HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-15, Page 3A RIATOXY PREACHER. Prince Albert Victor. The ,cite Czar peter "lent. achre4:hivt.04;Odld.xitoO:Ma,plfeleetbarteha With aneeetrai IS MA.EitiliAZ A FAILIT-EtE 7 • ' habits, whielt have become iwitiects, T, he friend," I replied geetally ; " aud I know 11Ie captions TWO cAtatuOUnt /4111141.5 OA the Prlitee and Itineette of Walee ' Prinea 'Albert Vieter ie. the elneeae4soot:voost tho (/r : eublime ruthlessnew aloont which reminds us at every church were it . ywoeun'1411fweealyti: dal, dell for a them. Merried turned tieto a telephOnte bereae fig the con- 4' " c °flurn't°11 Baellelf"" Alr414i4 VIew4 tit''' '' Oa the WhQ104" seid Glble, rather hastfidt ties a. Fierce Teasel With ice ino hoeu at proginore, nearly tweety-fi,ve years step of the operation of the for of natttre, armaien.emci remi4sio4 or on., and p,enitectce the egaiter. A thought, 4 " I don't know but that the other 4 0910 c 4,441cv.„,,,,,,,z7.7.,., wam..‘,..rriek tattgiro.teep.nohret.itenetegtodst few navy 858 c."4,17:anhde ,Wity4:01::::4.0441: how e en,:bici 4A0.1(K:04:r,fast9 would become ieechaeleal, as.Tetzel tried to *As eAkeekr„.4 at Wale ; het at the age of whem he iotpreseed every year to bead, Ow make it, Although the " Westetinseer Aerie w," end of 'the town would suit ine better," the. n Deity Teleereph," and ;steer pablica.- Ai yoo won't get amth A me.gnifieent tont. Ineedweseet a Camptallite, preacher, of 44, Rowell Ceinity, Who has, travelled these passed the. ttle WO141tW°Yearo on hoUra,N, 1% E. the eartinitiehe which engnife a eitY or .4.110 citijomnem,istiroen. odievzitaloitioeetwenaN4he;uprvea st: ftahre, AS thiS AS 'Otte other end of the tweet." meniewles for Walton hell a century, .and *it.44149. 0 1-4411,14uth. In due Owe 110 tynheoli. Which deeelates A province. Ife A Coldly Side-Nalk. " I daresay not but t'ain rem ie perheps. became a midehipmen, rinel wiui appointed. wee ag demeAtal foreo embodied ia huSsouti e rangelY enettgh, etimpleWly .oliesed the toe gorgeous. What Use could I malre.ei . owoh4polAs ;t4t41-140heStP4*tthie4fdy 444444414e444441%, to 04(0 Bacchante., After B voyage to the form,,tsnd w1.40 %IOWA I No one eall pia Everybody who hal been to eee the men. l'eealeltea°01V tZ'o rtjetetTc!ring,rrnrive'115"14reAtahde it? ' mintaj, cud one et tue meet foeneb ehteggg in WCilt. Tadkaa! he Made A .grand, tour for twO perly eiprechite the oloweti enerirY of the done hnlit hY the letet Willion EL Vender- . . , • , "My dear Gibb," I said " what a ridien.. ma life w da7 or two thwo, *Not poltott years on heard that Alp, which:thee, formed men. initit be has had /tome acenaintanee 4RO for himself and hid. two deughtens, tillh4ere4e4O7r°,7teertty' aaecsi eit3laalitie°rT:r°°aaeloatt9;1, mg room, and you will aorineh ie as au* Ions question to ask. This is an ideal smoke- reasen to regret, ise he expreesed itt "fp part Of t.1.49 Plyiug Senedree, 110 eueirelen with the ineenoquerable Ineetia of the peo- with their Utilities, knewe Vett tho. etrac- eccerding AS 4 hAS iffSeSed SheSS Peraon6^ TEC little teem at toe back will make a zdee short meter." 1dr. Render/ion was crowing the weld, *wet it, eineefelenable time,. hi Au- ple whom Peter set hinuielf ' to force into tures oerenPY the whole rittli. Avenue front The intelligent reader does not need to drawingtrome for your wife, , d while she cot ()rots 41 Ito *toot port, olose ov to tau). lat„, and twited Japan, China paA .rnauY step with netione hnndrede of years in ads between FiftYearst and Piftyeettontl etreete Mineteb Moentettat * few efternoorte *we ewer AoSCOS Of lea% interest, and returned Telma. of MnecovY. Eveu to this day his And n1040 vieitors have notiel the enernione I„ k , „. 4 marriage only affect the ia sitting there alone, doitig ( gating. she wbeuhe omr „4,we oatam000t it bAukkitty" ploynte. horro WatloweVglep41:14:r :.,‘.4zioty,,, welzutryzez:trg.ect 4to:34.44fie:dul:44:e4 hstoiachnees olfigtit,foorrm0.040,04044217:ttoT:::: twwede° eoPe"(Ce, ir wow:14Q lea.efea ebo:plattrgeeltYhtreriviell eekore:steigc:4,:tgleauetrhd.ervilireiacaejleiehltait:euVaveTng4sere tcg4 ly tumbling OE the PrPe, . The reverend gentleMan Q94404071 to nap Carabridge, end 'daring the unitecenotraY erchengel, antichrist, or a new avatar. 'Bat nil, Atha *re_ prorrtiotkitely wide. The b4ffec*etsitUtIlerribagriedeisigeo°1171e.aerttlicnucitnubeseltri°01; ,, „tem were only two, =WA ioeetineon * ' OA !potty's nobtalied, innocent looitiotr 11;iniversity verastiona be continuedk , his ourely , all 'tiptoe there are few more CRY home of Mtn. ' Waiting Vanderbilt is mole meta* t4tereetert la hatetsf; and they, np..b. Inineheit Of •40tif and fue alive, and to tali; Mem at Heidelberg, so that he Otniht. to liatbethiallY tragie epeoteclee than this Ire- on the corner just across Piityleoend street, wool :Rot maga rated whet beciane of him `.