HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-25, Page 5London Huron e G Bruce Railway GOING NoRTii---TI35E. TAnL--Pass'nr. London, depart -7.45 A ox,,4.25 P. AI. Lucan Crossing ... 8.28 , .. , . . 5.20 Clandeboye .8.34. , ..5,28 Centeaha . .. , . . 8.45 , 5.x:5 EXETER,.,, ,.,,.8.56,,, 5.5? Hensel' , , 9.08 0.09 Rippers 9.14 , , . 6.17 Brucefield , , , , , , , , 9.22 O,26 Clinton.. , . ... 9.40 , 6.45 Londesboro' .10.00... , 7.03 Blyth 10.10... ... 7.12 B , elgrave; , .. ,10.05 7.27 Wingham.�... , .10.sa5 145 GOING Solent. Passenger. 11 ingham , .7,05 n. i,. , 3.40 P.m.P.m.Belorr,'tye ,, ,; 724 4.00 Myth„ , ,, ,.7.38 4.15 Londesboao' 7.47_ 4.25. Clinton. , 8.07 , . 4.45 Bratcetteld .. , . 8.2O, 5.04 Elilapen .. ...... 8,34..:5.12 Henson. 8.41;...,, 5.19 EXETER.... cl. ,u 5.:13 Celaha 9.0i 5.45 el:aitdtebeye.,,, 9.1n$. Lucas CM sing. , on I „ , 5.56: 6.02 I odnou, 2rrire, ...10.15 .6,45 X MARKETS. Red Ri' ter. per ltushe.... , 8115 to 118 White .a 115 to 118 Spring...,-,. ,,,<, Seto 100 Barley, .. , 50 to 65 30 to 1 56 to 5tt o Eggs per floe .. 15 to 16 Butter, Roles.. 15 to 16 Rutter, Crocks 15 to 14.9.96 Wool ... ............. ... 18 to 1#i Qtaat4..,,., ,«. ,-1111. , Potatoes per • bush ... .. , , , . , 30 to 85 !ley per ton.-- , , , . , . , . 900 to 950 nnont arc o.. Continue the Auction Sales this after -noon at two .oelock and Friday and Saturday at 2 and 7 p. m. Saturday sales will be special, at which fieeOtor- steels and Ladies Furs will be offered, No, reseevel es repeewe :: A county meeting of South Huron 1. 0, L. was held in Clinton on Satur- day for tate purpose of making prelim-- nary relim-nary arrangements for the rec eption of the Grand Orange Lodge of B. N. A. at .Goderich next June, Olotuary. It becomes otir sad duty this week to place on record, the death of Mr. Iltl Farmer of McGillivt'ay,at theadvanced ago 80 years. Deceased was one 9£ the first settlers in that tp:,andemi,grat- ed there when it stats a vast wilderness and scarcely a human being was to be sent. lie bad been ailing for a short time only, avid death came to put an end to as well spent life, Itis funeral took place• ou Sunda w last froth his late vesideeee toSt.PLeter'Ocliurch,Biddu1ph and the remains were followed by a large number of friends and relatives. He was tho Father of Messrs Rd. and John Fanner, er, merchants, of this plate MeG ibeuy k'nutily Concert. On Friday evening our citizens 'ere treated to a1ne n usteal concert by the famous McGibeny family. The family are remarkable for their flue musical accomplishments avid it is arich treat to all tov'ets of twig to t tc hoar them. Mr. thigh McGibeine is an artist with the violin, The rest of the family all seem to o at home with the most diMeult pieces of nnusie. A large crowd -were inattendanceaad nearly all appreeiat- the, concert, Their own ear, in which they travel and reside is a grand polace on wheels, and is ono of the best we have ever seen and it was visited by largo ;mintier on Friday last, b.ceek, One evening last week ata "spindle anked." individual struck teat% and ouuueneed canvassing our merchants for job printing. Such individuals should be "tired, or tell them such as ono of our rtterchauts did, "that ho be - 'loved '-lloved in supporting those who were ►,gaa ed in the business in his own town." This earth Is not large enough to containsticksmall, mean who travel borough the difleretnt towels and villages gabbing Work that should be given to the printers who pay Moo. +etee., to the town. We have two print- ing offices here, and any of one mer- chants canquiteeasily bo suited by cabling, anti net to give their work to such beings. obituary. Scarcely a day passes except some of Our reshdents tirop into that everlast- ing sleep never more to awaken. On Friday last, one, of our esteemed resi- dents in the person of Mr. Wim. Long secctu shed to the terrible effects of ay'jrheeidfever« I)eeeeseti was taken a fewdays ago with that dread disease typhoid fever, and after a very few days of intense suf%)ring passed away. He leaves a wife antifamily of small children to mourn his sudden demise. The funeral took place on Sunday last mantis remains eer' followed to their lost resting place by a large emicoursit of sorrowing friends and relatives. He was a member of the Canadian Order of Foreestpers and the Exeter hire Bri- gade, and lee% organization atteuded the funeral in body. The ,urviving friends nail relatives hnve the sympa- thy. ypapa-thy of the entire community in this their sad trial of;atfilietion, otegnlai' Uontldie visit. Thus. Speer. M. D. Surgeon, etc•, M. C. P. S. G. S. and L. T. 0. 