HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-27, Page 8i`. .D.V:I(. T RIOT/( RS. A HINT TO HOUSEKEEPERS. .Areyoudistetr dfit;ili6htandbrut;rnof'.0IT! Test by a Sick (attest suflerub and crying withl X11.•;• Balla. «ilt..em, of Gieniitt Parry Iain of tutting teeth.! IC S1.. send as o)iec ..nal,,St'.uitd, Dirt., s ivs "1 could not keep got a. Tot gVIG t ht+us)s Wit 1iagy ai'd`s fellow's Oil arae, ItwOrreltevethepogrlittletoUrererwnme-.at hand. I have used it in nny family diRtEiy. .aepena, nponit, tuothei 0'. there is 110} for c•ro ?eon throat,and elft font ndstage abopt it, it OliltO4 dySkglterjr cy.1 War l • • , and Tinea, Tea ;ate:; Zito Sioivaoh afid bnue1-. cu -ea caala lli��'h11 recommend it to everybod ''nndeullos%odde/1311Mgituts,retiucesintlanik,a-i n - ` bola, and gives tone tuna energy to the whole, The fol10111ng interesting notice iS ayctam Mi S. WII"rst ra Saa.Z a SraV"()IV 1c ` 1 at a. foreign se - ie resort '1 - (wL.0 `.1 untaIrO1 1)icasallt to thetaste,anct,l is tuepreseriptionofDoe ofthe ON t;,nallags4 ilatlniil yuan who see a lady in danger staa'ies.a u s fo asand by a did #A s thUzougeta�' Qf arc •wiling and goes into tale grater Latelae world. rrIc tO ra .ue her, will be careful to seise herby the dress, and not by the hair, as the latter will most probably conte. ofin his hands. Not one in twenty are free from $onia little ailment caused by inaction of the fives, T'se Ca;tez's Little liver 11111s, The result will be a pleasant suzprisa. They give positive relief. CON t 1'TtON VX -121 I>. n old pbyeici4n,retired from pr:ictice.hav- Slag had p accai in ins hands b, an East Indio, mtasionara the xoreaulaofa,sieuplevegetable remedy Ion: the stserd} and permanent etiare of1.Ii WAY 'AI QE TUB. OR1.D. Conaauzgt:on, Bronchitis, E-,Itare:4 Asthete - 'the Rev. Peaecinoud rehearsili anal all turoas and Lung' A eetieus. Also % i ( " Tottiveandra.lac:alcure.foruervoasla ,tat~, `>'rniUn, ••The #,`ilr5e of Ruin," tQ, his a alit iervotusCo:E' taints..; ' terhavin-t,st.I.. wife -I. -411%M the , a1oonaist's money, :3 .t endertotenryrave3powerstnthen-taxis ?, of eases' alas fat it hisdue onaatt: is l.tiewn there' is a curse Upon it, blood upon so lzia:etctrereeng fellows sterna. c i IT this every calla, do not tough,spun it assyou faotireand a desme to relit, se littaiaat suffer- , iug,i wiltase>;al, tree of eltar a t?p.y' 1 r ltei.d' .ire w onld---'+1y dear 4 think I heard a 11. tl}tareeel ,a-. ant e'm ,ta Vre =)t h i.I �:t egPrsh Iowa," vti#ii icil:tlirectlata:t t+ Y gra arc=a ,eiw,i LIlaDia$. ;test 1 g aatait l'S addre>�li? I� cvitii ,! t;,1;,ZT d _ wife lilt ling answered Unocal,)..• > 1g'IL 01 rarer- W.::# � ova ,-- 11-, `i o>. or a '* committee e that S•oluuterred to so- l$.gNk7i oda- tRmter.:-w Qet-tb-5 lkfiit •ascriptions, Rlpltiellss in answer to your —war— " " ! 1,pp,i;i1 for funds to finish the To be free from sick Headache, billi- i rhutzeh, send you this list of OUsness, -eon-til►atiCif, etc., use Carter's subscribers as a result of their work."' Little Liver rills. Stlietlr vegetable 1 v. P. --"What la the sum total? They gently stimulate the liver and ._- e'vf s omich frztna Fill., �RY S'FAf3C; BEYOND DI.SPU'r1~;. There is no better, safer or more pleasant Bough remedy made than Hagvard's Pectoral Balsam. It cures, 'lrozllpss,-sero throat, coughs,colds, bronehitis and all throat and lung troubles. Catarrh, Catarrhal 1)eawnes Fever.. A NM HOME TRRATMgNT.. fit's --1 Five liuudred anti forty-three dollars. Mr. Ilap lent heads the list with one hundred dollars." Ill. I#. --Who is this Aar. Ilopplant?n 'Al lie.