HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-7, Page 7ay. CORTINA, THE BANDIT. A, Born 6nerrIIItt,Who HefiledTwo Goverran cuts . A recoott despatch frons the city of Mexico announced the release from prison of Gen. Cortina. ¶J hisaotion of the lrieaieroeGovern- Vent restores to conditional freedom .one of the moat noted cha> aotere`of the Rio Grande border, nud 'poodle a story. of gueerdia wee - fere equal in interest to the.t of any freetiet' en earth. Juga Hepomiceno Cortina, who for years held the'.,Texalt frontier in tight eie hraoe of a wasting warfare, wag born in 1524 of respect- able parents' on"ths'Texae side of the Rio Grandee. Ae a youth he led a hurrah life in anenviroinent that subordinatedpatriotism tip sodttaon, stratagem, and epode, $o fol- lowed o -lowed the occupation -4 a stook dealer, a business then attended on the frontier with conafderable trgatfon. About' 1840 he `wast Indicted for murder, as the result of which' he Was only seen at rare intervals until 1.8.4 when he returned to San Jose, hie mothers ranch, near Brownzyille. He then prgteoit ed himself with armed Pieta, became a power in politica, and no attempt was made to ar- raott him u>ttil 18584 when he wan indivtod for the mere heiaaeua DAM a otharae aeteatieg, Aimee' tele tithe elle ef hia relatives' wee killed by an American, a liver friend wee shot dowel by another American, and his nenhew, a mesa to a oaf fee home keeper lro sv lle, °amnia:04 to Cortina that bit employer had discharged him to avoid pay - lug him a year's wegee, Cottle; rode into Brownevtfle, metaled his nephew, who had been arrestaxl for abusing the cotr're,bousae keeper, and in.effeellog, the rescue wounded e City Writhed. , afterward went aver to jeerer, 'te where, he that alae •should concentrate er t oug to Cortins then aworsl,vc+egee►uue an to ose d rSd ilctvl wbtab be wart the the article and where she bad bidd4la its ed to Ringgold barraoke where, he intrenohed himself with, hie fall force. About thio time Major John S. Ford, who afterward fought the lase fight of the rebellion, arrived from the interior with forty-five rangers. He, with a reinforcemenb of forty men, defeated Cortina. Cortina had 600 menengaged, of whom Ford killed sixty and wounded fifty without losing a mac, but with fifteen rangers: wounded, Cortina next day made his appearance at enema, Mexico, whence he proceeded down the Ilio Grande, re•or- gamzing his stragglers, and finally halting at. Le Bolsa, thirty-five video ebeee Browne vilie, where be was impelled with volun- teers, arms,, and amiaaeelltion froth Maia- mores„' Melee Ford encamped on the hank of the river, 'Where ho abided .:hie time, . in pationoe until 14h., 4, when Cartiaa, with 250 men, opened =the steamboat Ranchero, whioh wan descending the river. laden with a valuable *ergo, Including geI5f1,0Q0 to specie, Ile had already succeeded in ground- ing the beat, which was protected only by PEj SCHALS. A court train worn a ntiy by the yonn Gorman Empresa was iia yaroa long, and o the ginest white Lyons silk, magnifioentl he ti embroidered in gold and silver., T p of, the material was about 01500 and th embroidery was don by twelve young girl who were working at it tor two menthe. Conut Von Moltke/a hones at Berlin is a very large one, with, no lees than thirty windows looking en, the ttreet.. But the famous old general uvea almost ekolusively in two rooms of it. Use is hie bedroom, the other hie study. The chief oruatnente of the former are a large photograpu of hie wife and A picture of her tomb. These are always wreathed with palm leaves. The Rev. Dr. Sohn Hall, of New York, baa hanging in Ma dining•room an ail paint- Kng of a Rooky Mountain seen° with a deer evnspieueuely:in the fore ent:I. The paint log was made by Aubert ,Bieretadt, who once hoard D. Hall preach trona rhe text, "As then allayed men, 'when Ferci oro�9ed the river the hart