• ', wen, bee. very welleidneated yoting Mao- Having raendone battle With mud giants. on thePert and le mere Ornamental, with ita ParVed were it ,tot that thelr own happiness tergely we don't want anymore," I eald, 'them home ati corimilties. fie diem:emitted, emerged from the PtiPillArd 4tAtiet be went of thie modern Thor, a sWuggle eorietantly granite t 44 the larger paw of brown stone. ,* that will he one for each of us. t and you ap'4 ateaP1.31ag tjelt/Y °;1 P***11" gan to Aldershot to learn miiitarY Ismenee. and renewed by hie unconquerable wille but But the 2.00 feet. of eidevreiir bordering the toirido8r8 on 41:1:rreeri,$ewih011e Mreakee°' tbealtt can buy a aPkit laalP' 8° that we Can make chwet thee Of tkOliglo fellows slipped io.....,t9 preaently beeame a MeateaaAlt ia th° ReYel eonetantly thwarted by that atuntdifty tWO OROS et the prenetsee were oornposed of gie teterriee of their taieoci ie 4 .f4iL, 048 P0000 onraelves It ie such &eminence W after having preene ee.verely scratched the , bandit of the rhverend eoolegien The 04A IA tl.,);:: pat WThbd: Ont. 0 for,truck440,10 Artillery, when km Wka 4 nna Nett trans' 1. g a i na t veltiele the gods themselves eenreo, gag, not renlrhibly pig, aithoogh rather nvir:41f tl:tn, titsooem),nrreteiazaedail feaeuushreelir 1 za ibiett,ii:isdriztirlmb8ex:ewWoihfie: 44.37alti°tdkhinGe givh:1:0,;:lgu4shb,iyulgh cart, w°944 71" C44Y "e44e14 444 e4tR""d' Mer-lt he is etOW 4 Captain. lie 14 also it- ferred to the Tenth. Human, of which lege, in vein, f euppose Mr, Auberon Ifeelteet better than the Fifth avetwe average. The comforts. looted 0 from thie high poiat of teehed to the tlinth -14aagqra gO le a Per' tempt to knout 4 nation into reform 4 tea- her sister -he -law neighbora eheald be better le ie. salad age in the story Of Peter's berele2 at. whigiskal Year% matron did not Cht7940, that the word„ aii well he ;eight, " might feel a vws nein-until ea hoer or Mtge Qt work the t4tt log kiteek iike 410004 to' tte sides eoe it 0.9441 4. IX a to the 44iMea 444 a Lte4t0O- log object 104494 44 to te fatuity ef all cif than Ow even in what they tread 04 * I amnotprasadice4 0,4 this nekhisct; irlie,„,„-42 ee14..;hen he ot right.. 1 „smva him care, ant of the Royal Itavel. Etservet efforte to force the pace of nature. But tawnei1. betv;een portal and carriage. There. preaebet• succeeded to polling NM Ont with letke his royal father, the Prince has been Peter himeelf, with hie Seery enemy and fore the boa ordered her sidewalk torn up to14 11,9nxtexpir„ert7escgt. tto-.44-tputerea,nia: il,,,iy, -"at apP'4,te shell Soon. gOt 04ed to a forked stiek. when he, toe, watt carried created a Berielter of the Mi4cue Temple, unconquerable will, wag at 1444 az itinde.- and replaced by the biggeat Bagatelle:a ever 44ya 1 w" always aurwia a etaberineo. oo it KA het oneergienellY dined there without mental a piece of nature as the sluggiiihnew queeried. They will be about twenty. ,feei_t myself, 0141,4 hoomte. a eat 40 think 1 hack te the hert4 end ' consoaneu TO ONit 4.1PA ROP011ir, POPtor of low?, In 1%1 rrin, en Sere a War, It in tree he faile4 in The difficulty of getting oat agele tre,mentieree tettine pomp and ceremony, arui he i. au and euperatitien with which he waged 60 "1114Z-0 each end- a toot and 4 hail tbfoa• w4a w9roly a io oar 1 floret 1.tea., t e , ii i g lt,.. it 3 g ill: r tiehr°94; 44:41i, t;11.11.etherwIts imi'44444)1171140!:LafeetirattabW: of the Baddlebaga, wheno eontante emeelete4 " Rddie," aa. hie, parento and the POPanken tolieb, and Many things have net burned blocks and the 0944 of tratteportitioa will m heving)t het eeeerat of itly frieethe will eettezzaitneu,„ 1 Baia, e dot 4 for a drawing, of ism hoelni and Batten eall hien was invented With the Order Of eta aa he hope& EV= $t. Petersburg make the price rather 133gte than $1,600 oftelor. of my merits as I migut OA JASZVASA ,,„„0.,a.,„,,,,,..„,u,o n swift wings while he heal been After With the Order et the Black Enele of I'eneein, meet desirable Rite on the Russian beeleeard. Out eXtr4VagaW0 01114 bee only to thiuk tha Tiendersen, finding that time bed the Outer ; earl he tete eleo been deeertited ie new Admitted to occupy by AQ moue the apiece by the time they are leid, To retake 1-°rarougliyItatro teehrlei 4:cipit9unt vilietiell," raoeforejleyialgumenleahnefl,trawbaluZwillair: :her: "14 ktotod bis hom for the .bouee tho Orland Certlen 03n1413110 of Turkey, tee The morodity among the levlea whew labor the hieney paid for every gee of thew etouee id become I fancied their houses and ooloitios,, your .wito wm be able ,t,Q keep an of the petweet neighbor, is distance. et niX Otiaer Pt Chariots III. of SPAM the Grand biult the city wee mat, but the number would Indite pretty