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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-22, Page 1
vdL. 11. The Molsons Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, lsa .) Paid up Capital .. • , . $2,000,000. Rest Feud..... , , , , . 1,000,000, :neat Read office etontreal. , WOLFE STAN THO31AS, Esq., Geteeitat Mesett ,na. Twenty Brent% °feces in the Dominion' Ag envies in the Dominion. U.S. and Europe- Open every lawful day from kV) a. tn. to'3 p, m., Saturdays itla.m.to 7t p. re. A general banking tr`ansaeted Three per cent. per annum allowed for money on Deposit Receipts and Savings Barth. R.CiI .Ft L ARCHER, >~ a1. Exeter; Jaen 2F, "88, Manager. THE it `tete Tlters,ette eferniee, 1te 0tii,:e, T, T-- ZXET R. net tee Sette ItltS'1'L'Bl,Xaa'UI Gt'OM. P ,NI"° TERMS OB '81" ISCEIPTIOlie tansllollarlrr annum if paid in Adv clef 1,f not so paid. :co peter r discontinued not are lvlid. A'fvertiseineett' without s direetious wilt bo published tilt t'orbi1L •:I trgt+l ateordingly. Liberal ,ti+rcnnt made for tralusese it adverti..enetuts Inserted for low*, periods. Evart description of Jena PRINTING turned out In the boost style, nod ;tt moitim.to late.,. (.laylues,ntoue' urd- .ra,,1e for talc.rte.h.g,ntlb,a<rlptions, etc.. to h„ ;made Is ;auto to William sanders, Editor; EXETER, (TA iQ,, T ,• . t, RSDAY, NaVEMBER2 a 1888. NO. 77. . 221640I4L7 UND FTEEN onderfzil. SAFE i wuralemartemmiarmies vIng purchased the balance of Messrs, Railton &. Co's.. stock at a rate on the dollar, and in addition have added some two thousand dollars of uew choice goods, We will. for ° the i1eet Afteen days offs)' the wholoat prices unheard of in Exeter It is 'Wonderful ]how we de it "but WO do 1 The stock consists of general Dry -Goods, Rats Caps, Furs & Ready-made 01? WHICH MUST BE SOLD, FUME AND SEE US. ALL ARE WELCOME- NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Old Stand, late Wanton VIT c CO l'iluiY•l1 inirtVt0117. WOWS' lit:t.notizo.. [ lit ueu, •leafy, fi. F iteeie sole lir^@ r •1at;,tai `• 'ryas h'a, Ill at, 1al" and i pint. ria b .tlA *r;tee.!,; St--ta Mt hone w riar(;t'ti•-James• st, itv. ('laa':Acat.pca.ta,r S:at39rPs 1'4:rvlt. a, 30;0 a.Axa. a,tas1a1.,o l,•nl, Sa,iel-stthak1a•ual,'4l•.1. ?1.tiII 4 f?" tete+"ranee, d.. W:311,1,41;,l,,sit,ar. Su '.aa: ^t,ry*rtM.latSiia,tn.n o•luvtq:.... Faid;,atlt p. sue Al eat 1' rn t'c:i;ai'k.t,hta Nene 1a('ir..Atty. wMartin, 1"iistor. Sund'av O+ rives. It 4. m..411;n1 ia^ae l', est ate Seib t•. M a. to. 1"rofensR©Aatl Cued t. 1I.I.Meats. ()Riau over oaletrt Bank, 1 %et>.r. tin Nitro Osi leGa i for 1=;Ritale ss e'ttraaial.in. let, KINSMAN, IPENTIST, • ti, e•xtraeth teeth without rt111 by nig Vegetable Caput, or u•it.t,;fes+ eta-tc Aum• ..tltt•tle on the gums. Makes Gold Fillings, and other dental antra tbt .best possible, Boer to Zurich last TbnradaV in each month. East nide of Main street, Exeter. 77),R..i.A,.1 OLLI+\S. OFFICE -MAIN ST. I Residence -Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. • A. AMPS. M. D. C. ML C. P. 1`1IN.; L. • R.(,S.,7;.len.;L.I.P. & R,eilasFowa L. M. Tedi tiln melt and Glasgow; 1t. C. P.& S,. 1: Ontario; F. T. M. Toronto. Night boll titoffice. Crediton, Ontario. .1y12.43 DE. enettnee OFFICE, --MAIN STREET, Exeter, upstairs, oppo4ite Centra Hotel. Sitio entrance on south --,tables trot leading to the atotltoelist 41nua 11. r. Graduate of Victoria 'University. Office and residence, Dotninion Laboratory, Exeter. W. BROWNING, 1i.1)., M. C, ia. S. ILLIAIMI SWEET, VETER- T V inary Surgeon. Graduate Toronto. Office and Residence one block east of Farewell & Pickard's store. Opposite skat- ing kating rink, Exeter, Ontario. T H. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR 1.4. of Sa,premo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, (,ommissioner. &e. Money to loan Oiticc-Fanson's Block, Exeter. • -0,LLIOT tr ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- Ji s itorrt, Conveyancers, &c, Money to loan at per cent. B. V. ELLIOT. T. ELLioT TAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario; Licensed tl Auctioneer for the County of' Huron. Sales promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. 7..a' BROWN Winchelsea. Licensed .iluct- 1 . ioneer forthe Countiesof Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne. . Sales promptly attended to and terms reason able. Sales arranged at Post office, Winchelsa ' BOSSENBERILY, Zurich Ontario. Lie - .12J • ensed Auctioneer for the County. of Huron. Charges in and satisfaction .t,•etaranteed. TNT HOLT, Bhiva, Ontario. Licensed suet- y!, ioneer for the Counties of Middlesex and Lambton,xnd the townships of Stephen. and. Hay. All sales promptly attended. to. EILBEIt, Licensed Am tioneor for Hay. .L3.. Stephen:and McGillivray townships, Office -Crediton, Ontario. Tee etoOereeas, TEACHER OF MSTSIC. VIOLIN A SPEC- SALTY. Exeter, Ontario. , Hay Farmers' Mntual•Fir'o Insurance Company. Parties desiring to insure infhe best and. cheapest insnrance'Coinpany in the Doran. - ion, cando so by applying personally, or by mail to the unclersigk'Frd. All appIrcations »rom,ptly attended to.' . Also agen for the Wellington Company of Guelph. E. BOSSENBERBY, Agent,'Zaa$ch, Ont. CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO.1 ,,I, t J.1'toMAi?'TIN Proprietors, ar mice, R R tnr,dt°r=igned, laamvasag gear.:,.. _... literau :hie:ell hoar, inta+lAs t.,°r •ia",^ tl: ,.time ter the improvement of atoel; a►t tai 4rtat on tlne$t 311atrs„ 1304 ,1.1'„ ,nr net. 1I1 °14+,. t; 3, lata Boys wader Ken Ii.µ tit#, Wm. IIodgetrt. aw' Pheee---itit1t. II11tl lough, Innis W 1. ,,'1 I tons.- -11. McLean, Orr, Hamilton; Wm. Jt'el e AN OPFOatTUN1T Y. oPo.'crtlingd norm, Twor1rt°ry. On cone?ll' 1 n t Wray I.oun4rv. its eaal u. atr,_1 haste Yrolo la to ,, adallttonal balud, are to to eon- pitaycd; Fw. 1iou'e to let at et stain r,•lit eau.. able of meow -Witting S to 1+i to tt•b.ri. About five+tttinUted wscall. frena th010ttiitlry. .alpgtv to Nov1-.FPtf H. SP tt A07'n Tin S1tol,. BrinSley, Canning: Brothers had bad . l l •a a( slnttsh- 1t with their engine one (lay last week Mr. Robt..L. rig e 1' 'tet%- had a paring 11t*t. last Friday evening and got quite a lot of apples pared. Mrs. Alam Bloomfield received quite a surprise the other night. A. number of the members of the Ebenezer church calve to her residence with plenty of eatables, cte,,(tnd enjoyed quits' an pleas- ant evening, Before departiltg they presented Mrs. B. with $15 for her value able services as organist. Blake. We believe that Mr. It. Ross ellen ular teacher of Blake public school, eas purchased the stove business of 14fr. J. Keith, who also doing a large trade in tine mercantile line, desires to give more of his time to his other branches of Vastness, and for that reason hes sold out his entire business. air. Ross takes possession at the end of this week; and, as he is anactive aitd.energctic young man and much respected we have no doubt but that he will secure a large share of patronage, and prove himself as successful a business man as he did