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The Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-14, Page 7
TBE AMEBIC; AN PANTHD& this animal spoken .of only as the mountain. lion, the California lion, the Mexican. lion.. The panther stria is meat is known in the or the panther. Once m a while a young trade as a " Sat'" skin, It eau not be used newspaper 'man will write a thrilling a i-.. as a far for trimming, is not suitable for any count of an adventure with a " Maumee, garment and is not popular as a Bled robe. lion," but there are nob very many. Dewe In the East almost the only demand to for paper men like that now. You will hear large and perft at skins- to be used as fluor even old bunters speak of these differcutly rugs or mate.. The furrier who pays 82 for named animals as actually differene, and not a panther skirt,, dpi for having it dreased and as being merely types of the same species;, 503 for mounting it on a nightmare shade of ao great aro the differences climate and red felt, AO who then sells the whole for surroundings make in the same animal, $12 to '•0, baa more fun out of the panther and so difficult is it often to assign accurate. than anybody else. As for the glory of hill• ly to any given variety or even singles a Mg him, the old hunter who probably poisonspecimen which seems so like and yet so ed him with a piece of sheep, orabet eh i L off dissimilar to the established tyae. This of some roek or tree, teams very well hat whole question, was once interestingly coy, there bat any zest glory artaehed to killing ered by an old hunter wheel 1 asked shout big P its and.in whose experience and observitirn that North Anter as nhu humbug ie fietirfouso'' I vo everyco $r g , iia ntidence, and is due to two simple circumataroes ; wlLj'A ratareER ',00ze mica. One is that the early settlers of the wilder "" The painter," said be, " is a taller en portions of oar country shot rifles of a ver? Slimmer critter nor a mountain lion. Ho small oalibez ; the other is that in a daily Stands up higher, and la a lankier loolrin newspaper office there is a constant teems and lathier bailt feller. He e z heavy legs, siby for curdling little blood. Our grand- bigfeet, and hie ,w is cut n cleaner and £athero shot a panther once in a while, and trimmer nor that of a meunt3ru lion. ]•Bike the little bullet from the squirrel gun didn't. wiee, he hez a sort of tuft of black hair onto alwaya kill the big cat outright, but served to madden it and sting it into an ugly fight - which a mountain e ma of t ilortar like a pallet brush tug humor not in the least natured to - - i nhadn t get, A paints f t therefore chewed, lift and atured is a elimble ' eaermal, and wilt run up a tree our anoestora oecasi& °ally, aned in tbia way Ieeastwike a ays ett often, lion dela t. climb managed to get tip beat reputation, and ""The =cantata lion` ffaally gat into tradition, Pram tradttioa � party much tl it was only a step into the now apapoxB, and $abler iz a pwiuter, but eG'$ a more heavi eine,* the panther got into the ua Eprpzre .a ' solider builtcritter, with the sem it has sbeen one of the best advertised, seteraa b 9 legs tri €eco, an,the same loot;, e3c've tions of latter days. Its oiawa, iia teeth, at O OSOre 'OM $ deal ohankiea in the body, fit. its lashkiag tail, its deep buy colored eye, rte. The eke See celet l long, yea kin beau the liwlt, tremeitn dons serosa°, its dra la from al y q i bear eat all loft Bulb u ou its Ora its cAPllog Blasi• Q4veC the eouutr� at rliglit. Ii`yoa eve; ate a y 1? y STATISTICS. The Bible contains 3,566 480 letters, 773- 476 words, 31,173 verses, 1,189 chapters, and 63 books. The gas area of Indiana is 165 miles long and sixtyfive males wide, and .contains 391. playing wells, The daily aggregate flow of gas