HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-6, Page 5London Huron & Bruce Railway
Goma NortTzz -Tzalr TABLE-Pass'nr,
London, depart ,...8,05 r.. u...4.25 i'. et.
Limn Crossing_ ..8.47 , . , 5.20
Clandeboye ° , • , , • , 8.52 , .. , , ° 5.28
Cwntraalia.,., ..,, .9,05,.,,,, 5,45
EXETER..., ,,,, JUG.,. . . 5,57
Hensiall ; , ,,,.,,928,,.,., 6.09
Iippen.,..,. ,,,, 9:34,,., . 6.17
Brueetield , , . 9.42 , , , , 6,26
Clinton..,, ,,.. ,10.00.,.... 0.45
L.ondesboio',.,..10.19,, ,,. 7.03
Blyth,...,. ,., ,10.28.,,,,,. 7.12
Belgrave..... , 10,42— , , .. 7.27
11Fingleure . - ,11.00... , 7.45
Gotate Soren. Passenger.
Wingharn . ,. , , . , , 7.05 nal-. 3;40 rat,
I3elgrave 7 24 ..... 4.00
Blyth,-, .,,,,,738 ,...4.15
Loi desboro' 7,47 .... , . 4..25
Clinton- . 8.07 . , . , 4.�a
Brneefeld, , , 8.26 5.04
ICippen.,.,,, ,.•. 8.84- .., 5.12
Hensel)......, 8.41..,,,. 5.19.
EXETER . , ..... 8.56. , 5.83
Centralia , , .... 0.07. 5.."
Clzkadeboye 9.18 5.50
I,eucan Crossing 9 21 6.02
London, arrive- , 10,15,,,,,, 645
Red Winner, per imeha'l. , .$ 0.90 to 91
White 4a A. 90t,- 94
Spring . , , • , .. 90 to 9-1
I'lerley .., 4 45 to :a0
no to 32
L'o1s, . £'if, to Stn
Eggs nee''dot . 18 to 18
Butter, Betels . , , , , e .. , .. , IS to t.10
Butter, Crocks , . , ... .... 10 to 18
'Wool18 to 18.
'Petal nes: per bush_ l0 t :i.)
t 1 , o
Hay per ton 11.00 to 12,00
P ..... ............ 6,ullto6.50
W',Ar4AG4v". yFISIF�PF3..-+,�,...
:Notice a-, herehv givr-aa that after twenty.
oneti a5 sr••aa, .A. ,7:r': a,f his aaotid•.- ay li-
cation dart i's. i a2 2 i.A tido J of the
+ r•
roar -
ragas t t !°, add + ., ,Ina a t, .+ tla
r 3 s o
a t . r
r ,+r r t r li::ai d fla si aou af' tido
vifmaala4. tAt' k:asmial K°ttwivi#cu cat
Haarm widlaAss ai+ai(a:ari*lican of ..Iona- ]�;vriaalc+
info ut a 9,a➢'l of •1t,hai Elvin saawIl. late
of Ili- is;sia".,i'ratroe Lc'.a"teas•
'at. ,I .av I s. t,. x tiaas'4+l1a t➢iarnt' Nen, rel Pr.9, #l. mot. t lave 13,
Dog Lost,
Wellington Terrierpup. -smoke voh r,
light hair on head. Auy• inform..time
will be gladly received at Bissett Bros.
hardware Stars'.
Fresh Oysters.
Fresh oysters at Gen. Sanders by the
toren ter i erva'd up by the plate cool.el
or ;:an. ,111• Intal: a+t Hair ;stows.` of con.
feetionery and sportingweeds, all fresh,
new and first c lass.
L. 0.14. Meeting*.
Every luetni*:'r of Exeter I.. Cl. L. No.
924, is r spevtinliy ve4im yted to attend
the re;.rtthr le'f'tis;. tabe held on Frn
day evening (to morrow), Dec. 7th at
7.110 p. In. Eleetion of ofliceers and ether
important business to transact. Let,
there be a full attendance,
New Lotlge S. 0. E. B.S.
On Tuesday (wveilinglast, a number
of the members of the Plymouth L.odge,
Ixeter, Sons of England. paid Ileus til
a vent for the pnrpese of arranging for
th (peeling of a new lodge 1n drat
lag:. Eight signed the. list, and in as
few clays a newt Iodge will lee started.
