HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-18, Page 7NO ' t ERN ONTARI
One of the most striking features in con.
nection with the late Industrial Exhibition
at Toronto was the display of agricultural,
mineral and other products sent from the
great, district of Algoma.
Arid,since it is not so very long since one
of the leading members of the House of
Commons' asked 41where is Algoma 9'' it may
be well to eornmenee thiso sketch with a
brief outline of the geographical position,
end extent of that dwcriet. Algoma, then,
stretches from French River on the ease to
Lake of the Woods and the international
boundary on the Twat; it extends north-
ward from south of Mauitontin Island to
James t3.sy ou the north, and includes about
4txe half of the total area of the Province .ef
Q.. , y
uteric. This district which Benda cal
One representative to the Commons, is di-
vided for purpose of re preseiatation in the
Legislature into East and West Algoma, and i
for the administration of justice int the
ske,1ndicial diistrio a of Rainy River, Tian: -
der Bay, Algoma and Manitoulin,
Tun WAxans cr ALG031
furnish a largeproportion ox the fish supply
of Ontario, At Stosaw Island, the Ducks,
liesrde, and awtt.y up near Part Arthur
hundreds of :nen are employed, and the on -
Anal value of the c*teh ie over a y,aarter of
a million donuts. Be6ides the fisheries,
which are a sour* of wealth to
the Pcovinve, there aro hundreds of 'elle"
and :Area=s which am a perfeet paradise to
diseiplee of the late lamented. Imo Walton.
Foremast amen the treat atreania f9 the
famous Nipegon, univereally acknowledged
the best in the world, The Blue Jay, near
Idauitowening, baa afro fOrtaWled eleatltent
glmtx Raid taoattered user the dietvictr are
rlurmlaere of Other& OtherSucker bake and Dake
Maeitota, within three miles of Manikoweu•
log; Tobaseta lake, near Gore Bay; the la-
de halm jut behind Al;fowabuilt!; and
hundreds of others, affeed excellent bate
aftttother of atigomo"a ettrca tttzia and ad•
vontagee iia valuable ttame preserve&
Mt be had altoett anytwhere iu the district.
No batter duck ehoutaag can be form' than
lathe narrow channels &bout L`ttlti Corrent
and Eillerney• Beam. caribou and other -
large game aro plentiful, artd the Aurins' ex
pare of heaver, lynx, fox aridother pelta
mage a very huge 'tent rte tbe rates' expert
I,utnbrarfsag bee hitherto been and is *till
the greet iai natry of Algortm. Monitaalin
ams telly ships ?boat 1}elf a million pee
of cc:bevest8, ties, etc., to the ',jotted States
matte; beehlea ferniebtua large tiepplteri of
luts)b r to vatriet•s pelma no Oetaxia, New
Yerk mac' skeet here. Bat it lis ori tlsenorth
BSTailiEN i <F9T4`tif IIIVLI
and tho Sault, that the Sumttr trade finds
its, greatest development. There rite abet=
half a "swans of. large ".saw miele Along that
"here, that of Cork. Tema,, a; Stopeast
River,befog et~3 of the li<rpeet is Csszala
To glue an ideas €f feet hew ttopertant thee
tntoter Inanely is, 1 may Ely ghat in ara;i
*out Tlwereolon Mone Dearly 1400 men aro
DOW errgt:oycti gra C n "tikes with It
Mime.; now in ins aefooey, will emit rival
and then mop= the lumber trade. The
copper Braine at. Su:7baty it eald to ho the
mea, valuable in the maid. and it btu; arse
hctndrette yet to he found. Thin otutpput
Isat year wosnearly $100,CO, and Silver Is
let, as ctrl and well known erring near Dort
Arthur, hats produced $3,CClO.G00 worth cf
ore. There aro also iron, mica, tuorbb mud
variolas other ccanomio minerals. In fact,
Mr. Macdougall, of the geoto^'ieol ourcoy,
says those Lrurentine llelie, which leak so
uninviting from the deck of a steamer, con.
Lain all the known mincrolle. Bat, what is
even more imlortaut, is the fact attested
by Prof. Bell, 'that anthracite cull exists at
Janne Bay. eo that we have this useful
article in oar own Province after all.
