HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-27, Page 1ft • AO - VOL. IL. EXETER, ONTARIO, T .0 SDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1888. O. 82. The Molsons Bank.,. (Chartered by Parliament, Paid upCapital.—, , . . . .$2,000,000. 000. Rest Fund .. , .... • ... , i,000,OUO, Head office Montreal. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GE:NEPAL MANAfZn. Twenty Drench offices in the Dominion. D o in•o n L S.,andEaro . Agenciesis the In un w lx Open every la.Winl da from WO a. ante p. m., .aturaltoa; %Oa.,n•t n $. •lr. Du. A general baul~ing business transacted Three per cent. per amp= allowed for Stephen. A very successful public exam in at - ion washeld. in. S. S. 3, Stephen, on Wednesday Dee:.19. Quite a member of teachers were in attendance to e. - amine the various classes. ''he classes examined were up to the nark lin every particular. The order and discipline its I the school also weut to prose that Mr. Hotlaamhasbeeu ap..inbtaking and sue - i c4ssful teacher, At the c Diet, a z n't. ce programme was rendered, some of the smaller l 1ls da. ig Par is lr d. well. money on Depioslt• Becc irts and. Savings Dank. Re if, ARCHER, Exeter, Jan 28„ 'S8. l teauaage THE. 2#4,bu vera? Muria,. It`tD ittg, {1r, tltoOffset', '111-5'1'RE?T, EXETER. Be the SANDERS' 1 BI,I`+tl: i1COMPAN TERMS OF Sl."DSPItIPTIfaN. OWPlinarlr.>r annum if raid. in Advance. 411.50 if not so laid. No pa discontinued until all tarrearaacs SAMFORD, are rain. do.lvernisrer meat 'without a e.aric m f1. - s . At !Ile truilu al meeting of 1. L. fllraet4a,ala will h© .aaA3 .lae.1 till fates ifs and the e to - s- i a f n o n ttec 1[ a sled t n1., It rd :•a, e 2 .. n 1 , P'd . . Liberal f i + n sonde R , chargeda rl a fee 1e31141 -gout Awls "13.63•taaa antra i14'aa rte ; taor followhi officers were ("Wiled for the icon'' aeraod% Retro .1cs.rirtion of 1!6111 . ' ' PRINTING turned out in rho ilu e4 styled, euseengy e are Bro. 41:11.1. WON. W. Me ;sue At raoderat + r EC& ebb ti4 S'i4r.auoy ord. Ba. P., (it,l..' P. l• Leta, gr, n. mal8a•, ere. Zile- for adv:rtising, en4.s:T rrmes etc'. to d iiamaifia n sa-aP•let,, Chaplain; b1, Wm. leach nt, Tweet !Bro. E. Ntarrisou, Rec. Sec.; Bea, F. Beek, ' lei lt1t 13 w"iI) i'd4("w;'g, 11(( kin.Dillon Sae.; Bro. Jas. Savaiee 1st Vora . Zurich, Christmas Eve festivals were heltd int aR of :our churches. 31e .'l i. of 1' aterloo is or, m- elt p sent 1 isiting friends relel lVee fun i4inity, Mr. Jacob Haunch, of Neperville S. A. is at present visiting friends ttkl\'i1. Last Friday evening an ental meat was held in the town hell, nude` i the auspices of the Zurich Pubtie same The: programme wee a loin!; arta good omee and a large aa.udieuce waaa im :sr,• tenttaauce. 'I he entertainment was in aid of school library. le:oceeds$13.30. hand at present. The lecture given by Rev. D. Rodgers on the subject "Lights and Shadows" was a very in- teresting and instructive one. Instru- nmratsl selections were gen from time to :time, and all present were highly pleased with the entertainment. Mr. Joseph, Amos was very agree- ably surprised on Weciucsday evening f I. 12th h; the friends of the ;agars Hill Society, gathering at his residence end spending g a few hours o social en- ttrcourse aud enjoyment together. During the exercise of the evening, Rev. hitt. Hough made a brief address to Mr. Awes, after which he was in'ade the recipient of a very handsome