HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-20, Page 4THE OX.eter Procrx W. SANDERS, Editor, Thursdsyl December, 20th, 1888. divisions teed deputy -returning officers for the same as read a first and second time be now read a third time and passed,—Carried, Moved by W. Richie, seconded by W. Corbett, that by- iaw No. 4 of 1858,for the preservation of pieblic morals and abating nuisances as read a first and second time be now read a third time and passed.—Carried. elle z Ie IrI, affairs are beginning to Moved by W. Corbett, seconded by W. • g Richie, that the following orders be aAssnme a different shape. 11'a under- granted, viz; J. Pedlar, removing drift- stand that thane will be a race for the °wood froeq bridge on Patrick's road, ZS; reeveshi between fir Win Bissett the J Peeler, tile'across road on lith eon., p tI $2.10; J. Glavin, repair'ang culvert and present depot . ?eve, and lir Rol fns, i overseeizlg graveling on north bound - arc, ; A. Scott, one sheep killed by dogs, $1.66; W. Thompson, putting in eoneretc tile and ditching on Biddulph town line, $8, A. Hughes; one sheep killed by dogs, $4; G. Shipley, gravel account up to date, $67,50; J. Drum- mond, repairing Black bridge arrear Y Ailsa Craig, $1.25; N. Mel*,wata,,, rpaie- Craig nnoe been any more ne:ade but by the $.2.00; H.. ndsor repairing Ricebridnear s bridg4. time out next issue appears everything i 1.00; J. Marr, 1 sheep killed and 4 will be at as bailing petin'. The appear- l wounded by dogs, 6.66; A. fasten, enc' so far ludieete :a vera hard contest .putting in concrete culvert on main j a' Bradley, repairingiorgata's bridge on d ► P. oP le .14th can,, .00; M. S arley, gravel accent it +. ei,�m a our present reeve. The name of T.B.Carling is also 3guring quite Itromi- ment1y before a number far the reeve ship. For the deputy-reaereship we have not as yet heard much about it although the name of Mr. Carling is mentioned with it also. For coillaci➢loss There has bot sifter nomination more knowledge gravel "'ad at Fexton, 00; Joseph d1 behad of til .2iai and the will then /moue as h o g:: -ill Tee in the iiehl and overseeing pat, .,2.65, T. Hodgson, and will be ira-tter able to deride who, gravel account and overseeing pit. is fit to till the nania,iei, :1 rh•Aire. 62,30; W, Mawson, building bride on 13th come 10,00; R. Iltelgsen, main - i i i bridge #Tod 1 88&8oi1dQ.0 1 Vstey. 8014 te,t{WMe! d Itatet. Dot watch In the world. ?WO* flurkwper, war. ranted, H Op oi,d Hot Huntley Chap. Eetk. WSW Lad genre sisaa,wltk works and caeee et aqua rain% iJne cs.rioa an tach i0, inti, nn, seems one ass. �aCher with nes Inv sterni.. ;atilt Dns . Yiouaeboial Samples. w.tewptes•ea welt W the weta% we sopa lE'tee.sad hottoa kr*kept ehetl; alt Prat &oma rod* *crabs, sad ah9wn, ek19 t0 tkoeo who may lava called, they *come yelsr, own, pto}r 'rbose, who mato et oats tea l.0 Sara et noir* tette 14. and YrA'S :' ; Y dMIS. at baa[ $ rdrttwatlaltl[alrs. Willes to remind the public that time tiles, in fac busy days of the fall trade are like lightning expr€ So quickly do.they come and go, the holidays are app before you know it, they will be here, will flash by a gone, do not delay your orders for -- -- -. : a n ng at. gson s grave 1' USbOrlle enliell, 117.00; A. Clatleer,1 sheep killed bs doge, 3.3 3; A„ Feil, 3 sht*ep worried b e tlo , The Windt nn.