HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-11-8, Page 3FAI,'IY f'UbLtR . A matter of corse—Diesel,...._. The way r£ the whirled—the waltz.. Gcr d only when used up -The umbrella, A Sump Speaker—" Mixer, give rue the butt," A duels of a. bonnet often makes a goose of a woman. It is probably the attention paid it which. makes the weathervane. The after-dIoner speaker generally has an eat way of expressing himself. A woman should be able to do more than A Ulan. She hall a slighter hand. An exchange asks : Whatare our young men coming to Coming to see our girls,. of course, The year of 1£989 will be ushered in with an eclipse, Teat isn't much of a boom for a starter. A machine for pressing bops has been in- vented, America is the home of the hop_ Caressed, The sovereigns that exert the greatest away in thin world are neither white ori black, bat yellow, "I litre I'8rie," said b1rs. Mulhooly, "them Two !urea and Beys de Balogna and Champs Elisis ix immense, "Jack, please don't l Toe muse my hair 1" Bert Jack kept right on, on the, ground that it he mussed he meet. " Some ilea yen found yourself ea; dot,' it dondt vas der feller dot got winge who vaA an angel," sage Carl Pretzel, What type of -girl manes the best type writer? Blerulteheired girl* Pere a type' brighter than, the ethers, generally. ;► l ul;' eetid Ustole Josh as he watobed the ballet, Ive, bed, nerrer escapes in my lite, but 1 wan never in such a tight place Al thin'Mere." "A feller mit one leg on der roar to wir. tee," eaye Carl Pretzel, " vlll valk der entefde a feller out mit two loge en der wall t0 efil." Irascible Wife (to husband) —"Yee are ne match for rue, air. Ifuaband (weakly) "If I em not, my dear, why do yen want to scratch wet' " Dambwaitere," remarked a hayseed, emetempleting a sign is Toronto the other day ; "deuce take it, why don't they have' dumb hareem V "Noels, uaydeer," skid the teacher, ""what, is nieuiury'," The little nee answered, after a elements reiie4at1011: " it IS the thing you for,Jet.with." "Well, what asst y'ou Mr. Jelluelugr J*1r. John, eyes, .nigger. 1)4 you 'spew chili fur de colic?. If you get a eiz der In your c. teld u5 rush the other one; but, ye' U you get A y'ousag :girl inyeur eye totter not tub the other girl. A Mae will die'lacete hie arm trying bit a baacbell,, aid spend an entire {lay in debilltetieg effort to make a home run; b he: won't beat a carpet. Not much. In A ballroom assembly *soh; you man acid to a. sweet girl; ,"May I mit on your rig. ht bend Ilerquick mower was. Whys ocourse m t! o You d bolter take a chair. A Freuch *avant has discovered organa of eight in vegetables 1 No wonder the woods ring withlaughter when a dude game to a picnic and tries to milk a yearling eat with a clothes pin. Cpnfee' Deeatist—"Well, how do the now teeth work ?" Patient -"Nob very well. They seem to cut the °there." O. D.— "Thee is perfectly natural. They l ele=C to an entirely different sot, you know. The cotton seed heeomee cotton, the cotton becomes tt read, the thrced become a fah. ria, the falaio becomes a print, the print' becomes rY wrapper, :and the wrapper be.. CORM a beautiful woman. Such is evolution. Dade (to citizen of Arizona)—"Ah 1 has your family a famiiy tree?" Axizonian--"I' dunno as' you would call it exactly a family. tree, stranger, but two of our folks hev been strung up on that 'ere cottonwood out yon. der," Newly Arrived Iriahman--a But what good do limit out av it if I join the 3j ilayaian' utual Benefit and protective Association P Acclimated Djilesien—" We bury a mem- bor ivory Soanday, an' it's a beautiful drive the cimetary." ., y Billy's 'little sister had fallen and hurt bor nose, and cried a great deal over it. Dearing her mother tell her to be careful lest she might spoil it next time, he said : What's the good of a nose to her ? She never biows it" Mrs. Goidduab—" Will yon kindly excuse my daughter's delay, Herr Waohtamrbeinl She is dressing for a german." Herr Waoh- tamrhein (making an evening call)—" Oh, matam, it vas a pity�eho should change her dress on my agount.. a So you were caught in the act, madam 2" remarked the judge gravely. "You de- ceivedyour husband." " On the contrary; your Honor, he deceived me," rejoined the', lady promptly, "He said he was going out of town, and he didn't go 1" Myrtle—" Florence, is thab Fred Dnm- ley's handwriting?" Florence—" Yes, dear; I'm engaged to him, you know.' Myrtle— "Yes, I know it. I was engaged to him last Summer." Florence--" The dear boy, I wonder who will marry him eventually." At "prayer meeting in a Western town the pastor urged the peopleto ask any questions they would like to have asked. This prompted an ell fellow to get up and remark : "" What I want to know is of an oath taken en a. Bible which h"z the feet ten chapters of Genesis kissed offen itis bindin, " An "xtreme specimen of a dandy, alighted from a four wheeler and went round to pay the driver. The peer old rook -of -bones snare tanned her head to gaze at him. "Yes," said the driver confidentially to the horse, as the passenger moved away, "" that's the blessed hobjeot you've been .a-drawin' of !"' A poor Seotehmau who bad but scant pasture for hie cow one day tethered her on. the summit of a barren hillock. where nand and stones Were far more plentiful than vegetation, and, looking around him, ex. elaimed ; " Weal, weed, Rlsy,. my lass, d ye haena miekle to eat ye hiv at ony rate a splendid view." 808 fur, sur ere e wearies,. 8 Visit The Ha ae. x!' JOliti TORONTO, I took my wall ayont the sea WV thoughts on pleasure bent, Fe' teeny years had gaed ower uta Since free my hams 1 went.. Bit Poo i'ue here I stranger feel Than, if 1 were abroad, I find the apote I trent sae` weep Cawed mine new (angled road 1 I dsunder up an' door the street 'here mute I need tae play. Ari sgeree a hetit fees dsaa 1 meet The leveling seen. ter% day 1 My heart is aair--I Panna toll The reason wby it's 880— .A'an' altentituee leek anyeer Why do I feel sae was I ask for Joalr, aP' Toru, AU' Ni ill— - My orouies a' o' yore : Some wane awe' -..some could nn' still'- An' few are tae the fere 1 Imaaination's t+' M fent 1 find a'ot tae my eat ;— For Time hie eubtlo change ha's wrou Kent faces a' are lost 1 I ictur'd:them as when I last elield each bonnie bro', The lade an' laseiea o' the plat Were men ati' wg nelt goo I AOR' Some had even (pike forgot That; ever I halo been, Until we miudcd o' a let 0' GVeues we MIL had Seer. i Then had we teeny a hearty laugh Atm' thing art' neither. An' as evade' cup we'd quail We felt each like a britlier. We took a trip fee down the Clyde Allanthe hills an' heather, Twait then 1 thgebt I'd like tae lade In Seethe' it' theoither 1 The hills were just the very name, The lochs an'' gl ua 440 bonnie, I felt ainco mew I was at kerne— At; prood o' helm as ouy I Olt 1 Scotian' thou ehalt ever be A patriot's boast a z' glory ; r91 brag o' you when ower the sea, erten tell this story d Row Louts Dee a Dream Last ? The "London Globe" says that this in- teresting question has recently been dis- cussed in Germany,, among others by Dr, F. Scholz, who has given some etrikiug ex- amplea front hie own experience and observa- tion, 1t is nob possible to give a definite answer; and probably enough dreams vary very much In point of duration, Piet as they vary in force and vividness, At one time. tha figures of a dream, whether they emerge from the horn or the ivory gate, are as real as in life; the sorrow is even more intense, the happiness more realistic.; At another time they seem to live only in a pale