The Exeter Advocate, 1889-3-7, Page 20 11 24 he er 0, Lia 24h. he e- aerv.ort tt0, oknn:w eostatiere.theer, li.ot even te have ueelese In the drawing.X0em, wil*Oh' uftied. to he ailed. with. the gentle babble of Isebel and bet whore ee,aproe, ua._w ciweilio ataaa, there is. a fourth pelnen,-James, who is ems , , , spiienedinghouthgeQ d:gy aptite114,00.0,040triee: 141 ,efforta would be truillees, ee. he done hot attettint Itlittle Hie toe is Mi 'Ot ,4144itelty Mid, looke alt enn looked ate,In et hie neither eod his father, as in to drew from there the temion for the dismiseal of ate 04.0.-- - Ilia Spirit &leo ie still wider the lefieence of teabeee tut wends. Ile.feund heti-pitiless •effieerri -, . s but her cruelty has not stifled, his love: Beene, Ten ceche* lead just ;amok whee es iservant entered arid eppreachen 'the Mae• nab. *, « . . e .. , - . e h There are two pewee down shunt, „e - ia b . 4- to --i.. t ., J) "'tete wle alewl'el- nee haiavle ? "79mtetbe" bo ten sentiment t is . our y,w a, can, a . II . 're hebccurebbh"bailtt-etetivelea."emtug t° /44°15' t"hat Al°{,„„_ ,.. fa ,,, h tam eney are-twe poece 0 terse 0 ii . ^ .., allereu. the mar aio and, carer roso, abrupay j., setting te:e chafes ea tbey efe ea, . P. r tr bile Th ht ' Tle eur ipa are em g• e argues --due - • 001-te ;Tea aneeure thet, they are not mistaken, . Ibto myself, they whit. to -en" U*14." t° in, . 4. pee. _. k.. 1 " Yea, air, to. the Nuclide ef Bergememt ' dames and Vlotilde both look on in, nee a me elibeie orpriee. 40 for the Marquits an . .. . ., ealleh:T, r soinien_el her • 4ioni theY4.1.q00.1r at one "°rue 7 0 to the wiedow a meraer'" "*e° ''''v" "‘•.°44 * be draWN imide _the nuttnaIne glaa-eee. tat° the emirtyeed, then drewe the outin melee mul remaine leeeleg ageiese th. a 'OW4 'Mr. * e - - fectlY °am to 41 "Pe."ee'' " z"eb 4° m ween he wee unbeaten to exemluatien by the magletrate 411,41t tilea% OQMO in," oola the Marques., ge bee no the ealeeneee of Me eon, bet le trembles; visibly; Hie foe to pole! and le ileop le with, defaculty thee be coeteols an tuellna' the to feint, - The eeevant gem Out and almoet sameedi. I eee rr- etely the eifore enter. wriey are ono sun ed het *Neely -tee _ _ .. ' The Idereleteel Y$ergemont 1' Bald °nerd them- - "Thet le my name. What 40 you wish vo. with me. toy are eallent-- The great co_ Id_ dee._ w- room "gem/ thieero; neY. 1°4 about - The ,peoe 0. the t?ele%. **-PPraaeh getho round teems and an neh enew aloe ere. thh,„ eten _tI-017a. *tau% 'teteelue the MOW' Wih i14*naritll On_ttie Oar* to open it deubtlees Should x Otii be gee4. *don- And se tbe meneLtillreemin_..iipent„. tbe Zdeeenies reeorentng PM atern ae" nan trel a littenoseye ergo.", "Telt me whae yea IVAAV The beerele Metes tam elne,04 ef*reetee,ing tone of the wore; feleirel lxi liar =ern. %FAO of them drevse out A Sheet Of Mors but dees not give It to the gernehe Me keeee Ilse if ter a wennen, s, eft hfercre; e he rota ,‘ we are mere eubordinetee, owlog obedience to ant soPtiti• ore- We aro 00,_bt humebleee very hteAhla eervente of the awe, andwnenever we «.rive& eelve °ultra howeer peinful the minion, we muet obey them." This Was field purely and. simply. The man who apoke WM 11, VISOreng taint ef thirty five, fair omeleefoned, and veey. be- telligent; looking. 40 wee melancholy and polite bee hie voice was inn, . 00 Itwouid not be mine event° edvise you te re bee in aga st your superiors or In you the obeolienee to those who 00Melell f thenatais of the law," said, the. Matteis' " if . . . ,.. _ , ._._ yen are nine in Ille name et LAW Saw. ere the mestere. Stile once more and for the last tiro°, what do you mune " We are charged, to put you under ar- testes 4t/ as 1 _ 00 Yee, you.' , 44 The Mug de advanced, threateniugly, toward* teem, tcyon serest me, yon? Whet Menne this folly 2' . Oar orders are definite, Sir Marquis, Ana it 10 no piece of folly, tmfortunately. We have a warrant of arresh ageing: you." "Signed by whom ? "B Mr, de Mauves Zero it is 1 y . . . . / Pt Involuntarily, by an inetheitive geature Which sr:Quid not be reignited, Bargemont Oliver.e 1 tter turned his look towards i .. a badly ithdravenfrom thewindow, and had :milk into an. armchair, where he ley with his eyes closed, and the whole appearance of &corpse. - Ha could not look at hiefather. ' Clotilde and James could not comprehend the Beene. . The Moguls approached. ' Mtn& had gene up to her hushaod in great excitement. ' Arrested ? You! A Bargemonta And of what then do they accuse you? It is a mista,ke moss certainly." . As for jeMen he stood in front of the ' fficere with flamin eyes,and quivering ,0„, , ig uPa• -4-3'ou are both of you mad or drunk -get , . n Yr ant 01 tins- ' . . "Lieutenant," said the spekesman of the two, "1 entrea,t you to remain :calme We know you very well. We are quite ready to break your head for you, if necessary. But just reflect.that we have to execute our orders, aridnot comment on er oritiotze them. It is quite possible there in some mistake, and we hems so with all our heart,but in the meantime .wenate the bearers of inabruc- tions and these instructions .nrinst be carried out. So don't eay that we are either fools, or