HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-15, Page 57 Iiuran & Bruce Railway„ i',3Sivieeg� e'er'ie•
To -day genie Thanksgiving Day
i cy Nortxrx--Tzsz --I'ass'lzr, secs iees will be held hl the Trivz
T lxl.tt
Memorial Gh Church this forenoon
co -
nden, depart .,8.05 e. et -426 r.u
, Luella Crossing..8.47 „ 5.20
. u�encing at 11 a, tot.
Clandebo4: e, . „ .8.52... , . 5.28 Arae
Centre Ills, 9,05.,,,. 545 Anewstory commences with this
ET.. ,,,, ,,,..9.1G,,,,,.A 5,67 Issue, entitled"A Love Crime," It is
Ile.isaEll , . , , ; . , , , .9,28 609 a French story and will prove very in,
I'ippen. , , , .. , , , 9,34, , 6,1? tcresting to all hovers of this. class of
Brucefield , , . , , , „ 9 , , :., 8;26 leading It wee translated by tate
Clitxtoa .. , , , , ,gm_ . , ,. 6.45 emiueut traataslater, $ Inglis, :New is.
Londesboro' 10,19,..:, ?,03 the time to subscribe, and cOnuuence
Bluth 10.28 „-„ 7.12 with this interesting story. Only 41
3eigroate , , .. , , , .1042- , , , , , 7.27 from new till January Ast,,1:890,.
Wingh^aen .11.00„sees 7.45 l. Devilish Deed,
Goma SoavT#f, 1'asseuge '.. A dastardly attempt was 'naae was l
Winnhaiux ,,, .,,,7.05 leaf,,, 340 rpt. wreck the mixed train due in Goderieh''
lielgL,ave , ,,, 17:04 4.00 *t 7:80, Saturday night by putting two'.
Myth.- .,n,...<7313 ,,,,4.15 square sticksoftimber between tate
1+,ondesboro' 747 ,'. 425 . r:ills, 'Had it not been that the train
Cletton , , ,sees , , , 807 , , . ,. , 446 was a heavy one, and was going slow-
Bruccefield,.., . , .26....., 504 1.y there would, halve been a terrible
Eleven 34 , „. - 542 disaster. The object of the fiends were
iHens.i11... , . , 8.41 5.19 to run the train down the bald:, which
. p;I, '2::
, i,SG . 53;3 is on a ver- sharp curve about half a
1.• 'r has
1 L x.
sthe leathxl.
e� 0 5. ". � i e +eat +�� T
xt. 1 ^t .. , , , 4a xn 1 t
en ,t i
;landeboye 9.18 5.56 created intense excitement in Goder-
,uean Crossing- 9.24, , , . ,0.02 iglu The perpetrator of this deedhas
ndon,aarriv+ ..e 10.15 645 teen eapturad, and will no doubt re,
_EXETER eivo leis,ewa
st its.
; >d <m As time, advances something new
and startling looms up, This tittle it is
kelp Winter. per• bushel .,•.$1.15 to 1.1.7 , in the fence lint. M. Jones Sanders,
rlaite" ** *e •., 1,151t0 1.1,7 of Stephen, has invented n new and
4,Ing..; , .- uiwle*l •fence. It is very imposing m •
;rhea-.. ". -, ;appearance and eau, we think, be built
its rapidly and at a mere trifling, cost.•
ns , • • . , • e e e O TI MINT 'is now beeonning scarce ;Intl
!l;* per line, or. ° , e ttstly and we think. this is as ioug, felt
,Iter; ptoete n eeeseitt . We have- no doubt what -
„tete, * Corks , , . " "ever in starting that this is the best
1 , ... . , ...... 18 to 18 farm -fence in existeme and can be
laitoe s iter bin*1►.... , .. e . 30 to 85 built out of old rails ts: ar011 as new.