But although lumbering and mining will
undoubtedly long be Algouta's' principal
source of wealth, and although her splendid
fieherita furnithitveltbood for thousands and
sport for sit many more, stili it must not be
fargotteu that there aro immense'
traota of land in this great ter -
:troy capable of producing alt hinds of
farm produce and marry kicds of
Ms true the land is broken ; but on the
Manitoulin, along the barbs of the' Spanish,
Mieskrsaugua, Ttswsalon,in the rich valleys
of the Rxfny River a ttion and elecwhero
are found excellent fermr producing alt
k ndo of grain and roots. Ii'or the produc-
tion of the latter, :Algoma surpasses any
kart of Ontario, and samples of grain
shown at the Industrial Exhibition were
not ono whit behind those from the
great North Weak Small fruits, such
as currants, gooseberries, atrawberrks, eta.,
do exceedingly well on. the Manitoulin. Ne-
wham do crab treea carry such heavy loade,
and apples, pears, plums, grapes, etc., also
do well.
Practical illnatratlona of all these facts
were given in the exhibit made at the In-
dustrial ; an exhibit which will do mach to
make Algoma better known, and which re -
fleets credit on Capt. Smith, Fort William ;
D. F. Burk, PortArthnr ; and Chas. Wood-
ward, Gore Bay; who were mainly instru-
mental in getting it up.
A. Cane for Footpads.
A wicked and murderous walking Dane
was displayed in an avenue store the other
day. Its hollow covering was punctured
with at haat twenty-five holes, and behind
these were concealed as many sharp steel
blades. The object of the cane was at once
apparent. Suppose an unfriendly hand
seized it en a dark night. The owner of the
stick would simply draw it backward, and
to ! from out the little holes the knives
would fly to do their bloody, lacerating
work. No footpad would grasp that cane
more than once. The principle of the inven-
tion is not new. It is already used with
success in a patented watch guard, the
spikes of which spring out and hook them-
selves in your pocket when your watch
chain is pulled.
A Single Trial
Is all that is needed to prove that Poison's
Nerviline is the most rapid and certain
remedy in the world for pain. It only costs
10 cents for a trial bottle. A single trial
bottle will prove Nerviline to be equally
Efficacious: as an external or internal remedy,
and for pain of every description it has no
equal. Try 10 cent sample bottle. Sold by
druggists.. Large bottles 25 cents. Avoid
Punisllling an Eiepbltnt.
Bettie elephants lceaemble men in their
liability to sudden outbursts of passion, and
in their exhibition of remorse when, the
passion having subsided, they see the results
of their violent temper, An illustration of
an elephant's violence and Contrition is given
by General George Bell, in kis "Rough
Noted of an Old Soldier,' written white he
wax serving, in India„
Whi,io the party was in camp, a Mahout
went with hie elephant to cal forage. As
he was hinding it in bundles, the elephant
began to help hiintelf, and knocked about
the bundles already tied up.
The Mahout punished the beasts' for 'his
disobedierco by a •brow on the shins, which
so enraged the elephant that be seized rho
man witty this trunk, dashed him to the
ground, and trampled him to death.
No sooner head he killed hie keeper than
he repented, roared.. and bolted for the
julog a to bide himself. Six other elephants,
guided by their Maboute, followedbitn. ea
being driven ivie a corner he surrendered,
and ayes led into camp a prisoner,, Rua chains
were placed on kis legs.
Then carne hie puaishument,. An eleplaaaat
wsa placed on either side, each holiiug a
heavy lion chain. Aa the dead body of the
3lahcat, was laid on the grass batore him,
the elephant resred loudly, heiog perfeed i.
aware of whet he had dome.
AMebont ordered the too elephanta to
punish the murderer. Lifting the two
heavy chains, high in tate air, With their '.
trixrai<11 they whipped Farm wit's tires" iron
whipauntit be trade the camp eche with
bis roara of pain. He was then picketed by
himself, and an iron chaise attached to his
Med leg, •a-ihixh be dragged After on the F
,A Bird Without a Nest,.
The teens nigghthawk is conrlaoraly applied
to several species, all of Willett ilea's certain
pecaaliaxitivo. From its peeeliar cry one 1e.
