HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-25, Page 10- COOK. OE Pita PE11310 The 1001 s of yet-, uta 'nua, rather snits uxt• The w1 t, otter'll do; Eat thin 1 can't later yet sa►rvis Wit—lona .o cnudishun or two, inti now, :n S .glue Is the kiteehe r Cellitite.letvans,vtitit Ill. tall ,arose, tit t ou know, for inttrt tt .n Such friend as I'd like to zuvi t;+? A nid nowt are .you re;'lar cat malet ,o. i? Balsa -s. 't:dn r i onntayna or To ova c azzel ie belavai pr ii si 7 It's no nn or • ah Att you ought to le. Aatl tieint is your guar lons-a .ur. d,4? The z at .at 1 Iota my Istie elan, tnsh elt9arsa 2aty•I6;n,iiisuche Ana 1 avec yet' the last.- of of lictaon Tomin sin edrol' a r t u win alley oleo tl I t'e got som a call cams fait cO 7 nt$>• 'Thar fru ]nolo Y L nt.‘ t i1t , vs, Imunthave tunicatrartn.txouln holy: ItiteCtrfair i errit SatLazit now, 1„;t the irti gr.:pr., lee closed .n,°.(nt ruins, YOu'll ;ha,' ano comnionente ;aVOW. '.[dose.:ata-•nor ,rays ll on `7.a-ttral,•it us, rd try rc r a, eta so I wt.,t etihc+loot., kiZte ria ? io .i 1 Gaza niattago, . Xrnita h$°'°1° ttit8t41d-1 •sat. l.ladPl•.le 1 1ison mind. if •cess comes tor At A..Crin i :t+TS, I comes for that, .fete ai i "La.$e • Andye. sotoriaap!e, ,lits! . pat .• :,et . orir li{}ac'a4 .it'.l Aa 3 t,yrc . iFt?t`I`Plk?.3? S* r4ealst iglA to ti bheniorront; child s.atFct tz a -t lay with dazes of cantons teens? If c, n : once l •l get;abefleofMI VViatsuli n0F1➢Z.n ht^P WitCRAPT1EN_TECTit;'j4ii. 1Cii'4,4zat si:70,7:31:;.1, taD:4, ia;T,altr$ l.aaecant:(rna 1, cocas... >ie al-rra.e• i.it$teV• Dela a WW1 ;, i ..C.a, Z' .....+. r4,1 1,114:10,P aeoae at it waive 'ttsacaatea:d„ mem chap. iie a, x. 11a+gate, :taatu:te't`1Cant howtla.gnres vrinalCo te,oa euatc og-au^ ,tuts+;c4-sita ,moan• nitDu, WR►l ,.ayes ton0 trait enemy 10tlly .:Fasirl s teL Mits. WINSLOW'aauo1aat$GsxutT•zrut: ClitisPIIENTs'~icTIII:+e,l>laleaeaa ttoteet;A ttl,»144 tette prescription of ono of the ptdestanti best QOM:iit'MM TION CUR/10.. • =t of 1 l ny ;tt ian.rotired flom pr•tctice.ha,v z g ha-1wca I ii his hands by niEast liens, sin3 ry tot foratula ofa simple vegetable L ae r tba apt sly and, permanent curs of' l,t >tzehiris, Catarrhs Asthma fl rd, ', au'a L ig Afeetionns. Also a, a • it L r liealyore for nervous Debility : ail \t ry.°u' t'omplaznts,afret. having test c l t exon; •rt"uacuretztegowersin thousands erns 1 i,Y,dtithis duty tostakeitknown 'W EL a ° z:+dela_ Actuated, by this its :vont, 1n .e •i ire to reliea'a human s i1I'yr^. , .f charge to All. tvho desire lt. this e+ t„•rutau,N'renchorEnglish with full dir±ttiers for yrelstring and u,tng. *la 4 n7 yii , i :3'.i,lrrastng with stutP, naan- ixF`a:, kaktr 'ii. A. ;OYES, *4 Tower'sfile. : Tlei•beate r,X.1. 'Oct. rd,; -8. t tMMt'NICATION. To the I nt$t r , t d a_ ps'4npATII. • 131 ,\l. till , _ As editors are eu sed til kr a \>< everything', r thing, eall you ten Bl0 who the young ge. neral was that lost tltrcet 41-; ale P. church on Sunday last ;inid hen li-t.°ilt beet to the a'bircli when allttaathSehool was in session end elr- tgttired for to rel. By answering thR'+ above yen \•,i, kindly oblige, • Paean n 'Veleta. et'a.% L'raa.l".e to airsw4ee nils, Ela, Va d,5 d44 8 It alt . tlh u -9 arae! t,41s l role DSa : t9at11ts s"10/,•l. 1'1tc0'4.oe-*.sa, aelttl`c. i Utit'd one battle of F.11. esti, Regulator met gained ten poundswei ;lot -mit cur+cwt ante: --Thos. Sues Abit?l:nde°r P. t a. states, any 3s for d,•1 a nq ail earn4ftasis tbrouil.4. r.lrearetnea Bilis, . 