la- 600 000,000 feet of wtiioq ptobubly 100,000,000 feet is wet tad. There aro three tootli•pick factories. iu Ile country, one reported to onetime 10, 600 'cords of wood annually, avereging 5,000 boxes of 70 00a p:ecea daily. • One firm io. ;Alain uses ever 100,000 cable feet of wood, miaiuly birch, for spools; 160 viable feet rnakiag 1,000 euperfieial.feet of as e armed t etc k' Anotherwee 4 feet p o , u 00,000 of spool stock, employing 140 men. Two others an 24.000 to ':a„000 cords of wood, d chiefly for spools. According to the "Mahwaa; Wocheneeb rift” : z the total consumption of tobacco in Eur, optima,. be put down et an average of2 ib. to each inhabitant. In the +Neitherlands the • proportion is a little over sib, to .each in - o habitant, in Austria Hungary 3.8 Ib., in , Denmark 3.7 kb,, in Switzerland 3 3 lb-, in r Relgpum 3 2 Ib,, in Germany 3 ib., in Nor- wayo 2 3 lb., in Pratace 2. 1 Ib,, in Sweden nearly 2sb , in Spain 1, 7 lb., in ,Great Britain and jrela�,d 1. 34 lb., in Italy 1, 25. is it., and is Rassla 1.2 Ib. In the United States the proportion is greater than that of e any E iropean country except Holland ; it amounts to 44 Ib, per inhabitant, The larges eat revenues: derived from tot eon ate those of excuse, Greet B stain, ilustria•Hungary, and tile& Spiliiu atld Italy, disembowelling, carrying et?, eoneuin eh "tbllt eoullolp t iquaal. ing and generally using op its nnfortenate C411fpr4V lt'oti, naw, Lt A bit: iieaviel' vletiin.-all these features kava been of• ad eelader anernisl, Witt/ a mere bulldog• Hie jewe ea wide ma fared to the pablic again and again, and edge -Molting Heavav a ' b head Hi d y,, au he • bni]t 'town clot oter to the grime ', They AL/54 co d -•-• d nauehilkd'ruuoe: " Wean a C;iliferuy lion an' a mountain tion. "lois, there's the hlaxerkiulien, ' an'titrbt's '©� ea greet, h e m lea of aea•scrpvnt, Indeed, the sew rvrpon itself , F , P 3 still the public wisher more, and still it tures with fond shivers 4f Admiration to the pie - titre of the prima ii Ms. Webs'er.'a Aiotlou wtaich picture down ti look any mono d,# irelit n ' ai It great, hig, Faller Brit #lice taro real animal ,hail s k4erp loco tea ter, good teal filo a eiuwr x ' is hardly lass understood more 45'4/rated a sort o mane, obnut s tongs y er hand, all or more popular aria mysterious terror time atorag ots neck. 1")a. you 'see a Masvrkin its twin liguroo in folk loraAtlie man-eating lam la nr'mniu away from yea, you kin see Viet panther of the American continent, TROs o Whrp foul side to side fz et plate fact About the paauther is that he is a trataendnus coward, and will only iiathe rarest and most extreme (WO give Rattle to mea. If three or four pantbera happen be together, ea aiatuatiiiies ccoura, they Neil. preseeta bttlderr trent to a Plan, but ever thee will not fight unless eoreered or wound- cd. When wasen and'weeetci the panther when 'hen disturbed. will, with juga the aaauo fel Me impudence as tae helm ear. cllawe under the same Csr,:umetenoce, Of lb end ;Cowl a little in displeasure, but if tilt' banter label late thin iutrndcd will retreat tied will . otern ;a iilotlleUt tater be Will find thrat ilia smrnu'il'ut fora has absented hirneelf,. and as probably by that time malting Ilia way nonan the mountain aide, _e Ecce set a bound, and he will ne'ds be Ia patient and enduring pursuer who will coMO up with the terror of trio wocas again that day. leaubt less the panther does eoruetintce aeretah himself flat out on a limb Dud wait for a man to pees under him, but, if eo, h, will alae watt until he has palmed on by. The rinimul lies clone to the limb, became, he knows he is thea lege likely to be diecovered. That is ono way ho has of bunting deer, and if e man comes alonv, the panther is more apt,to Ile still through fear of