an efficient and pains -taking teacher. Bay'fietda Miss Ida Vanstone lefther° last week to reside in Ilderton, Several of the fishermen who were away during the summer returned last week after a prosperous season's fish- ing. We hear taut of a literary Sdciety being started in the, village this winter, We hope it will be started and carried on with vigor. M. Percy Mooreho-ase and Mr. Frank Edwards are getting the drill shed in shape for having a skating 'rink this winter. They have a well sunk and will soon have all necessary preparat- ions completed. We wish them every success in the new. enterprise. lieborne Plowing Match. On Wednesday of last week, the Us- borne Plowing Match took place, on the farm ofiMr. Geo, Blatchford. The weather was all that could be desired, The attendance was large, visitors be- ing present from all the rural districts. An excellent repast was served •at Wal persHotel., Below is the list of those securing prizes :— EXTRA. CLASS.—Jas. Hogarth, Robt. Hogarth, Jas. Connolley, Wm. Delaney, Hibbert, Tilos. Welsh, Stephen.- lst. Class.—Th os Tlunkin, Pi,obt Lydd,' Wm. Kay 2nd. Class.—Metal point—E: Stone. Boys under 18-Robt McFarlane. Boys under 16 -Jas, Ballantyne. weight champion. Thee big fellow cattle put second best. tai'Y,v p4rty was held one evcltin,g recent;', . filet the taffy was a Esthete. The aru trkev s are b'e'4 luluio look eta' tea: as their time is contng Pals ;' will ship a load neat week to the North west. Mr, R.dti,•caxne hear trading horses with C"surlevonthe day of the slle. The tredo was only prcveutcd by one of the horses being aL kicker, wyhichw as fount out by experience, Lots et ltAa;•de,r and shot was wasted ° on Tli'+. ikt,' 'ir' d• Day, as nearly all the boys tint mete carry on g .'t al frizn WAS out. Tile j..atar squirrels, thought .b41r time had Corrie. (to get into hollow trecs, UJborno,: +rs. ; Copping ti ',►i o,y ng; of .boron#ci, mother Mrs. Steeleen Ftherington, is eisitin at their -place. "It' Lu1:a'r of Centralia, mewled dee Rlint Sadie pulpa, last Sunday untruth and 'h st a very aneceptable ser- nlon. iN t leave noticed that Wm. Henery thehObeli giant has le t aur little, bur;, 1S'inchelsera, a few,daa ago, to throw dirt e . i.. !Nutley, ntfl 1.uttw ebatb' . is ncrat•1 - A t we've that this horse bnyeat are still pickle ,* up gine) hornet: Mi: Wee Routley ;old tats nutria 4 few days ago, ` for the neatsunt of $150. Thig is (•eel sidered aa. l;ueld misa it iK reported drat Mr. Robert Rollie, son, Of W il.clueseta, has sold a1 great aa f uunebe•rof sulker p1Alt tt, tid that Mee- ." 't :LT&!' gis iiA„ eteiverete satlefe °ti#Alt. They crag uresUpl s•a 1 to be this hest plow nit t111i a, rati F " s zitalte'. • uuw'Y: se, e1 fg` S t.en te. .,.,.1 tllal.. :VIM the ;Clid$etit+ I ,Set, i t.h to .tt,as..s t% ,A4•+d ..,, rile rat Sun .yv xsi e r, a,.a d ne lee (drove Kest the wed, litillted 41141 lu•• ited, We e e'xeeelnat '4 rtenlit' l.'41 tae lea':ii've' tlr't k "m0 t -, k'AT1.11119 (;11$1):,"a ©tett 07: hie b,. ;le, ing, ell;•a,i ttftn. :,a•t''r t1 v; td t holies' named .:lite- dile ih' eve been Level+lettel with :la, 1•i a ; canal '.'ce-^theft, , ii'e hear tint :hllll',•y i' j timelee :1119 number, for he tete. `tell pp Tutt +i f.w r. the side wl-alll:, and slogs tltaae. ' ver i• r'llariya111e mete ,;if ever 1 love thee. tis la w " {nu1 we, believe it tats. ie c. certa i11 woman living .1. flees. oath of telt' St. Matteis gravel. road ww•he, tr» twilting' herself v4'ry palmier in eerie -Jug who the l'sbnrUe' s 1ntud-: a . We1 ( lit is.,•,t wish this woman to tttrdel'- t• e he way of the traet:sr*i'es. rd," and that she is barking up aralzi"x tree. Better get at the tre let ttom is up, before she barks A.at a.1t; y; Daoh1waod. Mr. John ' Vetza'l has hie new house; early ready foroceupaant'y. Our, flax mill has ;darted up for tiro winter with very giood prospects, 3Ir. Chas, Harelip, who was (1tut ;t'r- ously ill with t;ypliaid fever, is nte,v rt'covertng niccsly. Mr. Liebhart, a few mike south. of h('le has his fine new brick residence nearly finished. Mr. Geo. Ruby has started on allot. four -years contract with the govern• meth to carry the snail between ,Uas1a wood and Parkhill daily: Geo. has made himself quite popular while 0. H. 'X S. There is some talk of having tole. Dhow coniacetionbetween this village and Exetor. An ellort was Inatle some+ time ago to newt:11 ishtllis but our peo- ple thought the bonus asked for was too high, .M present we have no telegraph and our daaily stage supplies the latest news we get, so it is to be Moped the present schenne will be, accomplished. 'Chive. • Mr. Au us McCormick g has left for Wisconsin. Mr. John Baird, of Parkhill, gave our burg a flying visit on Sxn iday lest. . Miss. A. Toautrau has left town. She will be greatly missed, especially by *jack. Ml, and Mrs. Wm. °Holt, who bare been visiting friends in Seaforth; have returned home. Mr. Wm. Simpson is at present pur- chasing poultryin this section. He has purchased a large quantity so far. A very pleasant dancing' party was held at the residence of Mr. A. McCor- mick one evening last week. A good time was spent. • Mr. James Thompson, who has been residing in Michigan for the past eigh- teen years, returned to his nativehome last week, where he will remain visit- ing his old friends and relatives during the winter. Centralia. Mr. Esseryis building a new driving house. . All the boys are going to Limerick, to the.ehureh opening on Sunday next. Snow fell to the depth of several inch es on. Sunday night last, but is all gone again. The syndicate sale last week was a grand success. A few got too much old cider. T. A. Pearsall, our cheese maker, is away in Toronto, looking " after his other factory.: • Mr. Dauney of McGil.ivray, lost a fine mare on Sunday last at T. Hodgi.ls, valued at $200, • , Tom went to Mare again on u n - tdh1yerne.z 1tsthrough all .thatstj lm. There et beb1cat attraction own There wvo,s.a prize fight iu town, last week between ; a heavy and leght. Vii' 1 Hibbert, The Rev. Mr. Scott, of Cromarty, ad- ieiiirit•tered sacrament; last Sunday mornting. Mr. R. Speen of Cremerty, has sold Ith foto hound to a .r.'14Tr. Leary near Mil'Chcll. The consideration being a ;d one. If that young lady who sings so loud in Me eboir, •would reduce clown thestr. ng'h: of her local organs a little and give the rest a chance, it would be a be:lutiful satisfaction. We guess that's not Betsy. tlurtsinging school at Cromarty is getting along nicely, It is what you might call a. mutual benefit improve - Idea class, as several young ladies ha rel made solid mashes since it started. Jett what some would call 0, love se.tool. lir. Wm. Page's shooting match that tock place at Staffi last Thursday, was a ;'rand success. The supper was a g n nd one and every one was pleased with Mr. Page's hospitable kindness. Mr. Robert Sanders, of Exeter, killed the greatest number of birds. Bob knows which eye to squint. We hear that a certain young lady from near Brussels,whose namewehave not learned, but whdshas been