'TE1';. `t Dl Ole- r1ia.4l-hordysmrlcla iloiswaa; c':5eee ate;e19 re' kens sup lo; ed s, w;uiu ro. etlr;A,ll zowentte1 lobe. The devil nw-t Itch read s tide. "For lleaill} years thong hast borne the blame for the errors that the printers glade is the pavers. The paper bas gnar4e, aria"- Vol! one dollar. Able! The t?lre 11011tal- hus often failed to come in. T'llexlntet:: have bedeviled viler! thee,fox r \-age Saturday alight who» thou Waist rt ! not a relit to thy statue. Menhav4etaletell ;, the paireer witllaut paying for it, and e leveed thee for slot getting up an. better paper. Thou bast been called a dead- beat alio a fraudbyInen who were both. :all these things thou bast borne in sib face. Thou hist not come here And ho fisc him. As be did so lie murmured to himself: eille.lveu ai Ills home, and beside, it awns lead let hits come in Isere he would lztc\;e been ec+ntlnually dunning his de- linquent subscribes, and thus created dt"seord in Illy kingdom." sea— Trying, to keep the wolf from the 4loor is a fionaition, nota theory, with sped folks. Everest's Cough Syrup and Live Regulator give unversal satisfaction this viol sty. .I1. White Crediton P. t SALE REGISTER. On Thnratlaly, t)e t. 25tb, on lot 21,con. 10, Ilay, Farm, Sttte1 autl Implements. E. Ptees enberry , awl.; Wui. K koiip. prop. On tot fa,von. 11. Blanshaed, at one ee'ck ek p. 1111.. on Thursday, Oct. `-'nth; Farm Stock Implements, etc. Harry E.roislr. alien.. Jas. Hero, prop. Oa let 11, con. 8, t'p+ of Stanley, at 12 o'eloi;k 3. 81, olt Wezillesdey, Ott :l1St. Tarns Stock :and Implements. Jas. Oke, ;tet., George+ AfeN.lir, prop. Oa 'Wednesday, November 7th. at one o'clock p. me on lot 15, con. 12, Hay, Farm Stock and Implements. E. I3os• senberry,asset.; "4'm,AfeE.ie, prop. Sy ndie rte■ sale of Faris Stock and Ira- plement., on lot 17, eon. b, VSborne, on Saturday, Oct., 27th. II'. Brown, auct. On Wtdneesdtty, Oct. 81st, at :1 o'clock p. tn., valuable real estate. the property of Mr. John Renton; sale to take place on the premises. Air. John Gill, anti. GOT ITIS REWARD. -- The The other morning an innocent look ing young man came out of the Nortel' and South Wales Bank with his hands fall of notes. While counting these , over his attention was attracted by something passing in the ,street, and at the same he dropped .a $100 note directly in front of at highly respectable philanthropistwho promptly put his foot on the note, and stood for a moment plunged in profound thought Perhaps he was congratulating himself tlutt g the young man's treasure had fallen under such honest feet, and perhaps enjoying in prospect alat1 party's r - tude at having his money restored to him, At .all events, he was so much absorbed that when he aroused hire - self sufficiently to pick up the note the looser had disappeared. 'However," said the thoughtful philanthropist to liinaseif; "he will advertise for it, and d in that ease one is sure of the re- ward." esward. " The next day the lost" item appeared in the local column, of the newspapers, -with the very liberal re- compense ecompense of $50 offered for the return' of the balance of the note. The finder immediately inclosed $50 to the address given, which was a simple P. 0. one, and then running round and telling every one how he had made $50 by doing an honest action. That is he did until he proceeded to deposit the $100 note, and the bank clerk threw it out as a. counterfeit, After that he was observed to rather avoid the sub- ject The law requires that every Verson who takes in a stray az-areal mast ilo- tify the towirshlp clerk of his uuuiiei polity of the ;Fact, inzoo-Milton to oldVOT Using it, giving ;as minute deseription of the aliirlralas possible. The clerk is required to keep a' list of all