HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-25, Page 9AWFUL CRIMES RECALLED. An old woman and her grandeon, a deaf
mute, were the next victim's. They took
Rierkol er Terrible Deeds That Shocheil lodging for the eight at Hare's,were treated
geotiand Tear* Ago. to liquor aud suffocated shory after mid -
A sensation akin to that Which has been night. They stripped the bodiers, laid them
side to coaf, then peeked. them ha a
developed inoLondon by the mart White- ldde by
herring barrel. Dr. Knox paid the assas-
chapel murders' wanereeted just einty years
ot sins ZI6 for the two subjects. As chance
ago la Bainbargh by the discovery
some of odium which oteeo forth, then oe monomers at tleis time became rare, the
now, wholly without expellee in any age or regular ledgers were now requisitionizee
country.and A roan known aa "Joseph the Miller,"
Twofieeas oe humor, ehope, osmium Wilt) Wan well connected and heti. once
Burke and William Hare, deliberately en. Posoessed considerable ineaus, was moth-
ered during the night and his body sold for
'hared lute a nextuerehip to deeoy persons to
their holism to newsier them in cold blood£1Q tothe tuniverbue Dr, Kneen Shortly
and sell the bodiee to Da Knox, lectorer on"'"erw4rulseletare fell ia With a women a tlae
anatomy at the Univernity of Etlinbllrgil. tc'wnx =Med her to his home murdered
William Burke was born in County Ty- be r'ine° banded and carried' the body
roe, oregano, me, ilia 'waists wcro poor round to the doctor who giore him ne for it,
bat respectable cotters. He was brought
up a Boman Cetholie end reeeived A fair
education. Ile married early and mine.
quently deaerted bia wite, who bore him
seven obildren. Later on he met A wornao
lielen McDougal by name, while be wen
working be Scotland. They remained to
gether up to the day of their arrest, Burke
wothed Scelland as a laborer and atter
the learveet
dniiQ7he. ,till actloroPanied
the woman MoDoogal, went to Edinburgh
and there met Hare. This an, hire ;dere
perther in the sieries of fearful grimes they
jolatly perpetrated, at this time kept a low
lodging -house, in 'Penner's Clone, Westpore,
Burke and the McDougal woman went to
nye a Harthe ledginedeouse, which Was
managed by A WOrnatt Wiles passed as bin
ffe. Ifer maiden :came wan Laird And she
was tbe widow of & num named Log.
.3. BODY Pait
'The first ides Of carrying out the aerie! Pt
A mailer rherer known as Effy was
by Hare. Itere showy dosed with whisky.
She fell asleep e.trhee of hay and the two Three mete wereuarareaategunineaByirnamionlamg.
villains ainothered her the usual way, f" street oiollioll
For this body they received 40, ono night They hadoollectedrespectively e21 ,Te
Burk encounterea a policeman dragging a end U. 5d. %rf ieneteueb. a great deale'eald
onloorotioe,, woman the 100o.no, Ho one to the jastiee, "considering we have
induced the effieer to release her,..pronsssiog Noll out for three hours,"
to sap her safe home to her lodgings. The The Austrian Consul at Yokohorea reports
wretch took her round to Earen house, great difference in commerciel morality be -
where he and his bloodatelned partner tween the =rebinds of China and, Japan.
apeeely mothered her and sold the body
for 410,
ouzo A .34sin wo ens erearouran."
A young woman of .22 and. a female goon
pant= stopped and hell up A Spitalfield la-
boring man and went through Idea thorough-
A few dens ago, in a gun foundry at
Petershoft, the C'zar lifted a mass of steel
weighing nearly 700 pounds, to the cheers
of the surrouotling wrier:sere
The experitneut of exploding bo
Instinct in Bette%
Paw things are more wonderful than the
instinct that guides the brute in the choice
a its food wed niedicine. In India the
mungoose, when bitten by the deadly cobra,
seid to eeek among the gram for some un•
kaowa herb or aubritanee which it swallow
and is thereby wielded to couuteraet the
effect of the voltam. Map, when his system
in deranged by the actumuleted potions en-
gendered by constipation er a sluggish hable
of body, should seek relief io De. P;erce's
tereeri iue,.ka has been tried, on the ship Pleasant Pellet's, widish will at once establish
Resistance. She is said to be A complete a permanently healthy action of the liver,
wreck internally from the repeeted, tpCplos- AtosnAsh And bowelp,
The fasted armored cruiser in the world. is A Manlab" (U1411.) paper 1"b bb4
printing 'walla() the editor asked the elder -
said to be the German veesel Grief, of 2,000 men to pey their subecriptiou bine.
tons and 5,400 boom power. Front Kiel to e,„ e
WiThelE0811444 8110 attaiII0, a •speed of 90tai, nr a Qum
Per many years the manufacturers of D.