house in the couotry or For loeteeee, teee the oftee of Tn. j, Gower hoatiehelds might became tenifin for nee. eye, on the wooking.!, Milee er mere, Before he had ziddeu heti Cron of the Order of the Netherlitoda Moe, who periele by thwunheelthieees of 'the Atte bey 4 coraiderable farm, Neverthelests, ea. 0,30, my ved /deothough ;low we are nei " COrtalAIT 044 le a glerienS window," the distance the linn had disappearei bellied the Itudgnia of thAim e oeleta of ItelY, the year after year, even to thia day, isEtill Pet 10114 than 00 per cent. ef tlae outlay ut for • oeepeaineg term , , v,vi A few yeagq 0 .)Fer, Olhh said, taitin' AnOther 10Ok At it. the mountain. The reverend entleMen vinie Star of RiMUlAttiA* the Porteetwee Order ef moreappalling, Tbecleeth rgte of Se Peters.- lithor, lee't it better for many non people the* a beehnerwes . " JtnityletUre to yourself," I said, firing ruitng slowly along through ti e deepsm:g the Tower and Swetd, the Bragthan Order Imre. n ueerly double that of rondo% emit that thie very rich penmen ahould Went that , , , my owa tmagination, while seeking to Ore gloom ef the forest io a thoughtful, belt. of the Southern Crow and vetlle,se other even if all allowance le made for the rUffor' Ulna of A Uldowelkl IN LOV.s wren TWO VersO J.415140, bis, "two moo comfortable; smoking chars aleeping MOO, When 4 shrill scream behind 'Wailer hanbISP, Milo Of sanitary reletice, the mortality duo________or, if that 14 iMpeaeible a 494'0 heave), he in this window, A watt table between tut hite.enti up the reowetein side rendoded him .....-......—, ..0.----,....... to the site aeleeted by Petet can '.itley be -....namewma.INIIIVIP.719t 'atleast could nottletermine which of tlae two- teith tlutoeffeestrmee on AN end a ben of thet it wee growing derk end there Walt la °heap Neale. hoes teen le per 1,000 pee annum, As. the Tho taxadute geveaty ream Ago. ' young laclie4 it was that he wet in hive with, dretteleas cigars within Arran reach. Why, rapidly approaching prospect of a 4ght, ifpopulatien of the capital is 030,000, thie is Oee of them Itved M Ifeddingten, and the you and I nught home supper here together. O' P 4 pair Qf them. With the pereete of the t_ Xamaarkl io a Ptlienthroltio ledY ef etpuveleee to an atental liecoomh of 9,300 Descending from balloene by perachutes other in Lendon, and Gower Wee so uudecid- Ien't it like old limea, eh?" kidnapped *entente of the saddlebags. New York, who haa provided Oa poorer vlotims aloriod to the mania of the I:faie le net eo rerY modern ea lionnt Pee& tillnin ed about them that he aeked my commit " Bet my wife wouldiaeed eupper too." Ir Howeralm can make * leog prayer, classes there with, nearly 4 Millten. One -Cent pee.pefermer. Landon' nth ra" :aye ": "There la uPttdog NOW, it I had beezi agalaat marriage for my "Well, elle could have it by hereelf in the a84Is not averm to a vacs/ eauare 6ght, rtieisie in the last twe years, ineludin the Am ureter the ken, and more than aeVellty frlencle, I would have ceutteited Gower, but drawIng.rome. in amulet we could het e when 144 ommet gat out of it, ffe eeelieen 'period of the bliezezd, *ben almost alt the yeant no a Paris crowd Wa$ atriugneiWarde Wedged, of that 1 advised him to marry the the bow -window open, and we would leave that this was Ono. of the 00CP4944 when other eherttieutel been Parazed by the I Shall know. at joot ouch au object of intoreataePtokteer Lemke girl. My amen for giving this a epleaded view from the claire 1 epoko of. prayer had totekea Ingle seat aml =vele **Precedented weather, and Wt/en th4 PeerherePremiee lfaidwin now present; to the crowds atitlest adviee wee that 1 oecelioually rAMU ll up to We coald let legs dangle over the vile. and grit, moet poet], fur the auereemey, were meat so mod, of help. A generous awl T's a beautiful thee, gledde tvell Hill, te was la the yeer of Viraterloo London fora few dap' holiday, and would doer ia the freeet Arid tattiest wa.y poinible." Diernotuttleg, lie Roared a !WAXY WOW URA:110010 Waded ,Buffelo girl Ina been my *Qui,t the firet fete given to Perla by Tante XV. have done so mere fregoently lad it not Taere the converseti3a eudel, but when I club before the OW arrived, but not a MO **eel by llor exemPlo re try a like exPeri- And Veils roY Rio !1k0 .8 14°W ; III, 'Mem goetteuxn after hie reetoration been for the .expeusee of the London heard that Gibb had bought the house I MAnt 039 soon. 11 the old cata appeared MOO* and.ebe la ebouh to tetehlith eating A heacOn•light 4keddine itoreTe on tto Studby the Allied neyonete. Tee Lonna of the bonen It Wreck rue that if Gower, who thought that all was well. Oa his return - et the safe§ time in Abe road ahead of the * ,., or 0 io.liuffalo on a eoutewleat Tiro' hidden my pathway by shadow and fete was a balloon ascent