living with Mr. Wm. Henry; for some time,had the misfortune to break her leg some where near the thigh a few days ago. Air, Henry deserves great credit for the kincluess he has, shown towards her. We soon hope to hear tell of her speedy reecy. ery. Lucan, Those who stayed at home Thanks- giving Day hznksgivingDay were entertained ', , the band in a very pleasing manner. Koller skaters will be glad to learn that the rink isapproaching completion The opening will be announced in the near future., Rev. Dr. Griffin, of Stratford, preach- ed the anniversary Cervices' in the Methodist Church on Sunday last. Large congregations were present both lnormng and evening. The inan who. told the first story about how Mitch game he bagged • on Thanksgiving day, should be given another chance. Mr. Bert Smith, thee tailor, tells of the largest number of scluir,vols being bagged. Bert carrying homo something like 37. A mail comes from the Ailsa. Craig correspondent of the Parkhill Gazette, because a magistrate in that village discharged two yarn nieu accused of throwing stones and other lnissels 'at the salvation :army barracks, Mr. Mee I)ia •m'd o i 1 foven : L appeared. ppe red for the defendants, :slid the evidence was eau- sidered ieisufiicient by . the Magistrate to convict. The tear led eoreespondent should apply for a commission as a J. Pe and then probably verdicts to suit 11h2would be rendered. Shined upon by nature and materi- ally aided by the untiring efforts of the committee, the opening hop of the Luc, iixl Assembly Club, was a success to entry particular. Large' numbers from. distance greeted the affair with , 7 their presence, . 1 young seed the o folks of tthe'village teem) out memo, A most enjoyable time was spent 411(1 all present prronODUCe(1 it the most success ful gathering ever held in Lucan. The ladies who contributed so much tot ds preparing the milt h. are entitl- to the Warty theulas of the commit - (if neariagcux('xat. An amusing incident occurred on Thursday afternoon. The Large num. bet of street gamins who were amusing twelves about about town espied an et looking old. farmer (lectin as rather hard liloliingteaxn through the streets. By persistent shouting flit' horse$ were brought to astand still, ;and despite the efforts of the driver, they unlet() not be induced to prtis'eed. The f;eve of the farmer presented a. steady, look and the illan who is 4.uhlict. ed to pursue human nature hsatl as airlb. 4'Ct of rare, proportions. Afteradelaayof taft4 en minutes, the farmer was permit - eel to tontine his journey. Go terioh Towuoldip, Mt. Robert Acheson, of the. 14th con,, leea v eluaebie hone last week. is slit) thele :lir JOhlt k'IR113111 wAtat ;k Gain be in they field` for inutricipa tx:an>s cutting his face iiia frightful ntttunei'. Oa Tuesday of last week, Mr. Rel. O'Lloro took to himself a wife, in ;he person of hiss ),lacy Rowland. A large number of friends witnessed the ana r - age eerenlony which,was performed t►,y the Rev. Father Gallen, after which the whole assemblage repaired to the rest - deuce of Mr. Jnlo. Rowland, father ,of the bride, where a, sumptuous break- fast was served. The whole party deove to Parkhill where they einaoi•,til themselves for a xhort tines 4141 Men returning spent the night in dYUCIUg and such lila• tenoned an'auFi'nitaa':s. Many are the! geed waslies 4;, r e 3 d • 1, he.s ex preset 1. i the prosperity of Ir. and 31rs f1 ia•:.ro. ( +(3e ;enter.