HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-8, Page 5London Huron &. Bruce Railway
Gonte Notelet -Tette Tenet -Passau%
London, depart, , .: 8.05 A. et -425 r. at.
Luean Crossing, _847 8 47 . , .. 5.20
Clatatdebo~ e , -8,52 5 28
Centralia , , , . .9,05 .. , . . 5.45.
EXETER .. , .. , .9,16. ,. 5.57
Hensall . , , , , . ,9.28. , . , 0.09
Ki eia ,
9.84 6.17
Brueelield 8.42 . . 6.20
Churton ..10.00. , . 0.45
Loudesbora' , .10,18 t, , , , , 103
Bly^tin ,
10.28_ , , , , . 7.12
Belgreve.„, ,,,10.42 7.27
lVinlghznt,.,,,,,11.00, 7.45
Con Bernell, Paassetager,
, -7.05 lot. . . 3,10 etre.
Belg r ave , , 724. . , , 4.00
.Blyth, a.38, ,,.4.15
Londesboao' 7.47. 425
(mot , 8.0I .4.45
Brtleefield,.. . 8.26 ., 504
Kipper .. , 8.3e„.,.+, J.12
Ilensall. , ,..,,, 8.41, .... 5.10
EXETER, 8.56. 538
Centralia_ , , 9.07 , , .... 5.45
CItudele e. .,, 2.18,.,,,, 5.53
Lucnn Crossing.. 9.21_ . , , .. 0.02
Loudon, arrive, , .10.15 , , .. , , 0,45
. •,,- ... •• -
Red Weater, per bushel, . , 1.15 to 1.17
White 4 `a , , , , , 1,15 to 1,1?
, , FTR V, , ., .. 45 to 00
Oats.,,.,, ,,,,.F ,,,..,,N N. 82 to 84
Peas......................56 to 50
Eggs per dig, 1»'...............18 to 18
Butter, Reels,.,.,. ,;,., • 18 to 20
.Butter, Creeks„ <. ,. , *ma 4 16 to 18
X1:0014 „ ,.
, ,,; 18 to 18
Bnt�tto€�s par �bush- . , ... , 30 to 85
Hay per ton.,,.,. ,.,. 11.00 to 12.00
iC -r\N "
o t m e t
a3 x 9 �a s � t► ,
r .e r.
Go to the sportsman's depot at Geo.
Sanders and see his celebrated powder
the"wild rover and the people's favor-
ite',it is. immoriee,, A full supply of sport-
ing goods which i$ sure to please all.
Cider, ?'till,,
Mr. A. Cottle having got• his eider
trill in full operation, he is now prepar-
ed to manufactere cideaoi the shortest
notice. Factory and mill 2 blocks west
of Hawkshaw-'s Hotel. A call solicited
Svee i ea>i,
Mr. Thos. Otte, olF the Central Rotel,'
received by moil on Wednesday morns
seg, a live flog,, It was sent by :lfr,
Frank Knight, Los. Anglos Col, The
little animal is alive and is doing well,
It is telthee a clarions kind of frog.
Snootier,. 'Mettle
Oa Thursday next, Th tnksgieing
Dat^.-, as grand pigeon shooting tnatch
will).* held at thellibbert Hote ,Staff..'
.A. number of liberal prizes will be
awarded. ' goodHulett'', general may
be expectedas a large number of pige-
ous have been seenred for tlteo(c<rsstoaa.
We are belated to Mr, wan. Bryce.
publisher, Toronto, for copies of "Under
('asrrent', and 4A Gallant Eight" by
--One see. from c
d, is set apart
for Thanksgiving-, day-.
-H, L, Billings Dentist gold filling
a specialty, over O'Neil's Bank.
--Miss iss Eolith Hy mbeati has return-
ed from visiting friends in Toronto.
' A farmer does not need to study,
venigation to get the bearings of the,.
fruits tree, - -
'r r ot.
-••-�11 Wadsworth, the celebrated ,
gan builder, of Montreal, was in, WWII
cltnrieg the week,
The Anceee ee £ronli now until
Ja?.auary '1st 1880 for $1. Subscribe
mutated get two months free,
--Farmers eau rely on getting' eor
s'e'ct ,minket reports in the AmteeeTe,
They are cliened every week,,
-1111.. John Leetliorn, who has been
in Muskoka for a week past, returrned..
yesterday. John likes the country.
