HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-27, Page 5London Huron & BruceRailway Goias; Nauru---Tx;+iz: Tanz,r-Pass'nr, London, depart....8,05 .. z , ; 4,25 r, Liman Crossing -8.47 , 8.47 .. , 5.20 Clandc1oye. ,8.52.,,.,5.28 Centralia.- .9.05.. 5.45 EXETER - .9.16. , 5.57 Hensait ........ .,9.28...,,,6.09 z .ippon,,.... ,,,. 9.34.... 6,17 13ruce5eld ... , , . , :9.42... 6.26 Clinton,,.,, ,, .1,0.00,,„,,, 6.45 Londesboro' ,,,,'.10.19,.,.,, 7.03 1;lytlz 1028 ,,,. 7.12 I3elgr.ave, ,. , , , .10,42 , , 7.27 VV"ingham ... , .. ,11.00,,,7.45 Goxxo Solana Passenger, Wing beans ... , , . 7.05 Aar8,40 eat, Belgrave , . , , , . 7.24. , ,. . , 4,00 Myth , , 7,38 4.15 Londcsboro... , . 7.47- ... , , 4.25 Clinton . , .:8,07 . , , 4.45 Brumfield -... ; , .. 8.26. , 5;04 i ippen.......,,, 8.31,.,,., 5.12 Ilens:mll.. , . , ...... 8.41. 5.19 EXETER. ,, 851: . 5.83 Centralia 907.., ,. 5.45 .......5.569.18...... l 56 Lucriu Crossing. - 9.24.. , , . , 6.02 London, arrive., .10.15 , 6.45 EXETER ERIK SE Red Winter, per bushel„ .$1.00 to 1-00 White cc . , , 1.00 to 1-6 Spritlg;..„ ,,,,,,.. 1.00 to 1.00 R.trlt*;• , , , . , , .. , , 48 to 56 . 30 to 32 Uats,, •••• • Eggs per dot 18 to 18 Eggs putter, kl(,r,l . 1s, to 20 jenter, Crocks ...............1('tn 18 tees' per lig, . .5 to 6 Turkey perp.,, ,, 7 to 8 ViEnl, 1 t ti n 18 Potatoee pr bush.... - 80 to 85 .Nay per ton .... 122.•00 to 18.00 1N,r1: _ 6a0 te, 7.0e p AN QPPoaTUNtre. To No:s-ging f7.m,a te- i' vt,-, 4.01-o . t Ut f. i ♦ . °, tiOU 3 t.''� Ft ait..n i P li tei r9 r 1a c. tt alt t that ir.mrr le to •a.l,ltthora.1 sands are to }+s+ rm y'�c•=a mi,n.•rnir^taftasmeltrrnt9n,. atip 9,# a s.rao lasing A t..#c. 1.n:9r.l:,.;. 414.333 3i% pe, 30,n39433c? Slam: from the fa3trtelry. ,Apply Nova -4.stf f r. AesnAs's Tin now at3ic Meeting, meeting of Leb;anf+n Forest leeige�. A. 1". & A. M., will be hold title t a e'ni ag, Every member requested to. l•e pexis, m.t. Found. On Main St, a few days ago,a parcel a, 1 en:tt:tiniue' dr.'s,.~ goads and a pair of 1:tike's hos'. Looser can have same hy applying, at this fink*. 1['rr'.e':ataiton. Ott C'hriettaas drive h: Messrs \\'* hes Breis, presented to the Tri vitt Memorial dot eh. at h miaow font in zut'mory of Wife of 31r. Wm. Weekes, k t, r�ana ta>,s•,KterEa. I'r�'alt oysters at Geo. Sanders, by the ' quart or sett** up by the plats' evoked or raw. Just look at our stork of cnn- feetione'rr awl sporting' goody. all fresh, new ;ansa f rst S,Arvit'es were held at the Trivia Memorial church. and were well attend- ed Christmas flay. Tim musieni part of the sirr vice was excellent and the ehnir deserve emelt credit. Mr. Wadsworth, rth, of Montreal presided at the, organ. nark Agatha • 3. W. Lruderiek is in town and has a baai;up stock of Bankrupt goods con- si':ti g of dry -goods groceries &c., to- g; gain r with the. best stock of NewY ears Pres. arts you haveoverseen. Give him a call. 4 (Lena north of the post alive. Farmers Institute. The Farmers' Institute for South Iliiron Will meet in Exeter, on the 16th nod lith of Jan. next.' Two of the Professors from the Agricultural Col- lege are expected to be present, also a geed staff of local speakers will ;address the meeting on Subjects in connection with Agriculture. Weather i aniteba. Everybody remarks "what fine weath- er we ua having." For the benefit of our Ontario friends, we inform them that in this part of the country, al- - though there has been a slight flurry of snow, their is none now, the days are bright and cl. ar, just enough frost to prevent farmers from ploughing, but not enough to keep the dust from fky ting, %Ve gnestiail if anywhere in the world,better fall weather weather could be hod than we are having in Southern Manitoba. Deloraino Times. church Opening. The proceedings oft'e o h peeing of the Trivitt Memorial Church has, been unavoidably crowded out of this issue but will appear hi our next. l eetal 1Rofornu. - The newest thing in wedding tours is sensationally called the Fthoneymoon" Neither bride nor groom has .any idea o£ where they aro going. The best man .arranges it a11; prepares the scheme of travel and the plan of cam- paign, and gives the bride -groom .a paper with the whole thing drawn up and a sehedulo of arrangements made as he steps into