moon- light, and wewatch the scenes rather than participate in them. It is very certain, What Adie You ? Do you have obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges from bead and throat,. sometimes profuse, acrid and watery, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offensive; dull, heavy headache most of the time, with occasional splitting headaches') are your eyes weak, wa'ery, or iniiemed; is there ringing in the ears, with more or less deafness ; do you have to hack,congle and gag, in your efforts to clear your throat in the: znarnin , ; do you:expeotorate offensive matter, ecabe Iron Wears, perhaps tinged with blood; ie your voice changed and ie there a ",nasal twang" to it ; is your breath offensive; are your sepses of taste and, smelt impaired? If you however, thee the majority ee dreams see !hege,all or any considerable number of these only of naonentary duration, though extend- aemipt one, you are suffering from that most ed occasionally to the length, of sk. zntnuts, eonimon anddangerous of nalediee-,-•.chronic In proof of this, Dr. Soho z Lem the follow• nasal catarrh, The mere oomplfoated your ing story from ids experience; " After disease has. become, the greater the number excessive bodily fatigue and a day of mental and diversity of symptoms. No matter strain, of a not disagreeable bind, I betook *hitt stage it has reached, Dr, Sage's Ce - myself to bed after 1 had wound upp my ter.h Remedy, which is sold by druggists at watch and placed it onthe night -table, Then only 50 cents, will cure it. The manufac- Ilay down beside a burning lamp. Soon I found mysel( on the high sea on heard a_ well-known phip. I was again young, and- stood on the look -nut: I heard roar of the water„ and golden clouds ' their Garen, turere of this wonderful remedy offer, in good faith, 590• for a ease of Site disease which they cannot eure. Men sow their wild Oats and women new sited round me. How long I so stood I did not know, but it aeemed 4 very long time. Then, the scene changed, 1 was in, the country, and my loug• lead parents casae to greet me ; they took me to church, where the loud organ sounded. I was delighted, but at the same time wonder- ed to ago my wife and children there, The Pried mounted the pullet and preached, , It has re;eued many a stili d Iife I This but I oauld not, understand whoa he Laid p The voyage from Maiden fair to woman- hood is a. a fttn attended with many perils, Mothers er should insist upon their deugbters beingn v prepared with every means of asfety. U x ersal y acknowledged as the reliable "" Life -preserver" on this rough sea of un- oertainties. is Dr. L'4eree'a Favorite fres- criptfon. Itthas averted many a disaster. for the owed of the omen which continued op z,ar ;remedy lee preleased es ocLe11v for to play, 1 took lily omen, the head and omen, It is the only remedy of its chase It "Till the Father." ear L. A. MORRISON. (fn loving remembrance of "Harry," our only boy, who died September llth, aged fi yenta,] 'Tie the Fathmr'e TI ought, That plans our lives, and anaulds our dee- tiniee, But from beyond these mortal myeteriea There cornea, 'unsought, This that the Lard hath wrow hb And, though wo maynot comprehend i Pt, stili We bow, submissive, to His Mind and Will, And learn Hie perfect Thought. The Little Town o' Tailholt. Illi JAMES tt'rf1TOOMn 1ULEY. You kin boattt About your cities, and their tidy growth and size, Andbrag about your country seats, and business enterprize. And railroads, and factories, and all Lich foolery:- But oolery—But the little town o' Tailholt is big enough for me 1 4 contemporary wants to know in what age women have been held in the highest esteem. Well, anywhere from the age of seventeen to forty-five. It depends a good deal on the woman, though. There have