HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-20, Page 5London fluron & BruceRailway Goa NORT11--TImE TABLR-PaSettr. London, depare.. • .8.05 A. ez -4.25 P. X. Luau Crossing...8.47 , 5.20 Clandeboye 862 6.28 Centralia ...9.05. 6.45 EXETER.. - -9.16 • 5.57 Hensall • 9.28- • 6.09 Kippers ,...... 934 6.17 Brimfield .e.... -9.426.26 Clinton. 10,00 46 Loodesbore . 10.19. .. • .. 7.03 I3lyth _ • 10.28...,.. 7.12 13elgrave,„ .- 10.42 - 7.27 Winghain .11.00. 7,45 GOIKG SOITrEfPassenger. Wiugham 7.05 A.R.. $.40 Begraye - - 7.24 4.00 , Blyth 7.38 4.15 Londesboro' 7.47 4.25 Clinton.... -.8,07.„ , 4.45 Brimfield - 8.26 5.04 Kipper!, . 8.84.,.... 5.12 Rensall.... ..... 8.41 6.19 EXETER • ... 8.56 5.33 Centralia. ......8.07 _5.45 Clandeboye 9.18. -... 556 Limn Crossing9.24....., 6.02 Loudon, arrive - 10.15- „ ... 6-45 EXETER MARKETS. Be. Winter, per bushel.. .$ 0.95 to 1.00 White ('- , .... 95 to 1-00 Spring.... 95 to 1.00 Ibniey...„.. .. . , . .. 45 to 56 Oats. , .... - ....... 80 to 80 Peas .... .... . ...... 5a to 06 lEgge per doz.-- .. . .. .. 18 to 18 .?But ter, Rattle - - .. 18 to 20 But tar, Creeks 16 to 18 Geese per Ih• • . - • .5 to 6 Turkey per ..... ....... 7 to 8 "Wo 4 • • • • • • IS to 18 ' Potatia.s per bush :>0 to 95 Hay per ton 12.00 to 13.001 liee0 te 7.011 Thanks:. Wavereceived front Wm. Bryce publisher, Toronto, a copy of a book en- titled eCanada from Sea. to Sea." R is illustrated with sixty beautiful photo cute, showing the cities and, tams of interest also a number of beautiful sceneries of Beitish Colvtabia anciMant. toba, The price of the book is 91, and should be in the hands of all. It can be securel from your bookseller or direct from the pablishe. obituary. It becomes or sad. duty to record the death of another of Huron's old pioneers ie the person ofMrs. lifaryAnn frallter relict of the late Andrew IVA'. kor, of Centralia. The estimablo old lady had been ailing for some time past and on thel5th inst., death came and put an end to her sufferings. She was much beloved by all who to knew her, and her demise has cast a gloomover the neighborluiod. She leaves a large cir- cle of friends and relatives to mourn her loss. r. -. AN OPPORTUNITY. •••••••••••••••• To 11-,:sriin,,,1 x101444vc0e, Voinoirv, lt6 calculated t • at frqu 15 to :,^4a .ilittore..t bawls aro to be m- ew., lior-o to let at a mean rent cav- e:,t -r.„,,4• Oat T4g Kist 11".1-1.3.1oivmthlwat tivt, mitaitca walk, from the foundry. .A.pely to 11.8rAesPAN's Tin Shoe. oa INTErv7s. Fee oe %term. re eet n%!iT u (lee. Sarolere, by the quirt in. served up by the piety cooked er r iw. Just look at our stock. of con. feetimery and sporting gtl,de,, all fresh, new awl first-class. sit oot go4 Mate,' A genet shooting match will he held at Ilueeteiberry`s hotel Dr;esdale, on eveeeesely Dee, ealth. A large number of pig,..ms Mee been secured together with a number of turkeys and geese A grand bail will be held nt night. A renal. hivitetion eetetitied to all elturen Opening. oil Sunday next, 23rdinst. the new Trivitt Memorial church will be open- ed. The Right Rev. Dr. Baldwin, Lord Bishop of Huron will preach at 1.1 a. ne He will address the candidates for con- firrnatiou in the afteruoon, and, will preach in the evening commencing at 7 p.m, This is an excellent ehureh, fact one of the best .0 the district, and will seat six or seven hundred. Let a large crowd attend the opening, as it is the duty of every christian to bepresent and assist ill the good work, clentine *El erivms Every week the most valuable per- iodical presents the latest information in the world of science, art, and manu- factures. Full of praettee.1 information, it discloses the latest discoveries and in ventions- For over forty years Munn C h I ed this Co. ave cow net paper in con- nection with the procuring of patents for new inventions, The Scientific American is authority of all the scienti- Be awl mechanical subjects, and, should loin every household. Copies of the •the paper may be seen at this office and subscriptions receive& Lee* Woraror Ohl Christ Church. The Rev. 3. F. Robinson preached the last sermon in the old church on Sun- day evening. The day was about the mot dleagreeable of the senson, but in feat. of the r tin and cold a fair congre- getion wi