HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-7, Page 4THE } 1I1: A. Anus is talking of disposing of his beeriness toia lea ';sag; tD�Yn, ter Ab !; , ' ?* The Nueva sermon of the )ate David Welsh was preached iu the .1 atteuhury Wax. SANDERS, Editor, Thu adaY: Xarch 7t12, 1889, st, Church out Sunday evening last. Mr. J. C. Gilroy of this town was oue of the passengers of the illfated train which was wrceke L at St. George tl(;11t , last week, a A, lame amount of stock has been J. Dempsey. big conceal on Friday evening enin6, last was a grand sucee$s newts scally, financially and otherwise, Iso, AlI t 11reseat • enjoyed thettiselvc"s iu h firs class• manner, Mr.. Dempsey. deserve gnat •pritiat for the uaaanuer in which he got lip the entertainment, The selections were varied and draw fort rounds of applaause from the aaudienc The' Exeter Quartette, consisting of Messrs. Ruse, Senior, Roberts acid U ir- woad were encored every' tine, Prof. ?aeon}-, of Tutton, brought down the house in the rendition of ^�3Iedieiale ,Jack" and the "Frenchman." Prof. Money has unproved much of late and now stands seeoud to none as as eonnie sillger. Mr. D Tait was well received Yat his #first piece and respolalled to the *more ill his always affable manner. The,, instrumentals by Messrs. Callander and Dawson, of liinkton, were well rendered. The chub swinging by Shier And Pope was done in excellent style' and ahliost equal to that done in the cities, Mir, Doupee is a :good, all aarotind athlete and has entire control of the clatlls. Thc� tableau entitled "Jumping Toothache" was not up to the st;azlttaartt as the performers, whose 'faces ,tare blackened, bad their backs to the andi. cave, The stump speech by Mr Geo. Hodgins, Lump, was rendered, in as style that only 31r. Hoagies can assume wlieh caused a great deal of laughter. Tars Harry Brown favored the audaenee with a few of his best; selections, Read- ings by Philip Halls and G. W. Holman completed the entertaiaanient 'with the exception of a few aneedotes told by the chairman Mr. G. W. Holman one of which ran as follows: A. newly wed. ded couple were away on their weddin tour when one day the groom w locking very ; ad. Ila;* wife, noticing sometlahag wrong, said 'atom), dear. what are you thinking about.' -'0h,' he says "I am dant:br what tt nada .aro'having now; also tof the ht tl ys will be tanrn away from Me and laoaa° start;• I Kill AWL lea fact I was washing it was all over,' After theas 1a. tie and scald t al cies. Was assed annual at which all did ;ample justice after which ail repaired to their sever41 homes well satisfied with the evening's perfarinance. sttbscribtd for already for the proposed furniiture factory and, a committee has been appointed to prosecute Ole ean''as for snbseriptions, s 1 it is understood that a coaubinatioua has been formed auuongst the salt manufacturers of this section with head h quarters at Clinton and M. Juo, Rans e, ford as secretary. This means an in, erease an the prices of salt, At the weetinae of the creditors of Mr R. M. Bacey at the Grand Union hotel last week. Mr; ?David Welsh one of the creditors,and a respectable citizen drop, ped dead. The funeral took place on Friday last to eetnetery. It is currently reported that the cele, prated Greenway correspondent of the Tunes who wrote the very 'able? arti. cies of the Stat November celebration last fall la a resident of Clinton and is still a live, very modest titan and full of inuocenee,. Mr. Jas Moore has sold ant his gree, ery business to Mr. J, \v, Ir win of To- ronto, who will carry on the saauae, 3Ir Irma isa gentleman of a Iarge e;xper- Yenee as well as of capital and will no doubt do an extensive trade here, Au Irish "eviction"took place here on Monday last, the parties to the trans ;action being an English landlord and aria Irish tenant from Galway, The tenant's wife remarked that "brad as the Quid Counthry was, this was tin toines' worse.";, Fartjullar, To lata for Iwet week. , D. and W. Hawknoy, A, Hod - and d Miss Martha Moat's were the este of Mr. Simon Campbell ou $un. ay last. Mr. R. and Miss M P. Campbell, and Mrs. Geo. Gallinger who has been visit ing their friends forthe past week, re- turned home on Monday laid, On Friday evening last, Mr. Thos. Rundle gave .his litany friends a gra ld ho owing lett r the rough. statta of the weather. A limber of he invited guests from a distance were ar;hsent. The party was the best of the season and all were highly pleased with the kind and hos. __ _ _...._,..