HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-15, Page 1VOL. EL IL EXETER, ONTARIO, TIIVI'ISDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1
. .
The 1/1 Oki Cana Mank, Boar for Bervice
(Chart re 1 le- Parliament, 33.',5
Paid RI) Ceple.:1 „ Se,aaaarae
nest Final- - larae,OSIO,
eat= Bea1 office .7tIontrzt.32: 1
ern:seat AL tSA4;3112.
Twenty Brame!: •:7; 31:,3 reintirtion*
Ag wide, in tlet: P..: es F. a.4 Europe*
01,Cn 'r.r 3:33,tfal :rem la a.. in. to 3 p.
214.11;43tUrt4;:, :t; 44,la.t.1 2 1., 444.
A general b.ulth 2.7,,Isilue'-3 ral:ttACll
3'11 I E mob rsignedt kaving Purchl3setr A
tliorongli I -red hoar, uitends keeping tlic
tTOREs, prop.
To Boarding Zionse keepets-Oncom
don of Vers Foundry, its calculatid t
from 35 to 4. 4eiditioval hands aroto 'Pe em-
ployed. A. Jou ie to let at a :small rent
able of necom °dating n to lo boarders. Atout
IiiixtUtes walk from. the foundry. Ail iy
Novi--bbtf II. Sc.3.c333inix's Tin Sliop.
Three per e. ta. y r_ ainot.red for BALE REGISTER.
intone)* 033 Deret,ic Zleceipts vital SAvings.
itatteahae iletel Centralia, ou
Nov, 1.1tth 1899, farm steelt, imp)(3-
1-:S.0244-, 3.• t s
' meats, tete Jas. (gas auvt, Chas, Esstsery
OIL Saturday. Nor. 17tle on Teat 10,
05,N,e.5.g.see hittosit.-.1... 0 eon. 13, Hay. feria stea• holdmoods,
op • * .r• '11% * .4, '44 *
1 ete. L. Boaaenherry, and. Ilaggi
pu3c11-ii.. t 1-7 Tlirr • 81111114'
711,0011c.,:e. 1 On Saturday, Nov. 17th, on Lot
AlealataTaa7..-T, FXF7.171e. I con, 11. McGillivray, fent stock, iinph.-
14. prnraimini compANy. ,..11101,103, Pte. 012C, a net, Itohert
vr4/44., prop,
Pf.:Nr pe.r annum if laid in Ativallett.
Itil.7.24,2 if not tai paid.
e-e tuna. Mr. Jas. COOpep, of Loudon reed, near
thle pInee who has been very suceeas-
No dItt?olittr-Itttl aPittk 011 I';•.'"' fill as a breteler of Shorpshirtelown
aro Agr,Tit
ctiou, • icobliAtted tin 1'1 al' 1 ShPelle 108 111,1d0 Kiveral vera eocel S
aseet ',evade. eiti-eiti 4 41de this gown, Tro. 1 tow 14 s vsablis:11,11 a
• tr.in-,1, le 4C 13-,rti,cment, r*t 2 for , •
rv.ry 1r•rii..fr,e; of MIR reputiltion for i t 11 1anitualsItt
put 2,0,3. tur:tt1 out In the r,t stvit • .1.. • .
Elii•di ral,- rat i -i. l lapp,!.•i.ir mail:. iir I- e . ,•.
1-4.,, ti,v,. for eilvertisinet, sill*, • '1.1143o31,, etc. to mailing; s'143's, taud this year dispesed of
1 s tenet, 1,43S-41.1,14 to all the. s3io;lble animals he had, anti •
V4 13110111 letalStistl'S, ' could intee sidd in. HSam spa elm
1: lit„a.. kili41,, to• a ematilentan from 3:it-big:tie
• • iiiG vale; mei a nun to elle,
glearet; ZE-iresifie3.. ' 1..:rurv. of ticalrint Ile al,sa sold a pair
7, ,g v 44ig Mr,:eqoi.eq., ein-m r4:..,11.v, S. r":, Of 41 1414, en'itN till a W110011:111 in
, A •3; II . ,
, ,r 1-.31 , I SliA.V41ts• He got an :went Atv of Mame
i • i 7 ly, c, 34.,it,.''.3tia "t''"i)" "1- U1.4 P' "i' • ..,. steel; t• . .1 " 1 •• . .uI •
• .
4 • • V
NIg rintoott--r Cur in 33-- tit.-.. -...., 13.
