HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-12-6, Page 1VOL, II.
CE BER 1888...
NO. 79.
The 1.Aolsons Bank,
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855.)
Paid up Capital . , , , $2,000,000.
Rest Fund,'.. , , , , , , .., . 1,000,000,
Head office ¥ontreal,
F. WOLl:ERSTAN TI-1O.1iAS, Esq.,
GB:t7eanet, liar tenial
Twenty Dranelo offices in the Dominion;
Agencies in the+Dominion. U. S. and Xterope•
=e -e===re seeteneese
Open every lawful day from 110 a. rzata57..
m.,Saturdaya *0a•u,,to X pt: m.
general bawl: ng business transacted
Three per cent. per aunw'na allowed. for
money auD0110¢:ite ACGelitta and gC61 ga
It, 11; ARCHER,
Ji ann 28, 188. llallaage'r.
Boar for service.
TXI in undersigned, haaviag prmrohasod
thoroughbred boar, intends keeping the
same for the improvement of stock at hist
farm OR the St, ;tlarys Road, L sborne.
Fir Jo:a:s, prop,
To Boarding house keepers -On com le-
ionofverity's,Foutndry, its calculated t aa,t
rem 15 to axe a additional lnauds sere to be eat.
void. A louse to let at a. sown rent can.
Ale ofaccocuodating8 to in boarders. About
tvo minutes walk from the foundry. .apply
ov1-88tf H. SMActP4AN'S Tin Slop
A public school extent sanies will
tette place an Monday, ]five. 12t11, in
Ceaneron's whine], S. S, No. 8. The
teethe, Mr,Uilbort hits Tired las paha
to snake this examination a grand suc-
ass, Ali are welcome.
n Fridays Dec. 28th, a. grand Fante'r-
inment and. Christman tree will h
chi balder the auspices of the Sabbath
school, et West's .Metliodiat theta, ele-
Gilltvray. A large and vaned pro,
grain, has been prepared, consisting of
weal ,and instrumental mash:, by for-
eihnaanal local talent, A good time
arauteed for all who may aattrnil, •
Th At Morning.,
at MO Office,
BytheSB.NOK RS' nurrlsl;mcoat1'1a .,
Ono Dollar per annum if paid i'n. Aalva.a,e
$11..50 If not so nail.
No paper discontinued until call arrea
fir„ l+si,i. Adv.rrti;nt+ntent. withtout 1a
din:TU.4as will berablishtxt Gat tor! .i ono
charged acror,iin iv, Liberal din -tenor made
for eratnaacit,nt adgv crtliementa inserted for
long periods. Every in o/ JOU,
PRINTING turned out'in the+ tiz.e>-t style,
and atmoderato ratrr, Ohequcs.noneyord*'
aria,a o.foraadvertioiuu,iubseripataaaus.,:te.tet
he made payable to
IVii<iittm Sanders,
Church Directory.
TstYzrr im oatmse. Ctareen...Roy.
Robinson, tcur. Sunday Services, 1n a.
and T p.m. m. Sabbath School, ",:.1 ni •
Ito rionrgT Cueitott••Jautes-ant.. Dor.
Clement, Pastor. Sunda} Services.14.96 a.m.
and s.9J p.m. Sabbath Scheel, 9:,p,. m.
1f.ni firsatgt -Re ..T. W Tatou. mater. Sun
tiav Services, MU a. rn. and ti a/ p.m. Sibbat,th
xeltoorft.SO p, m.
PartffnvsaittAvCttr>ecrtr—Rev. W. ;lfn,rtin.
Pastor. SundayServieen, rr ►a, tn. and p,
rn. Sabbath Silkool,04a.1u.
Office over 0'N"oil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario,
Nitrous Oxide Gas for painless
tracts trctIt 'without pain 1n {tiVing
Vegetallie Vapor, or using the newAntesthetic on rite -grunts. Makes (soba 1'illi
lugs 71.14 atht r den oil work the best.paa•a.ible.
Goes to Zurich. last Thursday in each month.
East slide of Main street, Exeter.