par - Tor chandelier and lamp also a beautiful .'albums, as;a reeognatien of his uucees- s ina way o. f hes in. the I ing ofw'd►rt th ; f fart r ff' lanterests of the Mara Hill Stateley School of which he is the snpaertendent. Mr. Annos replied in very' suitable i terns after whie refreshiueants wear, passed around, which Made the even- ingogle to he reen embtred by all who lresent. G(l ;erieh, The roadsare in a very haedstate. I3usie'ss was somewhat brisk in the county town last week. On Wednesday, the 12th fust at St. Peter a Church, tioderieh, the Rt. Rev. John Wadsh,D. D., Bishop of London,ed- ntiltstered the rite of e. antlrmation to t; person?, the majority r of w'haui weve children. lIe Mr. d 11 Fda. dcelalasaru is tad fa►rt, thta I>es,pt,s Nitekiug• the ileo estaip..f ed has a wide knowledge of ilatlnlcipol ;ai ttire. and we ask every elector to east ids despot for Fred on election clary mid elect hien by an over•►zltt`laalue' L. Q,, L. Officers for 188 n hl2, XIIaI'TDN, reit DIreetor ti, At a meeting of L. 0. L. No. ef31, held MI .41, ream i;, IR ...11, V. z;, 1. at Kfrkton, the following officers were "41e'let ', uvi', 11 as- Din ' Fleeted for than ensuing* year: 1V. }I.2 le , DtPt: 'tlanr,t, .:+n r. 314, t Sr steer; D. M., E4. Blair; chap. Capt. ettetteeler tetrite n-+deeta Ret . rev. n. W ll, pelt oe• 1 tee, SCC., (ewe. T.ro stoney; and Oa p.0 . Sabbath :+t•hual, 2e. ra. tin. sec..101111 omeryutts; trews., RObx. 1 Robinson ;Dia of eer Wm. 1 ifnuah • i MAIN SI SUET -.Rev. J. veil cert, Pastor. fine) 1 `" , .lav SvrvieeR. Pl?..ra- rot a1a.t,i;,1 p.m. SAM Atli a het., Samuel Switzer; emu. P.1i. Dint. ;nage, E, Kennedy, T. Hollingsbead,\i. Robinson. J. Pomp; tysur, Jas. Beatty; auditor, I. Kennedy. 1'chOOI 2.;O p. tit. Ihtn:aAi'rhalA.li elle nt•nita•t. W. Martin, rector. Sunee ° sarv,ete,11 a, ;a. and ,] i p. m. ;;,;cl,l^iatlaSe noel,.+:t5:1.i... 41014111 yards. N 0 V over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, tatctario, Nitrous Oxide flag for rainless extraction. lit KIX3M {N, DENTIST, L. D. S. es - M tracts tt'ath without rain i,\• givinit Vegetable Vapor, or using the new Anlr+thetie on the gums. Slalom bold 1''1111 ings and otherdeaital wort: tlao delft po,.•.i14.. Does to Zurich lost '1 teusday in tach month. Fest midi of Main street, 1 . ter. ^n R. T. A.ItOI.i.1XS- 4,I s'na'g: -MAIN ST. k ItesldoluePa•a,ral, r Audrw and North Strents,Exeter, httaria. r y A. &Mees. hi D., ('.:li La t -.P.. 1 I,IX4 I.. it. V. S., Ellin,. L. P.1'. & t despot; L. M., Edinburgh and Glasgow: !i. a :. P. tt S, Ontario: P. T. 51. S., Taranto. Nfight boll at office. t.`•retliton, Ontario. Jy12-8 DR. COWEN. OPPICF.--MATN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centre, Hotel. Side entrance on south --James street leading to the Methodist Church. i W.BROW AING, M.D., M. Cs P. S. . etiradaato of Victoria Z'niversity. office and residence, Dominion Laboratory', Exeter. WILLIAM SWEET. VETER- VYY teary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one .,lock east of Snlnwell & Piakarr.'s store. Opposite nkat-' i,ag rink, Exeter, Ontario. T H. DICESON, I3ARRISTE1t, SOLICITOR ' of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &a. tIoney to loan office—Panson's Block, Exeter. • LLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- itors, Conw,oyancers, &c. Money to loan k at per cent. E. Y. ELL10T. S. E+LLIOT DWA.RD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ary Public, Proctor in Maritime Court, Conveyancer. &e. Solicitor for I-furon Land. ,,►,ggeney. Godeach and Bayfield. Bayfield .