HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-20, Page 1S A VOL IL EXETER, ONTARIO TEURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1888. f: NO. Si. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament,1$5.5.) Paid up Capital, .. .. $2,000,000. 1,000,000, Tread. office Montreal. WOLFF.Pe.5TAN THOMAS, Facia GaaeantAL. MA.NAGEll. Twoutir Dratich offics b the Dominion- ,Agerteies IntheDomnnon, 17.. S. and Europe. Open evorz lawful day from I) a- ro.tO P. m.nabnelays 6,96ton,to A onerailtaoklughneinees trausacted Three Per cent. per salaam allowed for 'IonneY ui DOQBit Rece.ptst and Savings Bank. R,11. ARCHER, VeS„ Manager blished overy Tburstlay et the Office, MAIN-STRZET, — By the SANDBIIV ruilli(StiTIM COMPANY. TERMS OF SVBSORIPTION. One Dollar per annum if reel in Advance. 01.1SQ If not SO paid. XtaLtan STArTrr-lw No p r dist ontinued until all arrciAroges Advertisementa without i,pec4110 directions will lut petal/lie:I till forlia atId charged eeconlingly. Adhere dieeountraw4c for AtIMIK1RAt advertisements inserted for 20nK_Priolls. gVerT 4leseription of JOu RIGINTINO turned out in theSnot style and )..ri Wt oderate rates. einque51.1noney ord: 'ars, ko. for 4tilvertioing, ealt.rilptionsl etc. to made pa.y.,thi., to William Sander's, Bato IreCtOrS',. T113111 IT 7411.9011TIAl. elll'El'AL..RVV. S. P. ROIA1460"1. Stirtin% 4•3•161e01,11 (i,x,R AVM l Sa ath $01001, itg. p.m. • t., Rev. B. Clement, Pastor tianday r ire:4PM a.m. an4 SAO p.. Sabbath, Sohool, 2 p. m. Man: SyttErr-dter. rf. "Wilson, Pastor. Sun ea v Servie es,10.30 a. ro. and 6.3ti Sabbath tit:hoot IS) p. m. PRXSIsYTERTAN CIIINten.—Ttav. WIfartia, Pastor. San.lav Services, it a. m. and m. -Sabbath So'bo oh, 2.45 a.m. !cantonal Carlin. Z. BILLINGS. 7:4Gik.r=cml. o e Bank, Exeter, OntarlOt Ntroui Oxide Gas for painless extraction. .1•111, . KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D. SI ex.. treeti teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using_ the 23(IW AnMatildle on Mega:as. Makes ti old, Filli Ings and other dental work tbo hest possible. Goes to Zurich. last Thursday in melt mouth. East side of Main street, Exeter. TNII. 3. A, ROLLINS. OPPICE—MAIN ST. A; Residence—Corner. Andrew and North StreetsExeter, Ontario. T. R. AIMS, M.D., G. M. L.. 0.P., IDI.; Z. C. SI Ed in.; L. F. P. & Glasgow; L. M. pdinhurah and Glasgow; M. 0. P. & S., Ontario:I', T. M.S., Toronto. Night bell at office. Greaten, OUtill210. TIE, COWEN. OFFICE—MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, opposite Centra Hotel, Side entrance on south--Jant es street leading to the ilfethodist Church. j W. BROWNING, M. 'XIX 0. P. S. 'Or/Idnate of Victoria tniversity. Office and residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, NIVILLTAM SWEET, VETElt- inary Surgeon, Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence .,ne block east of samwell & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. T ILDICKSON', BARRISTER, SOLICITOR .1a. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner% &o. Money to loan Office—Panson's Block, Exeter. -IENDLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS,SOLIC. AU Hors, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan at 6 per cant B. `V. ELLIOT. J. Ettuox VDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, NOT- ary Public, Proctor n. Maritime Court, Conveyancer, &c. Solicitor for Huron Land Agency. Goderich 'and Bayfield. Bayfleld office atSwartes Hotel, open overy. Thursda7,-. Money to loan at very low rates. TAMES OXE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed el Auctioneer for the County of Huron, Sales promptly attended to and satisf,sction guaranteed. bales arrtmged at this office. tr BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct- I.. ioncor for thu e Conties of. Perth and • iviiddIesex,a1se for the township of TYsborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reason ble. Sales arranged. at Bost office, 'Winchelsa 13QF3SENBERRY, Zurich, Ontario. Lie- 'ensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Charges In ode:rata and satisfaction guaranteed. '‘,AT noee, E,hiva, Ontario. Licensed auct, V tho Coanties... of 11+,riddlesex and TJarebthn, and the townships,of Stephen end Bay, All sales proMptly attended to. TT DIL13D it, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay JJL Stephen and McGillivray townships. 