4.4. go. ' 34 Meaty theroughbreds which lit-
tti. a eel a Ce. SAliel 40:e ".,111041. g E4. no ' :, llo: fair I4rivedingi4mprrs.,14,
'M 3.3.v S.313 -.3'T - iteit..1. Wi3-6133, 1.5.'(4r. Stan •
,•',44" .14 4j44 444 ta. r...ii,12 ...,:, 4 1., in. Faltit.ath '
4., '.! ' ' ' t •:.'''.1 .14 00.4
P BY W"It '4° O -
33 Nev. Mt' rim
,•4411 ,
" " 4'11" r A:P..114111 Poiltlett 10St dtsgS hv
Awr "" 104' 1111; 011e 111:ght 1314 eek.
r i.,"•!ti,' •
ci.t r„.
/ 1ItINKMAN.. ,
1. c!,4. *tP'444t.t get %4 44477* gait' ity
rk.4 Lofrio Martin enterteined
„0 ,
13113141at7 of !PT MOW, (4:1p.tr(y last
rritlay everieg.
.111.114 Strris, of the River hotel
1*et. h ttl tho Walla and Cf`iiinga of the
her reran 11.11alsontely paperal
Sever :1 young me» in this vit-initY
•h•ft *Itie week to speed the winter in the
V41,1«. ttl.i4Y,1; the, ,N.44;rt. •
;4444,14.4. 4414 t gum.. to.ta Fun ;;
atpa draf:it wor‘i ;., .4 0,44 7„,.,.
tt.;. Znrieli `Phiri.lay in 43,-34 month.
East side of ..tr,•t•t. t,,r.
imnintc 1,1N41,tis rear Alpma Michigan.
my. qm 14Ih4k ws last week op.
point%Itt'lerk of 11IVtItI in pinee of
lir '1.1 V win who went to Mu
)8z.. a. A. in ILLINS, OPPIM-EITAIN st.;
Ste 3 &otter, Dunn -ht.
1 ,i.lettet--Votmer Andrew LIM.1 North. '
✓ 't A. A HOS. 'At D., 2'. M. L.. C. P.. 12In N.: I.,
R. C.13 .1..tliii.: T., i . l'. & S. Glit,M iwi
4144 44444441 P. T. U. S., Toro nti.4, Niglit 1111 at PullartOn..
office. Cr' tlitont °made. • syttes
1 ) It. pomfgx. opFEINE,,mAIN: sTIEE/cp, C814.1111 FraIleiti Of 1:11133 tO1V111311ip,
. .
Hotel. Side entrance on scud t--.1funes street
I,. 31. fliatittiVW: I% 11 P. 4N: K.!
Chlirg% Where 11 :8 hggen
engaged as superinttealeut of a largo
refrigerator manufactory. We wish
hint sueceas.
Esetpr, avstairs. rottra leaves in a few days on a tri to the
leading ttl tIll! 3101111444 4,1444r04. Old Country. The Airrov.vra. wishes
hitu bon royoge and. a safe return.
1 W. ilittYAVNT.VG, I)„ At. c.
(1 •
Graduate of' Victoria Vniver.city. and
rusirlence, Dominion Lattoratory, Exoter.
While Wm. Canning, V. S. Hodgins
end Charles Poilakowsky of Miteltell,
were gut shooting black epuirrels in
Fullerton township, near Russeldale, on
I 7 wary Surge on. C1raeluate T11111'.Sittly, they espied. 11. large bIglek
Toronto. 011iCe and Residence be-tr, and *liter ala main the neighbor-
ont• block east of Santwell
,,tritlkarilts $tore. Opposite seat- hnod, they succeeded. in killieg bruin
ing rink, Exeter, Ontario. after about an ho-ar's hard work.
of Supreme Court, Notary Public', Con-
_ veyancer, Commissioner, ii,:c. Money to loan
Oiliee-Fanson's Block, Exeter.
itors, Conveyancers, Sze. Money to loan
• per cent.
13. V. Et.LloT. 3. ELLIOT
TAMES ORE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed
• Anctioneer for the County of Huron.
Sales promptly attended to and satisfriction
guaranteed. Sales arranged at this *film
BROWN'. Winchelsert. Licensed Auct-
. ioneer tor the Counties of Perth and
gidcllesex, also for the township of Vsborne.
bales promptly attended to ib.a. tc•rrnS reason
able. Sales arranged at Post °ince, Wincheleit,
-Gt BOSSENBERAY, Zurich, Ontario. Liu-
• ensed Auctioneer for the County of
Huron. Charges moderate and. satisfaction
guaranteed. '
liXT HOLT, Ehiva, Ontario. Licensed limit -
V • ioncer for the Counties of Middlesex
and Lanibton,' and. the townships of Stephen
and Hay. All sales proraptly attended to.
