HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-7, Page 3ably higher than my 'feet, and 49 4aW.
cencluded that he tied beers hunted end RUSSIAN' agr.
perl-aps wounded and. had 'become widen P.arsmit
and desperate.
ono )404 moi4 44 Qom from as so *SilmAlweeWbeasno4141 tlimirne4wrevrtviodlineesweirsx, 17 se
send Me to bed for a ample of dere We
The Dieletien of the Dinner -Plate.
From an sortiele by Charles Bernard, in 4
Singular Allsestinre:wilit a Ilion Ix aradta, recent issue of the " Chrietian Union," we
glean the following interesting thorogiate m
Were iding on 0. strip of sand with the Writing of Cherie! Marebea "Region to the evolution ot the woeful 000kieg and
1 vont out with a pub/ of Trip,of, ofaooro heavy forest at our /lobe and a eoatteriog of the Eternal Fire,''.ng jntemung 01U eomfort at the Present day
the Unden Refill:Sy Wing utensils seemingly so necessaryenecessaryfor
' faeta :-a-
to search for a man eaten -Who had greeted line Of beebes on our 4 It, when our inten-
Ncwo gLynn, the fellowt
t deeaetation to the week I -re had, be. Oen wee valletteaornethiog skulking in the Itheet the Teat oil WON Of Httesla and their u lio doubt, the Anst men used cavea anti
ead, driven roost of the natives out of a h0SheS. We diernounted, three of us, and probable effect on the American market : tree* for houses, and ate such wild 1E914 44
seetion five miles square, and the number of Crept forward, Beattering aa we went, X Mr, Mervin writhe on this gueetion of they could Ond in the Wooda, and the /nth
people it was said he had eaten watt above nuoie for * hubs eileeeee I boned to seettre An:14Y f. "in America there are mere then nkof kluckube wiWiltt ol4e;c4C14austeatight:Yriesoo. owldbmoyaerargoss,
SweutY. The tiger% lair was in 4 large thio 4 better cilxierVAtueti, and, as X tented It, 20)00 drilled petreleem welts. . Deka pos-
oet which hacked against te cow; range being on my haude eeke seeeee, I came taco games 400. But 4 angle one of these 400 bablY know ithont.the wild gourd, *ea need
of monoteres„ in the midst of tins thmkot to face with a his lion who wen eltolkiog its bee thrown up es much Oil in a day es near. f.„t for A drinitin_g-04f, or, cut in two, for 4
wee On OK ram, and the beaat probeh a hollow. I Was within friar feet of his head ly the whole 25,0e0 in Americaput together. oomernelete. They used ib. afterward for 4
ly had bie bed there.-- ,There wow: ten ef no when ,i aiecovera4 bina- Bit OYea Were Thus es very wonderful, but a More striking Pet in which tolooll water and =eke the
in the party, ineledabg oatites, zued we had ePeo 'very widen and hie breath Came to Mo faet IS tkot the CoploVirstee of the well Prehietorie sonPe"
begun to beet up the thicket when I 'Upped 11'10104010W; 004 but he neither growled 40414 heve reined ite °wove and broken "When these old oeVe-dwellers began to
into 4 bele and wrenched my ankle. Tom oer moved for 4 Nog minute, We looked tha /wart Of the emeineer who bored it!, After '430 Wards for Mon -Totes then WO Meet
,Iettled me, for the day et leaat, and, i was IRO emit other** eyes, and T was EQ over- having yielded enough oil in four months when -the bottontel the gourd was smeared
maiaterl ,bosele tocamp, which was, nbege loot come that I -Wee like one nuelyeed for the to leave realized in America at leant Aleelne, with day, it lutod much 101.303e The
a mile from the thicket, A store of ouy chair time. At thet 6110rO dilltanCe his eyes had 000. "In Penneylvereie that foentain would Ward, ..inless_ very full of water, would
wee made for me at the foot of a tee, and the brightnem of eleetale lighten Indeed, beve lassie its owner's forte= e three Oa. 0,rech end borne The oloy hardenedio kbA
one oithe eativelArali left to attend te my they seemed to been Woe, and the feeling 000 worth of ell flawing otseof the wellevery Wog and Proteeted the gourd. In alone
wants. I beard the hunters beatenghtn the did net leave me for four or five nays. day. Here lb has made the owner 4 bank eeree bright oeok found that if the gourd
game, but the Pain took away my meemet After a minute or ea the lion uttered 4 rept" These words were adeleemed to me burned out iniide the dans the dee' itedif
In the hunt. I had my beet off, an4 the *en low growl,, and eat up for it better look at by an Anterimon petroleum engineer aa I would keep the eizepe of the gourd; and
was aoftly rebbleg my ankle .with, body, MO. I was On. MY beeelt and ha entifredi et eeeeel elongaide 4 well, that had buret the *Ma the first clay pot was hem. CUM and.
when all of A sadden he feAtened hie eyes Me and OPOOVered hie great teeth, P/rhapi Previous Morning and out of width the oil Miter shell* Aloe banished pietas for the
en something behind Me, and his face he- another might have fired at him, as hie big WU flyin=lere the height of the goat gey- early eatere of doh dienees.