0 rdee—Crediton, Ontario. flay Fanners' Mtitual Fire Iasurauce Company. Parties desiring to insure in the 'best and ob.ea post Insars.nee Company i o. the Domin- ion,, eau do so by apply:Az personally, or by mail to the understgo.ed. All applications prom.ptly attended to. Also agent for the xng tou Company of Guelpb. E. BOSSENBERRY, Agent zurich Out Biadniph. /dr. Thomas'Shute was the geest of Mr, R. Cooper last Saturday. Messrs. John, Evans alto W. Davie - $0n, passed through Our township on Seturday last. They have a. keen eye to business, Mr. James Atkinson of Biddolph, was jollied in the holy 1;otids of wed- loelc to Miss Maggie Coleby, of Claude. boye, on weanestlay last. Mr. Jonethan Cooper goeo Sunday utl three times a week, to see his dar- ling May. n'e Ewa iis time you were bringing that to a elose. The farm of Mr, John Morgane 204 con Itiddulph, titer Lucan, WAsso4 by mortgage male as week for the SAM of Ater thousiand fonr hundeed and ten dollars. John liodgins WAS tI10 pltrch, The many friends and aequaintences o M. R. C. Thompson -atilt learn with net, of bis sudden death. He died °Friday, 14th that. Re WAS Well And avorably Iteown in this seethe), a the ountry, heelug kept hotel at efoors- Fullerton and Elhaville, previous to moving to Parkhill. He was in his 48 years of age. He died ot !dale:del fever. ensa Atr Wso to Messrs, 1ThWhfw4 auti house, this week. TIM Milt of Sunday sleighing and, the young peopl hoping that more may come before Xmas. Our Methodist friends intend having a Christmas tree on eltristmas eveuing An entertsinment wilt be given by the Sabbath School children. • The aunnal tea -meeting of the FATIS. villa) church WAS held OR IIICStlay even - lug last. The weather wao void and notwithstanding these disedvantages. The attendance was quite large. The eatablea and entertainment were e cellent. Rev. J. S. Cook will give the first of course of' rectures in the Methodist church on Fritley evening 21st inst. Subject—ramblers in the worlds ntet- ropolls—illustrated--silver collection at the door. Rev. T. TV. Celsius occupied the put - pit in Carmel Presbyterian ehurch ii Sabbath evening last while Itev. 3. S. Henderson preached a sermon in con- nection. with aneiversary in the Fans - villa Methodist church. 11 Goderioh Township, Mrs. Mary Cantelon, of the 7th eon, has gone toClinton to reside, M. Oeo. Connell sr., of the 9th on., Is gradually sinking and his death is momentarily expected. efr. Adam Centel= jr., of N. W. Ter- ritory, is expected home this week. Ile has been away froni here six years. A special mating of the -Council was held. at Holniesville, on Saturday last, for the purpose of winding up the but. ness for the year. There will be a Christmas tree at the Union School on the 24th inst., when a large number of prizes will be distrib- uted amongst the thildren. A, lodge of the Indepenclant Order of Good Tempiars has been organized at Porter's Hill, to be known as "South Star" lodge. The following have been elected for the ensuing quarter viz:— Bro. D. Lindsay, W. C. T; Sister M. Mc- Phail, W. V. T; Sister Agnes Heddle, G;1. Sister Ella McDonald, D. M; Bro. Raba Cox, W. 8; Bro S. McPhail, W. M; Bro. J. Cox, W. T; Bro. W. Pickard, IV, P. 8; Bio. Alex. MacDougall, 0. G; Bro. Archie MacDougall, W. 0. Hibbert. Wedding bells will be heard on. the Glenqualch line; on Christmas