such animals. Persons failing to compl • with this provision of the law, by them- selves subject to a heavy plenalts, and besides ealnnot collect exp rises for keeping, it. F k4Mta:JAK \RtiYAL saxang PGWAEseetentsela A13501 elPure. Y 14io F'R EliMi r, ' --WORM POLDERS reppeaaatat ea raTa , Contain t&eir own gesaitfe, is4safe,Ogreamiefctual struyerof^,vornr a'arChaim; 07,1 ze!ts. This pmeatr Teter varies.. marvel hi MHO", strength and utl$ule otzatnta.:, Alare• coirwnaical nisi the °smeary kind*. and cannot bo sola in competition with the antithetic of low test,talon tce•ight alum or Phosphate •per de tea. flops only xu eons. i 4Y a►it xlAhl iG 1'4wP113 CO, 1 6 Wall St..1i.3 WEEKLY EMPIRE CANADA'S LEADING PAPER, WILL QOM OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHE11M, THE ST01ACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every species ani dfseose orisir?g loom disordered Zai1T• Ft. ICIVARYS, rites 4c1r,J301 r rS f, ?=OOP. T. JILB N & CO., "V Iet°"l pct. C c aL) L!i1Em) - Uurrah!Hrr First Class RIGS And HORSES. umits LEFT AT THE H,111 -K- :'ii;iW IIUL SE on AT THE , STABLE WILL 13F PROMPT merchant it LY ATTENDED TO. Battu end Cgs Vhnt 1 V • ,ESM I EXETER - - NORTH.I OV.'t STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED FOR THE SEr'tSQ 'T1 ADE, RDOERIES war for - $1.0Q. Is. White Sugar sear - 41100. 1"0 c4a11't Ile undersold. in Tears from 20c. to 75c. per lb, one atattt ,$l*oes, unit soles, at low prints. Ilieely assorted stock of ARDwARB, FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS €ices (cheap). Best Machine Oil tiOc. ler .gallon. Coal Oil ao Low as the Lowest. DICE TEA SETT QF 44 PIECES, $2,7s, A good suit of Ready-made Clothing or ;1i,00. Ordered Suits got up in good, style, Our Dress Goods are -nark oddown to the lowest notch. Twenty yds. of Cotton for one dollar. A, house and lot, also a farm for sala3. Apply to John Matheson4 RAY POSTOFFICE. Airs. Suiverly is the 'wife of a captain volunteer company, She attended ab review at which her husband was lite a'ommaandillg officer. Mrs, Suiverly auglled all the time, and when she vas asked what was the cause of her merriment, silo replied:—alt was the funniest thing in the world to see my husband, who never dared open his mouth at home, ordering all those men about, and they doing just what he told tilenl. Wily doesn't he try that gain© on lie?" Clubbing arrangement have been made with the publisher of TRu=l1 which enables us to offer that excellent journal with our own paper at less` than the Subscription price of TRUTH alone. Taunt is a thirty-two pnge weekly, is 41 source of information for husband and father, of inspiration and comfort for wife and mother, and of pleasure slid delight for the children. Copyrights -of the works of the best ..i, .r . story -writers have been secured. ,fid Bits so popular as a source of amuse- ment for old and young, will be fresh- er, brighter and funnier than ever. Tarns and ADVOCATE for one year for $2.50. Address all orders to this office A Curious Vi31. A. NEW IIO,IER TREATMENT FOR THE CURE 01' CATARRH, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS, AND HAY FEVER. One of the most remarkable wills ever recorded in Elgin county, Ont., is that of. Wm. A. Allison, late of the township of Southwould- The testator died pos- sessed of an estate valued at $15,970, of which $12,000 is farm Iands, $600 farm produce, horses $500, cattle $350, farm- ing implements $850, and life insurance $2.000. Owing to the inexperience of the friend of deceased who drew up the will • it provides that his widow, Jane Allison, shall receive her dower and $100 life