drunkards, for that is a gratuitous insult that we wouldn't stand from the first comer, and. which We wennsteno; a second time t ' ' is from you. . . ".Bat then, on what is such an 'order as this grounded? • My fether is accused ? ' Of w.hab ?" . ' ,, ...We don'b know. Mr.. de Mauves alone-. ' will tell you that." _ • •" My father is being treated like the low- e • - . ' - est 'Criminal. , The oilier dia riot answer, but, turned 'to the Margnis and said, "-I'm will have to some with es, sir. As there is no train this evening to Reatiremenb wetook,oare to secure.a careiege at Thillob. . It awaits you at the oas le gate. . g t " • • They went and stationed theinselves near , . the door, °a - in hand ' - ,. , . P . • 'fa 'BArgetriont was really a pitiable object to behold.. He had scarcely strength enough left •to.stand erect. His wile, forgetting .tt his srueity, his hatred, liia unjust suspicious, embraced 'him, 'exelaiiting amid "hee tears, of e‘taWrende,' What is it? Tell us, Do you know anything ? 4 is horrihie to see you io shit etate.". ' '' . . - A- d 'ild 1 ' overwhelmed with e eerise n sue en, y, re,, , of deaclation, she exclaims, ' .4 I said' that t d ' ' ay nlerthe . well,o • TIVO Ow a d'I bel, would be to call down upon our hanneesaa enneen • i 's' in Misfortune." --- - ''''""- " 'm e a • ' d nIt ear her, an urmure , Barg mont h , in is true. Yoli• Were not dedeined. It ris •iny .F,„ait ,, , . ,,... '. , ; . "" ' . ' f ,. Standing with ariniecrossedee rown on nis face and his eyes blazing, 'James, with ell& it'restrained h' ing Anger. . He- E cu. y, ••is ris , • said nothing mord-to the officers>, because he knew he veould only be honing himself a ' t • 13 'f . et which it was gams an mer orce, ago m J? Jof she as if " le the to Bvgemeet silence him polieemen with the termed eoeveleeil, he It la ehell yet,. Whet you. bet fgE141* „hesitate, if not WM iniit foe a But fr; he, take to the what the reeollection "44°47 deetle to yonvi tlee of pity tell the pathway, her, the and his her her etrengtli, ter weak, el of ithe could forbidden it s murderer, a etherwiee & whenyon. you still you .11- to the :laid, that ancestors. face* wandering, She . g very e one came PART . L above and seems tugged the the secret .gloonay which of that ; above plumes down of sorrow. • the white it. r Would the castle, two •chestnut are.sibbing. The memones overwhelmed which eyes the hi --a cold .Out meets hostility. 'prevents so persistent remain vanish rom havhig h e he . betvieezx' i. ' I ' .1 ' " to revolb-hut-I know dot Whet tort 'ogee tiespicion entered. into hinn 41 What; bee happeaed.? What are t.hey ' gi° there . °ewe elonee wes the only one , who dtel liteie stir. He still remained silent, For on4 . _ . mexieemdetnot lgoseetotnefnead:pfefullt ttboespaeremle:O. Xret.,,,l,ini, trues, fever •haa sielors;d ids Oheeke, He nxedlyat his father. Tim his leek peened, to tile officer, he wee seized ,With tiolent trernbling, and 444k (10W0 aVata pirithola litter/Mg a word, The. Memel* bed gem it. all. ae tented tewerd the who were stendleg, metioeless end . - . . .,. .. ,- . . end smid ; • ' "I am ready to go with role" Ife wide a eletien Of farewell to Clotilde. and James, ,ceetieee berate oet eoebleg 444 eemee gnawed at hie meeetaisbe., Ke hael Alt pre- ef 'wine "EnYeWt6h Wit" etiktPtt"4 . , htltumdspo Owfheis'illflaYthweasr, thTleAltimaliluir dild" naotst defend hireeein Certainly he undetntoen • bow repugnant/. .to a gehtlemann pride le would he te oupplwate these who welder. rut him ; hut he would have liked to, fe, 0 steno auger an evidence of revolt, OK merely * - e ' , aprofoued grief. Iesteed of any oe theee he had beeo atrangely prestrated. As ler 0..iiver he had shown Minot indifference to what wapaPing, e.. thowsaud oonftwee. ;hot:elite belled le bs-s. brew- . and that was why he lees " "lug eca ie. hfuenaf whim hie ker,t,lasuo'h etreeeee. ' ' ' • '''' " - yet when he sew hme.ehont to"nressemear - • ' • . stretched out Ms arms. aeyiug to bim , "rethen at leaat embreoe ue before neen. pe" " " "7 * a Bergement 0 heed melted. He opened hie UM% and triallea fell let* hie embrace. " leether '' housed whet gee I do to save celluler/elegi trolfrvirovbelot„11,9,4,10004:0yer I myee," Bareemoet old, in a QUO, verY .voico, 441 knoW fpf Whn. 'ere gemmed, -of Meubergeeli toed ,r, A* for you, you ban do nothing in my defeuce. My be - . mono° will ateibliels heed- Oely hew; patfoecee, "You, my father, mooed of member ? Why 1 the whet ineensate wounds ?. ()n whet indieetionee Oa. whet statemente. of °envies efeyner name, jealOria et your how r - *leave meede notegUeetiell me." Oletilde pia' 'meetly to her hoehena, fe eeetvrence, you will come ',reek to u$ to. moennee but how shore clever your ebeemes, aro rapine withette addrisedog A 4iO4,0 word of ideeeffeme to 3.402 n: .044 then, so that jinxiee 401414114 hear else ,adeleds "One 91_414 104»1C88 2' Ti.e Maniple ehook his heed, then tuned away., baying; ' 44 infisfortuae Is upon our house." Oliver aloue demi 'net eellle IMO. beated ettl, ID tile ermobeir, Ise queue asleep- _ * Awl you," said James ebeeking - Pm, " whet are you &lug? Wbet oe you dorewareolugtphoute Don't you lice. what ie ggn "Ye*, I see it," sail, the Piing llia0,1 catmint "but Whti donouwIshete to astute about 101 ; A,ud added be e ttranese frontal, tone, .44 TO eeellee a 104rg(mont of crime, and erred him. with ea little ceremony 0 the lelvest blackguard scores to me so relleulovie that I oen hardly take It serionely„e 'Pointeeg to Used:nom ho edded, "and if thus men were not drained in uniform end appeer to be eatuelly what they are, I could Wear that the thing h a heteful comedy, invented by eome fete:ids who love uppleimant prima -es * , -.....