HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-14, Page 5Ip ATTENTION ►. Eyes Front? ■ Quick March TO W. $OUTHCOTT'S Clothing loth U and. Gents rVz*ISHI1MSTOE . EXETER, - ONTARIO. 0 Some of the finest g d that can be secured, are arriving every day, GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN TRE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES, A CALL SOLICITED: Wa SOLITHCOTT, Corner Main and John Street, EXETER, ONTARIO. Vshingtnn's fir NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, Ter Ex.etei, WILL BE AT TI -I1 CENTRAL ROTE. RR FRIDAY, MACH 15th, ---UNTIL— 5 o'clock, P. 177. Au English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, t;owuwaall, Out, WASIHNOTON2— Dean S1It,f am glad to be able to inform you that my daughter is quite well again. As this is than wont). time she h s been cured of grave bronchial troubles underyour treatment, when the usual remedies' failed, 13write to express my gratitude. Please :accept my sin- cere thank% lours truly, C.:3. PETTITT. AIS17ASE Tna aTeM- Catarrh of the head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, � Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Con- sumption, Also Loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged, tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Come early-. Con- sultation free. A few of the many cured d by Dr. Washington's new method. manu- facturers, .\., OL Storey Son, • of Ste , � W.I ILStorey, , .t Acton, Ont., walso President Manufacturing tcturing Ass. of Canada, pair- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Wrath to him for particulars. Mrs. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John MCKclyy, Kingston, Out., Cat- , + arrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Ilarrowsmith, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville; Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Post Muster, Acton, Ont., A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napailee) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs. Head Office 82 WOW' St., Toronto. Consultation Free. -. MARKET s QuARE GKNFIRAL TORR The undersigned would inform the. Public that he has just received his WINTER : . STOCK, INCLUDING A FILL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK - ERI, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices, Best Roller Flour always on Basal. Highest Price paid for Rutter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J. P. ROSS (Ifs -22-'8a,) ANY BVI A N Who is Weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who in his Folly aid Ignorance haaTrifled away hie Vigor of Body, Mind anti Manhood, eausi ng exhaust, ing drains upon the Fou4ains of Life. Head- aehe, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects leadingto Early Decay. Consumption or insanity, will Sind in a oar specific No„3 At po;itive Dura:. It rmparts Youthful Vigor restores the vital Power in old. and young, strengthens and invigorates the Brain and Nerve, builds up the Muscular syst- tm and arouses into action the whole physic; alonergy o#'the human frame, With Our specific No.23 the roost obstinate case can be cured in three months, and recent ones in less tinetu thirty dayA. I:aeh paokago con• tains two weeiit, treatment. Price $2, Cures (3uaramteed. Our speoifte No. 21 is an infill• ibis Gera far all Private Qlseases no matter of how longstanding. : old under our written GuaikPrice /3, extdineCo'Toronto,,Oat.Na T” HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. $1 per a.w ■ $50 PER MONTH. And all eNieuses paid. We want men, women, nirls aaitl Ross in every Town, Village and 1lamlet in Canada, to take bold of a Britt, agreeable and perfectly honorable employment. It will cost you nothing to give it a trial, Send for circular, Address, W. 11.. ROBERTSON, Peterbor`ough4 Ont.. AN OPPORTUNITY, To hoarding ./fouso keo pars—On 1 comple- tion of Verity's Foundry, its calculated that from w to 2'iaadditional bawls aro to he em- ployed. A Homo to let at a snail anal can• able of accentodating 8 to 10 hoarders. About iliv e m inute s walk from the foundry. A p ply NOv—88tf 11. SPACEMAN'S TiushaA Hurrah ! Hurrah —FOR— J. G. Sniallacombe, Merchant Tailor, To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Post Office. A CALL SOLICITED. J.C. Smallacombe. THE KEY TO