I' Poe tuae ' .. , , 11- I 1")100 Farmers will consult their own interests
1ny calling axt Mr. Saixtlers before pure
. - � ehasiug a►y other patent, We under-
" •Stafne •Mt S.•nmders intends placing farm
_,_ sees.. .. a ,......w _._. t lets within the rut .h of all who. aro
Ile ael-I. Axa reinirement of the saute. It is Unlit
l .to 1.10
45 to 60
;32 to 34
• 5Gto 56
▪ 18 to 18
18 to ,2,0
16 to 18
l' 1r. A. Cottle invitee' put his eid or, lamely on meehanical pxe elples ami
till iu full operation, hd' i, ninw pre p1t- l aanv person of ordinary abilities can
veto inattuf;ae. tare eider en the shortest construct it as it requires up ingenuity
Mire Venit,rc and twill 2 Welts west x eeetei ter to tett .t it,
oiliawitsliewet Hotel. .t call solicited. d. Tet+ ` vst wieeow wrivitt mentoria
Seorteneeeete ocelot. 4iturrtt,
Go tee alas *p,t.n,tti tu's tie"pta, oat GM, The attractive appearance of t1►de
Snadere eta -. hie tele %e.et."I powder ; statiue4 gleans in tlliti be..n*tifnt parish
tie• - II ilei reee'eer aaaati the •411111's favor- rluttrelt :is now showing pl;ainiy, , as most
ite,it i+.1440:;,; aaze•de. ,trail bsaitp,1 '4sport- or the windows ares' placed. The west
het ;;, ales .a Idyll is sure, to . ple,eest eali. witetlow is very tine and measuresfrom
("meek tttee'ulte ,
flat Smell ea. Nov. 25th, tie. 1,r:aultifiiD
new Catholic. ('hurt'h ata. ta,l'e. will be
opened, acral S(•t'uann s will i, ere•iacl►ted
Ila metal, of tit.` awed
d�ltaga¢t`a,.:atoal t4olti-
Drat tliritwe of .drat Insets Further
pc►releel;Lr., et ill he :atlituita,it°n';i eiett :lye
.% lit d-x`ea.*' `iers-teen.
'flee atom d1 aameiae re a€ d ss ir+ey d►f
IMP". bt Me•.h,t,ira tillare-t will he
h . i ,,n tet» *1. v and Mewl ^e pee, ;Intl
ata, Vele net. A. C. t',tttr:ire. M. :1a•
1�. 1)..Of` Toronto. will paoe:ae`la on Snit -
day and ailed elltire se tl a et itletrot
ezitee toil Mutate ra•et.itt.;. ;t'ua:lh't
it tee reit. *]ill h e" atal.0 ttA°c :i late r.
f u.it+pc ndable.
in tie.lilt t"4i"iriitnr'+ aelia•11111 e't»Wklt .lTf :trine would {nl4thtls(It'tit'ri(fiC'C1,S1114•ld,
t;.'el eaa 1• ee:`Ihac t,' "G a ph l• aarx
nue tete lie x t elelin of e"'la'►:e ep e ' al ""t'mt, chevron, eable between three
,.„4,4t,.. ih. tale gives "4,td .c t t`1.J137 tet't't!., Salah', erte'.t, an eagle mutant,
if r itt dun'. •.t. a hail take hetet l c°Y the It �1 ptare.41 aa®tti) t,m .tieroll alt the font
-The weather has been fine so far
this week.
-The cheapest boots & shoes in Caxi-
aatt the ll store.
aa,d h big to._s
-H. L.13illiug Dentist gold fillings
a. specialty, over O'Neil's Bank,
-Sealettos for 85 and at Parkin-
son's, That downs 'on all,
-An oyster social will be held in
Main-st Methodist church to -day.