„ linable manner in which they were en- tertained rtained by their .host and hostess. It Zurich School Beliort, ,i was near daylight when they passed through our town. The I.0.1.,coueert on Tuesday even anti WAS a complete success. At seven o'tloek the visitors began poring in and at eight o'clock the: hall was pack- ed to the doors, after which the chair- man Afr. Borland opened with a< short The following is a correct report of the pupils ofZuriela Public .School for the month of February:— St:Niuls D1vtsxoN. FIFTH CL:t+h. —George Bneh'tatnn. FOURTH 1_::l.ASS.—�\'. Iles, a'J;3; Jalna Kibler,42G; E. Steinbnelt, 680; Rosaa speech setting forth the advantages of llaunelt, 595; Wm. Johuson,569; Emma I the Order to young and old, andiuvit- Tohnson, 439; Laura. Williams, 529; ung elk intending to insure their lives, John. Gies, 412; Lydia Strempfer, '383; to do so in the I.0. F., ns it being a. Annie Lippert, 260; Float Hess, 496. safe and eeononuealcompany. Hethen Titian mass.- ass - Lydia Koehler, 419; galled upon the performers and the llorae'e Hardy, 558; E. Becker, 502 ; feeling of the meeting was manifested Nettie Well, 726; Alf 11oritz, 570; by round niter rotund of applause greet Louisa. Koehler. 361; E. Ziminerinan ing each one as they c tine forward, 387; W. B ker, 470. after 'which, the meeting broke up by Staten CLAM—Milton Buchanan. I all singing, God save the Queen. The 725;E. Hess, 708; Ida Brill, 738; Ma- proceeds amounted to $30. tilda Well, 798; Wm. Derstein, 520; W., Schoelllg, 602; E. Sipper, 690; N. Sar. erns, 362; Emanuel Faust, 651;R. Beck- er, 440; M. Demuth, 226; Allie Johnson, 559; M. Douu, 430; W. Demuth, 412; T Happel. 406; Clara Smith, 275; 3fartlia Strempier, 570. SiscONT DIvisrox. Tnmltn CLASS. Leyina Prang, 861; E, Wurm, 1098; L. Benedict, 1424; Tillie Johnston, 1296; M. Rummel, 1151; S. Faust, 961; J. Derstein, 1002; E. Geiger, 1135; S..a.„lr,aras, 723; M. Ran- dall, 896; A. Hess, 607; A. Woolley, 384; John Deiehert, 1379; W. 1)um- inert,1306; E. Schluchter, 39; L. Kibler, 1007.. SECOND Sn. CLASS. --T. Randall, 879; M. Latta, 321; F. Fuss, 698; C. Sippel, 1202; 11. Bender, 368; G. Steinbach, 1174; Ida Well, 1158; L. Williams, 971; L. Foster, 58. SECOND JR. CLAss.—F. Holtzmann, 808; L. Dummert, 1100; S. Randal), 518; S. Zimmermann, 639; H. Rupp, 157; R. Hideman, 1091; E. Hauch, 560; John Weler, 669; M. Kibler, 1238; J. Johnson, 555; E. Schnell, 445; Fannie Hatter, 510: Wi liam Greb, 841; L. Brenner, 843; J. Schivalen, 195; N. Buchannan, 661; P. Haberer, 759; C. Williams, 799; L. Deichert, 1048; E. Moritz, 723; A. Smith, 352; L. Prang, 653; R. Strempter, 571; W. Deiehert, 604; L. Zimmermann, 382; W. Dum- inert, 439; Thos. Hatter, 27. Average attendance for the month, 130. SA.Ir. J. LATTA, . t SAM. M. HAUCH,) Teachers. Clinton. Mr. John Wallace left on Monday last for Dakota. Mr. L. H. Dickson barrister of Exeter passed through here on Monday last for Goderich. Mr. cr - R.M. Ram- has made an assign-. b ment for the benefit -of his, creditors to Mr. D. A. Forrester. , A large number of people -will leave for Manitoba and the Northwest, on 'ruesdabt f2thinst. Mr. P. -Welsh is hpme front Michigan he having come ov„rto attend the fun c.ralf o his father. . It i s reported that Mr. Chas.s: Spooner pooner lull. gd into the butchering' business on leaving the hotel Mr. Albert lvay hassold out his butch ring business to Mr. ];l:aaaeke,and , in tends removing to the''Northtivest. L. H. Dickson's List of Real Estate fr Sale