insurance; that Andrew Allison shall receive $1.000 (over and above any other division) set aside for his sole benefit, and that the balance shall be devided as follows: Tothe• sons George and William James a dividend at the rate of 100 cents' on the dtdlar;Ms sons John and Ax chic a llisoii and -his ` daughter Annie and Janet, each a dividend at the rate of 60 ets: on the dollar, and to his brother Andrew $400.. Under the will, therefore, his estate would have to pay 475 pe,r cent The error was pointed out to the heirs, who name to an amicable arrangement. ---Parties who use coal stoves can- not be too careful in seeing that they are properly adjusted before retiring. The back damper which leads to the stove pipe should be turned down suffi dent to allow of the escape of gas, and of a gentle draught, Several serious a ccidents have already been an.notlae- ed in the daily p tpers, caused. by ne- glecting lecting to observe this precaution. The microscope has proved that these disease s are contagious, and that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the living membrane of the upper air passages and eustachian tubes. The emonent scienctists Tyn- dall, Huxles and Beale endorse this, and these authorities cannot be dis- puted. The regular method of treat - ng these diseases is to apply an irri- ant remedy weekly and even. daily, thus keeping the delicate membrane in a constant state of irritation, accom- panied by violent sneezing, allowing it no chance to heal, and as a natural consequence of such treatment not one permanent cure have ever been record ed. It is an absolute fact that these diseases cannot be cured by any. appli- cation made oftener than once. in two weeks, for the membrane must get a chance to heal before ony application is repeated. It is now seven years - since Mr. Dixon discovered the para- i in catarrh and or s to a formulated his new treatment, and since then his remedy has become a household word in every country where the •English languages is spoken. Cures effected by- him seven years ago are cures still, there having been no return of the disease. So highly are those remedies valued and so great is the demand for "them that ignorant imitators have started up everywhere, eie, Prenes in g to destroy a parasite, of which they know nothing by remedies and results of the applica- tion of which they are equally ignor- ant Mr. Dixon's remedy' is applied only once iri two weeks, and from one to three, applications e-ffIe3et a permanent cure in the most aggrawited cases. N. 13. For cat-trr•1ui1 troubles peculiar to females (whiGcs) this remedy' is, a t,peci- (Height, flinches.) T14I:'1.131Pintll sinco Sts cstabliabmont has mot -Milt unprecedented aneet.*$, and already +atartda in l Ito proud ltoatiltion of ("sins- lending ournal : sant, in order to p1a a tele h'EEItIX EDITION in tbo hands of every farmer in the Dominion this Pali, tl,o i ublislncrs iiavo had preirarcd n Tinadsome and 7 iio•Ii1:e Susi of SIB JOHN MACDONALD, To be given to overs subscriber to tine WEEKLY EmPIICi: PAU:0Z ONE ]EA1t IN ADVANCE. oivI Si E' R .A.av WC- N0'N IS THD TIME TO 8UBS0/1IBE. Address THE EMPIRE, Toronto i-XtisDixon sends a pamplet describ- ing ho new ' treatment on the receipt Of ents r S•7i -'r t ten tl t x stamps. The address is A. 11. Dixon ha Sons, 303 King street west. Toronto. Canada.