as.silubled. The text of the eerieen was from Proverbs XI -24. "There is that feed:Pr:tit and yet in- creaseth; and there is that witholdeth more than is meet; but it tondetit to poverty " Tho speaker urged his hear- ers in applying the text to give cm Sunday next as an offering unto Otho lewd, ited. make Out worthy of them. selves, as well as the cause, concluded as follows. eAre there not many things to stir us up to a thankful gift. Voices have Wen heard responsive prayer lovers of sport- For particulars sae within these walls we are now quid- ' bills. in g -.voices heard in thanksgiving - heard In pntise--raised in holy song - Accident. k voices that are silent -end gone for the. illy lest week Mr. b. Walper ox ever now, into that country we all are the North End of the villege was en. yor„,,,,, going, when etich sina is awarded tic- geged togetletr with another , , .'+2 cording to the deeds done in the body, man. in putting, up a fenee, ave a ova. and no man then deceives himself -he tint the workineu was standing on that scatters then knows that his in, - turned over and the uplifted sledge crease is full, and meet knows then into whittle he was using came down. upon is,„„ what dire poverty. his soul hes forever the head of Mr, Walker knocking ".“ wit hdrawn. smsless. leet ure. Salvation trma On T11.%Sday evening of this week, t . melee, ;sundae and timidity Mr. R. II. Archer, Manager of the Mol- e... . • . . the 'Salvation Army held grand jubilees sons Benk, in town, gave a leeture and banquets. Officers from nearly all under the auspices of the "Busy Bees of of the neighboring stations were Pres- the Trivia Memorial Creurch." The mit and assisted in the proceedings., and subject was the History' of the British the two "Boy Trumpeters" furnished church and was illustrated by the lime excellent music. The attendance was light. The audienee was a fair one fair. The proceeds amounted to some- but like all better entertainments not thing in the neighborhood of $36. as large as the lecture deserved. Mr, Archer suunnerised history that too Ititnaway. Mr. Wm. Snell in company with a few of our people read. Ho showed co from them how the Church of England • commercial traveller, was driving should be the church of the English Crediton, and when turning the corner speaking people, graphic battle scene, at Devon the horse took fright and ran stately cathedeal,moss grown ruin,and away. The driver held unto the lines church were explained and and was dragged several rods when he parish shown in connection with the subjict struck a log and the lineswere loosened The pictures of the landing of the Rom - from hisgrip. The horse came homeand was in :bruised condition. The horse ails, the beautiful Name of St .Albans and rig belonged to Messrs Bissett Bros. Cathedral -the ruins of Lindi's Farm with the early English features of Rce Masonic ()steers. chester and Canterbury cathedrals At the regular convocation of Leban. were among the most striking views. on Forest Lodge, No 133, A. F. & A. M. The lecturois the first of a series and held. on Monday evening the following lovers of history will do well to attend officers were elected for the ensuing the next to be given later on • in, the Masonic year; season. Mr. Archer lectured under W. M. Bro. Hugh Spackman ; some disadvantages from one of the S. W. Bro. John McLaughlin; boxes in the .opera house but he knows J. W. Bro. Wm. Weeks; his subject well and speaks with the Chap. Bro, S. F. Robinson; , manner of a cultured gentleman: Treas., Bro. Geo. Sarawell; Village Ciounel4. • Secy., Bro. M.Eacrett; Council met in the town hall pursn: Tyler, Bro. Wm. Brooks. ant to adjournment on Saturday evenk,na of England Election of Meer& ing last. All members present. The The regular meeting of the Ply- following accounts were presentede- . mouth. Lodge No 68 Sons of England Jas. Willis, lumber, $1.10; J. Matheson Benevolent Society, wag held on Mon- charity and nails, $2.43; T. Cave,, Rep. • day evening ; la st. •Three new members tank,75c.; Jas. Creech,meals for tramps, were admitted into the mysteries'and 75c.; Jas. Creech, charity Mrs. Clack, two advanced to the White Rose de- $4; Fire Co No 2 services, 995; M. lac - gree. This makes eight new members rett hal; of