Sage's Qatarrle Remedy, who are thoroughly
responsible funineially, an any one mot many
micertain by ennuiry, baste offered, through
pearly every newspaper in the land a atand.
log reward of WOO for a ease of ohAvnio naSst
catarrh, no matter how bad, or of how long
?Wading, whielt they oanupt cum The
1:0septic, and beeliog. Sold by all druggists,
5reoedeoynis mild, is sothinllr cleansing, anti*
induced 17 arke to enter A atahle occupied twenty-three knots an hoar.
James Minna, commonly catty, "Deft
Jamie," wan e. well-knovra charaeter on the
'meets of the anettiela eepitaL He was
hatreleiss diot, Inifs perneeeed of prodigious
strength, hire, Rare persuaded laina GO at*
company her home on the promise of a drink
of whisley. She ORPAlefe him with her bane
bend and 131Atke. In OAS letter's coefeeeion
vtlint'a atterWaTdo p erated by ilackehe saya that Mrs, Rare led poor Jamie in
and hie aseeelete appeere to heve asleep aa dumb h000 to the tomahter, awl, as a
when, one of 17141.04 .dgera il/e4 'natural sheep to the fildenrerti ho made allileat Cans.
deittlat The men wee e MS
tiahanOhed ilabliassffiAlantly eneouutedforhie
eseciden death. Borite end are =Assuaged to
ebetreetthe cos -pee from the (nal After the
migertalcer had left the heuee, and filtog up
the empty casket with broke, aeke eel lotto for ute cerp,e, mersoep
b_,_,611;1 tho. 4414414., w" b„4,71 et di° "t eouetu of Trtlen'e, w the next to fall A
tneappommot 'nom wieu alt nue tenumetty. •pray these oemoree„ she wee boo re
Then, night Here went to a College of Snr gently marrkd, and came on a visit to the
geopeend offered thebinly for 'Ale. Ho wee,Thrfa Burke ma likar0 gave ter whieley
The Japeneee, be Setyll are neither enter-
prising nor upright, bot the Chinamen. aro Birds' wings and tails, and quill feathers
orthy in every respect.
olid spa,
are moth need. in millinery, bun whole birds
The, Ruesian Governinertt bee granted an
annual sobeidy of 111,000 reneges te
private drees who Oontraot to run a ORO Of
ateamers between the Ruesinn Peteide porta
and CMOS, Japan, and. China, the vessels
in time of war to be at the dieposal of the
are no longer Been on hats or bormete.
g 1 owl. often te read the newepepere
eloucl, to my wife," said Bert Robineen,
• and once I wan fairly taken. la by a patent
medicine advertisement. The seductive
Paragraph InAall With a modest acconntof
A 4W nubmarbm tOrPesio boat km, Wet! the ineeeerpont, bue ended with setting
tried by both FIAO.PiWl.rigaaa, 0442 Iloim fourth the 17111Xlea ef a vertaie r,eroe 4
to be euceineful. le s duvets by Att Kfligne (Wen Medieal D„scovery ivhielo it was
dynamo, provided with emnpreeeed oxygen
etaut inquiry in We own way for ate mother for use Under water, at 4 Ivy peir of acie,
and Was told that ebe would be there pre- eons projecting from the prow, ict order to cut
gently. They smothered the peer gait torpedo enrgo, taken m, wag thie ; I bed a lueg trouble
ereAttire,, nevertheless, and the eentPlideesentt eauple vent their hougymoon at iler and I bought a. bottle of the remedy, I
Dr, Knox obeerfullO handed 'Per ton Harbor. They met dret on a eteereer on the was a stranger to it eed ft teek me ia—and
Atlantic Oman; he proposed in Sweden; eared rite.