•t e e the 1 1tlt Dec. 83.66; J. Darrach,printingaccount,40.16, All the n iemeeeee n, t r.•a'�rlt. The A, Henry, 1 sheep milled by dogs, 50.1 -;minutes of the pre, , el-. meeting, were G. James, building bridge on 8th eine mad and signed •• 10.99; A. Kilburn, 1 sheep and 1 berib Mored by J. nitie•x, (1- by T. Cen- killed by dogs, 6,66; M. Watson, build - even, that the ae, nuc : @ •i' fill' Ri'i'%P flg. concrete euli'e€t OR iil'ain road ::t and Councillors t e for i -.q.4 in ':MOWS, 4.00; J. Dixon, gravel,Aceouet this municipseli.y, , o ..t ed at the Tow -n 3.99; T. Je+nniugs, plank aaccoutat, 7.7,e;; Hall, Fleets ill.• tee. t lie 81st J. H. Amos, t'p engineer's account, 7.25; day -of Dec., ut thele eef te'.n e•lael. R Godkin, gravel amulet,. 2b.:34; '.t'. ta.m. for Reed-:* a `t'(..1'ciek noon M.R:ann, Hauling sand for Taal;ie fair Councillor 1., thee G. W. concrete pipes, 16.80; G. Twedd.le, In- go/man presid t 0ae.ra.racatinna. C,:airing :apprtsa hes- to bridge on ldtlt.l • and in cense pe .Reel tlwy be roue 9.OX1; %V, Delancey, repairing hall held ns fo,9Ftavt, e, eve rd ,•tt the stn Delaancey's side ro 4, 3.511; R. Sellars, Town Hall, Elime Pe., t W. 1lnitnean tilling in wash-oiit at seed's .tin the `' le, ti.; W, W. li ea . , t rein N. "1;'; R. ua un rc id,.00; VI. IL Taylor, lS lambs Geese, Leave. eve. D..e t e N. le: "%V and at lulled by• dogs, 31.136; W. Smith, the Gardner's Ilia r .ze) r.Ahrt 1'w a to account and Trilaird on rofad, 1.62 L. R. to . S. E.1i eat Q4a1 ret 3144 Roan. 10, ;'C'arried, lefoveti kat W. Richie, se r.+1. lt'i tit. Ti-alher. 1 i 19- ra A ''heat said pools i ed kat W. la Corbett, that this. eounit ii &e opened at e. r''. r.6. rn,:and closed adjourn to meet in Oa town hall e; at five o c':e el; } , , , ,=na'lontl'at the 7th p Saturday 75th day of December, atto-aa , day clf Junuery• lfe.ele„araet that the by- 0o'clockear—meaanietl, W,Fua linit,Cl4rl;,'. b,a he drafted t ,ebtrei:ag the seine... - Carried. i ne...-Carried, MQ ed by W. Fay a el, ee it by J. Halls, tint this neeonlnt t=G 1W,awstril and hutch. iusiln for Menke a .ee n eel; $5.70. be. int.; $3.85 for 1 laa,et e. 1,,e5 fe,r 186e ueeounts be Vitt-. t'ii breed :►lowed by• J. Sider, ee•t:•'d by T. Cam- tron, that the t lerk prate ure trio) ewes. of this minuteee oaf r11:• l,reieeedings of this eounecil for the present year, for distribution.—Parried. Moved by J. Nally, s:'t el by W. Kydd. that the by-law No, tl 18ee , appoint Tui; Deputy Returning eillicers and poll- iing pluces,as new reeaei be pissed.— HARTon.----In Exeter, on 12th inst, JohnSarton,Rged 85 yrs. and Dittos Iinnnl:a'r.--In Stephen, on 11th inst., Sana'i Heddeu, eget148 yrs. 7 mos. and 24 days. tiv.arsi n.—In Centralia, on the 15th inst., Mary Ann, relict of the late Andrew Walker aged, 72 years. Co t rs..—In t sborne,on 14th inst. Betty Blanche Coats,aged 5 years,4 Ines. and 12 days. ew e has a .1'li stock of T niftott--CoLuu.