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The Citizen, 2006-11-30, Page 23
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Guaranteed oilfield job place- ment service on location for gradu- ates. HRDC funding may be available. Phone 1-888-442-0116; Email: aptc@sstl.com. PARTSPERSON REQUIRED for pro- gressive auto/industrial supplier. Experienced persons will receive top wages, full benefits, and RRSP bonuses plus moving allowances. Our 20,000 sq.ft. store is located 2 1/2 hours N.E. of Edmonton, Alberta in a community with many job opportuni- ties and/or local college for spouses. See our community at laclabichere- gion.com. Send resume to Sapphire Auto, Box 306, Lac La Biche, AB, TOA 2C0. Email: sapphire@sapphireinc.net. PHONE DISCONNECTED? Super Special: only $13. for first month plus hook up. Everyone welcome. Guaranteed approval. Free long dis- tance package. Call Easy Reconnect now 1-877-446-5877. 'REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY: Licensed HD Mechanic, Parts & Service Person, Mechanic's Helper for Heavy Truck Equipment Shop & Mobile repairs. 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Breathalizer readings were 193 and 190 mg of alcohol in 100 ml of blood. Defence counsel noted that his 54- year-old client had pled guilty at the first opportunity and is nowundergoing counselling. She has no record. In addition to the 12-month driving prohibition, Vulcanescu was fined $750. MARIJUANA POSSESSION Dennis Neill of RRI, Atwood pled guilty to marijuana possession and to breaching probation. Morris said on Sept. 20 an OPP officer saw a vehicle parked on the side of a country road. Considering it suspicious he stopped to investigate and after a few minutes the accused walked over to him from a ditch. He agreed to a search of his vehicle. The police found inside the car 45 grams of marijuana and a scale. In the trunk they found a hockey bag with remnants of the drug. Neill was on probation for theft at the time. His record includes a 2002 conviction for narcotic possession. lie was fined $400 on each charge and was given six months to pay the fine. ASSAULT A former Brussels man pled guilty to assaulting a police officer. The charges stem from an incident that occurred March 31. Police were told that Matthew McLellan, now of Wingham, had forced his way into a residence. The assault occurred during his arrest, said Morris. The accused has no record. He was given a suspended sentence and placed on probation for 12 months. He is prohibited from owning weapons for five years. HARASSMENT A night of drinking led to a charge of harassment for a Wingham man. Morris said between the hours of 3 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. on Sept. 23, Robert Latour had made repeated phone calls to the complainant's home. The dialogue in these calls was harassing and rude. Duty counsel Lynn Johnston said that Latour was intoxicated at the time and "recognizes that it was a stupid thing to do." He was given a conditional discharge and placed on /12 months probation. He was also ordered to complete a term of community service. 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