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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-20, Page 8
m.� ADV1al"i TO MOTHERS. I smres'n•ho have tried it, 25e per bottle Are you disturbed at nigltcand broken of your fur .1 lyt au drug gists. rest by a seek ebild sullerbtg and prying with! pain of dieting teethe if so; send at tnee midi The officeholder Who e011tributeslloth- et a bottle of lI •s ' + B ;AIM . w 7bFAw $Sal $IIiG3'Xutir, . ICOR, Oa riiI N Teuraixo. Itsvedueislneaieul we; tt campaign funds is simply pet. it'triilrelievcthopooxiittleellIererizuzne".t 1ne" oliticaleconom • int0 practice, diatoly. Depend upon it, Mothers, there Mu()Mu()r' p mistake about it. It aurae dysentery and dime: A SEVERE ATTACK. r14wa, regulates the stomach; and bowels. cures, ';tindeolic,softenatliegnlna,reduceeinflainzna "I never felt better in ell my life Oen, and gives tone and energyto the vhote than I have since taking B. B. B. 1 had ISYStem, Mae- Wirsz ewes Sea•rsn a SYanerOie Celmeteirces TraTUUMinpieasauttothataate,and a severe armee.: could net eat for is the, proscription of ono of the oldest and best several doys, and was unable to work.. female earses and: pbyslelana in the United States, and ie for sale by all druggists timengt, One bottle. oared." John M. Richards, Pathic world. lenge 2111W cents a bottle. sr., Tara, Ont. Por all bilious troubles use B. B. B. A crusty old bachelor says he think i iswmnnot her to and„ n h e wrongs, the ,, b"s ought to be redressed, A HINT TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Mrs. RObt. Willson, of Gienila Parry Sound, Ont., says, "1 could not keep house without Hagyard's Yellow's Oil at hand. I have used it in my family for croup, sore throat, and cut foot, and can highly recommend it to everybody. 'Gently the dews are o'er the steal- ing,' as the man said when helm(' five due bills presented to him at one time. Stephen Cannell. Connell met ou December i5th'with all the members present, The i illutes of last meeting were read and signed. Application of certain parties to have statute labra ebirge eefunde+d in eases `there parties did the Stork but not when desired by the pathiiiaster. Re- solved that parties nom work when pethmaster directs =Jesse special per- raiesion is obtained front the council. Chairman of Board of Health is per- mitted ertnitted to issue orders on: treasurer to the amount of 00; In else of an elec- teen, the following are the persolis anti places for recording votes,. viz: Lii inion 1, S. S. No. I., S. Davis, D. R. 0.: div. '2 sehool house No. 5, C. Brame. I> R. C.; div. S, T. Hall, C. Prouty, D. R. 0.; div. 4, Holt's kitchen, J. Gamin, D. R. O. div. a, ldeitzneam's kitchen, P. McKenzie, D. R. O,; div. 6, school house No. 10, R. McKinley, D. R. Q.; dip . ', school house No. 8, W. Fulton, D. R, O. The fellow. "lug orders were granted: N. McLellan, culvert on 14th ecu,, $2; Cullceter, un- collected deg tax, $5; Cart-tal,:er s bal- ance, $10; J. Either, spikes, V..5;4; F. Baker, lumber, $25.61; C. Snell, gr;ivel. $1.50; V. Katz, selecting jurors, qi; P. ;.2, statute R. Interest, ..5 , bllrade>; �t t ts. . . I>: labor, $v7 ; W. Down, Lake Road, $1; J. Swartz, rep. culvert, 50 ets.; S .Peitz, lumber, $100.24; S. llogarth, engineer- 212 ngineer- 2^ -• �. . R. 1 lug, $t.ea, J. ,-herpes, �. I.. i, ,, :. R. Coad, balance end ineerl il;. $'1.1u. O; Printing, $5.513; 0- Prom; ra. Ca P. C.: $5040; Postage and Registering. 'Ito; C. Prouty, special se r lees, *ate.OFt1 Corea. ell fees each, $Slag e. Pratte-, 1 13,.:...4 salary, Ser;County bsi4e,t v ?.. < l tataleue.e.