the carriage, when the happy pairhsve the whole new fruitful subject to diseuss as the opening con- versation of their married life instead of having it worn threadbare during preliminary engaged period, Christmas 'Weather rz•overbs. A warm Christmas, a cold Easter. A light Christmas, a. heavy sheaf, A green Christmas, a white Easter, A green Christmas makes a fat graveyard. A wind on Christmas day, trees will bring much fruit. If Christmas finds as bridge he'll break;, it; if he finds none, he'll make one. If ice will beat a yuan before Chris*.utas it will not bear, a man afterward. The shepherd would rather see his wife enter the stable on Christ- mas day than the sun. If the sun shines through the apple -trees on Christmas day thine will be an abundant crop the fallowiug year. Calming Thos. Spear, M. D., Surgepu Se.. M. C. . S.G.S. and L. T, C. D. Head office, St. Thomas. The great East Indian Physician and Surgeon, for the treat- ment of all ,chronic diseasesand diseases cubo to ;m '.smarwomen, forv "� m a bleb e s i P h so y'.s'1i uali i 1, will 1r,+ , t +Central Hotel, Exeter nal Friday Jan. 4thfrau 8 a.m. to :a. p. m. One day ouly, Pat - lents please eall early, Persons suffer- ing from diseases that have baffled the skill of the local phy sieaaus should not omit this fnvo'able opportunity of see- ing him. Ile has been educated in i colleges nearly all the - eolla,�e.s mn Europe, has been in than army, of the United and BritiGli arm; , and hoe cireaimmn:avinzt- ed the globe. Consultation free. Re member the date-. Yeeess1ty for 1'ttreAir. Now thnt cold weather is begHnmaing the thirsty householder eloses up all the vre..'� ieesaround. the doors and put on the stems). windows, so as to eeonom- iaE� fns hugs l keep the house warm with- out w..sting any of the heat from tate stove or furnace. But the same thrifty householder makes a mistake;fuel may be s wy'el' but money will hem last in en- feebled phy ie t1 force, bodily disease and doctor's bills. .Nair' air is as imt.c- eteetry to p erfeet hoalth in winteras in summer. Open windows and doors are moot advisable in tis iute'r it is just as advisable to keep out every breath of ail' a s it wr.0:t1 h!% to open the house, wide. Let a little fresh air in occass- te+nnity . even if you had to put on more Sire, and above all let your rooms be so M. arisn i I atn arranged tint some perind of the day the window's can be thrown open and the house a"Slushed" with pure air. That is as necessary. as 'tSlushing" a sewer with clean water. a'iraiturs. . canon, those who spent Christmas with friends here, we notice the follow ik'givald Elliot and wife, of 'Toronto; :the Ilex McQueen, of Sault Ste Marie; i.aac Carling jr., 'Toronto;. A. A. C'. 1)enovan, 'Toronto; Miss Bella 3"eekell, Sarnia: WV m. Brookes, of Massey Man. Co., Toronto; Win. Ryan, Chicago; 'Wm. Himmel:, Michigan; Wilbert Matn nm charaeter, and backed by business tact And one • render energy, z n er ltim in every re spect worthy the honorable position he occupies. And now gentlemen as a slight token of our csteem and cenfid' .enee, we beg your acceptanee of this seey and char, together With this ad- dress.. Hoping continued • prosperity may be yours, and with sincere '+wishes fee the happiness of yourselves and re- spective families, We are gentlemen and. employees. Yours truly. I1. Eaerett, J 14feL aughliia corn, Gpsxr nun;a.--we have listened With very great pleasure to the excellent ad- dress you have jut presented,we think yon have manifested superior judge- ment in the selection of such as useful gift, whieh in this connection is quite a pleasant innovation. We appreciate very highly this tangible expression of your regard for and confidence in the firm of W. IL Verity 4 Sol?. Your choice we consider is an excellent one, •combiningboth comfort andusofulucss, During a inanu£aeturing history of over thirty-two years, we have always endeavored to display before you an example of diligence in busluess,and we aroglad to be ableto s aythatwebelieve we have a staof workmen amend to none in the province, for honesty, sobri- ety sand faithfulness in the discharge of their work, and we trust you will en- deavor to help sustain the reputation of the firma as manufacturers by turn- ing out good reliable