pentetb," etc. "You painted Jo nto Mexico with forteenhie men, attached words the picture, so to you it belongs," Cortina, aid, after ,a eberp battle, forced wrote Mr, lilerasadt in making the present**• Olio to retreat in• dl coor. I, this fight tion Ford only had two men wounded, while Thirty odd years ago there was a poor, Certitna'a lose ane tvrentynlne'man killed drawingmmter near Fcankfott,wliorejpiced acid forty wounded, Macros Ford pursued in the title of Deice of S=hleewag•8oletein- Cortina almoeb to the gates of Matamcree, Sendtrburg, Ginokburg, and is three pretty where he was influenced to halt. under guar. daughtera.. He was eo poor that he caul antees of allow the Ririe only f;3 a month each pin ' reamer arm el:axp ree nnas na money. Bat the girls "gob there sit th on the part of the Mexican authorities, By gismo;' being now re°pectively Empresa o thus distinguished. seri* Major .Ford In Racal's* Frineeas of Wales and Puel ese o after rata earned the esteem of Gena Grant Cutnberiand,. and �o a,n. Mr., Strait Cue berlend, the'inind roe, d,t the untbto&k of the wsr 1rainst the toils tbie story about Isabelle, the ex Q empire Cortina found himself at the head of of Speln. Ifo was exflorlmentlag what his hosts, a monarch of the naou�sitsinw. H'e trying to IIsOOVer ell artlole hiddee first espoused the cause of d1,(4ZIaoilian, but another teem ;cud, of course, waa a tb C bf atbal. b b b 1,444,° and before 141104Sept. w4,i819, macro sea, by e n opera of a, Ma oe.General: went well tilt they had passed the eorrid entered Frocvnavilio .at the 11.ad o atw t ed bora to' between theapart ments when aandeebirl air anonlited ilea, .svlip, aia> ilio rode Although illiterate be seemed a- .o of a merle carne int° iter wajestyfa bead to te. f� . command sad sync p a+aess4d 'y rqn ea @e ye . t qR 4•r4a, era 1aa vas . which ' nota oe €` ie he jest ear , After is wan done, t' Sro ,e argla,nizattgal„ A military prodigy,: . def „ ,, lag the desert y,arrl>ioa of �'oc- - wn b I- tiy," veil alae, 1 w.i><a kirkeepthin 174 Aar era e aq 4t w no',. at diner cera, bub not molest foreigner* or, of late followers, end selected men of Ability weeder e M Cil tit tr t, 1144 "Five "�ortiva 1 ' ve the ntinuteit flotettr et etre th b d 11' �.6 1p h' h M 1 Grins; '�rTtPa'hi' etlloo 1 �1k that pteal4s d Y t d ,4 d of h o lined with ititad05Ie, r5rrded merit, liin I ' ti'b . is % h d t , h fsisa d order kill to t humblest , l f 1 Pieced hitn*olf se rapport with the Mexican* and detailed detachments of aaela to meat; thea° orderer;' For the gra,eirea for hie lleutepaz;ts, in the history of the feted States ells of In MO be tweed to the border as Gov lou . a .. , of the line of thelkavo. Invested with power its a tfee, baying a pqPu ia t' f o ernor of'pamaalipas and military connwauder WAS,. IN rot 11,1415ay 14414lab'r respreine and despotio, be gave the frontier 1.410414roap the city viae bepesaibte, people the alteruativea of gnashing the in. Cortina had atationed p r'fiea of foot in the dtetuianta sgainit him, in whioh event be arulantbas, and the Amer canna, alma; forty; in propeaed to .recover Me patrimony, or ef ' .4d resist• encountering irregular warlaro, eitiaeor of ts Brownville who believed Haat that inter• Baia would be bcab aaubaerved by a batting palace with Cortina petitioned UPI!, E. J. Davis for elernanee, but others whose inter- ests and feelings were different, govt up al counter petition, twud the Governor de- olinod to sob. Cortina: thea resolved to prey without ceasing, Re had under his nom• mond what ho called "tba Ea Ins of t up to Aa atone, knookod, at the door, end de. all, being unprepared for or *nee, could only hide, The open the jail,kiliiug Jailer Jo bavia nnehained •the p�arrirone cin by the latter for ofi'anaivo pirrpoaea. n rapid suacoaslon Constable George Morris, William Neale, and two blexheanr were killed, and several, other' wounded, Day was