HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-09-21, Page 12WINGHAM & DISTRICT HOSPITAL HIGHLIGHTS
"Excellence in Rural Health Care"
Patients can become frustrated when they have to wait for extended periods in the emer-
gency waiting room. Patients are seen in order of priority and not the lime they arrived in
the Department. To help decrease the wait times and if your condition is not life threaten-
ing, we are asking you to call if, at all possible, before coming to the hospital and you will
be Oren a time to be seen by the Doctor in the Emergency Room. Please understand that
Emergencies can still cause delays.
Visiting hours are 2-4 p.m. and 6-8 p.m. daily. If you are ill, please do not visit our patients.
A program targeted towards patients who have had a Heart Attack, Stroke or mini strokes
(TlAs) or for those with high cholesterol to prevent these conditions. 2 hour program led by
a Nurse Practitioner and Registered Dietitian on Sept 28, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Board
Room. Physician referral is required. Please cal Cherie Dolmage 357-3210 ext 275 to
The next class will be held on September 261h/06 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the Terrace Room. A
doctor's referral is required. For more information or to roultiter call Charts DOlmoss,
RDICDE at 357-3210 ext. 275 or Linda Kieffer, RN/CDE at ext 362.
Phone: 357-3210 Fax: 357-2931 Website: www.1wha.ca
In the ring
RyeLee Fear with his horse, waits patiently for the judge as
they competed at the Belgrave school fair, Sept. 13. (Photo
Judges choose best Thanksgiving arrangements
Continued from page 11
Weber, both of Blyth.
Class 118. Elderberries - Nickolas
Irwin, Kaitlyn Michie, William Haines,
all of E. Wawanosh; Adam Cronin,
Blyth; Ellen Cook, Brittany Haines, both
of E. Wawanosh.
Class 119. Pears - Ben Pletch,
Meagan Pletch, Laura Higgins, Chris
Shiell, Jason Meier, all of E. Wawanosh;
Trystan Weber, Blyth.
Class 120. Apples, wild - Andrew
Hess, Brittany Haines, both of E.
Wawanosh; Trystan Weber, Blyth;
William Haines, Laura Higgins, both of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 121. Basket of Fruit - Matthew
Cottrill, Brittany Haines, Grabriel
Carter, Kaitlyn Michie, all of E.
Class 122. Thanksgiving
Arrangement - Kaitlyn Michie, Matthew
Cottrill, both of E. Wawanosh; Trystan
Weber, Blyth; William Haines, E.
Class 123. Pullets - no entries.
Class 124. Hens - Jason Warwick,
Class 125. Cockerels - Caroline
McDowell, Michael McDowell, both of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 126. Broiler Chickens ' - no
Class 127. Hens -no entries.
Class 128. Pullets - no entries.
Class 129. Ducks - no entries.
Class 130. Geese - no entries
Class 131. Exotic Fowl - Jason
Warwick, Blyth.
Class 132. Banties - Nick Brandon,
Blyth; Gabriel Carter, E. Wawanosh.
Class 133. Hen eggs, brown - Gabriel
Carter, E. Wawanosh.
Class 134. Hen eggs, white - Jason
Meier, E. Wawanosh; Jonathon
Hakkers, Blyth.
Beginners ONLY
Class 135. Largest Tomato - Hunter
McCullagh, Kester Jardin, Alex Coultes,
Hayden Robinson, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 136. Pie Pumpkin - Kester
Jardin, Alex Coultes, Hunter
McCullagh, Hayden Robinson, all of E.
Class 137. Odd-formed vegetable -
Jenna Hopper, Hunter McCullagh,
Hayden Robinson, Kester Jardin, all of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 138. Mature Sunflower - Hunter
McCullagh, Tyson Mlchie, Hayden
Robinson, Dakota Coultes, all of E.
Class 139. Tomatoes - Mackenzie
Wightman, Dakota Coultes, Hayden
Robinson, Hunter McCullagh, all of E.
Class 140. Onions - Hayden
Robinson, Dakota Coultes, all of E.
Class 141. Carrots - Jenna Hopper,
Hayden Robinson, Hunter McCullagh,
Alex Coultes, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 142. Largest Potato - Hayden
Robinson, Dakota Coultes, Alex
Coultes, Hurter McCullagh, all of E.
Class 143. Cucumber - Tyson Michie,
Hayden Robinson, both of E.
