HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-14, Page 8POWDE Absolutely Pure*. This powder never y;nriee• A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, more economical. then the ordinary Kinds. and cannot be cold in cum;etition settle the multitude of low test, short weight alum or hosplmee pevolere. bold only in mats 'tu as.Bm4trioPowpenCo.,ia41i'%USt.lU EXETER MARKETS 'Wheat per bushel. ]Fire Escape Ladders. .During the latter part of the month every hotel in the village, will bane erected fire escape ladders, In front of the Central and Commercial hotels, beautiful iron balcony's will be erected This will add greatly to the appearance of the buildings, voe ser*vativesIt$Il7. A meeting of the Liberal Conservat- ive Association, of Exeter, will be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday evening neat, 19th inst.,for the purpose of electing officers for the eurrent year and appointment of cielegatesto attend the Ailsa Crete Conservative Associa,t., ion, Every Conservative invited, Devietosse GLvein Judges McMahon and Failonbrldge pronounced judgment on Monday last to the cases of Stephenson (vs) McPoug - all,Armstrong (vs) McDougall,in which, they reserved their decision at the trials. `Judgment is now greened in favor of the plaintiff for recovery of imuzedinte possession in each case with full costs. Elliot & Elliot, Solicitors for plaiutiff; R. H. Collins, Solictor for De- fendant., , fltp»1iouary Meeting,: The Rev. Rural Dean Craig gave an excellent address at the annual taxis- siona,ry meeting in the Trivitt Memor- ial church on Thursday evening last. Meteor- , atteudatice was small Mr Craig spoke for over an hour showing fully see to l no the various funis and expenditures of dil to du; the Church et England to Caautda. Ile , 3o to ;to " concluded with an eloquent appeal to fears. ,, . ,. ..„. 54 to Ina N the people of the Chureh of Englalad to Clover Seed............ 100 to 440 I do their duty itl the way of givmg to Eggs per doz . . ......... . . 1$ to 13 l the chureh's work. The life of the Sou Butter, Rools „ l to 1a. of ;klub was a life of wounds, Duty Butter, Crocks , , , , ... it, to 16 has a1' aya its wounds, If it were easy Potatoes per bush,., . , . , . , 20 to en it would not be duty. The disciple is Hay per ton , , ...... , . 9x25 to jOEOA not above the Master and if our redena- Porl .. , . , . , , : , .. , . ono to non ption cost the Lord at life of sorrow and a death of agony the follower will not find the amuse road an C4$ one free from labor. Wo are sorry we can not li•re>9h Q lFtQra, give a fuller report of Mr, Craig's Fresh oysters at Geo. Sanders, hr the excellent address. quart or served np by the plate cooled , CO Cil', la?x eeedivaita- (nr raw. .lust loot~ at our stark of eon. The council met pursuant to adjourn fectionery and spertiug goods, all fresh,men in the Town Halt, Exeter, on 8th. new and orst•claas.4, I March with all the members present, li'ro>;aex't,3' clanged t anent, Minutes of the previous meeting were Messrs. I Christie aced T. Acliesau read and signed, Moved by J. Pickard, have exchanged property. Mn Christie' seconded by T. H, McCallum, that or - securing the residence nets eaten- occupied dors be granted for the following. sures: byMir. Aehesou on Huron sr, and Mr. Acheson getting the property aadlnining I east. 'Notice. John Popplestone, 82.00, labor; Geo, Cudmore, labor, ift ; John Moresheatl, labor. $4; John Gillespie, labor, V1,60; Jas. Creech, meals to tramps, 80 eta; E. Elliot, insurance, tat Wrn. Sutton, R, Hicks Inaba -ant to move his business V charity to S, yard, 10. Tenders for evening alalrch lathed 8 o'clock:, so that staudto at more t rnaalrxkinus 1)uildiR" will are ular cltcciter club can be formed ofl'erhis entire s,l,rk of watsht's, eloeks* cedar- o.s4 read as follW. Treble, George anti officers.c lected. e jewelenta silverware, spectacles, . c, ,at t8nc11, $5.;1# p(r card; J. tana t1, c t —The meanest man has been found adiseount for the 'next thirty (lays, :ill Flayed by J. F ekard eiseeondecl beard.' at last. Petrolea