by *Ildlle Gazne- le an Bliaburgh man like myself, from the honeymoon I was among tree node presaer. They hail undoubtedly *muted elrnuF Plan. lin, whose lather bad revived Blauchard'a married he London girl, and i be. °Anew and 1 geserved with eatiefactiou that Id au anocietion 1st that aboal, the kittens, and wade directly for their oap euntY 44,owu PA Guard of limier% which 0, wild, wild Eureelydent thunder end idea of the parachute, The young lady, came friendly with her, the would, the servaut led me straight 'to the big fron ne t tor. Oof the eetamounts, an unusually nolo beton up e eufegettien with tutereit roll,—, °led in whlte mnelin, holding a white nig, on hearing that I eometimes went to landau room. Now, I thought to myrielf, thin shows air owl forooloos ma; meet e erring sad Weeded the youeg ledyeveryaenstance My argoileeWreck at Shy merniug nontrole_,-.. and vested in a car, to which wee affixed the ask me to ;nay with her people. Say I did that Giblen rawriage la tie be a 5000089, for I for the dorekline !tweet, but received a IA Phi power. The Preliumner7 nteetitUrs Tho ewer' et Jehovah eued *ender lee parachute, wired aloft+ until ahe bed &Wale- ea for 4 evetk I would WS At Stie lariat 'led leered they I might, in the first place,. wberat with the hickory which hid hiee an looking twee& the anew ement are held in moll 84a great elevation. Then she cut the *orb 10s, 61. a day, or Rfi. 13s. 61. in a be • ushered lute the drawing -room. I am his hick, Before Eon arson could recover the ruernsi and °no ei the 'eerd haebeee de. At lune -and Hie W111141441 know! connecting Lthe ear with tlie belloon, the week. nubtraet front thin the prloe of not naturally an ' observant person end on Ith, guard tite fatale caught him by the Wiled to take the firetstand in charge. Only parachute duty expanded, and elle ladeetrib. of two pars of gloves wIlleh I might feel being shelve into the large room 41 I took *boulder as it leaped and raged him, tear. one le V? be established to begin with, ILI or. Love builded ita dwelliug, its altar and ed as descending eo leisurely 'num almeeem. obliged to preaent to the linlies of the house now of wits thet it wee fiurnielied with a, toga notion of ma coat see About Nix beim der that the experiment may he tried as to of his akie aed flab into ribbone, don, a* the preacher sways about with the weight of hie blow 01ms 1 her palor it Pot, the e Buffalo *tend will Provide only a train ; Fortunetely Outwit mimed her calculee t't Providing, al tieeo Alro. Lontuirldi 0170 Blowing and bounty descended like rain,— are dewribed at length in the dRat volume gloves* in London that ere all right (mull one, having firetrolled the antimiteasear into it. newasity and popularity. Aud Instead digerent dithee each day at the gest of A cent EA& niche held its **crab, whim% ite re. of Lady Acka011'a Court of Mc Tactics," you put them on) very chea'ply indeed. It a hall and, dropped it on the door. Gible And lit all their torches aglow: fame, ed loth to ______...._quit the aerial regions.' The de- la ratline for thew hoepitelity, the saving number of nice padded °heirs. Exotillent tails of Male. Gernerinti anent and deseent would still be 43, 10a, for you eau get chetra 1 tlsouglit to myself, as I sank into Ea obvious, then, thet bad Gower taken ray and hie wife were both there, end having would have gone worse with him. °Ai it neh nu end 8 beWlerateaming eeireeo wilioh Earth was 811 Edon, with one fair dee advice his marriage wind not heve beeo a made a few polite remarkto her I waited, wan the woun4 will be sold for 4 nickel. It will be open main ie- . False Tenderneas. failure. What did he 40, Weaver, time go for her to go end leave Gibb anti me together. front 6 in the morning till 10 at night, and WAti =tam PALMYwill bo placed at a convening distance from W'hy its eplendor departed.--ite idols were . atraight frora rae and effer his hand to toe Foollably etwegh, ehe set on, eed Gibb did ouquo The dauger of blue Widen:me in the Traddiegton girl:to whom he le mew married. uot even produce his cigars. To melte neat- en:a mule the don -link CD1310 PA near Ming the workaltope wham mcii eiul boys are training of children wan finely illuetrated unorthodox thieve as he ever did In Melina largely employed, in order that they ms y 1114"nr6 xad plenty were banished for et one time in the following meaner : A Thts 1114rtilige No eaay for him and thew that I dia not spin and both CAtil prepar(id to spring at meal in, Olio of the beer which sofrequeudy At leP,ncribell know,—I shell know 1 melegY secured, at groat point, a fine spool- for I never had amy desire to take a holiday wee Boum> ea BE A MUM; By this time the male had got on his feet take adventage of it to get a wholoome nowt s4trperm who W85 greatly interested in to. feel