HEALTH Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually without weakening the sys- tem, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Cor- recting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scro- fula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility ; a these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For HaZo be art Dealers. TELMER & CO.) ProFictors, Toronto. LADIES ONLY. IA J. NoMARTIN, Proprietors. FRENCH REGULATION PiLLS. ,Far superior to Ergot. Tansy, Pennyroyal or Emlorsoat h'v the thousands of ladies who use them MONTHLY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, INSURE It1.0 LfLARITY, Pleasant And Effectual. !'rice 02. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Out. • Nov -29.8 --WILL BE AT THE— Gastral Egtol, Exeter, Furniture and Undertaking.. —GO TO— --ON—. Wed, Peb'y 6th, 1889 ONE DAY ONLY. FROM 8 a. m. TO 4p. Patients please call early. Thos. Spear, M. II. Surgeon, &c.,all. C P. S. G. S. & L. T C. D. THE GREAT EAST INDIA SPECIALIST - For the treatment of all Chronic Dis- eases and Diseases peculiar to Women. Thirty years practice. Head Office— St. Thomas. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served as Surgeon in the British Army in the East Indies, Surgeon in the American Army during the late war, from 1861 to the close of the sane, has treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe—His thorough education, large and varied practice and experience,en- titles him to rank as a Specialist—Sec- ond to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and diffi- cult diseases that have baffled the skill of the local physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrah, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Eye, and Ear, Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Par- alysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Dis- eases, Piles, &c. Electricity used when required. Testimonials of Education:—The fol- lowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many others from nearly all the lead'1ng medical schools . in Europe; Trinity College, Park St. School of Medicine and Royal Gollege of Surgeons, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ireland; Royal College of Surgeons,. Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentitate in Midwifery, •and endorsed by the high- est medical authorities in the Unitei States and Dominion of Canada. The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a medical past- porteewithout re-examination doubt or uibble over every sea, and in every la, d from the rising to the setting}'of the sim. consultation free.'Read circular and remember the date. Rowe & Andrews' BED -ROOM AND PARLOR SUITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS, 'I'fie Largest Wareroon s i ► town. Undertaking outside of the Undertake erg Ring, in all its Branches. Oen, day and night. ht. STAND—One door north of Moison's Bank, MAIN -S - EXETER. 12 Pounds OF WHITE SUGAR For $1.° 2016x. Baw Sugar FOR $1. ----AT THE tzltIr 'North Geo. :ton. J, MATHESON EVEREST'S COUCH SYRUP CANNOT RE EXCELLED. 7ir7 It aDC be convinced arxleo 2s tats, surx#1 Try Everest's 'Ayer Regulator Sar Dhows of the Liver Kidneys, deo., and Purify. lar of the ltleod. Prieto $1. Six betties for S5. R G S. for Gala by ALL D 17GUi8 T Manufactured only by G O. 11, EVEREST. CUxillar, Foa:Lar, Oat. COOPER SHOP! old ph sieian.retired fzozn pzaetzce,ltav- a dist ADVICE TO titan 1broka, CONSUMPTION CLBINI . Aro yon dtsturbe,l atntKbt naxci broken of your An p y est by .a slew cg ilei sutleri»E aza,l cryingwlth ing Had plaoed ian hiebands ba an Erik India ;pain of cutting teeth if so, send at ranee toad H ve eabo #' a to t 1 , ala o tin obrm a p irr sionar th # n 1 n t t e a D S. � t w s a itft S and y c ,aU Tarte" f Jt. Y 8A Sc i p t i AUT` a3 � renxedy fol the speedy and pezmanennt ooze of 'able. Catt.bu tr fres ramp, Its value 1s inealcul Consumpption, Bronchitis, Ct.tarrk,A.stluun'able.Itwillrelievethe{aoorlitttesutl'erertDaane- and alt taront and Lanft Affections. Also a'Rxliately Depend upon it; utotltors, there is no positive and radical our for nervou Debility mistake about, tt. it cares dysentery and char• and alt ervona Contpplainta nfterhaving toss rb, a, regulates the stonxateb and Uoweis, cures edits wonderful curative powers in thousands twindcolie,softensthegums,reeltreesli, amrpa ofoases,'httsfaltithisdatytomakeitknown-tion, unci gives tone an.lonergytothowhole to. his su#fnring fellows. Aotuated by this system. 