The anniversary in connection with
the James -street Methodist church will
con►naence on Sabbath next. The Rev.
A. C'. ('nurtice. M. A. 13. D, of Toronto,
will preach the analiversaky serviees.
The tea will be held in the basement
of the church on the following day.
Everybody welcome.
Something Catching.
The New Orleans Jubilee Singers are
coning o11 or about Xmas. This comp-
any of sacred and well asinstrtlmential
singers, are meeting With unbounded
success whenever they go. Let a
bumper house greet them. Look ant
for further particulras next week.
A�7iig Go anl Council of War,
On Saturd'zy, Sunday and Monday,
December 15, 16 and 17, the Salvation
Army are going to hold a grand Council
of War and Banquet. A genuine bun
feed and lots of it for all who attend.
They have secured a number of the.
old Salvation Warriors to attend, and
'pS ma good Blood and Fire
will be given. Everybody attend and
lend a helping hand.
As yet but little interest has been
manifested in the approaching muni-
cipal elections, and unless something
turns up 1.etween this and nomination
day, the indications are that the present
council will be treated to a seemed walk
over for the seats at the board, if they
desire to serve another year. We think
it is most generally admitted that the
present occupant of the Reeve's chair
holds that seat down in a manner satis-
factory to the majority of the ratepayers
t is
and i notprobable sition will
any opposition
be offered himffrshouldhe consent to allow
himself to, be re-noaninated for the posit-
ionWe are not a whether all or
n of t ie councillor intend to seek. re-
l s
election, but if any of them wish to step
and out there is lots.of ood mater-
ial-dt ee b
ial in town from which their successors
might be chosen. Too frequently there
is too, little interest taken in municipal
payer in general
ratepayers • .n
matters by the
and the elections are samotiimes allowed
to go by default, andthen when things
do 'not happen to be done as they should.
the "I told you so people are always to
the fore. Ratepayers should be alive to
the best interests of the place and choose
the best men possible to serve them at
the Council board.
Matrimony avid► Teachers,
isesti aat
It nedhper cent. t at 7 5 e t of the
lady school teachers get married after
they have taught for three years; 95
per cent. at the end of ten years, and 6
per cent. remain free from matrimonial
cares to the end of the chapter. Pro-
bably no other profession contributes
so largely towards thinning out the
ranks of the bachelors,
Election of toreers,
At the regular convocation .of Exeter
Royal Arch Chapter, held in Masonie
Hall, on Tuesday 4th inst.. The follow-
ing officers Were elected; -Ex -Comp,
H. Spackman 1st Principal Z.; Comp,,
13. S. O'Neil 2nd Principal J.; Com,, II,
Sandwell 3rd Prin. H.; Comp., G. A Mc-
Leod Scribe E.; Comp,, G. Barnwell.
Scribe N.; Comp., hi Ea(creett
S.; Comp., 'rooks Jan.
Marriage o : .
good. ;ti edie c,in
Dr, Daawsou, graduate of the medical
college, Kingston, practicing at Cape
Viueeut, was recently taken suddenly
ill, and removed to the house of his
atfii:-need. Death seemed so probable it
was decided that the twain should be
made one, and at 4 o'clock in the morn-
ing the clergyman united Henry G.
Dawson and Jennie A. Rackley. Im.
inedi:;te'ly- afterwards the young physi-
cian rallied and is now out again,
The caaasting praactiice ladsstertedaagain
on our ridetti:aalke. It is a d'ailgerolt •
practiee and our tent cantacil should
put a stop to this habit. One melting
r c eptly ai g4 7tti?nt:tn coming nut from
the post office s;a*ppa'd Out. On the side-
walk and a small sleigh came up at the
instant and caught tlw gentlemen's
legs and ltuwvent whirling to the side-
spraiuing lira ankle and melte.
iter" ,Anne bk tai, 's, We hole, tla=wt of
conneil . will stop the dangerous
practice at once,beforesomeonegets
their limbs broken.
nes eiwec't Question.