exposing itself to view than from any boldness or any intent- titan nterstion of making an attack upon a human being. F should not like to risk a very small hilt' with a panther, bat I wouIdn't given much for the woman who couldn't scare off ''never saw ono thea wouldn't," Bald Mr MS. WO used to gee lots o' Mexerbin Boris on the e.ittlo range in Texas. They'd lie wa- der a busti, an' spit en' show their teeth, but they wouldn't Sight a feller. We used to have 'era all over tele pnnirer with a Canis epi. "The b£exez*in ilea r z about ea big r, aTi' lode a good steal like • goad devil litre ti reouetaiu ext the ,natio, tint' some izf bain't got are mane at all. Ali four 4f then auorrwilfl is abut the ammo, coder, a mart of redelish•yallery. The ),Mier ain't mush eczemnk', They iiia t no sand t^r aerie of 'em, 'Iced they're olifired hungry, or less you gut 'enl le a corsaer. Et year run onto oue yeti% shore eye'iui go eneahiog eff, 'fore Wog, call huu>pee up, like cz of alt tore of hes lata WUZ ehorter'n any nueon em," Snob to the account given by one old hunter, who bad thirty years of life in the regioua inhabited by this animal. It la enbetantially duplicated by all the mauta rain men, varying only as the local.itiea of the narratora' experiereco xaryi. TUBY mama .A TREE. I once asked, Edward l emys, the lastly celebrated American sculptor of American wild animal++, and a man who get his know- ledge by yearn of uotoal Iiia with Rooky Mountain Indians and by actual experience an the chase, what he thought about the mountain lion a alimbiag a tree. The your 1SS$ wee c, busy (meter the eee- etruotore of railways. Sieletletlee show thea? during; the yeer about t:evepty two headred ;Mica of new reed were laid in. the United States. Tide total would iso doubt have reached or exceeded 8,000 mike bad the Nester of construction not been seriously hanagered by yellow feverrin the South, nild by rate were. In same parts of the eouutry .tleriS developed ala 1?ed ati .:4cw•eased apiiit of hostility to railway intereste, and this, too,. bed considerable effect is redueiug the total mileage. This work of constrtietieu was earned on by 365 kinesin forty,fivc of tate ), fertvaeven stat,and territories. Several thou'oad *:ilea of TOW treck were laid put duraue the year, but noteviupleted, owing to the eauees meutioued above, sad for other raisons, Much of the new tr..ok is bele laid in the Saudi awl Weal Christ:11iilgsl tiAller• " Who Wee that youne, inert who e twee until twelve o'clock. lust night!"' Susie'e father et the breallaet table.. ' '" Tilts wits Wilainra:' "" • ifiilliant,' lfumph. It would be bett to sail kiln 411111.'" 4' 1 ung sura 'ho would not • objee:," said Susie, delighted at the epplarent diepeeltioa toward familiarity. " Yea,'• saki the old gentleman, "I third: tk;tt in the future I will call Nina 'Bill -gas bill'"—Leferebant Traveller, Cofl I ci Afore, • Watson), settee dropsare the best In the world for the throat and °hest, for the voice unequalled. See that the lettere R, te T. W. are stamped ea each drop, Not without its drawbacka—the toboggan slide. Consumption lintels Cared. - To the Editor :— Please inform, your readers that I haze it positive reauedyfor the above named disease. By its drably nee thouaaada of hopeless easaa knave hap permanently cured,, shall be glad to send two bottles of zny remedy free to any of year readers who have con, 8Am tIo ntfs they will send me their Ei real and P, O. address. l eep'y, T.A. SLOG'UM, 53, , C 16.4 Met Adelaide St;,, Toronto, SCOTT'S EMULSION CURES A.E. 440 AT CONSUMPTION SCBoULA. BRONCHITIS COUGHS. CiiI:DS, waetbz, DiRage4 Wonderful Flesh Pr••oduceir. Ftott,l rl.azlriorisa"taseretr+emedy- Ce t fir a e the starwulatitf; ilypaoplics. pllite- STA 1'Pare Nora -tate! i:: foil lever the pet • near of both teiug largely in,. creased. It ie used byPdty:ei efel over the;:r1,3. Ilavoall tbela'eaSl ela'4A AS MlI,K1 Sordurabritt�,aty.e aSuld I,fI ort Irrttf/fyfsfa,GOi awl SL 2O. C„?rla71 il,ti.derse;lt Buy mi i,TIIFTf E 01' ALL XMAS, out on 0.I1.IIUR &SON iuratrymen Aur Bngtdn, Onf� Dozen sear A.eada Vera rine %attv"i iiuilori$, onZugfu IROS OP STEL BOILERS ANY SIZE. TDItONTO ENGINE WORKS, Pttil?P ?a A'"Ila s7iows J, Perkins ' 8 � _ � B�, ,Toronto, TAT TITS CF.L>tls.RA. 