-
Ing they reassembled and had a second
engagement, but they fared better, al.
though, they were not raerried, but
got the supposed happy 11048 to givo
them a. soothing Riess. The affair
would not have canted any ill will, had
it not been for a bore thnt is always
grunting one snkbug 8713884 in search
of trouble.
The election of officers of the Sone
of Rest" took place on Saturday even-
ing. The meetine. was held in the
driving. idled of dr... hotel, and broke up
about 11.30. The speeehee or Bros. Hind
Jana and Herdman being somewhat
lengthy and touching upon the pritici-
palb mad benefits of the of the order, the
brethren were very attentive and thus
so much time WAS taken up. The
brethren passed a vote of eensuze upoa
Bro. Jahns for attending so many meet-
ing' of the Exeter Lodge, as that lodge
would think that Elimville lodge could
not supply the usual "forty rod" far
Bro. President Joints, and it was 'atria
hag on. the hospetality of that lodge for
Bra. Johns to indulge so much at their
expence. Bro. Johns replied, and said
that "Uncle William" was a favorite
with Exeter lodge and it was not their
solicitations that made him attend, bat
as he never had one from the meznbers.
Of eon= they do not want "Uncle
1 sVilliam." but tiler vented "Uncle Wil••
Ham's money." He then
produced his "gold watch" and askeiE
the brethren to SOB what time it 'was,
and telling them that it cost $100. The
following officers were elected. -Wm.
Johns, High Chief Conclucter; Williara
Veil, High Chief Warden; It. Hender-
son, Secretary; J. Gliton, Keeper at
the Great Seal; J. Brock, Trees; R.
Crary, Sword Bearer (inside); Thames
Smale, Sword Bearer (outside); George
Potent M. D. C. P. W. L. L., Surgeon.
The lodge closed in the usual unfriend-
ly terms, to meet again on Saturday
night in Bro. Brocks.hayloft.
fessor of Clinical Medicine at Univers-
ity College Hospital, London, England,.
SaySt"Bright's Disease haeno symptoms
of its own and may long exist without
the knowledge of the patient or practit-
ioner, and. no pain will be felt in the
kidneys or their vicinity:" All the dis-
eases to which the kidneys are subject
and to which they give rise can be pre-
vented if treated in time. Warner's
Safe Cure is the only recognized spiel" -
fie. R. A. Guam, M D.,Deanand Profess-
or of Surgery, of the United State Med-
idol College ;Editor of 'Medical Tribune'
Author of "Gunn's New Imported Ha nd
book of Hygiene and domestic Medicine
says: "1 am willing to acknowledge
artd commend thus frankly the value of
Warner's Safe Cure."
All disorders cured. by a billiouS state
of the system can be cured by using*
Carter's 'Little Liver Pills. No pain,
griping or discomfort attending their
use. Try them.
find Everest's Cough Syrup an ex-
cellent remedy and can heartily recom-
mend it. -P. R Rosenberrg, L. D. S. Ar
kona, P. 0.
E., Ordinary Physican to Ir. M., the
Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice
Physic in the University of Edinburgh.,
says: "Hendaehe is frequently coMplatn-
ed of by patients suffering from Bright's
diSease. Apoplexy from hemorrhage
into the substance Of the brain is 'com-
mon in the later stages of the inflam-
matory and cirrhotic diseases." The
headache is one of the early symptoms
of kidney disease, and the cause shonld
be remra•ed before the More serious con-
sequences 'follow.
TheicErts.-In Biddulph, on 16th lust;
infant son of John Dickens, aged
1 year.