TX EILBE'R, Licensed Auctioneer for Hay
LI, Stephen and McGillivray townships.
Ofdoe-Oredi ton, Ontario.
v •
IALTY. • Exeter, Ontario.
flay Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company.
Parties desiring to insure the best and
oheapest Insurance ,Oom pony 111 42,4 Domin-
6 i°1410V1thoe sioinle*PYAI! Pig °91.7pliretairop.bys
promptly attended o. Also agent for the
Wellington Company of Guelph. '
E..BOSSENIIERRY,A.gerit, Zurich, Ont.
J. & j. MeMARTIN, Proprietors.
On Monday afternoon last while Mrs.
Brown, of Russeldale, accompanied by
(me of her children, ems driving home
from Fullerton Corners, the horse took
fright at 8(4011' 031 t11,0 aide of the eoad
and shied into the ditch. The buggy
Was upset and the occupants weee bad-
ly shaken up, but no serious damage
was done other than the destruction of
a quantity wearing apparel.
Grand Bend,
Fishing has commenced with some
Butter 19 cents per lb. and eggs 16
cents per dozen here.
Mr. James Dalziel, of Sarnia, is pay-
ing a visit to old friends bore at pres-
Our burg is visited by many nim -
rods just now, as tame is plenty al-
though wild and hard to catch.
One of the heaviest showers ever vis
ited this section, fell on Thursday even
ing last, in fact the heaviest flu: five
Only about half of our farmers have
their fall plowing done. They are now
preparing their buildings for wintering
the stock.
Jonathan Williams and Henry Stone
two of our old residents have removed
to Michigan. We wish them every
success m their new home.
Khiva, Notes.
Fred Tedder spent Monday in Park-
M. McCann spent Sunday in Dash-
George Butterworth, of Tilsonburg,
is here to spend a few months.
NO. V.
MX. Patriek Barrie of Khtiro, left for Today is Than4se)viot; Day. Sev- areat0114 Mr. Ch. Cletterhani ar,d fandly loft
Michigan oat Thursday of last week. eral will go hunting scpairrele, while a .
The weather is pleasant but stile greater number will uttaain. at home 1; The wedding bells levee tatiliug ..., ewe - n amber al ersseda aaseuer tiled
roads are in a very bad, condition at , d .v.11 .: axiee itt t ke • • s*. -1 Tuesdey last- i theet to tire dee it /aid wished them a,
malting shop in Cot b& All wee,: now, as large quantities of apples, hay, 1;111
present. i The Weather has been beautiful the g s .L.74a jet:me:reed
One to 41 lute a hese-appear/wee just ( last few days, and \vas filpprettiatal 1,i,e!:11s11".., ins ,peiterity la tia'ir now
Miss L. I'ortice has opened up a dre*sia I
1 Fridey evt•raing the loath, the Luean
done in the littest styles.
luis been visithiss frimads ia Khiva, x /-
Themes Stelae% of Seaford*, telaSa needed f ,
a" * A - -13 lime. 018 are lepending a Week. 7r.itiltbr's Werth in' m ale 191113 1.341. An Italian E•'.4trinf.;
ttaXThali2.4.1(ff Is are being ship- ,
Milverton, returned home V4.J.,li : ' ''Ird_ ,I.1 r;.sn1P•;47.)141?.:kgtsr ID },l44 '1*. '4'4i'
mrs. Gattieb Brawn, who has leen !!:.. - .33 i',3, 11.ii ,.‘, 3, 4. their op, tune op
. - . , . . .
Miss Lizzie Barrio, of this place, iv ,i; .. ., . s, . - it e ti
turned home on Saturday,
444444 i'1•14" I iii00 Thal:.4113i lag last. A
Goderieh Townhip. 3 Spacial services are hales; Ir.Id h. ' P'3113120211'..,23 z•rt.
It IS heen. visiting' at home for the pa e t, the, English church otring., tile • • .1 araa C
fen Ituelthe heS left for Michigan. preaeble thatt John Cps 0
this wok. Sevevd proud:tent 133i13 - -1. t .3 _ 133,01-0331* Th 411
I''-"" mit reeve, reagacted
IL Kiesman, of Exeter, who Itt s • aa epee a. ietere and other noted speetters are o;.• r (1.4 -111' thc "Moe '
eleal f; . • ,
t ntor33r. faney itat.