'ralr 1 BLND- C. Guaranteed Pere. Ellis & Kok; i tale�l Toronto, 0 T'S 'lig< ' rIRUUG `aWOK'S. CANOES. S nd far11Catalee.is 1ENGLlittl*Teterboro* Out. KNI}T# leonteewn,On*AGIONEa �1}"�� aaa'fhns,ScuFialsr ao,>M j''�, bnoi: tn:, iasis, 5 V 4IOtra Un >a' N 1 . ^araSt. .. • IIONTO Ct ii Tf't4 t9RliiAtlll a • SA:1CF.i, ,p., 4 A'lelaide street west Ot qee 4a11145,Mo by atenn" taught, wbercbs per- ti^ti h .arowenta are pra4wead, SFrit9 ai?sr ul b Yail tato mallet: NeTFCY,> lleart3, a. d ter eat a i 5 ..l l atal.=ac,ae et llird 1ratra• • mists, F1=.ltes. c ,, nal all hinds a cat far Frenthe3 ani D)3ZFitta d I14:810 STDG ., 97 Twos St. A Shrews Transaction. iltr. Friendly—So yon 4roppsd v3Di000 in Wall ),treat. i1Ir. Weakly --Yea, every oent of iii, Well, I'a'n aurprised at your lotting yourself be taken in that way. Yon ere not a shrewd man. I alu'b a shrewd man, eh' piTell.,y - hati been around when my wife hauled ziie over the °bels about it yen would own up that I am a moat confoundedly shrcwdntan. a panther with a broom. Two boys, neither liemys, and he was not moved by my old —(Texas Siftings, 14 yearn of age, killed a full•grown. Moan hunter's story. That Is the way ib gem tain iion near Camp Supply, in the Indian. The very been authorities disagree when it Territory, in 1885, with one old shotgun comes to getting down to the reel family life leaded with duckabot. They found the and personal loculiaritiaa of this widely die - brute's trail in the avow and followed it trlbntod and poorly understood animal.. until they dlsoovcred him hid in a brush. Text books are worthless on the matter. pile. The older boy shot both barrel's into Tho published stories of adventure agree the creature at sheet range ; then finding only in their absurdity, and oven grandpa their ammunition exhausted, both boys went back to the wagon, got a new supply, re- turned and kept on shooting till they had killed their game. Had it been mo very fierce an animal it certainly should have entered some objection in the meantime. I have many a time known a panther to run away from a little cur dog, and knew one to bo shot out of a small tree with a revol- ver, after it had bean treed by a shepherd one size and preternatural voice looms up in bitting in the corner and recounting for the 4000th time the story of the "painter" that uncle's brother in•]aw once heard of, is to be taken with that grain of salt whioh time. and distance should always render necessary in the matter of big game stories, Fells .concolor is native tb about all of the United States, or was before ho was driven out. Once in a while a panther of portent - dog. The terror of the woods was afraid to come down and fight, although it was shot three times before it wee fin- ished. 