'Jars. 11 tsszow's Soo':rxxl.a Svc;uP3Qn motive and a desire to relieve human suffer^ Cat elstErel Tr:Erarao#spleasant tothotaste,aad ing,T will send free of ebaz eco all who desire lis the prescription of oue of tine 9lcleat gndbesd it, this receipe, in Germaa, reneh orl;nglJsh female nurses and physle ans: in the United with full directions for lareparing and using° states, and is for sale by all druggists through. Sent by mail by addressips with statapnam- ,pat the f)l!!itltla W0114, 14199 2:i acute a bottle. ing this paper. 'iS W. A. zones, tl`� ell`s + ak �' ;f 1.;P. ' Stook, Rochester, Zr. Y. Set -1 -g { FiusDERICE T. RODURTS Mt D,, Pro- fessor in Uulversity College, London, Eng., Examiners in Medicines, Royal College :of Surgeons, slys In reference to advanced kidney disease: "Comply Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwoodund surrounding country, that he has open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and is prepared to do all classes of coop erago work on shortest notice. A call solicited. FELIx WILDS. Oet11-3m PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who Nishad a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by ever 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladles askyour drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and takeno substitute, or inclose post - ago for sealed particulars. Sold by all C=pord EUREKA CHEMIAIGO.,Dsxnotip Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and - druggists everywhere. Jan. 1-8. AMINNIIMENMENIMININE This Year's MYRTLE Cut & Plug Smoking Tobacco FINER TILAN EVER. See IN BRONZE ON Each Plug and Package.' The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over +v-, 30 years in thousands of cases. !� Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous' Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. (raaroaaj indiscretion, or over-exertion.'raaj Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The ere■t En,d1cI, Y ration, take so. substitute. One package. $l. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Addresao Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, lUich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jan. -1-8 DR' L1O YY 'I DESTROYS AND REMOVES WORM S OF ALL KINDS. IN CHILDREN OR ADULTS SWEET AS SYRUP AND GANNOTHARM THE MOST DELICATE CHILD The :Subscribers wishes to inform the Farmers and General Public that he is Prepared to furnish all S Sizes and Kind of ler1\:25 ice/ a Well Rigging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shop on Ann Sired, behind Chrialie"s Livery Stable. A CALL SOLTOITrD. JOHN MOOREB CPMMERCJAL)1iV'ERfl) First Class1?i IG8 And HORSER. IN often iat,tll when Lot remedied in time. Leslie 13, Nicholson; 11 Wellesley Ave., Toronto stye: "AN 4 tiiiicit eiilt- for croup, colds, sore throat, chilblains, etc., T cannot recommend Ragyard's cations are met, such as consumption,; Yellow Oil," It is a sure tore. Direct- heart disease, morbid conditons liver ions aeeompany each bottle. a i ife ore lives WILt,IA]i R{,lti�tars M. I). F. R. C, ff ties, WrersS, G c P tr ee n t a , these affections by putting the kid,teys "Pregnancy nancy is a tt uitful cause of Bright in a healthy condition,thereby enabling : disease. The relative proportion of them to expel the waste of poisonous • eases between the ages of 20 and 45, matter from the system, arc 80 women to every 100 leen, while after this period themortality : is o rye THE DEAF -A, person cured 4f Deaf £trz li 8 t i falls t 1 news and neises.to the head of 23 yearn' ;,q women to every 100 mets.," Women standing. by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FFk:)Kto any person who ap- during-pre,n,nancy atry pe 11,- liaablc plies to N IcnoLSON, 30Si. John St. Nor -areal to eontr,tet kidney disease, which if T. GRA\(iF,.lt STEWART, ART, M. D, k IZ,. C. neglketed will terminate in Bright's E., Ordinary Physic -an to II. M., the disease. heels the kidue s actit-e, and Queen in Scotland, Professor of Practice It maintain a h1180 y #law of urine by Physic in the i'niversity of Edinburgh the frequent use of Warner's Safe Cure writes; "Acute bronchitis is common dur'tiw the period of