owe *err* 4t-doken. ', '" bead and cheat, °gored 4 target like 4 horn minim , with a neer, tient maid be "Our worn oponeetwe is bore e woe-
. ,
44 VilWit Ix $1,-41734[014 X whiepored, doer, end I hed mY gun reader, beet T hadn't heeed eavered mtleutoeund.'... geese word, theeteellene, whiele mune *fin' 0
"INTO ---,the tiger r he intsped, in mply. t1V) Power t0 *Se my *MM. 40 growled Matters 114474 somewhat imPfolteo dune white shell; aed while thio Aloft not prove
u Is bo close At hand I' Again* and then_ _turned around and *nuked that gine- The 'edi to, colle44•34 in P'041 °I" t•hotPeteolaiit Pietoe wed° caP'ki kern* easa
ss Not fifty feet *wow, eaohib, and looaie off eluough the buelsea and get nwoy. Wheo meetvolte 0 )3 -thus Row *PP eroeobing the It Is curlew), be04444 the kit plates were
ght at nit r my oomporono owe up levee too week to dimeoelone of hike*, end pipe lines heve really sea.ehenw
ley gun we* ten feet away_ and we were welk to my horse, and OA rewaxing camp I been laid leading to the reerwries ora_the . .."1.mt thin three hundred yews ago por-
perfectly helpless,- Ovetheed wea rteretys hed tone to hod. 0044. The 'Apply keep! up yrithone demeta eetebe was hardly *news: In Europa an was
but before I OW mule my feet end poll Rtion, for, he Mr. edema pewee one, needv worth Ite weight in geld. Weedea dinner.
myeelf up he A branch the tiger would bevel ' ell the welts are Whit the Atoetieani would plates were ev_nday war, with perbans
UM. 9904ider exteemely copieue gnu. .A. well *deer Melt for Wh-elf yen **Mild 4 t,
" CAA you Well the hnettele over year *Winn; 01147 fa teW handrad Pllo**Ot 011 ,* Zee iirat pots and Ogee Were bilek•rod.
heed 1" I inked of tho native. T Is to be eperied en day * reeky: arm would not emaider arcade white diatk. COO yeent OA yeere of search,
"Yes, WO, but I Cannot hove you," May o. working.itheee Thi* le not remarkable, 8A1444$ study, trial, ondexperlmeett. Oaly 4 SIOW,
" Seve yonreelf if hen owe or we thell thot the rof the Bekt3 weliehee 'IOW Reheat peepue jute no, Gehmee, mein or
both be kneeked Over. If yon epringinte the erlok hen left Beale:14 ed 5000,000 maltase, or ten Orem the largest weeld epend the %Me And labor to find out
tree the tiger nmy be frightened off by year yield In Amerioe, 313- twooty.feur bourn hew to mane oporodelndionePplote. When,
actlen," eMant ht lower California. The eepply le macre node? ;Waal, alma early in the fifteenth oentery, poems of puree.
The men etreighteeted up and enedeA2 fl florin apeeting Well! MO Waft Plugged net lx: *welt lain were began to cOMO from China, they
wing, Pul the next blatant was gale In the Mr. Josepb Cbitnberben has reakoetl, 4 proper merken OWintle the /OW pate Of attracted *great deal of attention, aod way
branches. Be Wait herilly _ quiet belore I Zona the lamp% Wed* PentolenreeNtlhel nretherie ShOt doWn people 'Wed to find out the sweet of thew
feu:teen fee:stelae at Belekhard, preferring nmenfectore, Men 91 Lieg_49§, ortiste, end
hard the tread, of the tiger In the detiteirt,
e few yard* away, aud the netive lie lebrAtod
The mar f the ChInewo Emperor wee in the reeenwhile to bey whet they required ouneet workma in umny Irrecho spent their
with e *pleader. „,
ed 1, from 0de:boring well proprietor& 0404, 1044 in trying to make teeth 4 sitoplo thlog
A alight *him 0artb(103/40 was 144 at lionally *fOAAtain it Opened to exaMine Re ea a white ell.W. a plate, and to melte. it cheep,
In 4 low *Agenda the doer cense u
44 $4y year prayer*, mobil); be te beret" ion, Indio:we yeeterdete. oundition,h when itl le alweYe fonna_thet the Duly witbinavery few yeushas it been man.
wee lying at full length, my heed co It is uloniettel filet 70 lieu were:10e 4 pPly re' PI US *4 WrieR capped oaf:whored on a Imp :male, mud sold 09 Cheep
Merit gale OR the North Sere
g .bes been ettnek in the anion ere
between St, ,Teho end Portien
4 Freeldeot litarrison will peatb-
Ively edine to be noreinetod for a emend
It la reported thee Geo, Idethordee,
Wench connenteder, has been reerclored
A Zundbar deepen* e*ye the German
nelealonsrien held captive by the Arab* have
been liberated.