---:A.t length a day h;i Setopening, c for tli4. (f the, neer II,a',z .t Catholic church. Sunday Nov.nee: is to be the day a1itl gladly will every j member of the caugregation hail its arrival as : r'",r& tt "i'-14Unw-e:ntence h's been eutfcre;d derby; eller pastel year gad hatter the want of a ' chervil', Masi lug celebrated in the sehool house Fkery eels who visits the church dee- ' ata being suptuul'y elegant 4 turas. Rev. Father Kelly haat had anagewent of the whole bkisiliE ss throughout and now that this hand- some temple is Loulplered, it shows the public the wisdom. and e'e mommy of our` far seeing aud beloved pastor. :11ay htA long; remain aaeli01jg 11a to enjoy later the fruit of his labor. Clinton Mr. Joe Chambers. who left for Strat- ord, has returned, aa.;itin. Mr. George Sheppard, of Goderieh, t'nt Sunday lest in town. rJas. Grant, teacher of this Tutee, n ret lir;te t'el ti teach in .1.", Stanley, , Our eta ve"tests `:6•((agege13aal1lti i t shifts reit tt titt•lir tea' E,.a l.eeni'i 'gp as &acs frit'latlh` wouilal wc -h. l ' li`i• are torr,' aa1 tat.» , ell.' i1ness of i , 1 tr.-ate or; a ilt#t•riaig;, we amain ',:eta typhoid r"t Anderson, the ltnpetlar U4 ••eries l' the rod" to S, S. year. lug of the ertAt1ltore to 1.''a. 1'elsh hies been celled at, t i. It on FTitley note I he. Methc:dist Sabbath Soho 1l, ei It 4 It,esc isle, will hold an aantert'r,ers te Christmas Eve. Mr. Samuel Cox, of tale Cut Lima has tstlld his farm to Mr. Alex Young, of Ietntail, for the stun of $4,000. It is rumored' that Councillor Elliott. of the. Cut bine is a heavy loser by the failure df a prominent Ceoderich man, Mr E. Swvalrtz, llotelkeepea bad at big shooting nratt.lf on nark:Wiring Day which made things lively in that burg. The new po atoms(, .TIerbison,which lets lately been. opened with Mr, 't'1'xn, Herbison as postmaster, is quite a eon- yenie'nce to the people of that section, The township fathers have a white elephant on their hands in the shape of the Colborne Bridge. The Colborne people* are coutinzuilly pestering the council for grants on road approaching this bridge. t1t• Mr. 'W. Crooks, of the lith con., is mentioned as a candidate for the eoau- eil at the approaching elections. Mr. Crooks would fill the bill well as he has an extensive knowledge of municipal affairs, and is a practical everyday man. On Friday night last, the residence of Mr. Wm. Laithwaite, Maitland con., was destroyed by fire with nearly all the contents. Mr. Laithwaite's family were away from. home and he himself was in the stable when he notieed the flames. He diel what he could to save the furniture but to no effect. Ile had $'275 in money stored by to mako a payment with. and this, was consumed also. Insurance about $150. Loss $1000. Offa Sunbeams. Mr. Michael Maloney, of Cleveland,is visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. Wm. Rowland, who has been so - joining in. Brantford, has returned home, looking Chale and hearty," Mr. Brooks, of Toronto, after putting the Memorial windows in the new. church, returned to that city on Friday last. Mr. Wm. Salters of theExeter Atevo- atm , paid us a visit on Thursday last. We.are always glad to have Mr. San- ders call. ' Rd. did not wait to get that promised Bible. He is leaving it for another party, but what is Rd's loss will be some other man's gain. Everyone should try and attend the church opening on Sunday next. There are to be a large number of eminent speakers .present, and a Lecture will be deliveredin the afternoon, which will no doubt be interesting. Confirmation is to be given by Bish- op Walsh, of London, on