HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-18, Page 5MK"' ARES Cilli Catos.. SOAF(tEra.t:ss'. n.`1 X.,173TER 31413.0TS. Red Winter, per bawl $110 to 1U White e Spring tt Barleys Oats eE Peas Sage Butter, Rolls Butter, Creche Wool Potatoes per brP Hay per ton. 110 to 115 05 tai. 100 55 to OS 30 to 30 58to60 17 1� to 20 1(i to 18 1$ to 1$ 30 to 30 1000 to 1100 Local ..n 'e s Sportsmen's Depot. Go to the sportsmen's depot at Geo. Sanders and see his celebrated powder the "wild rover and the people's favor- ite, itis immense a full supply of sporting goods which is sure to please ELINTe Mite unagnetie mineral from natures laboratory, for ulcerated stoat- ash and all diseases of the stomach, for liver, kidney and piles, the most won- derf ul article ever offered to the public. e'lre, -Early on Friday morning, fire dis- covered in the house of \;fir. Wm. Reed et the Nertlr End. The alarm alas at once given, and the citizens were soon trait of their homes end was upon the scene The fire had gained such a headway that it was impossabie to save the hoeise. A'oonewasli'iinginthelsouse sat that time, or for some few weeks. previous. The cense of the fire is UP - known but it is supposed to be. the ark of an ineencliary. The. Ions will be about $100, and was insured for 2110,. Pop Corer Mr. leo, Axseden has a;, supply* o pep cora, wlatcda be wishes to dispose ctd. Call at I: Sdrae'~annaat'a hardware atnel sewuxo as euppIy. 'way. Early^ en 1Eontday meraaiang, a lioness belengin; to Me?sers Bissett Bros'. Livery Which. was: being driven by qtr. Geo, B?edgi>rs, ran away throwing out tlseoccupant awl in)jnredhico somewhat. Cuter Mil. Mr. A. Cottle having got having g hip eider mill in full operation, he new prepared to usernrgacture eillher Brun the shortest notice, Factoryand tnM 2 Meeks west of llawl~sln:sv.''s .note). A Qaadl elicited. Bear Shot,.. f ►az ,.londay lost Mr. Fred Else%, of P 5b veed, eiwt ar raw Mak tear Mr, Jelin Wein, on the saintstICr, 44(4)t 0:etnee deer, Mr. Alf Tidene n Bale eli4at one. This was the first day of th st*aeon for bnntiug deer. The rel eCuleerier ra ity. To morrow evening alll thti35,Aa ;attoultif. iail; the Il leGibcray I'aananily etaaseaert will eit,stay~ u rie'ls treat. This will be resit ivtly the only chances thier year to hear Val is le'dtrntes1 fetidly. Everyl e adv nt taetadasthis is the con a rt a tim:'e3,:tint. ntndley Company. Oa Tuesday evening nest the people this Tillage will have a drawee of Bing eue elf the best operatic troop travelling, it being the Florence l incdlt:y Company. They will eppea in Drew's Opera Jou and nude 'Excitement", one of the most laugh- ablen plays ever written. Everybody .ho wants a rare treat e houlal net fail to attend, Reserve seat tickets Baia bo hard at IT.r. T.tutz'ta drug store, Re- member this eotaperay will be here fear night only, and is t'€rtainly their carr through Wotan Ontario, oil Proceedings. rmil asset at the town bnll:Exetee 10th Oct. 188S. AU members present, es of last meeting, red and con - Moved 17 T B. Ca rla"rng,see'd f.1. McCallum, ti'i::t orders be 1 fur the fnldota nn g emirs, vie:— . $10.10, fer Fin -tame Lusts; M4•d^ani an a $6.00 for eezti ed eve.e. A'e er4id $317.23, tor hunter to , $aatten d l e dt srity to S. al.—Carried, Mr. V.rrityedadereee. @acs C"wmoil iia re Sleenee to exer ap• itana fro na taxation, in ea ei tact made an textensienn of his busines. The Bonne it eepre'delltheir s illnngne s to wrapt iia Kee. ee of coneiderable exteeias- iaan. ca>tl aged;rat Mr. Verity what htt algal dna in the e : et of gamin wee grant - el 'for that pu rpoen Mr. V. rn hiuired ewe tattle to raanasielt'r the water. lsy- f,uw No 13 1 we$ was duly road and paced on motion of J. Pielr&rd,' Saec,el by T. P. C'arlieg, Meaeed by T. Il, Carling, tee°cd by T. 11, :11erCa1leaQu, tda at thin er3nneil adjourn until "N calx 13k ^ai.ey the lithat ra e.",Meech lr, nn. t'.tIl'i it'd. :1I, le: se`:Li , t"le. rE:, Briefs. The Pall hair relieve. i i over for tlnh. year. Delayed. Else Saatuutlaay evening glee ttoes mail train from the Smeuth ba,a°n VIVO. ed seine four loner; r; The' ewesif tin de y° ':ale+ dant rh ^ train esus tred7, ttt. Dell .e+lalgat i Ines wingtotlsea itelibeing left taken. ',Piy engine was sc uteelacat ierokei . Coraver:;ntie n Ova:aw u'U. 1.8ay have you seen t'i>.xeatt meet"? "To, at they t.z'md (Vera IHeauke% London, during fair week, and 1 1,1114 ,11 69 hard that 1 buret the bee wx or tiny new Jersey. 