1.1 Residence-a.`ornor Andrew and North
Stroots, Exeter, Ontario.
Fp 1�A.AMOS,M.D.,'C M. L.. 0 P., EDI\.; L.
B. 0. S, Edtn., F. 1'. & S., fllasgow,
L. ll., Ediuburt;h and (ilalsfiow,'IM. ('. P. & S.,
Ontario: I'. T. M. S., Toronto. light bell at
office. Crediton, Ontsrio. J•y1=-8
-�✓ Exeter, upstairs, o ltotiitc Centra
Hotel. Side entrance on south --,lames street
leading to the Methodist Church.
T cJ W. BROWl`,''XNG, M.D., M. 0. P. S.
Graduate of Victoria University. Office and
residence, Dominion Laboratory, Exeter.
V YY inary'Surgeon. Graduate
Toronto. Officeand Residence
one block east of Stanwell &
Pickard's store. Opposite slcat-
,ing rink, Exeter, Ontario.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con.
veyanoer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan
Office-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
item, Conveyancers, &c. Money to loan
at 6 per cont.
T MES OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
tJ• Auctioneer for the County'of Huron.
• •L 9 om II
5a 1 ptly ttendad to and satssi'acton
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office.
WI BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Osborne.
Sales promptly attended to and terms reason
able. Sales arrangedat.Post office, Winchelsa
BOSSENBDM S, Zurich, Ontario. Lic-
ensed Auctioneer for the County, of
Huron. Charges moderate and satisfaction
171T HOLT, Khivii, Ontario. Licen, ori aucst-
V . ioneer for the Counties of Mtttdlesex
and Lambtou, and the townships of Stephen.
and Hay.All sales promptly attended to,
EILBEI;t, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay,
H. Stephenvand eG llivra
] 1Q i y townships.
Office—Crediton, Ontario.
Hay Fanners' Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Parties desiring to inspre in. the best and
?troupes t Insurance Company in the sed.; All.aDomin
ion can do so byapplying + ail
Person a y, erne
,inailtothe 'un<e'ra>Rplicatinns
nroanptlyp attended to. Also agentnt for the.
Wellington Company of Guelph..
E. BOSSEN}IEIt,RY, Agent, Zurich, .Ont.
J. & d. McMARTIN, Propriotors.
School Report,
MMonthlv'report of S. S. 1'o, 2, Hee.
the following report winkle fs leis -
upon the atteudaanee, punctuality,
conduct and deligence of the pupils,eltee
names are in order of precedence;
Fri-mu—Alfred Eaerett,
Snxlola I�'a4,l:Tsi:--Johin. Ctiaptta an,
John. Campbell, Aggiai Murrry.
Jarvtolt FoRrlt:—.Tenses Caintpbell,ionn-
ltussell, Willie Murniste
num—Clues. Claapnnan,Elien Shale.
Seemu ;---gate Chapman, Chas.
lac l:awalt, ..ggie Shirraay.
SENIOR. SECOND Peine -airy Jack -
n, Alice Gould, Nellie O'Brien.
Jutoon Sucotie P.n, tt -Maud RU -
H, Beatrice Warren, Jessie Hawkins.
.'IRWr PAItrr--B ipin Clutpinan,l�`ellie
mild, Nellie Northcott.
Goderioh Townahi ,
Mr. Wm. Stirling, of the 4th on., lost
valuable home last week.
The Saleof the Effects of Thomas H.
Welch insolvent took place on Satur-
kay last.
Mr. Robert Herrin has purchased the
farm of Mr. Geo, Weston,of the lst con.,
at a good .figure.
Mr. Wm. Elliott, of the Oth eein., took
a first prize tet the Chicago Exposition
for his stallion.
Hon. T. M. Elliott, formerly of this
township, bas been re-elected to the
Dakota Legislature for the 17th ilis-
triet of Haat territory. "Tom" is evi-
dently very popular in the PrairseTer-
The death is announced of Mr. John
Cook, of tho Oth con., at an advanced
.ago. He was one of the pioneers of the
township, and was highly respected.