- . . . . ..,,, . , ,_ 'HUI 'lark" to iiis r, wh6 inning him coming, with- drew a a ort dhtanctefrom the eineersi. " 00 e lather," said Oliver, . "-No feller of ue a eon diegeacm a Baegernoneet." The tigers of the Magas 'olasPed• tee young mann hand with am* force thnt he became ti ale, and with difficulty repro -eased a cry of pain. Tobehlerquisewblepered in his ear; dr Oliver, I ewe ;my nothing. A mem- mont for e. lleagemont, there is dishonour ne any cue. But don't: di:Appoint me too much. In the ball there are knives and daggers. In my offioe there are loaded n vendee ana with cutting contempt, he ad - dean. • .. "Humes yourself on the 'head ' if you no loogar know where your leearb is." g . ,. _ Thio time he really , goes. ene oneeers separate to allow him but the to. Paw, „ Y follow close bebi,m1 him. hurl; setae annetetent of rescue or euiciaen The carnage was waiting on the other aide of the gate way. They will•not be recognized by ehe servants. The Marquis takea the seat in front, and the effieers place themselves , opposite. The driver takes his place,. au" the carriage takes its :slow and silent way over the anew from the stone Gant, 'which looks a spot more sombre still amid the b ackneee the night, aed Myren' alat' a° h g ...1 t i . Eleemes founded upon thegering . . , _ _under enveloping shades. • (ro BE CONTINUED.) , .---.-...a„...s..."1.-up,.....---, , A Serviceable Cement- A d d ' bl t b goo an servicea e amen may e Prepared, acoordhig to the "American Mann- lecturer," in the, follcwing manner. Old paint, the skin forming on the top of pint, eettlings from the both= of paint•pots,,asndt in feet, aey refuge which cohteiespil, white-• lead or zinc, or any.other mineral bildy 'may ; e use or e purpose. ea masa, espeo• h d f th Th' . lailY if it is hardened by lengthened exposnie of the air, is reduced to the nom:latencyof b soaking in some cheap oit Hetet- pram y g , , may be resorted to if h ' rd paint cannot ing y a P therwise be softonett• 'When hle is 0 .„, . . t the wo . . • ' - sett enough 0 be etirred into a homogeneons a more oll may bi added ana the whole matt Y. ,_ , , , .. worked through a sieve anc.ltheinrun through . „ . _ , , , . - en ordinatyptint-mill. . A quantity.of cOm, mon whitin 'is next worked into the oil and , g . , - • Eti, t, in'esuch the s p r in ,arne way an when putty e---tr• 18 lad . a ciiiisistenc ' of 'this utt as . ,,.... .. y , p , yt , ill may ncr .:ce called should not be asvreat .,„ . . _, ... , ' • n as.t.,t el silty used for glazing. When the whittling hats been thoroughly mixed in, and the emase well. worked Over, , meet a 611174--- • quantity of good Portland cement; is addedo t • ' ' t . .. 11' h ' will ' '` ' ' - ' e ' • , 0 a eonset. !may w lc , enable it to be . reeddy, handled. When in'thie state, she putty may be worked 'into oranksin • 'brick- work or masonr ' h, i the sarne wy e n .. ye muc f •filas 9romoary pu_. y xa used ere ring 1,11, era° ii k in, ,,, odWork,. , After being elloWen to, _see iron, narden, it will liseetne netirly'aS hard as afteaCIldbiniperviouen,, to ' moisture' and Un- v v, reasonalole degree of beat The°' - tatne - ' e. cemen he pr.epared may ineused rfOt faotory walls, which, develop° b t - frequently ' ' ugly gaps e ween window -frames end the brinework. ' • , • . . Ttlditkral.000tim , 'x',,tflose.. who ate -feed of 140t3iiing Iteta le 4° raere anSasins alai LatareannS fellow IA the world than the Brazilian Striate Mier:noun. . He is a monhey, it is h_nt hie diminutive size, oleenly habits and enectimeate dieposhime make hitt:tile bean ideeled what a pet should be, There' le tee beter ,pletee in the world to Obeerve his pecoliranties in captivity than ens heard 444e) C't tfia glot ceean, eteeteera that P1Y hetWeed the 4outh Ameeicen end goo Peon Porta, for tome of these big ehipe. ever ,, ieeve 4,,i0 de Janeiro for the Old Worm Withoeteneny of tee little aeireees on boxed, For an hbat'°' o hiPa leaVe P"t OR their healeward- YaYada; ons Or,.,. two of the &ever faiSefl hualhaata come wag' aide loaded up to two or three' feet above DM gnnwele with amixed-uP beef of orange% "114111alkbottsrPre tyo.."'''Ando'hIrgelnitilit4*. a: PeBele4Ple °J. b".41:0k. ball'hreede, a man- 'and a wo* man. Her ladyehip, *he sever weighs feSe then thee huodred pouedee Is not c.11:47": MOntali but In her deuble oapeelty of slue; eeenteu awl -haat' hall"t is a"tal enough. ' AA *woe ea the bemboataleavereuleed the ele i ' ' a i s • y - "-PP wn eh Id" at 14 rawer ng m the ha * th. a 1°4, -14 th° bciat 3/410 °Ut i°P °°°1° e.ne r° terew roh4 a rope. The ruPa ia atwaYe throw,a, and he at otece takes. a large basket filled with otangeoand bane/nag or* ea- at ar4t, ;seizes the rope in hie halide, 0:ticket his great bthlarookwafeemtrmagaoffumbtaettewoseerainthtosiade4earof tillyeebleoiripe. zo r on ther shawl -.Ate' Podded, and Patng - - . - eP h over PM; waMtgo an twill* rule the t - -, huge ahiP ago a white Maa wad IT4.11:: ladder, ' tokee Int short thee f r tit el it , . 