Beginners, JK, SK, Grades 1, 2, 3
Class 144. Shiniest Coat - Christopher
Gulutzen, E. Wawanosh; Hanne
Nauwelaerts, Blyth; Ashley Johnston,
Craig Raynard, Chyanne Schiestel,
Garet Smuck, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 145. Longest Whiskers - Travis
Newman, E. Wawanosh; Lara
Nauwelaerts, Blyth and Wyatt
Schiestel, E. Wawanosh, tied second;
Curtis Raynard, Shelby Higgins, Ryan
Smuck, Emily Meier, all of E.
Class 146. Shortest Tail - Chyenne
Schiestel, Shelby Higgins, Ryan Smuck
and Christopher Gulutzen, tied third;
Ashley Higgins, Chastity Caesar, all of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 147. Most Colourful - Henri
Frischknecht, Curtis Frischknecht,
Judith Hess, all of E. Wawanosh;
Phaedra Scott, Blyth; Julia Beaven,
Ashley Higgins, both of E. Wawanosh.
Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Class 148. Longest Tall - Brittany
Haines, Brianna Yuill and Dalton Delisle
- tied second, Jason Meier, Kevin
Pennington, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 149. Biggest Ears - Caroline
McDowell, Brittany Haines, both of E.
Class 150. Best Trick - Brittany
Haines, Dalton Delisle, both of E.
Class 151-. Dress Like Your Pet -
Matthew Cottrill, Caroline McDowell,
Andrew Hess, Brianna Yuill, all of E.
Class 152. Dairy calf - Tina
Verschaeve, Blyth; Caroline McDowell,
E. Wawanosh.
Class 153. Dairy calf - Ward
Verschaeve, Michelle Studhalter, both
of Blyth.
Class 154. Dairy calf - Eve Vershaeve,
Blyth; Caroline McDowell, E.
Class 155. Beef calf - Ashley Higgins,
Shelby Higgins, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 156. Beef calf - Garet Smuck,
Ryan Smuck, Arden Coultes, Dawson
Coultes, Dallas Coultes, all of E.
Wawanosh; Marion Studhalter, Blyth;
Jacob Coultes, E. Wawanosh.
Class 157. Beef calf - no entries.
Class 158. Showmanship - Dairy (10
& under) - Ward Vershaeve, Tina
Vershaeve, Eve Vershaeve, all of Blyth.
Class 159. Showmanship Beef (10 &
under) - Dallas Coultes, Ashley
Higgins, Ardon Coultes, Garet Smuck,
Dawson Coultes, Shelby Higgins, all of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 160. Showmanship Dairy (11 &
over) - Caroline McDowell, E.
Wawanosh; Michael Studhalter, Blyth.
Class 161. Showmanship Beef (11 &
over) - Laura Higgins, E. Wawanosh.
Class 162. Ewe - Ethan Coultes,
Dawson Coultes, Curtis Raynard,
Jacob Coultes, Craig Raynard, Ardon
Coultas, Dakota Coultes, all of E.
Class 163. Ewe - Trevor Raynard, Heidi
Raynard, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 164. Wether - Laura Higgins,
Caroline McDowell, both of E.
Class 165. Showmanship (10 &
under) - Ardon Coultes, Ethan Coultes,
Curtis Raynard, Jacob Coultes,
Dawson Coultes, Dakota Coultes, all of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 166. Showmanship (11 & over)
- Laura Higgins, Trevor Raynard, Heidi
Raynard, Caroline McDowell, all of E.
Class 167. Pony shown on line, (11 &
over) - Melissa Leishman, Ryan
Drabuik, both of E. Wawanosh. _
Class 168. Pony shown on line, (10 &
under) - Annie Prout, Brussels, and
Rachael Snell and Joel Snell, both of
Blyth, tied first; Ryelee Fear, Paige
Fear, both of E. Wawanosh and Dylan
Prout, Brussels and Zachary Campbell,
E. Wawanosh, all tied second.
Class 169. Pony shown with saddle
(11 & over) - Ryan Drabuik, Melissa
Leishman, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 170. Pony shown with saddle
(10 & under) - Rachel Snell, Joel Snell,
both of Blyth; Annie Prout, Brussels;
Paige Fear and Ryelee Fear, both of E.
Wawanosh, tied fourth; Dylan Prout,
Brussels and Zach Campbell, E.
Wawanosh - tied fifth.
Class 171. Costume Class (11 &
over) - Melissa Leishman, Ryan
Drabuik, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 172. Costume Class (10 &
under) - Joel Snell, Blyth and Paige
Fear, E. Wawanosh, tied first; Dylan
Prout, Brussels and Rachel 'Snell,
Blyth, and Annie Prout, Brussels, tied
second; Zach Campbell, E. Wawanosh,
Class 173. Best Pony - no entries.