The funeral tookplace on Monday, to
Holnresville cemetery:
Mr. Fred Cuntz who has been work-
ingfor Mr. I. Handford, of Exeter, lies
at ,t the point of death, at the residence
of his uncle, Mr. Jacob Cuntz. 1{e was
a promising young man.until typhoid
fever took hold of him. We hope he
may recover.
Since the above was put in type, the
young pian has died.
Ol3IruAnY.—Mr, John Smith who has
been very low for some time, passed
quietly away on Saturday morning.
Ile contracted a very severe cold last
winter from which he never recovered
although during the latter part of the
summer he was well enough to go
about and tttend to business. About a
month ago he unfortunately suffered
a relapse and he gradually sank until
Saturday when he breathed his last.
Mr. Smith leaves a widow and three
small children, who have the sincere
symnpathy of their neighborsandfriends
He was only 33 yrs. and 8 months of
age at the time of bis death.
Sodom is booming. ': They have the
church plastered and otherwiseimprov-
ed. So now it is quite comfortable,
there is a talk: of putting in new seats
when this is done it will compare favor-
ably with churches informer;dayswhen
there was more real genuine religion
and less grandeaur than now. .Petit-
ions have already been handed into
;councils with a view of starting a Un-
ion School composedparts of 4 sections.
Thecouncil of.Stephen have appointed
Thomas Coats Esq. as one of the arbi-
trators 1,n the matter
willingness to assist the Sodomites in
their laudable;undertaking. If. there
could be some amusements occasionally
such as evening schools, or readings, or
a DebatingSociety,
or any thing that
would have a tendency to amuse and
instruct the inhabitants it would divert
the attention into a better channel
then at present. Sodom Rutile a grave.
mistake by smothering out the sprat
that took such, an active part in the
Debates of winter before last.
Shipl t .
Mr. le Cunningham passed through
here on Monday..
Mr. Switzer ba$ moved into his new
Mr. Fred Geiser liar settled in
town, Welcome Fred,
McIsaine Raid; Dashwood as
a vis.t on Monday hitt,
The recent fall of snow has made
business Somewhat Iivel; here,
I3.0. pais been soon going northward
of late. There must bamwoe attraction
for him in thea direction.
Miss A. Godsave who has been en.
gaged at 'Mr, Sutton's for the pest few
almalts is at present visiting friends in
The lnemuhers of the S".ihhath Sehoal
have erreeted a new chureh and aro
going„ to open it on the 10th. flee.
There will he threeservices held, one
81 the morning commencing at 10
o'clock, in the afternoon 2
and in the evening at 7 o'clock- Qu
louder a tee meeting will be heltl,aaud
rill take place ate o'clock', after tislaicln
lattforin Addrwtsses will be held.
Mi Il t, .'Barrie, of leakotaa, is expected
ozaac in as ew
daps "Welcome hack
nt of the "beautiful" fell this
, and the merry jingle of the bells
Mr.Wnn. Thompson ted son Jas, tool;
trip to Loudon bast week. They r.• -
turned on Saturday.
We understand that there will be a
hig deuce held shortly a littler, north
of Khiva. Boys get you shoes in shape.
Mr. John Dante left our little bur
Wednesday for the Michigan 'iun-
er woods. We wish hitnovory suceess.
Miss Mary said Katie Thompson, who
leave ten residing in. Loudon for the
past few months, is homes visiting
friends and relatives.
We ashoot-
ing snatch will take "three shortly be-
tween the Huron n detiddlesex sports-
men, and wiil be held at the ono horse
hotel. If the rumor be true futher
particulars will be given shortly.
Mr. Robt, Moore left far :Sivakespernre
and that vicinity last Wednesday.
Mr. Alex Dye; of Exeter, was the
guest of Mr. D. Steinbach WA Saturday
and Sunday,
Quite a bit of snow fell these lest few
days and the merry peal of sleigh bells
cal be heard.
Sausage making is now in full
blast, and the squeal of the pig is
heard allover.
Last Friday evening on oyster sup-
per wvasheld at Peine's Hotel under
the auspices of the A. 0. F.