0al1ed ehnek-will'a'widorr, this sail being
uttered so lotadiy by rise bird that it bas
been heard for nearly a - die. about the
middle of J.tarvte they caula back from their.;
whiter. pilgrimage ; And, unlike meet of the
blyda, tiaey have rya houet:ke cpinn to keep
tbesn boey, se they build ase most.". While ;.
the roblxm, be:nurmg birds, thrueIc9, sired
others, are badlyg taming titre cannery for
meteriel with which to baud their nurseries, i
the el mck'wllt'e.widow h fait oeleep to
store out-of-tho-way center, only coming out
in the afternoon and oveuiug to gather its
apply et food. Whoa the 'urate cornea for
lsyus , our seemingly laxy bird selects sorbs
eeeladed spat, and deposita her eggs any
where Qtr the ground; and the very first
glimpse, if we are fortunate in Oodles therm .
at 411., explains why .she bsitde no nest, Tho -
e ;ria are altatoat the track odor of the star-
rountlie r, and so mottled and tinted that
tartly by the entreat ai tldeut are tier alb- '-
coveted; and when, the; two little cuts-wil- ,
wfll'awidows fussily comp out they are ovoa
inure difficult to Sed than the eye. Being
very sleepy little fellows they rarely move,
and. though atendsng within a few Inches
of thetas, .tee observer might eappe a them
to Ia tv.a old brawn leaves or a haus'^r of
brown uteaa, eo der icing le their uaitni>:.ay.
Rif non nos like a Ely tali
Dasa oraxpung In tion raltry a r,
My heart nae nut with ttni tea;1 etre.
lartilbet %cll.
DMMMto: Shocconincro wsau1grasse;
Mc love's now' lilts • til outing rr, o
blow: bright bee (Ago nlih bleat's, Oasis,
I dare nut UAL
no wan icrtrs lee ward step to e?'p ,
Tho nee tar et err pe -Lel lip,
'Tway Da. Piercoe I'4'.eolto t'rc,cdp•
Tion wrought the dell.
C:ycerino dos] not agree with a very dry
The only reliable euro for catarria is Dr.
Sego's Catarrh Ronredy.
A ray of light travcle 11,100.000 mites in
a minute.
"lie matt lives alto thinks the most,
Acts the noblest, feel, the heat,
And bo whoa. heart beats quickest
Lives the torostat, fives In elle hoar
Bora than to actare de,ou:echo o
Fiat afoot skepsof it slips along tsar cans."
Tlteso laces dereribo that oandition of per-
fect health which all luau and women wish, to
enjoy. To bo able to thiek clearly, to in-
cline to do noble ants, to lave long and joyous.
ly, we must be free front the domination of
disease, By taltiog Da 1'teree's Medical
Discovery we may, by purifying the blood,
ercapleconeunrptdon, ,general debility, toad
tteaknoes, and nit blood and akin diseases,
anti verify the truth of poetry as Well , as
Campbeno and sandy, will remove paint spots
from. glass.
Harvest Excursion to Minnesota,
Dakota and Montana. First "lees accom-
modation Tickets goodo for 30 days, imclud-
ing stop over privileges of 10 days going and
5 days retaining, on the following dates :
Tuesday, Sept. 25 ; Tueaday, Oets.. 9 and
Tuesday, Oct. 23. For free maps, books
and all particulars, address J. M. Eucn ss,
Tray. Pass. Agent, Palmer lions° Block,
Toronto ; P. I Whitney, Uen`l Passenger
and Ticket .Agent ; J. BOOR -WALTER, Land
A crust of stale bread will remove spots
from wall paper.
A Care far Drtanteennees.
The -"opium habit, depsomanla, tho morphine habit,
nervous prostoat`on caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, etc., premature old age, toes of vitailty eausod
by ovor•oxertion of the brain, and loss of natural.
strength from any cause whatever. Men—young,
older mlddlo.aged—who are broken down from may
deo above names, or any cause nottnenttonsd above,
send your address and 10 dente in stamps for Lubon'e
Treatise in book form, of Diseases of Kan. Books
sent sealed and enure from observation. Address 141.
V Lvsor! 47 Weninaton street East. Toronto Ont,
Bancroft, the California historian, has a
library worth $200,000.
