HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-14, Page 4---4. very long-headed and long - tonrued tramp hasduring the past year been payig western twns per endical visits. He is mating to be rich, too, and this is the way he does: He purchases a bar of ordinary 'wash- ing soap, cuts it all iii squares, wraps each square in tinfoil, swl then sells it render a feney name, guaranteed to cleanse soiled clotla.ing, at 10 cents a square. His profits are 93 per reot. Give him an introduction to the, dog when be comes .around your way. —The last checker match of a series of three between Exeter and Hensall was Overt sial Tut",ed a r evening at Heusall in, tllr Oddfellows hall and re- sulted in, favor of Exeter by three ,bees. Great praise is due to all for atlinii:tble manner in which these contests have been eondected. The following is the score:--Zxwrret:, A. Walters,1 game; J. H. Iyndmaan, 4 games; C. Prouty, 2 galaies; J. Walters,, 2 gages; R. Terry, a games; T. Oke, 3 gates; total, 15. IIF„ \SAIL, J. Me- Duugall, 4 gamete G. McDonald, 1 gage; J. Murdock, 4 games; W. C. Cliatrters, 1;;ame; R. Bonthron, 0; R. Pie} -Holds, 2; total, 12; ;ants draw pailiel€. N. D. Rluldon acted as referee as usual. A splendid off star supper was tendered the Exeter pleyet's by elefr Hensall opponents at Reynolds' Rotel at which all the pias ens used aheir spoons to great adventag a and sill separated about 12 o'clock with, %lagers for each other. Ueu$ mil Mn W. Roderins, who bought A hotel K.iueardiate some time ago, purposes poses. n aving there shortly, we wish laitn a laapgv Lite. ---Sunshine destroyer snow alt the vicinity: of Hensall, and our sleighing is in'.st gone at present.. -.- Rev. Mr. Henderson goes to Clinton to attend a meeting, of the i'resbr�tery.�- everal applicants for leading song' in Carmel church have given the people opportunity to judge as to the most cap able one, and the finale conies net Sala• Muth, %then a vote will be taken and elle congregation deride who shall *hold Arch" ht taature. The Young i'eopie's Improvement Society will hold sleek next regular meeting an Monday evening. A gouty program le expected —Mr. Cool:,of I �i rquhar, who purchased Rens;lll flouring mine, moved into the Wage to-day—Mrs. Hughes, who is under treatment at the hospital, is we are sorry to say, un venter.—Mrs. Cool:, Wife of Rev. Cook, is again convale- seent,�A i.'arge number of new build• tiigt: are to be erected this aummer.—W, Hoggarth, who has b 'en attending the Forest City Business College, was un- able to attend schoul hast week, owiug 3tl sickness: A meetings of the ratepse xrs of S. S. No, 10, Hay, was held, by request of the trustees, in the Hensall school, for the purpose of dieciding, where the new sehonls should be built.', Nearly every ratepayer was present during some part of the day, and lis- eussions were the order of the day, whiist wit flowed free. The northern part of the section wished to have a school more conveniently situated than the old one, and as Mr. Robt. Mcbfordie was their ehampien he laid before the meeting the following resointion,whieh was seconded by Mr. Geo. Thompson:— Moved by R. 11p. Mordie, seconded by 'leo. Thompson that two new school houses be erected, one to be built It Aiiles north from Zurich road, on the Sud con. Hay, better known as George Thompson corner. The other to be Huila in Hensall, west of the Huron & Bruce railway, and as near the blind line as possible. .J s pond resolution with Robt. Paterson as mover and Alex McEwen as seconder, was as follows:— That the old school be repaired and a new one built adjoining present ad- dition dition in Hensall. Each champion put forth the merits of his motion and the chairman. Mr. Wm. Buchanan taking a vote, it resulted as follows:—MeMor- die's motion 68, Paterson's 31. Major- ity for McMordie.'s motion 38. The meeting was then brought to a close and everything passed off quietly. Farewell Supper. Last Monday evening a large number of the leading business men tendered a farewell complimentary supper at the Commercial hotel to our popular and efficient photograph artist,Mr. Chas.Sen lion, and Mr. Geo, W Stroud, the skilful senior partner in the late firm of Stroud & Ernes, architects and builders. Mine Rost, Mr. Edwards, the new proprietor of the Commercial, served up a feast fit for the gods, and if it may be taken as a sample of the way in which he and Mrs. Edwards intend running the hotel, prosperity and popularity are already <assummed. Capt. H. W. Ansley presided in a very happy manner as Chairman,Mr. C. Mor- gan occupying the Vice -chair. Her Majesty and the Royal Family having "been loyally dealt with, the army and navy was also duly honored, the toast Tiding coupled with the names of Messrs