like a strauger, 1 pro3uce4 my pipe and tobacco pouch from my pocket. White fill., once. Hendersou, seeing that the at air was forma the piece de realetanee of their midday men of an emperor moth in the larva state. in Haddington. To make matters worn ing the pipe I noticed that Mts. Gibb and, getting urine, haeked up &stalest a, tree dinner. My gardens were planted, and ohrlattend deal,' stopped talking. This did nrt offend and awaited their onslaught. He didn't ----.. with dew, as he WOVe about him Day by day he watched the little creature Gower had not been married 4 week before me, for I had uot been paying much attec- his cocoon, which is he told. Ma wile that I had advieed him to Malang a Will, And heaven its banners bnnglow ; very singular in abape, much reeembling 4 marry the other girl. Suck is Mrs. Gower's have to wait long, as the mine, snarling with tion to her remarke. Every one caneot indulge in the twos. Hope pardon and pruned them all the dity &Sir. Presently the time draw near for it narrowness that she resented this, &mit have rep, wide a leap et his throat, while the " Can you give me a light. Mb?"' t aska fortune crept to ono sine, as if to lienk him. tion of reeking a will which divans of ntil- three, to emerge from its wrappings, and retried long ceased W visit at her house. Sere, ed. Inatead of replying, Gibb coughed ire nom But every one can attain a degree And faith shed her annithine, constant and its large whim' of exceeding beanty. Oa then, is a marriage that ended disastrously. This fact tam' the preacher, AS it gave him such an uncorafortable way that I looked up, time to rective the biggest one, which he of satiafaotion to ones atif by making a die. true; reaching the narrow aperture of the neck I smile when I hear the =wimp of Pam- ab him` He winked at me, / thought. petition of one's poseetsions. We accept it Why the gadder:a of fruitage her favor with- of the flask, the pity of the person watching berton spoken of as a snows. He speaks of skilfully did by jun:ring to the right and " The fact is, Riginald," he said (not that it a matter of comae that the rich man drew,— it was so awskened to see the atruggle it in that way himself, and so does kis wife; striking it ea it struck the tree where he had that la my real name), " that we—le-that just Wood, Tim blow knochen it 800001899, and tho rich Woman shall bequeath hie or My roses are blighted,—my lilies were Accessary to get through that he out the but it was a complete failure. Marriage, I is Mrs, Gibb ---" The female mule a flying leap, but another her -tate° to certain heire suggested rue,— cords, thus making the panage whaler. But would point out, may be it failure before Be floundered over his word a at young quiek movement allowed tor t3 strike the by neture or choice, but the °Min- And only tho therm luxuriantly grew,— married men often do when explaining =O- ates! his false tenderness destroyed all the it takes place, and Pemberton's is a case in ary, everyday 'people in the world live At laat, I shall know, I then know 1 brilliant colon for which tine epodes of point. nIni sooner was he engaged than he base of the tree where the preacher had ters in presence of their wives. atood. He gave it one good blow on the along without much thought of it time moth is noted. The severe pressure 'WM began to detertiorate. Thus when I met him " Don t you ese lar. de Vavapour (an - When aoraebony else shell poesees their all, Other bearta scatter'd their seeds here and the very thing needed to cause the flow of In the old days alter business hours he was aide, but slipped, and as be fell tre :lathed- other name of the pen), said Mrs. Gibb, ed her teeth and claws in his legs. It WU " that this is not the smokhowrooint''' be it much or little. Indeed, the very there, fluids which create the marvelous hues, delighted to see me, and at once asked me cow a rolling, timbling fjght for a brief suggestion of making a will is regarded by And left them to blast 01 10 blow; lta wings were small, dull in colors, and the up to his room to have it amok°. Such an At first eriod, bet the dominie's good luck did not very many sensible men as a harbinger of I veonder, att me,—if each germ held a whole development woe imperfect. How etteellent fellow WAS he in these times that I X =VOMIT TWIT SHE WAS logrxn, alert him, as he was fortunate enough to evil, a certain preparation for it dreaded prayer, often we see the result in a character when never carried my pipe about with nie. 1 but after casting my eye round the room 1 God.sown and God -blest, with no need of parents, thinking to belp a child over some could alwaya depend on meeting Pemberton noticed that it was full of fal.de-rale, and, Int the animal on the back, breaking ha time which is sure to bring it nearer. Es. spine. As 