0 & 0 0 OA te aeli hie , helm, and then he at ewe beetle VW 0a10 Of 140 perret,e end meekeya ww,lt-84;;;; 1,441,11., glum: hiLletio,ivagetg,tweet,,, ebaereneg* aghttafi and 444130'1 with all their might and mein, . The moeikeys are never more then 00TO to eight hobo In length, are deep grey in eeder, With a breathy tell from twelve to fouxteen inehee long, and are clothed In a sat, woolly fen The expression of their faose Is more teuximelike than that of any monkey I have ever seen; 1;1010 them be ever 0 yoimg, they alwaye. give One the idea of being little, withered, old Inelle In a wild 300 be tbe weeds they much reeembie rereeirreae in tbetr ;novels/mem Red hews, .ann insects,' essestu birds, egge and halt eepply them with teeti .044 the nian dispeees el hie morikeye, he throw* a amen" line over the 410* aide to ids ht OOMPanioni VIM the a Utah, of some heindexen of these woolly little lialinala altogether te her anti of it, end the MAD doors them up. They don't like it, and. every eitoeltey is evidently impressed with the idea, thet smell of Isto Mow-prleotters le hi, *MOM Way or oth_er reeperisiele for the eittietion, for every monkey ist mum pitches into every other monkey, and hitee, Vat ereria and =kw the fur tly in ell diteetione, As soon es the ode to at sea, the owners of these little wrotehee have a bed time of ite Etieh one of the marmemes has been bought As a avecuution, et teem ,ene to these donate .eeole, and enteu laud *4 "any in Europe h worth from Bite= to twenty dawn eummeeh ea throe of them, n, thoy um ion Tem:theta* the ewe. or the ammo ef hiepamgeeneteematemy a tus eteeregepengerstarteouhtsveyegewithout having two or three monkene euder hie care; eee very' few bave had the foresight to provide themselves with cage* to keep. ehem. in, they tie strape endhitaor rept:moue Theo eePtiyeel etenneOhns and hat= them te rine and bolts all over the foredeek, ,These yetis:skied, ,old men are veiy coning: About half of them manage to slip througa their ohains before•the voyoge is many hours old, and are to he item' cutting their vipers; on the mute and yards of tins ehip far up elan The men of the crew never buy either or buttbefore ehey have at eea are the owners of btril•le:faoUth4e11Yosf the monkeys on hoard, as those in the rigging are looked upon as 'the legitimate a ou cf any one (laths h to ouch *me? g enoug . • the marmoset hes once felion into the bands of any of the firemen.or gainers $ he is male for the rest of the vo Th vage. ea° men thoroughly understand him, end in- stead of caging him or tying him up, carry - i ., • him about Intl de their pickets, and fondle and talk to him. In a few home he is a fast triend; nothing will drive him away from the tem • Many a time I have -put these little fel lows into the most ungovernable rage by ;limply talking to their' protector. These little monkeys are so outrageously ' lealans that 00 000 who understands .heir nature ever attempts to keep more than one at a them They expend all their love and lay- alty on one object, and Will fret themselves to death fancied negleot. Although in a wild atone marmosets are no more carnivorous than the equirrel, if they are not sup,phed liberally with animal food in ciliptivity, their .ta'ils will be found to get shorter and shorter day by day. I have often watched them Fitting in their eager, with their tails drawn up between their'legs, the end of it clutched tightly in what we will .cail their halide, 'and chewing away ,at tile tips of their baits at if they were the greateet delicaciea. in the world. They vgill peel oft veitli their teeth all the far and • skin, and when they have exposed a .half- inch er se ot raw tail -tip, will.amputate the -oinb with a few vigorous bites , Ein,d tugs! and -go through with the severed feint 'much • e - . • • -with• • - t as a squilrel doe a nut, ejecting he fieshiess vertelarre ' from their mouths to the b- • ettorreof the 'cage. „ • - ' - I meniber wellencehe I once witnessed ' re onboard a laomeward-bound elute I was standing on the bridge talking to the officer, „,, ' . w eon we were..a .ao e y e mos , both ttr t d b th t " out erous aaghter from crow. b t 1 - f d of passer), . din " front' f - f - ilk . a earl g ino a row o mo ey 4.43ra B ________, umg"'" On going down to see what all the fun was about I'found that three monkeys confined in one: cage, had man ed be" et hold of the tail 1 nf .bu t ag'gin a e next an. u or na e monkey cag, to them. When I, first saw them, all three It d br d the 1 88 and were holding on a ace . Lose Y ,.. , , • With all than might, , . , The had Palled their victim tighb. uP to the liarii"Of hie, own &igen end hael'hill ,• On- , . . , e f hi tail frobtorie end to thenter • session o s f th ' . littl" ' wretch a id the yoreignto e Roorah „,9 ;7:jet in e In, 'the. ' he it 'One Over