1)., head office 8t. 'ritomyas,The Great East India Phy- sician adad Surgeon, for the treatment of all eleruu reliseasespeculiartowomen for which Ivo is so well qualified,will be ret the Central Hotel, Exeter- on Wed- nesday and Thursday,Nov. ?titan d8tli. from 8 n'elovl: a. in. to 5 o'clock p, m, two dn• & only. «Persnns slitieering with diseases ih,t have baat3led the skill of the local physicians should not omit this favorable opportunity of calling upon the doctor. He has been educat- ed in. nearly :all the best colleges in Europe, has been in the army of the Muted States and the. British army, and has circumuavigattecl the globe. By all means give him aeon. Consul- tation free. Remetnberr the date, Nov.. 7th and 8th. Patients should call ear- ly so as to give plenty of time. We understand that the Dr's intention to in,al.c, rnoiithIy visits to Exeter in the future, Mr, i. eattli' having got his eider null it full o ►erantion ho s ore prepar- ed l 1 ,in 1tn itar- ed to manufacture eider on the shortest nnticc. Factory and mill 2 blocks west of IlaWleshtw's Hotel. A call solicited. Returned. 3h', Roble I. ';athoria, Wier left here about seven weeks ago for England, returned home on Saturday evening, looking quite hale and lteatrty* after his trip to the old sod. He was heartily we:vetoetl on lads return, Sportsmen's Depot. Go to the sportontan's depot at Geo. Sanders and see his celebrated powder the "wild rover and the people's favor- ite',it is itnmehere. .‘1,full supply of iport- `ing goods which is sure to pleaso s<Ill l,i.istn Vir. veli egnetie mineral from natures laboratory. for ulcerated ,snout« neh and sill dish „sees of the stomach, for liver, kidney and piles, the nmyt won deerful article ever offered to the public. 1tindtee, opera, tin Tneeiler eVeninee the Binti1oy t'e°talreny appeared. in Drew's ttp'i'a l.e ns e, end pl yed '•lixciterne•ut. " The attdlient ce was unt a large, one, but the celtnptaty, nevertheless, gave n gond 'melte inment. Thr unfavorable weath- er. :;:e. the Metribeny f.umily leiving played but at few evenings Before. :lc- rotuns for the slinnte•s, of the c re wth Don't do It. Never send a &Bar away front home when the article that dollar an pur- chase out be obtained, at home. Mousey ir+mu. fiennteial t►lee,d. Ito eirculatinn keepe the1tt tat. elv alive. 1L t 1 by sending tied hely your money away frau tnne, and soon trade will put nu a look of lethargy :and inactivity. A1- ttt;•ti trade- at leen and spend your money at home. It is twice blessed. It helps the person Ii1tronized, and finds its way to you. again. .now to mama Town. If you want your town to improve, imprnye it. If you wont to makeyour toanlively,m tke it. Don't go to sleep, but get up and work for it. Push. Ad- vertise it, talk about it,and talk favor- ably. If you have any property im- prove it.. Paint you house, clean up your back yards. Make yotrsnrroul- Infos pleasant and you will feel better and your propepty will be, worth more e dollars in the market. The successful towns of Ontario have been 'su crs" fi1 property owners pulling together. Pup- lic. itnprovonteuts is an investment that paws. Get at it. Wake up. There is no time to be lost andevery- little helps. Toot your horn toot it loud. and long. Sonic litomespnn iiifints. Buttermilk applied as a wttslt two or three times, at interyals of a few days, will destroy lice or calves. A piece of rock salt kept in e horse's manger, will ensure the good order of his liver. Sugar a1 of lead lotion makes anexcellent rn• hfor saddleor harnesst L. ur<•ts ,,< 1 s Dou t try to restore hair where the follicles have been destroyed; you can't do it. A vegetable addition to pigs' feed such is mangolds,eabbage,ets.,will frequeet- ly cure skiti diseases without any fur tlt- er treatment. ha airing a bedroom or her room so that the inflow- ing n Ot -arran g e 0 -arrange flo wS- in air may tend upwards. To obyi- ate draughts and their evil consequen- ces, open you window, not partially but to the full extent. A teaspoonful of salicylic acid mixccl with an ounce of collodion will remove Warts in 01)e or two applies tions. Whenever.youfenl like fainting lie down at once at full ]euyth on your back with your head a little lower, 1,1 nnvthing,ttatyourbnly- A lit.lc powered:reed - i e c�11toa l scatter ec'lover a ;urn, will delay the pain a`l niost immediately and greatly facilit- ate .at cora, council Prdceediugs. Council met at the town hall, Exeter 17th Oct. 1888. All members present. Minutes to of the previous meeting read and confirmed. E. R. Bissett reported $1 paid the treasurer for extra work at the Central hotel sidewalk. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec'd by T. 13. Carling, that orders bo granted for the • follow- ing suing, viz: -Mrs R. Pineombe $12.- 50, 50 for 1.,1 r • All. R. io R' Bissett Bs 8.75 do; v� 7 � Albert Bissett $.,0.25,c1o, Wes J. Bissett $8.44, do; ;and Dr. Lutz $15.20 for med- icine for J. Piper and 1.50 for truss for M. Clarke, -•Carried. Moved by T. H. McCallum, seed by W. G. Bissett, thee ti feet sidewalk be put in front .Trivittof, the Mulllorial church St.- Caarrit (l. By-lawNo 147.885 to exempt c.nn t six loth on Main and Andrew sts, n1 case ' of extention of buildings and ap- pliat,neee &,c on the 81111e, was duly read and passed, on motion of ,T. H. McCall- um, sec'd by tVV. G. Bissett. //laved by W. 0. Bissett, sec'd by J. Pickard, that the. Reeve and constable tare such steps as they deem proper. to colleet fees from Stewart r Co, Ilratlsiont travelers hero, and if necessary employ steel counsel t they ', C 11it.d. 111 veclli� S. o � G. Biasete e'd by T. 11. McCallunl,thlt this coatnc ladjourn until call of the Ileo o. Cairiticl. M,EAci.nrr, Clerk (,ioderich Jail, Number of prisoners committed dor ing the year -Males 117, females 13, total 130. Number carried over front previous year -8 males, 2 females. Total number in Custody during the year, 140. Number acquitted on trial by all courts, 21. Number sentenced on trial, 79. Number committed for first tone --57 males, 4 females. Of the remaining (f , their times of com- mittal mortal ranges from twice up to twenty- { one times. Sons of England Drill Corns. On Monday evening a number of the members of the Sons of EnglandRenov.. elent Soidety met forthepurposeof form- ' brig themselves into a drill/ corps. They made every arrangement and drilling will be commenced nt once, The follow- ing officers were elected forthe balance of the cumin y eareiz:-•-I'residextt,Brn. Hugh Spielman; Vice -President, Bro. 11. L. Billings; Secy-Treas,Bro. N. Dyer Burdon; Drill .Instructor Brow W. And- rews. The corps will meeteveryThurs• day evening for practice. This Is a move, which is considered a good •ono Vaud during the coining summer may expect to rice a well drilled a eptly dressed Gni ps.�i e prrdiet e att lira gram] success. -'-• fud? Mud? Mud? --..A largo number is on the sic --Read Bissett Grose change of k' in this tone, $r. Ed. Mines, of Parkhill, was in town last week. -Auction salt., are very prevalent in town at present. -The roads at present aro in a mis- eratite condition.. Large quantities of wheat are be,- ing marketed didlyr, --Get your auction sale bills; printeed at tha Amoco= of..ee. • Mn L. A'. I)Wekson, spent a fest/ days in Chicago, last week. -A large wedding from Crediton passed through town on. Tuesday.' Ii. L. Billings Dentist gold fining it specialty, aver t)'Neil's Bank. - Look out for your cal bage &e. Wednesday* night. Hallowe'en. --H. To Billings Dentist for artitiei. teeth. Office over tf'Nell'stk'."�"' A large amount of grain is coming into market daily*, and commands good prices. -Large truantitles of cider apples are being drawn to the cider milts for ex- treticon. -Dress goods'« the largest. eheaptest and best stock in town at the big Bank- rupt store, We understand that Mr. E. R. Bissett and family intend leaving shortly for Manitoba. 4Vanted a good Servant Girl,apply at once to Nlrs; Broderick, 441 Welling- ton street, Loudon. --The stained glass is at present be- ing put in tine windows of the Trivitt ,llemori:tl church. li 1t.11I1 I tc e , ceordin to the Re- corder, a e b corder, they canvass young men to sell them marriage licenses, --The AneeeeTin from tum- until January 1st 1890 for $1. Subscribe nor,and get two months free. -Read thee advertisement of Mr. J. 11, Ross,in :another column. It will re- pay you to give Mr. Ross a call. -The finest sealette ever shown in Exeter is at the big Bankrupt store. The prices are away, away down. -The shelving is being placed in Mr. 