work, always re• mnembering that whatever is worth • doing is worth doing well. We have endeavored to place at your disposal. some of the very best labor saving ap- pliances known in Canada or the lxnit- ed States, and during these times of such close competition, we trust yon will always evidence a. willingness to ag aoo •s _d am work ] t advantage t and to the 12�s � 1 f xa all such useful tools, that are intended to facilitate the more rapid discharges of the work. Believing as we do that the maunfacturer who holds to the old way of doing work by Mind or poor tools, will soon find his business drifting into other channels, and Isis men seei.- n Memployment.h e elsewhere. . tis Itert'. Tm work- man m1. maim wo is most considerate of his employers interests, is the man who is the most likely to rise to positions of trust and responsibility, It is a source of pleasure to us, to And you the pos- sessers of such comfortable homes thnt rxtaany aamechanles of our cities would feel proud of and we also note the pros- perity that has attended your efforts in conjunction with our own. We desire to make worthy mention of your sobri- ety and general ;oed deportment as during our entire business history we have never had any serious trouble such as strikes, which is in lleative of discontent. We trust the events of the !attire may be. as conducive to our mutual prosperity as theyjhaavo been in the past.. We regret that we will not be able to continue our former practice of granting a week's holidays during stock taking between Xmas and New, Years, seeing we aro so pressed for im- mediate shipments of goods to the Northwest, and have also a. great de - mond from our local agencies. 'We would therefore respectfully ask that you make your holiday season as short as possible but if any of you have made airy delinato arrangements, we would not care to interfere with you. Thank- ing you again very kindly for this beautiful chair and socy and wishing you all a merry Xmas and happy New Year. We are yours truly W. II. V nnrry & Sox. Arlen's, -Mud? mend? mud? -A happy New Year to all. ring, Toronto; Arch McDonell, London; -Christmas passed off very David Bissett, Windsor; Homer Kins man; Abe. Davis, London; John Mills, of Times. St. Thomas; Samuel Charley, Detroit; Luke Panner and sister, of London; .lar. Wm. Stanlake,Sand Beech, Mich.; Robert Brownlee; Arthur Balk- awill, London; Mr. Bert Grigg and wife, Montreal; Bennie Grigg, Guelph; Mr. Peters, Architect, London, 11. Cox, London; John White, Windsor; Chris P:alsdon, Scsforth; Mrs. A. Q. Bobier, London; Dan Dyer, Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Fife, Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs, McTavish, Detroit; .Fred Gidley, Mich.; Fred Carr, Sarnia. Address and Presentation, On Saturday the employees of Messrs W. H. Verity & Son presented their employers with a. beautiful walnut chair and soy;. which was purchased from the establishment of Mr. S. Gidley together with a nicely worded address framed in a very appropriate style, to which the firm replied in veiy fitting and feeling terms. Below is a copy of the address and reply: - "W. H. VERITY & SON, EXETER. GENTLEMAN: -Aware that we are on. the eve of a new . era in the business 1listoryof your manufactory, we your employees deem it a sitting time to give expression to the esteem and confidence in which yoti are held by us. Inreview- ing the past we are pleased to notice continued progress and prosperity in 'all your enterprise.s,so that from a com- petitively omperitively small business your establissh ment to -day plays no unimportant part among the Iarge industries of our country. Of the senior member of the firm in whose eniploynieint many of us. have spent the greater portion of out wokiag years, with pleasure and pro- fit, we bear.thiswilling testimony', that wo have always found hitt just and up- right in all dealings with us, kind ` and courteous in his treatment, and ever ready with;words of encouragement or approbation to cheer us,in our toil. ..01 ,the junior zirember of the firm,we would say that having known him from boy hood and :wrought by his side for'yeai's, we would-be blind indeed had we not discovered in him many of . the excell- ent eh-uacterics of. which have endear- edhis