pregnancy. It especially in the Itdvancetl stages of p wince)) the kidneys healthy and. set• Bright's disease, and tends to pass into lvt . the chronic state, I'hthises ( consumpt- , lett) in its various fornix is found occa- Tat the year 1,�)1 coughed for six signally associated with these renal ; u:ataith-. and having unsuccessfully (kiduey) affictione. It usually proves i ttii'd malls remedies, ;perup, fatal while the renal malady is yet in , thinking I had consumption. At last 1 is eaerly stage." It time becomes evi- trit•d 11;taTarel' i etori;it Ihalfi I1i1, lit• tent that consumption and bronchitis! than t,n1' bottle of witicli cured me, leer are intimately associated with kith -ley ij itig utas well as tier I was." Keenly disease and Warners Safe Cure should a W. Carus, Wabash, Ont. e yinthediseaseto Irevc"nt . -"p , be taJ;en a rl- i •-IIr.:�turlili.lt',I•; may ttl.t plait tram the damaging influence the kidney the kidneys or from the mucous mem- malady exerts upon the respiratory or- „ Lr,tnes,p:Irticularly timet (tithe nostrils" gens, St) writes T. Granger +tew:tft, ORDERS LEFT At THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Telephone Connection.. THE PROVIDENT Life and Liye Stock As- sociation. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Head Office room D Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. e In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for Sick- ness and Accident, and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of deceased. members at terms available to all.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for loss of live stock of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES, $ept.6,'88. MANAGING DIRECTOR 111,2V$8, --4y. PARTLY GAVE L'P. BISSETT BROS LIVERY. First Class horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES'. WITH COMMERCIAL MEN; -.orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS - REASONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS. A SURE•CURE Fon BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, DIZZINESS, SICK HEADACHE, AND DISEASES er THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS. THEY ARE MILD,THOROUGH ANP PROMPT IN ACTION, AND FORM A VALUABLE AID TO BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS IN THE. TREATMENT AND CURE OF CHRONIC AND OBSTINATE DISEASES. Catarrh Fell. S. E., Ordinary Surgeon to H, M M. .... N_L�Lu1 w.�,wr T1•i:.wous, • the Queen inSentlal ll,Professorof Pr.at- iee of Physic in the University of Edin- hurch. in an article on I:light:aclklatii". Hence the natural infert'tnee is that the kidney must be res'or,td to a healthy condition before its effects will (*.- Sufferers are - Sufferers:Ire not generally awareappear. Warners Safe yore is di..that these diseases are contagious, or most efficient agent for this purpose knowrn to science, Commercial traveller, who has mad,:• an uneessful offer of marriage to 0 lardy eel this to be a fact, and the result Is y -Madam, since you are determined not to ;amour me with your h n:d, would you favor me with a small order?" HEALTH FAILING FAST. rover. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic r'esoaat'ell.itowever, hasprov- that a, simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf- ness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple ap- I was swollen from head to foot front plications mule at home by the patient Dropsy of six months' standing, aud once in two weeks. N. B.—For Catar my health was failing fast, but after rhal discharge's peeuliar to fem;alps taking one bottle of B. B. B.,I aatn quiti' (whites) this remedy is n specific. A well, and think there is no medieint• t itremain pamphlet cxplltining' this new treat- eqitaalto7.13.I3. , and ol t. mai a n ment is sent oe receipt of ten cents by true friend." Joseph Bene, Linwood. A.. Ii. Dixo t t ;n , 303 West Ring . tint. il St, Taronto,Ciivadia.—Scientific Amari Will be found an .excellent remedy can. for sick headache. Carter's Little Liver fills, Thousands of letters -from people who have used them proved this fact. Try them. NOTHING LIRE IT. r I was troubled with liver complaint for a good ninny years, hitt was eureil by- one bottle of B. B. B. I have never foundany medicine to help me like 13.B B., in fact one bottle made a complete cure." W. J. West, Parkhill, Ont. We have used Everest's Cough Syrup in our family nearly two years, and it has given us excellent s'Ltisfection.