1 asked Charlie to take pie and he have sets in t rr 'fae.nt row," '%'d, fleorge must get the next two seats to ei s art Lutes drug store for 1 wouldn't miss it far anything." "t.lood•bye dear" evi;ood•1tye uietii Tuesday." Scntanccd. The eountevfeiteer r, Johnstone, Per- seus slid 31e1Ccen..in cane up for trial on Saturday at Sarnia, before Judge :4iuteMnbon. Tim trio %vete alt found guilty and the learned Judge snnteaati e i Johnstone to twelve yee:arL.feer eouater- f Titin,±,Parsons and MA'Cenzie four y+gra each, f=ir uttering the etautter- faits. They will serve their s.'tnraaces at than Kineetcut penitentiary. "Thee way of the tranegre sor is Bard." N ight Maz'audere. One evening recently the pear tree b 'lou ing to Mr, Wnr. Russell, Hay, was visited by petty thieves,and stripp- ed. The parties were not satisfied with what they could eat or carry in their poekets,but carried it out and placed it in the buggy, which was clone by. The named aro known, and should they be caught at this ineean trick a rdeathe re sults will be an exposure. The peculi- ar turns in driving did not hide or cov- er up the tracks. Division Court. Division Court was held here on Monday last, His Honor Judge Doyle presiding. Only one case came before His Honor for settlement. This being one McLean: a cattle dealer, vs. S. Martin, a farmer living in Usborne, for $100 damages. From the evidence given, it appears that McLean purchas- ed from Martin, sometime during the summer, four head of cattle for whi.:h he (McLean) agreed to pay $220. Me Lean claims. that he purchased four steers, while Martin claims that Mc- Lean purchased three steers and one heifer After evidences were given by both sides, the Judge gave . his verdict in favor of Defendant, throwing the costs of the suit on Plaintiff. --The weather daring the week ha been anything but fine and pleasant. Wheat is on the raise here, the Prices g 2 5 per rices range from. $i.11 to �I.1 bush. .Beautiful colors in silk plush for 50 ets. All shades in dress silks for 50 cts., at the Big Bankrupt Store. —The telephone gang have been busily engaged in erecting the wires, They have finished, and the "hello is now indulged in. Like everything else, goods will not lying in stares • waiting for high. prises. You can get new goods ast T''arlk nson'e end the prices are right, Tim proper place for dress geode is at the Rig Bankrupt store. All new fash- ionable:goode for about half regular price, — Samwelt 4Pickard has just re. volved direct from England, a splendid assortment, of ladies' walking Jackets, Dolmen's and Ulster; -which will to offered at lowest pricer Don't forget c Esentennent" next, Tuesday evening. Laughter, itirtb, Music talmiselon, 25, 35, and 50 Mats. The big 13374411pt store.l;aartenis old taarntd, tithe cheapeet epote on earth, d term preduee taken in eechenge. Excitement', as played by the Bindle}* Company is without doubt, the very 1 1 that has over been played in Chattier°, Should they ever visit our town again . they will be visited with erowded liaises,--07acetheaaa Bawer. <Tust opened at the Big Fenner; 0, a manufacturers stock of Boots oes. Bast quality ladies rubbers fo to Ledies very free kid boots for X1.;15,a11l;isaals of boots shoes at ct`3. lrael4nw czst. C$oods bought en credit at exhor- tent prieee, as all bankrupt etechs are. pre.viors .to ilne great reduction of priees in the wholesale reamers, can meats be k OU,14bt for facial twenty=-five to fifty per cant Ileae. See Parkinson's new dress peals and prices, Reruten esti Co will have a etUes e.ele . inn Friday, Oct. 10th, Saturday, Oct. 20th., anal ent Tueelay, Weadeer4dny, Fri- day and 8ataeradny of next vetek, at 2.30 and 7 (Meek. F. in. each day. (goals y*anus tscrtn Mon C'nnnna along, 13 eiz4 ttadeer the erot, — .Bears Bald stautd. --The,pa' }deaf Exeter mid surround ePuu try (k not want to to edeeted with edit ali-eaerele•d g,eodt', when hazy Can get new and fashionable goods PIMP prices lit ParI irasnn"s, first (nth of the TOwn moll. le leveler .T. i inllley appeared in the Nun. ' iy cif "l:‘t Reamed" Last night lee- aer a a large audience, She had a gond '"aaI'ltort in Mr. Ja ee Horn end a tal- e 1 ctjrta, ,►say . Thr lone ere contains roeuy aunt ills; eeempiieatilene, avlait'1t rattlted off with elerr it, mei to the entire .di faction taf the alike awe, who were 4ere en erona'i in their ilpphu'.e, he alruaaieeal finale, introdne•iisg a rattrnber of e'nntgi and lsittnrn. vs, wee; a geed feu - e. irtnrmiee ilitulley ie a tine lit,tl+e eeme lit, ant', incl seew.e tlr :ytirragi to take high rank in tlreyrt)fe-sit±n. The Lore. rtny appear agora thin evening and all the rest efthe week.