80011 69 he could pull Mundt from pecially is this true of self made men. of a dare; her embrace he ran to the male, -which was certain age, who have a like dread of mov. If angels their vigibittept nnawaret— hard place, rob him of strength of purpose and having one of his cigars at his lodgings. even "Jen,"caontniedsatap.troth(itahlestetgeianota_. just) getting on its feet, and dealt it two or three terrible blows, which killed it. ing into a new, fine house which they have built late in life and which. they leave un. For blossom kumed blown= as sunshine the attainments in mental and spiritual life. ble man could fail to do. But what a sad air, and other qualities essential to the highest He liked my company, as, indeed, no sensi- rtsomtioasmala Merl, 19; in —ea -oibut," -.. "But 'herg eivantnhge7 Both cats were now dead,but this preacher tenanted for as long a time as possible front thaohoired and unhinder'd by thistle or falling away' there was when he be came engaged. Not only did he take to I said. W&5 so badly torn and exhausted that he a superstitious dread. tare,— A she said "that le why we chow Lesson in GeOgraPh3n smoking a pipe exelueively, but when a, yes ii had great difficulty in getting to his horse. At last, I shall know, I Obeli know 1 his cigars ran done, he ordered in 110 it for the drawing -room." ; "Now, what is a lake? fresh supply. Unless you bought your I looked at Gibb, whose face w as a little When he remotmted he rode as rapidly as he Locomotive Engineers. Ah, could we be patient and trust all the You will none of you make could to the nearest home, wherehe remain- ed almost a fortnight before he was able to The engineer whose humanity is not hard- day,— In a question so eaves this a mistake." to 0 cigars yourself—a thing I never cared d, _to re "Mr. Gibb," said his wife, insisted on How awift would our souls east their shack- But never a youngster could certainly but berdtonnthroeroemw. aTlilsinevoaskinagbair fnigliinling making this the draveing.room." go &Net again. The dominie still has the oned has his feelinge harrowed occasionally The phantoms of doubt overthrow; And quickly went up every band, kittens, but be says he's not anxious to tackle by pedestrians who risk their lives on the Gibb's lace got redder. another job like the last one. track. Tramps and other careless persona les away, tell, "Then is there not a emokinr-room at; are so numerous that the camel passenger in (Canoeing a burden but summons it Although verry sure he had studied it TnnrOS OOT WOnsE AND WORSE, Mistaken Tactics. miles without seeing what seems to him a 0, the rather faint heart, others' sorrows Whether lakes were of water or land. my advantage to do so, I would no longer "Oh,unes," said Mrs. Gibb, "the little until, had I not hoped that it might be to all?" I gasped. a locomotive cab generally cannot ride fifty atayb— He stopped a pedeetrian dead in front of allay, well, me for a quiet stroll through Princes Street ing green. Mr. Gibb thought that would hair -breadth escape, but which is neverthe. have visited him. Instead of couthf with room at the back that looks on to the wash - the City Hall and leading him aside began." less treated by the engineer as a commonplace Act like a Christian in life's stern affray, — Alas and alas 1 Gardens, and treating me to a cup of coffee be the best room for smoking in, as it is too " Your name is Gillicuddy, and I have a occurrence. These heedless wayfarers do, Wearing the armour of Heaven alway ;— That 11 should quickly pass at the cafe later on, he preferred to hurry small for a bed -room." however, eccasionallY carry their indifference And when at the portals the Master shall matter of business with you. Do you re- To Pat, at the foot of the primary class. off to the house of the young lady's parents, Gibb got me across the landing into the to danger too far, and they are tossed in the say, member the ----"lie waited triumphant, demure. where he spent all his spare time. Tnere little room, and there another surprise "But my name is not Gilhouddy, sir," air like feathers. Doubtless there are those "Well done,"—we shall know, we shall "A lake, thin—is what you'd be askin' of never was a clearer case of selfishness, and awaited me. interrupted the other. who like the fireman who talked with the know. me? tender-hearted young lady, regret the killing if matrimony makes a man selfish it is ob "We might have a cup of coffee," I said "It must be." Lenin S. R. CriAratAx, A lake, is it 1 what in the world would it vious that it is not a suocess. I tried to to Mrs. Gibb, who had followed us to the. "But it isn't.". of a man chiefly "because it musses rip the engine so f' but, taking the fraternity as a be argue the matter with Pemberton, asking door. "Are yea sure 2" But a hole'in tbe tay