is his address. His should avail themselves of this chance. Il. McCallum that 14fr, Treble's tender second wife having died the other day Libesettc'oustervattve Convention, be accepted. !Moved in amendment b • Galled on an undertaker and wanted to A meeting of the Liberal Conservat T. 13, Cil. ling than Statitlal c'.s tender t a .purchase a second hand coffins with. ere Associationof Borth Middlesex will accepted; but there being no seconder spring lockconabination. he held: att ilsi Crate; on Friday March to the amendment the motion was de- --'Issuerer of marriage Licenses,at %Ind 113Ei,t- As very i20Jrt,•ant business, charred carried. Mr. Creech, Reeve and Agent for the best made, strong . a. Swill be brought up, it is expected that Deputy -Reeve are to measure and in- neatest Baby Carriage in the market” every association will send its wpm- spect cedar which is to be delivered is the wary at Watford dealer advertises, sent tCS' within one. month. Moved by W. G. those two great essentials of mankind.. Voting eeivaYiren take 1otire, iSsut, seconded by T.13. Carling, that Any yours„ num contemplating' MAUI - OA Friday ;til.'nlorri n evening, a a road inspector be appointed :at the many should place the ad in his hat, meeting of the Young }fen's Liberal neat meeting of the council, --Carried. Causervvaati'. Association, will be held Moved by J. Pickard, seconded. by W. in Mr, L, II. Dick:sou's Law office, for G. Bissett, that this conned adjourn the purpose of appointing. delegates to until the lst April at 8 o'clock p. m. attend the Convention at Ansa Craig., Carried, M, E.aCisrr, clerk. and other important business. Let there be a general turnout. aer. W: Bawden, of Godericb was in town during the week, ' -Mr. Thos. Trick, of Clinton, spent Monday with Mr• Geo. Sat:Lovell. .Mr,"& Mrs. E. R. Pierce,, of },rood- p stockMrsel, alter Horn itDurhanl is -- the guest of her father Mr. Geo. Hind; atil/CWELL & PlCZARDs —Bissett Bras, are still slaughteringR ■ goods. Sale will continue for 80 days g dRss$I ed Partne'sl p f I uslness 'I►1.R1 nfutu c Yln longer. —Mr. D. McCall, who Inn been in Europe.forsome time past, returned on Thursday morning last. —Mr. Alex. Colgnhoun and family left on Tuesday morning for Manitoba. They leave with the best wishes of all. Who in. order to reduce the Stock will weer I : m ense B a rga i ns for the next 3. —owing to the crowded state of our columns, a large quantity of editorials and local news matter is crowded out. fiT DISSULUTII'N Sfl Ducted by ICHARD PICKAR,D. -The Rev. Dr. Burner will deliver bis celebrated lecture on ' ."The Irish Cause" in Drew's Hall, Exeter on -the evening of Good Friday, —Mr. It, Hicks intends moving 3104 - into another stand, and will sell oft his stock of jeweler,•, watches, • clocks, &c., at greatly reduced price&. 4 -The 24th May celebration ora - mitten will Meet for the transaction of business at the Anvacan ofbee this (Thursday) evening at 7.30 o'clock p. te. —Ladies -Grand display of millinery at our millinery opening o,n, Wedne - day Merck WL and three following (lea's. The old established, Jaynes Pel a ard, —Ladies•.DDon't forget the dates of. the grand display of millinery at: the old established on Wednesday March, 27th and three following days. James Pickard, —'We have received sone eot imuni cations for publication which we decline to tau> lisp until the writer furnishes. his( naive which is not necssary for publication but as as guarantee of good faith. —While Chief Constable Gill was riding down street on a trunk; in .a commercial sleigh on Friday afternoon last the sleigh slid around and the box slipped throwing Chief off giving bins u, hard fall. —Mr. Edwin Kitchen, a former zest - dent of this place, but now of Muskoka. spent Tuesday in town. He looks quite hale and hearty after his sojourns in the Roek;ey regions. All gentlemen interested In check- er playing are requested to meet in the band room of Town Hall, on Monday cx.. ]'iccs Paralazed Pontbe t fail to thpree den e , values offered and Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Mantles, Ready- made t .made Clothing, Eats, Caps, Furs, Groceries, Crockery, &;e, Ladies corsets from 20e per pair upwards- ,; Lace Curtains 45e, Ladies and Childrexis gloves from 5c upwards. Boys Tweed suits 81.50, 12 lbs Tea for $1, e prey Cotton 30 r' Fd,. upwards. Fine colored 44 piece Tea Setts prey ' . 