Wala accepted in Runge; obteined leer fathene
permineitne Englend 1 the marriage 'settle-
ments were drawn up in &fledge 1• they
were married in Algiers ; and go tt titteS3 lumen
where they are now and will be tc-roorrew,
Aliegedx WAS a tatte quo tar all threat and
lung Madge and woold even euro consump-
tion if taken in time. The way 1 waa
referred to Dr. Keen, o 10 usg
Squere, Ilere isa SAW twine youug students,
by Wimaa directions he carried the permit)
er's corpee to the dNeecting-rooni of t
oallege, having been paid Z7 10 for the
and diepatched her he the ousteraery win?, and
disposed of the body to their regular cleat°.
mer, Dr. Knox, few £10. Theie the blood-
tisiraty wretches; fell beck on the lodgers
nein, and killed a Mrs. Ealdane ae4 her
deughter Peggy. DC. teek the 014
A uew aeureo el trouble luta been develop-
ediu India though religieue oeullictis between
the Moharomeclarie and the Thatonies. This
subject. yestr the idloluonmetlen festival of ltlaberram
The death of the peuelosser and the prod- too.o body siv foll pricy, oot would only Anil the PrAlifilide feast of Reinile. earne AG
Ohio diepoeitionof his rentabta appeera to sive 48 for theo of tho 000gotot„ the earne time, end thc attitude at the
does and Mussulreaue WAS se threeteu-
The ledgere were new ell exhauettil wi t troops heti to be called out. In the
lbjeourdistrlet there was an aetetel elot, aud
several of the crowd were killed.
ti•AVO tfilgge5tea to the two miecteame the
carreingout of thevilleinouebuelneessinwhich
they forthwith engaged. Within Use'
of A few mouthe they murdered no Nee there
sixteen permute Burke tatted teirequent the
low publie houses of the neighborhood rend
the exception el the Grays, end 03 drink op -
peered to be no temptation to them the
whisky top wee tried npon dire. /Netter,
a poor W011anU who CaMfl fume a wo le to do
when he fouudsomewayfarer native -4 a cum. tile wrAtimg• Sbe beenolo lutOx
ceted, :Wan put to bed, and the wretches, en
or the rams of obtabehe a shelter he mould sewn 1M Oho/ell asleep, smothered her.
offer them A 10tielg at ' home or Ma
Own. The victim scan ind dewily plied
with liquor till hear elie became Unetnieielin
Thee thotwo ertnere merinsewcuhliall upon
wornanamothered by Earn wbile Burke
WWI in the ennui ry, end add tor ft makea
them and w die Ifereueua y no the awful tale of inurdera to winch the
peer wretch ts death e,
himself upon the body and thus beaten the
end. The two worm it were uudouldedly
privy to the camera but they invadable
• left tho room while the mindere were being
WHAT TOR xerniznous VeS13B TARR.
Burke was a man of 33, rather below the
middle eke, but 'stoutly built end of a de1;er.
mined cast of countenance. Ms face wee
round, cheekbones high, with gray eyss,
deeply enuk in the heed, .short snub nose
n end round chin. Els hair and. whiskers
I were of a light, sandy color anti hie coin-,
plexion fair aucl elightly freckled.
Helen McDougal Is deeerthed aa heving
been s, woman of medium height, this an
aparely made. Iler Natures were long, but
by no means displemitsg, aud Were rendered
eomewhat expressive by a pair of full
blank eyes.
Hare was about 35, and is said to have
been ono of the most equaliddookiog wretches
ever seen In a doolc, with a sinister expres-
sion, widen rendered his appearance pecu-
liarly revolting. His wife Was a ehort,
stout, round-faced and fresh -complexioned
woman, with& look of coarse ana tietermin-
ed brutality.
wretched Men Confessed. It is from au ex-
ceedingly rare book publielettl in 18e9, con
teining Burke's coufernion, and a. fult se.
oeunt of hie tried aud eouviction, that the
the same facte aro taken. Atter 'Perko
was Imaged, Hare, with great dill:-
ulty, menegoel to nuke his way out at
tee country. Finally, accompanied by hia
wife, be went to AuetraIle, but in 1835 he
returned to Edinburgh alone, e broken
down old mato totally blind. It was aerne
years before he wan iceognised. Meanwhile
he punched the streetsbeggingled, by 4 small
dog and carrying a tincup toren:eve the con-
tributions of the benevolent. When he
found his identity NVSS discovered he meter.
Nitsly dieappeared, tied has never been
heard of since. Dr Knox also gave evidence
In the ease, and his protestations to the ef-
feet that the idea never entered his mind
that the enbjecta had died by violence apt
pears to have been believed by the authori-
dee, as no subeequent proceeding's were
taken againat him.