IIarvest Excursions.
The Chicago & North-Western Railway
Company announcesaseries of harvest excur-
Oo • • , • • • •, • • r., at the rate
of o e fare for the round trip. These excur-
sion= will afford exceptional opportunities
for personal inspection of the productive
country reached by tho Chicago & North-
Western Railway lines. For full informa-
tion address E. P. Wilson, General Passen
gor Agent, Chicago.
President Chamberlain, of the Iowa Agri-
cultural College, does not believe in perms-
nent pastures, preferring a regular rotation
of crops, with clover and timothy meadow
for two years of the :rotation. The ,land
under rotation, .isin better heart, and you.
get more grass, relatively. ,
Education in Toronto.
Toronto is steadily advancing in educe- R C TIS
tional matters, The 'University bas had two
additional professorships endowed by the
city, and is erecting *large and handsome
bgilding for tate School of Practical Science;
a new ,.tidies' College has been opened
o .
under the ansfiaes of the Baptist Univer-
sity, and a. College of Music hats been opened
under the direction of Mr. P, H, Tis ring-
ren„ who has. teen for sixteen years organist
of the Metropolitan Methodist Churem and
oondustor of the Philharmonic Society. In
its ayatern of teaebiag and the scope of its
departments,. the College resembles the
"University and provides a practical educa-
tion, forr beth professional Axid nand ear, ire
ei►1 laricnetiis of music.
Baliv%a declared its independence is 1824
Coif:Via none. •
Wptroa's enngh +1r4 pa are the beat in the
world for the throat zis:ct cleat, tor tbe v'iee
unequalled. So) that the letters. R. to; T. W.
are stamped en each drop.
44. I. 419.
and the KIDNEYS
This combined action gives it wen
derful ;power to meal dioceses:
Why Are We Sick?
Because we allow the nerves to
remain weakened and irritated, rand
these great ei- ns to btcotsse clogged
or torpid, and ibonous humors Pre
therefore famed into ttra steed that
should be expelled naturally:"
TIBIA. Uttia.azGXA. 4WD •A7+T,
By quit -deg and strengtl.°euing the
nerves, =dooming. free cod= of the
liver, bowels, and l,tdnel s,aud re -fora
lug their power to throw cif disease.
Why rafts XiticrsPsiassv.i**sae
W d7 tormaatel with Rhea, C:: stlpatient
WAp f ;b1e eaorPia s4,r.iXt4:eyst
c .darnnervouscrelekiaradathfsl.
Ave atispiresnigherL
i s P# ora•s Cams 1 aararert u meal
nrjat intxa:s?►. leis an enevtly rester
t o r"os"ily,taaaalesaisaUears.
i ;dd'grr;: Prami'st . Pea $7.00,
WELLS, RICHARDSON &CillPteetlettra,
.-,,' k1QLT]Lp'3Ax,, P. e.
1rp4T1;'4ii+,p 2t"*ter.P.ifiatAft srF s,^,ac'tevents
V ltdlts:. Intuiltrl C. ntdut:t:c0 4o„Tes'onsto..
GENTA 1 l 1 t.ell'L€D1 Lt) t We halls elide'
6taraardrpet a!t:e.e ofwhlrbnaairrrfirm eos
a •olit to erit.n t.As:.la. Writ: us. Tarbox Ores.,
Tor Ws. Ont.
After spending Ten Winters South,
was Cured by Scott's Emulsion,
150 Centre fit, New Yorki.
Juno 2nh. 188$. j
Tho Winter after the great fire
in Chicago I'contracted Bronchial
affections, and since then have
been obliged to spend nearly every
Winter South. Bast Nevemberwaa
advised to try Bcott'e Emulsion of
OPSI Liver Oti with Hy'paphosphltea
and tomy surprisewas relieved at
.or]ca, and by continuing its use
three months WAS cntnretycured,
gained flesh and strength and
Was tabid to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
day. C. T. CIIIIRQI1tl,.Iu..
Sola: by arj Drarrdisfes, aft. atav $r.Ctr!
.watt Ia,:a: iv %brea3 d nomas• pax,nx Saimaa
through the eve Azrnt3 cont rtaoaey'~etl?nc
$imo:a ;whet 9, mad ;J•. dozz•, prole-tie:.00.