-..Highest cash Flee for .a .14 kinds of
farm weelnee at the bag Bankrupt
silt to top nearly twenty feet. 1 utter
a grand St. Catharines wheel, rich in
tedoring, U'4 three prntel%thistwo Outer
noel divided into comp artnwnts by
tieltly colored floral. geometrical, and
tee e'1lud betels, the finish of the (Wilde
tops carie spa►nd'ang to these in the lune,
an imitaitiot►.shell work. Ito the cenatre,
of the St. ('ittheriims whe'e'l. is the! pier-
.eltlie Pelican, drawn with wings endora.-
e",l;old wismiiling her breast' with her
la elk to fate. her yuunr with their
mother's l►Iutal. In Heraldry this is
called a pieliran 111 hi fee, Iris the t'hr:,e-
tl:�t atpplicattluu, all will untdersta►tel.
'Thee t'ctltrt' panel of this window estrit's
the parish teem d enure trite Armorial
Bearings of the ancient Trivitt family.
pea the emelt g' of Heraldry the coat
• • �" , l,; ;;unhurt in the lire'r the
ntiticte given •ltld pint ill atattl• chaiall rd rats ir: 1; ;"
is carried fife on hes
heraldry' ter t
, in I tea d
helix n
N% IOW Olt rp,rci;ie"tp time. lit ease you t t ,
Itt.t• e t ad ear h„r e's ani, they or,. eee er- shield rl hen the house has leen found
lewd lu thee piper, sled you the not tee. I'd by None tueeterable deed, gt'uerally
ab " :til` t•1'al� e1t1t et, y't,ut Ile s - :‘trial i.4":;. t»I the battlefield. The ebevron ree»r»-
i tent keep .fuel; anti don't a+ivrrti�,] lsttttt$ the rafters of a house, aud in the
them the 1:1x1^ drat•.; not dere"las;► you. If
'fl'Ivitt tali of ;arms; the two trevets
you do not rt'atl data annoneeeems of above the chevron show distinguished
the eluteleipal Clerk at tlni time such,
nminttucentente are etude, and take
heed. thereto in the spee:Hied time, you
may lose your vote, and ajnrt from
»feels there aye several thbeee about a
newspaper which makes it indisp(u1 able
111 tale emulate- home, and yet therte are
sow people who grudge a dollar when
it often saves ten.
Mew Le Shunt ow the 611r1S.
This being leap year and as it is
nosy' drawing to a close lnauly of the.
v ower,,•, men are in danger of losing
than liberty or landing in a court of
.lav for not carrying out implied prom -
lee of marriatge whelL the fair ones
cep the question."'It may be that
can get out of the difficulty by
alokine. A Scottish corm has just
willed inn an action brought against a
onng man for breach of. promise of
larriage that he was justified in so
oing, because the fair nmaid objected
) his smoking she finallysaying,'Choose
etwecn your cigar and me.' He made
ne choice in favor of the weed, and
then else sued hili the judge held that
y offeeing the alternative she was
esponsible for the swain's desertion,
ncl the superior enurt sustained the
iLe Globe's Christians Number.
Nothing could more forcibly illus' -
:ate the rapid progress of the print-
ig industry in all its branches than
►e axmouncernent the Globe is able to
take that it will sell its magnificent
iristmas nulnberfor twenty-five cents
copy. This number, it must be re-
.embered, covers thirty-six pigs the
ze of the Illustrated London Nabs,
led with original matter,every column
which costs a lot of money in fees to
:e author, and profusely illustrated
ith fine engravings, containing three
lendid original colored presentation
ates, and with a fine illuminated
iver of special design, the whole a
:rfect specimen of artistic . worltmaan-
ip in every particular. This edition,'.
len it appears, will be received with
tele by every Canadian as an evidence
the progress of the country. Those
siring copies should place their orders
lcly. Orders May be booked with any
wsdealer•or may be sent direct to
H. L. Billing's Dentist for artificial
th. Office over O'Neil's Bank.