When the woman MoDeugal was released
abe, with almost hie:edible audaoity, at
once returned to her old haunts in the West
Pont, She was at once sot upon by the pea -
pie of the neighborhood, and but for the fact
aud Alre. Acton, 31X ehildren, the
eldeat taelve aud the vainest a year old lei
a perambuletor, end two made, recently
finished a pleasure walk from Leaden to
Glaseeew t590 reline), where they go regularly
every year. They gArrieJ, no eihrellaa, only
macitintothea. The daily diatenee covered
wee from twelve to twenty mike, with no
jouruey on Stsucleys,_ the whole trip being
done in five weekti and two days. • The pray
The round hat or num° with A lltre.Y4ht
high °none, eunkere 10 00 ;he top, iv dret
liworite thia sessort.
.A. Cure tor Urneteennese.
Tee opt= tete% depsonmata, the momblas
ermaa prostratlon caow,d by the im et to we,
oasietulamennentaldepreeeonsetteelege the trsis
si-P.4 Premature old age, lois of vitality coaxal, IA;
over exerldian el the braintancliqS,SOf nstaral sireeede
no came whatever. eke-aye:Mee niti or Mici-
die- -wise are bra= dews; bola any of the
s' see, or AV c-eleehMeeresane44 st)tenes, sent
tea And 10 mets 1a neap 14 Igiunee
beak fame, at Dismei, of Man. hooka
snore Isom Olio -Alm, .Wtrea )4
41 Weiltaittmotras,t Zgpat. Tomato. Oat
d aust therty or torsi Monk'e
bought their tioldiuge KU.
easy term,
Mk far tiekete vie the edit eltabltehe
favorite overland route comprising the Chic -
age aud North Western Iliden and Souttieth
Pacific Wen Tsve feet treine leeve Chicano
doily with latuivelled ancommadatieue for
first and tweeted -clam petneugeri. 'tense see
Hare appears to have been is rude boor that the police watch office, to whith she
with all tne outward appearances of a rani,
an Drunker, ferocious and. profligate be
was far likelier to repel than ensnare vie
time to their murderous lair. He appears and returned to her nauve place, Redding,
in Stirlingshire. From there ahe af terwards
went to Glavin' and took up her abode me h
Conatantine Burke, her late husband's
rem for proteotion, was close at hand, she
would probably hoe been lynobei. She
Wile subsequently hunted out of Eiinburgh
however to have been the more deeply de.
signing man of the two and to have over-
reached his aesociate, whom Ise succeeded in
always thrusting forward, probably with
the vtew of disposing of him as be ultim-
ately did, sending him to the gallows and
thereby saving bis own wretched no la
Bake managed the outdoor buainees of the
partnership, for he it was who always went
on the prowl after victims. In his outward
• manners he wasentirely thereverse of Hare.
Quiet in his demeanor,he never gave way
to cursing and. swearing even when the
worse for drink. He was fawning in his ad-
dress, and was a general favotite among
the children of the neighborhood, any one
of whom would cheerfully run upon his er-
rand. The quarrels whieh were „apparently
so often happening in his house were pro-
bably only make -believes to &own the dy-
ing mils of the unhappy victims.
Tne first of the series of sixteen murders
was committed in January, 1828, and the
last, that of an oldiwoman, Mary Dooherty,
in October of the same year. This last
A crime led to the detection of the murderers,
their arrest and the trial, conviction and
execution of Burke. The WOMAIIMoDougal
was acquitted, Hare saved his neck by
turning Queen's evidence and his wife also
was used as a witness in the case. The
murder of Mra. Dortherty's was discovered
by a,Mr. and Mrs. Gray, who lodged in
Hare's house. They heard a noise as of
quarreling and fighting after they had
retired one night and the next day Mrs.
Gray fotmd -Dooherty's body concealed
under a heap of straw in Hare's bedroom.