4, H+ . , all wool, grey flannel for 2. Mensfelt boots $1.55. 1 Tweeds from aric up c'arc18 Bi Inducements w l , "r i the ca e1 d, m all departments. Come and see for yourselves. Messer (a *kat inter TflGI! SELF 1 Facts --CF— Valuable Real Estate IN OF'FA. `..plat POWER of HALM, CUL e sat is the Murf a e lreretnetter mentions alt, theca will !peseta by Public Auctien, tat ONTARIO HOUSE, VILLAGE OP OFF TUESDAY, Theath. day of April, ,A.1). tt(a+te. a4 tha bout oftwo o'clock lin the afternoon, part of Lot No, 4, in the south llotuadtnsy of the town- shipatetrplaen, as descr,bc.1 rt • metes and bounde in themortgage thereof from Frans cis Mogan, and Johanna, Muhnn. his wife. to eamuel end Silas titaulake. dated the leth dav of blarrh.A. D. ttisla, anal registered the sexes des day of 3tarrh, A. I). Wei, unless the cronies due on :mid murtgago les soonernMid. Terms and eonditiaus made kuowu art time of little. avctclent. On Monday morning when the train The li av they a. was taming from the west on the main On Te da last, about fifty left Celine of the Grand Trunk: R y., when traliaa, Exeter and Ilensall staatiozls for near Liman crossing, it was noticed Dakota and Manitoba, also five carload that the car was bobbing up and down of settlers effects. Among the number as if one of the wheels were broken. A. we noticed were, Ezra Teamnn, David Manley, of Point Edward, was passing 'reaznan, Peter Schroaeh, Wm. Grill, through the cars, his attention was Julius Tone, John Cook and family, F drawn to it, he immediately stepped. Hoibine, B. Gnibel, T. Deichert, S;amall.l outside, and it is thought pulled the —The choir of the Trivitt Memorial. Burk e, Ed. < hetler, 11 Rhoda, Adam bell rope, for the train came to a stand- church shows marked improvement %S illert, John Wideman, Abel Slouties still almost immediately. The two first- under the new organist, Mr .Puddi- and Emanuel Freid, all of Dasizwood, class cars went down the embankment. combe, and Mr. R. H. Collins, choir and J, B. Geiger, of Zurich. The one nearest the baggage car, in master. The singing of the Lenten Another Fraud. which was thirteen members ofthe hymns, especially"Rock of Ages," on Two brothers, passing under the Baird Dramatic Company and three Sunday evening, was most.nstriking name of Bell and ztileging themselves other passangers, made several revolu and pleasing. to be Scotchmen just out from the old tions and landed at the bottom of a 30- —The Royal Tempters will hold • an - country, have been swindling farmers' foot embankment. The passengers other of their first-class open meetings in the vicinity of Kincardine, by sell- rolled here and there, thinking that in the basement of James st. Methodist ing shoddy cloth for genuine Scotch their day of reckoning had come. One church on Monday evening next at tweed. They tell a plausable story in of the dramatic company, Mn E. 8 p.m. A good program will be given broad Scotch dialect to the effect that Houghton, when he felt the car going for the occassion. This meeting .prom- theY thought to make a good thing by sprang for the door and landed at the ises to eclipse all others. Every one bringing out the makings of a few bottom of the embankment. His right should attend. Collection will taken up, "soots o' claes," bat finding no tweed leg was through the window and the whole weight of the car restingupon it d—All will be sorry to learn of the roust gomills rto the Statee where s and na epanxious rk t'It took nearly three-quarters f an hour Timothy of CMoughlin Coughlin. P. 'fawhich o cofc Mne before they could exticate him, The on Tuesday morni Tg. 