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Browse online for over 400 worldwide properties -- www.holidaygroup.com/ocn TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell-Buy- Rent. World's largest timeshare resale broker. Stroman Realty - since 1979. Worldwide selection of resort proper- ties. Call today toll-free 1-800-201- 0864. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 2006. PAGE 15. The theme of the service at Londesborough United Church on Sunday, Aug. 20 was Music and Thanksgiving. As a result, the small summer- time congregation enjoyed singing very familiar hymns from the gold hymn book that expressed God's love and mercy and our need for His involvement in our lives, such as Softly and Tenderly or I Come to the Garden Alone. Rev. Pat Cook - told the congregation that her father's family was very musical. All of them played an instrument The village welcomes Jacob and Lora Goode who have purchased the former home of Florence Cartwright at the end of Elizabeth Street. Goode is the daughter of Roman and Vicki Stepan so she is essentially returning home. The young couple have been living in Clinton since their marriage in 2005. and/or sang. She had brought along her father's antique squeeze box to demonstrate that people have items which they • cherish. Therefore they feel gratitude for the memories invoked by these items. Likewise all need to give thanks to God for His love and mercy. In a letter to the Ephesians, 5: 6- 17, 19, 20, Paul encourages them to offer psalms and praises to the Lord and offer Him thanks. As Rev. Cook explained, all things happen for a reason and that God supplies all that we need in life. We Lora is a chiropractic assistant in Goderich and Jacob works on a hog farm in the Goderich area. Welcome to our village. • Sympathy is extended to Brent and Janet Scrimgeour and their extended family for the tragic death on the weekend of a young niece. All of the Scrimgeours will need our prayers have much to be thankful for in this life. Children are taught by their parents to say thanks and say their prayers. As people mature they gain a clearer understanding of what The members of the Cheerio Club met at Clinton's newest restaurant, Lil's Kitchen for -their Aug. 16 meeting. This restaurant is a new endeavour for Frank and Dorothy Johnston's nephew, Ian Hill and his and concern for some time as they mourn the loss of Heidi's daughter. This small child's death will leave a mark/scar in the hearts of many. I came across a quote, author unknown, which may cause you to ponder when you look to the heavens for answers: "When God sees a scar, He creates a star." gratitude is. One can easily recognize gratitude in the good times but dark days, too, can bring gratitude. For example, following a death, the times spent in remembrance can salve the wounds. wife, Lil. Following a noon meal a short business meeting was held opening with a Serenity Prayer. Roll call was answered with humorous comments and reports given. Reta Kelland won FROM LONDESBORO in Clinton the gift of the month given by Gloria McEwing. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Sept. 20 in Mitchell. Card playing filled out the afternoon. Music theme of United service Cheerio Club meets N etwork Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper • It's Affordable • It's Fast • It's Easy • It's Effective • One Bill Does It All • Northern Ontario $82 • Eastern Ontario $143 • Western Ontario $133 • Central Ontario $139 • All Ontario $424 • National Packages Available!