After Burke's oonviotion he made a fall
• confession, in which, however, he sought to
show that in each case Aare was the actual
murderer as he had been the first 'me to
'suggest the exemition of the crimes. Accord-
' in to Burken statement the first victim
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations„ because they
are made of cheap and inferior
ma.terials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors To be sure of
success, use only the DiAmoND
Ds for coloring Elresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, •&c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other 1
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamond and take no other,
KEddlit4F, and a sample of the Ar oder-
! ul Neel:be •r (prizes no threedieg 1 to at who send
us 10 cents sive for p,stage, We Inoke ton
ep offer to introdues our vole into every Immo
Addtessetnoce, Wig rot; 4i45d'0 CQ., 501 i:raeon
St. W., Toronto, Ont.
IMMENSE STOCK cf Machinery to etleet from
Send for Lla
11. W. rETRIF, Ilrautford, 00,
PROOF, and Vault Poore,
kept constantly in stock -
„a number at Second-hand
Wes at low penes
Toronto 5ate Works,
A Press` Dyed FOR
A Coat Colorxl
Garments fler.ew6d cnweso
A Child can u7.,e therel
At Druggists and cos Dye itook. five.
Cee 010 VeTeletilearoe COLI.VGE OVER
live hundred Anients in enceessfelpmetka feet
• r. deanp eet9 ion; 6.1ssmn 2P.,>s,9 begins vetoer
tbacipal„ Pr. t smtrit. V. 8,. Toroit,
r.vresT DA
wislah every rattan %meta now, s 05
ne it onsets no taate agent, nor in
re nvzprees cr cm sending pries 0 .0, W.
4 CO World Boikling, Tetrosio.
aas floe nbathis
'telDe:egli evaateel to tees Unice the
qt ellttlea
all cencerne, warn ny
eel PROF. SUITE, 31#
Ttaron:a. Agents! Wonted.
elljArtitl tee best of health through it sl, one isigher than by other liners. Beggege cheek -
none havieg wheeled the perambuletor the ed through. Full information, eovering
eutire diatauce, rate; eta, with time table end map, given
by J. IL MORLEY, Caueeien Peinenger
Slime the rAtill 2'nesps in thought to reflect
Agent, 69 Yonoe at, Toronto, Ont,
Kieg Cherie i cloth le a fieece-woven woollen
cloeking stuff that Is much in favor for lit-
neuet oberieh no dangerousi deluelons. The tie girls "come,
the oplulows of the French Minietry of War,
3 orttielettn On the recent (termen cavalry
mammy are hatereatiug. It says We
Gerona cavalry Is in very miney respects The very latest !alley In Wilifitti 01 gowns
Inc 'superior to num Its horses are urea
IsUy deserving of admiration ; but Its troop -
ere aro scarcely lees excellent. The German
peasant is early acaueeemed to fide. IThe
tortunately, from economical motive" our
squadrons have been everywhere reduced
coneiderebly below their proper atrength.
The German cavalry, on the other hand,
kinks nothiog, in always ready, and. is always
up to the Iimit of its strength." Seeks
teat the eavalry has been looked upon an,
relatively, the strongest arm in the Freneh
eervicee thN expression is significant.
Russian Religion
One of the first tinny Meat strikee the
never in 5t, Petersburg, end still more in
oscow, is the constant arming that goes
in the streets, Whenever a devout
mishits passes is church or a shrine or a
ly altar he litta leis banana crosses himself
the %shim of the Eldora Church, in
meow the number of shrines is no great
d the enmity of some of them so ever-
wering that it must be difficult for the de-
ut tnthodox to get along the street. La
s. Petersburg.the number is much less, but
in suffiment to keep your isvaatchikes
MS in tolerably active exercise. One thing
nzzled me much. In St. Petersburg the
omen very seldomcrossed themselves. For
ne woman who would make the sign of the
hrino at the entrance tc the Gostinnoi Dyer
• Would be. made by a dozenmen, In Mos -
ow the women were more carefulto perform
heir devotions, bat in St. Peterabtirg the
•ales were much more devout to outward
eetning than the women. Of the wotnen
ho did obeisance to the holy places in S'1.
etersburg all were poor. did not see Ohs
• ell -dressed lady cross herself in the streets
11 the tint° I was in Russia. OfOcers and
entlemen were not so pertioular as the
evostohiks and workmen, but it scan no un-
ommon sight to see them making the sign
f the cross. Itraveled with Gen. Ignatieff
rom St. Petersburg to Moscow. The mo-
ment the train started. the General crossed
ineself twice, remarking that although you
hould always pray, it was especially incum-
ent upon you to do so when starting on a
ourney. The number of shrines in Russia
where candles are burning before holy pictu-
es is very gre anend much greater import= ce
s attached to the science of genuflexion tha n
s easily credible to the non-ritualistio Eng-
lishman. Sunday was much more generally
observed as is holiday than 1 expected. The
shops on the Grand Merrikaya and the Nevski
Prospekt are almost all shut all Sunday. Sb.