"Shall our $Vi*OI-ars be kIssed..r"' was
the interesting question tint came u
in a sweaty einnnl contention held a
Brooklyn. N. Y.. xtt(tly. (no a •
�, it#1e
van Said be lied tried it on all the gir
$cltolalrs In his wheal :tad had faAiva1 a�
ierlint1al. Hy wonted to know what the
cunx'ontiein thought about it. Tbeeo n-
ventia1n thought that, pleasant in sondes
respects t:s the custom might be, it
xemel(t be Well not be e'st-ablisk a pence
dent, and tit tt either 1nt'aanv ought to bo
filnnd for menials; tea Sunday Schoen
it'a;a'iuus Ineon,^rntty.
1t is rather tent that' if you pas
printed stip on a postai cares time gover-
-neat will eh'arge the rerciver letter
pestagd., While if the, sane matter is
I printed directly nn the. e•1rd nothing
extra is tit*nnede(i. The seine slip
whieh if p istvei on as pNtaaI card v:chid
be chn'god e etre fid'. rime. he put into
all mnessel 'd envelelae --lets, it will then
go at 1?rit:tet1 in'ttt.'r rates, or t14;* whole
paper from Whit ,the t'lipping,is taken
tlilw le sent 'entraining the;Miele
marked at ;a u1-neh less rate than the
government would avenge for thesame
llrticlee attached to the card.
e* (Goll Joke.
On Saturday* last, some of our Exeter
sports while in Stephen the other day
'loathed trout a farmer if there was
much game in the neighborhood. He
told them that there were some Wolfs
he the neighborhood. t 7n Monday the
sports set out armed with rifles and shot
guns and preceded to the residence of
the farmer, and wanted full p trtienlars
about the Wolff when he had seen
thein laet,;mi Jknww• netey there were.
The farmer told thele that they could
be found on the 6th eon„but how many
he could not say, there being Mr. Chas.
Wolf and a great many more. Their.
surprise can be more easily hnagined
° e„
than judged. y -t The joke is a, rich one
and could not be kept secret.
Stray* Stock.
The law provides that a person tak-
ing up any stray stock, shall, within
fifteen days thereafter, give notice of
such taking up by publishing a notice
three tunes in a weekly* newspaper, if
one is published within the sactioa
where the estray was taken up; and if
the property is not called for within
three weeks after the first insertion of
the notice, the finder shall go before a
Justice of the peaceand make oath as
to the finding and advertising. The
justice then appoints three appraisers,
and upon their report, advertises the
property for three weeks more. The
person claiming said property must pay
all charges before receiving the same.
If the propertyert is not chinned within
one year, and does not exceed fifty
dollars in value, it then belongs to the
party taking the same up; if over fifty
dollars it shall be advertised by the
justice and Sold; and the excess of all
expenses shall be paid over to the coun-
ty treasurer. Any person taking up
an estray and neglecting to cause the
same to be advertised and appraised,
shall be liable to a fine of twenty-five
dollars. The estray law applies also to
any other personal property which may
be found in like manner.
A. i'leasau t Evening.
On Monday evening PIymouth Lodge
No. 63, Sons of 'England Benevolent.
Society was paid a fraternal visit by
Bro. H. J. Carter, District Deputy of
London Distinct, accompanied- by. Bro.
W. H. Bartram barrister,
Presidorlt of
Kensington Lodge, London; Bro. Jas.
g o
Heamai-, President of TrafalgarLoclbe.
London ; Bro, George Gregory; Bro: W.
Bridgman; Bro, R. T. Simmons; Bro G.
Caloer; Bro. A Wilkins;; Bro. H. Spittle
„ue; all of London, At the appointed
hour the Lodge was opened in due form
after whieh the visiting brethren were
invited to fill the different chairs. After
some routine b mus'
ess, five candidates
.sl eke initiated into the mysteries of this
grand and noble Society and one that
all Englishmen feel proud of. After all
the busin` ,, connected With the Red
Rose was dispeused with the Lodge was
closed. The visiting.. nretllren then
arranged for conferring the White Rose
degree. After everything being in
readiness some fourteen members were
then admitted to this beautiful, impress-
ive and solemn degree. The work of
this, beautiful degree was then fully'
expounded to the newly admitted breth-
ren by the District Depaty, after winch
he declared thein all -menlbers of the
White Rose, and empowered thein to
hold degree meetings. This order was
closed in due form, and ,all the brethren
repaired to. the Central Hotel where au
oyster supper was awaiting' them, At
about twelve o'clock twenty-five sat
-It becomes our painful duty to.
record the death of Fred Conte, a youug
man recently employed by Dir. fame
Handford. IIe was in the employ of
hir. Handfeed until about- four or five
weeks ago when he was seized with
typhoid fever, front the cilroets of which
he died. He was a tnenlber of the
Exeter Brass Band and was much
respected by all who knew him.