sal, $57.20; G. Eacrett Sal. ..indsixte6n advanced during the month. Treasurer, $33; M. Eacrett services • Afterthe usual butmess was gone Board of Health, $5;.. C. Lutz Illedical 'through, the following officers . were Health offiCe $5; Tp Stephen Interest eleeted for the; ensuring year. $97.05; Tp. Usborne prin. and interest Put Pres., Bro. Gel S.',Iierap; $110; A. Allen stone $25; •; Stanlake I'Vbrthy Pres., Bre Daniel Davis; lumbei V28.60 W. H. Parsons black - Vice Pres. Bro. Wm., Sweet V. S.; smithinee$1e55 G. Hess part on town Seey. Bro. Wm. Sanders; 975; A. Bissetteabor 93,3. Gould Trees. Bro. N. Dyer Ilurdon ; ashes '90c ecce of T. Herten left over till Chap Bro. Chas- Snell; next meeting, W. Sutton Charity for S • 1st Com. Bro. Jos Senior; Ford $30. • Moved bv. Jas. Pickard Seed 2nd Com. Bro. Thos Sweet: by Mr. McCallum, diet, the above be Bid COM. Bro. E paid. -Carried. Mr. W.J. Bissett Made 4th Com. Bre. Jas. Taylor; application for remission of 'dog tax 5th Com, Bro. James Sweet; e amonnting to $2. Mr. It Davis also • -8th Con. Bro. Samuel Sweet; made application for thremission...of Liner Guerd, Bro. Ed. Bissett, takes on two dogs., No action taken. Niter Guard, Bro. H..3. ; A report for the Board of Health, ...ivtiS sAre'con Bro.. Dr. a. A. Rollins. read. showed the health of the Trustees -Bros. Thos.' Sweet, john residents were food except an outbreak' Geo. Dal,is, of Typhoid feV•er al: it inc:A slcs. It. was moved by Jas. Pickard sec'd by T. B. Carling that the Board of Health re- port be adopted. and fyled.-Carried. A communication from Mrs. Littlejohns, aslcuagethe commit to exempt her fro taxes amounting to $8.30 for the year. Left ever until Dee, 31st 1888, Moved by T. B. Carling. sec'd by W. G. Bissett that the time for the collection of the taxes be extended, until Dec. 31se- Carried, Moved by T. B. Carling sec'd by T. IL McCallum, that the Reeve Depute- Reeve and Clerk beacoinnilttee to receive tenders for the printing' Of 150 copies of the abstract. Tenders, to be in not later than Monday night, - Carried.. Moved by W. G. Bissett seed by T. B. Carling,that the councila,djourn until 31,st lest:, at 7 o'cloek ried. ;Vow S.O. E,11. S. at Heiman. By authority of the Grand Lodge Sons of England. Benevolent SeciOty, Bro. Jas, lieoman, president of Trafal. gar I,odge, Loudon assisted by Bros. Daniel Davis W. P. Sweet, V. P., W. Sanders W. See, Jos Senior lst Com. H Specimen, We Folland, Glanville, and 8. Sweet, and 3. Reiland, of Plymouth Lodge, No 63 Exeter, opened a Lodge of thee Sons of England Benevolent Society in IteAsall on Tuesday evening, styled "Shafts-- In:try" No 75. This Lodge starts under the most favorable circumstances, and opens with a charter list of eighteen members. A large number have sigm- -Division Court wagi 'held here on Monday last,,Illa Honor Judge Doyle presiding. Only a few unimportant Cases were, disposed oft -The London .Free Press Christmas number come to hand last week, It . is a credit to any establishment,. and keeps up. the reputation of the Press:. -The. j.Robinson,late pastor of the. Binglish, church of this, villog;e,, has been joined in wedlock. We wish him .and.his bride every anec.eSS, -Parkinson does net style himself dealer of bankrupto stocks for the pur- pose of catching trade. His goods are new and the prices are reliable every -We are recipt of "Christmas Bells" which is the Christmas. number of the Woodstock Sentinel Review, It is creditably gotten up and refieets credit on the publishers. Harry Barton who has. been A resident of Michigan for the last six- teen years, was in attendance to his fathers funeral on Friday. He .will remain here a few dap. -One day recently, Mr. Ford, of Stephen was moving to this villa,pe,and had a load of hey, when one of his horses dropped dead, About A mile and a quarter west of this village. -Mr. Robt. Monteith,formerly rest., dent of this section, but row of Hiller - lied their intention of becoming mem- Acv Man., is here on a viett to friends hors at the next meeting whichavill be held the 2na. Monday in January. The followleg officers were elected and in - &tailed for the ensuing year. P. Pres. Bro. ROM. Hughes; W. P. Bro. Geo. C. Petty; V. P. Bro. Chas, Reynelde; See. Bro. Wm. Hughes; Treas. Bro. Rel. Reynolds; 