hQnored father to us all. ' We also s1.y. "as skilled workmen" that his genrnS as a mechanic 1,5.' of no ar'dinaar in town. quietly -Mr. Muir, is visiting friends at Paisley, -I)r. Lutz and family are visiting in Sarnia. -New Years gifts will soon be the order of the day. -Miss Lucy Southcott is visiting friends in London. -Mr. Chas. McGregor, of Toronto, is visiting W. Sweet V. S. -Mrs. Clement and sister, are visit- ing friends in Listowell. - Mr. Graham, of St. Thomas, is spending a few days in town. -Don't forget to write 1889 on your letters after Monday next. -This is the last issue of the ADVO- CATE for 1888. Good bye '88. --The weather for the past few days has been rathermu:ddy•and fall like. -The mail train from the south was one hour late on, Saturday evening. -Municipal nominations will take place on Monday next in the town hall. -The Treasurer's report for the vil- lage of Exeter, has been printed and posted up. -Alb in need :of Ncnr Year presents will do 'well to consult our advertising columns. -Saturday and Monday were two very busy days, and our merchants did a rattling business. - The Ontario Legislature' will be summoned for the dispatch of business on January 24th 1889. -Miss Donagh, who has been visit- ing friends here for the past feiv weeks has returned to her home in G oderich. -Mr. H. Gt, Brewer at one tinie man- ager of the Molsons Bank here, attend- ed the opening of the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday. -From the return of the Clerk of the Peae Goderich, seventy-nine cases eeere tried in the county during the three months ending Dec. 11th, - The election of School .Trustees ,took place .on Wednesday afterxioon. Mr. W. 1 H. Verity's term expiring with this year, Mr. W. Hoskins was elected by acclanatiou, Before another issue of the ADVO- CATE the municipal pot will be ssta- merzng. -Beautiful sills h,andkcrchiefa for New Years presents at the Big Bank- rupt Store. -A. meeting of the Conservative; Association of Exeter, will beheld in the near future. --Judge Toms, of Goderich, paid an. official visit to the Exeter I. 0, 0: F last evening. - .-Sealettes and mantle cloths for 50 eta on the dollar and cut free of charge at the Big Bankrupt Store. -We are glad to notice that Mr. Harry Saniw ell is able to be up out of bed again, after his severe illness, ..Ready made clothiug and over- coats for men and boys away down below cost at the Big Bankrupt .Store --The proprietors of the Central Hot are 'at present busily engaged in put ting ire escapes throughout their hate RCIAL: T I Dare nothing,' about with the U. S,, but I do desire Union, with the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country r Orin. to the depression y ,� e els ess2on of the market, r have he'll able to purchase. my new stock Iunch below the regular � wholesale prices, and will give my customers the benefit of it. My- stock consists of " "xy- C-4cca. , a-xooex es, I -Mats az Com, ' c cat Cxocex • : tG� !'cam _ =te„ . The rices of which are in no way in 12e T ,. p � fl laced b� Cllssto- 1 Ins, Duties or other tar impositions, I do not 'ire 1')3;Vs goods 1. � away, but sell them at the owcst figure consistent.,,. d ��ltll good business principles.. Parties in want of goods, consult their own interests by examining mystock before purchasing el where. Remember this is a new stock. No trouble Farm Produce taken at Market Prices First Door north of the `.fQVpn. Hall, PARKINSON. -Black satin merges and all kinds of black dress goods away down below wholesale prices at the Big Bankrupt Store. -The anmival meeting of the County Crange Lodge of South Huron, will meet in this village on Tuesday, Feb. 5th, 1889. An immense stock of gents' ties, collars, culla and underclothing for about half price at the Big Bankrupt Store, ----Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Ilason,of Forest, are visiting friends in and, ;around Exeter, during the C'hristanas and New Y ears h$deass. •- - e h•nnkd1 a cull from Mr. R. Stein- , back, of Zurich. c u Tuesday last. Re will attend the ilotierieh Haigh School dully the coming term. --The turkeyta and geese were great dein u.'.al� en Monday evening. Not a prose could be purchased at eight o'elok in the evening. .