HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-25, Page 4.11 ttt Wrrn this $S110 We present to our Pau Greenway made a mistake. Tefttlexa thTOOATSb an enlarged when he asked •Sir John Macdonald to form. We will refer to this feather make the naughty Canadian paei next week., owing to our being so busy company behave itself, Sir John does with job work, etc., this week, IF YOB- WANT 101411ii:my .111414110**PWrOtt=tAt run that road, Mr. Greenway should have applied to Hon. Edward Blake, the "HARD 'LINES." solicitor for the Canada Pacific railway Tim unfortunate Chinese are ha'jug company a painful experience as the result of the IT is gratifying, to And. that the passing of the Exelusion Bill. The Crook's Act is on the athole beings acted Treasury Department at Waehington up to in the county of Huron. It Is has declined to authorize the Collector true there are now and again coli - o Customs at l'ort TownFent. W. Th to tions for infractions of it and the golvr- allow a number of Chinameu to land ni verdict is, "served ',no rish.t„ so , ea there by the steamer Aneon. Theii was not the view taken of convictions Chinamen Ivent frt'm the C°Inrabia ruttier the Scott Act. The expressions River fish (-Am.-lies to work in the ti8h ' heard then were generallyasIt's too bad." canneries of Alaska mei annow on the homeward td.trip: They have not Tim Toronto Mail advertises that t houn touched. at any foreign pert, but have it will give a revolver to each new paeted throntth foatien weter on theirsubscriber. The Mail is wonderoua jemany. Ninety Chitsamen arrived kind. It makes every provisiou for at San FrI-at the ether day from i its new .subseribers. When the new Alaska on the tenant -ter Renee. They !! subscriber hes read. the Mail long era were take a !teem Sen Premise° last l °ugh to leara that Canada has gone to the dogs. and that life in Canal , $ not worth living, he puts the muzzle of the Mail's pistol to the remains t.. alba- taaet te : :lel : tat teit.graphed to , his iiitellect and. escapes to the maritet Waeliingta a Fer h. -a -meth -m% which yi of more than sixty billions, were ;laver ., • T1, ar,1 extremely p A CARI,C despatch anuounees the herd te e.et. a: 1 Ila merertitnate men, r i are thus conaple dm of the arrangements between v.ho pl teed in ;In exeeedingly i . toe Imperial Government and, the awkward pesition by the seemingly hCanadian Pacific Railway Comp iny arbitrary decision of te Treasury De - connected with tile Vancouver Yoko- partraent, ere deaervia...a of sautpethy. , / ame, and Hong Kong mail seta ie.a Some t.f the!' i a ere aft-rwards takento n i The despatch intimates the. existenee Vanceuver, wl: eat they were permitt- „ . d., . i tit a desire tor an improved seta lee ed to land upon the Sh) taxian.being guaranteed. spring t work ha the salmon canneries aud het e it bk.'eL eff the ,Autertean soileiree. Veltect, eater refueed s...........nompamottremo.otens fl roucy,.- Lar us have complete freedom of trade with the United States, exclaimed Sir Richard Cartwright at Ingersoll. 6The true policy of the United States Government," said Mr. Shermart in the United States Senate. -is t tender free - dont of trade te Venetia, and to make across the Atlantic, by which the full benefits to be derived. by the new ar. rangementshouldbeseenred. kr is announced that Mr, Gladstone has been principally employed. during the last two mouths in arranging his public andprivate correspondence, and after having destroyed several thous :tads of lettere, he is now putting those which he iris decided to keep in chnon- this tender in albeit a fraternal way that °logical order. Ma. Gladstone's potiti. it shall be an overture to the Canadiancal orresPandenee date $ from his elec.. tion for Newark in ISM He is not people to become part of this Republic" pledged. to only putting into chronological order The Conservative pant is plantain aux own ...gntienni pesky, letters of a political character, but also which has 'wrought worders in devel- all papers on every subject he has oping a spirit of e 4-reiiance through. thought worthy of consideration during out the Dominion, which has built up his life. •our industries, Ind generally has con- Tun Reformers are in a bad watt, tributed to the prosperity of the Dem- When Mr. Blake discovered that he inien. W'17.".. ehnl' LIP of the was ill the Reformers made Mr. Lauri - future? The ;aloe"' n will if • th" great er their leader, believing that Mr. issue at the neat g ',q°"11. It Blake's illness was to be only a tem- wIll be for the electota to tleahle. We porary allhir, and that the latter gentle - are not given to prepheeying, hut we man would soon resume command of ' venture the pre1'Uth'tt nu overt the forces. Laurier has been a sad dls whcliuing nettorhy t : the eloatotn of appointment. But .11031alte's "illness" the Dominion will uphold the policy in- has been discovered to be of a permit- augurated in With a few mouths after tient nature, and Laurier is still ea the present t•levenunent mine into hand. Ills unfortunate followers wt FOIST I% moomoi!tmottmommentemum..tm A HITCH SOMEWHERE. Tnn adviee given tai Canadians by the advocates (IIe en mereia I rev iprouity --OR Neat Hair Cut, CALL AT THE Central Barber Shop, 'anon's Bloat/ Exeter A. H. Hastings, il.ROPRIETOR. Almonattal.tun't.....moomstmo.ton.... .4RIJ OXFORD CI1EESE DANDELION COFFFE BALTIMORE OYST-NRS IN BULK, earn -Ian's Celebrated Elms Biwon's Bologna, and Lard I -a three and five lb. pails. cble low:, Bran, Sho and Choy. 111011 a OM* 1111i Ogla HE KEEPS THE GRCP)‘'IONarriES West of TORONTO. ANI THEM AT LOWEST PRICES. Give HERSEY a Call. "BETTER. ti; Efilt;; THE WESTERN RTISE Commemorates its QUARTER A EMMY" to bonnet. hint, but they fear that such action might alienate the French con- tingent of the party, and they are in , bad box. Tula Belleville Ontario is very hart has beeu that both their population and on the boys of the present day. It says prosperity would be greatly increased that they are vulgar, obscene,blasphem- by it. But it may be theihted whether ous, imprudent,irreverent and. thievish, the Provillen of the 1 himien would and that they smoke and chew tobacco. gain in any greater ratio than some of This is all applied to boys generally, the the older States, such as New York Ontario making few exceptions. We do not think the boys of the present day are worse than the boys of the. past gen- eration, It has been the custom, from New Banlialire, Connecticut and Maine. If there is any virtue in the free trade referred to, those States ought to h;we prc.,,cre,sed much more time immemorial, for grown men to than Canadq. But what are the factsi lament the degeneraey of the boys of It is found that between 1,7170 and 1880 the day, and the older the man is the tie pepnlati.i f th- stern Statein- more he is likely to be of opinion that ereaged as fellotvs: - the boys are much worsethan theywere 1870. 185). Connecticut 517.151 822,700 15.86 Maine020,915 0 8,933 3.51 • 'Nov Hampshire 318.300 316,991 9,01 New York 1.342..753 5.082.871 1197 'Vermont 110,551 332,284.52 Here is an increase for the decade in the three New Englend States of 52,. 000 people, or about four per cent. New York only shows an increase of 16 per when he was a boy. Butnotwithstand- ing this, we think that the morals of the people are improving, and that it is a great mistake to imagine that the boys of to -day are more wicked thin those of any previous age. They may be somewhat more "sassy;" but that is cent., ani that belongs chiefly to the. all cities. In the five older Provinces of Wn desire to call the attention of Canada the census returns are as the Board of Trustees of the Exeter follows: Public School to the fact that the water P. R. Island 9M1,7012.1 11938 8,819. I P15.C8" in use at present at the school is wholly arova Scotia 887,800 440,572 1.30 Unfit. The water is unwholesome Now Brunswick 285,5,91 321.233 rzt quobe9 1,tonots 1,85tve7 14:0 and has a very bad odor. It is the duty Ontario 1,620,851 1,923,228 18,6 It will be seen that the percentage of our trtietees to at once examine it an of increase is greater in Canada than in d get a supply of pure fresh water the States lying on its borders. What for the use of the pupils. We have nu- ismerous cases of contagious diseases the matter with reciprocity that is existing in our midst and with such advocated, that it does not make the fi ve States in question thrive as well as water as is at the school is more liable to spread such diseases than the diseases the five Provinces of Canada 2 There is a hitch somewhere--LoNnothemselves. Should