Walton tliaau'acdur$ma Co-. Toronto, Oats
rub" 1.°04rs xriu9tae„ Toro ,o b rut' nr fr :n
L'retb.h Cetaab'-A. Ca7t1:ro1a, harps'. Minolta, au3
quite a :moos of other f,'tates a44 Paavtare , now
in attendance. Write. for Descriptive Circular,,
TIW$..BE*,'St',OCG$, CUM. 11- IUi141>kS,
Preaidealc. Soot dt lltna;;er.
tt r4s.r dints arm 0548153
Roeeno, re:L slaters' Felt 1>ca1ealrrr We,
Carptt Paper. Ilattilag r flcs r4a 1'ttclt,
Cord Tan, take Gravel•
9tMae s 4 Adelaide Si, Rest, Toronto.
Staiued Glass
76 ling St, W., Toronto,
--ttenstaaturess est Ql4C IMOabrct gaadea 4t-••
420 to 420 King St,
GGU77tiggi Ag.
testi 5,10t0NT0
lire. Tom,
Loan 86 Savings UoI aI
1 tt:ALt1'OIL,iTED 1Sia.
IIoacl 0Mee a Taranto St,1 Toronto.
anbserttx's capitol, $ 4,C04,oea
Torii 1;s t atrtatal,... 0.ttI1Q,0O;
Total Marls, 111.1169,001
Too enlarged ewnttaf sod resources of this Cans,
pavy, together with alio lcercaeed facilities It hxo
• ret f••;:tly erga.:ree for eappltin,x had tweets with
cheap nt:noy, enable the :erectors to meet with
Roumania send a; the lowest torrent rate of interest
all requirements 'Cr loans apart eatistaetery real
esrafo security, applicat.oa tray ba made to either
of the -Compaay'aIiesiA11ptattrrs er
5.1111115 RI MASON Daaar g Duerter orcnto,
il r
{ )i 'OiZ NA7'.V. or^ 8E P. ars 6►1:rx..
,lei/ttiariPtusat. oosp,;cialhar.;.lea.
11. S. 11ITCUIILL, IsnesroN, Use,
IwC1ti flp1 tj ,! :Rants ati,a for onrillus trated
fI F. d'utelonise. Merest, xlttl'lli'Lr
situde•WrettiGIYifi MOP tea., Tercato, UAt
ii) 1+o,le!a•x G. capandan^a natidts:l.
>I + k.iv.A.$[T;,LLLji.ielnanc:alAgt,
ia:a5fiehr:1 IS' . 73 SUCH et. E., Tortinto
'ti!aTal rG11GF.IL IlrlyPrli'Tiars aria incur.
ante, Company or Canada,
Czrealting Re ine:•roml! EoUc:tot;►ef Patents,
3 0110NTO.
G. C.Raw, Chit tEeelnecr. A, Fsa!saa.800'3Trans:
Selo* dcairirit to rap'entzh their stork should
o;01 for our Catalogues of N. S. I,Ibrary and;
Price Boutin. We reapply ail kindi of Tia N.
rrrfartoites en the most advantateau, tense. Ad-''
drawee A. G. WATetty, 5tana;,tr Toronto WiUord'
T•aot llapettltor., Toronto.
tfYellen 5,6 ta:lnPt+1111t54 CO.—timer Lino of
i l J Steauu.hip-Irailing weekly between Montreal
and Lpvcrp•o1. Sateen t:ekcts,Montreal to Livorpcol,
010, 010 and ;CQ Return t•,kete,ISO, E00, and 3110,
according to et aooer and accommodation. Inter-
mediate. ,$90; Round trip tickets. 1.60. Steerage, 021,
Roond trip ticleett, 440. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to 11. E. aivafiY, General
Manager, I CustomHomo Square, Montreal or ;AthaLocal agents in the CIScrantTwonsand Cities.
f ' bra a ddr Far circa
lata addM,a
Toronto, Ont.
il, mnianlras'reToanPe:ashpd al E'hSushi es.
end Type -writing ppraoticady taught. Students in
attendance from New York City and State, South
Amerien and Bermu!