---IIe's a wholesale iiquor•tlealer iu Main Street. i Rev. P. --Ali run,1 guess I'll put aside this sermon on the 'Cause of Ruin' for use at some future time. I have Si1flEarcns are not generally aware in my inind than nucleus of one that win be mere ap;'prupriato zuld timely. Chat these- di .ase s arty contagious, ark A. LUCKY ESCAPE. E. that they are due to the pareSEilee oil ...For six years ars I sufCtirc'd; Kith Ivy liviraniag Parasites iu nf" f ti4 , -' -.izdl lista d 1•.stl tulle throat fined c+1llatr„rci tonsils.I WAS x ABexcx xapic. cp+ arc„zaxavi�N ,rt h:i + Prov- 'err well: ;1 doctored four years and 9 heti ildvita: from three dacgt►rtl; they rd tljfs'to ale :a foes. calla thy? ra�siilt Is l„aid I woulal have to undergo an oper- that a soupy. s- nes La'0149111su-o action, I tried B. B. B. iniac- d. one Nti..il whereby e;atIre:4 catarrhal deaf- f horde ctiri•d;up."' Mr. A,stineieh, ma news anti hay fever are pternna*iently izla, Ont. g - cured in from ono to three simple ripe -t APtasT.tlabfiTER,: OPINION. pilierititlns imine at ht enc lav the it atie nt li ,.1 hoi' a tie. pleasure in certifying to conceit two rivets. N. a--=I•nr t'ra.t, *-„the ii' fuhnev,s of I tgyaard's Yellow rhea rely h lrAes px euliar to ' females h atlas" writes Kavanagh, postmaster, of trliitn.saa tali ra ntt fly pian :six e;1ie, A i l infraville, Ont., 'shaving used it for p tlaipiltpet e;:pil•iinitrg this nt:'1 treat- I soreness of the tizroaat, burns colds, ete., nnt.`,Izt is snt n:t rc'e+eilat of ten cents 1,.• ; l Oita• lwtldn,” equal to it.,, A. Iia I.lxxtl\ &' Sox. :03 \Vest King 9 tit., Tortalatu,0`tanatIn, St is+nf 1 tie :lister i• ? Rules ail ft Frontier' Hotel. 4'4an. In the Antal ;anti nailed in as eonspicu- $u f 'ratios from a'atarcdz u l troublesore, palate was a board. on. 'Oita Was should t :iir.�fttliy rend the above.P•isted as brigand formidable set of rules (b4 :: -'SS a that would h ire terrified any northern vi-ttor entering. Melena for the first, Everest's Cough Syrup is the 'tt St in time. `the following extractsfrom tire' the countr ,-Tlunc,all k'urseli Forest rules I here quote from memory for the'. purpose of affording, the reader some .__ SHE Si Ni•NDIMISTOOf,. idea of the exact nature of the regu- cs Ignorant,rui l:el to ,.CIz�si Wien,” o the hotel in question 25 theyP 'usl.—'teard you said zv;asilliterate' aPPeared iu Via; Mrs. C C.--1 5:atd no such thtng„ 11rs Ig-;' "Rule 1- bests must pony up 1 dollar norm, I merely remarked that I guess. and bits before groin the book. ed the goodness of wisdom wastumbleSlir rt bits dont kownt Beer, No to officiate at your birth.' Mrs. i.- „Cin,,” flOMMERC1AL) JYERY 4 b t ttesstl,anthirtydaye. Each ne- tains awe weeks treatment. PricePackage $2. Cures co Gruartnnteed. Our specific No. $i is an Wall- lit forn�llP.rxxate Dlsease„s. Ifo matter of haw long standing. Sold under am written Guarantee to effect a Cure. Price @5. Toronto 3fedioine Co., Toronto, Ont, 3,r':ov-20-$ ANY MAN Who is Weak, nervous, Debilitated, who in his Potty anti Ignorance has Trifled away his Vigor of Body. "rind stud Manhood, causingg exhaust- ing drain upon the Fountains of Life. Head- ache Backache, 1?readful Dreams, Weakness of *emery, Bashfulness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to > arly Decays Consumptton or Insanity, will findin our specific No.ssa pos,•taveCure, ItDaparts e . Youthful Vigor rtoree the Vital Power in old udyoung„strengthens and invigorates tate strain and Nerx•, bsulds up the Musoular syat- t,tt andaroilseeante action the whole physio diener ofthe hninau frame. With our Tpgoe a o.Rs the most obstinate a With n be - ■ 'cured in threemonths, and recent ones in First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS T...p.FT AT THE HAWK - SHAW HOUSE OR AT WE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. wa,z; n w ; 'fie«, a :teAalas Telephone