kittle, sure ?" him to weigh the lady against me, and see "There is coffee in the drawing -room, whole, warmth of heart and tenderness of "Sure 1 Don't I know my own name ?" Confession by Telephone. with loss of memory? Cicero, Napoleon the ed but prominent traits of charaoter. Edison's inventions have been giving tome Dr. Posey and Future Punishment. but answered brutally that would not, however, even spare my feelings, "Give me a cigar, Gibb," I said savagely. what a sorry contrast she made. Pemberton she said sweetly. feeling may be called not only welldevelop- "But are you not sometimes troubled trouble to the Holy Office. Itis admitted five minutes with "I don't have any," he said, "but r can first, Washington and other great men i were." Unchanged. that the Pope can bless by telegraph. But Archdeacon Farrar has had to enlighten her were batter than an evening with me. get you a cigarette, . " NO, sir 1" the hard -to -be -answered question whether a the British.publio as to Dr. Pusey's views of I retorted wittily (for I have a very keen I pushed bis cigarettes from me (he had "And you are not Gillieuddy ?" • It is hard to be thrust, over and over penitent can confess and be acisolved by tele- future punishment. The idea seeins to be tongue) that five minutes with him were pre only three) and turned to the door. again, upon a realization of the grim facts of phone is not se easy to settle. French Biala- feral:Ile to an evening with him, and then "Mrs. Gibb," I said, handing her four - "No sir 1" that Dr. Pusg.tvas an orthodox Calvinist, " Well, it's queer. Reflect for a moment. life. Nancy Staines was not the beauty of ops have been &garnet it, but as appeals from instead of being inclined to eschatological renaembering that Pemberton was obtuse, I pence, "wouldyoumind running round to the This is a matter in which there must be no this family, tait she did eicaggerate Iter plane their authority have gone to Rome, the views founded upon something like the Ram- added. that 1 considered him an ass. In re- tobacconist's at the corner and, getting me a ply he knocked my hat o mistake." nese, Eta broodedOver it wheneyer she was Holy Office IMISt settle the matter. Oa the an doctrine ot Purgatory. When Archdeacon off my head, where. Henry clay ?" tired, or her spirits were low. One da "You go to Texas, sir 1 I guess I know 5', live -and letlive principle I should, were I Farrar said at the Manchester Church Con- upon I left him haughtily. This is the man She actually refused. These are the who I am 1" however, her fall bonnet came home from the a member of that body, be with the Bishops. gress that Dr. Paseyhadagreed with him he who says that marriage is not a failure. friends of mine who pretend that their mar - milliner's, and in rejoioing over its besot 9 • What aponopoly ef eionchissage de fin. cer- was promptly contradicted, as though nearly Then there iseGibb, who married two rages have not been failures. t—The Scott- " Welt, maybe you do. If you say you Nanc- y forgot to lament her own shortoom- tofu preachers and directors of COO.SOISO08 are rot Gillienddy I won't, insist, but don't - all the very High Churchmen disbelieved years ago, and now has a house at Merck- mall. deceive me. / am on my way to Chicago to Wye ' . weuld enjoy were the telephone admitted as in a period of purgation after death. The iston. 1 reraember vividly going with Gibb see my wife die, and being $2 short of fare I In high feather, she -went to her room to a vehicle of communication between them Archdeacon is able to produce a letter from to buy that house. With the exception of A Highwayman Outwitted, try it on, but presently returned with a most and their penitents! Tae poor aeaside Dr. Pusey showing that their views were in one room, none of the rooms were very wanted—" , woe -begone visage. and country Abbes, who an Summer find subssantial agreement. Neither of them large, but this one is really magnificent. It The Two ladies of San Quentin, Gal, were, other was gone and the stranger look. 4 refeby, eitmoy.,, what's the matter ?" asked variety and some profit in &Weeding to fair pronounces upon the ultimate fate of the in- has a monster bow window, and being on stopped by a tramp as they were driving from ed after him a long time, and then wearily a sympathetic visitor. • and fashionable Parisiennes, must lose this corrigibly impenitent, and neither of them the second storey has an admirable outlook San Rafael, three miles distant. He made said: 'Oh, nothing important," iri sa-- NaneY, resource if the affirmative judgment be tbInks that themoment of death fixes endless- on a fashionable Merohiston Avenue. The them hand over the proceeds Of their shop- " It Won't, do. I've got to change my gloomily. . given. Then there 111 the danger of prying it. the men to happiness or torture.