'Wm. Southoott's new block. The building is fast nearing completion. -Mn John Pincombe, of Dakota, who has been here to visithis relatives, returned home on Tuesday morning. -On Sunday next, special hymns will be slob in the Trivitt Memorial church, for those crossing the ocean and sea. eMr. J. Matheson, of theExeterNorth store, is offering 20 lbs of raw sugar for $1.00 All other goods equally as low. A call solicited. Boots and shoes this week the big Bankrupt store opens up 85,000 worth of fine boots bought at 50 ets. on the the dollar, Get some of the bargains. -Mr. John Bissett,' of Brantford, gave av e ns a friendly call on Monday morning. He was attending the fun- eral of his brother,in.law Mr.Wm.Long 4 Beautiful ail wool grey flannel for 16 cts. Good tuiderwent. for men at 25 cts:, and a magnificent lot of new mantle cloths for half price at the big Bankrupt store. -'vYe were in receipt, as Well as many others, of a piece of the bear which was recently shot by lar. Elsie, of Dashwood, for which we return thanks. tie -I'That is the reason that our street Pimps were not lit up Sunday evening. 1 'e may say that the night was one of those derlc. anci dreary ones, and the lamps should have b00n 111. A reember who would have :attended olivine W017, ship, but had. to renetin at 110110, saniril- 1;1' because it was too dark to Venture. one. We have used Everest .sCough Syrup in one family nearly two years, and it has given us excellent satisfaction. - A. Russell, Forest P. 0. -Apple picking is the order of the danent' at great many barrels are being harvested daily which are selling in the neighborhood of $1 per barrel lot first-class winter fruit. -The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Huron sails. from Liverpool to -morrow Mrs. Baldwin's health, It is reported, is quite restored. Her stay atSehwaback, (Germany, has been most beneficial, and she is now in good health. ---Now the band begins to play, all the small dealers dance around tate great combination. Dance little deal- ers; dance up high, you'll all be angels by anil bye; lint don't forget that the big Bankrupt : store still continues to sell new seasenablo'goads for -just u eta. on the dollar. CO :1VIERCIALUNION care nothing about with the U. S., but T do desire 'Union with the citizens of xeter and su1Tonncling country. Owing to the depression of the market, I have been able to purchase 'vilely stook much below- the regular wholesale price. rand will give mm y customer. the benefit of it. My stock1 �,n., / consists. of��+,//11®® at Cis QQt OYot s GxQoex ..d'.. ton. 9 +- moi The ., r- sof which l by - o, Th ^ p lf'k' a� la areIn leo >�e�� influenced Gus o - ms Duties or other tax impositions. do not give my + . away, but sell them at the lowest figure co: � . ., Parties - ., , Want consistent with good business principles. 1 a1 ties in 'as ant of goods, : consult thele" ow' n interests by exa elinin ' ilk ,stfo?k before purcbttsin else- where. Remember this is as x d w ,,toci . --A lady teacher of music inserted her professional cud in a certain local paper. It was seen by an old lover in Chicago. who at once hunted' her up; explained his ;ab'eneo of a quarter of a century, artd married her. it pay .s tot aids ertise, -A numberof counterfeit American Qend Q1 hills ere in circulation. C':nttta- F�„� , terfeit S10 bills on the Canadian Bank ?� ��' e Market !of Commerce' are r'tid tout. in droller - ion. It is pronounced to be a clover • intdtation, batt the striding en the letters comprising the sword -ten" on the face of theme- are unlike dee genuine one. Messsrs. C'nlguhoun & Dew, of this ice, sold half interest of two of their imported Clydesdale stallions to . S. Greensaond, of Douglas. 