'early. M Cough ta sell the cloth and avoid the G2 per on Tuesday morning early. Mr. Cough- cent- American duty. .They pick up other. passengers had to be assisted 'lin was one of the oldest settlers in the the names of the well known farmers out of the ruins. The first car was a tp. of Stephen and was always much and citizens, which they use to give total wreck. Seats were smashed, wind- respected by all who knew him. He their story color. ows broken and everything badly de- has has been ailing for some time past. molished. The passengers express sur- Combtnations the order of the Day. prise that they were not instantly killed —Miss Inman,milliner of James Pick - The salt men of Canada have formed That they escaped is simply incredible ands has just returned from a two a combine in the salt business. Some Fortunately the lamps all went out and weeks' purchasing tour, and having few years ego these men succeeded in so did the fire in the stove. bought some of the latest novelties and Banging together and put up the prices, most stylish goods from the best milli but the Grangers of the Dominion did —Mr. James Stewart is on the sick nery houses in the Dominion. We feel, not relish the price of $1.25 per barrel; list. confident that our goods for the coming it was toe high they thought. They —Mr, Thos, Neaman has been on the season will be the nicest ever.yet shown began to manufacture salt themselves sick list. ` to the ladies of Exeter and vicinity, at Kincardine and sold it at 50 cts, per —Mr. Frank and Will Hancock left —The revised statutes of 1888 con - barrel. This bursted the combine. A for Dakota yesterday. • taro changes in the registry act, For few days ago a new combine started—Mr, Jas. Egan and Jas. McArthur, instance a death must be registered by and put up the price to $1.25 per barrel, which is the price now, and the spent Sunday in St Marys. - the person in whose house the death occurs, and before the buried ..f the Grangers were the first to enter into —Mr. Balsden,and family,of Usborne, body, Any person failing to comply the combine and are now. rejoicing- in left Tuesday for Manitoba. J with the law is liable to a fine. Read - the fact of being the means of making Miss Lousia Hawkshaw, of Sea- ers would do well to remember this their brother farmers piny 75 cents per forth, is spending ar few days in town, advice, barrel more for silt than formerly, We _David Merarlan, of Manitoba, .:is —Mr. Haggart has not given us always were lead to believe that the visiting friends in and around Exeter. one cent postage, but he has given us Grangers were to be a man death on —Mr Wm. Downing, who has been the privilege of sending a letter weigh - combines and high prices, but we find "' ing an ounce for three cents. This will we are mistaken in this view, Perhaps VirdennManear Dobon, left on Tuesday for be a considerable saving to business they will rise and explain and delight men whose correspondence "is large, en us on the subject, or may we con Mr:.Fred Moore, of this place, paid but to most elude that it is the mighty dollar theyBlyth a visit on Monday last. Must be people it will present itself ti y more strongly as a convenience than as are after, and are not very particular some attraction there Fred. a saving. For the greatbulk of priv- whether it is frotn the pockets of a —Plymouth Lodge No, 63, Sons of ate correspondence it will put anend brother or sister so long as they get it. England Benevolent Society meets on to the necessity of weighing, as very If such is the case they are certainly Monday evening next: Every nem- few private letters weight as much as +very affectionate relatives to have: ber thereof is requested to be preselit, an ounce. —A very pleasant event occurredlast evenin at the residence of Mr.& Mrs, Michael kacrett, it being the marriage of their eldest daughter, Mary Jane, to Mr, Win. Turnbull, of Usborne. We wish the young couple every happiness and prosperity that this world can be- stow. 9t0Tl . —Ladies- f Exeter .r 0 1;, to and surrounding country.