Mr. Frank O'Brien, of Sauble Line
who has been up to Dakota, returned
home last Tuesday. Frank l000ks hale
and hearty.
Last Tuesday Mr. Jacob Zimmerman
and Miss Elizabeth. Brill, both of this
vicinity, were joined in the bonds of
matrimony by the Rev. T. Bauch at
the residence of the bride's father.
Mr. S. J. Latta, principal of the Zur-
ich Public School, has moved into the
house formerly occupied by Mr. Ruben
Haymaker,who has moved in the house
on the north side of H. Zimmerman's
Mr.: Samuel Sondercock :did not get
around last Sunday as usual. What's
the matter Sam, up at Elimville?
Mr. Wm. Whalen, (not the 2eimes
correspondent) has entered into a life
partnership with Miss Rachael Casey.
We wish you much joy.
Mr. Conners, of Stephen, disposed of a
load of oats at Moorsville On Monday
last at 60 cts. a bushel. This is con-
sidered a good price compared with the
way other grain sells. He considers
Moorsville is the best market between
London and Goderich for oats.
As Mr. Michael Mountain was return-
ing from Lucan on Wednesday Inst, he
got a bad shaking up by colliding with
a run -away team smashing his reach
pole and gravel box but no serious
damage was done only a bad fright.
Atfirst he thought it was "Jack, theg
ripper", • bub afterwards found ,it was
the team of a -flying Dutchman from
An : Entertainment and Christmas
tree will be held at the Public school
section No. 9, Biddulph, on Friday, Dec.
21. A large and varied program has
been prepared for the occaSsion con-
sisting of all kinds of vocal and instr u-
rnent eu readings I music, a
s re '
cmtations a t c.
Every body who wants to spend an
evening of enjoyment should not fail
to attend. Doors open at 7 o'clock, to
commence of 7.30. Admission 15 cts.
two girl's on Bundle.
S. EWA, Exeter a visit on Saturday,
James Neil ivas visiting at the 'Duf-
terin Souse last week.
We have a professional rope halter
maker in our town.
Billy has left the situation, as bar-
tende*t'' at the feafferin,
Owing to the drop in the pricea,straw
is not counitg in so lively just now.
We don't. him. much shout the
butcher diene and self] 'f etor;: now. Is
this: neater (hopper?
Mr. Thos. Illetle;inehis greatly fine•
proved hes pleee by building a lame
store main mid wood shed..
Mr, Thomas Parsons who was injured
some time ago, is :able to be around
again With his arm in a sling.
BW. Merrick,
of Bay City, Miele, "s
visiaiug friends around Adare and
Contralti. He says Viet this se;enes haus
e~hztaged greedy in thirty= years.
Mr. Wm. Luker aatt Will. Lampert
Trane returned from the lumber woods.
They report times rather dull and,
�w°ages loan, Don't go again boys.
Sunsllilne is totem a graand cuter-
tainment oat Christmas eveniug, A
gr nid, time is expected,
Mr; G. \1":lIoltanean who has been ven
ill for,some days. is able to be aroma(
agile. His position in the school was
ably fit i h - Albs Splicer, of Exeter:
The hildtaflil Silta;v full eat Novelly
evening, awl was nnieh welcomes by
some of the yonatiue 'fouls, rax OPT 101611
to tale their s%rt ethenrts for a, cutter
ride. I)on`i ser'uawv,
Now Haat winter is seting iU,;a nuur
her of our young ,hintswill be getting
married to their loved: ones. The Rev.
Pcnhaall will take pleasure In bate
,• pp ,
a knot t He :!. ra ww s how to
1 ,�" the It t t� nr I
tits then lata right,. •
A ten mile
go.1ssyou-leas(on Sun-
dt;evening last Tomtook the lead
in the start, followed, closely by Joe,
leaving Sant a bad third. 'riiesa:3pasit-
lons wore kept until the live mile turn
was reaehet1 when Sana malice :a spurt
and. ,». Tont second end Jets'
third. They held rinse positions until
they reached our worthy Bachelors.