reed: -:' - - who of it a I a gnezled old Irian • nreniane ' : L• tallt lOoking on . amid to :Ire, n'Not.,", Et nint will h - ' 'h' '1' th ' d he ave.in is tai when ey, ve one *thiro o' And Eio it 'roved. ' Thin fiendish wt , • , _Pr bong n h • • • trio held on to the tail es as t ere Was. . - • • - anything of it to hold'toe They mbbled off -the -vertelorgetille there Nvae net one left, a process which. occupied them' , several h ''' ' • ' - ' . ' • ' The-eel-I.:bit:keno. would, ellow nO interior- erice and,. as r had lie interest in any of hii, -," .,. . in' ' I • ' 1 . ' " ;non ens, was power ess to. prevent wnat Eteemed. to e mea cruel • exhillibione but mitt one who has ever. Made long voyages $ . • • - • , gen, Will, underetand with what delight any- thing, is hailea that helps' to brev.k the Monotony of enforced idleness. ' , . „ That 14.e vm euffeeed lianch pin I herolly ,think likely.: I` believe: his criei were pulsed chiefly by lila .disappeintment at geeing ether nionheys eatinge tail whicb fe, heel eafeektera en some „ley eeles in A8 woof,. • t s' leet, eteeee forget is expeeeteen et f4T4 a*,he watched, with' ble heed tinned bull worlds ehou/der, hie toll .Otting emalle; ewe emenee, me., the baefeetemey teetate wieene edeme he beheyee,dethen the. wor, anee o!the last eeint ono him 4,5ata ,cazit, paeatfee, and ifte.rany ,euetanen neettee , This little tailless monkey beim:gen to I poetneuese parneneer heeent for reiehoe, 04 the ship erelong fo, port, tee man gnu nowhere fiad his menkey, and had to lenS without it. . Two days afterwerd we put bate P80;11144 'on the Alver'Olemee, e, ti Vi04t3 ennee froin' Bordeator„ -where the realm"' In'tgi.hagi arelein 13- otr,°-414'Va444'.. ...-0111130272regaVt5rtiaelt81144thre:1414E,p6g.1411 boys with, their tutor. They bad bog! stmemee their holidaya hs the pyeeeeers and wer,e looked ppm by the antler* ete girga eitetomere for thole meeeeyea . Each of the ewo older hue Nought one the runguat. who wag, mmut eight year ' ' ' ' --' ' old end ette of the bandoomeet, bee* I eve saw, seld be. elble't want mu; and Wessel re htiy. while mean to tbo boys cm eeek efte fhAH' 1110T2 and etangainife a. itineting ttro— of quo antig).d.4entrrlreTtthibilegeel 401191MateTephnkinetYelfetsalt raskrrt the yeeemeet bey, 0 limy dbieb you, buy1 - le ' , monkey e , Ob, he ma, * . m going to, balre pn t.h. alit. -'1. 1.Zikeete:ell'elkiw.s*Meietbs vete; I'm goieg to Ply a meekey without; a tan The mau rm smug to bey et from eaye . the only one of thje eore thetel ever be umlaw, Qtbef:aurbaies tthe euattry Nr04be one wtir, sold it Ise the boy wee vita grizzly old Iris) dremen, who stole it the aught before tie **hip got into lieboee j leen knewe two instaieess of the .mar seem hreediele in naptiv4y, and ani 'tcili that when the eatereetleg event deaa 00Cat the family arraegemente end dieelpliee er very ainnehig 04 witrie8a. The fret thin the little mother does fte to indulge her gee What prop-ezwitiess by eatipg 0 mnoli of on of leer iufaut monkeye es nisterfamiliee we permit, abommeey ecemereefeeet, half of 000 c them. Always, beghtalog with dee hoer be fore her husband enterferea Ile thee put th feet dowe, end from thee time else al ooze to have no leclinetion to hOrt her 111 tie ,onea, The Went foully molly et Airs eurititte Of three, xecleeed by 00,thallem,t tWO. Aileeeti the OUIY etteeltiell the hebit get Le from their tether; the mother dos nothing for her bablee beteupply them wit] food. Men they are setittlee the tiloilika. bAbies are 'intently heeded tack to th tether, The little lady et these theme -creme hs lord with ;sealed dent, andeeeeeoften yli lame, The use of cowmen &ease win enable au one eseily to keep them little pate, an the will readily eat any froths or vegetables e . , meat 0au outs be meghletee nefe aaa read and as the rearm:Let ill A dellOate little trs Viol Animas 'the temeeretute he bee to lie in meetneeer ha fewer thealefeeetynee en greets leehrenbele , . • ni _ . ., ,, u.,,,,, lope ee- ehe we° ea' e Warren' sign. This wilt ,. will 'a°0 you might a° rhae, he ap- te told, an • grater', to lobe' with fear, thee Said. wiolteda , • - t net err" Cell them tg itl Do e$ t surely, *wee° gretitude it was net It we* not WittiMaea this - 4 before he r One **beta to moreeet the else , did not atom lower ore. . end, laid, you kuow, 'WM ea the ef 'earn° Isumillet- her. Thieve of Yoht Bergsma** for her' whet yon bim es be and man who In a mere house* 01110 baVe elm left aide, trembling . , - wrty ehe Magma i,t, emt. t- uot do her, he returnee, _ =Ca you gra very grave are Be question no longer, doer. , "take good yourself and bee counted Au. the responai 4,, then, and, 'When "11.1 could seemed groaned, low and .is to de- . . . it is a de ) there, silent the deep to oar- crests of wind gnats black pines of the my- recesses, cover the of the iron- the Moselle Mee one an. Thillot of smoke. on all this, Noth. but the pride The darkness sky. Andif with:mow feeble guide, be im- at the logs themselves Marguiti, seeks ,which by • i 11 ' s k ine she reads the I error o her Oliver also °Yea weeder ehiveringe to the Bee cao w&rni that ' between them ---some- which ; end' and perhaes in the unknown, that the ; ' tins night- • probed.' to arteseeme •to is thinking,t , . .