The IttfeWeICTIV4 tbrongbeet GerAlitay
inereming in re:verity. RAlway lereffie Se
loualy loterropted.
Dr. Cavern: heed of Measitoha beide
reached Detroit, on their way to the
lora kir in Parle.
Over 1,000 letorere have lett the Talmo*
of Pastime during the put week, and. week
on the canal hae beeu elmeet stopped.
Meyer Grant, of New York, h probing
with eiget the telegeaph and telephone cern,
ponies In regerd to- burying the wires.
Bonne.; Deed* darn 11, 1889 —At Hel-
ier, on'the west shore of the Gulf of Bengal,
every move, lie leaked me full in the hoe 11 Amor. ptlhaette.the houseemather need net break It
On Yet basset every thee the mekl3reak* as dionere
end uttered Omni growl, habit/ Wee net lone
of anger. I tow that the beeeli wee fall of ed- "Cley hi 44 earth. le Carat AA did the
eurimity end wonders and hope epteng op mil under out feet, and ell tholund on the
in my heart. Re atified et My right heed, theme from the moire, Heat and cold, the
which ley been& ont, rowed his neite demo. rein, wind, and foe, ever weer the rocky
to tny tetuesel feet, *ad the tame. of the :sew, teeeknon mid grinding then. up into
brenely seemed to delight him, He ley at AU oboes* and gravel. Teem in tern are
down mei began to lick ray foot and mktg.
Hie tonne was het u fire mad en remelt as a
cereal, and I winced now ma thee ispite
of my efforts not to. It wee ItOnte _ u to&
for the num vita, and he was dtgutad.
Ile licked ewey vetil I though had
taken ell the ehlu off, mod then he r.tleil
over end over on the bleelten se ye
sun A cat do alter feedbag.
The hunters and beater* ben been qui°
all thie time bevies come tegether to
maned, but new they began to shout and
eons -tore, end the noise came down to rot
very dietinetly. The tiger set up and
snuffed the ale and. growled. A gun Wee
fired and he growled again, looked up at
tit° twelve in the tree, around the ono
and down at me, and then dellberete y
walked off into the weeds. Next: dey he
wits rented out of his Ilk hy the beetere,
and, without being wounded or unduly
angered, he °barged atneell thane with greet
ferocity, and killed two mid wounded
Eighteen months later, in the Ben
district, I went out to a village coiled
day with two efneere, to see if we °meld not
rid the neighborhood of a .rnandeter vibe
bad as bed *reputation as the other. The
beast was to hold treat be entered the villaeo
almost nigbtly, invariably comirg aud going
by *oertain route. no nights were bright
moonlIgbt, and when the nu went down we
eommanded the people to keep quid and
took up the station, selected be cover the
approach. I was the neared to the hub:—
Indeed, I wee seated beside ono or the huts
which ha,d been visaged by ite terror otriek.
en owner. The next man was 150 foot
away, and the next 200. We bed plenned
for a converging fire on one putieular
The tiger bed always appeared betweon 9
and 10 o'clock. Ten (Mock came and WO
had seen nothing of him. I pulled out my
match again,
and had just noted that it was
twenty mhiutes after 10 when 1 hoard a
loud purring °lose to my oar, and next in
Mani the man-eater was beside me. The The Pope is reported to be uneasy over
Shock was so madden that I almoet fainted, the entiJottnit saltation in Canada. It
le he fears that if a bitter feelmg ahotdd
and there must have been e full minute when aaid
wax saiaaassiaas of win,was going ob. Ariaa it might cause serious eoinplioations.
On the ground beside me was a large red silk Pigott has confessed that the Parnell
handkerchlet. When I could readies what letters were forged. He did nob appear
wasps:ming the tiger Was playing with that, when called in court text day, and is said to
exactly as a at 'would. Ile tossed It havo "bolted." .Atall events he could not
up, delight 11, pnlled it along the he found.
ground, and for three or four minuteA mind reader nes been operating onGen-
he lied great fun. When he was through 33oulanger. tie gives Preaadent Carnet a eix
he rubbed against mo and purred, and with months' lease of power, and traces ,,Boulan-
mV left bend. I smoothed his back. The old ger'a march on Germany via Stuttgast. The
fellow purred louder 'and louder, but after a general says the Interpretation was con
moment some noise in the village disturbed rect.
him, and he uttered ant d egovil and walked
moffinuwteitsholautet rerenatwtemptegd tmo 1:es,apuLto-uttit Getting liead.v to be Buried Alive -
window of a hut, got mug& in the small "I propose," said Dr. Tanner, the feeeer,
opening, lira We killed him -while he was " to ao discipline my body and mind that I
thus held 'a prisoner. There was is wit. can take npon myself at volition a, trance
nese as to what happened between the atsts,,and while in this oondition be buried.
tiger and myoself. Unknown to one, oeso 1 shall remainin the grave four weeks, then
of the hunters had Armed back to one of be disinterred and, I believe, resuscitated.
