HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-25, Page 11/ A FEW FROM MANY, WHERE THEY CAN BE CONSa'I. TED, i:t1A71(74. AND 181CMLATr614 To tate Editor of the Age : Sin, --Through the wide etrcttlatien of your paper you wilt confer a favor to persons suffering from the torturing affection of Sciatica and Ilheuniatient and other cbru,ule maladies oneidered incurable by their family physiteart.-'•by informing theta where to obtain relief. I hare been afflicted for some time by the above atleetion, finailylocat- ing Itself in my Ian, with atiffnesss In ankte,taint, rendering, me almost a cripple. I Wed every advice, and ail the vedette retnediesecmut .LI,rlincluded—hut without relief. I reclaim of Dr. Speer'acireulnrs, of St.'Thome.s, and went to sechlni at theQueen', hotel, wizen nmk(ng hits monthly %left, I felt natiafie * ho understood my case, and took ids treatment for two months. I feet now as well as ever I did, alt pain Rud stiilicessa it► joint gone. I Leel more than gratitude to }din, as well as Pleasure to recommending him to others similarly afflicted with tide affection. 1 certainly consider blot the right man in tI►o right place. Strathroy, Feb. Ztf, lti.'lf. Wx. Bo:Mx. ICIDNEYS AND IMINJIR OIIOAKS. About ten care Ingo I began to. Ione health, and continued to lose limb. I was treated by many of the beat pbystaians and surlteone in the Dominion. Vt'hilo 1 was reduced exeinlntei n o and imnme int ly diagnose l my case co re tl5 andta d ne ther nedy. Re perforated a delicate and critical operation and treated me for about four weeks. The disease *menet wholty eradicated. Pomona :mitering from affection of the Kidneys or Urinary organs or any other chronic dTteme of the system should never give up, before oonsultiug the Doctor, From the eucceeatul treatment of my case and many others I Mase etneo heard of, I have every confidence in hie abilities. 1 do not publish this as a _puf, but solely from gratitude to the Doctor and for the benefit of t thensimilarly ',filleted. The Doctor eau be found at 270 Talbot Street, St. Thomas, Ont. Tuote s MCCAIcon, :88 Richmond Street East, Toronto, CONiI'LICA.TION OF DISEASea, For the benefit of many, especially the female sex. I wish to state that I have been sufferingfor several yeartt with LiverDiseaae, Dyspepsia, Obstinate Constipation ofthe Bowels, ilomorrabapeand Piles,with occasional excesslveHemorrhage frrm the Bowele. i ihave taken medicine and treatmenteroindifferent physicians without finding relief. I consulted Dr.Speer, of St.TThomas,and took his treattnent for three months, and am hap- py to say that I now feel wholly free from all these affections. He seems to have pis en me a new lease of life, and I feel it my duty as well as a pleasure to recommend lupi to others. June x,1880. Mns. E. Holteorr, Chatham, Ont. • SPERMA:tORREIOSA, CO]tMOICL'r CALLED 1ERYO'S bEit1Lr 1, of TITRES YRA1S itwDI.fQ. • DR. SSIin,R, Dear Sir; I desire to make a statement of my case that many' others. similarly effected, may avoid the rocks and quicksands on which I have been wrecked and reduced to almost s skeleton, and after the last cent extracted from me of my hard earnings, as I should not wish my name published for obvious reasons, you are at liber- ty to read this to any one when you consider it3udicona to do so. Whet I came to you for treatment I was reduced from 165 pounds to 130 pounde. 1 bad been treated by several local physicians, afterwards by others from Detroit, New York, Buffalo and Toronto, without any improvement. I should advise all young men suffering from this pernicious habit, to avoid those traveling imposters and quacks from all those fictitious institutions, otherwise they will bo enro to suffer as I hare done. I feel under many obligationtt to yon for yoer kind, liberal and generous treatment and fool happy to say that I ant a man again, and thank you k{ndiv. Believe me ever yanr friend, and wiah- ingyou every euceess as you deserve, 1 remain, thankfully and gratefully yours, J----- R , St. Thomas. • ` i• M THOS. SPBE �. .. M.C.J.S., 6.S., & THE CELEBRATED ZPICIALIZT, 'PHYSICIAN :- SURGEON. -:- aO ' 5 `eaxxs' T5xactice ac) s { DR. SPEER AVM formerly of New York City, Australia. Sandwich Iolanda, Cali fornix, Caietlu ver's Island and Oregotm; Surgeon under the British Government in thel. East Indies, also the ships Rialto and Rate, 1837-50, from Melbourne to Port Curtis and iau ltr.un iseo, as Surgeon during the lute American War from 1901 to the close of the ensue, and has circuuuiavigeted the globe. The Doctor ins a graduate of the oldest and best medical college in Europe, null bag practised medicine for thirty years. and has on p exhibition et his office his Diplomas he Inas carried in the East Indies sevenears, and which have been around the -A-arid. The Doctor treats all dlseaxea, and has%, four the last thlrty years, suecessfuilytreated all special ehranienerroue diseases. The Doctor does not claim that Inc is the onlyhysician In time world that understands his business, but claims that lie understands the treatment of the diseases mentioned on his circular 1. more thoroughly than the graduated fancily physician. for the simple reason that he itas practised medicine in nearly all parts of thesvorld.on laud and aee.iived in all of climates, has treated nearly all nationalitiesand diseases, and from his extensive, travels, practice and experience, should be more capable of mastering difficult and stub- born apses. Very few p'hyaicians, after a prnetice of thirty years, could be induced to sacrifice the boners thus gained and advertifee themselves for the treatment of Cana:ere .t rb SciciaL DIsxasss. Still after faitbfnl and determined investigations for over thirty years into the causes and nature of lingering stubborn diseases, and having made hnportant discoveries in the treatment of ail diseases of the blood—Nasal Catarrh, Cancer, Consumption, Bron -1 chitin, Asthina, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism Sciatica, Fever Sores, Salt Rheum. and Scrofulous Diseases, Diseases of the liver, Kidneys and Urinary Troubles, Bright's dis ease, Dropsy, Strictures, Pimples on the Face, Malaria Fever and .Ague. and diseases of a special, difficult and dangerouscharacter, and Diseases of Women—the Doctor is satisfied to relinquish previous professional emoluments, and confine himself to the treatment of the diseases herein named, believing that by so doing he can rendergreat.1 er service to the afflicted,