Time up, and feeling rather tired they
concluded to tale ashen, rest. At 5 a,
m. in the morning they were found in
heir sleeping potations by the worthy
Bachelor, The only explanation they
could give, Was, that they were very
tired and hungry and that it was blue
M Mild ly. with them, and they wlshed to
be left elope.
Mr. Leonard Butson, who has been in
the States for some time, has returned
Mr. John Sadler has closed his cider
mill for the season. He reports having
had lots to do.
Several persons took advantage of
the 'sleighing -,on Tuesday and went for
asleigh ride.
There is a new harness maker in the
village. Ile is a good. workman and
does first class work.
The members of the Methodist Sunday
School will have a Christmas Tree in
the church on. Xmas Eve. ,
We are glad to hear thatDr,MeTavish
who has been very ill for some time,
is able to be around again.
Revival services are being held in
the English church here, • and several
are taking advantage of it.
Dr. Nesmith fell one day lag week
and sprained his ankle, but we are glad
to hear that he is getting better.
Mr. Jas. Bell has "skipped" and it is
reported he has left some debts behind
him. He has gone to the Old Country.
Our storekeepers are doing a rushing
business at present, and under the tible
supervision of the managers they man-
age to make things lively.
The rnusical and literary talent of
otic village is being taxed to the utmost'
in preparing for the Several concerts
which take place in the course of three
Some boys had quite a chase aftera
dog which belongs to Mr. Jas. Bell; • it
started from the barn and was shot on
the farm of Mr. John Norris, 7th con.,
by. George Herren, jr.
Miss atte Holtzman of Granton
. a S, i� ) ,
spent Sunday at home.
"Rumor". says ;there are several more
of our youngmen :inclined to join the
benedicts in thenear future.
Mr' Jacob Brown, of Centralia, spent
Sunday at mime.my
h He says "there is
S a
place like home, be it ever so humble."
Miss Raechet McGaug•hlirr who for
time pastweek has been `the guest of
returned home Monday
let. -
s ,,
Owing to Mother earth clothing "her-.
self' with the white snow garb, on Sat-
urday Last, themuddy roads have van -
fished aa1d'business considerable
io'veftt fir the better.
Owing to Miss Martha Halls, of Mors
lette, Mich't., who has been shine -
friends here, taking suddenly ill, Ilei
father was summoned to her .bed: side.
Thursdayeveuing last,
Henry Dyer, of title place` lent fore
merry in the employ of lir. Geo. Glan-
ville, Grand Bend, left Monday last for
Boston, where he hes engaged as elerk ^ singing at the Methodist ehuech on.
in Mr; Wilson's store Henry isa ww eke- Sunday next,
c;:r lad :trio hats' our eonfidenee of his .x., , .
est► four loads of cheese .left the.
sn esess. factors Thiels recently. It was sold at
As �l•
'alsual, there will be a trraattl Itlr~tsptrlb
Vlilignias CVO. phe collagtars h a:VO .
t:hliet ;i F ala. s
ill a r e n Wednesday flee, seal
been on. thole rounds during the pest Be sus +aand aatteentl, if y -tau went a
weekend the rneanbers. and English time. good
Miss Sarah Taylor, who has keen
Inewhat ill, is recovering,
Mr. E. Manes, of Parkhill was in the
Rage during the week.
Miss Jennie Taylor, who hos been
siting friends iaa Aflse Craig has re=
erned, home.
Alt should go and hear the great
Pfftivle± held le the Geemen ehurch The Fr. sbvterrian church Corbett
friends Slake laces very liberal in give
ing, by
� �' proceeds annouantlngr, in the
tleighborlaooe of *GO which will be
spent in furniaslaing Charistunas trees
and providing candy for the scholars.
A Firges program eouelstilagof readings',
recitations, dialogues, singing eta,
will be disposed of
Mr. H. Caantelon spout Sunday bst
in town.
Mr. T, W. Scott, of Blyth, was in tlae
' Lf nab"on Saturday last,
Ransford's eoopershop naaauufaeture4
0,000 apple baarrelsthis season,
Mr C. 0, Bunco is running mi suet- ',
fon sale of neatly made clothing.