Monday next. There are about 90 children to be con- firmed aid by the untiring efforts of Rev. Fat'klers Kelly and Gahan they. have been well instructed in. the Christ- ian doctrine. On Thursday last, Master Michael Barry, met with a very painful accident. a While out picking beech -nuts bee 1 Hilt 'VS in com- pany : pany with some other children from the village, heclimeda, tree to the sleight of about 14 11., when the limb support ing him "broke, causing him to fall to the ground, He fell on a sharp snag Itr. Siam. Reeve v, ate to Loud t's- teat' to twelve, e.: ° ,.'iaag purehast'd the prieziee of itr. it. l• diet plaice. ler. Lose •o, • t4, tee r:a• M,. . L. J. A. Inti ►;:; ;enamel i t , t r,•al. d x14. the attlava in Stnrtlt•: Y.4 k. friarlerly occu- pied by. lir. C'4r. Carte Mn° Thug will co11(IU4t hie Wayne blislneee Isere ais well as a r.'st•euz'.ult. The it . eht ■)¢sell. of "Sat" en W. John Ilau,iford over some eoxntnunica- tiou he bent tel til 4t pawl!, \Vlly, don't you publish Ids letter Brother Budget uuid let us sett whet he Iris to ;tee.? The convert water the auspice:; of the Crie kit Club, held in he town hall on Thuredny evcililt e last, `vas 11.grand, success. The hall weas packed to the doors and the musie.1I seteetions, songs, ere., by local talent were well rendered. Mr. Thomas M. Carling, the popu- lar auctioneer, has. we venture to say, done the biggest trade in the counts in his lilts this season, Ile has an ezz- gagement next week from the Hon. the ltiintstcr of Militia, and Defence to sell the drill sited property in Clinton. The Revivalists still hold the fort in the town and draw large congregations, Last week they held their meetings in the Ontario street church, this week they are its .Thtttenbury-st, church, commencing Ills: `ttnday measles Mr. Livingstone1bett I. a .itario-st. Leech, ch.. to take Mr. Edge', p.,tee, he being in Hanover. The Young People's Association, of Willis Church, held nn opening meet- ing on Monday evening. last at which Dr. Horsey- delivered kis celebrated lecture "Queen Victoria's Reign". The lectu••e contained many loyal and pat- riotic sentiments which tended to create more love and loyalty towards our own country and our Queen. The doeter is a very pleasing and entertaining speak- er,andwaslistenedtowithrapt attention, Our citizens were startled on Satur- day morning last on heal•iug of the sudden death of Maggie J., onlydaugh- ter of our respected townsman, James Sheppard Esq. The deceased had edn traeted a cola which developed itself into intimation. The very best medi- cal aid was called inbut of no avail. Being of a very kind and agreeable disposition she was very popular with her associates and was highly respected by all who knew her. The funeral took place on Monday' when a large concourse of friends and acquaintances followed het remaius to the cemetery. Her bereaved father, Mr. James Shep- pard, who lost . his wife under almost as sad circumstances a few years ago, has 'the deepest sympathy of the entire' community. SALE REGISTER. On lot 13, ecu.1l, Usborne, on Satur- . day Nov. 24th, farm stock implements, 3re., James Oke . duct, .Joshua Itlekins prop At Brown's hotel, Russeldale, on Sat- urday Dec. est, valuable farm property lot 26,eon..18 tie of Fullerton. For futher particulars apply- to Elliot a. , Elliot Vendor's s 'S SOliCitO x Exeter, Or to W. R d0 Davis auetioneer Mitchell. At the residence of My. John Renton on Saturday next, Nov. 24th, house- hold effects. Mr, John Gill, and. John Renton, prop.