—Ex. neighbours are also fashionable people, but ping tour, a yard of silk, three spools of silk actios. I'nri ping to ask the next man ight plump out for a quarter to get drunk "But there must be 1 It's that bonnet, .1 curiosity going beyond the verge of sacrilege. it was the large room that attracted me. thread, two dress shields, and a roll of butter. know. What's the trouble with it?" The use made of the telephone in the Wilson " This is the house for you, Gihb," I said, He also took all the money they had, fifteen n." "Oh, the bonnet is all right," said the case ought to be a warning. It appears Newport Cooking Parties. bat he didn't seem sure Of it. cents, and, bowing low, said as he departed: despondent one. "It isn't the bonnet that's that Italy 18 even more disturbed than fash "It is rather dear, I think," he said. "Pardon me, missuses, but folks must take . A Travelled Woman, to blame. You see, it's a very pretty one, ioneble France on this; subject, and thtt grub where they finds it." A few days after - The last faint attempt at odd diversion at eati".!4(rnse," I said, "Consider the ad. There passed through New York recently and as soonas I sawin I felt quite encourag- doctors in theologicalcasuistry differ terribly Newport comes to me from a participant.wards one of the sane ladies driving on that ed ; but when I tried it on, and looked in about it. Father Bernardi of Feel= says The hostesses there have hit upon a novel "What are they?" he asked. road saw him again, but, turning around, a woman who is just horne from an expedi- the glase, I found the same old Nance inside wires, previded the penitent is in a case of method of amusing their guests. The idea "Well," kin:doted out, " 11 will be such drove back and notified the police. Two of tion which probably no other American extreme neceseity." The learned Father is to arrange cooking parties, at which eaoh a handy house for me, for one thing. , My them rigged themselves in skirts, shawls, bon - woman has ever undettaken. She has been it ?I' Lehmkuhl considers that sins can't be re- person, unassisted, prepares some special lodgings are not far off, so that I can drop nets, and heavy veibs, and getting into a bug. living for several years in the heart) of the Blaming the Irish, milted by telephone, but that censures can dish. No servants whatever are perinitted in ou you almost every evening, and stay to gy, drove out on the road. Suddenly a man Ilimalayan Mountains, and is just home from This is the view of the head of to take part, and when the dainties are pre- jutnped from the bush, and, grabbing the eight months of lite in the Vale of Cashmere, "Be me sown" exclaimed Mrs. Finnegan, be given. " iverything is blamed on the poor Irish the French seminary at Rome, Dr. Eschbach. pared a table is set and the gentlemen wait Gibb looked, strange te may, supper." .. horse, said: "Hold your doss, me pretties." a place whose name has long been in Euro- pean eara synonymous with romance—and nowadays." The ge in ego te absolvo applies toa person upon the ladies. Of course this is only IwoRE DOIIIITEI7L THAN EVER. "AU right, my mao." 1,,,id the driver, in allow's. Her residence was immediately " Arrah, phwat/c Ow ye,,, re,,pendco present. A real presence le, therefore, 013- done as an occasional amusement, but it "1 wouldtlYlike to bring you out every gruff tones, and his comr.4..r.:zz, upon the banks of the river Jhelum, with her liege lord. " Phwat is the Yanks ligatory in his mind. Telephony, says gives to the ladies an opportunity of appear- evening, you know," he said. volver from under his shawl and. covered the all its intricate windings. According to the blamin' to us now, Biddy aonshia r . Father Blrardi, lengthens the human ear ng in very dainty aprons, while the men "IIs no trouble at! all, old fellow," I tramp. It was a complete smorise to that native tradition the white woven streaks in " Wnd yez beLve it, Pt? T' . for miles and suppresses distance for the are by no means guiltless of the vanity of hastened to answer. person, but he recovered st,...6., ....,,,,y ..... eey the femora Cashmere shawls represent in BaYin' that 80 °Irishman gave the peopfe in voice. Being within earshot is being, for donning special attire, which generally "In wet weather," he said, "you migh t that he thought their check line wos loose, minatnre the course of this river. This the Sent' the yeller fever— a folly be the confessional objects, Present. Renan thinks takes the form of white washinoilk caps 09,teh cold." and, thinking they were ladies, %vented to fix - , .. ,, • ady's pame is Mrs. 13allantyne.nenee name av Mike Robe." dogma al't0113.1W .',. , vett the conservatives, unless In extreme cases' and jackets."I'll risk that for the sake of an old it. The officers smiled.