Sovereign and Soady, both of whom iromptly responded. Then came the toast .of the evening, "our guests." The Chairman only re-echoed the sentiments of all present and a great. many absent ren speaking in very complimentary terms of their guests, both of whom. in taveir respective callings had acquitted themselves well,won many friends who parted with them with regret,and earn- estly hoped for a prosperous future for elhem both. The guests made excellent replies and that were deserving of the frequent applause that -interrupted thea, They thanked the gentleman present for the honor conferred, and would carry away to their new homes Many pleasing recollections of their filiea.de in Port Dover, of the kindly treatment received at their hands. As an artist Mr. Senior can hold his own anywhere, and Mr. Stroud as a builder o#pret - al su st ata1 x4 ids c as The Vice-chairman then proposed our commerical interests, to which happy responses were given by Messrs. A. T, Ball, E. Norquay and E, P. Bagley, Mr. John A. Lutes did ample justice to the toast of the Press and Messrs, H. W. Ansley and W. Allen to our fishing in. terests. The Ladies" drew from Messrs C. Mennen, D, Seedy and John A. Innes some pretty speeches. "Our Host and. hostess" drew a ,Moat reply from Mr. Ed- wards, who has already shown that he cion and will keep a first-class house, obey the Ian- himself, and see that his guests do the saute. After the regular toast list had been disposed of a number of volunteer toasts weredrunk,tice being that of "The Turf,- : which drew eloquent re- sponses from Messrs. Ansley and H. Me- Queeinwho gave au interesting account of the operations in the new agrfcaitur- al grounds and race traek, and express- ed the earnest hope that, a Driving Park Association would be formed. u.s the town to successfully operate the race course which i' the making of one of best k n this • ion. the half mile tracks 1 . ...scut Although alae evening MIAs the most �• at►:, pleas tut spsent at similar h i gi P: Dover longtime utmost good feeling prevailed all around, and the si eeeltes were far above the ordinary in merit and inter- est. The g tthering broke ftp about midnight. Mr Stroud left for Chicago next day and Mr, Senior for Blenheim the day ::after, They have our beat wishes. Port Dover, illaple Leaf, Mr, Senior was fur ra large number of years a resident of tltt'i place, and the citizens wilt be glad to hear of his prosperity. R. A, C teen, M. IX, Dean, aitd Profess- or of Surgery, of the United �, x3> t ted Statu Med- ical College,Editor of MedicalTiibune' Author of "Germ's New Imported Hand book of Hygiene and domestic Medicine in reference to the use of Warner's Safe Cure in a case of Bright's disease said, over his owu signature; "I was great- ly surprised to observe a decided im- provement within a month. Within four months, no tube casts could b found, and only a trace of albumen; and, as he expressed it, he felt perfectly weits power,1 prescribedi in fuler this l dosen s in both acute and .ebronie Bright's disease with the most satisfactory resaite:' T v ear. aVhr.–•Acgsx•r-�Iu Exeter, on is«h test., at the rertdenae of the bride's father by the Rev, J. Wiblon, Mfr, William Tarn- i bull. of Iloborne, to Miss ¥ary.iane, eldest laugher of Mr. and ',lira. M. Eaerctt. AUCTION h lac � ># -1 h- joll d C 1 gvglim ram PrgIrt7 at ern n ort over fora "IT Is a fact that many of the best proprietary medicines of the day," said the late lir. J. G. Holland in Scribner's gatzine, "arae most successful than many phy sielans, and more of them were fret discovered, or used in actual medical practice. \\'hen, however,any shrewd person, knowing their virtue and forse ut their popularity, secures and advertises themin the opinion of the big tethall virtue went out of them: Failure of eyesig ht. iekle aappeaite,head- aache, extreme wakefulness, frequent , a desire urinate es dally at night, t gradual failure of strength and strength cal swelling—these are symptoms of kidney disease. If you neglect the sy inptoan4, nou wi11 eventually have Bright's Disease. Warner's Safe Cure is the only spa itie which has ever been discovered for this disease. The late Dr. Dio Lee 1., over his own signature said; "If I found myself the victim of a serious kidney trouble, I would use Warner's Safe Cure." Enormous Fortunes, Notwithstanding the enormous for- tunes accumulated through the nee of printer's ink, large sums of money are annually wasted in ineffectualand. uuremunerative advertising. The merits of a really valuable com- modity properly portrayed in the col- umns of an influential and widely read newspaper, like the ADvooeTs, will speedily become generally known and, appreciated, while the returns reaped by the advertiser will more