• them mutder. to one anOth- crgnithrennent **Uwe ettei FdatIPTI, ar G. Inotenl PECA.PTER XII.--4,CONT'ettlPele•). , Oliver aod the hlegiettate were beta leee to the Willtiet14. With their 4egerei ea he WO% Au the teat weal of de hieweeee, ouch a tamer passed through Oliver): arms that be glees dew tete feegmente, Re wee profouttaly pales hat the Magis' Anne was smiling 00atineallY. 4* It IS 00t4143W) be fetid, " a Afton AIMS . . ?ane. It well go to the save exposa. ee- iount. But yen are not bort ate you f ' ,t,eese no read Otivereina heantie eninee el; eleee ale$ 1, WM. leaning _ theughnlessly, 'secrecy gel my elbow went threugh," Recevering himeelf, he said ; "Md. went did the expert din:neer It" "e C44.Minod the blood stales WI* et usiereseepe, atia teeega1/434 rha ologa eohaes 0f. animal." au " 4* The boar kteld Yen abent." "BM; that wenet ail -he reeemeizel With epee clearness the glehules of humen Wood, Le oonsiderable aletunlienoen" " Waa time his greet diecovere 2' 014 the ;met- " Why, Year eeeert would keve ,,,„wiz hitneelf an ignommies bee he reported etherwise." **It te my ture to okyou 0 explain," *Ibee el veey eireple," sate Oliver, whiese pier hed dieeppeexedeend wbobed 'mover- MI bee god 114M012r, "the boar eleeered, tight t4 th4 none, and 4 verzedengereue brute a War* 414144 at bay. Wbea I "ate 4"; tt *mad on mes And luet when l had neer erre misea to plunge lee knife in behind hix shoulder, he geve me 0 throe with hie snout which pleughed up my filt pretty befil7e° Olive.r„ drew up hie Oeat eleeve, annetteeed ....hiseeeleteetax 101-1,1hOWiaa a welend whlob "*"4 "re"e" the °*`°4 ab'4 Waa aPaI°131Y heal. 61C "W* nothing be" said "hut It hied a great deal, far the vele* were cut and the blood,, Sowed me 'to the hoxelle of 'tile keit", anti 0 thee expielne the globelee et human i blood mixedwith *we of 4 bP4.4t." I Tha exPlaaatiod 'Ns'ae so clear, oo straight, .. , . .. . lerweed, se neutral, thee the maglarrare could And me objeetien, . ,Olieer lad not 0, tree* el imitation or . 4hoetirOPeardre &Ada from the abrupt oboe af hie athaw tlwough the gleu, nothieg hied appeared to evideeme an laWMC1 abturbtmoe med even the brokers glue showed notbieg, for it might mealy have beset the melt not , of ourpriee, but of awkwerineee Vor they day, at loaele the maginfrate gold riot put:hide unary evy further. Souse marettea beer, Oliver took leis leeve, wad a; be wag going be eau main* awe the mascot ureemity i s.. en seetto of the weer easiness and. Wearinella this given me, I beg of yen, air, U. other convereetions witlinee eau be useful to voix to neve no beam/ion he writing to Me, / sheula beaten to your drat op. peal." The amostrate thonkoa him, ene when he bed gene, muttered to himself; "If that man is guilty, he haeeat given j evidence of surprishag, elmeat to:likely cetera. /she ttenty 1. ea ft bee where The Attitude of this yomeg man le quite thirteen hie al:ewers are simple and direct. The Attitude of the marquis, an the other hand, lends itself to euspicion," ena. suddenly thinking ee Isabel he eget 44 Alit if that girl would, ouly. ;peek." He went ever, page after page, the whole, laborite:to engeiry to whites he had devoted himself already, to form an opinion out of the myetery.) " Bergemont everywhere, Bargemont al- . fm. ways," he naurmured. ' Clearly the or hall* there. What was the Marquis doing between three and five eoloolt / Re has not been able to explain. Ile lied severe' times an! while his son has given natural enoughmonkeys swats, 'Oliver wies hunting Audit the evening at tieleseigniers, A men vrho meditates a murder does not bunt in that fashion and. 'take hi's mensures to be ready as soon al the hour of hie crime strikes. lie left La Vale- gue about five ottlock. He got back to the S tone Giant about seven. The journon needs two haute. Nothing is to he discovered in that dim- tim:. Teere is, te be sure the foot of the ,, knife fitting Matihorgue"a wounds so closely, but that is perhaps a mere coiticidence, And there were other weapons besidea that onein the Bergemont Hail. Then certainly, against Oliver, there 'is the • story of the Simpson notes, but the only man who could have given me Hecht =that Lmint, was Math borgee, and be ei dead -oh! theee notes. that would simplify my enquiry so much 1" Ile smoked hie pipe to clear his- ideas. "The conducb of thellaargate, onthe other band, is very imseiciaus. He pretends to have been wandering about in the forest for two tours. • Where is the proof! What was he doing at the Trout Leap, at the very hour when Felix Langevin received, a note for Idanhorgue at the same place? .Andthen all his falsehoods thoublosing his way, in order to throw off my suspicions. His scarf- phi, just found there as if to testify to his -passing that way. And what wee he doing • mrpse about the very hour of the near ttte‘ crime ? Who knowa that father and son were .nob in °Outline:3y to commit this tirime ? But, 'sure enbugh the. Marquis is . guilty. The pretended story of .the sale of the Chateau does not hold water. A sale reheat which his lawe.er had not been con- nutted! A sale arranged and consented . to at a hundred miles away from one another, and withOut a single letter being exehanged. What a joke 1 Bat his presence near Man- bor,gue's body, at first wholly denied, and 'finally confeetted, . afters an interview with 'the victim, three hours before; the murder, that is sorb:mend justifies the most vigor- -ono measurers." He would summon Isabel tco his office, to try and influence her, and to make a final attempt -with her. ' ' ..., : ' Two days afterwards' the young girl ar- xiven. , . . . "Allow me to hope, Mimi," lie•gaill as he received her; "that it will not be useless for the ends ef jtetice that you have made the ' • ' ' • eraont 1' journey from Giromagny toRemir . , ti thi's colon and 'stormy weather. 