the hate for a clrink of Water, and he saw Impossible? No The &et Indian hirleobe
the. tiger ekelkinealong _between the huts, have suocesafully demonstrated for centuries
having entered the village by a new route. that it oan boo done. The study I have given
He was not oveifferty feet from us -as the this subject has revealed much to me.
beast made himself iSQ agreeable.Many of the secrets of this performance
It is reported that Ryppellte, the !neer-
gent ludas in lialtl, ameseinated by
one of hie own men, who got 420,000 tor the
Jacob B. Goodman, cashier of the tre
eett o co of Cook ocuntyt Th., has di*
rod with 15,500 or 47,000 of coon
Bon. J. A. Chepleau writes Gust he le
troubled with bronchitie and will not return
to Canada =till bah thoroughly restored to
Ruston, the Burlington engineer wile abet
and killed a atriking ewitclunan named Bd.
Rill during the great strike, bee been ac.
The cowboys of No Mines Lend hive or.
dared the citizens to vacete witltin 48 hours.
Some of the seethes have barrloeded them.
solver and will fight.
Two etwdoelone of natural gas intim Pitts-
onrg, Paydhtriet tosterdey wreaked seamed
dwellings and injured the inmates, one
woman, It is thought, fatally.
_ Jena Chriatianoiert, editor ot the "Arbeiter
Zeitnng," of Ohlobago, advocates a revolts.
tion of feriae and blood as the only means of
remedylnp the present social system.
9 tweet Inclustrial Kb
tee vib Wended land
To some toe institution;
Ply are seltultted,
tiring *eel et the women of Now
making *het city foremeit in the
r centore, With *II their ether eu-
rprisea them: lethea hey* found time to Olin ao mowed Iota new ehepee, In -Os boas
Tile Wien of Chtiet. A BRUTAL H SBANO.
Dannecker, tbe German sculptor, exam -
ea eight years opoo a marble etattes of Christ.
..ge bed Orevionely exerohed nes geeing upon
gobjerote taken from the Greek ana lawmen
mythology, and bed won agreat reputatioo
The oeleorated atatoe Arladne t40 gar-
den of Herr Bethmeee ot Yraelefort is hie
week, MUM Of art haye gtven hiee reek
with hlieheel Angelo and Ceseova.
When he had lahored two years upon hie
etatee of cbrist„ the work wee, apparently
rodahea. He called ineco ttedio a little
gWl, anti, direetleg her ettentana to the *tot-
ue, *eked hers "Who be that 1' Sb.e replied,
" greet mao." The satiat turned, away
aieheartened. Ilia ertiati'e eye had been de-
ceived. He had failed, and his two year;
of lebour were thrown away. But he began
anew, and, after smother 'near had peseed,
he invited the eitild into ine ORM°, and re-
peated the bogutey, Who le thet 1" This
time he was net &Benoit:steel. After look -
log la silenee for a wtdir, bee curiosity deep-
ened into awe aed thankfulneee, ends buret -
Ing Into nears, able said, in low and gentle
t " Ideffer littleolaildrenocene nate me."
It was enough the. mete:tore:1 Matinee of
the oliald hi,d divined Me meaning, and. he
knew that hie work wee gt100414 °
belieVed then, eoel weer eiterwarde,
thet itereselbeen fewpired of God to de
that Wog. He thenghlt thet he bed Seen
4 viitala chriett 30 hie eolinet7 vi
Re had but treenferred to the marble
the Freeze *aid: the lend had *shown be
him. Tieing fame attracted the atten-
tion of Napoleon, and be wes remeesteel
to melee le a Mtge of Venue siedler to the
Ariodue, for the pliery of, the LMVre.
tia refused, Kin, "A MAA who has VAR
Christ would commie immileeee if he 0Onlci
employ Me at in the cording of 4 man
geddeen Aly ere in hencderth a come.
crated tiling,"
la there not en experience of communion
with God in. Citriat, not uncousown to na-
tore bellevera, which. eqnivalent to 4
vision oi the lend, 434 which renders life
and Men weeks eViM ita hneeblest oeou-
petione, teemed? Rattan mu/ Speettle art
oontaina many w4X. IA paint:mg end
leniptUre OA inihjeet4 derived. from ecrip.
turd blograpby end history, to which their
authore have gsven years of toil, and en
which they lebered in a 040 of religiom
fervor. Some of them believed that their
artietto vision was illutoletel by the Holy
Grhoelo TOR privilege of every Onriettan
life le net lem exelted, The Seriph:me
mem to assure tia of thise "Our teliew-
*hip ie with dee Fether, and. with hie &Mt
Ja444 " 'Your life fit Wirb,
(Aden in God." Ire that dwelleth
love, dwelletit in God and 04. in him."
Such ward; if tilt:yr:wan ertythitig, mean
wept away by 'brook* ant rivers, mod roUed something unutterably greet. It le no
ver sed over antil they are gra:maw into prerogative of an elect few. The lowlleet,
mod, or the ihmsoft silt or mad wee:414day. not law then the loftiest, lire melt ,here
Now, el:what:two eurfone prepertietneWhen thie element el axt botiolte diguity.
wet Pa plutie—that is. *111 nib and profoundly prayerful life le by thee &Ingle
etleije and trixert or premed Into auyehepe, heture of le Weed into sympathy with
111 ve. I keep thee ,thape her some 'thee. Be. God. A mean thing emmet be made mob%
sedge nos, It Is ournettely affeeted by heist. by It, but a smell thing cen be made great.