-We would like to see aspirants for
eouneilloric fame have some style about
thein and ia7scrt their election` cards in
the columns of the A.nyoeA•rn• Don't
wait for somebody else to start .ahead
of you. If you are all wool and a yard
snide and think ,you can serve the eke -
down to an excellent supper at which toraite in an acceptable inauner, come
all d14 :amin
:ample justice. After the ner 1 right to the front and stay so. cards
man was fully .satisfied, the dishes were will be asserted ' from new mail the
removed and everytileng iii readiness -i election for Sl,
to spend a few hours in enjoyment after,
h was --''T aekcy" is a new word which has'
their toil. The chair w a occupied be
Bro. D. Davis,rVice-President, ntin
felted its
wan into to thedAmericana
absence of the President, and began the
pleasant hours by calling a toast to. the
Queen and Royal Family which. was met
with hearty cheers. Thefoilowving toasts
and speeches were then given; Gover-
nor Oenerel; soug; Mr; Gregory, 4 -The
Old Wooden Recker;" Our belayed So-
eiety, The Sons of Luglaud, responded.
to by Brother Carter, District Deputy;
The visiting Brethren coupled with the go
main of Brother W. II. Bertram; Song ' Ialrslr
Bro. Carter; Itee iaeatlo% Bra, W. llughe.se l as 1 ars; ,�n,�ldr e a Ica' 1►ip at hi trade and
Speech, Bro. Simmons; Song, l;ro• N. D. ' tee neve q, C, r 11•a; nut ,.a s •r vas' pl'a't was
llaartlou; :ilka'eeli, ays. i ea small. 1411d, a ;'.wil ,ria.T, It ra'q aairo.;a9Daaelat awe A .
Spittignee 'ThePr ss,Ib'o.W.Sauderee ye":r;t',1.':Inathe •ear�;end nawsteri•"Cif Meer= et
and last but notle'a*�t,Bostrlririehbroug11t a media;t:iat�lltr'- lea, Mat no man ever "ie
forth a sang from Mr. Three Eike. After , equips. '611rinnelf in *.lame,.* years for
singing ".,Auld Lang Syne" and 4jGod sueco-silts farming.
Save the Queen" the program Was -.-`l ll,' 1 hod v SIsn sati•s;•- -'•1 rate of
brought to a• close, nil feeling drat they the t':,&,•br°..cte p'c e ; .- s ^a
t , I t17,an of , Ialritniaa4
had spilt as very pleasant and ell joy - is Rev. . Mr. iha , i' k son of Judge Mahe
able evening. �A vote of tie inks and of Tenal ,u ''rude , Mee resides a roost
three cheers were proposed for the visit. ti t:uu•e• north of West Selkirk. or
Ing Brethren after wvlaich :three were � allow tw a„►tv.s,•vt+1a nal" from wee
rendered for the members of 1'ly 1uont11 ' ni o . till Dlondey last, meeting .5Ir.
Ledge, after whichall repaairedto their peen: on Main ,tre'a't, as newvspap'r
language. Its origin is obscure, and
the efforts of several Eastern pipers
that levee devoted themselves to the
sub ee't here thaw for failed to reveal
it. ";Taikey"ene'.nsany personorany-
hinr in had form. Personas that are a ,
l'tele "ter in the staei-al sense are '7 a1 h-
ey ,' Ate 1416. 10r actor or play is'taeliey.
a talk anent skilled Wean A
I are nothingabout with h the U. but I do desire
4 S., Uviol
with the citizens of Exeter and surroundingcountry
Owing to the depression of the market, I have been
able to purchase rav new stock much below the
regular wholesale rices,. and will givo n
customers s the benefit of it. My stock
consists of
�' a, s Calos„ oot l"
The prim of which are in no way influenced by Oust°-
rnsp Duties or other tax impositions, t do not (ri't'e m�,goods
away, but sell them at the lowest figure consistent t wiN l good
business principles. Parties in want of goods, consult theirr
own interests by examining my stilt* before purchasing s
w� here Remember this is a HkCw 4t ,els..