11::LatvnlIntgealeithiNHeg;ti-nit7veirele°fIerNp.0es6t'urlielister.11:15; ID Ticti.tsc 10(1:: .1 1; :NI .4:14:1111:31474 4:1 t ti tif n Or' i't:4;t1;:1-1::.1,1:1‘.•;'!, 41„;,1:
a •retterai geed fellOw.
aro serey ;wee Homer, as be Rix e 41 4:o ''.:P1IWItire, tht1r0:,rr: irsienntr :queue., ;ow mr. pja
its of L 0. Le No. Mg,
r ,,• •
d'Is•VountYSeeretarb were p -,,,-1.t i• ONi.4.,`.314.15 0111 rate/I/lite
Winohelsea, Echos, ; .N.:1,.;.,,,gle,:,,Vir.glii;;. ci,:4,14,rtatrillyatillest.n.itet: ::;tt* tia)auttsliutelseslivivvearstetlra ttiladryte,,stsLes.. Importaintl .,,"r•'„ 4."... 3 italoker„ of the M.MTI.Itt'd
• • „
' do'5' fOree 111 tiw Northwest Torritor.
1".ots of atud in this 'Vicinity. .,'115liiii.. , ,!i--irE ;..a. •:,...' ,..: ,;.7...iss Ids motlaer end
'i: Gelet4 Elliott hie B Au, Rev. 'Mr StaelAT 1. .41(1441 I‘, :, t".1; ',..14•74.4^4)... it..po FE, 4i gt1,•g• lifg• g.v iglently
jiiThuh.tg,grigy horse goes north yet withi ;arm of Javohtelite.11114,111.11111;•1111781til'41.1;;;;„„Tft7'./.111412,111tIltS•it7:1.%:filaf;it(1.1 tailmini"V.O.rs':Itt.; • Pe'''..-':it.rri's"-4. 4' Ii1144.4 li'lit'Sritill;811S141444a18 iiiil•;111:(1; Rgir144
Pit' the ItIn1/ (.1 *;"14"11' Xr* SiwIllwr'Ll of th0 I:v(44114'4'1Iva! agsltellthlt LI c"I'''' l'' "14,1,4,r :.!.rt,,,.. ,. ereozas ids r.:11 ae.
t$ going. to Petrolet to Made.
811114411e is going to hew a ehrlst-
Mae tree. T1133 .kliVtit' ATI; iS 31 WPIC01110 ribli0r1 pdulip:fdrul.;:;11;iisl abs7.1;(7i.,.. ** 1 " ' 1 ' 11115114314!""4191*
in this township. Your subscription
Tom drives itorth yet, The house I list, though we view large here at , is. Jubilee Festival wilt be held la
will be moved In the spring.
Harry 31eTaggatrt is hack to our lit- 1 t4" 161 4.4 JanuarS• i0 4.444 4804. the 44:14.0 10 ye ir of mr. 114,111,1., newels!. p 1' 1i"41)0'1' ort tho
i the EvangelivarS Organization In ran, S.,;nble... lino. nelr It ,.:..lti..lti, was foisted
tie burg ag.dn. 'Welcome old boy. A gtaidenian farmer of this townah p ada, promilwat ministers awl odiers, on. wegino.4,1 iv tiv.tr..gillg 14. v..,...,i, izara.
Ai become bankrupt duriug the .
Boos Cook has moved down near week, aud a "'rent many ar `41.0 exl*vtell (0 ta'ke Put' lyintr wig+ hi, lz-, 4 L.- :.., ;z etil,A.r: a
St. Thomas to reside. ife has started
farinhig. Ilteis turkeys will catch it (1I 41* BIS iliabiliticti alraut i Mr, Geo. Motz has male an • '.:'``.;;':"76.4 415,s!'.111e‘' 11:,.11a W-3 7040.'• 14E1',44 -
at Xmas; . , . assets welling,. Hie liabilitles i reent,le Mr. J. Kilher. It is rumored - 41* 4141 ilis iota? anilit 14114£WK vg"iilre
t are principally made up of berrowed -; dvit George intende nest ine es 74344; s'c 16144 4, 8 eEds 14 44 7,7,1" 1'4'1 f'11:44
George. Gotlholt sr.. left /est week fort moale.y.
t , gall :AS 143011 OS ConVellii'332. TO irk' 1216. 4' .fro -011 'I EP' i'llig4Y. 425' 4' "-::2 ;icr'''',1 tt''' litll'I.