To the heat of the sun it beeoreee smite hard, The work of a launch -ma or * brica layer
If broken up, it fall* hato duet, and when may ettawat the respect of asagele.—LAus.
wet with water becomes plastie nein, anti tin PbelPiti
ohoolainilY boom *Wojeet for 4 unuAnfrri 01 ole strong fire, tele:coma very md indeetl,
ert to he emoted thee*. and cleat:gee Its color. If now it tit broken Bettie ,Love of Mo1aseea.
In *Tweet Ieeture on the adranco (fWI lete preene je %meet be %len nue° plea.
MOD MM. Antolnatto Bkokwell, WM at- tie. These hob: hey* probe, ler been inewit The beare along the head widen of the
ter:dente the feet that while "forty par* for tent of thousands of years, and, ler beak Penobeoet, are haViug A fine tIme this mild
vrinter, emorcileg to ellreperts. The anew
110*0 but f men tho be of ear- In the unknown
g any eondonteable work, toeW 3.00%000 invented tool that mode it russet. to
"131° furli°441:tken, leeld °if ao long *ad fell So Ughtl7 when It
man sre elamitiod in rush work," There make * di:mar-plate out of otay. 11 1. did come that bruin put able ennead enoue
and pew sucking this amtion, and went no.. ecceuntante, darks end sale* rePresentod on 110z00 Ilia ("eat Efiniimi Ing round the country inspecting lumbering
01015 10operationa and Canadian railway construe.
time inuterei. A bear loves mole:ens better
than small boy loves the circus, and that
Is wby the furry rangara are always to be
found hinging around !amber oetupe, where,
nub to beano, mobsesee le theeneetimportent
item in the dinner bill.
A logging crew up on the Weet Pesach at-
tribute the loss of pert of thetr proviaions
and a bed scare to some of their number te
brutal:1 fondness for sweetie A logging
conap'a provisions and general supplies are
kept in dingy," or hut,. sepenste from
the main building, end an Intelligent bear
can sometimes burglarize the dingy with
neatness and despatch. One night laat week
a big and bungry blaek bear got into the
clingy of the West Branch camp alluded to,
end. outmoded in breaking open a keg of mo -
lames, which be lapped joyfully until finally,
as is supplied, he capsized it, besmearing
hitneelf from tip to toe. In thrashing around
after rnore sweets the bear pulled down from
a shelf a sack of flour, which burst and gave
laim a regular St. Louis shower bath. The
fiour, adhering to bruin's molaaseobedaubed
front, gave him an appearance at once glint-
ly and ludicrous, and in this guise he sallied
forth into the logging road, a !ticker and
diegneted bear.
The strange -looking brute had notgone far
when he met a party of loggere returning
loom a visit to another camp. Oa perceiving
his bearship the woodsmen set an up un-
earthly howl and made back tracks at a
apeed never approached up Littlewood,
flinging away their vreapons as they went.
When they came cautiously back at dawn
the frightened loggers were laughed at,
and they will be guyed about their ghost
until some of them bring lu a bear with a
white pint& front.
an, 276 olergomers 'Da 75 b.
dr," dem net
deb'. Brelytithlg whieh
out of their owu homes le ini
world at large," she ave. "Club
Ufa will do this more and more, and 'will
substitute the large glare of oont nual
publicity for that subdued of bora*
In *Molt women are et their beet and Imp -
"Guido" is by no mom alone la
this view, but jut now the trend of oplee
len seems to be averwhelmiegly opposed to
A late fad la a boarding wohool where
young women are given bustructione in en-
tering awl getting out of a "A
vebide with the proper pedal uneven:tents
for this sort of exercise willoh determines a
lady's breeding end claim to social poeition,
h kept la the heck yard of the eat:0,4mnd
establishment, and tee carriage classes are
put through the moot arduous trehtina."
Another l000molithment peculiar to this
in:Mtn:ion is the acquisition of the art of
eating oranges, grapes, and other juicy
monuments, where one of the gods isalsown
a ng the tint man oast of clay on le
wheel. To -day, the, same ile
table h used*: reek. aU our dinner.
"A lump of sone wet clay h pleeed on
the wheel, aud, es it turns swiftly round, it
eau be pressen by, the hand Into any circular
shape. Having .forrned one side, it can be
turned over, and the other aide molden into
*hope with the band, or by means or a tool
that gently preens the clay Into the right
*tape. Peken off the wheel, *emit &eh is
Road ha a dry ghee till it boOOM011 bard.
out then be put, in a lathe, and tinned
down smooth and even. 11 10 then placed in
s. kiin and burned. It °emu one hard, strong,
and pure white, or some very light abide of
ray or yellow. The,surfeoe Is, however, dull
and slightly rough, It *tube dipped in thin
clay resembling cream, and baked. or
"fired," again, and a smooth; *Mee, hard,
gluey surface, or "glaze," put on it, An-
other way is to dip the soft, unbaked plate
In the glszing clay, and then fire lb, the clay
and the gluey surfaoebeing formed into chin a
or poroelai'n at the same time.