---At the Rectory, Exeter, au, Wednesday Deccr bar 12th-, by the Rev. B. F. Baobluson, Mr. James Atkinson, to Miss Mar. gasrct Colbey, Rel of 13tddulpb, NK. - .It Usborne,on 18th inst. IM - win John Link, aged 1 yr. 4 mos. :end 2 days. Carried, Moved by T. e amltk`ron, :s.3i,`'t1 by J. Shier, tint til,` l l <;:-l,rt`r prep ire a statement ageorillag t,, 31 vit*•,ekep. 28, • see. 18 suh•see. 3. awl levee the same puklliehetd in the Exet,.r 77rwee—Car- rleMoved by W. laytl,l ; - t'4 by J. Shier, that the report of the teeird of Health and :iltetlit Sal health officers as now pre- s•:anted lie accepted,.,,t'•trried. Moved. by J. Hall treed by T. Carver on. and rtesobeed th it orders be granted lay follow s x lr,: zn i tall,. Shiite $:'I, Hib- bort tonna' eq, D. Wo1 d $8, F, Merit $21, W. i4"tlrr& $11:25. Wilbert Reddy 51, R. Hunter jr. $8. W. Moody $11,30, P. Moir $1,50, H. Berney $.), P. O'Brien $10, M. k amwel➢ $IJ, F IIe wit va, J, Pennlede $119,65. T :bales $3,50, J. Polon { $e, G. Ferguson $7.08, 1•i. hicks $3.20, J. Cann $23. 72, Aler ty and Edward $59.14, G. Hurrah lee Mrs. Audrey. - $18.55, W. I outeliTe.. tel J. Lankin $9. 50, W. Brock i . t 11, I . Delbridge $10.- 70, 10.70, A. Turnbull $10. E. Hewit $2,50, 5. Clarke 52, J. Hewitt 511, W. Stewart $9.15, J. Stewart $7, J. Gardiner $1, R. Herdman 560.50, T. Tufts 513.85, T. Sefton 56.40, W. Monteith 517.32, J. Moir $35.88, J. Irvine 52'1.65,8. Fletcher $8.70, W. Wisem ut $2.60, G. Godholt $15.95, R. Doupc,$25, J. Balantylic $6, Rowell and Hutchinson $5.70. The folio wino' resolution of Gondol once moved by J. Halls, seed by W. Xydd,was then adopted: whereas it has pleased God in his infinate wisdom and mercy to remove from this world, Blauch,the little.dauglater of the Tre,as- urer Mr. T. Coats, resolved that this Council hereby express its sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. Coates and family in this their sad affliction. On motion of T, Cameron, seed by J. Shier, the council adjourn to meet on the 31stinst., after the nomination is closed. GEO. W. He aetax, Clerk. McGillivray Council. Council met in town hall on Decem- ber 3rd. Members present were, W. I•I. Taylor, reeve; W. I., Corbett, deputy reeve; J. Gibson, and W. Richie, eoun- cillors. Minutes of last meeting were read,. and signed. Moved by J. Gibson, seconded by W. Richie, that the clerk is hereby instructed to communicate with the township councils of -Stephen and Bosanquet in reference to By-law relating to the Grand Bend Cut, inform- ing them that B. B. Osler, barrister, etc., has given an adverse opinion as. to the legality of said by-law and that this council is prep hart to meet with the, said councils of Stephen and Bosanquet to ,ldopt t' method of pnoce.clureagree ble to all parties concerned, --Carried Moved by Joseph Gibson, seconded' by W., Corbett, 'taitt by -le iv No.3 of 1888 appointing 6w place for holding muni, marl nomination, the ;daces at which polls will be opened in the f averal sub-, IF YOU WANT A Dmy Shm OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, Parson's Exeter A. Hastings, PROPRIETOR. FEW 'OR 8x10, 11x14 and 14x17 PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES —o—JUSTIN AT—o— ..XOR Dont fail to see them. Also a New lot of Chromes and Oil Painting's, such as you have never seen before i11 Exeter. The highest finished Cabinet Photo's In the County, $3 per doz.