—SCIEi1TIrIe AnrixeAN. ST. LAWRENCE CANALS. GALOPS DIVISION. Notice to Contractors. QEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for St. Lawrence Canals," will be receiv- ed at this office until the arrival of the eastern and western mails ORTUESDAY, THE 30TH DAY OF OCTOBER INSTANT, for the construction of two locks and the deepening and eniargennent of the upper entrance of the Galops Canal• rA map of the locality, together with plans and specifications, will be ready for examination at this office and at the Lock -Keeper's house Galops, on and after TunsnAx, Tiro 1 ri-i DAY or OC- TOBER INSTANT, where forms of tender mayobtained be byContractors on' ,c Ppersonal application. In the case; of firms there must be attached the actual signatures of -the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same, and furtli.egra nA1r nhrosXT SE CEIPT for the s urn of I$6,000 must accom- pany the Voider for the works. The respective Deposer RECEIPTS-- cheques RECEII'TS- he ties will not beaccepted—must be c q endorsed over to the Minister of Rail- ways and Canals, and will be forfeited if the party tendering' declines entering into 'eontr<act for the works at the rates r„ and on the tents stated in the offer sub minted.. The deposit receipt thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not' aeee pd 1pte This Department does not, however, bind -itself to accept the loiva.st or any tender. 13y Order, A. Pc.ILA.DL iY Sect tar7. Department of Ral •i a s alio G.l , Ottawa, 11th October, 1588. The Subscribers wishes to inform the Fanners and General Public that he is Prepared to furnish all Sizes and /fKind of 7.7 Well Digging Promptly Done and at Reasonable Rates. Residence and Shopon Ann Street behind Christe'Livery Stable. A CALL SQLICITED. JOHN MOORE. 't`., ne At once, Localandd travelling agents for our goods. Liberal eolnunissiorls, or salary and expenses, to 0`olatIa."tt'ilt and reliable lien. For ternsand t;ulipaarti- culars, address: .1. F. L1Ct.Altn:, Nurseryman,. Brighton, N. X. fl . t , +, To Cllstoniela alias Public at l.lo,,;e, liclt. is titer plaice to get yourselves e. suit- • ,tie , • \r•got11 111 the 4d, with Suits P Latest Styles, at hard tiles{ dries=-. fin Rangy of Goods gat- ways it Steak, A PERFECT FIT GVTARA.NTESD. Clothes Cleaned and Renovated at Moderate Prices, 1 p Stairs over Post ()dice, A CALL SOLICITED. ZnaU.combe. THE LION PROVIDENT Life and Lie Stock As- sociation. SOcIatinn o11. Head Office room B Arcade. TORONTO, ONTARIO. INCORPORATED, AUG. 1887. Purely Mutual. No Assessments. Owners of Valuable Horses and other Hire stock can now get them insured at two-thirds of their market value. In case of accident or death. Send for Circulars to J. SKINNER, Box 245, Mitchell, Ont., Agent for Huron .and Perth , or to W. JONES, Secy., Arcade, Building, Toronto, Ont. Sept.G,'88. Si S ; OS LIVERY'. First Class Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL IAL RATI;S WIiH COMMERCIAL MEN. Orders left sat Bissett Bros.' Hardware Store, «ill receive prompt attention. • TERMS aLS, J E. A A TI'RIAL 'SO'LICITED. -a IsIa T _ 1 i S t ars TARO_. r. Washingtoi NEXT VISIT. Throat and Lung Surgeon To Exeter, kWIZ BE AT Till: CENTRAL ROTEL, OCTOBER, IBM - PROM — 50'eloekp,m.toS ,ln. An English China Clergyman speaks. toy*, Cow.n'wtell, Ont. Dn. NS ASUI\oxoReclt,- r Dnevae Sine -4 -am glad to be able to illforirl you that my daughter is quite well again. As this is the second time she, has been cured of grave bronchial troubles under your treatment, when the usual remedies failed, I write to express lay gratitude. PIease, aecopt xny stu- core thanks, Yours truly, C. 13. PETTITT, DISEASE Tntl•IATHIO--Catarrh of the bead and Throat, Catarrh Deafness, Chronic Bronehitis, Asthma and Conl- sliulrtion. Also loss of voice, sore throat, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed. Conte early. free. Con- saltation onn• Sill at -sal 1 fx