1fy?dnt, ?<l, o . aura, who
P.f tltt,
'has been visitiug his brother, Dr,'
.# k udtmn, returned home yesterday
-Miss Bose Brown, of Crediton, who
has been spending a few daysinEtteter
returned home f undaa.y morning last,
-Master Johnnie Sanders left on
Saturday last for Bay City t Mae
aOtero he has seemed a permanent
:Marion Harland. They area readable, situation.
and are excellent works of fiction. -11r. .Rob, yeerity, visited Gell
iouauction sale bi lsprinted
at the AngcAee office.
--The Exeter AnvoeATE comes to
haald in new type throughout. Bro
Sunders is making a fine paper of it,
We are glad' to note tliis evidences of
prosperity- under the N. P, -Parkhill
-An old farmersays;--To lead
stubborn cow, iiut a rope around her
i i
horns in
l t t the
usual fashion, 1
to and then
pass it beet;
our, forward
and:under the rope which goes awned
her horans,puiling the ear tight against
the horu. ie"llen the rope as properly
arranged the tnost stnbboraa ow will
trot along nioei.
.,,-A paoel,ana:itlon appeared in ist
'week's Onttiio (;gazette announcing
that 540 b ollitatel for the arrest and
conviction of the niiin1er,er ofJonathan
Bohlusam, The, murdered lalaan Was
about the 2Ttid Qf Ang teretched
o oda floor of his house about iX13, Duties es or other taximpositions, do not give 1t1 g s
out t , 4.1
three voiles from Strathro , dead and, tuaway, but sell them at the lowest figure consistent with
utiatca iaa horrible .manner. business principles. Parties aawain of g�s� consult
- "It
�:is u usingsays an exeknige fi owinterests by examining my stock before purchasing
g:rhe�saia;iting to heara10n '$ 4,Y it elm
1i ,here, e11,7.01]11 r this is a new stock.
dfrmt,: pay to edv arise, Why does
this man put out ,a sigh? Times a ad
vertiisinge Why (lois he obstruct theDi Co show Goods.
trouble to
pavement in front of Ids store with
samples of geed$ he sells? This is aid-
1 oal'e nothing about with the OF but I do desire "Union
withr surrounding country
the citizens of mete. and
Owingto the depression of the market, I have been
able to purchase my new stock much below the
g.. la wholesale -.rices, pane will give rn
u k
cl7stoah.ler the `uetzt of it. My stock
consists of
' Qoa a Q 74 1e
=to..„ ..„ =to.., =ter.
i Xt
The p1 �c�e-� of which are 11A � � way influenced by Gusto.
vE"xti 7nu t,>�, n'hv 'lees he daub the
Fa. rm Produce taken at
Fir t',VA- north of the Town
The price of the former is 39 cts, mid ! Hamilton and other plaees eta as pros- head of as niaaat i:etiaal b arr:'1 or'Iry, everts
the latter 40 acts., ;and can be secured peetistg toner, '11)i ork of eniairgan,ga bee with tete ;sends: tete'.ot°r gt. ! s ii
tlireet from the publisher,or year book- the foundry- will be coanmenced atonee. l (''ina'la t get stick it up in as keg of beauty
- -Mr.. Jas. Ariutnelt laps p ,chew( oi^ o ale* of'eine()in his store?"
from Mrs. Thos. Hera on Sattiu 1aay last,
the !tonal and lot formerly owned by
the lata George Westott on Nuron•ste
paying a fair sults; therefor.
Uetwi1 Vro.ae.
M'. R. 11. Seymour, who left here
some mentis ago for Australia, has
been heard from. He Inas reached his
destination, Boeklaaampton, safely. He
reportf himself in good health, haaving.
had a good voyage. He has already
truck, luck. It seems the doctor pur-
sed sora'. .shirr in the Mount Mor
gat gold naive for some 42000 andd, a
w hours aftorwads,sold out the saute
interest for £45,Q00. Good Doe., go in
and win. Wo Imo a vacant t corner
here for any surplus you may feel your-
self over burdened with.
Bees Stolen.