•• Rev. A. L. Russell, Forest P. O. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles hould carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) It Coat too Much. The Sad Experience rib h Bele' One o In the early days of the direct tea trade with China, importers were wed - ails to secure the earliest cargoes of 0 new crop. The first cargo brought the best price and large profits. The successful Capt- ain was always rewarded, so every If sick headache is misery,, what are known aid to navigation was adopted. Carter's Little Liver Pills if they will The young captain of one of Mr. As- positively cure it? People who have tor's clippers brought,on one of his trips used them speak frankly of their worth a new chronometer, and with its aid They are shall and easy to take.. made a quick passage, and arrived first. He put the price of it into the expenee account of the trip, but air. Astor threw it out,insisting that such an item of expenee for new fangled notions could not be allowed. The Captain thereupon resigned and took service with a rival line. The nett year he reached port long in advance of any competitor, to the "Uncles Aleack, what are you doing great delight and profit of his his em- pioyers, and the chagrin of Mr. Astor. this winter?" `Ilse beekeeping,' boss." Not long after they chanced to meet "Book-keeping?" "Yes, dat's it. De ole and Mr. Astor inquired: 'ooman takes in watshin', 'n' I keeps de "By the way, Captain, how much did count o' de prices." that chronometer cost you?" "Six hundred dollars," then, with a quizzical glance, he asked: "And how much has it cost you, Mr. Astor?" "Six thousand dollars." Men are otter unfortunate in the re- jection of what they call new fangled i I used one bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator and gained ten pounds in weight—it cured me.—Thos. Sutcliffe. Abcrarder P. 0. If you once. try Carter's Little Liver Pills for sick headache, billiousness or constitution,you will never be ;without them. They are purely vegetable; small and easy to take. Don't forget this. not ons. There are sick men who refuse, even when their physicans tell them they cannot help them, to take Warner's Safe Cure,beeause it is a "new fangled" proprietary medicine. The result is they lose—life and health. Thousands of other men have been restored to health by it, as the testimon- ials furnished to the public show. The proprietors have a standing offer of $5,- 000 to any one who will show that any testimonial published by them, is not so far as they ,know, entirely true. ' Dr. Andrew Wilson, Fellow of the Royal Society, of Edinburgh, the editor of "Heath," London, Eng, says, in his Inagii ine, in answer to' an.. inquiry, "Warners,s Safe Cure is of a.; perfectly safe character, and perfectly reliable. ' New fangled notions are sometimes very valuable, and it costs too much to' foolishly reject them. A DREADFUL DOOM. To be unable to satisy hunger with- out being distressed by heartburn, in- digestion, sick stomach, dizziness or faintness, seems a dreadful doom. All who suffer thus will find prompt relief and permanent cure in B. B. B. B. B. B positively cures dyspepsia in any form. Everest's Cough Syrup and Liver Regulator give universal satisfaction in this vicinity.—R. White, Crediton P. 0. BIRTHS. VERITY—In Exeter, on the 8th inst.,the wife of Mr. Robt. Verity, of a laugh ter. Snxion.—In Exeter on the 10th inst., the wife of Joseph Senior, Photo grapher, of a son. Sale Register. On Monday March 19th, on Lot 18, con. 12, fp. of Hay, farm stock and lin- plem ents &c. E.Bossenberry Aust. Wm. Wing prop. On Friday March 15th, Household effects. John Gill auctioneer; Mrs. R. Pineombe, proprietress. On Friday March 15th, 1889, on lot 26, eon.12 tp. of Hay, farm stock, Implements &e. E. Bossenberry auct., Wm. Muldrew prop. On lot 26, con. 16, tp. of Stephen, on Saturday March the 16th 1880, fano stock, implements,' &e. vVin. Holt, Auct., E. Englert, Chas. Koob Prop. On Tuesday, March 19th, at the resi - dence of Mr. Edward Gill, Huron -se, real estate, household effects, etc. Mr. J. Gill, Auctioneer; Edward Gill, Prop. On Monday, March 25th, on lot 3, L. R. E., Sauble Line, Hay, farm stock and implements etc. E. Bossenberry . allot.; Jas. Pollock, prop.