—London Fp, ail va The very ilea value in teas at Part, wen's. s. --Mr. W. Bryant, of ['.ell an, way; in town during the week. —There appeeaar:e in our to:unine tide weeek,\Ir. W. Koullmas' eard. Reed its ---11 L. Pillinge Pt'nti.,t geld filling; as nleeuialty, over O'Neid's Bank. —Mr. Jus. Crotali returuea iron v isiting friends in Drautford,on TJmrs. daffy last. 'l'uriuy has removed her dress- making :-1 irk, up stair, over it. Speck- snan's hardware store. Mr. W"nt, Parsons, who has spent the summer in the Canadian. Northwest re- turned hoose rev eptly, Everest's Cough Syrup and Liver Regulator give universal satisfat•tion in this vivinity.—Tl. White, Crediton P. 0 --Parkinson wants to see every lady and gentleman in and around Exeter at his store to exauniue his new stock of goods. 1 used one bottle of Everest's Liver Regulator and gained ten pounds in. •fives ;lit—it cured me.—Thos. Sutcliffe, Aberarder P. O. —A. lot more new goods at Parkin- son's, he does not deal in Bankrupt trash so that you can depend oa get- ting value everytirne. Vire hare used Everest's Cough Syrup in our family nearly two years, and it has given satisfaction:—Rev. A. L. Russell, Forest P. G. On Saturday last, Mr. I. Bowerman sold to Mr; J: • Weatherspooe,' of Mc- Gillivray, one of his imported mares, for -a ;clod .iound sum. Mr. G. Hodgins,who was thrown out of' the buggy by the horse running away on Monday morning,was injuried a great deal more serious than was at first anticipated. 6 papers best pins for 10 cts. Good all wool grey flannel for 16 cts. Grey cotton for 33: cts" at the big bankrupt stare, Ranton'e old stand. 1 care nothing about with the U. S., but I do desire Union. wilh the citizens of Bxeter and surrounding country, Owing to the e de- pression of the market, T have been able to purchase my new stook match below the regular wholesale prices, and will give nay customers the benefit of it. Igy stock consists of Dry -Goods, Groceries HatsClaps, x BOOTS & SHOES. Crockery, Glassware, etc., etc., etc. The prices of which are hi no way influenced by Customs Duties or other tax impositions. T do not give my goods away, but sell therm at the lowest figure consistent with good business prineiples. Parities in •want of goods, consult their own interestsbv examining my stock be- fore purchasing elsewhere. Rene nber this is a new stock. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. 'arm Produce takoin lTo11 First door ort of the • ant e h , lee —On Satturllay coning bu t Mr. S. C. Hersey treated "ye editor" to a dish of oy eter'. It is no use in saying we rn•fus.:d thews because we did not. Saul haa his oyster room in pod sh a1.e, slid his oysters are of got d quality, and the tivanttty lie gives as a dish is not small. Saint knows holy to set out an oyster spread, you Leet. "Excitement" termed the attraction at the L, rand Opera Rause, and present - 1 the Bindley Company to good 'ad-� vantage. It is a most amusing comedy and affords abundant scope forMiss Florence J. Biudlcey and the members of the company. The little lady ac- quits herself finely, her piquant, capti- vating manner being almost irresistible, while her graceful dancing gained her showers of applause. Mr. James Horn did very well as I3runo Meddle, while \Ir. Otis Turner was extremely comical as Dr. Rnobbs, The role of the ab- struse professor was neatly interpreted vy Mr, 3. J. McCready, and the other members of the towpany also did their parts very well The entire perform- ance is of a thoroughly enjoyable char- nater, and was highly appreciated by the audience. To -night the Danites will bdpresented, and ":Dot, or the Avenger's Oath" will conclude the week's 'engagement tomorrow evening. -London Evening Times. —Any one purchasing dress goods has to take into consideration where the best variety is to be found where the latest patterns are to be obtained, where the best value is to be had. These important requisites you can always depend upon finding at Parkin- son's. fD OF Ms HIS WEDDING. SCHOOL AND PARTY OAKES MADE .tT THE SHORTEST NOT 1 , x9.. TffCOTt Z441. 7,0 tV111, 1 ' TO\`4 \ TO V1SIT TIRE----_ 1 I a I ie e't fail tai inspect our immense stock of all kinds of STOVES, WE I AV ALSO A FINE ASSO14TMENTOp ALL KINDS OF WE MIAKE A SPEC AL LINE ON V1 TIES la, iis (DOM SAIYS, Also an Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Goods aC Lanterns. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED RAYMOND SE I MAH .AJ ISSE TT BROS. 1'3 gi O REQ There is a Machine OH called IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY C COLL TORONTO Q, See that barrels are branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE. If not do not take it as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make in re money out of you. For sale by BISSETT BROS., Exeter. July. -26.88