been very estimable and attractive women at sixty. End Man—t William, can you tell me why a man sitting on a redhot stove is like a man who has gone to. heaven?" Middle Man—" 1 don't know, Mr. Bones. Why is a man sitting on a redhot stove like one who has gone to heaven ?" End Man—" He's better off. Two vagrants called on a kind lady in the suburbs of Toronto. "To which of you two shall T give this nickel ?" she asked. First Tramp—" Give it to him, madame. He has purchased the route from me, and I am just taking him around to introduce him to the customers." Minister—" So youdon't believe the story about the loaves and fishes, ""Bobby— N-no, sir."." Minister My little boy believes it." Bobby—" Yes, but your little boy has been going to Sunday school longer than I. He's had more practice in those things than I have. Wife-" Why, John, what made you - get such: a little =brolly with so much handle?' Husband—" That handle's solid silver." Wife—"Yes, but you can't put the handle up when it rains." Husband—" Well, I'd like to -know if I didn't 'put it up' for $5 during the last wet spell?" • " When is yer gwine ter Frederiokeburg ?" asked one Austin Barky of another. " I'm gwiue to morrer mornin' in de early stn e." "Don't o in der earl stage.' " Wh. yerg,, .;a, y g Why not, Pompey ? Bekase dem early stages am sickly. I read a piece yisterday warnin' folks about consumption in de early stage." wit tete aseended the ahureh tower--bnt a";ain the Beane was chaned. Instead of being near my eon 1 steed'near an early. known but loeg dead oflleer—I ought to ex- plain that I Was an army surgeon during the manoeuvrea, I was wondering why the major aliouid look so young, when quite' 01088 in fly yarn an unexpected canna s.ouuded. Terrified I was hurrylee otT, when I woke up and xloticed than the sup. poa:d cannon slot had its cause in the open- ing of the bedroom door through someone entering: 15 was as if I had lived through au eternity in my dream, but when I look- ed at my watch I saw that aiuce I had fall - ea asleep not rnuro than one minute had elapsed a niucli eliorter thug than it takes. to relate the occurrence." Dr. Scholz lues celleetei1 marry other examples of a aiinner kind, You. Can harp about yer churches, with their steeples in the clouds, And gas about yer graded atreete, and blow about yer crowds ; You kin talk about yer theatres, and all you've got to see; But the little town o' Tailholt is wide enough :for me ! They haint no style in our town ; hit's little like and small ; They haint no churches, 'nnther ; jets' the meetin' house is all ; They's no aidewalks, to speak of, but the highway's anus free,. And the little town o' Tailholt is wide enough for me 1 Some finds it discommodin' like, I'm willin' to admit, To hev but one Post Office, and a womern keepin' hit, And the drug store, and shoe shop, and grocery, all three ; But the little town o' Tailholt is handy 'nough for me 1 You kin smile, and turn your nose up, and joke and hev yer fun, And laugh and holler, " Tail-holts is better holts 'n nun 1" Ef the city suits you better, w'y hit's where you'd orto' be, But the little town O'Tailholt'a good enough for me 1 Diseententment, "A contented mind is a +continual feast.'' How *rue are tutee worda; and bow few there are who ars eentent whit their lot in life. The peasant in !debut, bin days filed with labor, bas bis biessinga, Sissimple life giveshim laealtheudrefreah ing sleep, without which, all the wealth in a nation would be no pleasure. With what auger and discontent bo views the life of those, who, in his eyes, are for• tunateenoughto have a placoamoug the no, die elan. 11 he could only be as they are, he imagines, he would be more than content. And they of the middle class are striving to gain a foothold on the round above