day. Revival services are being conducted in the English church, Stalin, this week. Miss Minnie McLaren has been spend- ing a couple of weeks with her brother In Hallett. Mr Peter McNaughton has been en- gaged as teacher of S 8 No 2 for the coming year. • Mrs John Stacey has been suffering from indammation for some time. We hope soon•to see her around again. - Miss Eliza Richardson, of Cromarty, has been in Kirkton for the prst wpek with her sister, Mrs Davis, who has been very ill Mr Donald Park, of Cromarty, intends building a shoe -maker shop. We think there will be much work for a cobler in Cromarty and Staffa both, and there is no complaint but that Mr Gul- led gives satisfaction. Mrs Boyle and Mrs Young, of Dal- housie, are visiting at Mr Alex Boyle's, of Cromarty, for a few weeks. The ladies are both young widows and there seems to be quite an excitement among the bachelors of Cromarty. We hear that bachelor Jack, the blacksmith, is setting his cap. Mr James Muir and wife, of Brandon: Man, have been visiting friends around Staffa and Croroarty for the past few weeks. They both look well and speak highly of Manitoba. Mrs Muir is try- ing to get some young girls to go out West with her as girls are very scarce in that part of the eountry, The entertaiernent of Fri4ay evening iza S S No 6 was the best of the Reason. The program WAS a good elm coneletiog of instrumental music; orgen end mouthorgan solos by Mr aed Mrs McDougall and Mr and Miss Francis; einOieg, recitations and dialogues by the pupils; number of gouge songs by Mr Money. Mr WitTte of Mitchell, who aeted as chairman, also gave some soup. On the wholeit wag a success the praise of 'which is due te the teacher fee the trouble he has token in getting up such an eetertainroent. The room WAS well filled and provgeds amounted. to 25 dellar.3. Ifs,y aounoil, At A Alteting of tilO Council, Saturday Dec. 15th, the Clerk WAS areeted to proeure 100 copies of ti deteleed ettatement of receipts aud KnAitue of tee corporation of Hay, for Me mad heve the same reaper for the Inepection of the rate eet or, ectording tO statute. Moved be Mr. Ileyrock, Reel by Mr. A. MeEwtat, that le. Protedleot P. L. Se be ia- trected to eun-ey the side -road lee, weert 118829 Alld SO, also between 20 and 21, L. R. E. on. MOVOti, Alld Red by the 6auw, that tee Clerk notify Mr. James Howard, lexeter. to nemove aud bury hie item that died on oen.5, end also to remove the olestruetereee in the Sault% Rivez, under thebrialee la ti,.U10 one According to agreement. eloved by Mr, O. Mcierwen, seed by M. 1ieS9. that a by-law be passed, prohibit lee; le ;- sons Inent lodiug, driving or en, 'zee. horee$ to eten%t on tho nae„ la the villages of the Township. ettel prohibiting toohbell playing, tem throwing enow-balls on the, pniele tee:a- way. Moved by Mr, Ileyroele Nett by A.ideEwen, that the offer of S. Foster; to clear and melte a road from lot to 14, Inclusive on con.% for the thaber standing thereon, be accented, said work to be under the supervision of the ROW. Moved by Mr. Hess, Reel by O. efelewen, nominatiou for members of the. municipal council for 1889, be, in the Town Hall, on Monday Dec. tird, at 12 o'elock 110011, awl should a poll be demanded, the followleg persons be tip - pointed Doupty :Maturities officers for holding the municipal election:—Por Sub -Division No, 1, James Bonthron, No. 2 Alex elcLaran, No. 8 S. Foster, No.4 R. R. Johnstoneteo. 5 Jahn Schutt% No. 6 John Browderiek,No. 7 T. Troyer, and that it by-law be passed in Accord- ance herewith. Accounts were passed amounting to the sum of $508.50, evben the council adjourned to meet on Sat- urday Jan. etle at ten tem. pearanee, and, has a voice that would put to shame an Irvine, surpass a Booth, and make such, men as Reeve and Barrett wish Owe- bad forsaken the tragical stage in the days of their youth. 