than justify the amount expended. Clearness, attractiveness, brevity,' and sincerity must cliaracterizo any announcement intended to catch the public eye and appeal to public confi- dence. An advertisement inserted in a London journal a few days ago brought instant and multitudi- nous replies accompanied by an almost unlimited supply of banknotes, simply because it touched the cord of nature which makes all mankind akin. Its simple pathos and self-evident truth- fulness appealed to every heart. The advertiser sought for a lost relative, and, giving his mame, said: "I am ill and friendless. My last half- crown is expended in paying for this advertisement. Write me at" -(giving the address). As already stated, near- ly every one who read the announce- ment hastened to relieve the necessities of the sufferer. Thus it is with a really meritorious commodity or preparation; if its virtues be properly and truthfully set forth in the public press, its success is prompt and certain. On the other hand, the public is quick and unerring to detect deception and charlatanry; and, accordingly, no amount of "puffery" will force a vile nostrum into public esteem and pat- ronage. Valuable medicines, like Warner's Safe Remedies carry their own best commendation in their power to cure the particular diseases for which they are a specific. They requireno labored panegyric to convineethe people of their Mower and efficacy, for they have been tried and found perfect. SIRO. GEN. WOODwARD, U. S. Army, says of the results of chronic malarial poisoning: "Disorder of the kidneys frequently complicates the condition under consideration. Scanty, more, or less albuminous urine is often observed and those cases not infrequently termi- nate in chronic Bright's disease, with confirmed albuminuria, oedema or gen- eral anasarca." What at first is recog- nized as malaria is subsequently found to be Bright's disease, which Warner's Safe Cure Cures. A HIGH VALUATION. "If there was only one 'bottle of Hag yard's Yellow Oil in Manitoba, I:. would give one hundred dollars' for it,' writes Philip H. Brant, of Monteith Man. .t P , ,af er having used it for severe wound andfor frozen fingers, with, as he says, "aston- ishing good results." Under and i.vvirtu. ate power of Sale eon CLOT ING .11 ■ EXETER - ONTARIO, Has now in stock anC. +.:)Iice? IN THE FOLLOWING LINES ; West of England Suitings andTrdus erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and. Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths Aid. Made up in tile Latest Style, at best Rates. A. f7, NELL. Dickson's for Z41:. teamed fit ii Itegigteted 'alurt age, hair fag dati• t,n t w, i, y-ergth da}• of i+t C4anhrr, #. ; �.....- . Is. it"5, made by AarusHuai stcl'hee to the Yi-ndora, thorn wilt Aarhus bT Iia: Jgmea tike sat the Moll erclnl Iiotol,111 ilio i'iilaea of Exeter, on SatllrEfa[, J1Ia1011 301 9 at the neer of two enlace, r. nt. tl.c iptti irevhuld property: Let No. C. in the eighth Cances.,ian of ib,' Township Of Hay, in the Conn#,r of baron, containing one t undred a►eres, mor., or les.. Theraiaugaii thy+ '74Piaea oiav i1, 'torr fr•►maa houao and Ano loR stable, bosh in a fair .tete of repair. Thin prey, :Iv is well tai,ced and watered, and eouvenicnt to good markets. Texan, and eond'ition, of esile will fie made known at the time of oak, or mew be lied on applicgtian to Masers. Meredith, Fisher & Beattie.. Selicitors. Eke. London, (fret., or to James Elko, Auctioneer, Exeter. Ti..re will be soldQat the *some place imiaaad iakely a£irr ilioiiiinieAisle the following sal- u%tda 1•ri aa zai rt ] iris rrar u 2; 0.0. in the fourteenth con- aaasion oaths Tovrri:ibili of Stephen. contain ing of bun ch a acres, n,.are or leas, navcntx• itarea .01 whish aro dressy. Sx<•oxru.7 -Lot No.IA.in tbo iiXtll cencoe`s. so ndre it ruwritlrip.olII y.contaiii>sg ones hundred acraA, rnoro or lase, nights ,foes elf which are eicarod There Is ulnen the firstly d.i. rIhed parcel a smell frame house Anda naw fraena half, al.o a ood Svalra nraltaral; and upan the si.cund •doierif tiaranlaiguodframohauro tralnc barn and +9tal,le. Terms andeetaiitianh of sale will lie made known sit time of snlc. or ties bo had on ap. iilwation to ;ZSe:Ara .MerodUh, Fiahor & s..ttia,Solicltore, Lc., London, Ont„ or to J+imed Okc, :Lnatiater. Exeter. Lot Nu.f:, in the isteoneess�iwoof thetown ship ofllibbert.containing it-, acres. This farm Will iio SOK cheap. and on easy terms The farm is situated nitdaybetween'eaforah and Publiu,, on the Huron cir,avel Bead. Soil the hest in the county 0eyards of faun. 1 A nuiaiber of Exeter village properties for sale un the test of tonnaa,incluiding some at the most desirablereiidenees in town, flame property in the villages of Centralia and k'aninhar, which can he bouglitOleap. rt er Per r f u b rartacn1ais L Opal., to L. II. igen$ON, )larch 7th, lig i. ]larriatcr, Exeter. S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING U nd.oxiC' AND Furniture Dealer OF THE OWN? I) SEWING MACHINE HAS NO „ EgUAL. THE LADIES* FAVORITE. THE ONLY SEWING MACHINE' C.