Dr, Elliott, of Luel;.nnow, waas in town
on Monday last. Thera is sonic talk I
of him loceting here,
The ladies of St, i'aul'schurch will
Mold ae hexer on the UM Inst., also aatn
entertainment in the evening.
The Hollis Concert Co. had ren e1-
eaedingty dint house here last week,
ealthough the program was good.
Mr J. tis . Cook V.S., of Dungannon,
ww as in town thts week on Ids way to
tnttend the funeral of his nude in God -
crick township.
The annual of L. O. L. No.
710, will be held in tee Orange hell on,'.
Monday evening, Dee. 10th, when of
facers for the ensuing year be elected
Mr. E. Hill, of Guelph Collegiate In-
btitutd;+ has been eugtaged ata tine;
Sehinee`Master in the Collegiate Inaeti-
tute Imre for next year. He comes
with No. 1 recomnendatious.
Mr. D. Cantelon arrived borne on
Wednesday last, on his waiy to the Old
Country, he received a telegram est
New York to go to Montreal and look
after soma of his apples which had
been frozen, audios the ship was bound
up in ice, he deemed it advisable to
return home at present.
You readers will regret to learn of
the death of Mr. Wm. Ross, of the. firm
of Beattie and Ross, whose illness Was
chronicled in these columns two weeks
ago. Be was laid up with typhoid
fever, and was recovering when he
suddenly took a relapse and died in a
short time, The remains were interred
in the Egmondvilke cemetry.
Stephen Council.
Council met at Town Hall, Crediton,
on 3rd inst. with ail the members pres-
ent. Minutes of last meeting were
read and signed. Moved by H. Eilber,
D. French and J. Sherritt, that the
Debentures Re G. B. cut be properly
signed forthwith and retained in the
Treasurer's hands till further orders.
Petition of S. Stanlake and others apply-
ing for a Union school in Sodom to be
composed of portions of two schools in
Hay and two in Stephen. On motion
of H. Eilber and' D. French, it was
decided that the prayer of said petition
be granted and that T.Coates of Osborne
be and is hereby appointed arbitrator
for Stephen.—Carried. After passing
the following orders the council adjourn
ed to meet again on the 12th inst. for
special and general business: S. C. Prou-
ty, repairing bridge, 75 cts.; J. Mitchell
gravel, $39.55; W. Brenner, gravel,
$81.40; H. Hawker;' grave], $30; M.
Ziler, repairing culvert, 25 cts.; T. God•
save, $26.85; W. Hicks, $1; J. Rollins,
gravel, $30.23; Mr. Steeper, gravel,
213.35; M. Morlock, repairing culvert,
50 cts; W. Wentzel, hammer handles,
$1; J. Wine, ditching, $2; J. Clarke,
livery,$4.50; S. Stanlake, lumber, $23.96;
W. Rush, drain across road, $2; R.
Webb, ditch, $1; D. Stebner, statifie
labor, $7; P. Baker, lumber, $1.50; S.
Brokenshire, $9; L. Disjardine, culvert,
$4.50; J. Wade, repairing bridge, $3;
P. Farrel, two culverts and material,
$6; J. Barry, work on 8.13., $2; P. Dia,
Jardine,. culvert, $2; R. Cobleigh, tile,
$4.25; J. Granger, repairing- culvert
10:50 John c,.
l6 , Holt, culvert; $2; S.Sand-
ers, gravel, $85; J. Madden, .ditch, $2;
W. Elliott, ditch, $2; C. Dorwood, gravel,
$12.70; , W. Huston, two culverts, $1;
R. Cook, gravel , gr v $2.35; fi, R. Glanville
ditch, $1; W. Barsoff, relief, $10; W.
Beaman, ditch, $2; Yeager Bros., $10.70;'
London Hospital re Bloomfield, $19.65;
C. Christie,selectingjurors, l: • S. Ho
arth, exp. engineering; $5; G. Ma-
whinney, 80 etc,; N. Baker, ditch, $2,25;
Star, printing in part, $5; Canada Com-
pany, gravel, $35;35. C. Prouty, clerk.