'Yet all his accomplishments fail to fill him with a desire forsake his lowly vooation and enter the profession- al theatrical arena. 'Why, the very name of this young man, Bertie Ban- beshktele Stahl:10w lees one wittl. a topper; to see and know lune 13e.rne; encouraged those around him who were will not change his address for the pre- working with Might and mein, to not seritk and aniaana weuting the serviees1be afraid that be was all right amil eeeu of a heavy -weight tregedieu will do P.aasisted, with his right heed in reamer - welt to communicate with him. log some of the nuts and bolts that eastened his prison. bars., DoctorsCowan and Browning were quietly on the spot. The mangled ame was amputated agar the shoulder Awl at present wtiting the patient is doing well. Tom, as he is familiarly called, is A geueral favorite arelenuele sympathy is felt andanxiety manifested in his behalf. The aged pirtuts and the test of the family feel the, shock very keeftly end the whole ne,Ighborhood sympathise with them. M e hope aoon to be Able to report the heroic aefferer as out at danger. helpless:Idaho waa lying, Wi fairly oer :the top of tbe gearing, thee ip was lieselese to try to break thamaeleine, for tor ef causing:MOM injury to him. The • gearing :Iterieto be taken apart' pleeo by otOee, bolt :afteeltolt-bed. to be removed need it WU WV" half en hour lettere the pour :fellow was liberated. Yet 'during oil :that time so :eeroicelly did he hear nee 'tbet not a cry of pain eseaped his lips, but on the contraey he Despite the appeoaehing of the time when tt i extstownry for the municipal political pot to boil, things remain trate- MI onr uthist. No peeson bee ,e -et dared their intention of corning, out or Itouors in connection with the oil - government, and it is appareut there will be difficulty in scenery; ble men who are wiliing to serve • e board of councillors. Mr. Wan. 'lewd &clime to agnin run far eotwithsteraling the fact that v net in all probability sevura the inagistreey without opposition. On the mtbjeet municip.o. let:does Late is, and 16 15 been for eeters, dead. ause ole t1;:46- IS, tO Ike cameal ob ver, very apparel' t. For years the village hes been meter the nurestriet- ed coutrol of a powerful faction—s much as tit a, rtle.'3:e4 MACCeb-S Their Nehime ha e tie -.red them. attow the Geezer It as ea i 2.i IA the ere, :teal tletee toetterhe the eetee" "hie •uot gate: to tete tat eethe pee La he -al hence the utter aulattetenteelaete, ee eta emeope. Tee ee eeeten etet the ac- e ettea tee ef a at ateleteel alike in Inteen will b., en:a...11.11:41m4 by a Orem np. Talent The Rooter Rink is at last 'completed, and. will be opened in a few days. All the Sunday schools are arrang- ing for grand concerts during the Hon. days. Mr. A. B. Empy, who was summoned to Harriston by the death of his father, has returned. to the village. There will be a change in the staff of teachers in the public schools at New Year's. Miss Stied= has resigned as teacher of the second room, and will be succeeded by Miss Hall, incumbent of the third room. Miss Hall's former po- sition will be taken by Miss Sproat. The change is a good one. Mr. Feank Quigley, an ohl Erman boy, who has been conducting a photo- graph business in Teeswater, has dis- posed of the same and is again a fam- iliar Sgure on our streets. Flank takes quite an interst in the working of the central telepliame office—at least, he is a:conspicuous personage in that locality. Mr. Wm. Reed has joined army of benediets. Miss Hodgins, daughter of Mr. JohnHodgins, 4th con. Bid.dulph, being the second party to die contract. Bill will be missed in. the ranks of the • bachelors, but all join in wishing him ;t long and happy life. The young coupe, will reside in the village. At the regular communication of Irvine Lodege, No. 154, A. F. & A. M., G. R. C., on Thursday evening, the of- ficers were duly elected for the ensuing Masonic year:—W. M.13ro. Co C. Reda - ins; S. W. Bro. R. S. Hod:gilts; J. W. Bro. W. J. Blackwell; Setay Bro. C. B. Edwards; Treas., 13ro., R. II. O'Noia Chap. Bro. Rev. T. Magally ; Tyler Bro. Wm. Quigley sr. • • On Friday, the 28th inst., the Liman Assembly Club will hold another of their enjoyable evenings. An extra effort is being made by the committee who leave the itffair i11 charge to make the holiday gathering surpass any- thing of the kind ever held here. The Italian String Band will furnisli the music, aud an excellent repast will be served. All wishing:an evening of un- usualpleasantness, should make it a a point to be Present. • There is wrapped in oblivion in this. berg 'iyoung mart:Oho, where he pro- perly handled, would acquit, himself creditably as a Shakesperian artist IIe is of excellent statue, refined in a p - ti e the Ilamma Ustorne. Spero. of Cromarteewas Jelin Sento 1 iet welt, . present moles ire suearairer from in. Mrs. Wm. Row seriously ill for the pest week, is 'tentle what improved. • We are informed that Mr John Shu has purebaeed a quantity of swatop land. If the nvather is favorable it is iibelv John will be busy. Ile talks of Intith• wigwam and if SD it is voxs- likel he will be nutting his darling Jennie there. Guess John will not need it plaster& or whitened. • We are sorry to have to record the death of little Betty Mumble youngest daughter of Mr Thomas Coates, teens. urer of Iteborne. • Blanche was a smart active little girl of five yenta and her early death Will cause A blank in Mr Coates' household. Although site had goad and kind pinatas here yet site was wauted as, a gem to decorate' the Father's household aboe-e. ;Much gynt. pathy is felt for Mr and Mrs Coates anti :family in their affliction. "There is no flock however watched Anil But onc dead lamb is there; jtonded, Thert. is no household howsoe'er dctoutled, But has one vacant . We were sorry to hear of the death of our old friend Mr. R. C.. Tompson, a -ho for several years Nvas the genial landlord of the hotel here. Mr. Thompson was a kind friend and a good neighbor and ntudi regret was felt and expressed on hearing that he had fallen a Aldine to typhoid fever at his home in Parkhill. We extend our sympathy tn Mrs. Thompson and family in their sad bereavement. Mr Thomp- son was a member of the I 0 la from which society his wielow will receive an assnranc,, $AD At!cx nr.. At aceido,nt n2 41. very prious virm:vi:.-r h. nailed Le this neighboriemi het real a- moritia, which one of Our young men, Thenins Johnn, 1:-st 1•,:s left arm and almost miraculously c bt•ing mengled to de nle One of our oldest and most reeteeetea Mr.. rah :rd johns and ht.; threstifn have .lo "I..y.• a nc.ig",.. ;:skt.q1 •'± for Mr. C. • was tte ' the ey lii;der IA 1 fichiuery, i• SO the wrist band of his !aeon e wes a'atethe late:nee: the cylinder pir.im: and ern of the drive wheels of tho gearing drigging his wrist through betwon- thou crush. :hag it almost to atoms Put leaving tin' halal perfectly scatheless. In the rdoa time tae elbow was drawn between the bevel Wheel's of 'the gearing and the whole arm up to Within two inches of the Shoulder s In a moment a crush ed shapeless mass or,bone, flesh :and clotted: bleed mingled with shreds' of Mineed clothieg, The Machine,heing at the Usual'speed that' twelVp berSes keep ,it, the shoek was so great and So sudden tIntt it Skivered in pietioS fotzr sLx: by three. ip.a. hard 11(1 1)1 • by.MCS that held Inc horsepower in its, Place their Strong metal .soe'kets Were eoniplotely destroyed: -As soon as the rest of the Worknien realized What haa happened deserate. .1,ttell'I.pt W0770. 1124(1.0 to resell° hint frontthe now Itipth)DIM i, hocls in which, he waS. ,janrutcd and held aS in i vice, but it was found, on account of the pcsition , winch' the Minton. tempexance house in Rennedy'a old Vst:pilsWito* rY',1.1eMeaCal4ain tuo*waQlonthSeettSetrdar.th Mie John Currie bias opened out it A Lodge of the Sees of England Benevoleattaociety, wUt be orgauleed here tees 'week, Rev, J. Liviugstone took EI'v. Mr Fibers worn on the Ifolmesville ci onStualay last. 1 Mr. Th Foster. of this town, •WU ' he pulpit of the Methodiet elturch day evening' last. • The Christmas Fat Cettle sr d Foul try show was held on Setup: ee letin when SOMA gooti animals aud tleeeeed fowl &e. were exhibited. The following; item appear d n Tomo IVorld•of Saturday laste.—"The Doherty Organ Company, of Clinton have oifered. to locate in Orillia for a 000." Rev. J. S. Fisher, of Holiness -111e, oc. opted the pulpit of the Rattenberry at. Methodist church, on Smutty morn- ing last, And that of Ontario st. churele irt the evening. P. Reynolds, of the Railway }louse, was up before the Mayor and Justice MeGarra, last week, charged with vittlatinr, the Crook's Act. He was fined $40 and casts. • Mr. M. McTaggart, of this place, hes sold lot 9, con. 8 Stanley, to Mr. C. Mar. rison,of efaillop, for the sum of e6.800, and lot 9, con. 2, Stanley, to Mr. Thos. Dinsdale, for the sumo! $0,000. Mr. Thos, M. Carling, the peoples' auctioneer, -will eonduct a, real estate at sale out Dungaeon next week. Mr. Carling is the popular auctioneer of the county, and his business Is increasing Try month. A meeting, of the Town Liberal Con- servative Assaciation Was held in Hil- liard's law office, on Monday evening last, when delegates were appointed to attend the meeting atSmith's Hill, and other business was transacted, Mr. Ben aicDonaldtormerly of Tuck- ersmith, son of Mr. Hugh McDonald, of this town. dted very suddenly at Little Rook, Arkansas, and the body arrived here on Saturday last, immediately after which the funeral took place from his father's residence, to Turner's cem- etery, in 'ruckersmith, Messrs. Cnatelon & Steep have hed a, big loss in their business this season. And now on settling up Mr. Steep re- pudiates any partnership between them, and threateus Mr. Cantelon with a suit for wages, Mr. Steep being the "hired man" as it were. On the con- frere- Mr. Contelou, will at once, we, understand, take leg al proceedings for 1 he purpose of holding Steep to his rosponsibilitie,S of the partnership. • If Arr. Steep has been a hired man this season this is the iirst opportnatitv the nubile have had of knowing it, as it was generally supposed that he was the s:nior parther. Had the profits been airge and satisfactory this information would not have likely dawned on the public. • However, • before the matter eattlaa, it i likel,,,-there will be some Mew Swearmg. L. 0. L. Officaro for 1889. ELDIN i tax 1.0. 1. At the reginer meeting held on Sat- urday overnn,:, last, the following offi- cers were elected for the etsuing Wra);1`el:. M. Bro. John. Hall; D. M. lea). Jonea Chap. Bro. W J Davis; Rae ace. Bro. Wm. Miners, Hancoune, Taiwan 662. The members of the the abare lodge assembled ia their hall on Thursday ovenin 0" last fOr the transaction of bust- ness an% election of ofricers. County Secy. Sanders of the ADVOC,ATE EXeter and County Master Floody, of Clinton, wore present After the business of the Lodge was dispensed with, very interesting addresses were delivered by both of the esteemed brethern. Both dwelt rinciples ef Orengeism and thcs0omny AasLerga.ve the objects and aims of tbe Oranga MutU11113eneat Society. The 'tisitotit were teeth:led a hearty vote of thanka, after -which the County Master installed the foie:ming officers elect:— W. M., Bro, Theo Caltane Bro, Jes.eireir. Chan., Bro. l•VriaCeearee Re.u,Bro. &wee elodgins. Fineetc., Bea. iia.coury. 