—In thaliug you for your very liberal patronage in the past, would bo, pleasod to see you in to in- spect our millinery, opening, commenc- ing Wednesday March 27th and three following days. James Pickard. L. II DielteON, tate:ate 7tb t Solicitor for day of M.areh 18s%) Mortgagees- AUCTION ortgageor AllCTION SALE! In the matter of tho Estate of Rieirane Pzscaune, late ofthe village of Exeter, in the County of Iluron. laborer, deceased. 'there will be sold by Public Auction ou SATURDAY, tii oflitri '08 on the Premises Simcoo Street, Exeter, at the hour oft o'clock nn„ byMIL Jonv (i•IL:r. Anlctioneer,subject to such conditions as shall then be produced. The following valuable Pillage property, Ail and singular that certain parcelor tract of laud and premises situated lying and being in the. Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, con tanning by admeasurement sG perches be the name more or less being composed of part of Lot ‘41"' on the map or plan of the sub -division of part of the north half of Lot number fifteen nn the first concession of the Township of Usborne, known as ""tiYillis Survey" and being lot number forty-eight on the asap or plan of the sub -division of said lot ]9e, known as "Bissett's survey. This property is well situated and has a. comfortable 1 storey Frame House with good brick cellar and a good Frame Barn thereon, also hard and soft water. TERMS OF SALE: Ton per cent. down at time~ of sale and balance in two weeks without interest. For fttrther particulars apply to Mrs. Illincombei or to Elliot & EUiot, Administratrix, Vendors' Solicitors Exeter. ltiteter, ttention. Just arrived at the • FaMuly 1 A Fresh Stock of Oysters, Iiaddaes, Scscoes, Bologna,Hams,, Spiced and Ro11.3aoon, and Lad. Also a good stock of Teas, Sugars, Coffee, Spices and all kinds of canned goods on hand. Dashwood Roller Flour for Sale. G. A. HYNRMAN. Q a ... Where you e<arr get the eheast Pr'its and Cotton the best and cheapest Dress GooclA the ]lest and Cheapest Flanel the best and cheapest Corsets and Uosery the best and cheap- est Boots nntl Shoes; the best and cheapest Teas for the money. if you want the best goods at the lowest prices SOB PARKINSON'S STOCK. Ladies and Gentlemens right Under -Clothing at exceptional Value. We afire determined to sell aur Goods at P pricer.. :EVERYTHING MARRED IN PLIIN FIGURES.. No old or trashy goods, e er, thing new, stylish and of the first quality. Our Goods sell and MI5 want you to know it We 'rant you to examine our stock and compare prices with the uality. No trouble to show goods. Buying and selling ti= ASH as we do, we defy cchnr11et1tloll, Ulster Cloths and Jersey Jackets very cheap. Farm Produce taken at .` Market Prices. Remember the place, first Door north of the Town Hall, J. PARKINSON. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! UAROAINS CARLING BROTHERS , Great clearing aof lewinter irds .e, for one month only Itstartling prices.. We ' lav a Just received and opened up new combination Dress . Gerry, new combination. Prints. new combination Chaahnbraa .s in all the fashionable shades and colors of the season with trimmings to match; also Lace Curtains, white and colored. new Embroid- eries, new billings, new Mus ins new Lawns, new Seersuckei new Glo'c-es. new Cottonades, new Deminss and new Shirting at prices that sari11 surprise you. Nothing yet equal the cheapness and variety in our rand assortment of g m Gents Furnishings, which have just came to hand, especially on Ties of which we show a fine display, and at prices Hiatt 'will astonish you. We solicit a call to prove what we say. We also have an excellent stock of Boots Ss Shoes, Glass Ware, Crockery and fresh Groceries. Try our Teas, no trash in these Goods. Our 25et. Tea is a beauty. A sample package given freely at any time. Pro- duce taken in exchange and the highest prices .paid. A call will convince you that all we say we will carry out. Respectfully yours. CARL.ING BROS. great 30 •a aij sale! HARDWARE BISSETT 7—AND— TINWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, X Cut Saws, Axes and Handles. for 30 days only. BROS. P. S. Owing to a change in the Firm we must have all accounts settled either by Cash or Note. _A ,... Cale Solicited. Geo. c Ed. Bissett, Props.