1st Corn. Bro. R. Nem); 2nil Com. Bro. E. Butts; Inner Guard Bro. Walter Petty, After the Above Wined officers were duly installed the brethren then deal, .,„j; .;•;; and relatives. He looks hale and hearty lanneed !peeks inpreise date Prairie Prov - A city School teacher asked a class to write an essay on "The Result of Laziness." One of the boys handed in as his composition a blank sheet of pap- er. It is safe to say that such a boy is bright enough not to be lazy. -The rumor at present going its rounds to the elThet that one dollar ad- mission would he charged as admissioT, at the orating oT PIM Trlititt 310.2erial eated Shaftesbury Lodge No 75, Sons church t "ke% place, on Sunday of England Benevolent Society. The next 19 entirvly witliont foundation. wholo proceedings passed off in a very We mateno charge for inserting pleasant nuumer. After the Ledge notices of Births, Marriages, or deaths. NOW OFFRINO--o- bethe7 Owed the brethren rePaire4 t° Those of our renders, who, can give us "tresuinontsl' 41"san th18 aro a confer a favor by sending them Bre' 1,1, Be•Yuddre,s where,all„P,Irtf4k et confidential reperts of these Incidents lot ofjolly Ernellsbmen, and we 'wish to the Amen% office for publication. • them and their labors in this direction every success and prosperity, which -There 19 no slieeeSSful merchandis• COMPIERCIALUNION. I .are nothing about with the U. S, but I do desire Union with the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country Owing to the depression of the market, I have been able to purchase my new stock ranch below the • regular wholesale prices, and will give ray customers the betteftt of it My stook • consists of =r57- G-occle, 0-Toceries, X --Tats Calos, 32Boot 1.'ax:tes, Crool=ery,, C+lasswame, =Co., =tc., =to. The prices of which are in no way influenced by Custo- ms', Duties or other tax impositions. I do not give my goods away, but sell them at the lowest figure consistent with good business principles. Parties in want of goods, consult their own interests by examining xny stock before purchasing else- where. Remember this is a new stock No trouble to show Goods. Farm Produee.taken at Market Prices. First Door north of the Town Hall, Z\Zadtal-St. J. PARKINSON. ULM M THE TRH TEST OF CEEAPNEPS. J. 11. NORTHC TT will sure attend. ing that does not grow out of judicious advertising. The pedlar relies on in - Brief% ext Tuesday iChristmas.• dividual exertion; Lite merchant relies s upon public informetion, and the top- UNS CAKE Etc *, -Eveniug parties are on the 1 most merchants are thetenviest ad vert - crease. isers. - -Mr. E. Floody, of Cliuton, was in town last week. columns, wo are compelled to hold over -Special value in Shirts and Draw- the Model School examination„Biddnlph n. :EB:E.1ST CZ7...7.2EZE-ra.77.:"L" --Owing to the crowded state of our ItE era at Parkinson's. council minutes. Communication from At.1--K3E1 -The Local Legislature will meet Mr. Wm. Holt Rhive, Goderich, Cor- Mee - sometime inJanuary. batt, Lucan,and Zurich correspondence -Mr. Robt. Boswell, of Goderieb is all which will appear in our next issue. ‘11 "f Every Description Made to Corder. visiting friends in town. -We cers, with confidence, advise - Prof. Hawkins,of Staiti spent a fere days in town this week. -Itir. Pym of Mattel-1mA is visItieg friends in town tliO reader to Spend soon time of Friday p.11ee.:Saturcley or Monday in, looking through the holiday stock carried by 3. Grigg. If you know of a better kept -Mr. MeMannis and wife,of the Gale stock outside f any large el.tY)we deeit: Harrow CO., was In town last week. . -Mr. D. Rennedy,of the GaleBarrow Co., was in town during the week. -During the week no less than four deaths have occurred in this vicinity. of wood was cut. In the evening. the hours were pissed away by some en- -Yen can get closer prices at Par- gaging in the "mazzy while kinsou's than any other place inetownothers amused themselves in more -Mr. Hugh Ross and wife, of Winni- peg,Maneare the guests of Mr. D.Johns. -Beautiful Silk handkerchiefs for Imes presents, at the Big Bankrupt Store. -No service will be held in the Presbyterian church on Sunday even- ing next. -Mrs. Samuel Sanders returned from visiting friends in London on Saturday. -Mr. Gus Handford