'California (0 visit his Vivo holm who I: k . . . ,,,.. , k , 111110. at the ..,,eheei os see:euess (1,44.1,.4.. ,„133 ,III,4 ii ',.3.4., He hal 144 41 ;;; v --,:ii •gg/ gii
I; ..e.t a late no-!..tolgos toe utreetOrS 011 k
Miliftril'il tO that L1441416() 4. at year ape i the, yle,,.,aiwp tiro insurillic f ompfuly, i wt whiii him gueems in lib tetaree the Vicir i',%.' t..4 'l, stg,41 er:ea ye '110,
Wt. IliTe 110 Will l'ai 'Ay his viait.
" ': a Yes"luti.ol of t:0114(dence wati rtssAi rili2Cd. Thanksgiving snA•lees will I ill" farni 1.,"7,41.:Ii'4,4 to '-qa '4"*.`iti" of
MP..rt Ilvrryltill lrts put a new stone , and „tdeeee to be
te.0.1..4r ureter i forwarded to dee 1 Ire held in the German :owl Eugliala; the bite Jae. Striae t al 1 ilt..111,14,1-161n nue
11-s, Iltiuw alit'. .i5 .11,4"1: WidOW OW family of the Lete Henry l ("hurdles to.day, (Muria-, py `i Rev. yjr, SE Inky,. tea,: eal,1 ey etteeeet reeetatly
loindlog s nom' idIvit'lli ail ot 11111131 iFord, wh • for Ni 4. rell'S RAS a diriVt4ir :: life eccupies the pulpit 18*41144 t ler- ; to •Ii•Ir. Arillilln '''.',,1'."-''' f"r„t3,7'134. 1121"
win meaty improve the ap %Stratum of !, ef the '4 1'4'
1118 14" *1('11( 1.1 In. rowel ts tlehtg i , man citurvit err the now: iiiig servive, ' f..1 nal .er.V 1 il Z*4 ::•41',...';'.i. - I; hi* :146414w,
• > ••., 14, • • 01 ,r li,ory 1 in re.' it.* of
l'llii evert:ter work. 1 alr, eatte leaeom, the eoeuter dale anti Re te Staehlt•r in the Litoisit eltureli ;1-: to.y Li 4 . 1 ..,„i, „,, t 8 Eh ,
111-,,...A.,,kvt.f. Is raileet up minvy Out ;4f • durintI the evetting. telt s tt. resemes, 0 tas. 1 .e. J. e•pla, te, nitpilet- ea vale said a
Hilkert. i bk. it It'Plit .5'110: Johll IS a geed. fellow ["'t ilk is Strength:1
n/14 IS a hv 1'%at ..auehing" grime thin tr. r egiiIxt1 1g ecoduitItaattiot norf pzitilrn.ft.t11 h taitiolle4* tsohn• rts,e '4..St„).:'!,:z:::::41',.;:::d, ;:btlieli.:4:.t.1.111,i'lii:I'int",1:'t:'.."‘.:;:"4';4h.'''4'isiel:r./71
Ile 211 .1.4.4 a geed repreaentative to the t - -
Mr. Joseph 'Wells is snit:twins; front t coulee. /*.4tun.ii. uggi,1 would upli e„.ere, 4.41414.1(11 eueemeleaety event ,,.. , - t: ''' "3" 11'1'4'41 t4 tsitY "II's'. 'c'11"1:11"st
1 t
erysipeinsut one of hie legs. , mt tzoutit iilartm in tite '1,.oell 14,04.1:G11day last. Deceased 1141 ‘111.1:,r;!.8711.1', 4.44 l'ItNii,.'f112111,,;44.P';)111,1111, Et.4 ti,,i-",;14.11otloi
We are glad to Itteir that 'Miss !4.,4)4.4et- Me% i NW for twee three yeerti *.' :ill 1.1iV.'4: in "oggg". ''.8,,g: ..g d i.,,,, Senn
* , ostrr a 4 14 0 i • • i 1 ..0 4.
Park is 41 4.4841 front the typlend ' / kiligt. , t . •
fever. 1 tiktl st33111.it II, ' Ile tat Tertal s. lit th • t '
Clinton. Rtteetions. „ . , ,-4 - •
1 1,11tilt, agonleing pain th it linat at net- i I --''' 1%4' t` 11' 1 1 tt''`` *o '14 v a al f4K1,4
Se rvires still be held in the Preshy- t. I Vre. could ineteene mail 41 : eh - attetlet-ttt,rit. 'II"' ti''; Ill 111 a,lto tessl 7..t.. Ie I%
terhet (*horde Croniarty.ou 1 hursday.e 11%1\11,4 Jes. 114 iteresone anal 34,'. 1814. elal. te his $taerior. Ile. feveSed 1 u 1,....,1 s 1..r.,4 19"att ct yea,: :1:;,;,) 142.4
. . , 4.