__-,,, THAT GiVES NEWHOMESIENG MACHINE C:ER CE,MASS CHICAGO – 2$ UNION SQUURE N,Y.• DALLAS ii lr ATLANTA GA TEX. S'e LOUts, Mo. sANFRAUCICce.CAf. George Vickers, Kirkton. CARTER'S iTTLE IVER PILLS. CURE SickHeadache and relieve all the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &c. While theirmost remarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yet Ctarsa's Luise Liven' Pima are equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while• they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured EAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those. who once 'try them will laud these little pills valuable in so many ways that the wilt willingto do without there But after all sickk bead ACHE is the bane of so many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure it while others do not. CARTER'S Lr,-re,e LrvER Pn.i,e are very small and very easy to take. `One or two pills make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pDlease all who use them.' In vials at 25 cents; five for $i. Sold everywhere, or sentby maiL CASTES MEDICINE CO., New Tort. Sma� rill, Small But 11 ?rice, have an immense Stock of Furniture and Under taing Goods now on hand, which 1 will sell at right prices. Iltiuttking m1mug� A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. S. GIDLEY Chid 111.11fi —0— Having purchased the EXETER TURJII)M FROTORY from .Mr. A. Cottle I am pre- pared to do all kinds of Turning on short- est notice. dates, Li Rol lers :to Turned out on the shortest possible notice. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN VASET, Proprietor. IF YOTJ WANT A Clem Shv6 Eay OR • Neat H air Cut, CALL. AT THE ., Central BarberShop, ns.Block, " ,Exeter A. Hastings s' H t PROPRIETOR QUALITYrn THE TRUE TEST OF CHEAPNESS* NORTHCOTT --w—zs NOW oFFRzxG.o.— BREA.7a, BUNS, CAKES Etc*, Off' wx-i= BAST Q7723 -7-41=P=. C.4411."--K,30S Of Every Desorption Made to Order. Northcott OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. reet Zzoter,, SI C.LE AND' READ ! There is Machine Oil called D I N. Iii' S A S PACITtIE ► SOLELY 13M BROSP TORONTD,c LL RTia See that Barrels a11'C branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only ur ous oil they a+t'e of :ring you so as to Imake more money out of you. FOR SALE [7 EiSSOtt Bras HOOSIEB STEEL FRAME GRAIN DRILL, Guaranteed the best in the worlds NO OTHER DRILL made can be instantly regulated to run at any desired depth without stopping the teach. • NO OTHER DRILL will sow all kinds of grain thoroughly,; even and properly covered at a uniform depth in alt kinds of soil. NO OTHER DRILL commences to sow the instant' the horses commence to move, and misses no ground when startilig in, after turning. NO OTHER DRILL equals the Hoosier when used as a cultivator and no single cultivator surpasses it, thus combining tsro implements in one. NOXON'S NEW STEEL BINDER See the greatest invention of the age in our new i notter which cuts but one cord,makes no waste ends gild saves cord in binding -,also improved Mowers and Horse Rakes. HENRY JONES, ARENT. All Communications, address to HENRY JONES, Exeter, Out: THE BEAUTIFUL AND CLEAR CUT w so —TYPE•urinsit from which this paper is printed was supplied by the um INIMIMMININIMIN.ININIM TORONTO TYPE FURRY Dealers ill. Type, Presses, and Printers': Supplies. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St, west TORONTO, ONT. The 'Gran Union Hotel. C2r=1sT'TCI1T, — ONMELZI=G Enlarged. and Improved. 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicacies nv s, of the season. 3 convenient sample 1 p o rooms. House heated , with hot air. Electric bells throughout. E1 PER DAY. R. J. TUFTS, 'PROPRIETOR. PLEN D ID ME' NO CAPITALREQUIRED Men from 25 to 59 yearn can increase their income locally,, or got_ permanent em- ployment. My 'business is ra idly growing and verysuccessful, Special inducements given which insure 'success.' Salary' and ex- ,penses to permanent men. Big commrssibna for local workif desired.. Dont en gage until von write me. Apply to Fred. E. Young, New England Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. A FEW IIUR COZEN' 8x10, 1:1x14 and 14x17 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES,- G APPS FRAM —o—JUST IN NI AT—o— . mon' Dont fail tosee them. 'Also 'a New lot of Chromes an Oil Painting's, such as you have never seen before in. Exeter. The htghestflrii hedCabine' Photo's' in the County, $3 per doz. J. Senior,