now dawning, and Cortina, with the evident purpose of firing the town, rade broke and, were mended to be furnished spirts of Wren. tine, At this critical juncture Gen. Carve. jai Don Manuel Trevino. the Mexican Con Shiro Madre Mountains,'" and lawless Nought to gain through bite the advaw of political power and of unrestrained 11 to pluudor Texas. Then waa inaug Sall and Don Miguel Trevino influenced aaaa organized system of rsidtng the T Cortina to deelet from reedier outrage, and border by law)csa bands and detachma be and his band galloped out of town, dile idexisen soldiers that was only nom arable charging firearm* and ye11hig, to the forays of the Bsshi•l3azouks Theo Father friotion was developed on the Armed bands Would. leave Mexico ,generally 12th of 0atober by the ;.rrmid of Thomas in pare, corm) together et a po nt agreed Cabrera, Certiaa'as aeaond in command upon, then round up from 200 to 1,000 bead et the assault an Brownsville. Lora- of cattle and drive them ate a run into ing of that event, Cortina openly made the eeexico. The spirit engender I by molea threat that if Cabrera were eat released he bushiese led to the murder of ravellcre and would reduce Brownsville to aehoa, .His of all parsons in the lino the raiders' request was refueod, end Cortina on the march of whose support the o raidera were same tight, witb forty men, aroused the nob certain. be intelligent enough. to perceive the ciente river and took up his old [mestere at :iris Deering tins saturnalia of crime, whlah of mob gloom and eufferi`aeg, ° i"s t o nlother'a ranch, where he oolleotod men and tasted five yoarw, the reaid zits of Hoornovill.o, faithful wife from drudgery, and fur:deli arras, and from which he tient forth hie chiefly retired volunteer army officer* rand her with that best of :friends to women, Dr - t" Eagles;' es be aallod them, to hover soldiers, were all murd red; four Custom Pierce`erevorito Prescription, nowrecogniz• around Brownsville at night and aid every House ofiioot% were treat haro.aaly shot down ed and used in thousands of homes as a cm. opening. Having been reinforced by about at their posts, and a ° tain cure for all those delicate afflictions eeventyflsve men and a plevo of artillery of 1.1olfehon, a native o peculiar to ;hefemale sex. "Il`avonito Pres. the Guardia kletaionel'af Matamoros, under membered and '' cription" is the only medicine for women, lice commend of Col. Larsuoo, the oitistns rim x0 DIE OZ7 Wilber druggleta, '"under a positive guar. of Brownsville undertook en expedition unite from the mannfaaturera,, that it will Tbe note ruralist, Dr, 1 ligation of aura iu the yore 18 - Africa, under the till the Laud sof blaabakn lam valuable supplement to "Seven Yore in Smith appeared isi VIPIIDA: - 1x7.80 works together v:ill eeuatita of inforsaatiaa or tlaa cmeteore1ou ,raid etbn visited. 111* newly ler hardship* of his tray Holub in bis preface, only did her tender f arca of all prediaaio nal:,' fro sai oto ditoovery nt Aateris latest eventstendpa rats with, lrerY Home a boul artr. Active Agents are mtel tieg big money, G8, Pabltther. Toronto. Qat, a nr�n 1AadIllustrated . Cataloeua of R�yE�+, y■ ■ Es E�! D�y wigt be shad . a4d a t F. LA A 15, on. des :. ooh wF4be?eak reato,liap ta. Tt,ee animaraiheaenei and most pogararso,q et„ble,war,mandiklowelr: seeele.beeees 5'l tee eseraeleuerefiiesott:egrdtasrseaaor, and e,erythiogelse 44 ortinaofbuslae,s. !,'i+ex a^iird, . r. 3g}axits4Ga dener,$ a 1st, Private, Gardener, and Amateur. s,,alddnneacopy crow Gitatog n, before ardened. n.IAA paYY .1. A. SI i,$ 4 KENO Street (Three doers a le,t pt,ht tar e se> c>r.r+t'x•ea, s c`. t ,r.'x"c.=ca' hl lI tst ItEttamtil cNtv.KutarT, itroi Dealing, Toronto, rtuaerati 1u nbli., Cas'tnr,nia, Entire; Illinois, the other MAUS and previeeee 44'rite terdeerre Live alreelare, (I A$. 