One night recently,', someerroa n or
persons stole three Rives of bees from
Mr, Joseph Pitmen, of 1'sborue. Should
the gullry parties ever be caught, the
fullest extent of the law will he meted
out to thein.
Set k Out.
•',Che farmers of thts wetsem sboul4
II* on loin; out for swiaidht 's who
have West at etlehtet " the oast and are
sell to be now operating in Huron
C aunty. Be warned .lit time or cls;
don't do any growling When you get
bully left.
,l',tiaatiaz Office Bales,
When visiting a plinthag office keep
these rules in view: Sabsc rake for 'tae 1
Magistrates Vo irt,
Last week information; was laid be.
fore alagistraa e Snell, of E:seeter, by
Towel (.,.astable Creech ag,dnst
Stewart, noir* edvertiebet bankrupt
stocks for sale in Exeter. The infoe-
ut:ation was for breach of the transient
trader be •laaw of Exeter. On Tuesday
last, Magistrates Snell and Clarke sat
on the ease. The Constable, Reeve
and (<lerkaavee evidence in regard to
the by-law and the breech. of it ky.
Stewart. The magistrates wishing-
av in advance;
ken six more light or more iatforniation, or for
piper and p, , p
feetaawatyfrout the printer's devil; hinds
MT the manuscript; don't •talk to the
compo store;don't(.arry offthe exchange
es and doutt read the tape on the galley.
:t.Friendly Act.
lauriug haallow•e'en souaaperson strip.
ed some pumps belonging to Mr. (Jorge
Cudmore, which were shutting in dais
yard, ith a preular and very exlertseme
paint. George s ys he thanks the port
'aerators. very *eel% for their kindness
but in strl,ping the next he would be
pleased for then., to use someotherkintl
of p tint.
r.ar:e i'oane.
()rt'l'ue1aby evening of 1 tst week
Mr. Alonzo ;;Bell and p:.rty of coon
hunters. Caaptured two fine coons one
weighing nearly forty pounds and the
other about twenty three. The large
one was secured on the farm of Mr
Thom asSweet and the smaller one on
the farm, of Mr. James Ford. Now
John, let us hear from you, yon are an
old hand at the coon, business.
some cause, deferred judeltnent for a.
'New ^aR riukte.
At a church sociable in Evanston
each person wain provialed with n, card
on which ween 'ted a dozen number.
ed lines. These lines were'filled with
Correvading, names, and each person
was expected to talk for live minutes
with emelt ono whose ranine was written
ou the earl. At the expiration of five
minutes teach one sought out his own
partner whose name was written on
his eaard. This plainworked aadmirebly;
wall flowers were eliminated, every
person, however beshfnl,reeeeivedevery
attention, the tunid were brought out,
cliques were broken up, and went
home happy teed good natured, voting
that ohtsrch soeibles are not ueeesserily
(lull. This ]elan would ripply to any
social pawing..
3Com Bet Be is Beam.
A ratan who kicks his wife out of bed
on as cold �
g ..he
winter morning when ,n C t
thermometer is twenty degrees below'
zero, to build a fire, is as mean amain.
A church member who is worth $140,-
000 nand pays the preacher only Sl a
yeer is so moan that the angels will
never rare to associate with him. A
man who Will live for two weeks on
roup made from two horn buttons is
a mean and niggaarclly crie,atnre, Una.
whom the devil will never Carte to
feetst. The man who will beat his child
for poking his finger in a pill of water
11n(1 enquiring whatbec:unc of the hole,
when ha took his finger out, is a very
moan man. The man who loafs on
the street corner for the sole purpose
Of Malang r marl:s .about the ladies
who chance to pass by, should be stretch-
ed up by the heels till that part were
the brains ought to be is tilled with
blood. But the meanest anon the Lord
ever let live on the fare of the earth. is
one who Will refuse to take his paper
out of the post office when he owes two
or three deletes for back subscription.
A.3ieW �
♦ A,ullc.
A few daysagoa. man, apparently ,.
commercial traveller, called on a house
in Louisville, Xy., .presented ai. Card of
well-known New York gena, and
wanted to stall them goods. The house
did not need any goods at the tine,
5 •ul The
:1 'at s.ali n1 loft. 'l it,.