. -,u.....;.e
sweitalt of distill in • :Farm P o. ; ep Market
w'ti'4 'r;''e'.k:Ftt f:t1'ta1e7° haR .4,'A'w e•ai � "" ��w4+'� � "� � atn
•1 5
First Poor north crt" tilts Town HaJ,
everal homes. Should this jolly lot of I4 man ;e.G a'd him amu in/mired wvlaan
t'ethren ever visit our longe. N be reefs fete tea i'ity. "troll' did non
ai11 tee can assure them that the t;i t tweet; asht.41 the reporter. "I whit;-
4 . in. 1 .alw .sE.• a-a;al>. to the .w 1t;:, r+=
piled +1t” le :eve+, nh. he etaarte4 tooth.
e otlth-
c biati;;'i dila ;.;lean '•:1'aw•t. apir'arontly moue
-` a is t ,i� w: wafi1.1f1(Ain ili;wlaaw CO r for lar ,�at-1ailt aii'ttx•lr,aal.
silt: srs• 'i ood. Eras. slriplpetal a c' r T -T t'i' i nutlaiflg Inor� ulaf' it tar
alis of primate cattle on Mhipey, i gay' plrea^,ic tint- the diver++ity of r:atts1
--Mr. Jars, lIe ilnan, of l Darin-,- is t'harge d by
thio vaarinns priratiilg niliee'ai
ext. fast main,"
aylug a visit to facials in the village M an liatt�a aa• 1Vttnitl. it halt 111' pati ibli+ to
p° !' °' ' . le ave n conventien og lita111i':h 4rra, aa11d
Eighteen (Inc Moises were sllfppl'd !ii••a.13,0%tlri%ala, otladar hatter's li coltld
'rom this st Ilion o11 Tnesd ty last b,1' s11 heheldat settee c1'ntnel paints, 0nd n11
uteric -an buyer. p,'reci(11 fir political difficulties t'ldlnin
-i►I1 Wen limit, of Kelm was fined nta'd fee the gene rel we rL Whet do yon
$10 for treat ..assnsand shootin"' on lake away 14'14.64 tia.' quill* sr' issoril and
smite one lady rc'* cente , oat's beware* Nanta Iiia, li re:whets. Wedelns, hotel.
keeepor'i anal others have ennui'ntlnns.
-Snow fell to the depth of about six Why sloeu1.1a1't ave', ti fipt'k nn ble Limit •.
mites 00 Monday night, anis on Tues.! t'alsw. I4 1f1111e' eta'r.111 jllall'halitit ('00-
al,ty thee jingle of the hell was hearth stitute ltinas.'tf aaaa convener sand all
.The Reception committee of the A'Ilic('., nw• ;t'°.;4 hese0 representative.
l 1 Vi vo lq j 1 1 1'Ph* you 11
reception accorded them on !dentl'av
a+e1]in'' williu no, waist*cr t1 a1.the mese
r4 1
Comity nretilne Ledge of Snt1t11 llnrorr ;1 ;:' .'. ,1 nigh, y i u are Bro.
meets in (beheld), on ;lturllay next, mew,•
wfte;art, with .yea.
at 1.90 p, na,
-'The new bollen house at Verity+s
fourths,' leas been neofed with him.
The work Way t'xee11te'd by Messrs,
Bissett Bros.
a•�T'eas, when bou bt in the regular
way cost about 1 cent a pound. In
crop of a dead turkey, bowever, they
cost from 8 to 10 cents.
-'Mr, Jobe Shute, of l:Tsbarne, cap
tiered a Iarge, line coon on Monday
afternoon. It is ono of tiie largest we
have seen this season.
- -A 11111n is rarely found who kick
when his flame is mis-spelled in the
police court record of a newspaper,
'Dais is a noteallle exception to the rule.