®fhoe at Swartz's Hotel, mien ovary Thursday. Stoney to loan .at very .low rates. TAMES OSE, 'Exeter, Ontario, Licensed K Auctioneer for the County of Huron. ^sales promptly attended to and satisfaction ;enaranteed. Sales arranged at -this office. Grand:Ben:d, No skighing. The lake is unfrozen as yet and no iiehing can be done. Butter is worth 1.3 ets. per lb. and ttggs 17 ets. per clow iu this Ialace. The weather is very e1,a ;eable.' eine dry* mud and the next day frost. A green Christmas and no slighing, and the girls could not get their usa;al cutter ride. Mr. Rd. Oliver ]fns returned hone from Michigan, where lie alas spent the last ten months being engaged farm- ing. Mr. Jas. Page has sold his 107 acre farm to Mr. Chas, Morrish for the sum of $1,'?000. It will make on excellent farm especially for the growing of all kinds of grain. There was a large attendance at the Methodist church at the Christmas tree. The tree was well loaded with good things. The recitations and music was first. class, and ale fully enjoyed them- selves. 'The proceeds amounted in the proceeds amounted in theneighborhood of $21. BROWN,Wiaachelsea. Licensed Anot- ioneerfor the Counties ,af Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of tTsborne. Sales promptly attended to andterms reason able. Sales arranged.at Post office, Winclielsa Tr BOSSEYBERRY, Zurich, Ontario. Lic- .G. eased Auctioneer for ithe County of Huron, Charges moderate and. satisfaction guaranteed. ;'[X7' HOLT, Shiva, Ontario. Licensers coact- , V1' , leneer for the Conntios of Middlesex and Laanbton, and the townships of Stephen .and Hay. All sales promptly attended to. EILBER, Licensed Auetioneer for Hay' 111. Stephen and McGillivray townships.' -dice--Credito>s, Ontario. • lay Farman' Mutual.Mutual.Fin Insnratco Company. ,Parties desiring to insure in the best and eheaj,>est insurance Company -in the Domin- ion, c{tn do, so by applying personally, , or by mail t9 the undersigned. A11 application'; promptly attended. to. Also agent for the We11ing ton Company of Guelph. E. IIIfOSSENBERR' , Agent, Zurich, Ont. • majority. 1t would be the right men in the right place. Xippflur The wheat ercij was badly injured by frost ht this section this year. It is reported that sr party will l,e hely# lu this vicinity tin Friday evening. .. su1ree et ill be held iu St. Andrew' I'ressby'terian church, on Thursday lrtd prtnse A big time is anticipitted. A number of teachers are at home at present speneling their holkli O with tltelr parents and friends hem Mr. Thos Me Gregor, who went to ,Manitoba about nine years ago, is home' it a visit. He is located near Catrberry. The pork business is booming in our village and as they are paying higher prices here than in the other towns the olti'riugs are large. Mr. Thos. Young, who puce taught, school near Exeter; is now teaching the Birtle school and gets $600 salary per annual, He is also reeve of the to avnr- ship in which he resides and was the Reform candidate at the last local elect- ion but gave way to a Mr. fisher, of Winnipeg. A musical and literary entertainment was held in the 'Iced' schoolhouse on Christmas eve. It was a complete success in every respect. Mr. Dorrence was appointed chairman and disetnarg- ed the duties pertaining