service in foreign wars (or from under
the roof treea,while the one below sinews
memorable, work at home. This will
be easily understood when rtG
o15 1
curly English history. FrorFroissart's
chronicles and other old histories we
learn that in the time of the Plantagenet
kings there were many distinguished
members of this family. Sir Thomas
Trivitt, Knight, fought with. his king,
Henry III, in the Barons wars at the
battle of Lewes, A. D. 1264, and Eves -
hem in the following year. He was
afterwards made one of the king's jus-
tices, and died Lord Chief Justice of
England in the eighth year of Edward
I, A. D. 1282. Sir William Trivitt
Knight, son and heir of the chief justice,
was one of the distinguished men of
Edward IT's court in whose reign ho
died, A. D. 1315. Another son, Nicholas
Trivitt was a learned Dominican divine
and historian. He wrote a number of
valuable works in Latin, all of which
are preserved in the library of the
British Museum. At the time of his
death he was Prior of the Dominican
Monastery in London, where he was
buried A. D. 1828. Later on we read
of Sir John Trivitt,Knight, who fought
in the war of Edward. III with France
at the battles of Crecy and Poictiers.
Sir Thomas Trivitt, Knight, was more
particularly distinguished in the reign
of Richard II, being a military com-
mender.in the wars with France, Spain,
Navarre and Flanders. He was a great
favorite of King Richard, who made
him Lord High Admiral of England
upon the southern and .western coasts,
A. D. 1387. He died at Bradwell in
Suffolk, A. D. 1889.
Briefly. •
-To-day is Thanksgiving Day.
-Friday last was a busy day. in
town. •
-The roads are in a very; ' muddy
-A lot more nervi goods at Parkin
Messrs.'Wood Bros, shipped a car-
load of sheep for the ea$tere. ntarltets
on Monday.
The London Etaeniii,9/ Times has
"busted." Two palters are sukfiieient
for London.
,.--Mr. William Balkwill shipped a
carload of line cattle on lionday for
the eastern markets,
-Mr. Wtn. Southcott is malting pre-
paratious for removal of Iain stock into
his erg
n w block.
-Mr. Hugh Sp ck:ma.n sold his three-
year old mare to Mr; Alex.. Dow for a
good,. sum, one Sx•atterdaa ' evening last.
-- If you would notbe out of pocket,
buy your goods at Parkinson's, first
door north of the Towix Hall,
Evening parties 1131,-0 a boom at
present. Ono took place nearly every
evening last week.
You make the greatest mistake of
your life if ;-uu do not buy your goods
at Parkinson's.
-The Usborne plowing, match was
held yesterday on the farm a dr. Gtso,
I31atc"hforti. Further particulars next
--A large number intend visiting
Staff; to -day and take part In the grand
shooting match to be held at the 1liithert
-Some big plums. All wool grey
lbw*mel 16 ets. persi.•in Iamb cape for
82.50. Feather ticking 9 eta at the
big Bankrupt store.
-It is expected that the 'Trivitt
Memorial Church will be ready for
opening ou the 15th of the coming
-It would take more than 50 11 -
cense to drive the big Bankrupt sur.
from town The are herb to stay. -Try
-Read Senior's change of "ad" in
this issue.
-All wool white blankets for $2.50
at Parkinson's.
-Mr, Fred. Brown, of Winghant,is
visiting friends in town.
-No place for economical, prices like
Feai"nlall's, Celebrated Hams,
Bacon's .Balogna, and Laid
in three and fiv e.lb.
-=The (1k•tsgiow & London Fire In-
surance Company ny is the best and cheap-
est to insure in. SVtu. Sanders, agent,
AMIN= Nike.
-Three more eases of smallpox am
reported in Sante and every precaut-
ion is taken to stop the spread of the
- -1Cito was the ring leafier in the+,
little band that was trying to cnlloet
Meuse front the 'big I3 tnl:rupt
;tine ? Don't you know :'•
-The stock of Renton & Co., of this
village, will be Aoki by public auetiotl
tRl•ttxd"arro , ;':rill. ee. by le Y Brunton,
auctioneer at hi *atone, Leedom
-Is the big it;1akrup.t 6:41x8 -going
to pay the 859 i.r'c•lusaa: No, the.; aro
selling goods so cheap that the don't
have to Fey any license.