.Petersburg isnot Sabbatarian by any means;
it is more a day of amusement and of visiting
than of devotion, but there seemed to me to
be a much more general cessation or labor on
Sunday in Russia than either in Germany
or in Prance.
The War with T.hibet.
Gen. Graham's victory in Jalapla pass
and pursuit of the Thibetans into their own
territory have evidently had a good effect,
since the new Chinese Resident at Lassa le
on the way to the British encampment at
Gnatong to "leech up a peace. This he will
doubtless accomplish before the arrival of
the Russian traveller, Pijevalsky, who ix on
his way to seek admission to Lease and
carries with him a conciliatory present of a
silver tea service, with which to help to
pomade the Delta Luna to grant hire that
privilege. Perhaps Russia may not be
eager t eee peace concluded. The evident
desire of the British to open a highway of
trade through Sikkim to Thibet, and the
hostility of the Thibetans to everything
Christian, sufficiently account for the recent
hostilities, which the Pekin Government
probably fears to permit longer, According
to a recent British writer the religious
question is coupled with the worldly one
that "the Lamas of Lassa have engineered
a earner in tea," which, he says, they get
from China and peddle out to their people
at a large profit. They are accused of fear-
ing that the opening of the trade route to
India will spoil this profitable monopoly.
Still, if businese projects had anything to
do with the war, on the Thibetan aide, it
may 'be lees difficult for that reason to find a
business basis for peace.
• Make a Note of 'This.
Pain banished as if by magio. Polsonei
Nerviline is a positive and almost: instan-
taneous remedy for external, internal, or
local pains. The most active remedy hitherto
known.falls far !bort of Nerviline or potent
ne Simpeon, a middled -
woman enticed to the house by Hare a wffe.
She wan carred to Hare's house at night,
was induced to drink, went off in a deep
sleep and was rsuffooated in the early
morning. Then followed an Engliehman,
name unknown, who came to lodge at Here's.
He had jaundice and was about 40 years of
age. The body, like the preceding one,
was sold to Dr. Knox for £10. Ihen came
a nameless old woman who to ok a night's
lodgingberchancein the murderer's den. She
was emothered.in the early morning in the
usual way, with h heavy feather pillow,
and that night the body -was taken to Dr:
Knox who paid the usual sum for it. '
Margaret Patterson, a young and exceed-
ingly handsome girl, was decoyed to the
home 9 of Burke's brother, and their des-
patched. She wae, carried four hours after
'death 10 Dr. Knox, who patd Z8for the body.
power m the relief of nerve pain. Good for
external or internal use. Buy a 10 cent
sample bottle. Large bottles 25 cents, at all
tor grown women is the giumpe bodsee, very
much like the guimpe valeta of little girle.
Coif No More.
Watson's cough drops aro the hese in the
world for the throeb and chest, for the V0i0e
unequalled. See that the letters B,, & T, W.
are atamped on emit drop.
Emerald green is combined with turquoise
blue in some of the most elegant toquea of
this season,
.A.P. 420
VrTn.solciaroarfaafael,r4=1T,Erno9u. Cr 4",
rIATENT8 'preen red. Patent Attorneys and experts.
1-Est'41S67. tlennid O. /Ado ut at Co., Toron to,
CANOES. Wdl, tintIlfratI9etetirti:, Out.
FARMS gSARTtsrketi8gttEgIAeelaarai
MITOnErt,iartON, orv.
delirons of acquiring it thorough knowledgs
of garment cutting should visit us. Scientific and
reliable systems taught whereby perfect lltIog gar-
ments are produced. Circular with f uil inf armetion
on applioation. S. WARMAN, Prop., 122 Yonge es.,
GENTS 1 UNEMIMOYED 1 Vre handle only
standard specialties,* of which no other flanhas
aright Meet in Canada. Write tra, Tarbox Bros.,
Toronto, Ont.
enurntamer raind
We POW elle
nepenn. awl to aro
and spiltchpri ,rtonfloot
aic Crasi-S
” IV"
4 It
t. Zee spite f eaVert Far tied at
glen:net end e tie poetical, meeting hs a -v
marked degr.'s th- rttpiircarnto .1
and emr: !Arial aeo. For/. if any. of uluatea,
aroording tha thawing el rast rtoello...cro Iso long
unomp"o,,, fa rnantitlei tratnlogro7.0-111. non
rule a passport to eligible and ineradtve int:1001r.