Class 174. Kid - no entries.
Class 175. Milking Doe - no entries.
Class 176. Showmanship (10 &
under) - no entries.
Class 177. Showmanship (11 & over)
- no entries.
Class 178. Beginners, JK - (necklace)
- Dakota Coultes, Alex Coultes, Kesler
Jardin, Teegan Daw, Hayden Robinson;
Alicia Ireland, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 179. SK - (necklace) - Travis
Newman, Morgan Willie, Christopher
Gulutzen, all of E. Wawanosh; Mason
Campbell, Blyth; Chasity Caesar, E.
Class 180. Grades 1 & 2 (Rice Krispie
cat) - Emily Stennett, Shelby Higgins,
Kendall Jardin, Leslie Irvine, Zachary
Campbell, all of E. Wawanosh; Morgan
Howson, Blyth.
Class 181. Grades 3 & 4 (Rice Krispie
cookie Christmas) - Rachael Snell,
Joel Snell, both of Blyth; Lindsay Shiell,
Shania Jamieson, Judith Hess, Ashley
Higgins, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 182. Grades 5 & 6 (decorated
hard boiled egg) - Sarah Cook, E.
Wawanosh; Jon Hakkers, Blyth; Wes
Thompson, E. Wawanosh; Ashley
Walden, Lauren Cronin, both of Blyth;
Laura Higgins, Caroline McDowell, both
of E. Wawanosh.
Class 183. Grades 7 & 8 (carrot cake)
- Matthew Cottrill and Ellen Cook, both
of E. Wawanosh, tied first; Andrew Hess
and Kelsey Smith, both of E.
Wawanosh, tied second.
Class 184. Open - Beginners 2005,
JK, SK (mini-pizza) - Hayden
Robinson, Kesler Jardin, Mackenzie
Wightman, Teegan Daw, Alex Coultes,
all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 185. Grade 1, 2, 3 (4 nutritious
snacks) - Joel Snell, Blyth; Brett
Glousher, Ashley Higgins, Zachary
Campbell, Shelby Higgins, Sydney
Wightman, Autumn Wightman, all of E.
Class 186. Grade 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (4 ways
to serve eggs) - Rachel Snell, Blyth;
Matthew Cottrill, E. Wawanosh; Adam
Cronin, Blyth; Laura Higgins, E.
Wawanosh; Lauren Cronin, Blyth; Bryce
Glousher, E. Wawanosh.
Class 187. Beginner 2005, JK, SK (3
ways to eat honey) - Jonathan Snell,
Blyth; Teegan Daw, Mackenzie
Wightman, Hayden Robinson, Morgan
Willie, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 188. Grade 1, 2, 3 (5 brownies)
- Quinton Hakkers, Joel Snell, both of
Blyth; Cole McKee, Shania Jamieson,
Amelia Pletch, all of E. Wawanosh;
Brittany Walden, Blyth.
Class 189. Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 (5
honey oatmeal cookies) - Andrew
Hess, Andrea Shiell, both of E.
Wawanosh Ashley Walden, Blyth;
Sarah Cook, E. Wawanosh; Jon
Hakkers, Blyth; Caitlin Daw, E.
Class 190. Beginner, JK, SK (teddy
bear) - Zachary Walden and Jonathan
Snell, both of Blyth, tied first; Blake
Goodall, E. Wawanosh and Mason
Campbell, Blyth, tied second; Julia
Beaven and Mackenzie Wightman, both
of E. Wawanosh, tied third; Kurtis
Frischknecht, Alex Coultes, Brookelyn
Johnston, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 191. Grade 1 & 2 (butterfly) -
Kendall Jardin, Nicole Hardy, Cole
McKee, Shelby Higgins, Jackson
Goodall, Sydney Wightman, all of E.
Class 192. Grade 3 & 4 (sport
cushion) - Rachael Snell and Trystan
Weber, both of•Blyth, tied first; Phaedra
Scott and Holly Howson, both of Blyth,
tied second; Bryce Glousher, Shania
Jamieson, Drew McKee, all of E.
Wawanosh; Kathleen Stennett, and
Ashley Higgins, both of E. Wawanosh,
tied sixth.
Class 193. Grade 5 & 6 (t-shirt) -
Christina Eckert, Blyth; Wes Thompson,
E. Wawanosh. _
Class 194. Grade 7 & 8 (hot pads) -
Brittany Haines, E. Wawanosh.