Connection• I,e'"I'ER - - NORTIL )UR STOCK IS WELL, ,ASStllwTED FOR Ti1E SEASON'S TRADE, GROCERIES; lis lbs. Sugar for - 1,3 lbs. White Sugar for - $1.00.. caxa't,be undersold in Teas from, 20e to Tae. per ib. Isloots And Shot's. all styles, at low prieet;, A iateely assorted stock of HARDWARE, FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (cheap). Best 1lachine Oil Ceti. per gallon. Coral 011 as Low as the Lowest. A NICE TEA ,SETT OF d/ PIECES, A good suit of Ready-made Clothing fter *6.00. Ordered Suits ,got lap in good style. Our Dress Goods are mark ' ed down to the lowest notch. Twenty vas. a , i Cotton for one dollar. A house and lot, also a farm for sale. Apply to n M Matheson HAY POSTOFFICE nickels or k<p r seats taken. (:est, will leve that w epens so's they'1 . ,•, Black- go off in the elite. "Everests Extract Of Wild Blat.3,- Supe & total will be found near watr- t Berry never fails to ears' diarrhoe4l. ina trof. No fiting or shutein allowed in. the bad runes. (nests must sine there nems evry day pay accordinly. Enny gest ho isnt satisfyd with these roofs must mosey or stand the konsc- quences." 4y sontt'iry, d i-"- -tkits statements of scores who have ie tried1 it. •3i,c per bottle for sale by all druggists. , TREY DIPPERED, Tom (a borrower.- - •I sty,1"'ick, I've made a. bet with Harry and you are the only one who can keep it. Once upon ;i tine, you know, Douglas Jerrold was asked by an acquaintance if he had the courage to lend hint a guinea, and Jerrold replied that he had thecourage but he hadn't the guinea. Now, I have always believed that you would give me a different answer if I should ask you the same question, wouldn't you?" Dick. ---"Yes, I would." Tom. --"So, I've won the bet. Can you accommodate me with the loan of a five?" Dick. ---"My dear boy, I've got the money, but I haven t tbe.,foui.ag-e:-'y Oi yesiTelrrold.lodiffe .' " You hardly realize that it is medi- cine, waren taking Carter's Little Liver Pills: they :are very small; no bad ef- fects: all troubles from torpid liver :are relieved by their Yohii near 11 cannot understand, sir, why you permit your daughter toe sue me for breach of promise. You re- member that you were bitterly opposed to our engagement because I wasn't good enough for her and should dis- grace the family.' Indignant Father: °1 dung man that was sentiment—this business.'• I had tried many dt and was given up by them ear gone into consumption, but w • . ,iermauely cured by using Ever• is sough Syrup.—Jas. Simpson, Aberdder. A SEVERE ATTACK. "I never felt better in all my life than I have since taking B. B. B. I had a severe attack: I could not eat for. several days, and was unable to work. One bottle cured.i. John M. Richards, sr., Tara, Ont. For all bliiotis troubles nsei B. B. B. CANNIBALLS LIVE THE SAME WAY. Paterfamiliar (at`the supper table to ;Mr. Thos. Catch,; Susie's Beau),—"Xt is said that a Spaniard can .live upon an onion and a few olives a day. It seems surprising to ars, cloes it not?" Susie's little Brother.—"Mr. Catch; 1 know what you live on." Mr. Catch.—What, Tommy?" Little Brother. -"On your aunt; pi, said so." A SEVERE TRIAL, Frances S. SmithofLmsdale,:ifuskoka. writes, "I s as troubled with vomiting for twd, years, and 1 haft vomited as often as five times a (lay. ; One bottle of 13 B B cured me.". AIn01titeiy Pure. This powder never varies. A. marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness, More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cann ot be sold in. competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER co., 106 Wall St. N.Y Is the oldest and most popular eclenti8o and mechanics) paper pubU,hee and has the largest clrctllation of stay paper of Its class lathe world. Fully illustrated. Best class of Wood Eogray. Ings. Published weekly. Bend for specimen oo 1, rice a year. Four months' trig , 81. 