'AFRAID TO BIGIIT. A friend of mine met four "orogera "—as the cowboys call these animals—in a Texas thicket, and killed- three of the four with his revolver: He brought in the tails. He said the animals showed no fight. Another friend killed ewo"mountain liana" in i n- coln County, New Mexiao. He shot one three times and tha other four times, at ranges of from 60 to 20'yarde, and said that neither made any effort, exoept to get away. The akin of the smaller of these two measured 7 feet 2 inohor. In 1886, the cook of the " 21" ranch on the Cimarron River, Indian Territory, almost ran over a "mountain lion" in a heavy swamp. He shot the ani- mal eight times with a 38 caliber Win cheater. Hie story is that the "t critter equalled a good deal, but didn't show no fight." In 1880 there were five nearly full- grown panthers killed in one locality in Southern Iowa with a pack of coarse -bred bear dogs, whose owner would nob allow any one to carry firearms on the hunt. In 1883 I saw the fresh skin of a panther killed the day before by a le year-old boy on the south fork of Eagle Creek, in the White Moun- tains of New Mexico, He shot it three times with a Winchester carbine, 44 -caliber. The first shot atruok it in the fore foot, and the second in the shoulder. The animal then went higher up pito the tree and was shot through the head at the next shot. The boy was very cool about it, and when asked if the "lion " had showed fight, replied,: "Naw, he jest hollered." A great many more instances might be cited, similar in their trend to these.. Ib will be found that +"11 reliable mountain . men and cattlemen who have lived in localities frequented by this animal and who are familiar with its disposition and habits will unite in giving it a very poor character for courage. In heavy snows, and when suffering from extreme hanger, the tawny terror might possibly be driven to some act of temporary • boldness ; but, if he ventured near the dwelling of man, it would in all probability be in search al some defeueelese sheep, or pig, or young calf, and not in pursuit of man. No family of animals is more interest- ing or moro confused than the cab family and of the whole family no mem- ber seems lunch worse mixed up than Fells concolor. It is useless to• go to the books about it, for the bookssimply don't know. The mountain men, the trappers and hunters who five in the big game country, are the best 'possible means of information, and even these will tell you :thWife—" iife What a happy looking couple conflicting stories when they come to des w- are t I wonder how long they've, cribiag Felts comooler. No one talks of been married 1" Husband—" Oh, I guess pumas or cougars now, and you will hear they're only engaged," the Pennsylvania papers, and ocoaeieaally the traok of ono is used to advertise the fad- ing glory of the Adirondack°. There are a good many in Texas, the Indian Nations and in portions of the Southern States. They were found on the plains and in the sand hills of Kansas and Nebraska by the early settlers pressing west, The wilder portions of the Rooky Mountains and the outlying spars, the Sierra Nevadan and allied ranges' the Cascades and Coast range, and, in fact all the rour;her unexplored country of the West and Northwest contain this' animal, and the warmer table lands and the low ranges of New Mexico, Arizona and. Texas also afford it a home. • It lives upon deer or smaller wild animals, upon sheep, pigs, calves or whatever it oan get. If it kith an animal larger than It oan eat at once it carefully buries the re- mainder under brush and leaves, and returns to it later. Often i4 will bury a skeleton' whose bones it has picked clean. It is not usually' found in very large numbers in any one locality, and ft is therefore aimoat possible to direct an ambitious hunter where bo find it, although one might blunder upon a panther while out after bear or deer in some wild country. In that cane a largo bore. repeating , express rifle would be the beet arm, and would very soon settle any foolishness on the part of "t the tawny ter- ror." The beat way to hunt so sly and sec• relive an animal is with a pack of good hounds, and a cross between the foxhound and bloodhound makes the best dog for such work. Such a pack wilt kill a panth- er, but will be terribly punished and thin- ned out. it is better humanity to carry a rifle on such a hunt, and kill the animal with that when the dogs bag it, it usually taking to a tree when closely crowded. 