7ti. PrRQ9T5, fledp �7�tane.er, 001 for ar yiown ..,nes:. MR AND' MEL OROS MY ME. o os'ro ly' cum wQitkt8. PRINCESS ANI.! I'RONT ors. Perkins t Co. - Toronto= MONEY7a rit .4$ on t'0on9* 74W Beier Node/ay. 00ei_esereteriee Et"WKIhP,tl 1860 ' 72 -King St. B. Toronto, v'alane smeN0 1 tTRU S T , IMEY TreatrittiF ®CATTY, C HDWICKf CLCKSTOC� ,""T Barriste*'wn d S Vilat girls, Wellington St., eqr. 4b .cli, {o a . n of TORONTO. Algi`fC.. fHWQE FARMS: FOR SALE IH Au PART$ MAN FTOBA. P.arttaa 'a ahfag S4 purelusee improved eeenneitia, Farms,' from 80° sores "upwards, with honied** postreerien, call or write to G. it, SAMSON* 1;.[c- 4,rthur'a 11100k4 gate 4,, Winalpee tetormatlaa tnrni:.hed Ina of dame, end sett'aiw aeet making selection. TAZtf a►,7ESR'314' r' W41:1M ZeOelilkeVi Ar Ce+eaeatr Eerie er Ie,'rsiz¢ar Ansi yam' crop is a!}. if Frei always arae Tim Steele Fros G ,BRYt:en I 247t't? is Frevetlrenel Their handsome Illustrated Catalogue, with a hniutiful lithographed page of dowers, mailed F 0 I Ai F1tEI, t all Intending purchasers cnappl,eaticn pasteard, u.ete f 7llr.•,tsy- rs wu r.Pwr s e.ls n]l tato nese tar1aeiea of &egis, Iigyros, !fines, l a,c 9, dx, and how to grow *tem. Addrea- The STEELE:rrns,e .L,td,Tonoxvo evict 1 d slat mean maerelyte' I arwx A I4l)ICAI. ChaveU em ess- tithe dtveasoof 'Prr,FPSYt or F- II4M$10E141780 A. life long study. I wa rtnAree my remedy ten Culls the worst eases,. .17eeaase others beam galled 14 no reason ter notnowreceivtuga:eure. fiend atQeeefor'atreattsearidnFAtu trVITeia of heXN$ALL Or,8% Beaman. Give num; Lost Mee. It costa- ou minder Pe. to end it will cure you, drese 11.17, 20 West Adelaide TORONTO. Olean. v iverslty. meet et t itiiou title Fever Johustou's 41E, 4aelpls,' ;-An Set,,:m• is at epz4 RIraA, reeearg is a prsgres, et the grease• 4s, need Ir training azd toes- riaclpet. ,,tavex,.. orris. 'dill she 1RST4r; ilo ate witbstsn4, in debl „he inr'dieu; eli+nate onld not suecusnb t year to Exhibit bin aplondid col)' Tho Iiighli ()Piton. A oboorful, healthy wometi is the ligbt el home, bat through over•oxertioa In be efforts to minister to the happiness of the ltouacbold, bar, health is often Impalrod, or weaknes e, or diopiaooment broughe on, mak- lee life miserable, and clouding an otherwise happy home with gloom, Teo thoughtful and tender huahaud, In each caeca, should dlsterir,a IlRl1 &SOH urs«ryreeteBar. lingteu, Dot. e Native onions. ohaolmaator. noted Missouri, was Ws - eau mews. agalnetOortina. rhe expoalt+ionmetthewe. In fico, only such Amerieans escaped the give satisfaction In every case, or money my:ninemilos from town on Got. 24 anddrovo torah and sword as abandoned their homes will be ramified. Thin guarantee ban been him into a dense chaparral, from which he, to seek protootion n der the gena of Fort printed an thebabtle.wrapper, andfaithfully unseen, kept up a away fire. In trying to Brown. It was esti °ted that 2°30,000 head carried out for many years, Shell the Chaparral the Mexican gun stunk of cattle and 6.000 h rues wero stolen, as the The ety to for collars this winter is high. in the mud, beoam effect of which the rico of beef fell in Mat- DISMOUNTED AT Trig SEWED mscuasox, arnoroa' from de. top a pound, Arid Amer -, A very fashionable chap has rolling points open wide In front. and was then abandoned another gen be. Cortina, at oho tb k Dl Prof, Huxle`q On the Mliraatr 01 Health• longing to the expedition was abandoned prof, galley bin predicted that the time with its eimmunitiote The advance then ened a pr t g in t Lards da Y fell back, and before night both the will come when it w 1 be a reproach to be abandoned guns were in. Cortfna's camp, rendered mate 1 service It •wee feared sto'k. When one friend meets another he The'Mexioan troops bad only ten rounds of will as soon ask `" Are you honest!" as ammunition, and they did not retreat until against Te>t , "Are you well?" fora man will be oonsid. it gave out. It took the expedition three Diaz rev sin an