•% %
Titer 1:se:kilter than tialliiilifee teethe tiesel eelpits on. t.. antlay t teak it/litee yegerttly to tt. • P., "E., ,,ta. u1/4.31 elle mail at t atkville. faeraethle
, , „
ete„ seem '4L. '1' 'art 1 it!: cm,. '-'.':::i1;,;.,` aZtf..4% ' - .- ' * - tee merecee east the 4114 '54 weeetteeee isaa ler. teveratiesee prepeedee.e %thee 1,,,itett.
1343:4 rented his then inal intends mote
bar tit Setif,* Me idly. ltla IW. (*s 'r a iil renulve ids s.ifek t,:ettiete,4')'e" lel il.,*24,11.gi 14'.ev.,41):,1e.vievtatirs,1°I. "11,8 114r,rdliel,l.fi ' 44',°;1,..hrt;Ir.11;12,44:g'..sllg,1::`it.1,14,1«:11
or tInev 4 ....,•11s. 'emits .ttal eettittuerv
Nene of the twist prounneut eitiziels lute his etate sew., this wt.eit. .
of C'nenerty, had Ole piet nres of their ' the burial eels toutlen.hel t.
. an ( illnlige318., 33 far 131 it .- % c ,re, e a a , te("'llells' itliti-e.iit.".1;41.rst..asiielzt;tt: itttfp ft4141;044,:fti:tielet,
resithettea. taken Last ‚44.4' 1.. Messrs, I,.. . f .s.L. of Fordwiele tied lamora The leeintiful ::::(117:ittlirlir:s4suit":4: ' ;.14:14,,..'irs that et the time of ties tiles
• . ee
W. IL (it -,44',, ..f (;1,rrie. two promint,ot burial service ls,ing re.el hy BM, E. at '."..`, 1 ' 11'' 4*. 1 11 ' mall s 1ml - '''. '",%141
'Win. J. Ihaintrn and Demean Pur- emeereatieee 118• 14841 11241414:121 were hi eitheee tenuity master, (a lateen, eiteetged 3333 Weil kr in ozze •44 141 , h eage
don are attending. the Norme I school, hi teem me ;ley 1 ,e,.. e etee
St nite ird, at prosont. Wilson Allen is A brutal asst tilt was eeilintated tee, • • - 1 11 1
. 1, in ttc1111. 11.1111.; thitasiag at ee, leset
:Ilse atteedine the II14.11 salved in Sea, flutte a 11111111.0P of our
ehlitiz(Z:Sit'rttl• illiiigN.it.turit,\Yit;11'irlii,\;11,4111; ma: ute.ti,tr% Sett; r : ibl:.: f. '411t' v:".1: :Ise' ":' :,"1. 1l4 414
.1%,,v;'..;. (7"
• l'tt''' •t•: 1.-:"'4 "1" he .1 rd t • • ti * I • lis,1 a t I'
ii, sit IA% t ' . , 1. '0'01 VI :11
t's - r‘ ,.
ft:11:1;r9;14;11.11::: tIlliewilltsr, isfIllit:liv.eever, this eon. , hill
t .1141 10 ‘IL 0141 g e I tag' I an; .nvitIlr 1PV
• a 0 tele. It epees ra the malt !which !oil to 1314 '
11 1 " 118 lin Ththb' 11013t1011 hi it. Ord those W110 10St C(411(1 11.1d bee,, drinkin„, ii.,, hie 41.301 1
ed through Cromarty last Tuesdey, ale Teen alierd it. e
- f ;Mr. Peter Miscer•r;,:::, of Heuretield,
eh.„ Retie of leek mos, brewers. Lis pelts, ii!1,1,.(341,11611:1.14ifieztlail..ead, illitIllisnt;rtileltril 1E11 noir, : i%.:;(1..‘ili:1411:til.411:14iIIT.lift.:7110:•:,::::ig: 1.1,!!):Irityltsli..+.1.;:iiii.xiitinnist•ka-ip-iiionliilittdst'..:
ago near Winehelsea, and his moving.,
thAnT thib fall.
A 1)4 41 was killed last Week on the ielLtilrotlenit.ildle4milz:f8osii.vtthetluita.e("Noeinntusa:kii i the floor, and then ass.inlEincy his wif ,
bottled ale only'. I doors, to seek for shAter elsewhere. ' th°' tri"x 111.1.t. "ilthrtk
lind family and. turnine them out of ; "4' 't•v (AtIllP"11
. , . 4 , / ., P`
lt tiW killd
towon, lett. opt•nea up a beer 1V11 re hole:rt.!