--Mr. Frank Snell, who has been en-
gaged near Winnipeg, Man., In a tele-
graph office, is here on a visit to his
parents and relatives. He looks quite
hale anti hearty.'
Electricity is now sneeessfull used
in removing freckles from the face. As
this is the ago of invention there is no
telling how soon a plain will be discov-
ered to successfully blow out corns with
TY 15 1;:SIz TI
ozin T ',-.IST
-One day last week, Miss Minnie
Hays ran a needle through her finger.
She applied some liniment to the
wound, which caused intense pain and
causing her to faint, which brought her
to the floor and bruised her face some-
-Christmas is coming.' If you want
to get a nice Parlor Set, go and see
those at Rowe & Andrew's. They are
grand, and a visit to their ware -rooms
will repay you. They are offering
furniture at prices that will fa irly
astonish yon.
-An autopsy of the bodies of two
cattle, which died at Yarmouth on Fri-
day, showed that they died from smut
taken in the stomach by eeting corn
stalks infested with it. All corn stalks
intended for cattle food should be care-
fully examined, as smut is said to pre-
vail to a great extent this yyear.
-Mr. Thos. W. Hamlin received from
Mr. Jas. Reith, of Clinton, a lynx which
was shot near Clinton. The lynx are
commonly ealled wild cats but they are
ei a different species. The lynx has a
small bunch of hair protruding from
each ear, and also hap hair projecting
under the jaw which is black. The feet
are larger than tlke`wild'cat's as is also
the animal itself..
-There-is a typicalmere-hating old
maid in a Boston boarding-house, who
has seen fully fifty severe Boston
winters,but never a mel lowing summer.
The other day she noticed that all the
napkins of the boarders were put away
together and, calling the landlord, she
thus addressed' him: -"Mr. Windpud-
ding, I; must really ask you to put my
naphin,by itself in the sideboard when
I am through my breakfast. I don't.
want it to lie on the table with the
others because then it, smells of whisk-
L F. CDTT N , D.
�� ,I.LI. 9
Mnster of Surgery, Fellow of Trinity
illeedienl School, Member of the College
h -c
a. .
of Physicians Surgeons of Ontario,
Graduate of the American Institute of
T'hreuology, Member of the \ewv York
Ac rdemyof Anthropology, Phrenologist
and Physiognomist, will lecture in
} 1
Dae s Operaoui,le
Wednesday & Thursday,
DEC. 13TH & 14TH
These Lectures will will be illustrated by
brain -east, skulls and busts and will close
with Free Pablia 1(xaiminations of persons
selected from, the audience.
Doors open at 7 o'clock. Lecture to com-
mence at et 7.90. Admission 15 cents,
Private. examinations at my office at the
Central Hotel, on 1814, 13th, 14th and 15t1,.
NO. I -Verbal examinations consisting of
oral statement of temporments, talents and
traits of character with advice in regard. to
pursuits, t regulation of 's
p e ]x o the dispositions
and the development of the intellect. -1 dollar.
N0. Ir -same as No. 1, also the markings
of the tenperments and the size of all the
organs, in a book in which each organ is
described in a scale of seven degrees of devel-
upmentxand a table showing the adaptation
in marriage and the most suitable ocoups,-
tion. -1 50.
1jNO.III Full written description,including
all we have to say of the person, Chart
markecl in "How to read Character," an ex-
cellent work illustrated by 170 engravings.
5 dollars.
NO. IV Is intended only for persons 'broken
down in health by over -study, over work,
wrong habits ofdiet or otherwise. It includes
No. 9 with a frill analysis of constitution
and directions for the recovery of health.-
10 dollars.
1in and Easy Shape
Neat Hair :Cut
Central Barber Shop,
e r
A Hastings,
e r n Mad
Stove3 Tivai, llarflre, Eli.
Biss;rifii caNT OS.
They are offering their En-,
tire Stock at prices that
will Astonish you.
A Call Solicited.
There is a Machine Oil called
It I Li
See that Barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE_
If not, do not gait mit, as it is only spurious oil they
are . y.
you to make more inso as make n or e move
out of you.
July -26288. EXETER.