to that office in a very 'efficient manner. Mr. E. 13. Hollis, the famous comic singer of Sea - forth, gave some very fine songs which were a source of much merriment to the audience. Tho Seeforth Quartette Club was 'also present and was well received. The singing of the Dobson family was highly appreciated and two solos by Mrs. Leech were well rendered. The proceeds amounted to $36.25 and will be applied to purchasing prizes for the pupils. Brumfield. Mr. John McMillan, M. P., delivered an address in Dixon's Hall, on Tues- day evening, 13th inst. Mrs. D. Payne, of Kansas, is here at present, having arrived here the day before the death of her father, Mr. John Rattenbury. ACCIDENT. -011 Thursday. the 13th inst., as Mr. D.MeTavish, of the Mill rbad,was engaged oiling a straw cutter, his right hand was caught by the cog wheels, and immediately passed be- tween them. Medical aid was et once procured, when it was found necessary to amputate the second finger at the third joint, also the third fingers at the first joint. FOOTBALL.—On Friday,the 14th inst., a very interesting game of foot -ball was played at school No. 8, Tucker-. ssaith,between the pupils of said school; and those of No. 6, Tuckersmith No, 6 did some very good playing, and succeeded in scoring one goal. During the second half time, however, No. 3 settled down to team play,and A. Mason seamed two goals;during the .first fifteen minutes. During the remainder of the time neither side scored, thus leaving the pupils of No. 3 victorious, by a score of 2 to 1. Brins1ey. A social held in the Mar's Hill Church. on Tuesday evening, December llth, in aid of the Sabbath School, was a grand success. Mr. Amos read the annual financial report which, showed a balance to hand of about $17 irre= spec tine of the amount taken in on the above mentioned night, it being about $17, Making a grand total of . $34 to and a etean that bought trees from him, Only, three blows struck and both mein ran, and yon eouhd'nt see them for dust. of the late Postmaster Dickson, at God erich, on Saturday last, R is reported that W. S. Swalileld has sold his interest in the pl:ainiug factory,. to his partner Mr. Sam{nal Cooper. Model School ., .. ieleatiou, A pleasaxt tine is expected at the, Methodist tea -meeting in Rattenbury The following candidates secured street church, on Thursday evening third class cents ieates maximum tore.t. number of merits WO. Pass marks It; is rumored, there are one or two 540 ia3 e : :- ,.c. a d #swe• c .recd o } tl C u 'were r • applicants the: va - ` t forvac - 4/37. . R ,., . i personsin o uR 4€1';4, in t -.aBn ar:.ei i.w `;`"o erf the ;ant pest-masterbhaip,at Goz3erich. There ar•e rn r . 1, ni,rt c BeteeeeelB he- ;" a i• ........ , Brown, &tree :? ........... . Fowler, Frei .. . Graham Win. Y •l ...... t ' ; ata honest, was eau t in Gregtrr,-, _ : est - e ► , g had ea'f,rl'ria of YairiFa'p out With some • the matter should be sifted into. Per- haps whitlow and politics has SQUID - thing to do with it. The &weer, wedding bells are soon lee hese Elin ev idle. Qs peetea to heard Chime ou sweet bells, chime on, as great preparations are being made, cakes baked, and dresses remade. I guess Sidney is among the number as he houghs two-penee; wo t i of grim drops_ to treat his hetra,tited and dear Martha. ie Great rejoicing was felt in Elittn.rn !ee an. Wawa d. week over.In: Jokax. I il4e1e1 ..Inst S fors fi r l is n a bo i wet likely be ai" egg. ...c.. iu e will get there. fanniBy ev aleg itnto our little burg A very respectable lady of this town. a' hn` John will be able to eat at his on -w'ho always credited with be- datnulg-r°°14 taaB,la n0W and not i .nd e y _ h f 1shove d out into the wotelshed. Ile has Hauch, Samuel M K1liane„Ro4 in% V. II .. rt Murl tlliBltain.