Messrs ,Jas. Lawrie and W. I othww iek
have returned frena patting apples fun
Lambeth. We are giiad to see them
0 n ('
.1r, John , lh:� ,n
J i mane
of our neighbors
has moved near IOU We are sorry
to loose Nina, He will remove from
Offa, the lst Menet to the fire! conn.
Mrs. Anthony Bell was buried yester-
day in B,t, field cemetery. She was ill
for force time Ii.nst with a cancer in the
Mr. H. W. Erwiu who has been spend=
ng the summer s. sen in North De -
in the nreree ry business has are
trace hone for the neater.
,Tulin Pal ti -el: is age=nt for the
aarad has rnng.aree lfr. Dupee to
ugh the township of Stan-
ley. So fair they h.aae been very* sue.
Rev. Mr. Reagins will hoid. a Christ-
mas tree In the 'leowwn hall, in connects
ion with the Eug lisp church, where a
valuable assortment of presents will be
bestowed on the young people,
Mr. James Castro, our popular shoe-
nnaaler it is reported will be maarried.
shortly= to a wealthy widow of our town.
She is reported to h'tvea large income,
and speaks the language, particularly
the German, fluently.
Mr. Andrew Rutledge haps been hid
up for the last week or so. Dr. Nichol
is attending on him. :lir. Rutledge is
an old pioneer of the place, and has for
ft long time taken a deep intermit in
the welfare of the Conservative party.
Where was the Chief of Police the
other evening, while the row was in
progress at the post -office? John this
will never do, you must try and earn
your money. and show something to
to the men who put you iutoyour non -
bearable juositiel e
Our old friend 11. II. Ritchie, favor-
ably known to the (. tinservatives, of
South Huron, has been seriously ill for
some tirne and,doubts are entertained
of to his rt'eova ry, which his Warm
friends will regret to hear. We trope
a change nasty tike place for the better,:
anal we may shortly* see our old friend,
a around again,
Mr. John Pollock will probably at-
tend the annual meeting of the Manu-
facturers life Insurance Co., in Toron-
to, early in January. Sir John A. Mac-
danalci will preside. This will be the
first opportunity that John has had of
meeting with his chieftain. Mr.
Pollock is agent for the Company for
Bayfield and vicinity.
Frank's whiskers reported to have
been thinned out by the lake winds
blowing through them. But actually
the cause of the"thinness" was caused
by writing squibs for the Huron ".Yetas
Record" at poor Pollock's expense. The
result is, they have got "too thin" and
the people can see through them. A.
M. you had bettor be aware of Gritcor-
respondents as you are not living in
Goderich now.
The annual 'meeting, of Bayfield Ir.
0. L., No. 21, was held in the Orange
hall, on Monday evening last, when a
good number of members were in at-
tendance. Bro. E. Floody C. M., of
South Huron, was in attendance and
occupied the chair for the evening.
After the routine business, the follow-
ing oificer were elected for the ensuing
year:—Bro. W. W. Connor W. Id.; Bro.
John Pollock D. M.; Bro. Jas. Huston
Chaplain; Brother M. Dupec Secretary;
Brother Merdock Ross, Financial
Secy.; Bro. Jas, Pollock Treas.; Bro.
Geo. Dewar Dir. of Cer. ; Jas. Sturgeon.
Lecturer; Bros. Geo. Castle jr, Thos.
Johnston, Thos. Parker, Chas. Parker,
James McDonald Com. The officers
elected wers installed by County Master
Floody, Bro. Connor was minable to be
present through ilness. This is his
46 year being elected W. M. of this
lodge. Bro. Floody gave the brethern
a stirring address on'. Orangeism; its
use and benefits, and made a stirring
appeal for the brethern present to sup-
port the Sentinel as the only true'ex-
onentofProtestantism. After is ad-
dress, all` of the.brethern present who
not already subscribers, came forward
and gave in their subscriptions; arid
one application was handed in for the
Orange Mutual Benefit Society. Bro.
James Huston was the first to come
forward and oa >.ood
example e
subscribing for the Sentiaiel. Bro. Hus-
ton came from good old protestant
stock, and has no uncertain sound
about him.