Class 195. Beginner, JK, SK
(favourite pet) - Teegan Daw, Hayden
Robinson, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 196. Grade 1, 2, 3 (creature) -
Joel Snell, Blyth; Brett Glousher, E.
Wawanosh; Jamie-Lee Eckert, Blyth;
Shania Jamieson, E. Wawanosh; Jarod
Logan and Amelia Pletch, both of E.
Wawanosh, tied fifth; Drew McKee,
Rachel Cook, and Cole McKee, all of E.
Wawanosh, tied sixth.
Class 197. Grade 4-8 (Halloween
decoration) - Matthew Cottrill, E.
Wawanosh; Jon Hakkers, Blyth and
Caitlin Daw, E. Wawanosh, tied second;
Bryce Glousher, E. Wawanosh and
Trystan Weber, Blyth, tied third; Laura
Higgins, Ben Pletch, Caroline
McDowell, Dalton Delisle, all of E.
Class 198. Beginner, JK, SK (mike
animal out of vegetables) - Hayden
Robinson, Kurtis Frischknecht, Teegan
Daw, Brookelyn Johnston, Tyson
Michie, all. of E. Wawanosh.
Class 199. Grade 1 & 2 (make a
elephant out of burrs) - Nicole Hardy,
Sydney Michie, both of E. Wawanosh;
Quinton Hakkers, Blyth.
Class 200. Grade 3 & 4 (recyclable
boat/raft) - Rachel Snell, Joel Snell,
both of Blyth; Drew McKee, E.
Wawanosh; Trystan Weber, Blyth;
Andrea Shiell, Jarod Logan, both of E.
Class 201. Grade 5 & 6 (10 nails,
labelled) - William Haines, Ben Pletch,
Caitlin Daw, all of E. Wawanosh;
Brittany Boyer, Ashley Walden, both of
Blyth; Tyler Hallahan, E. Wawanosh.
Class 202. Grade 7 & 8 (lawn
ornament) - Brittany Haines, Matthew
Cottrill, Dalton Delisle, Ellen Cook, all of
E. Wawanosh.
Class 203. Beginner, JK, SK (5
different leaves) - Hayden Robinson,
E. Wawanosh; Jonathan Snell, Blyth;
Hunter McCullagh, Blake Goodall,
Travis Newman, Mackenzie Wightman,
all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 204. Grade 1-3 (bird feeder) -
Lara Nauwelaerts, Blyth; Judith Hess,
Shelby Higgins, Zachary Campbell,
Lindsay Shiell, all of E. Wawanosh;
Hanne Nauwelaerts, Blyth.
Class 205. Grades 4-8 (Mr. & Mrs.
Potato Head) - Kelsey Smith, Loretta
Thompson, both of E Wawanosh;
Ashley Walden, Blyth; Caroline
McDowell, Sarah Cook, Bryce
Glousher, all of E. Wawanosh.
Beginners, JK, SK
Class 287. (meal using magazine
picture) - Girls. Julia Beaven, Chasity
Caesar, Paige Fear, Alicia Ireland,
Morgan Willie, all of E. Wawanosh.
Class 288. (meal using pictures) -
Boys. Teegan Daw, E. Wawanosh;
Jonathan Snell, Blyth, Hunter
McCullagh, E. Wawanosh; Mason
Campbell, Blyth; Hayden Robinson,
Kester Jardin, both of E. Wawanosh.
Class 289. (decorate a pine cone for
Christmas) Girls. Amelia Pletch, Emily
Stennett, Sydney Wightman, Shelby
Higgins, Kendall Jardin, all of E.
Wawanosh; Brittany Walden, Blyth.
Class 290. (decorate a pine cone)
Boys. Jackson Goodall, Ryelee Fear,
both of E. Wawanosh; Quinton Hakkers,
Blyth; Cole McKee, E. Wawanosh;
Justin Shortreed, Blyth.
GRADE 3, 4, 5
Class 291. (shoebox) Girls. Caitlin
Daw, Sarah Cook, Rachel Cook,
Kathleen Stennett, all of E. Wawanosh;
Ashley Walden, Blyth; Brianna Yuill, E.
Class 292. (shoebox) Boys. Wes
Thompson, E. Wawanosh; Trystan
Weber, Blyth,
GRADE 6, 7, 8
Class 293. (picture/article Olympic
athlete) Girls. Brittany Haines, E.
Class 294. (picture/article Olympic
athlete) Boys. Matthew Cottrill, Dalton
Delisle, both of E. Wawanosh.
Beginners, JK SK
Continued on page 12