1f you want a good panther skin for a rug secure one from a . Northern country, and let it be a winter skin. 11 you get a akin from Texas it is probable the* ib will be damaged by the fur .bags. E. HOUGH. s -- The Mooti's Influence lipon the weather is accepted by some as real, by others it disputed. The moon never attracts oorns from the tender, aching spot. Putnam's Painless ' Corn Extractor removes the most painful corns in ehree days. This great Remedy makes ,no sore' spots, 'doesn't go fooling around a man's foot, but gets to business at once, andeffects a cure. Don't be imposed upon by sub- stitutes and imitations, Get '" Putnam'a," and -no other,. They "Mean Business." For many years the manufacturers of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy have offered, in geed faith, $500 reward for a naso of Nasal Catarrh whioh they cannot oaro, Tho Rem- edy is sold .by druggists at only 50 cents. This wonderful remedy has fairly attained a world-wide reputation. If yon have dull, .heavy headache, obstruction of the naeal paesages, discharges falling Irons the boas into the throat, sometimes profuse, watery, and florid, at others, thick, tenaoioua, mu - conn, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eyes are weak, watery and inflamed ; if there is ringing in the ears, deafneas, hack- ing or coughing to clear the throat, ex pectoration of offensive matter, together with scabs from ulcers, the voice being ohangod and has a nasal twang ; the breath cffensivo ; smell and taste impaired; senna- tion of dizziness, with rental depression, a haokang cough and general debility. you are suffering from nasal catarrh. The more complicated your disease, the greater the number and diversity of symptoms. Thou- sands a da of omen annually, without manifesting' half of the above symptoms, reanit in eon. anmption, and end in the grave. No disease is secommon, more deceptive and (tenger- one, less understood, or mors unsucoesafully treated by physicians Tea and coffee are well termed "luxuries of the grocer kind," Sensible People will have nothing to do with "emeei11a"— medicines:thab are advertised to cure every- thing from a chilblain to a broken neck. Read' the liar of diseases that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery will care : Affec- tion' of the throat and lungs, inoipient oonsumption, disordered liver, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, cata-rrh, ulcers, tumors, and swellings paused by scrofula and bad blood fever and ague and dropsy. This seeing like a oure.all bat it is not. This great. "Discovery" will really cure all these complaints simply because it "purifies the blood" upon whish they depend and builds up the weak places of the body. By druggists. Heavily embroidered shirt fronts ate not fashionable. A small floral design, neatly embroidered, is permissible, however. A Happy Woman, Happy is the woman without bodily ill, ut happier is the wpman who having them knows of the saving properties of Dr. Prioe'a Pavorite Presoription. When relieved, as she surely will be upon a trial of it, she can contrast her condition with her former one of suffering and appreciate health as none oan who have not fora time been deprived of it. The "Favorite Persoription" corrects unnatural discharges: and cures all "weak- ness" and irregularities. " Man's inhumanity to man " gives ' the police force employment. • e. Care for I8runtsenness. The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit, nervous prostration naueedbythe use of tobaeoo, waltefuinese,montal depression, softeningof the brain, eros, premature old age, lose of vitality vaned by ever exertion of