And t
S!roe. aft3rnomi the -firm received a
dispatch, Osle1si111y from the Newlon:
house which-rh-) imin who callc:cl. i!1 the
Morning claimedto r1`preSent, e siting0
th.iill to cash the pretended . siile.siit.in's
draft o11 their. for $ L00. Shortly after
rceeiving• this ciespat_h the ostensible
salesman called 7
showing ing
de p'itcli from the w -c 11 ,link n
hrTaa:'ii l ;l 1;r,y `<.Ort(, i lS,'ruabirig • him
to call upon the l:h)1i1sv.ille, house and
they �.i•o;alct c ,:il Iii., ilr,rft for ti710(.
y 0
1,114: % , uisl`ilie house was conn aletei
1 J
red, :and did so. Thoth New '' orf
a1.;.l atch)s and the .card were fon etil;
e:; aentlebyatconfecln.ateinNese-York
A Waahlacebnrg girl who refused,'
an offer for marriage from a young'
man, recently, sent him a cheque for
the amount she supposed he had spent
while ,.he was courting her.
--The Exeter Auvooaru appears this
week in a handsome ;'ow dress, and the
sheet is also considerably enlarged.,
We wish our contemporary cautioned
success.- -London . 'i'ening:Times.
A I,.oudoner is said to be making'
a handsome living by aadvertising for
at wife and requiring all applicants to
enclose a stamp for reply. His letters,
have to be sent to him in a wheelbarrow.
He Advertised,
'When trade grew shack, and bills
fell due, the trodesrntansfaaeegrewlong
turd blue ; his dreams were troubled all
the night with sheriff's, .bailitis nil in
sight. At last his wife unto hint said,.
at once and out of bed,and
get your paper, ink arid pen, and say
these words unto all men ; (My goods
1 wish to sell to you, and to your wives
and daughters too, any prises' are so
very low, that all will buy before they
go.' He did as his good. wife advised,
1nld in the piper advertised. Crowds
came and bought ul) all he .tad, his
bills were p u(l, his dreams were glad;
And he will tell you to this day how
well did. printer's ink repay, Hebo,ast-
eth, with a 1 nowing wink, how he was
saved by printer's ink.
Mr, John Snell has been for the last
twenty days, purchasing a carload of
very One young stallions,, for Messy
Ryan Weethley, of Pratt, Kansas
who intend shipping thein to Oregon,
Get your ball programs, wedding
cards, bill heads, stateuaents, business
cards, envelopes, calling cards, fall eir-
eulars, dodgers, fosters, or any other
kind of printing done at thoAncoaav1*
Try; the Auvoe acre for job rrittt•
ing, Our job department is equipped
willb, all the latest and best styles of
typo to be secured in the market. Our
work second to none In Huron. Give
us a trial.
Some parties entered the town
hall one evening recently,and broke
inthe head of thedram which belongs
to our band. Smell smell dirty tricks
are to mean for any one with common
:sense to practise.
-The wise farmer at this senson
picks out his thanksgiving turkeys
and begius to feed thein ell the soft new
corn that they will eat- The °picture
of those delicious birds daily growing
fatter is one to make the mouth water.
--The Exeter ADVOCATIO came to
hand, Inst week considerably enlarged
and much improved by tho addition of
new type, 'SVe hope our cotent will be
favored with an increase of business
commensurate olds the outlay. -Blyth
-A few of otaramateursl)ortsbetaao1:
themselves to the woods ono day this
weelc in search oflrabbits andsquirrels.
After travelling the woods the whole
day they secured one rabbit and one
squrrcl. Billy reported his shoulder
very, sore the next day, from thoeffects
of the lacking, musket.
.Urs. Dr. Cowen, who has been spend-
ing the greater part of the st muner in
Europe, returned home on 'Tuesday
last., Before leaving Europe she visited
England, Ireland and Scotland, and
spells in glowing tern's of these cotmt-
ries. Her health was not of the best
while there and she had to shorten her
-Beautiful weather.
-The roads a aredryingnpsomewhat.
-Miss Katie Gould is spending a
few days in Goderich.
-This is the season of whitewash,
housecleaning etc.
-Mr. Chas. Neno, of London, is in
town for as few days.