1.t UN$s N &. CO., PUBatsgaus, 981 BaaWwa II Th t1 Subscribers wishes to inform th Farmers and Geueral public that he is Prcpured to furnish all Sixes and Kind of Vlel l Digging Prornotlu ne and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shop on AnnStreet, behind Christie's Lirery Mable. A CALL SOLICITED. JOHN MR. THE PROVIDENT Life andStock Liye �� k As-soc at on. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Read Office room D Arcade. In the Life Department this Asso- ciation provides indemnity for . Sick- ness and Accident, .and substantial as- sistance to the relatives of dt3ceased members at terms available .ta,a11.. In the Live Stock Department, two- thirds indemnity for Tess of live stock. of its members. Send for particulars, claims paid etc. WILLIAM JONES,u Sept.6,'88. M.AGING- DIRECTOR. TORONTO, ONTARIO. BISSETT BROS LIVERY.. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL ' RATES WITH COMIRCIAL MEN. Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, willreceive prompt attention. TERMS REASONABLE,.' A TRIAL SOLICITED. • BISSETT BROS. ARCHITECTS& tUILDER f _ Edition of Soientitie Americas. A great success. Each issue oontalne colored lithographic plates o1' Oorritry:and oity resides- oes or public buildings. Noauerone engrasleo and tall plans and apedaeatlons for thenen of such as contemplate Pr1oe$2 90arawr, 25 efts. a copy. - 2&17Nli k CO., Pulstrintriult. 6G may bo eeonr- . applying2 too b71($t URN Co. +irio have had ov.r,40 years' ,experiene and have made over 116,- UW npplicat ons fur American and Foreign patents. Send for Eandbook. Correspond- ence strictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. In caseyour o mark e notf y1 rF mored In the Pat. t Ch OtHCb apply to xvxlr � Mid Toa immediate prrtotton. Send for Co.,handbook, arEl COPYit.ICNIITS,for hooks. charts,-mapl, etc. giltekly proonred. AadreeI AIUNN & CO., Patent fi.11citore, tissna.L orrt a1: 361 imoAto .1,Z, N. T, FREEMAN'S- WORM REEMAN'SWORM POWDERS Are pleacant to take. Coctaf their ozux Purgative. Is a sale, sure and ef1'ctual destroyer °Alarnms ut Ck ldr'e,t or Adults. MARKET SQUARE GENERAL STORE The undersigned would inform the Publio that he has just received Iiia I.TER STOG]. INOLUDWG ,A„ FULL LINE 01? DRY GOODS, HATS AND OAPS,' AND CROOK- ERY', BooTS AND 8110ES. Those wishing anything in: my line will find it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices. Best Roller Flour always on hand. Highest Price paid for Rutter and Eggs, ancf all kind of Produce, P. ROSS. (10.22•'88) WJr1T, BE AT TSE• Geu�ral 11ti1, !itii' ON-. Friday , J , 1.888, ONE DAY ONLY. FROM 8 a, ID. TO 4 p'in. Patients please call early. Thos. Spear, - >,D Surgeon, tic., M. 0 P. S. G. S. S: L. T C. D. THE GREAT' EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. VAR the treatment ofall Chronic Dieeases tand Diseases tmeuliar to Women. Thirty r ty years p net eo. HeadOffice---St.thanas The neater has been duiaed in nearl all. the leading Medical Colleges and 1lospii. ads in Europe, has served as surgeon In the British Army in the Eastlndies Sargeon in. tate American -Army during the late war, from 1561 to the dose of the same, has treat- ed all nationalities circumnavigated the globe --iris thorough education, large and varied practice and experience entitles him to ranks a Speciali1t--Socontl, to none on this continent --for the treatment of those dangerous and difficult diseases that have baffled the skill of the lotaai physician. The following diseases with many others successfully treated • Astlnna, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyypepsia, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Heart DDiseases, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Diseases, kilos, &c., Electricity used when required. Testimonials ofEducation—Thefollowing testimonials and diplomas may be seen at my office, with many ethers front nearly all the leading medical schools in Europe ;'.irin ity College, Park St. School of Medicate and and Royal College of Surgeons. Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ire- land; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland ; Licentiate in M.tid- wifery, ;and endorsed by the highest medical authorities in the United States and Dom- inion of Canada. The above with many letters from different parts of the globe are a medical pas pport--without re-examination doubt or quibble -over every sea and in every land from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Bead circular and re- member the data LADIES ONLY. FRENCH REGULATION PILLS. FardsuEdrooeRtt,hTeanousPenndyrylal ior weioase NeSURT}TGLY. Never fail, relie- anppEhetnal. Price $2. LAoRroInTYPMeaannt Co., 12oronto,Ont. Meov-25-s Witt CURE'QR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZJNESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPS:Y INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, -OF THE SKIN, deaf *very species of disease aris ing tram O �73. STOA041, w.,2 OD. T. I&J, ,j1 Ca., °prTORONTO. Hurrah 1 Hurrah JIGI Snallacombe, Merchant Tailor,: To Customers and Public at large, here is the place to get yourselves suit- ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. A fine Range of Goods al- ways in Stoe1 . A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices. Up Stairs over Rost Mee. A CALL SOLICITED. ". Srnailaoombe, 1111 "Tho Week, one of the ablest papers on the continent ".—Descriptive America. Enlarged and Improved... THE \VBEK: A Canadian Journal of Poli les, Liter- ature, Science. and Arts. PUBLISHED EVERY PB.IDAY. SS per Year. $1 for Four Months, THE WEER has entered on its SIXTH year ofpublication, greatly enlarged and im- proved inevery respeot,'rendering it still more Worthy the cordial support of every one interested in the maintenanbe of a firit- class literary journal. The independenc in politics and criticism` which has obaraeterized THE WEEK ever since its first iseue will he rigidly maintain- ed; andnnceasing efforts will be. made to im- prove its literary character and increase its value and attractiveness as a journal for the cultured home.Many new and able writers are now,orhive promised to become, contributors to its columns, and the con- stant aim of the Publisher will be to make TR II -'WEEK fully equal` to the beat literary journals in 13dtain send the United States. As keretofore,, PEON QoLOWING SEI Tri will, front time to time, contribute articles. London, Paris, Washington and Montreal' letters from accomplisb,od correspondence will, appeara t regular ;intervals.' fireside' Ot- tawa Letters will appear during the session of Parliamorit. SITE WEEK in its enlarged form will be ' the same size as "Harperes. Weekly," and the largest paper of its class on ;the , contin- Send for Free Sample Copy. C. BLAO;KLTT ROB,LNSON, Pub., 5 Jordan st,, Toronto Washington's NEXT VISIT Throat and Lung Surgeon, To Ezotor, ,VILL BE AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL, DECEMBER 201111 --i'INTIL--• O o'clock, p. m. 9.n English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cawnwall, Ont. I)it. WASiu\`GTpx,-• DEAR Silt, --I am glad to be able to inform you that any daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of ;valve bronchial troubles under your treatment, when the usual remedies tailed, I write to express my