• 31. nano 'a Suitable fOleX1311-1,4 pl' rats and Ne, rte Gawateed az rcprezcuted raid Prig Year's ( ifsn as low as the Lowe rot hey are the ptid est a most ? e,ndame ii the ar1eta FOP SAL- 4' BY war% Sts .lr INWARE. EXETER, URE Sick Headache and relieve ail the troubles incl. dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness. Distreaa atter eating. rain in the Side, $c. Wilde theirmoet renaark-able:emcees has been shown *curing SICK Headache, yet C33311314'3 I rrre.a Liyzit PILLS are equally valuable In Constipation, curl And preventing this annoying complaint, rvbiie they also correct alt disoriigt$ of ;Air stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bgwela. Wen it they only cured HEAD Ache they would bo almost priceless to *boo who suffer front this distressing complaint; but fortunately their sootiness does not end here, and those who once try them will find these littlepills vniu able In so many `rays that they will not be willing to do without ;hoax. Put after AU sick Stead ACHE to the bane of so ninny lives that here is where we male our great boast. Our pills curet it while others do Pot. Ct,Trefi T ern n I.wne Plias are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills mato a dobe. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vials at 25 cents• Bore Or $1. Sold everywhere, or sent by zn ej1, GU= =1,1V4 Cs,. 2ltwf Yrs, Imsi lit hal Dm had.. CLOT RIND J. SNELL, mai xa, F .ETER ONTARIO; las now in stock A16 AN Wilfall TELE FOLLOWING LINES } est of England. Sulitinngsand Trona Soteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser - French and English Worsted Cloths AlOnarle up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. > , a. SNELL�. QC Sewl if.?aerelne o sit Out, estabriab )h iut.a0.in h teats PlatIngout,4t rods U/n7a ittlwri pl4 c+n, 9.• tlm% l•e wet trod free SORoi rasa la side 19eelit7,44r,I a5 i,Sidproo £clatnr t titins $g WO*: ke Trend WI* all ,At attaclL Wit Hitt sine eaodtree' pro a art et Cut eTet1Y sad ,I1 tI.le ett *DOW. Iaretu,etw4askflatTea . hew wbat w0 read, to Stasi wtw. may call at your tewhende,.tls ai mcatba alt ek?tl. becema nv,u awe. 7cpe«y. Tatstt. piaci M40,149 i. ads atter to tslatR. fal.n e hrhtunrancat ef:tsyateats rencztteaRtdfnil . ,e, wattthat u5O. P.tu. sa4 now' aeras kis ,5a.Prat,etr-actcsr i, Mi m ttark:wo to tits train AAn a.�� , 4'14 T'e.1st tta¢rot lfatara. wIto ,ate h A, n,e 0.43.0 *4 All4 z•aaataLve la tea rrw.x. 4433 4!„ oam , et, 44WAti«-1, 4.133t3344•0 *MHO, THE BEAUTIFUL Anil CLEAR CUT imam eta 1" Ii !! i . t'sio' - from which. this raper in printed.. wiw supplied by the "0 TYPE gyp' Dealers in Type, Presses, and Printers' Supplies, la 0 J. T. JOHNSTON, 80 e4 82, Wellington St. west TORONTO, ONT. ONTARIO. Parties intend building during the coming season should call and get prices. Eavetrcughd, g a Specialty. CASH PAID FOR FURS. Zit, 3 Positive Cum. . FACTS ron NEN OF AL AGES. bS41E:A VF•► C3ia E.E%IF. 2`O. e, TRE ig.SKE4111 ite,ALTM