slipo€Hibbsrt,containing s100 nacres,e tThis' farm will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. The farm is situated nuday between Seaforth. and Dublin, on the Huron Gravel Road. Church and School within WO yards of farm. Soil the best in the county.A properties sale on the bember st f toms, includisoe for of the most desirable residences in town. Some property in the villages of Centralia and Farquhar, which. Can be bought cheap. For further particulars apply to March 72h,1683. L. H. DICKSON, lmarrister, Exeter AUCTION SALE i t .40 In Pt. colanh Bite of the villllagetof Exeter, in the County of Huron laborer, deceased.. There will be sold by Public Auction on SATURDAY, rho 16f�da�of�iasoh,'89 on the Premises Simcoe. Street., Exeter, at the hour of 1 o'clock 'p.m., by Ma. Jour GILL Auctioneer, subject to such conditions as shall Hien be produced. The following valuable Yillage Property, All and singular that pertain parcel or tract of land and ppremises situated lying and being in the Village of Exeter, in the cn of badeu Province perches ontai containing admeasurement nt 16 be the same more or less being composed of part of Lot "F" on the map or plan of the sub -division of part of the north balf of Lot number ft fla e.nt n the firstC0 .cession of the Township of Lmaborne, known' as "Willis Survey" and being lot number forty-eight on the xn ap or plan Of the sub -division of said lot F, known as "Bissett's survey. This property is well situated and has a comfortable 1i storey Frame House with good brick cellar and a good Frarne Barn' thereon, also °hard and soft water. TERMS OF SALE: Ten ler m cent. down at Ant , of sato an .. d alaace in two weeks without interest: For further particulars apply to Alm II. Pincombe or t9 Elliot 4i Elho: , eldministrat ix 'vond'oke solid E eter. ' Exeter. THE WINING `Ci1l 1.It1 1E11e. FAVORI"l E. JOE ONLY SEWING M? CHIKE �.T-. THAT OWES ...,,... PER) TSAITINCWON otltcattair 28�M ` UNION S4tMRE,N,Y RAt.LA0,[ arraau,, Rim ATLANTA GIA. T FQR :epic ax BAHFAISHC9GeCAeL George Vickers, Kirldon, PIENDIB H1SFS NO CAPITAL REQUIRED 'den from. 25 to sa years eras inereaat their income locally, or gat permanent en}. paovntent. My burnoose i5 re.p?d.ly gruniatg and 'verysaxcoessful. Special nwincementa Oven W l; aaiela iucur4 saecess, teeters ,amad ex- roosestopermanent men, Big commiA.atons tor. local work ifdeeired. Don't engage until von write tae. Apply to Fred. N.'oungt New }aagueuclNutseries,ltecboeter,3i, IiISSOL ION S SAUWELL ricza.ED, Having dissolved Partnership,the business will in future be conducted by RICHARD PICKARD Weioinorder to reduce the Stock will offer Immense Bargains for the next 30 day.. r Old Prices ax'a1izo& Don't fail to see the unprecedented values offered ilr. Dry -Goods, .Boo. Shoee, Mantles, �, ltezd, y made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Furs, Gr eeries, Crockery, &e, Ladies corsets fon 20c per pair upwards, !lace Curtains 45c. Ladies and 011.11cIrem gloves from 5c upwards.; Boys Tweed suits $1,,50. 12 i 'realer . Greys Cotton. 3o per yd. upwards. Fine colored 44 piece Tea!Grey R l felt� r r� mitts �.�0, He��\ �, all wool, grey flannel for �Qc, Melts boots 1.55. Tweeds from 350 upwards, Big Inducements will be offered in all departments, Colne and see for oue l . _ � �eS, NM PIC D, Successor 10 Sairiyve1I & Pickard, Exeter. Eax: ..weU cam► " 5.o a C .'s C7 .0 a to 1, pee FAlot Moil 4o to sass, phis 55 mister.41 we 40411107o% ►t t: we ere a, W Oren, wbe e7 ts1l eOluur aeW,.tad eyes ateetk,ian .Meat aereets ler, two nr, 114le press twtMMe tato tae *slave isitute. I Morervaeet; adoptWt,e sretkmitti,ti.4 mow '* 1. the *Ma. ottela et, nota,', 1'waist Is tae woad. Aa M Se etphet tegrlra . (55*, as wt . W es at owl ter M. retie rt+tne tat b.sI +ta+rfei-tuutmtoo la tat w.dJ. e,wm 1140 aaesKanl.serr u.r 7 , amts, asews taorthortn Ao.rl.a, T1atVZ44,VU.,Pts 4'MeAiUimago. *a**,. 