our trustees not N FRBE take the matter in hand at once; it then PRESS. remains for. our Local Board of Health to take the matter up, and use such menus as they may see fit to have a supply of pure and wholesome water secterecl. We hope our trustees will take up the matter and at once and remedy it, as delays are dangerous. Since the above was put in type we understand the, trustees examined the water on Thurs- day and pronrunced it good. Why do they not examine it on Monday morn- ing, -we are confident they will not then report it good. lP49)/TORIA NOT:ES. TUE Times' charge against the Par- nellites come just in time to retire the .Anglo -German doctors' scrap to the, back shelf, to which it belongs. IT is intimated that Mr. Cleveland may shoot off another retaliation in es - sego before eleetioxt cloy. Hope he will not. Canada has not vat itecovered from the sorenes-4 7)f 111)8 ca used by laughing at the lasone. By appearing in an entirely now outfit and presenting a magnificent Souvenir Benue to each stleSerilier tor .i8F•9, entitled "THE FALLS OF NIAGARA." Thiq beautiful premium, wbieh is a large photo -lithograph, is isxst inches, and pl eially exectited for u.!don,. iyate.r. A photograph of this fta• two 4Io. hits fifty find yficull9t _tii.ti1411.- ihhed from the lithograph when placed be- side it. It is acknowledgo• ed lart critics all over Canada to the finest s eciraen of nXiii„iirtrgmlitrthe New Type Throughout! Illustrated Departments!' Beautiful Free Premiwn 1 LILAUGE OF 1888 FREE. To all now ordering for the year 1889 at the low rate of <> IL 4C> tit Or $3 for four copies for the term mentioned Agents wanted everywhere, Registered letters come at our risk. For free sample papers, terms to agents, ate., address, ADVERTISER PRINTING 00. LONDON, ONT. THE ADVOCATE'S CLUBBING OFFER. 'You can have The 'Western Ativer. tiser and its beautiful Pin reiunr., to - ether with the Advocate for iSS9, for only 81.75, by addressing us am follows : Sanders Publishing Co., EXETER, ONT. IZP Sault Ste. Marie Canal. NOTICE to CONTRACTORS. ryrtr, Nvonzs Fon TITE1 CONSTILTTOTION of the canal, above nientioued, advortis- orl to be let on the 23rd. of Cetober, next, aro unavoidably pOstponctl to the following dittos 'Randers will bo received until Wednesday the 75111 day of November next. Plans and Specifications will bo ready for examination at tbis 01310e and at Sault ,C..te. Marie on mug afttr Weilieenday the 04th day of 0,4tobex. By Order, A P. BRADLAT, ,„ Sec: ctaly Department of B a ilycn,:s & Canals, Ottawa, lith 80ptwri.1,Lr, i82. • BE AT Ultor, -ON- Tuesday,and Wednesday Nober 7th. and 8th. TWO DAYS ONLY. FROM 8 a. m. TO Patients plase °all early. Thos. Spear M , 11 Surgeon, &c., M. C P. S. G. S. &L. T C. D. THE GREAT EAST INDIA SPECIALIST. Nan the.treatment ofall Chronic Diseases ' and Diseases peculiar to D oreeu. Thirty year, practice. ileal Ofilce--St. Thomas. British A.rrey in the East Indies, burgeon in The Doctor has been educated in nearly all their. tiding Medical Colleges and flosylt als in Europe, has served es eureeon in tho i1the American Army during the late war , vaned practice and experit nee, entail,. s et from Ism to the elosa ofthe same. has treat ed, aU nationalities end circumnavigated the glole--Ilis t)iorough education, kirge and P to rank as a Specialist -Second tonone on i thiscontirtent-Inr the treatment of those dangerous and difficult diseases that have taftaird tine skill of the local physician. Tisefollowing diseases with. many others CsLcaceta(nrstul, flivistraesaetsedof ili-;Asithuiem_gsa, )3xPvIreetpshifes: Diseases of the Rye and Ear, ileart Litseasen. yx;phollz,exsimiy,uiredrar.aly.sis, Strictures, _Ruptures. "0. n v4$eases. ,Ples. 6:e.2 gleetrwity nsed Testimonials of Education -alto follewiriC testimonials. and diplomas may be §ren at myoffice, wilt many othem from nearly t!..1,11. ' the leading nnetli,ral schools in Europe ; 'run ifY College, kirk St, Scheeler Medicine stud and Royal College, of Surgeons, Dublin i Royal College of r.urgeons, lielfasts gag - lend ; College of Snygeous, E4inturg and Glasgow, fleetiond ; Ltreuttata n3/141- wifery.andendorsed by the Inglaestmedicol outhoes in the 1.'rniteel States and Dom - of Onnadn, The above with Many letters from differentparts of the gloto Aro a medical raVezt.wwithent re-exasoluation doubt or quibelmover every Bea, Alli in every land lona the rising to the settmg of 049 b1211. Consultation free. Bead. circular and re. member the date. ott....