"Another plan is to farm the soft Watery
Folloleing on the heels of the "mental clay into aplastlo meld. The water soaks
culture' and 'alma reforni" movements, away, leaving the day in thin mass in the
there comes another—the phyalcal-tratinbag mold. it soon hardens, sufficiently to keep
fad. The effete to bring forth physical ae lts shape when handled, and.can then be
well as mental perfection has led even the dried, dipped glass, and fired." ,
Benton girl 'to put away her eyeglasses and
°made, and spend her afternoo in the
arduous oonfines of tbe gynoaasium. ro New Mode of Burglary.
prietors of gymnasia are setting apart days
for the exclusive attendance of women, and A novel idea burglary was successfully
in New York there are gymnmtio academies acoompdehed in New York on Tuesday
which are never profaned by moixone /nen night. The place robbed was a silk •store,
mon guarded by a polieenaaa whose beat ext'end,
ed only around the block. Dating his al).
sence from the door the burglars approached
the door of the atoreond deftly and quickly
cui off the padlock. Two of them then enter-
ed the beilding,, end the third one tele*.
ed the door With a new padlock which he
carried, and then hid himself, allowing the
policeman to peas elon,g again and try the
door am frequently ad he wished. The two
men who entered °limbed up the hoisting
ropes through the hatchway to ehe second
floor, and then found themselves in the
nem in which the moat valuable stook in
the house Is kept. When the staff was g et
A Nevi Relining Sect.
'Some excitement has been caused in the
middle el:melee of South Carolina by the ad-
vent of a new religious aeon whose apostles
have started one on a crusade. Apostle
Jenkins explains the new creed as follows :—
" They believe bithreelseavene and three
•:helle. Me on earth ie both heaven Ns, 1
• and hell No, 1. Teen , there is a hell and a
.:heavezt where peote, or rather their eoule,
stay between death and pidement, and then
a permanent besomen and hell. Their views
as to cremation as set forth by Mi. Jenkins,
together in bundles of convenient Mai to
are rather novel. He cited the first chapter
Capt. Stevens of the Bengal infantry was have revealed themselves to me. Oneof the of 6114 John to 'prove that Jesus Christ was
on one 000assion waiting in a ravine for
prineipellaote is to lthrow the tongtte, back present at the Creation.: He aaid that Jesus
shot at a tigerawidoh the beatere were *ying Iniat the 'genet and canoe a change Of tliti and God were the only nve being's who ootdd
to drive out of a tbicketewhen thti beset ala airoulation of the blood, so that it resumea create something from nothing.. , The devil
proaohod him ' frdni•:= behind:1n etapenmen), the Conditions of the prenatal Beate. , came from erpaoe, watch was never created
was not known until it tattered an. unease
"In that state there is no reepiration ; the nog had bagiunine The beginning of
whine. When the Captain whirled around body thus becomes air -tight; it is as if her: Creation was for the benefit of God'e
he could piatiffehandenthe beast. Re wee metienllY aealarli and the ,valves of the heart: epring. ,. The soulof Men, which vette not
greatly upset for theenoment, during which are changed to a condition similar to the createdloy hire, had' ninbryonie exhtencia in
the tiger smelled :;efe! his Yoga leVerel time poeitionoconpied in the unborn °nil& This ie Gad." ':Apciatle Jar:lane is from innetleCte
and licked hiplong boot legs which bed r -
but one of the secrets I have learned ; but to elina. Via sect known as 'The True
been freshly eiled thathmornmg.,„After three eSeertain them I have studied every', book
or four palliates, the beaters taming neneee hlten the tibjeot; although none contained
of Iight. 1 nave killed scores of
with their:ineniusione,the.tiger uttered a few , rays
raccOORS,' Opt:name it,' bears, ttncl other hiber-
growl and bre tted off, and fifteen oninutes
Eating animals when in their winter% deep,
later tore O. native all to pieces, .
While in the lion eoutitry on the cep, of and dbpectoclethem to_ leen; the °henget: of
Good Hope eantfter of thirty na Were oni th° niffent,„ els114:0 iSAthitelethargiastate. For
day crossing 're, We 'wetee net rare' oletedeOilouraikde
the SteengPeSeible
'within a mihtotehe weiidiee and it was we
e the for b Feet aeRieTeltiont- 1 am. now pre-
pared to say thee hut"e oomparatively anciat
hottest liemeof the day. e A suaden was
raised, and a big lbon °eine:Charging us tinl° will edePee before I Will annenuee, that
I am ready tor' the undertaking."