is able to be around again after a serious attack of Typhoid fever. ---pealetts & mantle cloths for 50 cts. on the 9, and cut free of charge, at the Big Bankrupt Store. -Highest prices allowed for Poultry, Butter and Eggs at Parkinson's; first store north of TONtrl -Mr. John Atkinson who has been • engaged in Cincinnati, is home on a • visit to friends and relatives. The low prices are attracting hun- dreds 'of buyers of Dry Goodst; Groceries Boots and Shoes. at Parkinson's. -Ready made clothing 'and over.. coats for men and boys away down below cost at the Big Bankrupt Store. -Hersey' will receive.by express to- da3rforty wild turkeys from Petrolia. They will be on exhibition in front • of his store to -night. See them. -.Black Satin, Nerves and all kinds Call and pass your opinion any way, -One day last week a wood boo was held at the residence of Mr. McCalluni's North End at which a large quantity innocent games. Today (Thursday) Is theshortest day in the year and. consequently to -night is the longest night of the year. The days and nights are as long and as short as ever they were. That Telninds us of a man who remarked that what he owed and whet be did not owe wits a good deal. What a man knows and what he don't know would make a val- uable work in two volumes -one large and the other small. -A pretty experiment can be made, says an exchnngc, by suspending from the ceiling a thread which had been previously soaked in very salty water and then dried, To this fasten a small ring and announce that you are about to burn the thread without making the ring fall. The thread will burn, it is true, but the ashes it leaves are com- prised of crystals, of salt and their cohes- ion:is "strong enough to sustain the •light weight of the object attached to the thread. -Auction Sale of Bankrupt Stock which belonged to the estate of Messrs. Wagner & Ross of the city of Hamilton, has been perehasecl by Je. W. Broderick. The stock consists of tweeds, cloths and underclothing &c. This is a magnifi- cent steer and the whole stock has been removed to Exeter together with a stook of. groceries, china ware, silver plated ware, jewellery and a general assokilent of fancy goods for Christmas of black dress goods away below whole- ;presents. All 'to be sold by public sale prices, at the Big Bankrupt Store., -An immense stock of Gent's ties collars cuffs and underclothing for about half price at the Rio. Bankrupt Store. • -Delegates wanted from every home in the town and country to examine the Positively no reserve. " Remember the crushed down prices of Dry Goods ats Parkinson's. • store is 4 doors north of the postofilce • he Con Hotel assumed the management on Tuesday last Every prosperit3r, is the wish of the Anvocum. -Another larger Bankrupt stock of boots1 shoes overshoes and rubbers just opened at the Big Bankrupt Store. auction at Broderick's.store, Exeter. Auction sale to 'commence .on Friday 21st, at 7 p.m., and on Sapurday at 2 and 7 p.ta , and also en Monday at 2 and 7 pan 1There will also be on Saturday a beintiful melodeon offered. Be sure and attend this great sal& -The new proprietors o ft tra 1 Ladies o7-vershoes for 5 cents.• 910 THE DEAV.-A person oared of Dee- -1 nese and noises in the head of 28 years' standing, by a simple remedy, will send a deseriptxon of it FIEET: to any person who rcp- plie4 to NIC.M0LSON, 30 St. John St, Montreal. 11-22-'8Ef.---ly. CITY HOTEL -An editor of an Iowa paper bein a' 'LONDON, ONTARIO. asked, "Do hogs pay' says that a gaol. many do not;that they take the paper for several years and then have. the postmaster send it back marked"refus- ed," "gone West,"etc. , ; • • 1 *or day. • J. & J. lieMARTIN, Proprietors. J. H. Northcott, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. - = Mab -Street E=etos. IF YOU WANT SiOVCS, Etc. BISSETT tROS. •Earmaxilsa They are6t'offering their En- tire Stock at prices that will Astonish you. A Cali licited. BIS SETT ROS. TOP A 110 A.; EAD There is a Machine tie *called IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY •McCOLL BRS, TORONTO ONT. See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE If not, do not take it, as it is only spm-ious oil. they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. FOR SALE BY July -26288.