$+-kl; W. le nl i s: ,r -.1 in ea.3; C” 1 t.3'1, F' pin -4 e .. mita , ae1,71,1fht *fee r toeitir t. . .• t fo hi i,n'ittrin'el «eelte, r % r ' rtnotiVe an.. a. t.e eine tat ." .'x Mg.); will send free ore -1 s „ ,'e ale ai'tai re. it. this recetpc, 311 German, :: ren.:x orhatgliee with tall directions fur pre par ne and Wing. S ent 1.y mail by adeTlreseing r,ith et a"t,•zia lli- ing this pwpor. SS. A. NOYES, lee Poste Iileckr,Iioohester, N. T. let -is.' Municipal Officers, THE ASSESS3tE:vTe NECESSARY t0 QUAL IFY Ti ,rd k oat: OFFICE' As the time for holding municipal election is approaching, the following qualification, found on page 173 of the Municipal Act, will be interesting to as- pirants for office and to the eleetors generally:— No person shall be qualified to be elected a mayor;:tlderznnn,reeve;deputy reeve or couneillor of any municipality unless such person resides within the municipality or within two miles thereof and is a natural barn, or naturalized subject of Her Majesty, and a male. at the full age of 21 years, and is not dis- qualified under this act,. and has or whose wife has, at time of election, as proprietor or tenant,a legal or equitable freehold or leasehold,orpartly legai,and partly equitable rated. in his own name or in the name of' his wife,on the revis- ed evised asseetsraent roll of the municipality tc c lent ,:i:e • value following, over and above a:i eharges,liens and enceun- beritatee afleetil g the same:— In nearposated villages --freehold to 203 r leasehold to $IOO. (tf. n to fes fie".7Lcid $o $G00 or 'terse - hole $1,200. Jn cities—freei:ca to oe lease- hold to $ ,GOO. In ownships—freehold to $103, or leasehold to $800. n i ' i 1.. ;SS i. And so in the seine: prt,l 01 treenieipal ties, in ease the preiwrtv i` p :ty freehold and pertly le .H.-..:,1. B7..t, if within any nraeieie fey • such: person is at the time of cleellen r actual oenup tice of any :melt r el. rated in his own Kh1.,li.', Or the i.:... . his,wife, or the last re vie w i1 : I will a roll -of the. said m entitlea f. a 1' vi which enc ,.:. tll.in 52 said vale - deiced b charge t1. It arY freeheld �« �! • 7 or To get rill€'f from iousnees c:e .. , illation or tr_ ti liver witho:it ',i lg the ptiS,edlicc,' 1`.ti o1a, t Ixa.r df1S of Carter':; Littla.LiTer :t'il'ls, they will Ifi• 'at tired, languid feel i e and droll headache is very diSe geOle 1git,. Tait.? two of Carter's `Little Liver Pins before retiring,and you n i11' filul relief, They neVer fail to do gosel They nial:e one feel 'n s thol fr1- fe was worth living. Take ninc of Carter's Little Liver PHIS after eating; it Svii1 relieve d3 sitepsi:a,faid dige'tiou, give tone and vigor to the system. tee t BEYOND DISPUTE. There is no better, safer or more pleasant cough remedy made than I•lagyaard's Pectoral Balsam, It eures hoarseness, sore throat, coughs, colds, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. 'I have not loved lightly„ as the than said when he married a Bilden weyh- ing three hundred pounds. A LUCKY ESCAPE. 'For six years I sut'fered with my throat and enlarged tonsils. I was veru weak; I doctored four years and had advice from three doctors; they said I would have to undergo an oper- ation. I tried B. IL B. instead. One bottle cured me." Mr. .A. Squelch, Rag- lan, Ont. What arca the mostunsocial things in the world? Mile stoney—you never see two of them together A POSTMASTER'S °PaNZON. "I have the pleasure in oertifsing to the useful:tees. of Hagyard's Tellow OO,i," weizee ga S enag 1, pasttxlaater, of r r :l: a, ,, ,4::` ' :.- 'i '" nSed it for i•e. easethe :lire. °,,?leate cods, Vee, Iix.,1 omelet; etre:: .e ..1 Serer �, ` ° teethe! the! ,t` ?,;,t.ng: mai ? ter. c 'led, as nr ,l NO : ti ?ice a r. w.r„"'.`.i %ay.M'te of ease .t. e.°' '1i'a•?;t`eet• must 1"r-?rebeen tate-rely down on camel es when he eszede a:'a 'Judgment, then art lied to lir:,,.., .' A prtovIdeut and yet improvid nt:eaa the baker he kneads muck., in -t sells everything he kneads himself. '1Iy character, sir, said an a:.•',erreeu who had cleared himself from o. charge of bribery, is lige my boots --all the brighter for blacking.' 'Well,' said a shoemaker to an Irish- man who lrul just ordered a pair of boots, 'well what size aro they to be? I shall want to measure your foot. 4Mes- hermy fut, is it?' Said O'CaUagan; 'what ud you do that for? Make 'm as big as you can for the money. My dear—au expression used byman and wife at the commencement of a quarrel. T .is t:,t:,lx•r ,lever varies. A raervel ofiI pt { Sqt„:tnt'evholesomenes3 ieore t1 .'t the ordinary kin s, t.nd cnol'3 , . i 441,1 in .;ompetit1of.1 t1.e i jf +r t v 1 ni io test,saort weight eters or s n t lets ri only to .,•ens. I.: +iNc7. ”-';uv Is Ctl,103 Weil St 23'.' it,Gs ci r•ii "`�c'CCiTi 11rsS in the country.—Duncan I'urseil forest P.O. "Everest's .Eetract of Wild 'Black- Berry never fails to 'cure c'lv.ri•hoc1, dysentery, &c."—dile Stale-.. xe:1,e Of '''a eeerelegeeile lee` rreenee ceinit'iiie end int, nits r at 4h thee-vtt C "fury E -p l J« e trealetLe, ,1f Gfi, 'c r t eeet ay,lT.Ba, <'1riTE'M _ $ i W - t _. 'c���Ec:a t:i' ,9ci.Ca:,s'i C t+..to,.1'ieiAta. A. ni•et f stace:rs. i•" sok Imre :Seine Colored, litnof;t .ii i1 p h llait0f rsue1 trp .we.! city rus.dtln- enc or ppu o ix ' nay, ntiongt3 eon auvs n s. and fun 'nil,t,s end ape 3[fieatlona Sur ilio use.oi Mich ns cunt,3plate bnildinp. Pride t 2.00a pec., li ors; a Cc . MUNN 4 Co., rusrasriz.us. endisreelSin oeeneer'e Co.. who have teal overee e.1 ps p1 _lance tend leb ave rnedo oter 100- j Dujl Vy ae it ons for Amoriaan sed v'oreiga 'aMa13ncent... ,end forBmndboolr. Corrsspond- cuee strictly confi0ddential, rptt 9�aq� TtMw' _IDS3 !MARKS. 7n case your mark is net reef sthred In the Pat- ent Ofec.,t;iply to Iitn Co. and procure immediate protection. fiend for mandbook. COP for gooks. charts, neaps, etc: quietly, procured: Andress rok11 N ez CO., patent .Solicitors, azalea/en 0irirl'Cux 411 BaoAuvax, N. r. CHRIS d IE.tS� COMMERCJAL) !) First Mass RIGS And HORSES ()BEERS LEFT ` AT THE RA ' C- SFIAW HOUSE QR AT THE - STABLE WILL, BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. Telephone Coanectton, J MATHESON, EXETER NORTI3. QIIR STOOK IS WELL ASSORTED FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. GROCERIES lbs. Sugar for lies. 'White Sugar for - $ .00. can'the undersold in Teas from. 20e, to 75c. per Ib. and Shoes, MI style*, at low given. icily assorted stock of HARDWARE, Et ORIS, SOX1 EES and GLASS , all sizes (cheap). Best Maehine 011 60e. per gallon. Coat Oil Low as the Lowest. A NIOE TEA SETT O1' 44 PIECES, $2.75. A good suit of Ready-made Clothing for 6O.00. Ordered Suits got:up in good style. Our Dress Goods are marl: - ed down to the lowest notch, Twenty yds., of Catton for one, dollar. A house and lot, also Fe farm for sale, Apply to std eso 14 HAY POSTOFFXC >`z The Subscribers wishes to inform the Farmers and General Public that he is i rcpurcd to furnish all Slzes� and Kind of 1:25 E Wel! Digging Promptly and at Reasonable R Rtes;fence and Salop on Ann S►''. , Christie's Livery Stable. A. CALL SOLICITED. �q, g� JOHN s,l OORE.a THE PROVIDENT IA all Live Stock As- sociation. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. fleatl ante room Dyy ��,1�1t3AArcade. Ti.9 �:i: TN r d1HBIOz In the Life Department this Asso- ciation plovidoe indemnity for Sick- ness and A eident, and s :'latantial as- sistance to the rclativea 02 deceased mem'berc at term„ available ible to all.. In the Live Steele Dep.:_:.eort, two- thirds inrlsmnit„ or toss e:': rye stock of its members. Send fog = a.;tic:lla.s, elaims paid etc. CM'S. Septee. $3. MAl,Afr12, Te.LZcTOlt First 1.: Ss RAT:TS 't)_ITH C' J:,1 '3 RGL L ids "T. l%4cttrt' left at BisuvL'',2rt>s.' H.rIY.3T-i.ie Stole, vr11i : ec'eive peempt att nt.;ora. • A TRIAL SC" LICIT N D. BISSE `T ..`ROS. -- •--�-.�,:�-.,tea.,. t+.. _.�. ,rw b, Mty 311 FREEMAN', WOR POWDERS. Are pleasant to take. Contain Their own Furfaave: A a safe, spire and effectual r esirgyeyofzuarms in childr .n or4ldults, ^-"zcameti~,w ANY MAN Who who FoiIY end IgnoreneehasTriftedawayh s Vigor ofaody_Mind and, Manhood, causi n g exhaust- ing drains, upon the Fountains of tete. Head- ache, Backache, Dreadful Dreams, Weakness of Memory, Bashfatness in Society, Pimples on the Face and all the effects leading to Early Decay, Consumption or insanity, will find in our specific Ifo.23 iG postive Gare. It imparts Youthful Vigor restores the Vital Power in old and young, etrangthens and invigorates the drain and Herta, builds up the Muscular vete tut and arouses into action the wholetysio alenergv ofthe human frame. With our speolfia No, Se t1i 3 host obstinate ease can be cured in three months, and recent one* in lege then thirty days, Each package con- tains two weeks treatment. Price $2. Cures Guaranteed, Our specific No. 24 is an infall- ible Care for all Private Diseases no matter of how long standing, Sold under one written Guarantee to effect at Cure. Price els. Toronto 3edieine'Ca.,Toronto,Ont. Nov -E9-8 MARKET SQUARE QEXERAL The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received • hii �T STOOK, INOLUDI G 4.. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, AND CROOK, E.+R , BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishelig anything in any line will And it to their advantage to call and inspect my goods and prices. Best Boiler Flour' r .ways • on bane:.: lli hest Price aid{or Sutter «r and Eggs, and all kind of Producer J. Y. DOSS (10-2e-'88,) WILL BE AT TIIE - i1ti;Dotor Friday, Jana 90. 1888 ONE DAY ONLY. FROM 8 a. an. TO 4p.en. Patients please call, early. Those Spear, Surgeon, &c., M. 0y P. 8. G. S. & L. T THE GREAT EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. 'DOR 'the treatment *fall (hronio Diem= yeaand acticce. t/atmIlea peculiar v ©,St. Women. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading Medical Colleges anti It es vit- als in Europe, has served a:, Surgeon in the British Artuy In the haat India,, Surgeon in tate American Army during the late tsar, from iStlt to the dose of the aame,has treat- ed all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe -His thorough education, large and varied practice and experience entitled .him toyer* as a Specialist--Secontt to 110110 0n thiscontiuent--for the treatment of tho,te duiABrous and difficult diseases that have linefeed the skill of the local physician. The following dieoases with sunny others successfully treated Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dxseasee of the Lungs, DyspepsIa, Diseases of the Eye and Ear, Heart Dieeatses, Epilepsy=, Paralysis, Strictures, Ruptures, Skin Diseases, Blest &.e., Electricity used when required. Testimonials of Education -The following testimonials and diplomas may bo seen at any office, with many others from nearly all the .leading medical schools in Europe;1rrin Sty College, Park St. School of Medicine and and Royal College of Surgeons. Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, Ire- land; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland ; Licentiate in Mid- wifery,and endorsed by the highest medical authorities in the United States and Dom- inion of Canada. The above with many letters from differentparts of the globe are a medical peeport--without re-examination doubt or quibble -over every sea tend in every lend from the rising to the setting of the sun. Consultation free. Read circular and re- member the data LAD ES LY. FRENCH. REGULATION PILLS. Far superior to Ergot, Tansy, Pennyroyal or Oxide. Endorsed by the thousands of ladies who use them MONTHLY. Never fail, relie- ve pain, INSURE REGULARITY, Pleasant and "Effectual. Price $2. Toronto Medicine Co., Toronto, Ont. Nov -29-8 "The 'Keels, one of the ablest papers on the bontinent" Descriptive America. :v ttiarged and Improved. i El ll A Canadian Journal of Politics, Liter- ature, Science and Arts. PUBLISHED EVERT FRIDAY. $3 per Year. $1 fox Four Months. THE Wi.EKhas entered on its SIXTH year of publication, greatly onlargod and im- provedin every respect, rendering it• still moe worthy the cordial support of every one interested in the maintenance of a drsf- class literary journal. The indei�1iendeno :n politics and criticism which has eharaetertzed ,THE •WENN ever since its first issne will be rigidly maintain= ed; andunceasing of%Orta win be wade to im- prove its literary ohrteaoter and increase its value and attractiveness as a journal for the cultured home. Many new and able w.ntera are noneer have promised to become, coniLibutcrs to its columns, and the con- stant aim of the Pub:Usher will be to make THE WEER fully equal to the best literary journals in Britain and the United Status. cis heretofore, P1tor GOLIDWM SaixTu will, from time to time, contribute articles. London, Paris, Washington and .Montreal loteers from .accomplished co;respondence will appear at x e u1ar intervals, Special Ot- .•xra tterswillaappear.during the session cf Parliament, ent, THE .W.tBleinits enlarged form will be the same size as "Harperesr Weekly," and the largest paper of its elites on' the contin- ent . Send for Free. Sample Copy. C BLAOKETT ROBINSON Pub. b, .,5 ;Jordan st,, Toronto. WILL. CURE OR RELIEVE ES BILIOUSNESS, DIzzIN S, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING. MAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE. OF THE SKIN, Aad ve,7 species of disease seising Avail STOMA= disordered1 ,s O.R,JJLLODD T. MILBU,RN - CO., Or' ORONTO. Hurrah I Hurrah -EOR— Sm_ Merchant Tailor, To Customers and Public ahem} be is the place to get yourselves snit. ed, with Suits got up in the Latest Styles, at hard time prices. Alec Range nr coos al- ways l-wits s Ali Stock. A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED', Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderato Prices. Up Stairs over Post 011ie°. A CALL SOLICITED. ; C. $-fUaQomba r. Was NET Throat and Lung Burgeon, TcBete YILL BE AT TBE CENTRAL HOTEL, DECEMBER 2O'Nt 5 LIIVTIaa--- 5 o'clock, p. m, Au English Church Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cownwall, Ont. DR. WAsnlnlvGToN,— Dn.ut Sllt,--I am glad to be :able to inform you that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she has been cured of grave bronchial troubles under your treatment, when this usual remedies failed, I write toexpress my gratitude, Please accept my sin- cere thanks. Yours truly, C. B. PE'i"!'ITT. Disnatsn T1tr4Tl:n.-Catarrh of the head and Throat, Catarrh Deafness. Chronic Bronchitis, Asthma and Con- sumption. Also foss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of - the nose removed. Come early. Con- sultation free. A few of the many cured by Dr. Washington's new method. W. H. Storey, of Storey & Son, manu- facturers, Acton, Ont., also President Manufacturing Ass. of Canada, per- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country and Europe. Writh to hint for particulars. Mrs. John McKelvy, Ril.gstun, Uut,, Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Cat- arrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Harrowsniith, Ont., Catarrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat. James Mathews, Post Blaster,, Acton Ont., 5 A. E. Fish, gents furiiishin ;s, m11.- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst 1'. 0. ()nt.. (near Napanee) of Catarrh, hoed, throat and bangs. ' • • Head Office 82 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. At once. Local and travelling agents for our goods. Liberal commissions, or salary andexpenses, to competent and reliable .nen, For terms and fullparti- culars, address. J. F.LnCr.:tltne Nurseryman, Brighton, N. Furniture and undertaking. —GO T0 -- Rowe ndrews ED -ROOM ANIS PARLOR srI` SIDER(LORI Jet AND I':\TENSIleat .. TABLES, I,.11.:rCFti AND EASY CHAIRS. - Tite Largest W are oo as %u Undertaking, nutskle of the 1°ndertak. ers Ring. in all its Branches. ' oPan c b,Ar and night. ST ANI'1._,.One 41 lie eth t f 'e.'.4►:.^t,ll1'iB lilalt;, 'VAIN ST, - 1 i1 Y'l int, T'S CODE h'N'QT $.E EXCEUEi aat.i..zed a# it,14D-19rftl comfi t -Mem. Peke 1:5 etei+n, • Eyes F'o t ? . arch .__TO --- SOUTH TT' Clothing and Gents Try Everest's Liver Regulator or DIscasci of the Liner Mime, era, end Purify- iux of the Bleed. Price el. bee 1rott.lcs fur el. For Salo by ALL Ili:i:QUi ,TS. Manufactured only byy QE's. X. EYEiU ST, Cbnniti , Furter, Orr, O�PER__MIOP 1 Mr. Felix Wilds would i tpeetfully* inform the. itihabjtnnts of i)asliwoud and Surrounding Country-, that he hes open- ed out .a new Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and is prepir4d to do all classes of coop erag,;e work ou shortest notice. Acall solicited. flet11---8m FRr,.Lx W'li.ns. PENNYROYAL WAFERS, Pres r r cin of a physician :aha hs : had 3 lite lone-experfenee in t F, k feeealo diseases. Is need reeeellerwithls tet sure.ss her r�tj et l u I'dladirs l vee spit safe; f . Y„n : r,, i '65'3 Ser, :au:1 r - i a- re....' i.taia' r . :r O .1 ,.,i. Rt- i � „ +, � neularc 1?c'�1 by' \.'1-' ail ?• i.:, v-.,z•box. 1te:tiirate e..a.k Xrtt ,.:.:•- 3 .'-x. L`il., Daalior �Iro . Sold in Lxt,tt'=' by 1)r. Lutz, and dru„rists every w1.t1 . Jai.. 1-$. L 3ist J ee l#i;1i i ..,., re rot tr -"`1 r F. -'• 1 i a li -1 jF6� > r -FINER T . vaN EV'7�1:11' . °' i c' STORE. EXETER, - - ONTARIO. —(0) -- Some of the finest goods that, can be 'secured, are arrivingevery c slay. GENTS' FURNISHINGS ' IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT PRICES. T �Av CALL SOLICITED. W. SOU C�'�(Oi'�'i iPT�`W�.JTT�.. Corner Main and John Street. EXETER, ONTARIO. IN BRONZE ON. to s� f n s ,,. . citt`:llo'�„r`s a/3 ea er". i,c1i•.ag a +: ,. ' ,G.<, a.s.:.u:; .;.,._...........,.—" TIse Great itnealisb Preseraplion. es A successful Medic a used over S0 years in tbousa e s of c08es. Cures •�,' S a;rvtatot•ra Net -eau p ,J, s�,�,, Weakness, Entissittas impu.t,37tcy tk and all diseases caused by abuse.L# •13tsirona] .indiscretion, or ovgr-exet'tion. t. aa] Six packages Ouaraxxteetl:to Cure ryhrenall others Fail. Ask your Druggist for Tee eet a eteuel1 •reucrrpttan, take no substitute. One package 1. 2». $5, b mail.' Write for PamrhleteAddrese IE rc by t u dca C9aelaii xa o' 2 full iHic c l C . Hao 1• 3t.. RolriinT..rtei t: Dr, 1.-tz1 and iruggistce, evreyevhere, i Jan, 141:.