gratitude. Please accept nay sin- cere thanks. Yours truly, C.B. PETT1TT. D1$lAsio TREATED—Catarrh of the head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Con- sumption. Also loss of voice, sere throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Come early. Con- sultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr. Washington's new method. W. H. Storey, of Storey S: Son, manta- lecturers, atinfacturers, Acton, Ont, also President Manufacturing Ass. of Canada, pey- Inanentl* cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country- and Europe. Writh to him for particulars. Mrs. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, nit., Cat- arrh.. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. ,Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Harrowsmith, Ont„.Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Post Master, Acton Ont,, ' At once. Locaiand travelling agents for our goods. Liberal commissions, or salary and otpeuses, to competent and reliable men. For terms and fullparti- velars, address, J. F. LISOLAi , Nurseryman, Brighton, N. Y. Furniture and Undertaking. ---GO TO— Rowe O— l Andrew ED -ROOM AND PARLOR SPITS, SIDEBOARDS AND EXTENSION TABLES, . LOUNGES AND EASY CHAIRS. The Largest Warerooms i:It town, i nd: rtaking outside of the 'lydertak-. eas Ring, in all its Branches. Open, day'' and Aight. STAND --tine door north of Molsonis Bank. tLUN-ST. - E: ETI 13. EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced of itc wonderful cyratica ptopoi lice. Warn, 25 crate. A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0. Ont., (near Napanee) of.Catarrh, head, throat and lungs.. Head Office 82 McColl St, Toronto, Consultation Free. ATTENTION 1, Eyes Front? Quick March —TO— W. SOUTHCOTT'S Clothing and Gente F ltNISITINa STORE. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. • Someof the finest goods that can be sectued, are arriving every 1 stay GENTS' FURNISHINGS• IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT A CALL SOLICITED. �va� ^�TCOT`r,.. FI', W. ► t Corner Main and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO. 1; Try Everest's Liver Regulatory Por Dtseasoa atlas ,Liver Kidneys, Sal., and Purify- , ing of the Blood. Price 51. six bottles for :5, For Sale by .ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured only by GEO. M. EVEREST, Carom; Fonts; 011r. R1G.i clip GOOPER SHOP 1 Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood ood and surrounding country, that he has open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and is prepared to do alt classes of coop erage work on shortest notice. A call solicited: DELIS WILDS. Oct11—$m PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who., hashed a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000Iadies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies ask your drums gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose pest- age for,sealod particulars. Sold by ail druggists, $1 per box. Adcrl�rese RP EUREKA 0HE11iICAL CO., Darxor Trot. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lantz, and druggist everywhere. .Thal. 1-, This Year's 0 .at L cut et, Plug smoking Tohacco FINER THAN EVER. - See IN BRONZE ON aolz Plugn- � d , � I'ackag®. rhe Great En;rtish Proscription: Fyy A' successful edicine used over 30 years in thousands of eases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [ncroaa] indiscretion. or over-exertion. [A1.r,aid , Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all oth Pail, Askyour Druggist forrince Great En ['rescA tlosp,take go'aubstittite. One ac t ill. Six $5,•bv mail. Write for Pamphlet. Ado Eureka Chemical Cop, Detroit, 111 Sold in, Exeter by Dr. Ltitz, and dr evreywhere t r