--Another large bankrupt t stock . of boots, shoes, over' hos's :and rubbers just opened nut at the Big Bankrupt Store. Lndirs'overehoers for 74 ets. ---Tie' Loyal tarain a District Lodge„ of Biddulphwill ynn,esne at Lueaau on the 8th January, kala' Every repre- ntm.tive is requested to attend. ---Exeter L. (IL. No, 924, will hold their regular meeting on 4th January. Every member 3teEpnested to attend, as important business will be transacted. •_- 4erehants state that the Christmas trade this year was about on a par with that of 11st. but with good sleigh- ing it would have been much better, -Capt. Walt Andrews of the Exeter Volunteer Co. will go to London k►iilit- ary College for examination early in the new year: We hope you are suc- eessfnl 1ti'alt. --.Mrs. Isms who was visiting friends in Flint Mich, died very sud- denl•yhiko there. Tier remains ar- rived here on Tuesday and were laid In their last resting place. --Mr. M. ()two]] of St. Marys,who was Arrested on Tuesdey for being insane and dangerous, writes to an exchange to say that on being examined it was found not to he insanity that troubled Min, but an nverplus of shrewdness. -A man in New Hampshire who was sned for a debt of $4 mode oath in court that he had never been worth over $7 at any one time in his life, and that his income was not over $1. per year. -We are very sorry to hear of the death of V' Ir. Alfred Drew, who was re- siding at Los Anglos, Cal. He died on Tuesday at two o'clock,at the residence of L. Thorn. His' remains will be brought here for interment. Alfred was a general favorite of the young gentlemen and all will be sorry to hear of his sudden demise. -Miss Nellie Gregory, who has been engaged for some time as teacher on 8rd eon., left for her home in Exeter, last Monday morning. She will be greatly missed as he was the general favorite with the little folks, and she 'rill also be missed from the choir of the -Ontario St. church, Clinton. It is her Present intention to attend the Nor- mal school for a time. -News Record. --A. new infantry drill hook will be issued shortly to go into effect on and after the 1st of Jan. It will repay the present "Field Exercise" and will be known as "infantry Drill" Many of the old regulations are greatly simpli- fied, among the changes made being a return to the old command of "form fours," provisions for guiding of com- panies by sergeants, one for each flank both, in line and eolumn;ancl the chang- ing bf titles of "senior" and junior" mayor to that of .'right" and "left" Mayor. -While Dec. 21 is by a sort of coin - mo consent, . reckoned "the shortest day" in the year -that is between sun up land sun clown -it is not so in strict fact.` The 22nc1 is the sane in short- ness, for hortness,.for while sunset is one minute late • on that day, sunrise is also a. min • - ute later,: leaving things even at the close. 'Balt on the 23rd.there is a set back, for while the sins sets on that day one Minute later thait on the 21.st, sun- rise is two minutes later, leaving the c.hainpion short day by one. minute. Atter. the 2Srcl there is! a sort of wobble for several days until: about the 25th or 25th, when the process of lengthening the Buys really begins, leaving the sunlight hours at tkie'close of the ' year (Dec; 30) about two minutes longer than the'2lst. TCJ T'kI; ISEAF.- 4. person cureccl;'of DetXf �Jla ,,ess;,tnd noise* in tale h a d. of '3 �efuYs' staiidsne, by :i, .sityttle reneecly, -will scud a 'd,eseriptxon of ib Fiu e to any person, who Crp phos to NscnoLsos, 30 St. John St.: llioni,real: 11.3`:-488. ty ITY IS.THE TRTJE TR&T OF MA.PNESS. NSRTIICOTT NOW A UNS CAKES Etc., IIT., every Description Made to Order.. J. H. Northcott OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. air Street ZzeteZ,. S�09CS, T9I�Wal'e, K�1'fi�d�1'�, IF .fWANT ISK.,ETT B rentsaerate oso They are offering their En- tire Stock at prices that will Astonish you. A Call Solicited. ISS TT S There is a Machine OH called IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY cCOLi rms TOR:rNTO, ONT1 See that Barrels are brancl.ed. with the Tracie Mark, LARDINE' If not, do not take it, as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make more money 0 : out of you. FOR SALE BY July -96-'88. 111111 411. asset d ram., EXETER', ;l: