HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-6, Page 9LONE ..c„K. cfnenseenen wets no Pitaarar, er G. Ii) ofia9mR. V. ettedente `by the nioetti; hut iteier geing the QiIVer de Betgemont, wheat we must now leagth 11°t" f°r tilc444114 ‘154C3 evezz kin On the scene, for he ttlays an import tent part hi this bistory, was okier tite,,n brother, ,farnee, by a couple of year a only. /le resembled idei very little, Tall, faia, with a week, alineat a amtereptible appeer- amee, so elender and irresolute he Wes Ile bed a Pale, liloodlem bum, wfuth Mite eyes, whose We were weary leoltiog and wukI.Evenatilieg *beet him indteeted * moo of weak character, the forehead ecomaea toward the 'Waffles, tittu thick, ea, etiflea lipe, hievero walk thesiteting, unde- Med, He looked more than f orty ran olcIt Omagh be WAS arely seven end twan. ty. The Merquis, Although hie fortuue was I . mouth and hard. eyes. Hie voice wee thixt Maubergue boll rase, xeaebed for box, book. "The lest Order woe eight months eina reaping. Ee wore e full beard sithieb lifted xt And took out some mere, ago, he said, " it woe for two talwesaud, . e . . ,f l' W014111 haVO been grey had he not reeiste4 it, 'Were' " mid he " are stem bills of the will that be aweigh?" awl the matt enbtle set of the valet who at. house of Simpattn, & Morava, ot London, "Y,' ettid Oliver, who had recovered teseled, to be hair Made it aeon elmest 0,13 if with the elguature ot Artner Simpsee. You bimetal, "bat I want twenty juat ea aeon it a ere not enure than elightly turaca on the me ? ()ode, then, have I eoevitical you 1" tie pm:Bible." top of hie head area beccielog thia 99 his Oliver, gloCgly end sileat, eamailarta kal"iow moo?' temples, With se large Aeqratinteuee enumag eat& ses if Weep. Ile exther hovel notbeog "0, in aa hour." Odium dawn of fast young men and ali a neaore. or did wit underetatod it ,At this. 4" That NTin NI difficalt„ gowevnr, 1 can habitue of a einnter of clubs of a geostdaty moment the liveried gervant, who had intro, interrupt SOW) len Argent thins to hurry order, Mauborgne p:,sried for ea* aria was ducal hate, entered. lie we rip to kraut yours. Mame ail they are ready I Isbell so, borgue Aral whitupeeedl a few worsts in hes ant4 them taOlotaiteteah address, The Same a'Sir," mad Given 4" Liverquot's oardll ger, then Went MO. Ideuborgue -net up. place, as isq not, a Lafayette se oe let pit geese the clemend that I ara abaut " I Mast ask yon to exelhae me, ' he said, "Tim same, but I will not trouble you. I to make ea you." a friend re waiting for ine. RM. 0 go bave some bellows in the Aeighborhetod, In "I nevergutas, eke" enid Maraborgue. away. In five Wants* I Ohba be with you. an boor I eltall be pesaing tido way- &gala " I will expleht 'myself, then, for riaie again,'A Tie disappeared by a door lead -log aued will Pell for them. The rest yam can Seed oar/994M they ate fiaished." presage and I have pee a miuute to law. ihto the dame " 1 haVe Wine to Ask a lean front you, eta I Oliver was left alene. Slowly he raked "A8 you plOA8e„ sire' Oliver bowed mid went out, Truly this was le ere 0300 Play tifror 011 In an hour he would have the notes, he would Olt them rip, he would Sign theta with SimneerCe neme. And whee the thing woe elette then farewell aaggisla audiatis feerfel etrain. Ile would mover his credit. Ho would win Ile lived on the fifth fiat 9'i a disreputable Threw Tbyeelf elf eed- Throw thyeelf on thy God, or eno with feeble deotel ; Sure of hie love, ad, oh I sure of iota mercy at hilt, Bitter aud deep though the draught, yen ellen not the eop el thy trial, 1311 gt* beOirg effect, amile ita bitter - nem poen l'omy febTtitheraut ohoblii07;d0414, witile 1:mm4 legating hoes% the filthy etaireaee of whIch ereabed Fold ehook under hie otepe, Dirtier Tonrot fro.ow%cchhe:refizi egiN inia, nee 90 the effr. awl more disguatieg still was the mares l)eatis, eapirlee .111 life, svlaen the long *Mtge lodgieg. It was the neOrer 131Quieli who boil, Wel lila bare feet were thrum? fate Triumir radlejol4ye4tocit7whegstreng, etrength. to opened the door. He lead just got elat of wigged sliepees. Ith had thrown around the weary and weak. Sin jolts grascalm. him a dressing, gown deabed with splatchea of greana patched with diffopp,ot colours and went to Iswerquen end he gent 121e to yo, Ida heed. Ijurlog thaltelf hour he had been otreOrect with varying toneo ra the three amdgeve methehope that perhape ale woad with that man. be Lammed to hove grewa at, ,M. Af_ectipg rooms Were gathexto ea indescriblible co. resooe Vie from * treritues embarrasSaneet, a thienereteal eider, hie featereewere sio drawn, leebioo of odds and ende, for to his other vety serious. mie,. ageing that It.t311011011 01y 59 wearied, hie fece fio altered by eome ;nye- " tell/Dna and deadly moral augeloh. ae got -Pfk I 13°' 0441" *4°0 ga kr; utIttatVteh itregfelg1e9riaadee1rM"S basinees, Liverquet edded that of pewee life aad my henour." broker. He ha d a kind of bazter of tillage apPle awl' the crota-coe acute. %Yam he When te stopped frena sheer inability to up, took two or tbree atepo, "OW to diettect old rata etrange go that ft every etep woe's, easeeeri bocameof hie emotion, hieuhoogue hie maid hy admiring seeing Qt the *titres', lead eseecinded Musa P porton remarked r.o inoignifiewet eisace the mtsfortune on, the t. foot struck a einet 00031bleg ritellatia 411Ver said short Y. put hie loaeda to his foreheed and ahooli hie again- Luck would not he a bee tot 4 - 41 a eye e . e hunt olate nfeburea.. ereasee ernes taltaseta e an -let tie c3Me to the futete," head. Would Pawnee In any ease he had time he. ' f i Da -5,0n k419y, Air. pepperwn, 1 on Boeree, (learned Oliver for a diptometie . g a a - ielth tb4raanY3Itreg, gra°, ta,e;v-iterecletaa itillw-hirch Igiliciaela_t_%1414tEuhill3totere!..seio411neVer ae4cearYinhetu.tte46Inti:. otado,-4 11111;r.- t 41144n k.anc4 f' "1 4ah°o'llai Watelaq lainolPr4latbaibtele'w;:t rlaWrhrnordeht(31; ':efttz jecriedbtaktratidverAnt.tediseset:e0144,: roaxtertYnoro,keeoP 43° 64r4 b4ck 7112e4Pli 41.113 cower. Hie name and cooneetions assured r , on oo A t. ' I. 1 ' ;€441; tA,111710el?IfE;PIET:111;eta. ilhe7SiPjii:ttl431 ng 4:;', %g:: '‘,,, -.4r,41171:015 ., t) Ile ke t arayeteatly toetInioza 4he paitz .1;zratnowlet*aeu7ieetiatewtnzhdeQ:lacT.dreAre7eCie:111: 1Bwpealgraktillit-fely7, ttoi44;itFlIrat"ifsrtorelans 'ft '4'farelliltiwai.??1; ::':i",rrshAlLip :17114- 't.'cYc°:7;139147,4::::::::::th,wo briags it booze to 000 MOO *Jan *raillery nitsfortusea of emery, or the elebsuegery of Woe aneratereement ef theeuna did noteeem idea V' . _ - e te, t or , et w w et e toe, to mace any impreselon U ""'t hieubergee Ile wen o the Wi propeonoos k t - a-. ja 0- . .T. (.. ea CONTRGIRR ) gels%4 to bine Amid the gay life of Parte fore,' he bal eevired. behits of iaxury and sell - wealthy marriage vetoed the tudy way el your deb% Ql1C9 alreedy. week). telet-enatiete tormented that* bie, Severet peeple evse tlia411:11r:c1clo.,-TibLra,11,14,Ifebtohl4, plxbr: 84441194 It' Eall ' .- '1.4t T4.4141" pettnitaleg him to live nit4ent eurtelliog hio arida hoz:wage it wculd retleee WO loax,• tifrom the etreefi 143k et him so they Attie. to ity, of horouro, of. oborftl; At. quch o mc. wbat so wil, 30113, 4bout expooeen. 1Iflt bed' bail ho come to aRl.ttillle. ' Q.410 rOVerqN almest to heeeeery. Yeu laght theist eigeretate, 3rene even remark loco the human ereetneo eheeto op taro roe .. . . vela; a einole pareee to amwer for o'co ; le on tblt loge, eo white *het oue might as' it ono ; there al ne.hieg on earth teo, deatd The other day 9 .cOOlelyp boy of al theoe ettacnecei whet were ale necret ro ifonteeti in addettee to hie IlneW11 Qaell -1 Re rd, o,ou have UP 6glarantee whatever, was that of a cerpte *et op there to !righter) for its charity-anothirag in hell MO ale9---111pg Ye4"' wh° h'4 l'/•'" Pew/t1hg" 444 4f 144 09112144, It wee -thee terrible, ieexorelthe r taeae cirtaimelatecee, I who Iteowtyea people. 414 gowe geozeleekere werking for ita betemen_nothing in hooeeo too,,fort, little brothers, WAS -7.764MICe4 by hie teethe; psotieu that had eutked him iuto lei la' bY baying. ooaolimadY pi el al401104 't4" a '444°P "Vroaltt', lig one another with ons foe fte eymvnthy, streogotened, sus. to ,alb for ao boor oo * oho choir In one vertea eed wee robbiag him ef beelth, of la Or ny having ;vial yeur waratcoat, your their elbows, and gait ettelltiell tO him, tetuea elemed by thi4t meet m544,04014 aoreor of tao ontiegoopio eo a ponoololeot. euergy laola ef allied and body, of boat- atlese ohirt froat aud Camelia in 000 0g01103.1714 11cl' do e3. r enioa with metaer 0 ant -t f 'oi Dorian the hour o friend of tim femily eallail the VRO elteritatiaa* -hoforo Mtn* 01 g010 oa litt13194 t°19711te.14P.41.1tra 9,4-Rbaltly13sh?o'utldctyulo: w4is'aikt iti:1:ythtiliAcik°mboeve%lauengut e4lf thwellir3tliraY4 a4aTeletaTi 1i:7 0,',Ietwoeelyoorth,t 0044,sanhs4rm-wl:aysit lYt.01417,4Y 114 '1'il 41Prit h44 °. BillIci 14 1113 11441116 Reece, mad of .ife itodf, Ho gambled with . and pretended to he reeding very /latently. VOW. Ile eptatit Me 111,34te le the clithe ef to teed yen* hundred thohaanri r?were aomeriting like thia " Whet it feee•„4„oof. Thom lo no ^other- ,n,-4, -0,4,4'4; The friend of the foretlyr having been ha wee hi foil awing. Hvery night fregaently, until the grey dawn, found him. Weep hi witieli ha was a Illeellher, oral where haeseaet exy, air. 1 c3illlet tepty to it otherwise A, vet's, IAN* edlil for etuylady air" " You are perfeetly Veit in whet . . hethatlilgi u• f esalt1 ow: ' owl, :ilk 11 de ti, , ..e aulata sea env withdrew, t 1 tmtbhod:rzlwo ,,o itknuootlft ilif,yx-r: it nihvinInq.o_n-ue: innh r-,.._;;I:"Iti ..:To;":1:4- eb ab i 0-71 :en:I:gel:Ito oa Iv: lie ,..r; : yr o7ra tf Qh r I no re d * to utah eov4k4 PodUVehathrreV;o71 4 irg about the Mae boy who trouble* his SOM9 eereer, completely kneeked up, ateetch- by adraittirog thot 1 toms nethiog. d turniog round, bis IVOR enewlater, on Mew worgie, fooPileg,Pperhopo, as ego boTestuteleolet; ir ther no ed out at full leugth ea a 401a, bead awl ye, my owe le Oliver de Eargelloont- o' bergee'e 4e*,, emenc'tber P4Pe-4'80 tbellet" mor the creetive hand in the aot of oeuding sr i"-ntNto.‘34*PiralmaPbetlYntrorePoorie,4wYhe°rugeweAnzeneolsee% bort empty, aud aemettmen wittmet a 9 iittw drunk, re ildos tee ehteee of ray rapping at y of the Simpson Ream of froodon. And tho puoeto for on, thetroveriosoogway ; II" angle copper. Ilie that-scrim:el loos witaent yowl hove lose and repeause yea, after a hfeuborgue, ail 11 to ellealllage hie boldwae, thin phif000phor, ootory eeroph ow, he moy to rated hie own bueinese, Vie memo to pay it wax oeverity thooeend "la ms fsom briefdelay, perhape, I cee also soitompliah Illetthorgue decellotretetn. Ice approathee he reworded tooldst a 13144 a roes, krwisis The Golden Gate flivaild, forma Ile tolteed ate3y to hie fetber And W0 -11t 111070 01w4Yo "Plied 1441 to 40'7.'1 tbefle41* le *The of bbm'ellr, lie ""114144'3' at ouch a moment no emetims so disdne a told hint all, Ilte fault was ,coateitted leeks. at them awl examiuee the eiguature. theee of tho -at becoming eemeiono thot 'Marquis fire; mid it. *ad thee add to hie „ .1dul,4:TA ibtatalourogoi'm .). duo is ,..,, pi It III bele Vela-. St the pemomt girl Irt the i 1000 000111*°`? pat 00 Deo. 1. a woehlY " Antlirdmw:leat il tibbztf" el yew r The flake end 0.ortralPacille Roads lied and it was too tont to preveut la 83 OW 4" That would be ao easy, -that would. be ek. '7,r,: 1, ...,1 .a.m.,_,4 .,......„1,_ ,s_ __,. meadow or the deoghter of the eage repot- train of Folleatel 'Vestibule Care, to rue be - eon. "Lt thin be a /mein to you, sir, otato ta" tazil .1;1711.-4 wytre.- XI Isklisin ieg la her hither% confidence or the ettisan tw0013. C 4111Qii Bluffs and San Frauciate, for all. Theo oeveaty thouaaudl lifealTe "Well tier tbei uttQu, . betide Mitigate, or the men et lettere moo Stamm boat, e;o4"trio HON helmooter bath. which iillICI 4491/111 IllaVe be:ea 1101h1Qa Ls sue, 4•Well, all that fleas zest ewes , 1 alr.e2 feldellY tow *r"e tb4 lug by his nreslie. The werrier about to rneenderledit's and Sondem% ___,b4roorowie 'situated se I am teedoy mean on miotatee d l'ItQut bke- lie tb9ug14 atrike the decisive blow for tho liberate of a observation ani smoking "N" 415"c4 ik 4emate sum, Were you lie ati.; the earn a ge'.;9 .0 lain weetver for your derma% eo 2 eraatee for toe, Yon will win c2i0g in. Ile f"gled b° nation, however tuipresocdwitia theaoleninity inttatalauti for 'asilaa and children, ntnbe fI time, I could not siva la We ore fey frOP het If yin iom aviin 2 You will ta itle wt'll W"Pg1 tur b° i'l et the hour, ie not pa a stet* of atteli lofty tx =0=1,, 7 ,RA, IN1.171-14Wc,"•14t,'" F,Lkre rich, we have three Jenne tile scuts of whiati ithin whet lame! Aud tide metal de9r4 are elmed. Nobody urn theft ho 11 thiekin roto'etion ea them who, by joints% hearts', xylem '.-E°114411 1501" "44 4341141'lleT4'9"" allow na to Rio in a quiet way. The Atha- tide 1 repeatoowoolO perlico be mere are laybig their idol; halide on the -whole ineledieg overraosielfo-tiebe4 berth' "ci tiOU le QUO that hi very new poverty, aud It then you thizik. To are exiled of. T Ave been paid be kizowa wide realm of futurity for their owe, Tile lonaabl-will be 1.1N, you. Iteow it. And yet you are guilty if moat, blvat 14 something -but it is TheO no er have any value. And yet atatesman whe,, in the moment of enamor. yore/gam %moony "peek with & imehri, that iv 7.0 awl, what you Weal not bo ill a tilltift 1:-erYtheillareilliticewraeltyll blasittlioatu °el intteli° hldeliwyofuldA1,1mtee of mem In the ogiqo behold woee fo aneibllated by Mt hand, fa not with a broad -ax bent. A writer of playa gembileg. of ruuelog Om ;Jett cd letiege t° b°°° °°° of that° Pal/°"* fettle that an entire clam of model gut aud accamt, seya 0 Texas paper. A garment.' condition to reetore. That, air, you know i on the Parisian market In these the (icor. A veto which says, "Good-bye eaneeious of so holy end intimete a thenkfun with a four or five ecto-sent An 'adieu with very well 111 the part of o dishonoerable . The daug'hters of firianciere untii the ovenlog." hiaithorgue le coming ueee they who are earare thet their re- a little ax -sent (ozmabawki. And a butcher ma. You gamb"e to get luxuries Witiell atoong the ululate owe end rimet book, Quickly bis hand bee fte.Z•541 A note la come in the promooe of a now with a meatosa'seat. neither your own :r ear a nor mine wit; 4ustIty. oiiins eenee at all it theyd hidden it about hie elothing, Then aU aovereign affection. 4-134 thews ere athleas, teeing nothing more, terrified, he The Eraprese of Japan has eatablisized a Wizeo Imo 0311 eall 141111011 by a nano like y lent to marry a nobleman. Witt ;I toe:eta nothitooraticoloun in bin thew- . Tben is oaretifee, tbat Is the word, luks into the armchair where he was before, laThier*Yri-tattellste6YauerelsiuthidellweaTeilrraof0a1 enVeetry10111713thd; college for women, which la to be ruled by Ing blorenitu a drowoal room with trousere h eircomstaucco--" aud it le there that Matthorgue findo him. -artier to the grace of an age, the phlioso- nai hn Amerieono a oonamittee of forelga ladies, two of whom of uot the Very loteot out, a coat of the pro eeetoh you lir, do not rain00 mtirter Mezaborgue resumes his place at the deek. nher la the birth of a thousand years ; bet .A l Bo. , , o„.‘, ko„ o miliin.,,,,.. ton too much or a• button too few to refit the t ease there io notlaing for mo atter Seliwerea_tebrierogkeab_ie ebruedattercise aleuerwr. rents look roulid upon their ehildree, there ;tore on Fifth A.venue, New ork. cadlogooman, end a Ivabecoat with a but. ecietoeht4fer;; the lover, where to be not? Wherevor .'"' real '' 44.41-a- -V - - --' le mug your efflee but to blQW my liming the other for the bundle of metal. Nothing lanbiou of the day. . You have been nyder- senate, silo, this time. A czcand t'mo yen old,t1.:pu' ached quite to an extremity, eat 00 thatenarble face iadicated that heander- will ho a rogue, for it woutel kal impoodide ,0 ateptleenlathiniuglawnnigroaot tibtentgpah,twbebia:11, im, tuoit: wherever for tee.. to come to y OUP ataietaime." e there ut an atmosphere vibratini 0 Ivor had howea hii head without ri - owerino for he, felt tbejwitiee of bin father's reprilielica ariod yet, efter abstaining from gambling for two :menthe - Ito cumulous, effort', he fill ate anone tie\ ilistraraione v., of hie life of 1,4-Sjbm.41:04-tnit ex - hoer lig Lit a ecrtain 1 -111 orniug, with itis brain on fire azul e that be knew neither what he was going to do nor whore he we going. He tet himeelf sink feebly, almost lifelessly, ane bench in one of the boule.ardo, Ana At ono° fell into a Imam alumbor. The -police tried to wuken him but in vain. Sseing a young man well dresmel and with all the up- peareneceof ad exquisite, they pertly gacesed what, had heppenet1 and putting him into a crsb gave the driver the salamis they found In his poeltet bock, No 1i2 Villiers Ave. The rattling of the cab over the atones 'aid not waken him. When they reached the avenue the driver carried him in with the help of the steward who had juat got up. He slept until very late in the evening. Wheu he awoke his aervant bad to explain aeveral times what had happened. Oliver did not understend. When his .raernory re. turned. -to the full realization of his life, he uttered a groan and fainted. Over and above what he owned himself and all that he had won, Oliver had lost about a hundred thousand francs, without having the firet cent towards paying it. If he did not secure these hundred thousand francs by the next day he was ruiued, disgraced, with nothing before bim but suicide. He ruahed to the club, borrowed a few dellara, played, and at first won with a strange persistency. The sweat stood out on his ,orehead, his hands ehook, he was incapable of self-control, hie breathing was so hoarse that people looked at him in astonishment. He saw a pile of gold and bank notes swelling before hire. The pile melted away, and Oliver once again had nothing at all. He went home and Shut himself up in his room. All night he brooded over his pordtion. How could he get these huudred thousand 'francs 7 Gam- ing debts are sacred and must be paid with- in forty eight hours. The last delay was the morning tollowing this night. Assuredly he never could get it at that time of night. The time was slipping away with a strange rapidity, and the ball hours, and even the Ile Sad at 0904 a tetrad oesta wicked appear- nt. s - anee. reeogratgad, fativer and arenaleo oet hia hendkarehief and wee wiping hie hint an old eteel that lied been re covered, bends which were damp with perepiration, with a piece of old eerpet, "Sint' *mid. Matztorgete, darting his evil 4" C4Mbles." he eaid, "le it not Mr. Beree- meet, 431 old clieat wha negleete ;led for- get* tether Isiveteeet 4' You are eight,' Ae.d how, on be be of eervice te ye "1. the Irl913, lettir hireasdi auk, or le ohlott, cm heep et &teem atal ether eta 11 eaepoe add calere, ust have a ..te thousend trues Ole very daya' Linereott got rip With a hound, as evereente by the veetnees of the SUM that alldden1 MO red blood -like allots appeared in tb 0E49 01 hie eyebellie "4 Ooe bemired thouosnd fratteo 1" repeat, ed Oliver. " And you thought of me," otavamered the old limo. Yee." You or you ' "I would thiekbar." " Then yen are at he e atonceat" 64 Ausi. demi to aulcide," 44 YOU igiy that but you. ' 'interrupted, theiraurer r el 091170 who hial thoutte , mid you areaot one of md Ae e r4lanot emu to hear h quet went n meg not C9U11,10 too mieh a emu, It 14 beyord tame. doede do a -athlete of thet kied, not I. Te theoiaed ellen wonid be too much, But a ImpOrej, teousatel 1 Whtt are ycu g cf. Where could I thein a Did e really bono could +. No," mid 0 see, "but I euppose ye ,ellt deo IA Me give me Nome advice That ia tut 1. k.' The toter breathed more freely. "So much the better. As for advice el yo hove as much as anybody wants,. me, 1 am going to tell_you the mu:we do 1 am oplein see aker, am. 1 wouhln't you have a hundred thousand franca even had them. 1 know your own 11105114 mad the fortune or the Marquis of Bargemone, if it con be 7,311ed a fortune. To risk &hundred ,ousand franea on you would be to risk too Well, what atter do you nosh inn anieb. 11 would need one to be a tackier about that! Oerteitily 1 moat g bier than I vote juatify that. lltit, difficalty, and a bowever, anata one,thold, Intelligent and am rOAA riela who woeld not riteeg perhaps freidtthe foreeeefrom setae Medal?: gatrauttes that you would ear have uollitY for nee IdeOnt, yourself to a1me' 44 Ma ranter* yen. But my idea, 44 MmiborgutiL." to me it fiend, you 1 'Ile lives .' frame that you need. Leffitte far. et, No. 47, firat floor. You will See a black pieta with gilt let - tors, "Mauborgue buys and sells eetetea." That tells ell without ettying anything. Ile itt a regular terror. Ilero, take my card and give it to him with my eomplimenta." "Do you taink I will succeed 2" 1' I said, perbape." "Thank you, I will go at once, for I haven't it moment to lose." "No, then don't let me hinder you." As Oliver wee going to the door Liverquet Said, "There is just one point of advice further." " Well la "Dant try to deeeive him or impose ou hini. alituborgue isn't a man to be tallied with, he would be very angry." Bargemont groped hie way amid the damp obscurity down the crealciag stairway. tevertsit 14e of the atteet below. All these stooge there were going Abent their boeittem or taele pleaeure. Le there one among them sip:scent, ef yoterown. Voir tether who Iseeperedly ;bets Pot eoel atitOefi, thera 44114' n444 13 "rqt1Phal th4t h'w° zeg43 x. 91. atl 14 a '13°C.141 daivarY The Oisio of Love. "NO, it In not tare. Bat always. *fah indiegenee, fur the asutiataetion of whieh hie _ , _ _ thAt the 'writer of "a letter heel th000ht. to salary and the email 'iaceROAC4 1114d% him by leek iato 0:iver'e tuyee. c* YOU awe not a who like leateelf le Ron to sufrermg Pr"711-41""P 4,9 100 01300 or eve.y g000 ea- te tbe Merquie were far from me Irma A re: bite been ; wherever children are at play awe ter Drunkenness, together, there he will soon be ; wherever anoortura holt, dopsomanis, the morphine there are nob under which. men dwell, I:Z.04re leetzgultrtd=ot tile 13" MO., premature old age, low el vitality =mood over ofertIonot the brain audit:moot natural Wen lrem acv CAU'it WhAtOrtr: lisn-young, old or ,refe. dic-actl-who are broken drawl from any ol 044 aitnve eagles, or any MUOMOLIa•OtiOr$44 ObOigs aa year address eat 13 cents in !Uwe for Luba:4 Treatise, in book form, of Damsels of Hots. Beak* scut scaled and StOtlr) from obnerration. admit M. v, ratz0. ,tt sy wellievren street East. Toronte, Cost hours, AB neer together as somany minutes. But if, in the morning, during the day even, he could pay that debt, nobody woule blame his tardiness and would not be hard on him for it. He had a day then to count upon. With dread he saw the dawn pieree the curtains LI aie room. Paris was rousing herself. Carriages were becoming more frequent. How often had he thus seen the day break after nights spent at the green table 1 He threw open the windak and in- haled the morning air. His braiaseemed on fire. MeohanicallY he looked at the sky, and shuddered. The sun was tinging with red the clouds that the fog wa,s piling up over Paris. " One would Bay it was blood," he mur- mured. He closed the wihdow. A vague dread seeuzed to strangle him, • in the frightful anguish of his situatioi he felt reedy for anything. That aredness of the shy vvas novezettling down on his stout and, shut his eyes 'he he would, he SAW it unceasingly. Abeet eight o'olocle. he was dressed, but all the fresh water he could dash on his face eaold net Oen theintense fever which low sn it. , He went out, palled a cab, angle addreea of a money lender too -Tiede to avlaom he had had re - times already. e at confidence in this prcl- bag ally a small lender Bo leaped into his cab which woe wait- ing for him in the street. "Io. 47 Laffitte street," he said to the driver. Meanwhile Liverquet had entered the closet which Served, him as a sleeping room. in one corner near the chimney piece there was a telephone. The usurer pressed the button and asked for coralection. A mo- ment afterwards the electric tinkle was heard, and Liverquet shouted, "Hello, is that you Mauborgue. It is I, Liverquet." " All right," said a distant voice, "what do you want ?" "You will be visited by Ma Oliver Bar- gemoet who has lost a hundred thousand franca at play, and hasn't the first cent to pay it. Ha has just left me, and I have sent him to you. I didn't wish you to be taken unawares, so you are now forewarn- ed." "Thank you. Bergemont, eh 1 an old family?" "Too old. Its fortune has had Vane to get used up." "Then there is nothing to be mede ? ' "Nothing." "Thanks, my patriarch." "Well au revoir." "Au revoir." And the telephone rang off. Oliver was received at Lafitte street by a lacquey in livery who ushered him into a handsomely furnished office, adorn- ed with engravings and other works of art. Mauborgue kept him wait- ing some minutes long enough to give him time to admire all the pretty things that were scattered about; and shevting beyond doubt the presence of a fortune ample enough to lend itself to such costly superfluities. Mauborgue saluted the young man in a, faiendly way, showed him a chair and sat down to his desk which Wail' leaded down with mere. He played negligently and with careless ease with e chased ivory Irandled knife. Oliver handed him Liver- quet's coed, lout Mauborgue before reading it said, "you are Mr. Bargemont ?" "Yes sir, do you know me?", "1 met you several times iu 'society and at the club. What is the reason of your visit sirV' Mauborgue was a man about fifty, one who, thanks to ecrupulous attend the toilet, to certain ingenious pro tinting, but above all to daily rase, remained -Blare a look more than fent eek,or loaning to lie ktad a re rnh1"/1 14, amile. 41'1 ti'lliell" the with human yams, there le the lover, en rintratial. ceristeesly, without exarnin- theta le hie loityworship going on, unepenic- g them further, he threw them into the able, revealed in the Ineghtneas cif the eye, fled to box end abut it up again. Then ligUting a the majeety of the presence, and the nigh 0tY late* elightly, in order te hide all ague of iinem for r Ile pined his efille te Oliver, who temper of tho discourea.-Ellarriec Mar - the violent emotion that is raging within. %mired *mond " ;wiz is the queetion, Have you reflected, Mr. Barge:neut, end will you make the attempt on Simpson!" diseutaugled from tielltli,tnent. There is nothiug surprising in my riot emliathing "Your advitse is good, sir,and I will itsaid Isar without laying In provition, t cute, then, let 'Hew ," 0 in a voice that was who us teak for a way to get yd.0 out of this unrecognizehle. magi's neat, Intim you any Mend "Teen I am your nun for the dit- scoun , lo present, have much to do to lind time to s ing. I hope you will be friendly 1310118111 look at the past, and oven grow into the would go eurety for you r if Mr. Simpson cowman not to go to any habit of neglecting it. But natural as thia "One has friends when he wine whtli one other banker but me." result is, it none the leas detrimental. The loam never." "Perhapa you aro unjust to them. "That is underatood, sir." intelleot lo' sea for there is assuredly no us seek them together. Let us pees them an The two mon shook hen& Oliver went more effectualmethod of clearing up one's review. Yon ought to know many in the out, trying to keep straight on his legs, own mina on any subject; than by talking fashionable world." which he folt shelling under him and to it over, so to speak, with men of real power "That is quite true. All the walk erect, though everything seemed to be anct grail) who have considered it from a uamea you mention are thoao of frionaa of min 4V8 turning round. And Mauborgue, whenehe wretched man totally different point of view. The paral- lax of time helps as to the trne conception, done them favours, and they heve done had got far enough murmured between two sus the parallax of space helps us to that of them to me, so that we are quits. But in puffs of his havens, a star. And the moral nature loses no any case I can no longer count on there" "Hai ha I They do well, theae Barge- less. It is well to turn aside from the fret - "Why not make the attempt?' teen " ful stir of the preaent, and to dwell with " Liory, Maniere and Alarjelin are at the Mier veal so dazed that when the cab gratitude and respect npon the services of coast; Dauglard is married ; Arthur Sulp- driver melted him where he vsas to drive those mighty men of old who have gone son is an egotistical. fellow, .harcl "Yes " he said, aud, down to the grave with their weapons of and la" he did not know at &et what to answer. tradable on certain .queetrans, sparsely ,"1 am going war, but who, while they yet lived, won understanding the fatemation 01 play.1 straight to folly .aitl o me, I no longer splendid victories over ignorance.--(Ruxley. would only expose myself to a refusal." have power to stop a elf." And he gszed around him as if' he ad hoped that some- --......., "That's a pith! said Mauborgue careless - &collection of Youtlifta Beauty- ,-ae ly leaning back in his armchair, and half thing material -in de ellb of a friend, in de- - closing his eyes, perhaps because he wishes fault of advice, would interpose itself be. When cheeks are faded and eyes are dim, to veil the rude keennees of his task, or be- tween him and his thoughts. He drew is ib sad or pleasant, I wonder, for a woman cause be wantedtohide some sudden theught from his pecket the note stolen from Mau. who is a beauty no more, to recall the period "That is a pity, for Simpoon is iramemely borgue's desk, and repeated as he nodded of her bloom? When the heart is withered, rich. His house is one of the finest in Lon- his head. do the old love to remember how it once don, and enjoys unlimited credit with the "11 would be so easy? it would be so was freeh, and beat with warm emotional banks aud commercial houses in Paris. A easy 1" When the spirits are languid and weary, do hundred thousand franca would he nothing And he closed his eyee, looking in upon we like to think how bright they were in to him, a mere drop of water. Reflect, make himself. other days; the hope how buoyant, the sympathies how ready, the enjoyment of the attempt." Forgery 1 -Grime cowardly and shameful, "'Useless, besides, Arthur ---a" life how keen and eager? So they WI -the almost aa coivanny, almost as shameful as Oliver atoppea, as if his voice had been poiaoning 1 I, Oliver Count of Bergemont, buds of prime, the roses of beauty, the florid choked in his throat. He had been about to son of the Marquis of Bargercont, a forger. harvests of summer -fall and wither, .and say,"besides Arthur Simpson is not in It is horrible. I shall never have the °our- the naked branches shiver in the winter.- Faris. He left eight days ago for the Indies. age. Death rather 1 He took out his re- ahaolteraY. Impossible to have recourse to his generos volver, eaut the shining little weapon, its ity. Why did he nob fioish his bentence ? barrel pierced with six holes, in which ap- Did some thought come to him? And some pawed the greyish points of the penieal terrible thought, for he grew paland the bullets, caused a shiver eta -Teti aown his perspiration stood out on his forehted again, spine. The inert- aseti'pon had a living, and his halide were seized -w1t1 violent brutal, ironitel look. Tho holest seemed so trembling.. Mauborgue kept wattling him many eyes that tempted him. He put it through Ms hall open eyes. He eat lathe drawer. ing of this Singular display of emot on, said "1 Mall be coward bben to, the last," he murmured to himaelf. "There tete e eleW 1 said coldly. There is the clew 1" I And then he replied in a louder key. A Caution to Scientists. The growth of physical soience is now ao prodigiously rapid, that those who aro ac- tivoly engaged in keeping up with the "You mean that Mr. Arthur Sidoeson has not so large a sum about. him. 11 admit it. That is natural enough. Iii is geld= that anyone walks about with a hundred thouoand francs in his pocket. But nothing valid be He folded the Simpson note, slipped it into his pocket book and went out. He gave a cab driver the address of a printing house the name of which appeared on the corner of the bill. The foreman was at his desk. Oliver, apparently. quite self-con- trolled, and possessing a little; more sang easier for ham than to write notes fie you on froid, explained to hi n in a word or two Paris homes for aeveral Bums whit h would what he minted. realize the total tylneh you wtnb. The eornmeroial housewould accept t • ese notes at three months -the neural -All the Parisian banks know Si igitature and would, be eager u these notes at the legal ra lar and sirnpl advice of ' you eon affair • "1 a.m commissioned from the hewn of Simpson & Clennam, of Londonat he said. "This is a, sample ohnotes which that house wants you to lithograph." "The address is'aoraetimes Paris, where the re regu- house has a large conneetion, aometimes A this leradon where the home office is,. It was d, ler O the any settee Mau- COMO scant. signa- Old it you, wati it not, who printed that itote ?" " Yes, sir, it was." "Well, I am come to give you a taw corn- miesion." "4.11 right, we have a plate Nothing will be eatier and you will have them with very little delay. How many do you want ?" Oliver opened his mouth to &towers " 0, four or five, tett at most," bet -stopped. That would betray him or at least would avstiken Ize:Drity of Trusting. Tr.2-7,7.M " Trion in tht;iriaTo-F971,'TTQ is what we must do in our several ways, if we want a rich spiritual blessing and a por- tion in the inheritance of the sons of God. Trust -do good. That is to say, first exer- cise faith and then will you be moved by the Holy Spirit to good works and to the doing of the King's commands, 4121V alle111111MIMMINININIIIt YOU MAY HAVE ONE; 1 ellet send yonr name andAddress, and lee. for postage, and rectivo_ by Mail a RANDSOME SILE.IIANDEE13111E1F,andThe2ilisriclittetilel, Atesmishestveryonol aeoressavortmazioveity Clo,,Torouto, Out. THE TORONTO SILVER' PLATE GO -Manufacturers of the High Grade of - SILVER -PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. FACTORIES AND SAT.F.SROOM; 420 to 428 King St, Wed, TORONTO E.G. GOODERIIAM, J. 0 COPP, Manor' • Sea.-Treaa.- "The Racer!" TIniirailranee-TarL, Cress-Cni 84,1v - A pretty design for a high collar is made of gilt striped. white gauze laid infolds. Mr. C. H. Lugrin, Secretary for Agricul- ture in New Brunswiek, has just delivered a lecture, in which he predicts that the 'United States will in a short time find its agricultural resources insufficient to meet the needs of the people. He calculates that ih thirty years theta will be a population of 1.20,000,000 across the better. At present he says 700,0004000 acres of land are farmed in the Meted Statee. In 192011 will require 1,250,000,000 acres of farina to aupply the wants of the nation. But aoaeraing to Mr. Lugrin there are only 960,e00,00e aCrOB of arable lands in the Repablic. Therefore the people well have to draw their food. eupply from Canada or sense other country. The lecturer adds that the Dorninion of Canada contains ample farm larals to aupply a pop, ulatton of:100,000,b00, end that, therefore, our neighbors will be able id procure all the food they want from the Dozmnion for many . reseed suspicion. As it happened is was the fore- years after their Own roflouroela prove in. . • • man who eaved hino He opened a register adequate. The Maple led Root end Lance Orosa-eut saw are now sold in all parts of the world. The quality of these 8%.v5 is unequalled. Their escellence is wholly due to thei r superior teinper, the process of Which is•kept art °found secret by Shurly rk.Tfietri‘h, the manufacturer s of theite saws. -One of the best evidences of their superior quality is that other saw manufacturers pu t on the market am close an imita- tion of these. BMWS as they are able to produce, and represent it to be as good as the Maple Leaf saw. They run their eaw upon one name unt i:the public become familar with its inferior quality, then 'they • change the name, in order to humbug the public another season, all of which is the very beat evidence of the superior ou ality of the Maple Liitt saw, se, 11 19 not the custom to counterfeit a poor article. Thele eounterioits are a old for a nitich lower price than the Maple Leaf saw e an be bouglit for; the dealer, ei course, endeavors to sell them at nearly the same 'prioe, thereby rea lizing a larger profit. And some of the more unprinei pled dealers, in order to ell the counterfeit easy, w ill tell untruths of varieus kinds regarding the 0115 lity of both the genuine, and the obunterfeit. Goo d goods are always eligapt- poor goode are dear at any price, A ettw,,like a Knife, ; will mob cut fast u Okla it will hold a keen cutting edge. Price 41.00 ',per feet, Manufactured Maly by SHURLY,,Ic ,..))1ETItI011 - SAW lviANVI'ACTtiitgg",