••••4•...•, • •••.teen McNair', elates... .. a,+ ll iltarriaioa, ,l esiltie; \1. ..... , . , , . bet c in a a as ta,4 ler , t .. .. . eieTa visb. "ant . , ere un abseuee of nearly see en ;ears, Ise v fll s nd as fevv aveiaks maw, his borne, clueing 1st ,year ands as far ;was vee I:IIaOa: Ali 3a , given alslive.r..al f:itle- fact"son. The greater part of the rate- payers seey [tett they leave had for air .Haag trail' to teach oohed'. 1 cultivate the little onn e, awl they fully eepesteal that she vi u11 have been hired use again and say that z.' made tt,.ciu holding an third chess ee'rtit 4:ate heti any business to be hired limier aa,n • consider odor, sealing he ch -y, en Spurges; surely the l.peog te a: iS nc►t vch t it as Cracked, up t,tst by the chief of pollee, Surely the :veld is ening greedy. rw he - Mr. Adam C.zntelon, of L,orlfe,N, Gtl n na r ctr k 4:41"°Tnx•---W° arrived home on Saturday lest, after aslnll,le refe:rto'lessleal eew•daoherekeeen Centralia. No snow for Christmas. All the boys is home from road. Our town Is busy this week being Christmas week. Our stores are full of good things for Christmas and New Yeat's. Most of the towns people went to Exeter, on Sunday, at the church open- ing. Billy is at the Dufferin again—think there must be some attraction in the kitchen. Editor of ADVOCATE, we all join in wishing you and your staff, a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. G. G. Essery has moved his shop across the street, where, he will be found ready to do all kinds of wood work. the rail- There is to be an Oyster Social in the church, on. January 10th, in aid of shed building. Don't forget to come as it will be under. the management of the young men, The team hitched to the snail wagon got frightened. and race. away from, the station, on Monday morning. No dam age done as they only ran about a mile. W. Maguire was coming from Exeter, on Saturday night, his team got frightened at a load on the road in front of 3. Snell's, and ran away. They were stopped et Centralia. We hada prize fight in town about a week ago, between a fruit tree agent T'lnuluie, P aa':'tif°....... Robinson Elizabeth l'.eitla,la,l:z ..,,.. 1Ue1*ar estdn, elerf'nce .. . lhortr'ea:d, ..haat V ...... many friends ala this seetiou,aud rumor tea see% he will take a partner with him on ........ fee. hie return. .... i 11 ! On Sarturdey last, Mr. D. Cantelon, Stott, A. ie.__ . . . ... . ..... . . .5e7 „threw gh hey selieitor Mr. Hilli;erd:sert'et, S . tton, Anson....... _ „ .., _ _ 671' eir. James Steep. claiming half of the Wateeie Retie.....; . ...... . ....... 653 partnership liabilities for the season. Ted ,_ ,.Steepaviig 'Weir, deet.a.ie., 'T.e And we understand Mr. la, a , Andreas, Hattie. .7`91 foiled out that the ehlred masa' racket The grins n►oiis¢cr •Ocelli' has aagaaizi Batter, Laura... ................ . .1T0 \ voted not Work, has agreed to be re'- from our enidsx as ' has neon I3rothersloue, Jane ....., ---,eV 4 zniriEST1lnle for his share .el the partner- taken .. , os in the personof Mathew aged .nee. Calder, C.eelae., Cornea .1teeiee.. ... liudsou.ddenry vitt.,,,, .,, iitns4 a t, Louie e r,7 a.