•••••••••••• 'UMW SQUARE EI_STORE The undersigned would inform the Public that he has just received his 'MUER - STOCK INCLUDING FELL LINE OE DRY GOODS HATS AND CAPS, AND CROCK- ERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage ta call and inspect my goods and prices. Best Roller Flour always - on hand, Highest Price paid for Butter and Eggs, and all kind of Produce, J"..1.1()SS 3 2.1 8q Catarrh/ atarrhal Deafness, Ilay Fever. A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware, that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining mem- brane of the nose and eustachian tubes Microscopic reaearelahowever, has prov- ed this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formu- lated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deaf ness and hay fever are permanently cured. in from one to three simple are Orations made at home by the patient one in two weeks. N. B. -For Catar- rhal discharges peculiar to females (whites) this remedy is a specific. A pamphlet explaining this new treat- ment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Dticoet & Sox. 803 West Xing - St., Toronto, Canada.-Stientific Ameri- can. Sufferers from catarrhal troubles should carefully read the above. (10-22-'88.) THIS space belongs to PHOTO ARTISTi Watch for it next week. A Positive Cure. >14 A Painless Cure, rAows FOR NEW OF ALL AGES. DZSVAST-1$ .11t0.1s.T. ZVZ, 717.14. e, TOE OnRarZ.14.044 TIE RE.IrEliVer4 lila:vet of Healing, and Kokineer of Medicines, ..t13110-laurn.c...m the te.ccihie eonsmAnenees nrIntliseretion, orul Overwork. zrzr=-r oz4z) Who m:, brQ1WA oulcriVIA from the effects of van.ro ilt find in 110,8o radical ouzo for nervous debility, organic we2,:mez.s, nivo;niutary Vi441 losses, eke. SlalF90356 rQR WJAM ,E$ SacpLt. 711 r:5-41, -Want erergy, vertigo want of purposa. dimness of sighs, aversion to sociefy, wane ef couthience, avoidmice. of conversation. desire for solitude, listlessness MO t ifix tile num-4ton onparticular subject,, conardice, depression of giddiness., li5A a riezn,ry, excitability of tRroper, riper. reaterriema, or IOSS 9! the seminal fluid-tha re:mit of self.ahaise OP nmritslexcem-impo- tency, innetrition, emaciation, 'barrenness, palpitation of the heart, hysteric feeling in females, trembliug„ melancholy, disterLing tL:s. 04. are all symptoms of this terriblebabit, lialakt. oftentimes innocently acquired. to sho.rr. the sluing of vital force having lostits tennen.,,wery functi on wanes in consequence. xriceline 37zitersaud the suPetintelideofs of I n474.1f3 asylums ;mite in eseribing to the effects ofreif-etouse the great majority of wasted lives wbich came under their notice,* u e, If yoare incompetent for the ardamm antie3.3t telsinee4 incvaciteted for C12 cE4nynntnt,. of life, No. 8 offers AU 9t99re 009.1 the effects of earlY Vice. If you are advanced in yaws, No. 8 will giveyea vigor:lad trength. you are broken (Iowa, 411y' and nicrelly from early indiscretion, the result of ignorance end folly, send yonr address end M CeltZt$ in etamps fm• Ve lo,mos's Treatise iu Dock' Eerie en Discaso.._, of Man. Se:711'41 and Recure from apliservetioN Address all communications te Nr. 7J.4140.7i. Wellincum, Su Eq. grovonco, A Ma a without wisdom live* 119 a feel'S para4'4e,CU1IES CUARANTgED H4At. THE SICK. A Pe tient Oureg MONTHS ONE DOLLAR TE ETR ADV E FROM NOW TILL JANUARY ist., 1890. The Newsfiesu Paper h, the DietAct. SLBSC IIBE NOW, CLOT JS® 1zain. St. EXETER - ONTARIO, Has now in stock ?3,armreirop m Vika tg0 IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England SuitingS and Trous. era ngs, Scotch Tweed Suitings and. Trouser- ings. French and English Worsted Cloths All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A, J. SMELL NOTICE! Having recently built a New Factory, I am now better prepared to fur- . nish my Customers, and all. who farces me with a call, with all kinds of LAE RUE TR' M4r. ti.1 o go ON SHORTEST NOME. TURNING DONE --WITH- Ql.,71.1.camaaess -AND- .7,DeS:PatCale, All orders by Mail or Otherwise Promptly attended to. A CALL SOLICITED. CUITLE. 1 t t