the brain, and';Antral t -ural Strength from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or mid• die•aged—who are broken down from any of the. above causes, or any cause notrrtentioned above, sena your addraee and 10 rents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise in book form,"of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secui"e from observation. Address 1A. V. Lamm 47 Wellington e4reet East, Toronto, Ont. n aka,. Ter•. T4nto, a IR fe tlae 14rZTAtxI' PIIY5I• qtr to IDen:ertea 141elieal Eu- a,"arirl"grkp recta rrert the u Pe Iysale. Tho Treatrrieut is not µs_ +cli vi rt edOto, es In araiiar 1:01608, Lob hbor, AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATOR Pat, b;;drautii hand and, ateaan elevators. RITQH & TURNBULLI aa+llau Fl^rra.rr'Mirk,. Parer ant ttarea atresia 114,311LTON, ONr, LeatherBe1tiu AEST VALUE IN THE DOMINION, .E,ptXoN&G0, MAKERS, 70 KiNG ST. E, TORONTO 0s Moo Lute and Diarounte. I9 01,11` FOR'ItURr:T,a,lt014 t V1000.00 Sto'eutrain the Bank at Bull 1 Protect your ria. nous*, Stables, as well as Goode hove on the outside by acing the Champion Burgisr Alarm I No one eau get into a room or building without a:armiugthe Otto neighborhood. Can be put up in a minute Commercial Men can attach ono to any door by simply closing it. Does not mar the door in theMade, patented and sold' byut as well-known article. Ask your hardware 'dealer for one, and be sure my e amo is on it, or send 81 and receive one free, Good Agents waned in every piece. 8. 8. I 31134Ii'6, P,0 Bev 945, Sahoraom 577 Craig 8t., Mamma. Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamship,. Sailing during winter from Portland everyTbureday and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and In saw mor from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, eallinp at Londonderry .k, land mails and passengers lot Scotland tad Ireland • also from Baltimore, via ell fax and 34. John's, N F:, to Liverpool tortnighfly during summer months. The steamers at the G1ae+ Rog lime salt during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston our/Philadelphia • and during snit mar between. weave and Montreal weekly ; Glasgow and Bouton weekly, and Glasgow and Phfladelphi^ fortnightly, For freight, gssaago or other Information apply to A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore ; 8. Cunard dt Co., Halifas • Shead, Co., St. Johne, Nfld.; Wm. Thome. son a ae., st. John, AL B.; Allen ,x Co., Chicago; Love & Alden, New York; H. Beadier. Toronto; Altnne, Ras , Co„ Quebec- Wan, Brookle, P.ht'adet phis; H. A Allen Portland Boston Montreal. FOR THE LADIES.. EMBROIDERY SILKS Alt Colors, 10o. per dozen skeins. BERLIN WOOLS, all colors, 8e per oz. SRETLAND AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLO. 80 per oz.: Fleecy Wool, extra quality, loo pet ekoln; Arraeene; all oolors, 300 per dozen skeins; Macrame Cord, 15 er ycolors, 10o per ball ; Fol., beet Dallis, 5per00 yard; Stard amped WorToilet Setn Java s, pieces, q 450 all shadV 85o sept ; Tidy,, 25o each ; Splashera, 40 and 50 cents eaoh. A largo stook of newest Stamped Goode for outlining" to band. Letter orders hay • paempt and oarefulattention. Goods oan be sent by peat to any part of Canada. Write for pries list• HERN1/ SAWS, Importer, 232 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. Pleaee,mention this paper, FINE HEADS OF HAIR IF Yi;tl ARE BALD have 2 GRAY or THIN HAIR send '- to A. DOREbWEND Ter- i 5 \ort and get partlonlars of jgshie Wigs Toupees Switches, To&o., also Frontpieoee, Bangs. f / azo. All nate of finest quail WI GI( ty Human Hair as natural as lite. A. DOJLENWEND, Paris Hair Worse, 103 and 105 Tonga St. Toronto, Can. MFIIALEY ROYCE & Co - Dealers in all kinds of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Agents for the BESSON and HIGHAM Band In strumente. 