Addre,e, )4. Mace ritilICK. Principal,
ed Glass
1Sing St, W., 'Toronto,
or. Onftlen eats of ltellglotto T1401005t
• es,iy,to.11 by 'r ensiterr nausea; w
Write for el einem and Urteis.
WILLIAM BEIGES, teat:lean Tor eta,
eapeet Iioase in ado for Guns,
cortri#$ts, Fie ' ttle, Bala
* Gun:8 Qua Spin Soo -
Vika el every leat
35TIZI• Cl'Ht.,Elmneee,
$12.en ece Ain X11(t,4 011171411ffili
DEr-C-.01-LoAraeso sum
eith lied Steel Barrels, oiled stock,
ti,gan r t s A* d tor CI Of) win ship
's az:Irma «I LUtbstwt.leint,tar,lurAte
W. flYECIVALL & 51 FIIC $.1 if TOITO
Young •IV" e
FEEINCI front the etfeet3 of early ovilhahltn4W4
It of maoranco and folly, who and theraortvo
.rien con and exhau5ted ^, oleo Ilrootu..doin and
who ate brolscu down from the effects of
cvor wort: and In al vanced feel,the
• ns tinwares of youthful troase, tend for and read
31, V. Lubon's Trettlto tho Dt4eloo at Men. Tho
bor k will be soot oealed to any a ddro44 on reeelp1 of
two8e. earan9, Ad.ireas,
txriod:r. atellino-oo fit, , Teronta, 010
liEdT VALUE 1.1; THE nfiatuiloN,
Send far Pries 1.1,tom4Elvcounti.
The Rev. Sam Small is the Prohibition
=Mete for State Senatorin the Atalanta
district, and his opponents are pouring hot,
shot into him at a lively rate. But he isn't
bit soared, as witness : "I am not running
this race as preacher, and no man need
refrain from jumplog on me on that account.
Ibis but the convenient excuse) of a coward."
He oleo pleasantly refers to some of his
accusers as "Godless' and ghoulish scoun-
drels and Villains whom it would be base
flatttery to call dogs."
Hard cash, we pkefiume, is so called to
distinguish it from soft money—or is it be-
cause it is 06 hard to get?
TO 140AN Farint Owen Itxtea
ITO delay. Clorremondonae solicited
W. D. IIIITLEg. Fioantlal Art
liatablithed 16O. 'n King. St. E., Toronto.
Ne Whaley Royce Oo,,
• 283 Tango Stroet.
The Clave41. Place 11
Canada for
Now and Second 42. r
.17/ niTedToronto.fly
En 'Jr vVriltif.oilt
stO3AteAr istff, 124 n. ire w
sito DR. W. L.
TTEN N 1 S 1 -Ladies or gentlemen,
ao T best 25o selling article ia
h d mg and needed in every
household, Sells like hot cakes, Sample by mail,
post paid, with fell particulars. on recenst of 15 ets.
Address, 0. W. DENA% 0 Yonge Street Arcade.
Toronto, Ont.
.Msell the Rellab.e y
St.& of the well-known St. Catharines Neill;
testes. Lb eral terms awl steady work. Ad.
St. Catharines, Ont.
A Righteous Verdiot.
We rejoice that a Chicago jury has at
last taken the part of the widow and the
fatherless against one of the ve.mpiree of
society, that sucked the life's -blood out of
the bread winner, and helped to send a gen-
ius of unusual promise toe,n untimely grave.
Mrs. Lucy A. Elkins, the widow of the paint-
er whose Mount Shasta," and other bril-
liant works of art, had placed him high up
on the ladder of fame, has under the dram -
shop act, recovered $5,000 damages against
a Chicago saloon -keeper, who, despite her
entreaties to the contrary, persieted in Bell-
ing her husband, who was a victim to in-
temperance, etrong drink,
A euggestive, accident recently occurred to
the Comptesse de Viet Castel. The spirit
lamp for making tea burst, and her face and
body were enveloped with ignited spirit. She
wan not seriously burned, though.