--kl. L. Billings lDentist for artificial
teeth. Oilice over O'Neil's Bunk.
lA n is clubbed with
--- 11 :
T e 1 ur t r
gaily city weekly, and at reduced rates.
Tommy you look well in the plow
boy's suit and you are quite a plower
-The. Etteter AnyoU.tee lis been
• � 1 •ov ed rat its
a i�atlr m)i
nl rand
e ,l
5 L]
"get up '-=Both acll Tr airs.
-A young cluldbelongung to Mr. E:
IIcidnian got severely injured . by a
r:1Th, one dray recently The child is
-Tlicv weather prophets up north
aro pre0ieting• at h and winter, as lvaac11
:Ill.. squirrels are
I mtiftll l
iitlh> are i) c }
1 lying in large stores.
�f a-
�iiltin�h�i.v 11.
--Messrs. Evans4C T'I�, 1 c,
c ,. . 'Farmer's..
iirtl. lIr. John
L ;,
mice. John lils'one 'of the neatest
and 11O1)1est houses in town.
--Dr, Speer, the eelebr; ted East Ind
vu, Iar lYsborne, on 2nd inst.,
wife of Vr, WM. Cave, of a sou,
.W_ you want omethi
On lot 7 con. 5 N.-11, Bkidulph, on +a+'
Thursday Nov.tith farm, stock, ample-.
men's Ste. Frank Davis, sr St I1, Davis
prop, IL Brown. auctioneer.
On lot 8, on. 15 Stephen on Tuesday
Nov. 18th, farm stock. Wm. Simpson,
prop's, Woe Holt, aalwt,
At liotlgita's Hotel Centralia, on Felt
day, Nov.1Gtb 1688, farm stock, imple.
ments, &e, Jas. (*o annct, Chas. Essery
isP111si(1'11 at. the Central Hotel.
of t'•ii Ostensible saleSn an. It as onenf ke ut,iri' t:o,tla. 9111,)'H.:'1,I!s: next
1110 •neatest swindles y;t perpetrated, ., t y
i;i, to sa tt 1 will be Dec.,5th 1.858
dna:a 11 luel.cl ants 6110010 be on thoh:
tri.: rd av�. inSt !t. No inbrell ,1G s11E)L11 , ,at•. ni-ncia Ski;. 1C,1( 15'1--1J(1 0 1 tl''' ,
Wit and Rumor.
The difference between a veterinary
surgeon and a horse doctor Is not rely -
able to some people, but it becomes
plain when the veterinary surgeon
sends in his bill,
He -Rut alte't you afraid your par
cuts will be angry 0 we get married.'
She -No; they won't eare. Why, they
are married too i
Mr. W. is quito an elderly*, wealthy
gentleman, leaving for Ms second wife
a lady by many years his junior, much
petted, and very ignorant of the vMlnne
of money.
Any expressed wish of hers ho at,
once wedged, 0 ,coney could be tlta.•
' ,. '
Medium. One evening she remarked'OPPOSITE ,
in her •cltanrrtaint; way: "` " ..
t.r saw to=day at a lovely camel's et- 'BES
hair shawl that 1 want ever somut:h. e-- -c.,
ia=,..a.2%4 13=
Or call and s some of his
'Wedding, 8011001 and Party Cakes
Would you bring home to -morrow a
check? it's only 450."
'Yes, dear," he replied, r't w]Il bring
then money;' and twee day, with the
assistance of his porter, he did bring
home and piece on the table fi00 two.
shilling pkeees.
At the sight of this pili; of metal, the
wife exelniut d:
"What are you going to do with all
that money?"
',Why, love, it's the money you want-
ed for the new Amyl"
"Gooch grecions, does it take all t]aat.
had noidea it
h�• I1,nl.lo,
� ..,
meant so much. I. will do without the
shawl, and will put it all in the bank,
if you will let nue."
And she (lid so, and has since added
several sums to the deposit. Mr. W.
affirms, on his honor, that since the
event s1i has not asked foi a quarter
so much money as before the incident.
-On Friday morning, some miscre-
ants entered the premises of Mr. John
McMahon, 2nd Hay, and tried to curry
away some of the bees e p
ties lied a number of pickets removed
from the fence where the bee hives
stood; but the ever faithful dog appeaar-
on the scene, and drove orf the light-
fingered gentry.
i an
-.4 new fakir scheme s
stating the advertiser will
send to any one enclosing the sum of
one dollar, thesecret-of " porpotu:al life.