them, of the slid ladder. And thoao who have arrived as the pia- neele of earthly fame or wealth, with what jealous discontent they watchtheless favor- ed fearing they may mount beside thefts or pull them, down from their exalted position. Melees we can hotter' our condition by hon- orable meant, and•without deatroying the llappipesa of those around lel. let us try to be content with thoatation and surroundinge LI£ DANDY" PATENT BAGIHOLDER, in which God hoe placed us, and, by our ox which every farmer wants now, costa on'y MOO, aid other8 to see that what is our lot, cop as hithere 3�or nis iaoll) Imminent, sendingjilceYto obtained le bent for us. ALLI.ti a CO., World Building, Toronto. The Raw, (Jutting Winds Bring to the surface every latent pain. A change of even a fen degrees marks the difference between comfort and pain to many persons. Happily disease now holds less away.', Soience is continually' bringing for- ward new remedies -which successfully combat disease. Poleon's Nerviline— nerve pain cure—has proved the most successful pain relieving remedy, known. Its appli- oation is wide, for it .is equally` efficient in all forms of, pain, whether internal or ex- ternal. Ten and 25 cents a bottle, at drug- gists. "Haw?" stuttered De Masher, "s'cuse me, ma deah, fellaw, but weeny, yer know, your ears are, : 'poo' my word, yer know- they're too long for a man, don't yer know." ca Humph !'•' ejaculated Stumbles, " that's where the 'difference is between you _and me." " Eh ?' - What do you mean, deals boy,?" inquired De Masher. "Why, yours are too short for an ass 1" returnedScumbles, bold by drugg alta under a positive guarantee to give eetisfeetioa. This gementee has been faithfully o.►tried out by the me nu- feeturere for many years. oriental combinations of color aro in vogue, Detectives Wanted, to ferret out and discover, if they oau, a, sie$14 rasa where De. Pierea's Golden Medi. cal Discovery has been need fortorpld liver; indigestion, impure blood, or couanmption iu its early ategee, without giving immediate end permanent relief ; provided, of course, that the direotious have been reasonably well followed, A.P. 422 1TVIIT8 krasarot, PlatentAtteraersand experti. Eli ile.7, Oeanlrll',ltldowt40eoT'eretilo. �1 ttAIOS Sendtor111, Cella. o. , II, E'dG eeele, reterbera,Oat. �•. •r'•�E • ti Own,0�'it4 AM l Ola li:I IAE or I• E T. .4." SUM. G EA L i.ra l a li zzucea. oanoan dal bere,ges. yllTCifi;Lf,. Ialaavme+, air. a1ENTS1 lltli?,BPI.4YED: We hauefte only stuudied a geclalties, of Rrhleh no other arm has a rash. to sell In atlaz]a,. write us, Tarbox Ems., Toronto, tint. est Rs Y. Caie! asdeees solicited d MONElLI, Financial Agt. Rstablkhed'Iy3P, 72 Bing St. E., Termite?. xtM0R3, ULCERS.8CRQF4LA �� .� the'knttee. A ole DM W oL 88f1Tfl, itli Queen Se 5., Toronto'. NTAMUIO VETERINARY CQLt 0R—OVER Ll live hundred ttudeaets 1 a eucceettulpraotice; tees ( fittvSellers p:riesfhon; Raton 1893-1) begins October 20th. Principal, Prot 9MITUi V. S., Toronto It TLC [ION SFZ5OIai .1F • ^•A 0:001;1 Till 10,—Vssear s S—arm. Aso Dnvx Yea..so.—Workion Stoves Pipes, Is1Ut Stooks, ole Cit and QJ LYun Right or Entirecau Jinn Potent foe Sale, W. SSERY, Noswecir, Orr,- That Pitifili Quarrel, The controversy between Dr: Mackenzie and the German doctors over the treatment of Emperor 'Frederick is now to be carried to the courts, Mesara. Bergmann and Ger. bard. having decided to bring suits for libel a;allnee their Bestish associate. The quarrel is really pitiful ; and it may be said that no person would have deprecated a eimiler con- troversy more than the patient and uncom- plaining auf oror, over whose lingering tor. tura the current dieagreoment has arisen, Romance. Er ALEXANDER r,rACAULEY. Sow dull and prosy would our lives become Did we not court