'I suppose you rums whet. I enpeot from yon 2' • ., • . . 'II you have no other ,questione to put to tog, eir, but, 'those .1 already' knots' about, . them certainly this will be a ptirposeless journey, for I have no other answer to make but the one I havegivenedready." • "Madaane," he said,. "I' enjoin you to telt , . the, teeth." , . , "The truth, eh," said Isabel firmly"is per- , . ,. , , fent ignorance bn 'my part about the facts on vvhich yoke pretend to examine me." ' , "You are telling . a faldehood., Hear this 10017.., -You saw, on the 20 the Mr. de Barga monimiurder Ilt/le.ullorgue. ,, " Mr. de Bargemont 1", she exelahned. in . , , .lerrined tones. ,,.very ,. "Yes. FOrtunately'I have other proofs besides your word.' I shell be obliged to' • . . . . • you for your depoeinon, since yoerleg 1 know everything, I commend you to answ.er me 1" She could nob de it in the state, of. emotion . elm wee ioe • Thundet•ettehit, eyes fined en the neaglettote ousitigherself of the crime. " iiere," mid de Mewed of airSst whiele 1 am about eery evening the Mang* ae be behind t.he bars. 'hour sees him. Aud howevex eliigent be you, 0901 not forewert OM eseape, me," Re touehed a ben else two reaped, He handed them the werrat0t, them to ene.cate it ab once end prude:lee. nnhen they heti gone, he aed saw he.r 00 feint, so white . hoe oymitgAroug, hor bewe he maere a etep towards her, " 1771stat is .the matter .I'' "Yon Meet not do flint.. misted% an Ieiotice- 'gall tbat, mete Celt balk •tbe efil:ere, each, I tett yoq. no =gluts, you mean to arrest 'the reuquie ss et roattere ettee te, drove yen from his how- de yen awe he him ?"'" " It le an Iniquity I tell he who eserdered ideehorgee. . . he:* 4*Y011 000 won enetigh thatrilt IV 4144 do utorrow. -trilimptumay„ 44 le TM eat he, I 4vre4rit, on baVe 1° "MetbIng ought 0 reileet, to. fear, 0 teeing estoh eosoutoonee; eesehem. dm you .100 then, would !ewe said that 0bo roe, Hee wide open eyeo had look of. a Med. WOMakteil, nook:, $he, merely repeated aud terribly fatigued ; "It wamet he, it won't The mogisteete, cruel *Tell me what yea sew, For e. roomers*: certainly point of dieing ese.. But the the htergele in her' eetrefie betweeneher end the elogistrate, Seerowful .te the point of ed end supplients be 'heel old PUY. Rzeteniker the heppy infamy. Don't give up name to diabouer. Out whom yen orelmother, delee saw that terrible, night." In imaeleation *he beheld dieeppored eitithe end of espee blettuide towardo *bowie hinesele 0 bard, caprice heel driven then1 front The grief that oppreerei been terrible, for wit e all preseed her bandit whist crying out, .in a eery voice. , "I am. 111, IS= very DV ea vphy,a4 yeraletad the efegietreateee, did you ley tiut tbe iwrest would be infrinitoulf " ''' Bnatele a to Idannent, Well, whet hi the ulna nal 1" lie, Sbwa"Ileat• -e hinist4f had. he esergemont b tee ' You. must a or se "thin the Marquis le the rho to arreet tarn you are_,(0....._ _ . wOuld be Mating a grave, determination. So then, certain about it, why do mel" "1 am eau to question . g e , Mese. You are etee to go. She ateggered pairtfully "Mr, de Ittatiires," ;Me care that yea do not deceive Hotly' dishonor a family teeny magistrates atnong its yoer life long you would 'bear ant el 44 tee:luta au .ereor." 44 „&eep me frorn committing. .tell me the trail." A„ 2laa'n 4'sreed. over her . 1 ii t could," she said, Her eyen, momentaxily to be mumble% the past, , bowed and went eat. ' saym She ran dowtotottos herredly to herself, e d ' T I cannot o it. . o anv atroy the other, and, In any Bergemont. (Esti on FIRST • ------- SECOND PART.- ._. CHAPTER Grey and nombre it stands yes formidable, ;towering snow which aurrounde it, eis It lovingly; above the the barrenrooks, from which have swept the snow; above wffich jealotialy guard the steries which lurk in their above the great • forests monntainelopea on both sidee 'tier • above the eilent valley witliits fragments of ice other in•the muddy water): over which float feathery It stands thee, looking the Stone Giant, an image ing remains of the Bargemonfs of those lofty walls. It is ten ,o'clook at. night.. is profound. Not a star in the MOttanirt reads were not whose reflection ,Eterves as amid the intense gloom, they paesable. In the drawing room of lofty fire place on which. are blazing, thentargeinonts , All four ofthem auddenly.And brought together again. ' reflige from the oppteseive besiege him. Clotilde is the absence of her daughters ' ' ' het, :and in her hushaud'a hatred, the distrust,. which ' ' heart had: inapiren. in him, there, feverish, diegnieted, in at the . least sound. agitate hini, and he stretches his chilled hands which nothing again. Sometimee his look the Marquis, and there passes I khow•not what of savage thing is about tebu.rat out,something the dread of the future alone fear of the horrible ' aeandal, also the mysterioue hime, heart of man, that all will that the first suspicions will argemonts wd 'be eaved mere. And the Marquis, the 15 ' bottom., f hetSon's seek in his eyes for what what intending, what expecting- . Xot a word has passed nese° the night of Msehorgue's They seem profoundly' strange . 