6dp SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC BODY, : Manuiaoturers of the "IMPERIL/IL BAND INSTRUMENTS. Beet in the world, Eight Years' Guarantee. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials: 228 Yonge St., TQ.e10141T0 0 0 m A 0 'Qurig IVI.en SUFFERING from the eifeote of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak; nervous and exhausted ; also MmDLS-Asan and Ona MSN who are broken down froth the effects di abuse or over work, and 'in advanced lifetfeel the; oonsequencee'of youthful excess, send" for and read Mi V,-Lubon'e Treatise on the Diseases of Men.' 'Th book will be sent sealed to any addree on receipt o .. Wrens. stamps. Address, 1t. v. LUB0N, Wellington St, 11., Toronto;0 o.0r:tiltso d,:ra a.tgnal ad t»r,ver.ienes 'Ike leading rcu, ASK FOR Tt71;11 and ,. BAKING PlinDtal5emef7tai. AesOlnTELYPon Tea a ftAvo tai Gva�wt,. di aCx.akere, sec rnr $toonOr4r.? T tin BEST, MONEY xt>w 11,1iik ot. Falnr. Lowest leasee, Na dela . nc y Go . onae ,.e avttoiec3 wasp . ,. i>,. lorxLllalr. Iilnan3aal Aqb, t9btia e 4 ,h d I�1i)- 6 O y 8large amount o!"Iij^iUar Fora DSS to Lomat a leitYr`ate tel ortutereaton f a dumb tieeuri�• A to pP1,Y BEATTY, CHADWICK, BIACKSTOCK & CALTE laalaters aiad S,!liiettRra, wigaugtoa$t ,cors Oburohr €oyer Dank of T TORONTO. 91,17 0H0I0Ir FARMS FOR OK IN AU. PARTS IYE Parties wishio to purabuso iuiproved afanllotsa saltine, from En acres upwards, nitb, fm; po ten. tall or writs to s:. 11, IiikrISDN* lata' Arthur's 13 eek, Main st . Winnipeg: Informs Iit:nabbed tree et elia•ge,n44 settlers Re3:C'ed rnakieg selection .i " (Peewee Seise oaf FSr atilt 1011 FITS! When I El ly Oeru 1 do not MAIL merely tie stop there an a Qlrge, and then hays' Merit tern 01;310, 131 AN A. MA.Di1J, L cikiat:, 1 bawo InC"le t 0 dIS'a5e vfi ITS, 1P11410PS7ir 4x' SICE=Fifil a13gsil,.:E. 1 Tweeleeteetats Weir.r. y ., lilt vair,st Cases. MSento loll Sl* 1i si, inoreTseufor not r wrarsii C-°Faete .00,CeNe tre:tils Anilnlll ;tiF:pr,r,ruIT: LlIZIF,3ra'. • tile, linerte-s t stili?P. t ea:.t:3 ]aa. Dt rig ter ai a it will ewe Mart53 1,11,L0410 West Adela'?dett ,F r lfa 4•S�, ,'-Rsro e der rs"t t;?arva4 T. I RICE 5 Baa U REAT TRENOTH GIVER PERFEG7 OGSI ell" rile SICK ARMING et put RITlcaS 13EN E tar u. P0Wt:Rri INVmGGRATi C11xl Yl�kdt1L'1« ''�� i .Ilitl.bi ,4 AS REGULARLY AS THEIR BREAKFAST IF YOU Would Make Them Strong, Economy, Equity Stabi1ity The Ontario Mutual Life, ESTABLISHED 1870. Assurances inforce. Jan 1st, 1889. ,, . .. 041,914 00 New Assurances written in 1888-- . . . . . ........ , 1S,6 0 00 Cash Iucoune for 1888,.... ,.. 393,074 00 Assets, Dee, 31st, 1838, ..,. 1,313,833 00 Liabilities, as per Government Valuation Valuation-,1:23.510 00 ,ge,77paO�V, The NOW Business for January and February of this year is MUOIT GREATER than was ever before Written by the Company during t a same months,, Whale,, With over S12,0110,000 on our books, the death losses have been only S0i500 I Win -11ENDELIaliager. W. lr RIDDELL, Sooratarya fes TORONTO_ OVER '.1a' Sia► M tt Cee MX Mee Jab. ma -S' . 2,OOO,OOOAssE AN.D CAPITAL, S I R. N. P. H 0 WL AN D, Preaiaent. w. l." 04ACDON.iLi5, WM. Sj:Lxor, E, HOOPER, lots nv. Vxos-Pnssustaa. • r. ]K. MAAtnoXfi:ll a nuatAerao Dniscr0R.. i Brick Machines With All the Latest Improvements, SPRING PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS. IRON GROSS HEAD ANO BRACES. FRMS 'TO .&UTT BDY&8s. Sx rn Fon CIBOVLAs ; The E. 8c. C, Gurney Co,, Weary STRAIIti,HT LINE ENQINE, • • SAWMILL. ENGINES, Gang Mills, BAND SAW •MILLS, HEAVY CIRCULAR MILLS With Steel Carriages SIEEIN LIE, LAT mint VENEER 141iuelrilnon. BOILERS' •1N ALL. STYLES. LINK BELTING Sawdust Elevators, Conveyers, Carriers WA`f E1i'OUS Engine Work :Co, HR111' 1'FQRD, CANADA.