)telgas to be one of
present, will be greatly inereaaed by the German church here,ueet Sosaley.
County Xottiugs,
Squires intrehased a farm smite time on arriving home where his wife a tel.
farm of Mr: John *McPherson, 10th eon.
It was first notieed with Mr. lilePher-
14. !nig Me Meth...p...0: purchase the -.Ken
They wended theirtthvea‘a:wtoe. 11111114.1)1.i:41i: • rvt'l* Itrflught It" r'tunda' (Ameerns
son'). sheep. A number of the neigh-
btaet turned out in pursuit, the bear dist, With his celebrittecaeompaary, wil
Mr. E. B. Hollis, die' 14(41 1.4.104111* Toe. in „. fiumer8 where
I ThIse who haste anv sympathy for the i Welty Stock Flinn," a stock jaurnal
has stdd
did not go far till it went up a. treejnit appear in the town hen 4,n) Tuatiday,
by means of sonit lead balls it WaS SOO» NOV% TitIL We b'.1* al.. for t•hem a unfortunate beings, should see to it, i (1.,1,14!x/litsolitit.11erpletrPt Iiii:ITt'es(1.14s„,t
that the law in such cases. Ls. put in
brought to the ground. It was a full house.
young bear weighing about 150 fts. .
Mama. Foster & Riter hearCittifehas-
Rev. W. Penhall, wife and family, Of ed the Liquor business 01 Mix James
Elimville,have been visiting' their Pro- Sheppard, and will continue the sante
in the Dr. 1.Vorthington's old stand,
next deer to C. C. Rance's Mike shop.
to. Mr. Peter Mcf 2regor, of Brueefield, •
force. Such a villan would be .'etting „
olf too easy, without a coat of tar and 'nil"; Vile'4tilitt colt, St' Blaise,
feather, or a flogging with the eat -o. •
oho year old, hy pm; nos, dam by
Bourbon Wilkes. Price $2,000. This
, is said to be one of the best colts that
A laree eathering of younn' and Old ha$ ever ieft the county, having with
responded to a hearty invitation for an oula eve weeks handling. trotted a
tba'als;• Crossley aud Canfield' wifi assembly at the residence of Mrs. r
comile in 2:4o.'' Higher testimony front
w/bat:heir evival services this wee'li John rown
B, oe Tuesdey hist,
in such 4111 authority could not be desired
Oar Ontario street Methodist chuiVil. to be eye -witnesses of the event of
They lieldforth last week in the Mae Mr. Preaeriak Hoist and alias Lenna
tenburtast church, and had Vary b1144 Brown being united in thc bonds of
cessfrff seAtices. matrimony. After the happy couple
pledged themselves to the solemn vows
whictdwere R&M:sista/ad by the Re,v.
Mr; Stli0101.*, he tied the knot and pro-
nounced. them husciand and wife.
This was161116*ed by a general shaking
of hands and extending many wishes,
of joy, prosperity ete., to the happy
couple. Soon the hengry guests were
invited to seat thembelves around a
table which was groaning beneath its
heavy weight of good dregs provided
for the occasion, and after they all sat-
isfied the "innerman" they repaired
to the parlor. Almost Immediately
after, it became quite evident,. 'by the
strains of sweet music which filled the
balmy aix, that the Crediton brass band
inteed to put in aneppearance, Those
Who rex:relined single could not refrain
themselves from coveting marriagelife
adtele gazing on the• numerous gifts
srLieli veto eizesenead, No aeubt
other:, will he aeeking• mateennoty ixi
the near fattee. 11u* :'y- npCholey,
or acre:acne efie %IV 47:3t a hes-it'd you.
sped friends during the past to weeks.
Messrs. Charles and. Benjamin Up -
shall, of Brampton, have been spend-
ing the past week vieiting their bro-
thers mid sisters in Tuckersmith, Cro-
marty, and* Winchelsea. Charles Up.
shall has been looking for a farm and
if he gets one to suit he intends Moving
his family from Brampton, as he likes
this part of the country better than the
county of Peel.
Centralia Briefs.
Our butchers ha' e not got started
Charlie and his girl were in town ow
Mr. Ed. Evans has moved to town.
Welcome Ed,
Herb Mitchell has gone to Loudon
on a visit.
Mr. Elstou is getting oat the timber
for his new barn.
The apple packers think they' •will
finish work this week.