t>ten. Sai*pd d Ganaleb, a erect foolish, not to say criminal, who gets days to reach Cortina's camp and three d d d fri d b sick, Suah a state of public feeling will hones to run back. As the result of thie ossa p sometime be brought about. Csriainly -it melee, four of the Mexican troops were arrested C d is true that the morals of health aro receiv- wounded and two of Cortina° men killed. Ing mare and more attention. A greatly in Cortina, now emboldened by anooees, re- woe `@ Di crossing number of people every year pre- cruited his ranted by giving fandangos* and Gortma ib n w n: vent the development of all blood, pnlmon• pressing the rancheros for beef, corn, and eurve lIanaa in the oi5y f Me ' , h ary and liver diseases. This Is proved by arms, for which, in many instanced, he gave the enormously Increased use of Dr. Pierce's receipts. Ile intercepted the mails, cut open and ran hod having 8 sated d Gelded Medioat Discovery, whioh nips all the bags, and had letters read to him, by d ff h nff f h' such ailments in the bud. whioh means be knew when the rangers $ "Man wants but little here below." Thie under Capt. Toibiu were expected, and so roe , g is partioulary true of medicine, and he really made arrangements to interce t; them. On QPithout the needs a very email %mount, provided it be of the 10th.orNovember•he received the rang- ging, AAs ] , •gh h the right. kind. D. Pierce's Pellets fill the and then retreat the advanta ea of gide bill in respects of size, and. are stupendous in ere with a shower of grape, ed. Oh thei'sumo day- Cabrera.'' Was forma cat o , moral sarronndmge point of effectiveness. 1f you desire im- banging from a tree in the suburbs. Eight hew uld probably have bean a greab man .mediate relief' from headache, "livor cora- days later Lieut,. Littleton„with thirty. men, �Tatrire laid In th m terials for a hero, plaint," indigestion, and constipation, they was ambusoaded by" Cortina on Palo Alto'b were warped and poisoned by hie will not fail you. battle field, and lost three killed,•one wound- b d The bread puff scarf is still very fashion- ed, and a prisoner, The dead, of whom the ble. prisoner was made one, were on the follow- ( Coll No More. loan horses were g`+ mbled off at fandangos, urea ofthe Diaz re- volution, ma • . , ' from the capital and ie. onun, tree o against Tejada and in #° nor of Diaz, to whom. he is then that h would reenme operations but at the termination of the n o warm an a en ofAmericans, ob- tained - and of Tamanii aa. He at onoo dna,threw him in prison,an Id hav shot him but forte .interfer- ence of Pr ,se ort az Fluid Becf. AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat. 24 dreullo hand and steam elevators. LEITCH & TURNBULL, Cneudiae Elevator Werke Peter and Queen streets 1IAelltaODl, 01l . Contains ALL THE ELEhl' unatien of FLESU, Itlilt,'SCltfi'a std INVALID seeking to regain strength, to muscle, ter CHILDREN to lay the foulsda to make rich gravy and ,strong soap. TUE FOR ONE CENT 4130 ACRES PREE, In pakcteorldentana, Broad Parades, Fertile Val. I se, Wood, Coal ane clear mountain streams Bend your addrrea ou Postal Card to J !t. UUCKINS. Palmer donee Block Tarorto, or, F 1. WHITNEY Gen, Pae°•, i t., St, 'aur ]line. o a hroken•downoldnia un- dero lloo were he lives 'eaa mere competency, his stook beennone • an sold to . alp in emu y t e s erere rola Is raids. but a ing. youth f his former self there is little left d mendicant boastingand be irritation to which his subject he might have been a goodloan ;. With andwithgood, him the at butc ey:. suer nn rags, What he 'Would Have'. Said. ing day found horribly mutilated, ° tied ted Watson a cough drops are the best in the other expedition was then hurriedly fitted spa (ch g y y, world for the throat and. chest, for the voice hie camp 04Coincrctina, webults eron6eleme.. Thetred fqr sac ) , g unequalled. See that the lettere Be & T. W. his