thee, golden haired romance. Until 'we're caught in most delicious trance, And like a soldier when he heara the drum, Or, as a child at eight of sugar -plum, We all life's joys a million trees enhance And in a blaze cf glory straight advance As though of happiness we had the sum. And who will say thab it has been for nought, That thus we build frail castles in the air, Which after by a sadder heart is brought As is a drunkard sober unaware ? Howe'er it be humanity must cling To thee, romancer who aoarat on downy wing. The Bat Free. Dealer (to clerk)—"I'm going to mark those boys' diagonal suits $15 to -morrow." Clerk -"Fifteen dollars t Why we've been selling them for $10 all along.'' Dealer—"I know it, but I'm going to give away a base ball bat with each one of them frde of charge." u1ORONTO CUTTING Sells °L.—Gentlemen deitrous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of garment cutting should visit as. Scientific and reliabio syet.ma taught whereby perfect luting gar• anents are produce I. Circular with lull information onappli,ation. a,CORM JAN, Prop.,l_.Yongeat., Toronto. A Cure for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomanla, the morphine nervous prostration paused by the use of to aeon, n mentalde ression softening o the rain wakeful ess g b oto., premature old age, loss 'of vitality caused by over exertion of the brain, and loasof natural strength from any pause whatever. Men—young, old or mid- die+aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause nat,nentionecl above, sem your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'e Treatise in book form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and secure from observation. dddress21. V. Liming 47 Wellisrtonstreet Haat. Toronto, Ont We are sure to have a season of jet trim- ming, judging from the quantity, fineness, and variety of these goods seen on trimming counters in the best houses." California. Ask for tickets via the old.established and favorite overland route comprising the Chic- ago &•North Western. andUnion and Southern Pacific R'y's. Two fast trains leave Chicago daily with ,unrivalled- accommodations for first and second-class passengers. Rates no higher than by other lines. Baggage -check- ed through. Full information, covering rates, etc., with time table and maps, given by J. ,H. MORLEY, Canadian Passenger Agent, 69 Yonge at., Toronto, Ont. Moose cloth is the name given to the cam- el s amel's hair stuffs which come with improved surface finish, but longer, stronger hairs thrown into the weft. , Coff No More. Watson's. cough drops are the best in the world for the throat and chest, ;for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R, & T. W. are stamped' on each drop, A TTENTION lea0EIIT31—Ladies or gent:emen, .4-]. girls or boys. The best 250 seUei article ie. the world. Som=thing new and noede5 •n every household. Sells like hot cakes, Sample by mall, poet paid, with full particular,, on rece`pt of 13 ets, Address, C. W. DENNIS, 0 Tonga Street Arcade. Toronto, Ont. I:REE. KI RCHIIaEF,anCOLORS!) n amp. o! he W neer. fnINeedle! requires no threading! to all who send us 10 cents sliver for postage, eta We make this great offer to introduce our goods into every home Address at once, WHITON isIA:TF'G CO., 531 Queen St. W„ Toronto, Ont. AGENTS WANTED. THE BEAUTIFUL STORY ; or, Golden Qom of Religions Thought. By J. W. Boar,, assisted by T. RIMY r nen s,D.D Write for Circulars and Terms, WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. WHY YOU SHOULD USE SCOTT'S Brilliant ! +x Durable l Economical t DiarnQnd Dyes eXeel all others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be-. wareof imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, weak, crocky colors:;:.; -To be sure of success, use ' the DIAUQ1vD DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock. ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &e., &c,. We warrant them to collar fuore ,acids, pack. age for package, than any g P � _, ;ill � � other dyes ever made, and to gime more brilliant and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond and take no otter. A Dress Dyed FOR A Coat Colored Garments Renewed cIv s, A Child can a apse them! N t Thug to and Merchants. Dye Deck Dec, �'ELLS,Y..ssR(y,ICr,H{,.A�,�R�,TTD�SON & CO, AION .RUAL, r.. 9. JVOR1N[ EXTRACTS Base POWDER it,,ADE FP.;r CREAR]TAarAR -.TRACTS .R. BESI SAUSAGE t"ASINGS-8'4son 1=:: -yew lul‘ portations of English; 011094#,,,,Pined Macrio 3 Ilcg Casings. Orders filled rot any desired gaantity. xy.ltc for prices. JAIL. I"ARR & SOF, 4L to. 47 St, Lawrence Market,, !kq. MOO. el Estes BUSINESS 'COLLEGE, Cada k €7C eret.. The Fifth Scholastic/ Year began Sept 1st, Tee system -ol education pursued as;a4t ones le. teliecivai ant tl ¢menti;- pra:tlea1, meeting Irk* verq^ marked degree the require,nente of this prograsaiee and Commercial age. y'ew,if any, of, the griduat09 aecordicg to the showing of past results, need below unenap'oyed, To mention their trainingschocl is. ass, role, a passport to eligible and :luerative situat1008., Addroee, At. Nee CJL5MtCIC, Prtneipai. EMULSION OF COD LIVER ER ®,<• 'WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. It is Palatable as Mille, It is three times as efficacious as plain Cod Liver 0i1. It is far superior to all other so- called Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. it is wonderful as a flesh producer. It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronic Cough and Colds. b'otd by alt _Druggists, Goo. and $1.00. M I IE&Y DEi' OS IMMENSE nook of Machinery to select fron. ST Send for Lis 111. W. PETRI E, Brantford, Ont, aired Glass CR1JIiC11 S, DWELLINGS, AND PUBI,IO BUILDINGS. OMUSL ND S 'TO Ring St, W., Toro C1e' 4t t PERMANENT ��jj^^ _.. nW ava l sU u au Q I> COIR1POB,4TED 181911. Head } Head OIca Toronto 1�Or, 'Toronto Subscribed Capital. $ 4,589.50* laid tilt Carpi tel ... 2,500.000 Fetal .Lftbml8 ......... ........... 10,000,000 Tha enlarged capital and resources at thin Qempaay, together with the inoreeeed, facilities It has recently acquiredtorsupplyln„ land owners with cheap money, enable the plrectare to meet with promptness and at the lowest mitten% rate el interest all requirements for loaaaupon satletaetorv* real estate security. Application mar lie,uadetaeltarrol the Company.* loci Appraisers. or to J, HERBERT IM ON•tdintr'g. Director, Toroat0 Young ivien SUFFERING, from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and, folly, who find,;themselve weak, nervous and. exhausted ; also Mnioas-Aoso and OLD MEN whin are broken down from the effects of. abuse or over work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and read M. v. Lubon's Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3c. stamps. Address, M, V. LUBON, Wellington St. E., Toronto,Ont FOR ONE CENT You can learn whereto get a FreeHome&Farmof48OAcres Finest sol! best water, land all for settlers, Send your address on Postal Card for maps, boobs and all t nlormation. J. M. HUCKINS. 4 Pamirs house Illaok, Toronto. TIty TUE CELEBRATED 85. ' IMMEDIATELY Ari rthe b e I{I ��11i � toba f +7rllbelRe um_ Reek of the well'kosowo S5 ilathan eaN e Ogee. Li era terms and steady work,. 