across the hot, .sande. He, came from nhe
woods, and tiliativelthoutetheetlighteet pro-
vooatioe ozeoni,partaandthe, name forblood. At. a ,prayer -meeting' held recently in a
A dozen of WI heed *1 him, ,sad he,twas hit Hoidenauburb a "brother " arose and, alter
twice before,- he.`jiiiithed.ne, 101 he came praisinf God's, goodneu to hid, .Leonollo
right *head, and had knoolted a native andee- ' And finally I got into. debt, imitead
down and Was Minding over Atpi when he ondeoreasine increased, and to -day I „owe,
gob his quietus! 110r48,-41.kinilniOnIT'n fellow wee hundred dollar. Yeti God hetkeett me , defender against Idghte mararidens. At the
and well along in yeasalaa,,lita" tried 'to' find in perfect nenee Of mind," R' 01P tiboAt the end of the six weeks ef sitting both birds
some eXPledietlen'Of hhfeenduee, and finally other fellow? ' are in a: Very enfeeblod eondhlon.
carry it was lowered down to the street
doer. Then the ooignal WAS given, and when
the outside man saw that the ooastr was
dear, he unlocked the door, let the men
anagoods out, relocked the nom. and walked
Fifty -Six Yeare, gO.
lafty.six years ago, sari the San FranOitioo
Argonaut, Ainericae zeptlemen Wore blue
broadcloth coats, with high, rolling collara,
• Ofaighteottrinees.
Oar Saviour said, "When the Clomforber is
come he, will reprove the world . . of
righteousnesa . bedause I go to my
Father." John otyi. 8-10. The revised
version is, "He will coavinoe the world in
respect to righteousness." There has been
a good deal of disimealcm in regard to the
masoning of " iightememess " in thispassage.
Is it the righteousness of Christ himself; or
ours through himt Dom he refer to the
vindication of his own oharacter by his reser
rection, or to the assurance that great miracle
gives to those who trust in him for righteous-
ness, or justfying graoo We think that
both are iroluded in the statement. The
Holy Spirit convinoes the world that Chaos()
was aIl thet he claimed to be, a and
divine Saviour, beoause he rose from the aead
and aficended to heaven. And he, the Spirit,
alto convinbes the world that there is right-
eousness—free and full salvation, for every
sinner who will trust in Christ, becauee God
l&ghts." He says there are about two hun, short walats, gilt auttons, and long tails, raisedhim from the dead andreoeived him into
dred True Lights in' South Carelina, and a with skirts cut away Over the 'hips. Their the glory which. was his before the fonndetion
few in North Carelina and .Georgie.—[New waistooata were verY ahorto and their Pante- of the world. Righteousness in the full gee.
York Sun, , 100u0, --there were no "pants" or trousers ha `pet meaning of the word is established by
those days—very long and tight. Yellow , Christ's return in triumph to his father.
the hen ostrioh lays on alternate clays, and drab or buff moleskin of the latter. It wee
tboiling a irtirYman'
Oatrich-farreeta in South Africa find that nankeen Was the material of the former, •
that if every second ;egg let taken away, she
will pre duen from twenty': nenee-
times as many as sixty—eggs, Twenty is
Alio largest numbernhwhirde oan satisfacto-
tile- cover. Eaoh ineenhieand evening the
nest is deeerted fore& !quarter of,an hour to
allow the egg, to °twin, Which:wee probably type, and his cravat was either an enormeets
the canoe of the old belief that they were stook of blaoli satin :or a eOuple of Yards of
lett,' by the parents tobe batched, by the sun. white lawn wrapped in ' ample folds abent
Ase general rale ' the tvecibirds sit. alter. hie throat. Tight 'eleaves , 'Ms coat, with
ne.tely, the cock tut night, because hie supe- turned -back cuffs, sleeve doe, an enormous
rfor strength•and'Uourage..triakti:him a better white beaver hat, and a clean-shaven face
made up his epserable. Nobody Wore mem.
towhee thea, arel *a man with wh,1siters,Wal3
follOwed'in the itreete eneaeorosecle, '
, .
a perpetual mystery how a man got into
his pantaloons, and once in, how be got out.
Thercame down to the very bottom of his
heel and buttoned beneath hie instep giving
him an unoomfortable strapped up appear-
ance. His collar was of theebig "sideboard"
Mr. Noodle—' Wall, it do beat all how the
laws work, one upsettin'another htalong."
Priend—Wah's wrong, now "Well, 'there
ain't much that isn't wrong. Here dere been
nettkin' a good as a juryman for years
and years, all bedause I don't read tho papers
an' ain't got no' 'pleions, ye know." "You
can't read." ' "No ; never learned. Wall,
now, I 6011 great store on that there son o'
mine, an' wanted to bring him up far a jury-
man, too, but hang me ef they ain't talkin'
'bout laws ter Make every boy go tar school.
Where's! the 'jurymen goin' ter come.frorn in
the next &et -alone That's wot beats me."