camp +13ro ,creased ins: col fiiYonoe. The Bo�iby (k g are stamped on each drop. Streets of trownsvihe were now barricaded f tab night makes a virtue of noceasity) with wagon"beds, bales of goods;'etc.; and a tN " Old M P " ff Y asL �Bfack pearls and black diamonds are very a cry reached the capitals of Teaas and ° of, ed t t question my littl m , I h' k I popular ae studs for evening wear. the United( States for the extermination of sh aid " N thank ybn'" Bobby Consumption Surely Cured. Cortina l s i p To the Editor :-- The frontier was Nowlinj� like a pack of, l s . Please. your readers that I have a wolves, and on the -22nd of November a third pori informfoo the above namedhathave a expedition, intending to he the estermiest ' $y . its timely use thousands of hopeless ing one, emerged from Broveneville,wise a oaeeah dineen.pee oho permanently oared, :I shall band and a siapner. „It Ceneiustedo,of : 260, be glad to send two bottles of: my remedy rangerayunder command of Capt Tobin, the free. to any of your readers who. have con- eitizens of Beawi > vill�, eo steamboat Capt free tion if they will send me their L'"xpress nowt'Kennedyt•then a steamboat ;mpta1n, been rsneaok d ou It s, simple and P. {1.�address• send, T.A. SLOCUM, now the cattle ;king of },';tonus, and at ,all matter t a'r m e corns without for if M.C., West St„ Toronto. times a splendid Mellow, :and . the Indianola164 $lure iron lar Adelaide t., eo r company with a, 24' potiader' howiizer in eater aiicl bi{y a bottle of Pubm t The opium habit, cleptomania, the morphine habit, charge of Lieut, *Langan -of the. United noev0us prostration 'caused by the nee of tobacco, ' +' wakefulneee,mentaldepreseton,softenin at the brain. States Artillery.... M arta.. t. T, b raven t ing nl cone. , miles` above Brownsville,; Capt: +Tobin'1'efU `th + " aro„ premature old.' ago, loss of vital! caused ' by roar exertion of h , o g of n 1 to Bobby; who is down d ert. ea" If ave an orange, Bobby ?" ,nowin he is not allowed to eat ru'.1 . -„ o. r. reser were e an tin "Oh no, you wouldn't ; you'd say :' Yee, peas,.• aired Glass IOB CHURCHES, DWELLINGS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS. I .USLAND & SON 76 Hing St. W., Toronto. MERCHANTS. BUTCHERS, and Traders generally. We wants: G00D MAN'inyour locality to pickup or us. Cash tarnished on sattstactorg guaranty Address, O.. S.. P.A.G•�3, gyne Pens. Vermont, U. S. To Cute a Corny There is�no.laok of so-called cures for the eommoop ailment known as corns.. the vege- table; a mal; and mineral kingdoms have e for res, ie.' a i e ov pain, u with; go to any druggist otemedicine' alk Painless Corn Est::aotor and'apply it heedfa'eoted the,. h' i . '1 Get "Putman s and no o er. from any cause whatever. Men -young, old or mid. proceeded ;with the.'•remainder 4of the}iotas die -aged -who are 'broken down from any of the above clauses, or any cause not mentioned above, sen. to rocontioitrte Tne;udvanoo,'vgheil aedring ;our address and 10 cents in stamps for Lnben's Cort'na'e in;trenchmehte were firedup'on Trontiae in back form of Diseases of hPan. Book; for As fox LE TO TK iota atm h *i e HOUSE TB IER, Brick Machines With All the Latest Improvements, PRIM PRESS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS. IRON CROSS HEAD ANO BRACES. TEaMS T0`Sair 13RYnR8. SEND Fou Cu ctsnazt The Ea & 0 Gurney Cal +C3 a 0 mu. Ontario Mutual Life Cash Income for 1888... .... . . .. . ... . .... $ 393,074 00 New Assurances,written in 1888, ..... , . , .. 2,518,6i 00 it Assets, as at Deo, 31st, 1888 ...'