The sucker Who sends the dollar ie-
ceives by return mail a neat card, ori
the � or is Don't
which are printed r c
Vie. Send a dollar for the `'r1a)�-ou.�'r)n
and we'll tell you how to be hippy for a
y ear.
•--Ther„ is as woman now travelling
through the villages betweenSt. honoas
and •11'i dsor, inducing girls t0 go to.
Detroit, and from there they are taken
L ,for
rh:la ha ..1
woods. of Not 1 u
.the Woo a
to h
iin111nra11 purposes She holds out as:
an ia)diic'Clnent`lucrGative positions as
saleswoman in Detroit,; and. sofa has
secured n ia.rgo 11u1i bor of' respectable
girl's.. She should 1)o, arrested.,
-A Georgia ediiol� makes the follow-
ing, ainilOilllCeinent lin iti,`i }Oc:'i1: co'.tua ns:.
";ire 11tivo on hind an excellent clothes
�a* .51).or, which 110 have got for a yew's
adverra;inc As w e llt'<c 110 clothes to
wash -1,,>0 aro .o"f&1rieg-alae thing for
„,. ft "ran r. person fall.. 11: '. a.1 t.�11da1 }. 11110 Siys 1111161)00n. s.la, C11� } 101(1. to the; pers0111;)°1rii1,Q`
1) yr money 6i' t l � l `l. draft � person l ., t_;i
. a , ,., . r, a will -n osr 111 _1.;G local l
hnu �x i5o11i11; known, to Tarn auay- laclt, t;h.• Sc. £callO£ ,n , for srnnt; t11u�,,. , .
1 1 1 p 1 a year's s Sali)Soriplio 1 10' 0110 S i 5
tl%auah.."c'.shicr,of ati b:a,t7. 7rolt]C1. - c.. ,t lh�;',u. oath -teak of tyT isoirl. � •y �a 1 1��.
Bockwto the Vavorite.
Teey (ii(1 not often ,give dinner -par-
ties, and never gave a: large one ; but
at the little re-iuiions to which they did
invite then friends they liked every-
thing of the best. So, on the afternoon
of one of their choice little feasts, the
.lost summoned his boy -in -buttons, and
s lid:
ow, John, you must be very care-
ful how you hand round the wine."
�r .
it .
Thcsc bottle, with �'es s
5 •k In the Meek seals
are the best, and. tltese with the red.
seals the inferior sherry. The best
sherry- is for after (.inner. the inferior
sherry you will hind routed with the
understand -
You cic.x
` after soup. )
in cl.
hock .and inferior sherry after soup?
"Yes sir," said the boy4n-buttons.
And the evening Carle, and guests
cause, and everything was progressing
aclanirably till the boy went round the
table asking of every guest:
i li
inferior c.
1.oii toi sl t
tv.rybod took hock
One of Jones' peculiarities isnever
to acliriit then he. .is feeling well. No
matter what species` of sur'fering you
,ire undergoing, the 101111 his Sympathy
invariably tikes is this:
Tho other day he 0:1300 ]ionic sick-
tohis steelier. 5"U
t0O lel to
11 Ayes sent lap to his room by Mrs. Jones,
-who 1.1...d )re .red it herself. Among
otl or delicacies were six 1100`' 1:00 et gs
boiled to snit hien. One of the child en
stayed with 11hu ond -watched 111c, egg -
c i [Augwith iait00est.- As Jones took
up 1113 sio-rii and last egg, the little
.fellow, 10 c:h l oiit his hand.
"Lot ane have 1t ,papa."
Jones odared at the child, then he
said li.iiskily:
'`:.iaak_e it eai.tlb, innatm•al:child, and
hb y'o�.1 1)oO1:5father
Tommy nit the egg.
Sloe, Thatillniwut Etc.
They are offering g their En-
tire Stock at prices that
will Astonish you.
A Call Solicited.
There is a °Machine OH called
F .z
• ,r•the Trade Mark, LARDINE
See that Barrels are branded with
It as it is only spurious io>.Zs .oil they
not, do not tak h
o, you so as to make more; money
are offering Y
out ofY ou.