1.1...........MM•11110.11011••••••••MMOMP.. The WILY a %ken rigueed, "Folks h anus telkin* about the lintel) genee of basset, doge, and este," :said the el max, to terry t00% u hut 1 irO fur to tlecle that griuly teens k*ItOwniororn anyother en ulaalEVOQ:;. Cr ynolvuln:1::: v a at t conalaston • was athet * ' tha • t 4 Bv ouserienert and Observation of come i'v; -nut -in twenty veere whar letesleriim - -z, - ' racatt numerous, end ve semi all aides 1 "Have you any perticular instant* to ell in iroof of his intelligenteer n A dt um ef' em, but I was juet a-thinkit of att adventure 3: ilea on Reatitin MoUntab C 1 dabout fi . -I bad 1 ° era °' Ye Venn' ago. a °1 camp end was hunting fur Delhi. I had ir 'shanty built on the edge of a ravine, so thi 1 tt ' i a eckeell ooula lower rayeelf by the bat hi vi d b 11 way on a g grapevino an e o , Thi Wail a heap of !mune and had 'white int around and alone man couldn't be too cio - ' - nous. On the second night of my eta Ephraim name prospecting. I found h tracks - th - - re - - in e morning. found whar he to down lime - own to t and plan. He figgered to the lay of thingsand said to hie:melt "' Th• ' ' felley is sharp and I can't get at him Val ' he is in his house. I'll heir to lay fur lit - at the apring." "When I tur - a t - th ' en ee on in e morningIg on to the big track right off, and when wen or water_ . oo my gun. t fI t k - " Old Ephrat saw that I had it, and he shambled. off : "'He's get a gun, and it's a Wincheste aind 113111AI me with lead beforol lin g to him. • I'll lay fur.him as he goes over ti • hill. . • , , , . "1 suspeected what he was staking on, al I went the other way, made a circuit at gob above him, and he looked up in disgu and walked off, I could imagine how he fig ered as he went. He said: ., ' ' "'Here's the 'meanest cue 'Tv° tackled ten yearn. He hasn't gat the least actionim dation about him and he wants all the a • vantsge. I'll lay!fur him behind. aome of t] big lumps o' rock.' " - • ' ' , ' , , "Far two hours I had my 'eyes peeled1 that,Inar, and it was just .as I got keerle that I turned a bowlder and ran dead oe • • • him. He kinder d b h t , .. grinne „run ou is ono] and and to net ' ' - • E ' n ' , e aseplam ea mehe : • " 'Olanten, you. ice, my mutton! I.hah had 100 lireakfast,, hub tharn nuthin! me about me, and I'll give you two minits 1. prayer 1' "1 was too upset fur half a minit to thii of my,rifle, but' as I started to raise it a E b *started f 4 I hacV t p rum fir me, an go sniff of his breath when the ,giound sunde ly slid away with us. He went first' an followed, 1 caught a bill and was whirl, out of the slide but a hundred' tone, took and 'earth lolled ' Over Min ' He e it , . _ , , , . . r g one look hack at me as I grabbed the .bu and. oheaked '. up - aini I'm dead senile . , , was Innen : ., . gi ' Thistere felleris the meanest galbei crier , ciiiii' aorbsai He. WOn't 'neither' fig sque,rn nor take half the ahanciii,And Ill hanged if I don't hope that he'll get•clo up by some miserable speobrien of the ch merit/0e 1" ' . . .,,. e - - • ' • ' , . , . . - 0° Yese sir, thatebew•,figgered. exaoeled 1 the' way thretighdae 1- hen' 'told giou til - . , . .,- , • .,, . . „ e ., when I cum to think it all over I was ashamed' that I 'couldn't 'look anoth , . .. „ , , „ ... „ , . , ,, E hrann in the fat: fur six months " .. - • , n , e, ,, . , 0, . , , , , . , , : . , . . ., ' Astor Of New York', nevet ineitee the setae people 'U.; dinner', twice in -eneneeesoii. ., , , . .,,. , . ,Thexe a.re.a, certain het of peisone Whose due it is to be Seen ..et' her 'bottecle and„that list ' o'th rs r . . 'belo repeat 1.p 0 . large . at he ba ne, clew r, , „r .initatio,n,s, vvinah are sent out meek, weeks in advance, se thetthere can be no poesibilit Y e• „ r . ,. . . . , , , • . , - - . . t emus en a s e ts ' o ,p . , r g ,g,rn is . ,. ., In a minnte the lowera 'sound 'your ear can catch; bee teen made by 990' vibrationee . . . Peter Johnson, a colored resident of Caii was going to swalloev ten fishhooks in ub 6 - .-• - ' . , ,6. t), , I , a 1) , • n a Wager of '8 ,. .ut the aw steppe in a: . prevented him. It was decided that the fiE „,,,,, ee,..eee.„ , e - , , . , , , „ .'"44:"""7"-,,h ad -not yet,begun. ' :, . - The,. vegetable- Metter , in 'the tieh to t westward of the Azores has.found , boon contabi a large email:1feet fish, and oeher It ellatehliDg Bebe 41alee. ' ' 0 11 24 he er 0, Lia 24h. he e-