7 -have pts ertroeeii r r• CO.;•gel tt.f Seca S. GIDLEY. THE LEADING ndertaker AND Furniture Dealer OF THE N ? URE SlckIteadacheandrelieve all the trouble* incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Disslness, Nausea. Droa'siaeta Distress after stink*, Pain in the Side, Arta. While their most remarkable suocesc.lts* been shown in. •t curing SICK. Headache, yet C .rrrra's EtrrLs Lma Pius andequally cable in Constipation, outing preventing oying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver aad regulate the bowels. Even if they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer rent tr distressing fortunately their goodness oes nend here, and those who onee try them will find these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. But after all sick head is the bane of many lives that here is where we make our great boast. Our palls cure it while others do not. Caiman's Crests Clea PILLS are very small and very easy to take. One or two p1111 make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle :action please all who use them. .Invials at 25 cents; five for $1. SOW everywhere, or sent by mail. 011TSS k2 1C2E1 a*., E.w to*. hall NI, Small Dom had .Trig' :uentlon. Just arrived at the 111111l� --tir-o c ery. A Fresh Stock of Oysters, dad 's - da,s 50s00 es Solo na,Nanis S� seed ' and IR011 Bacon; and Lard. Also a goodstocl1 of. Teas, . Sugars, CoffeeP 'Spices and all f kinds ,of canna goods on hand. Fresh bread and bans. Dashwood Roller Flour for Sale. . ICI I have an immense Stook of Furniture and Undertaking Goods now on hand, which I will sell at right prices. Mil:taking & Emba�mingi A SPECIALTY. An examination of our Stock Solicited. e1 S. GIDLEY. C�a��cd Hods Having purchased the EXETER O TURJIIJ� FROTOLT from Mr. A. Cottle I am pre- parecl'to do all kinds of Turning on short- est notice. Gates, Land Ri 1 lags Etc. Turned out on the . shortest` possible notice. r Sorne New and,Se and -Hand Foot; and Stennis l'n Miachaner , f.. r S'a 4 "CALL., OLICITED. tl rapr e:or,: HOOSIER ?T11EL FRAME DRILL Guaranteed the best in the world. NO OTHER DRILL made can be instantly regulated to run at any desired depth without stopping the team. NO OTHER DRILL, will sow all kinds of grainthoroughly, even And properly covered at a uniform depth in all kinds of sou. NO OTHER DRILL commences to sow the instant the harseS comatf nce to eve, and misses no ground when starting in, siker turning.. NO OTHER DRILL equals the fi'oosler when used as a cultivator and no mgle"cultivator .surpas,ses it, thus combining two imptanne»ta in one. NOXON'S NEW STEEL BINDER See the greatest invention of the age in our new Knotter which cuts but one eord,naakes no waste ends and saves cord in binding,also Improved Mowers and Horse Rakes. HENRY JONES, AGENT All Communications, address; to HENRY JONES, Exeter, Ont. THE BEAUTIFUL IND CLEAR CUT ---TYPE:--- from which this paper is printed was supplied by the TORONTO TYPE FOUNDRY Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies,. J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 & 82 Wellington St. Wiest TORONTO, ONT. CLOTHING A. J. SELL, . Mar St_ EXETER - ONTARIO, Has .now in stock GSD=S, IN '1711.E 'FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings:and Trous Brings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted 'Cloths 411 made up in the Latest Style,at best ,. Rates. A. J. ST'ELL.. :n1011l Hotel c=411'7— orrz�:i x1 . r T p S.. Eiilarged,and IniptOved 30 rooms elegantly furnished Tables supplied with,; all 611e; Delicacies of,the season,: 9 convenient,sarplo rooms.;.; Hon 'e' , heated with: lint, air. „Electric bells: throughout aFP ate• ilei►` "r.. r ,►� . r r�'J• at,ar .r,,, d. TUFTS, PRQPRIl TOt A FEW MOIL 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES —o—JUST; IN AT—o— SENIOR'S. Dont fail to see there. Also a New lot of Chromes and Oil Painting's, such as you have never seen before in Exeter.. The highestfinished Cabinet Photo's in the County, $3 per doz. Ja S9311011a IF 'YOTJ WANT A Clhhl:111d Eiiy:TShave Cq iy ,stir k rm OR. He AT 'PH Ai Fiou: s: BlockL