+ . c n'w • , • . , RF t t ;as Ka, chti ,Thous ..... t,6 -''e " rails liabnlit'ies. Routley. 6•011of Mathew Routley of the tele -`'South .,' suing ary t'`s Prue. His death Pee, if dltw QIAI'Ol. wee tea teeee b etetter,;al,tion, and. lei's 6,14,n The Council n t in tha Court roozan. , ,r :ez est and were ivl- t1» aaee.15th 1SS - ursu;.aus to ad'oura a este'. r on M a„ . lest 11elBvstir t4 ...................„ l , tip I to\\etiby a lerge colleOttre ofsaeurners 140wi';,Tl'i'1t;a"w1.,....••.•.,..••. •s(l,. meut. The Reeve and till ineunli;n's • . ,,, ,M : a:natl Weeds. ,ftr..I aitt, v tied 1T.alanakv Merriszn J. Boyd. ,.., .. , 1r 1►eves„tit. DI, -p tavv Na. G of lir. , .,lalK,eil.t have the teens, a lcap tliy of the neigil- :.t6ile►ilQ'Sn A?!di',$ ell•.,•.• •. . pelting; ► ' ' , o . , - , to a:4 ” taoxtl 4:11 in tl.,:r 'lel z.: °r .3vetm.+east. llelair, its. lana .. , ..... . • , ,d , waa cTul, pa 1 Tla ` 11 1^ , , c f doper,. h:csiass, cd Exeter, has $,mast filelir. gryn, b altliee........ • • . • " el • . , f.„til t i ra e d t; p d . Rl iu , lid coca lead his eedlir.ut in rep Mr, h bridge,. l tl T $1 R. a 11.entente, hew, • roes the river. LI _ es• etch A.. • .. • , • , • .... • vet!! Thompson, rep. foot bridge., I.n,•aaai .".c;'• .. • ek, i +'ITfawil•iine, $1; J. Ii. eleelob r.b `•ree.el ; It ie; 4' min •I ,.e,,,el►a lent judges 1 t calmer,, Lucas Towieline (eoralt and tr, t1a W'll f,9 : az , wuri~znnin 13 - - °ltd e.f hie towel ';`leer walls are Utt,alrty c.:cco1ul.. `•1.,1ad the ceiling and great alterations have een needles ion chattily tie .►sloes. I'.ve'ry- ting is now ready for 1i illiam to pro - ounce. that sole= :sentence el. will. rci nd *aec, at rid itt the lsr .[on to lting; Ccl ace's awlDeputylir . utsf dd tat 4 ..-.. a 'fo ow• ng a - . 'a alts w ra a T ;arse :-- as eS:: i. rep, approach to r t ge, div. ; ,, x i>>i1zCh , $591J. W . Orme,i,.t.al:cc cava .. Oohed 1►rtaating esatntl:act for 188:3R $-3; John' ;a*ean.hly .pee- No. ••. iz:a; .... - ' White et Son, adv letting of bridge, + r - f :..r .v q f, e. ., melte Y ':'a out Si:r,1 .,\i :. t e l -,. , ,$2.35 . ` OS n'ee a t ;11 i ;a1iry e.satinet, glia t', go; H. Berm, gravel ace., he .tact da c P ,_ „ , , d, a.j , , dlk:a t gleet of tlea'I pupils. i,t, nous order of pl,'e'e dvia.''. a»t: --Alfred Farrell. I orirr;i: -J110. Can1plat'll..'f11cn. ('llsal'nlan, -lggia elm**. Jleite4ellei3'rnt:- Jas. t':11tiileell,lla nee 'Rue ell.Willie flurry .esti 1).iviil Ilt:aei:- weit equal. in'■ nand s rewdiu gravel, $5.50; A. Tlurn:: --Ellen Sidney mid U1:as tld ng p g , worth egn:tt.Chas. Cilil'lnan, Alfred lit•• i,u.atsoal pay list, removing gravel fur- worth rt. niched by G. T. Uy', Granton, $20; do. St.ruxla:=-Clnas. Blackwell, *Kate overseeing work on S. B. and grave' 1 + "i1` Shinny. drain, $15; John Chalnners, rep. culvert. Chia ,man S! S. Sneox a fare: -"-.afflicts Gould, drawing and covering tile, S. i3., $1,50; •O'Brien ' Mary North- A. Beatson, sr., oak plank, S. B.,. $1.62; aucllvi]!iettlual,.. W. clog refunded. cost Willie Hawkins, V. .having; tori, tax ze fur da e . J tv. Si Cotiv 1' uvz .Masud I(\t se+il $1; Win. Hodgins, eleAning out ditch, Beatrice Warren. Jas. Sidney. ' ilio. 4, $1; Blake 500 tile for Webb"b S. 