r A. few of the many cured by Dr. Washington's new method. W. H. Storey, of Storey a Son, Ynann- faeturers, Acton, Ont., also President Manufacturing Ass. of Canada; per- manently cured of Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pronounced incurable by noted specialists in this country -and Europe. Writh to Min for particulars. Mrs. John McKclvy, Kingston, Out, Catarrh and. Cons tmptioit. John McKelvy, Kingston, Ont., Cat- arrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ontario, Broncho Consumption. es Mr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh head and throat. Mrs. John Bertram, Barrowsmith, Ont., Ca to rrh, throat. Miss Mary A. Bombourg, Centreville, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat James Mathews, Post Master, Acton, Ont., A. E. Fish, gents furnishings, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of Catarrh, throat. John Phippin, Sandhurst P. 0, Ont•, (near Napanee) of Catarrh, head, throat and lungs Head Office 82 McColl St., Toronto. Consultation Free. , Furnitrwi'8 titles Un cl( talhii a - -tit) TO— /hndrews' rl BEI).litlOM ANI) PARI (l ; S i I LITE, Sll)k.iii lRL»4A:',I l XTEN IoX TAIILesl, I.t)UNGE`aS ANI) EASY CHAIRS. The Largest Wareli'aaills town, llc• lertabing outside of the Undertake ti era Riug.in all its Branches. Oyer. day and, night. STAND—Un1,N door north of Nelson's Malik. MAIN -ST. - •. EXETER. EVEREST'S CQUSH SYRUP CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try It and be convinced et Its wonderful caratira prepertier. Pricy da cents. a ATil! oEEO Eyes Front? Week EU axon TO SOUNGO ri5S Clothing and Gents :a, ®I. 610 W W O EXETER, ONTARIO. (0) Some of the finest goods that can be secured, are' arriving ev er } day. GENTS' FURNISHINGS IN THE LATEST STYLES AT RIGHT ' PRICES. A CALL SOLICITED. a Corner Main and John Street; EXETER ONTARIO. ,1RIO. . ti pJ Try Everest's Liver Regulator For Diseases of the Liter Mims, die., and Purify- ing of. the Bleed. Price 51. stbt bottles for 55. iror5a10 by ALL laRUCHnb't'S.. Manufactured only by 0E0. 31. EVEREST, Casuist, Fount; or -r. voemomonftwastaymmumiloo COOPER SHOP! Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood and sirrorand'ing country, that he has open- ed out a new Cooper Shop in DAS IWODD and is prepared to do all classes of coop creme work on shortest notice. A call solicited. Oct11—Sm PE>y=x Wrens. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescriptionof a physician whc has had a life long experience in treating femalo . diseases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. Pleasant, safe, effectual Ladies ask your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers ant take no substitute, or Incloseost a eforsealedparticulars. Sold by all druggists,s. i zerbox• Adares* UEEUREICACtIIEIXICAL CO., Divisor "Stour, Sold itiExeter byDr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Jean. l-8. This Year's DE. _ tp t E out& Plug SL'flokhlg Toblicco FINER THAN EVER. See m IN BRONZE ON a o Plug a'na P aoka e Y .. k... Eine(Gteat lEon, 9islz.11'i°eseillOtiOre. A successful Medicine used.. over 30 years e. tbousands of cases. Cures 3ert>t rrhea tvdi`rooxc, f +Sl ata... 4. W 1tleness, ',Evri,esions. Impiotency 'and all diseases caused•by abuse b-\. 4FOREI indiscretion, or over-exertion. .3'-ag] S . n1:x packages f uar aaxteerZ to C,gert whoma L others I'ctil.Ask -your( Druggist for 'I•hc C.rreut I'.rMertntlon, take no substitute. One package, SI, Si,e$5, by mail, write for P5n 11iet. Acidress lt:atrelta Chemical Co., Detroit, Plaie;2a. -.Sold in EXeter by Dr. T,u{ir and, clru ists 1L- et're;ywlierc. e Jacia.-1.8,