HB.nald TO .1111Dg
Tinder a Welt of Seeming Cbristasastqa-ge
Aweless kr itrotaltor to Seeore A telveneo
ea Order to allure &gale.
despatch hone gootreel eve: —Five -
years ago there COMO to thie city from the
marttiree prey/ems a young and handsome
girl, bent on making her own livieg. But
evil hofieetscee dragged her down end the
graeltrelly asek. At. last ate met e mate
elte thought she arida love, the peen; scion
of a weeithY family ProPeeseeeieg loelree
affable in manners autt a profeeseci fehrieteene
He took her from her low eurroundin
and for two year she/teed with him AB bit
wife. Then they were mended, And tearing
that the merrieee would oorne to the eara
of the relatives, it wax performed in Cern.
wall. Two yeere more pawed, bet lo the
meantime the yourg man met the dm:slater-
of a wealthy Toronto geotlemen. On the,
sitmegth of bis ammo, hie manner* and ale
piety, he became engaged to her. Then lie
ettempted to gee eld of his wife, and by
• threats end. braWity tried to Make her
consent to a divorce. The deceived women,
who during four Team had proven the rfia
oarity of her reformettoo, refueed, go one
eight, obtaining p 044easion Of the mardep
tee:elevate sal alt lettere tbat heti paned
between them,
BAAAXO Tye wetonn.
In the meantime hie %wenn, Nome hop
to fhb* or merriege, and beteg preued,
tiareogh pitting the owe oft from weak
te week, he et het ommen heve Ix Ulm
plus at en emly date of t mune yeme
The wife, however, hearing t forbade the
marriage through her lew,yer, on the eve ef
ite ulebeethe. eing hie gerne spoiled hte
adopted etretegem, pleyed to perfection tho
part of repentant buebetel, and while keep-
ing ep /intense witla several ether women, Ma
who rn he spent moray horiehly, sprevelled
hie wife to go with him OR Wait to her
relative& in the marifts province's. eke,
Seeday be OCCfluipAPted her to °hutch vinare
he feellogly ex rutted the powerful inn.
preamio:3 for g made urns him by tbe
eloquent preacher, and the following day op
eundenly left her for parte tinknoorn, taking
with idue ail the money the pomeesed,
except two cento, When the wife, who was
on the eve car Warning* mother, became
**were thie she lore her title city with the
whence: of her reletIvese Hero she found
thee he Ized thrown up his position, and it
la understood thee be at protean; in New
York, where he will attempt to obtain is
divorce. Tho *We fetidly, who darn the*
there to nothing whereon to hue an ap
dem brdivoroe, will do everything Lisy
n to prevent The 90rrow4tric14°13
hie far her perente Itercaz-.
never doubted owe 'Mee we -were
Tim enly love you neze or crave Is mine ;
No nigh. no look, tea weed your hp, Juave
The wounded me nor eitowed that you.
Dearer etteb day :duce yen became my own,
I love you, darling; yet, sometime:: Lb
ae a (Martel's, whiepers ead la flown.
"Love, In your home, bee eomewhero
walked witI3 cleseb."
If, when all enexpected I draw near,
Your glenoe, a flush of pleseure woub&
Awl to your voloe that vibrant nett appear,
Which makes the simplest weloome a oar -
111 eould know and in yonrdeer eyes see,
When in my arm; I fold you to my bruit,
Your heart was thrilled, your thought all
given me,
Divided not In framing some request.
If when our children climb upon your knee,
That look of Infinite sweet mother -love,
I could again, aenitI used to, me
Whou you, Madotens like, would bend
Some other's sweet hoed babe you chanwei
to meet,
And lover's ere oonld read in your gushed
And heaving breast, with timid tremor
A tender prayer of hope you dared not
If your dear lips would once unquestioned
These yeare bare never brought regret
to mel -
Moro tendorty love binds me every day,"
nulfilled, indeed, my lover'a dreams would
hould that dark phantom which I some-
times see,
Already beckoning, oall me from your
f I could know you would not haunted be
By sorrow that yon made not home more
Had faith in Heaven survived my faith in,
Could I still know what now I but
hat in that realm of pere, sweet peace
Where naught is hidden, nothing can de.
Again, with rapture when we two shall
Undimmed the olden love light I shall
eee •
n your glad, tender, tearlese eyes, then
• Oh 1 alwovelle,t1how sweet that call woald come
to me.
Of Past Night
As the dim silence of the humid night
Is mingled with the pallor of the day,
Forest and valley, indiatinot and grey,
Stand faintly figured forth in the ende
r000let and mossy stone. The day grows
And new sprung flowers in the verdure
And children wonder at the fresh die -
Strewn by the darkness in her mystic:.
flight. -
he night time of the Ages breints apace,
Men wander inthe freehness of the morn
And not incurious of their biding Tole,o4
eer back into the Pest when all was born ;
The night is pant, men seek the secret
That formed the universe when all was
Toronto, 1889.
Hopelessly Vulgar -
Miss 11pparornat (out shopping) —" What
a beautiful woman 1"
Mrs. Upperorust--" Yes, but she dosn't
amount to anything—n3oVed in some vulgar
sot or other. 1 just heard her ask the prim
of a bonnet before trying it on."