-The opening assembly of the As-
sembly Committee of Lue.tn, takes plaece
, .thanks to he
t Ourela t
n t.o ember, at
to 11 �� ti
connnittt'tx for the invitation.
-Hersey 11as received auotlan, con-
signneut of F*'armau's celebrated hams,
bacon, laird, and bologna. Baltimore'
oysters received direct.
-.Mrs. Wellington Allen, formerly of
Winnipeg, 'hut none of Montreal, is vis-
iting friends .in town at present. She
returns to Montreal on Saturday.
-The London Advertiseris celebrat-
ing its twenty-fifth birthday. iYit11 its
new dress, it looks well after a quarter
of a century battle. Every success for
the next quarter.
---In the ease of Corporation of Exeter
vs Stewart & Co., the particulars of
which appeared in last week's issue,
judgment was rendered dismissing the
action against the defendants.
-The sounds of cow bells, horns, tin
pans, etc., could be heard on Wednesday*
evening last they proceeded from some-
where in the rear of the new church.
A half sovereign. was the amount the
musicians received for their trouble.
-While a number of men were en-
gaged in digging a drain in front of
A. J. Snell's, the side caved in and in
doing so buried Mr. Richard Crocker.
He was extricated before any serious
injury happened to, him.
-On Friday morning last,Mr. Irvine
Armstrong was somewhat surprised on
going to leis horse stable to find thathis
horse had got entangled with the halter
and was down, life being nearly ex-
tinct. He at once secured help and
freed the animal, which with a great
deal of care is recovering.
-We watched the earth, we wa`
the skies, but nothing saw but,.
and then we asked with tearful ee
"when will it clear again?" they sax.
we'd have a glorious fell, butethought
not to explain, the fall they meant was
a glorious fall of rain.
-Who are the candidates for muni-
cipal honors? This is a question that
has been. frequently asked us of late,
and one which we are not in a position
at present to give a reply`. We hope
to be able to enlighten our readers as
to who: the probable candidates will be
in the near future:'
-A weaken who carried around' milk
in Faris said. a naive thing the other
day. One of the cooks to whom she
Adler ]loin, Iran, Sh9rte'
and. Chop.
brought milk looked into the can a,n&
remarked with surprise: "Wlty, there
is nothing there but water!" The woman
having satisfied herself of the truth of
the statement, said: "Well, if I didn't
forget to put in the milk!"
Itt%Q• •
'West of TORONTO.
Me REMY a Call
Mon ad gPR ;,}ipito
1a11.. ._..
Neat 11gir
CALL 1'I' rr'I• E
Central Barber Shop,
wa,'igrss 1 eir.7
i 1i
T Gare nothing about with the U. a, but I do desire Union
With the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country
Owing to the depression of the market, I have been,
able to purchase my new stock much below the
regular wholesale prices, and will give my
customers the beuefit of it. rid stock
consists of
_x r Cizoceries.,
X-Xe.ts dz, Ca s, aBoots t ea,
=tea., =to-2,=to.,..
The prices of which are m no way innuenced by +C"usttl.-
ms; Duties 01' .other tax impositions. I do not give my goods
away, but sell thein at the lowest figure consistent with good
business principles, Parties in want of goods, consult theiir.
own interests by examining my stock before pur bashig" eh,e.
where. Relnerber this is a new stoek.:
No trouble to show . Goods.
Farm Produce t ken at Mai
First Door north of the Town Hall,
A. �t I 4Iy11
a5.°'+_ Sty
Has neer' in stuck
West of England Suitings and Trous
Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser -
French and English Worsted Cloths
111 made up in the Latest
Style, at best Bates.
��. J. SNr.
Having rr
Ail orders by Mail or
Promptly attended to.
A. C®-6YeTLE.
you want Somethingn eo
40:ZeM.a.,1\4 DEI) -1)
()r mil
.111, see t tSnktf
and ai � a
Wedding) lea � ..
31 .D1 -VP Ti iiM ...`°i. ( )1r1'Dq
a .. w
utUIES, T,1111E4, h
Vit, i,+raI