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
So disguised that the "mat delicate stomach
eau take it. Remarkable as a FLESH
RRODTICER. Persons GAIN rap-
• idly while taking XT.
BOOTT'S EMULSION is acknowledged by Phy-
Malawi to be the FINEST and BEST preparation
of its class for the relief of
le/renting Diseases of Children,
sow by all Druggists, 50e. arid $./.00.
Aosta tor
aqd 'HiGelA11
and end Orel. st
iterairing of Band A
struments a specialty
Send for Catelooet
--.—. -
Loan 8z8avings0 onuany
1.+VOltrOlt AXED 1855.
lioad. Office 1 Toronto St 1 Toronto
SUbserilbed eapttall, S 4 sseems
Pahl Ity Capidni 2,500.001
Total .Annets.. ... . . ....... . 10,000,v00
The enlarged capital and rail:mos of this Company,
together with the IllOtOASeti lacilltiee it hss reeeatly
acquiredforeupplying land owners with cheap money,
enable tbs Direetus to meet with pro tmtnese and at
the le vest flurrent rate of interest all requirements
for loans upon satisfactory real estate security.
Application ma barnacle toeitaerof tha Company's
loca Apsraisers, or to
J. IIER3E05' MASsYN,Nianag'g. Director, Toronto
star a
Ipe ARTIFS wishing to purchase improved Manitoba
-11- Farms, from SO acres upwards, with immediate -
possession, call or write to G. 1. 31 tULSON,
Arthur's' Block, Mein St, 'Winnipeg. Information
furnished free of °barge, and settlers assisted in
making selectisn. ?Sonar To LOAN' at marmor rater
o interest.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been mei Inc the ass
fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment o
nervons debility, an all disea,es arising from ex.
cense, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in
the ears, polpitatian, etc. For sale by all druggists.
nice, 81 per box, or 0 boxes for $5, or will be seat by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application.
"ea El GRAY ME DICIER CO., Toronto.
are children -rah° cheetPegy fobs in the chorus
;Men readmaker's Yeast ;It the eul:jeci before sis-.
.Afainina !Halal: the rest,
So she knows it's the best, (lightest,
'Cause her bread is the ;Wiliest, her buns are .I4e
and we eat oil the jhanrakesske dare *et before rat
Sellbig at Sc. per oz.
c3HET▪ 'peoz.; Reldwn's
r Ibeet Firtaring and Fleecy
v. oola, 102 per .kein Saxrnv Wool, all et Inn 10c per
skein; Merino Wool, all cclare, ltts per -keln; 11;m.
hroidery Silks eters* elon, ID, dtzen skid s's Ameri-
can Arrasene 310 drain skeins; English 4r asene,
large altelne, Se skein; stamped Toilet :sets, 3 pieces,
35e set; Stemptd Tiny*, ntwcst designs, 25e each;
Stamped ereaners. do., 40 ar.d 50e each. Ladieswill
always find vitb us the very newest rnat-rial for
fancy work. Goixis can be sent to any partor Canada
by 'post. Writs for pries list. A trial stitched.
HENRY DAVIS, /nmorter, 232 Fonge Street, To.,
t onna. Please mintion this paper.
• You can learn tvh..re to get a
Free Home & Farm of480 Acres
Finest sail. beet water, land all for settlers. Send
Your address on Postal Card for maps, books
and all iniormation.
4 Palmer House Block, Toronto.
PROOF Patent Non-
• Conducting Doors
J. 84 J. T A Y L 0
Toronto Safe Works.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland everyThursday
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in sum.
mer from Quebec, every Saturday to Liverpool, calling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers fox
Scotland 'tad Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via
fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glee-
gow lines sail during whiter to and from Halifax,
Portland, Boston saa paienielphie; and dining sum
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage or other information apply
A.. Solaumpeher lo Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & 00.1
Halifax ; Shea le do., St. John's, Nfld.; Wm. Thorn's
son A do., St. John, N. B.; Allen 05., Chicago;
Love Alden New -York; H. 13ourn;
er, Toronto
Aliens, Rae &'do. Quebec; WM. Bookie, Philade-
phis.; H. A Allen 'Portland Boston, Montreal.
Cure All Diseases of the Stomach, Bovvels
leeeilessnens, Female Complaints, DRUNKE'NESS,
Blood, Liver, Kidney, Urinary Organs, Nervousness:
1,000 Reward paid for a case theyeevill not cure