'Trees, Bro. Nathaniel Ryan. Dir. of Con, Fine alarn, °e• ver. Leer, Bro. John Atkinsone Committee. --Bros, Robe Quilfoy W. Cunningham. Jas. Coursey, Simou Oullfetyl, turi Jeseah Cooper. • rennuern No 4$3. On Wedateolay taming laet L. 0. i. 062, held them re:paw xaeoldrig lu Hall. It being the eurautal meeting reembere turned outm ull foree. E. Plocey W. en aud Wm. Send- & ei eneouteleliverceladdre,es- a, Fleetly went IWO the -working tite order in general, also explaining great benetie to be derived from, engeleta and tattle:ea eertleet tke raembera to hecone automated wtth the Orange ,Mutual linnareetee Seciety,and also, put in a ple.e. AA behalf of the leentinee 13,efore leas utga nnme ber of bretbern gave in applicetlenefor membership in the Insurauce branch also a bre 1is suinexibee$ vfaa leAde up for the &eneme. After all routtue hosinee,e was dieeetsee with votes of thanks were tetzderee tir the brethreaa. Th!.fellotelog, ts the office= who were hieratic -4 byW. C. M. Ploody. W. M, Bro. W.Turnen Th M. Bre, Frrteman teral .11ne, „e„ eite. ReoStee Bee. M.Areetat Fie•Sge,,Bro. W.11. AtItittaan• e Treee,, Bra. Dlr. of C.v. 11. Ili tight* Imo, lire. le a elh Culbert, Jare. ewe Tees lbte e. Rdliedginta lee. ('arter. PAKIVOlt.r. O. 1097. O. L. No. 1007 held its meeting, on Moula,y eveulug the Orenge hill. Timm was a, large attendance of the 2111.mbers and visit- ing trethern, Bro. E. Floody, W. C. Me was preeent and ocenpled the chair, Brother John Neil, W. I). M. WAS AISO present. •A largo adoullt of important business was trensatttealt That. tam- ing °filters were elected for the entat, year and. lastalled by Bro. Floody:— . M. Bro. James Cathers; D. M. Btla Jonathnn Hall; Clew. George Martha Rec. Setae* Bro. J. it. aleDouttld; In Sec's Bro. Joseph Simpsontrereas. Bro. W. Baird; Dir. of Cen Bro. Finlew Jettison; Lecturer Br°, Elijah Jackson; Committee—,John Jackson, J. Wirop, John aleJames, Thomas Johnstoinreter Yorke. After the instellation speeches were delivered, Bro's Moody and Neil and the offieers eleetech The brethern deelded to insert a eard in the Orange $entini 1 under the South Huron Orange Directory. During the eve- ning of applieetion were handed in for the Oraugs Mutual Insuranee, and it is likely in a short time the whole lodge will go into it. The insurance is the best boom the order ever received here and cannot help but build, uy the lodg- es since the lst of February last. Bro. Flootly has sent in 100 applications. The lodge was closed and. a degree meetingwas held -when one was ad- vanced to the Bine, and one to the Royal Areh degree. Lunch was then served and a very pleas -Int time was spent. L. 0. le 3.0e7 hes a member- ship of upwards of 40, of the right stuff to make up a goed lodge. They have magnificiently furnished hall, one that would be a crc.dit to any of the cit- ies. The re,,,ult ei fir, past year has been verp satiscactery, and prosperity seems to be ha store for the future. May it be so, CS' 6 11 warrr, Catarr'hal 1-Jeain ay ess, tc; tJ V •WW. • A NEW h1I11 iMMENT. • --- Sufferers are rot aenerally aware that these diseases a re contagious, or that they arc dun to i.h. presence of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the no,..,3 .;1:1{2.nstachian tubes Microscopic rese-roh.however, has prov- ed this to be a 1let, and the result is that a simple 'remedy has' been fornra- leted whereby ceeneele catarrhal deaf- ness and. hay fever are permauently cured be from one to three Simple ap- plications made at 5iMhl0 by the patient once in two weeks. N. B.—Fer Cater - thud disehargus peculiar to feinalos (whites) this rolt dy is a specific. A pamphlet expl .h.in,c; this new treat- ment is sent on rowipt of ten cents by A.. H. DTXON Er SoX, ..i.‘.(1,13 West Ring St., Toronto, C41 cientific A raeri. CCM. . Sufferers from • catarrhal troubles should carefully.read the above. (10-22-'88.) I had tried many doctors and was giveu up by thorn as far gone into consumption, but WAS permanely cured by using Everest's*Cough Syrep.--Ses: Sien.psoie Abertule.r.