More seats were rented this week in
the new church, but no troom wa,s
Mr. J. Parsons has returned from
Manitoba.. He reports things tvely
in the -west. ,
Our framers, Messrs. Neil & Davis,
are busy finishing up their wort be-
fore winter sets in.
Miss Sadie Abbott, wh.o has been
sick for some time, we aro pleatied to
hear, is on the mend.
Some of our hoys went to Adare Sun
day night after church. Going south
to a wanner climate, eh, Tom!.
The boys say that honey and goose
oil make a bavoct liniment. 'Bays get
that sweet tooth eut, for we will seen
have cold -weather.
Illessraa Geo. Armour and. John John-
ston jr. littees puma -ascii the bankrupt
steak of Geerge Shaman,at the rate
ef 75cts. aetthe eta they have form-
ed a partnethip and will continue the
business in thie 'old stand.
The.cricket hbwi1l heve a concert
in the town hall et. the evening of
Thanksgiving Day; Witaen a very ie-
teresting time may bee expected. Mrs.
Ransford and Miss Hearn, of Clinton,
Messrs. Tamuler and aliane)., of Myth,
and others will tale part int the affair.
Dashwood Itemg,
IV& D. Grigg has nearly conipleted
his new residence and will move in
Wedding hells will ti,or„inu 3'hf'
Dashwood on, Wednesday. We will
give particulars next week.
The annul misetonavy reeetie.g of
the Evangeateei Sletegatgatiere was
held 03). Sunday, Icon 1It. Tite Rev:
SCaeb1c* Z Creditor., preeneecl
able r.:3/111031 In the aEtet nem, end aa
this le tee ,afelkie a,eil» of te.e. 'areas o2
the, r.7,741.1' 31lZat Z.:.::.10etat!,= 22Cs.V..uf.a,
the :Car. seettestes4 aweIt at; iteraL:a on Seek/t41 l. rervtesseatil bo tlald irt the
its as -..ey ator,: giewnk 1» Cir,n,. 612.1?::ra I el, tz -d44'44. nd ay .1.,:Tiarersth..y.)
.`14thirs The ealea of T.:nod:A:T.0 cm:11111.3s
jora 1-11.311 znisi°115:av"4141'd (:0 C'311 -4..Y inorc-as'e,ana coLaltlerab::r.: amount of
..;PC ts ceming frt.
-nd -.it/U.1 fifty yeara ago, Kb Said
tiett the 'V101'4: area riew 014a solid foot -
bag in Ca/lads, numbering Six thousand.
rimmteve eix thonsand Sebbath etheol
scholars, forty-seatess. itinerant, minis-
tere and thirty-one lorzi preiteheee.
The buildings on the farms of Mr,
Weiseuburg, ath concession of Mail -
lop, with their contents were destroyed .
by fire early 011 Monday morning last.
It seems that Mr. Wisenhurg has a
farm on each ride 01 41110 road. On the
farm on which Ile lives, the barn was
burned and on the farm immediately
opposite both barn and house were
bunted. The 'buildings were all good.
and the barns containieg most of the
season's crop,. together with stock and
implements, most of which were de.
stroyed, hieluding four horses, several
cows and othA
er animals. the
seemed to start about the same time
ancl when discovered nothing could be
tibiae to save the property. The fires
were undoubtedly the work of art in.-
cendiary. There was some insurancw
but we have not learned how' much.
Mr. Weisenburg is 04» industrious, re-
seeesable inan, and his loss whice io
heavy, Secures him much sympathy.
from the people of the neighborhood,,
ia sheep's attire paid' the'
Eloea Fez szess man a $2 bill for back
subscrieeteh, which wroold under ordi-
nary eiretarestanees entitle sad% a man
ti here liSis name souuded ie terms ate
praise all aver the land, 'teat alas,
hill Wau 4 eaustl erfeit. 'T'vras • f7t, * •
Cline! Tln..Tnacl-... abn4,ett:iev-firin,,or
1288 iuixnoy.rat ttr only
ed flatterh pt.noak.e.
Cad foundatin 2.11S18 em, ;o11-.74-
4 44.44444 4.4,4
'Travelling. bamo--Oh! ,:i oar. ....-c ' , ''',
Nicateds are. 'etaty reparin; I.,pr all well Isrhe,1 travelling a S when a t hr i..
ki'nds 01 game 0/1 Tnankmgivi-ds Day. Do yon like tosleep on the rail ? Mr.
Every 4vatlable price fiereartes will be 1)e Wink (proud either of a first baby)
brought into active asavie,e. -No, 1 don't like to, hut / ham to.