'Ar., - Rai ill Chw Irian Medlin drain, S. B., $2.88; Win, Magee, 5 days FIRST T 1 P , Gould, Nellie Xorilaeatt, overseeing gravel and inspecting - bridge by order of council, $7.50; J. Latvia plank and rep. culvert, C. S. 11., Corbett. div. 8, $1; W. D. Stanley, Clerk, part of :Were- for 14it3 $60 • Treasurer, Maus - Christmas p::sscd off very quiet. Mrs. Ed. Patching is home fret visiting friends in McGillivray. Mr. E. Portiee is making largo sin- proveanent in his hotel. Everything must be so to suit Ed. A large number attended the open- ing of the Shipka Methodist claurchand all report an excellent time. • The wedding bells will be heard very soon,and some of ourfair maidens will soon changename. Further partic- ulat`s later What do you say to this Jim. Pm 1 y J.lhelason stripping; rnr,ev el pit, It 1 i h l t l the completion ditch under r engineers rs ,, • , . s.•at itiln- 9 r••, 1 a . • .s - tale lao4_... stun° t 11art,,ertaahly award cons. >3 and , , .a ,1I. ill il„11«., .,, . f? , nr• self dew); in his rail old arm chair n1 2R0tilediv.., $J..1,1, Jahn Iloaig,rala, plank and cuiveert, div. 2, qt); W. Too- say tar h l :elf •d :ni monarch of an I Survey. zny night lle'•rt is none to ciis- iey, bridge, dlr. 4, £e"as D. .Pones, gravel tee. $3,001J.. Dorsey, two six inch tile mute. vel road,with gravel It \vs given eoat:at. a spacial meeting • cfnlvertS, on gravel gravel ant% filling, $14; W. H. Ryan, oversee- in the hhiznt fllc church lest Thursday night tint there w•:.s a ceundred dollars debt on the parseimgeandconsiderable s;peeul.ttia,n 1s going nn among some of the. =miters to Deem. how this is as it was intimated a littler over a year ago that the parsonage was free or the money was raised for that purpose. Why stet appa''iut auditor's every year and audit the books tend know what has beret taken in atd what has been paid out axed for what purpose. We think sqn arc met holding books would want this &ate instead of refusing- to efusing to show people t'.i baits when they demand then. No man should be allow- . ed to take all the money and keep the hand hal. due from townline, $1.10. books year niter year without being The Clerk was instructed to have the audited. Are the El}mville members Reeve's and Treasurer's statment pub- asleep• fished as directed by clause "A" of sub- Mr. Win. Pym, of Centralia. occupied. see. 3, scc.18, chap. 28, 51 vie. The the Eliniville pulpit last Sunday morn - council adjourned, to meet in the Tem hoe He preached the most effective i' rhes Halt, Granton, on Saturday and elaborate sermon that has been 29th ins!., at ten a. m, preached here for some time. He took .W. D. Swam Ir, Clerk. for his text First Peter, 4th, chapter, and 7th verse, (But the end of all things is at hand. Be ye therefore sober and watch unto prayer. To illustrate the text he told themvery plainly that the close of the year 1SS8 was near at hand sods the end of all our lives near at hand and that we soon should go the way of all flesh; and the place that knows us now will soon know us no more forever. He said men andwomen seldom find themselves hard tasked to love their earthly homes. The love of home grows naturally without any effort on their part. The longer they live at home the more they become attached to it. The Christian's home above is a sublimation of all that is good and enjoyable in his home below every jarring element being excluded accepting God's spirit and word as our guide hare. The Christian will find his love of a Heavenly home