'Matt. Coiriuhoiut shipped theta ono day itst week from this station and will .ne- pony tavern to their destination,. wish him bon voyage and a We trouble to show Goods. ewe;. or north of the Town Hall, --The list of Magistrate Convictions in the county for the quarter ending Sept. 11, foot up a total of 83. Of there 35 were by Goderich magistrates, 11 by Seoforth, 4 by Clinton, 3 by Wing - ham, 7 by Blyth, and the rest scattered. Seven of the convictions were for illegal selling of liquor. Tho fines unposed a n n 8 a mounted ,.1. The hQmosta!' e th tines, however, are 41 ones, --A very plc siut affair took place art the residence of Mr. William Baker Ltn Wed esdny evening of last week: it being the marriage of his daughter, Maria. to Mr. Abram Dearing', of Step- hen. A number were present and wit - sed the ceremony*, after which num- ternusv presents were showered on the !)appy pair. Our best wishes and con - we extend to them, and hope that their journey through life will be a pleasant and at happy one. 11. 11. ;ireher, accountant of Molstns Baank.Ilamiheut, has been appointed manager of the Euler branch in place of Mr. A. A. to I)eenoyan, who gots to 'oronts to aseum a the management o; a new branch which is to be opened there. We extend to Mr. Archer a hearty we lenute. while at the same time swami acro very sorry to loose our present manager, fir. Donovan warn has always been a veryoltliginr^.,and eorteous man- ager. Our best wishes go sc-ith Mr. Detlev% The change will take place about the „Otlt inst. cltatncet,window of the Trivia Memorial Church was placed in position early this week. It as well as itil they refit of the' glass in the church is from tite factory of Jos. McCausland & Sons, Toronto. The subject of the window is -Christ glorified." It contains eight figures, most expressively grouped. 'fhe large centro' panel is filled with the figures of our Saviour ns -Kin" of King's and Lord. ofLordsy" Ther'/eft hand the s d or bof anddominion c' th right is raised in the attitude of bene- diction, the drapery fulls in graceful f,,Ids, and the harmony of light aid the shade with the rich coloring strikes the eye at oiiec with dt pleasing effect that grows the longer it is looked upon,. History and psalm ;nut revelation are all suggested in the surroundings and bads ground, the green pastures, the trees in the midst of the garden, and the river of life all are there. A trio of angels holding a crown, while two others bear scrolls with the words "glory Hallelujah" "Lord God A1- mighty," proclahned the majesty of heaven while the passion of flowers border and the cross tells of the suffer- ings of earth. On the right side of this main panel stands the figure of David, who sang of the future Messiah, with harp in hand and all the surrounding's of Isr<ael's king. On the left is the figure of St. John withupturned face listening for the revelation of ` that futuee for the redeemed. The artist re has canght the caber look which poets have pictured in connection with the bo rodless blessing of that apocalypse. The complete subordination of rill the figures to the central one is perfectly carried out, and the window for sever- al days has been the theme of unive rsal 'r 1 llat70 need conversation. While le there are sunihkir figoresin the Windows of Trinity College Qhapel, Toronto,the subject and the groudings of this win- dow are peculiar to this church alone. Wo are inforincci that Mr. Trivitt, sng. gesteeiboth and the passion flowers around the lower' of tate contral panni were painted from ti sample one sent from his eoliservatory. McCausland & Sons have n eli snatained their contin- ental reputation enol the Church of. England people, as well as all other eitizens of Exeter,l.nay justly fuel proud of the beautiful inonuuient' whieh the piety of a worthy townsman erects i>1 their midst. '.1'he 'whole church is 'a . pure specimen of early English archi-` teetura,solhi in construetion,t11u1 be.11tti- folio every detail of finish, 1`11(. other. 'windows are. coasting by train in deily consignment; aedby the first of next ire chit is hoped that all will be placed. t3 . PARKINSON, If you wan omething e FOR TEA NORTHCOTT TO .t L "WITH A LOAF OF HIS Or call anti set some of 11:is NE+QUAl4LED mauNs . ND CAKES Wedding) Party Cakes MADE AT HE SHORTEST NOTICE. J. Hex Northcott 0P OSM g ` WN HALL, Maul' 0 me ee Sloes, Ewa lido, Etc. c.ns.x. oiv ISSETT They are offering their En- ti7retock atprices ces that will Astonish sh ou. A Call S IS SETT ROS. STOP N There is a chine OH called IT IS MANINACTURED SOLELY BY cCOLL BROSID TORONTO ONT9 with the Trade Mark, that Barrels are branded , LARDINE not take it, 'as it is onlyspurious If not, do lu'ious oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. FOR S Aq, F BY July -2G -'SS. iE s t tw tostein o