AlislearEICSR, garret et ld38tin,, b24 141'.14"r Gr. tGee"4: em, at.?neo as: n•it,Ar, ate'ta„astg�eraez r,[Fmdalwne+ktIIelhy � ,� k x�,eaare s 4 iorerwirlk. "i".0.7.71\7(.3", 2 --EZ 4/A r= cs Who are broken down from the effect* of abuse will finer in No. 8 a radical Sure for nervone debility, organic W01033104*. inveiunaea'y vital losses. etc. 5rara^roaee rex winos No. E Lreaaoupx. &n Urn,--We.at o: energy, vertigo want of purpose, dimness of Eight aversion to ooeiety, grant of Coa2i1 axe, avoidance 6f son'ersation, desire for solitude, listlessness and inability to Six the attention on a perticularsubject, cowardice, depression of spirits, ,tq'ddiusee, loss of memory., excitability of temper, aper- inatorrhote, or load of the seminal_ fluid—the result of ,elf -amine or marital exceew—impo Toney, ivautriblon, emaciation, barrenness, paipitation of the heart, hysteric feelings in females, trembling„ reelanoholy, disturbing dreamt, e*e., are eft sym home of this terrible habit, oftentimes inteuerently acquired. Ir short, i1be staring of vital toroe baring lost its t,ansfon, Avery inaction Wanes in eonaegnaueee, *dentine writers and the superintendents of insane asylums unite in aeeribin; to thereffecte of self-abuse the great majority of vatted lives which come under their notice. If you ere incompetent for the arduous duties of business, incb.pecitated tor the enjoyments of life, No. 8 Offers an escape from Hite effeate of early vice. if you are advanced in years, No: 8 will give you full vigor and Yi ,siren If enure broken down, physically n . gth y b p y and morally from earlyYndiscretion, the reerelt of ignorance and folly, send your address and 10 cantata stamps for M. V. Lunor,'s Treatise in hook Form on Diseases of Van. Sealed end secure .from observation. Address all: communications'to**121. . tiliYE ?Id, d'y Weillegto, g£t. lay., Torooredo. AMan without wisdom lives in a fool's paradise. CURES 'GUARANTEED. HEAL DIE SICK. i� 'e ilia ,L. �e.t ii �fbU ,a k1 Til - ..,,utw. , ':.•rJ .., .,, ,r ,.,. , ••.m �' '�li. u;:.r,.. h• .. ,,,rtc�® t ItAt. •^-l$ "ytit\c,� •d 1i4, u_^•„^,l� l title, Q :'. - ilei,.,., Fi '.. l\111u,, et��, ���, ;,,,4,tt—�,� �,a��:i!!u'-� ��?���e•�uvi ” �. �l�ulY'a ' _�.u�v� e rG✓A:7ierit Cute. q-4 • A t] lei'isent ri1,378aw& Our stock is complete, and we are ready to meet the wants of our customers, and would say to all intending purchas- ers, not to buy until you have seen our We do not say, "give us the first trial," but we do say, do not part with your until you have given us a call, then you can buy intelligently and be sure of getting the very best value for your money. Clocks mad. Watohes cleaned and repaired and brou- ght to tithe. TadE � 4 ` �,s"p 1l09l7E4E.Q�'' Q,. ➢I_ �� Sillito113 to salt allEyL NTEJJ! Poultry, butter, Eggs aid 811 Kinds of PARM P ROD UC For which the highest CASH QR TRADg PRICES WILL BE PAIDI Si C. Here' TheU UnionHot CI Zn ToN, — O:.hTTSRTO Sa, Enlar ged and Improve' 30 rooms elegantly furnished. Tables supplied with all the Delicaee of the • seaeoii. 3 convenient scan rooms. House heated with hot'z Electric bells throughout. . Si PE 7,` R. J. TUFTS, • PROPRIETc /I