and capaci- ty for enjoying it to grow with his growth and become strengthened as the end approaches and where he finds him- self beneath the portals of the everlast- ing home of the righteous. It will be with the feeling of the laborer who joins wife and children at sundown. A large number attended the open- ing'ofthe new Trivitt Memorial church at Exeter on Sunday. They all report it the finest church hi the county, and the Bishop gave the ablest sermon ever preached in the district. All report an excellent time, and were well repaid for their trouble of attending. Tlie shooting match held at Portico's Hotel, in this place passed off in a very quiet and pleasant manner. The weather was not at all that could be desired, but this did not mar 'the pro- ceedings in the least. Below we give a report of the score made by each in the glass ball match:—F. Triebner 7; W. Sanders 4; J. Bowlan 4; E. Bossenberry 8; W. Holt 7; T. S. Downing 4s—Pre- MATCH.—M. McCann 8; J. Bowlin. 8; W. Sanders 9; P. Triebner 8; W. Holt 6;0. Janes 6; G. Watson 4; E. 3.1E11 2. There being three ties for the first; it was agreed to shoot it off, and was finally won. by McCann. After the match was dispensed with, all sat down to a well filled table eonsistitig of oysters etc at which all olid ample justice. Clinton, Mr. Thos. Carling has conducted 33 auction sales this season. Lots of weddings this week. Par- tiettlars next week. ifunicipel matters are very quiet yet, , Next Monday the public will . be better posted. Mr. E. Lewis, Barrister, of Godericle was in town on Saturday last, on buse ness. Postmaster Fair attended the funeral Usborne, We notice that Mies Minnie Andrews was the guest of Mr. John Shute on Sunday last. Mrs. Penhall's father and mother are spending their Xmas at the parsonage. We wish them a merry one. A shingling bee was held at Elimvilie Methodist church shed last Monday and good work was done. Chippie has bought a new cutter and intends giving his dear Emily some dashing drives this winter. Mr. Ephraim Stoner, of Lobo is at present the guest of Miss Benett. We would not say before long"Yes." Mr. George Miller has lost his half- way house between Exeter and Win- chelsea. What will you do now George. Mrs. G. W. Holman is spending Christmas with her sister at Ancaster. Mr. G. W. is visiting his brother at London who got hurt by the wall that fell at the McClary Man'f'g Company's works. We are very much pleased to learn that Miss E. R. Shute, who has been confined to her bed for the last two weeks and under the doctor's care suff- ering from inflammation, is somewhat improving.. Mrs, Mary Dodge, daughter of Mr. Thos. Badman, arrived home from St. Johns. Michigan, last Saturday and intends spending Christmas and New Year. with them. She says the poultry,.:: in Usborne are better than the poultry. sit Miebigan. Conside able dissatisfaction. is being felt at No. "y5 school, Usborne, in: the hiring of a teacher holding a third class certificate, when it teacher holding a second can be obtained for 840 less. We think there is something wrong and Dorn. STA Lentn.—In Stephen, ou 24th inst., the wife of Mr. Henry Stanlake, of a son. Rote-Lem—In Usborne, on 22nd inst., Mathew Routley, aged 22 years. Knwree.—In Stephen, ou the 2Gth inst.., Hannah M. Kestle, aged 22 ,years, 8 mos. and 22 days. Haxn.—InFlushing, Mick., on 24th inst., Mrs. Hand. Remains were in • - terred at Rogerville. sr