4 t, TUE P. W. B>*4.1DI.s lruRSE?cy Co, I4 axfiaxlaes, out. EMPIRE BLEND` ial COFFEE,, • Guaranteed Pure. Ellis & Keir hley, - Toronto. Facial Blemishes, as SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, Permanently Removed, without pain and no DISFIG- UREDIENT. No depilatories used. Send for paattoulars. written guar- antee given. melees, A. DORENWEND, PARIS HAIR WORKS, 103 & I05-YONGErST., TORONTO eatherBeltin; BEST VALVE IN THE D0SI1.'M-I'{i'N. WON &0O, MAKERS, 70 Mihir ST• E, TORQIITQ' Feud far Fries Leta aoci Flseouute. DELAYS ARE DAPIDERDUSE Pont wait unW you re burnt outer tab ardpNge0, Sale eaaeeoeaswCby,doo5aeebaa et primal, eta,at S. S. KUIRAT.,L. ay Craig Sk. PAR= an ale - Royal Nan Btealluibill ing during winter tram Portland ereryThruelay aldax every Saturday to Idverpool.and [mune. reauquebeoevery Saturday to Liverpool, calfros ndouderry to land mails and passengers toa i aril Ireland ; also from Baltimore, vis s25- rpt, Jahns, N. 1e, to Liverpool, for5D kt . essailduurrl a win to steamers Ile roof the Dive m fish d,. Basten and Philadelphia; and durts,CeuAa er tweea Glaeszew sad /entreat weekly; 01q or' ere hely, and 01aegow and R paw go or ether Information bwnaehc; & Co., Ilslthnore : 8, Oran ibx; Shea di Co., 81, Jcbn'%. Nfld.; W h Jahn, N. B.; Allen i ca., adman I`ve di J.11dez,, New yiork; B. Benriler, Toronto Quebec a Minds. Male, Iiae & Co., Q.,u� . was, AroW4I . phu t D. A Allen Pere:and Bosian..Bonteea!, Nervous Debility. DR, aaAre Specific bu bean used for tkto &.toner years, with great nieces, ea the teatime *b al nervone debility, and all disss.es artalnr;rola ex. cease., over worked bra s:41 sof vitesUty, Acyl.; is the ears, palpitation, eta. For sale by all dregg!sls" Price, Ii per box, or 0 berate for 06, or will Intimater mall on receipt of price. Parnpbloi oa appllostka.. THE GB4Y MEDICINE CO., Toronto". We terer.t.ildreeese,hachertiklbe atlilrtkarloryrta WhenBreadmaker's Yeast is t esutjett bejoresr... Jlta,sttea ir.°e.iollthe resl, So sire knows the best, jli�!,i1e t "si, Corrse her bread is the u'hilesl, leer urns ere the eind:.eeat all t. etenteakesskedaresetb oreris. BUY THE BREADMAKER'S YEAST. PA10E 5 COM CHOEE FARMS FOR SALE IN Alt PARTS OF MANITOBA. PASTIES wishing to purchase improvedefauItobs Farms, from !s"0 acres upwards, with immediate• possession, call or write to G. 1. MLIJL9t4\T, Ito. Arthur's Block, Main St., Winnipeg. :information urnished tree of charge, and settlers assisted in makingseleotlon, Mom To Loan at current rate*. o inter Whaley Royoo & Dor,: BERLIN WOOLS IN ALL COLORS, Selling at Sc. per oz, SETLAN D AND ANDALUSIAN WOOLS, Se per oz.: Baldwin's best FingerIng and Fleecy Wools, 100 per skein ; Saxony' Wool, all oolora.l0cper skein; Merino Wool, all colors, 10o Em- broidery , skein; broiderySilks, every color, 103 dozen skeins; Ameri- can A,raseue, 30c dozen skeins; English Ar.asene, large skeins, 8c skein; stamped Toilet Sets, a pieces, 85o set; Stamped Tidye, newest designs, 25o each; Stamped Splashers, do., 40 and 50e each. Ladies will always find with us the very newest material for fanoy work. Goode oan be sent to any part of Canada by post. Write for price list. A trial solicited. HENRY DAVIS, Importer, 232 Yonge Street, To- ronto. Please mention this paper. LADIES' Dress and Mantle Cutting by thi new and improved TAILORS'. Q TA O :SQUARE. S uS,tisfaction'rnaranteed to teach ladies the II art of cutting all garments worn by dies an 1 oiitdcea, PR),'. SYflxd, 349i lam St. W, Turonto- Agents Wants d, 283 Tonga Street,' Toronto The Cheapest Place In Canada for BAND INSTRUMENT& New and Second -nand Agents for "BE,SS.ON and "HIGHAli1 Band and Oroheste MUSIC. Repairing of Band struments a specialty: Send for. Catalogue. �t5g4t "FO:R CIRCULAR "PILI" BELL iglu` CHATHAM, C� Ltitok �b�TA1NSIVeRY E��1> Nfi Qhs A R 'ECT FCt \\1.%-.7 % E 1!11 S ;f541.' 1 ,n 1'ISzt3�GgU1ft �lSl'Wfl>L.,�tZl uAr . *,� aS o `Ii0 11 Cure Ail Diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Sloep!esshess, Female Complaints, DRUNKENESSEmir itt6 '.r ?' ;0 Blood,Liver. Kidney, Urinary Organs, hlervOUsraess, 1,000 Reward paid fora case they 'will not cure-