..... , . , 1,313,853 00 Assurances in force, San. lst, 1889, ... . .... , 12,041,914 00 SPECIAL FEATURES Prompt Payment of Claims, Annual D stributionof Profits, Guaranteed Surrender Values, and Liberal Policy 'Conditions. WM. HENDRY, W. H. RIDDELL, Manager, Secretary FIRE -PROOF CHAMPIONS With 'Upright or Horizontal Boilers. rz, x6, no, 2g Suitable for all work, and o p Threshing. Snwinu�, Brlckmaking, etch. Traction Engines =s, 16 and no Horse -power. STRAW -BURNING ..ENGINES For the North-West. Send for Circular::; IP are. children who rheerft. rlfy loin »e the choses Whet. Breadmaker's Yeast *t ike subject beforeaia+• iltam,aa tried all the rest, So she knows it's the best, (Ilghteae, 'Gauer ker,bread is the whitest, her�buns are Sri And me eat all the"ancahes she dare set before us, BUY THE CREADMAKER'S YEAST. PRICE 5 CERA, the brain; and Imo! natural strength the howitzer and sixty men in reserve, and Shower•4roet'coaati .aro noW''all made of check geod>c, Most of thereere made with a �,, ei afraid that Kent - Feat ab the are, ou iva incl It ; into out a e e Library, one , a flourishing' institution, has praatfbally disappeared; that the Mechanics i + WITH y 0ANNON AND SMALL -;ARMS,. The M ntreal Star is sent voided and oeonre from obeery®tion. Address M. f, .� , '9'. Limon 47 wellington [trod East. Toronto, Ont d d to 1 g en manly and at y School "' have taken rices for efficiency' in the . wits an • ago tee , n' P cooking. and he was rapidly reoeiping reinforcements. and of er returning fire, were ,or ere o tea noun , fe11 back'. 'Cortina' n'aa +holo a goat sum, It t 'oho body at the expense of tits Fifteen boys in the Pittsburg .cooking that th M reantile p h M $ waving over his tent Affairs remained in this state until the ar: rival on the 15th of Deoemher ,of lelajor S. natitete has }deteriorated, and that boo - P Heinizelmen of the First infantry with sellers:say !hey fewer valtiablelacroks than five cfficere and 117 men, artillery, cavalry, hia Men: ranger wee: killed 'end' two ar- tillerymen were wouncled. Cortina retreat - they clia a few /years ago. If The Star le eielit; it ought not to find much diffioulty in effmting an intellectual revival among the bright young then who have gained for Montreal preeminence in manly sports. flA.TENTS pro on rect. Patent Attorneys and experts ; YoungMen SUFFERING from the attach' of early evil habits, th result of ignorance and folly, who find themselve weak, nervous and exhausted; also Idinnrz•Aedo and Orn MON who !are broken down from the effects of abuse or over work, and in advanced life Leel the oonsequenees of youthful axcese,send for and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will he sent geared•' to any address on receipt of two 80. stamps. Address, 4r. v. 'f.UPON, W,lllntion 01, 1e,° 7t'nronto.ai„r~ rti Toronto, Ontil Wateraus-Engine Warks Cos BRANTFORD ANO WINNIPEG.. Drill. �rraa�i Canada New Illustrated Catalogue now ready, Containing Description and Prices of the choicest FIELD, GARDEN & FLOWER SEEDS Malted free. Eveiy Fanner and Gardener should have a copy before ordering seeds for the coming season. Handsomest catalogue published in Caneda. Allan Line , loyal tail Steamship Sailing during winter from Portland everyThureda and Italian every Saturday to Liverpool, and in ee at LondOnderry to land mails and passengers fo. Scotland and Ireland.; also from Baltimore, 11w/fan fax and 05. John's, N. P., to Liverpool torimightb during summer Months. The steamers et the Glee g ow lines gall during winter,to and from Manisa Portland, Boston and Phirridelphia ; and during eon! nor between Glasgow rind Montreal weekly ; Gitiegat and Boston weekly, and Gllasgow and Philadelplif For freight, passage or othar information apply A. Schumacher :is Co., Beltbnore ; S., Cunard ra Co ; Shea 00,, SC John's, Nfld.' Wm, Thgrrns Love Alien, 1447 York ; H. Bouriler, Toronto Aliens, Rae Co, Quebec ; Wm. Brookie, Philadel phia H. A Allen Portland Boston Montreal: est. the World. nu! any.desited depla without stoping the team.' ly, even and properly covered,and at a unit orm depth lir horses commence o move and misses no ground when Steel Binder • otter whi'oh elite bolt ono cord, makee no waste etude rd in binding. N BROS. 111iN. Co., Ingersoll; Old