HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-18, Page 4THE TRU3 J RFOJiiM ITS OF TO - DA Y, O-DAY; It has been well said that the attri- butes ".Liberal" ma "Reform" may in the present age, be applied to almost anything, bemuse, for some years they have been but the small charge of ,poli- tical vhetorit:." We are quite free to admit that, away l ask iu the history of the past,; the term of ,,Reform" as fittingly rt"ferreal to the principles of a great political party as "Armstrong" did to the etrengt h of the tipper e tre- iuities of the original possessor of that cognomen. Tis.,n, a name had a mean- ing, now it hits nom, To -day '.vArin- strong" does net,in nine cases out of ten, even suggest the possession of the personal quality it was once used to de- scribe, and all connection between the "Reform" and the darty which at pres- est assumes the name, appears to be lost forever. in this age of the world just as the names of the individual gives us no case to the physical strength or to the pi sse5sion of any other personal quality, so the appellation of ;i political tarty wise'}s no idea 0 the wind of principles by which it is actuated. lout', although the names have loit t aa•ir ori-'; gluts' eignifica►ice, the realities remain Strong arms aro Kill to bo found and reform priueiples are yet extaa:t, Iu either case,how! vc r, the reality elan be discovered only ley actual test. No tau:tte•r for isisl 'ire, leave :smelt the so- called Reform I errs a n,ty bevy .-unjur- 'b►1'rlth the lrm e £ x rod regq. and re- presented that ail its aetioaas have been inspired by a zeal for civil and religious x berty, you. vial ,:..tl if you saa.mii its ,p,rtal t` coudi;et to a candid fill;(etien,' that it is in flag, alt V ntradietion with teat o'2d let in at one time, pro- • 1,1)4, ro— ?), t Z.'4 r- • eternal. .Admit, if you • that the long course of eivil, veli - 0 els and e-)rnralerei:a1 etuaucil'atiou= which followed the Reform Bill of 1$3 2. t',Gr.µ Drit.ein and tlbC t t;11„li °arnaeaat of representative institutions in Canada may be fairly claimed as the develop- ment of the Liberal policy of that bine has L tthat tae:iney long since re'whed its natural litnital Conservatives have lent sago, o.ce rpt •ll it hi eisepiote good fella, land the eseestiest Low :arises. Wherein. do the printilelee of the two great Parties differ today The olden time reform tle s riptit)n of our party system, as a continuous struggle. be - t11'€ '1: the *141 anti the neve, between cy_'lRt ::fton And I ro%re ?, h: the t 011 re - a:. ?aln'e award tinY14'IV yens has long a o failed to apply and for many year; bac, in the errantry at least,been contradicted 1.y a :. flow, fur .nl tauee does the term r'Xat",,rre,is' appy to the pu'.i 'y of thw party who advocates the building of the treat Paeitic highway by water strcteliea" as compared with that of the party whose implicit faith sin Canada's future enables them to build the road from oee:an to oet'atu in less than dye years and a half f Who, n fib country have been foremost iu he advocacy of the extension o the flan hi e? The Conservatives, who, in this country oppose the centraliza- tion of power ? Why, the Conserve_ hives. Who, in this country, advocate the people's right to elect the officers whose salary they pay ' The Cense rya. fives. Who are proud of their country and delight to see it prosper ? The Con- servatives. In short, Under whose rule has this country actually- prosper- ed as no other country in the history of the whole work' has done in the same space of time ? The Conservatives On theother hand, 'who believed that the resources of the British Empire could not build the Pacific Railway in 100 years? The so-called Reformers. Who affirmed that, after it was built it would not pay for the grease requir- ed for the axles.? The so-called Re- formers. Who declared themselves to be but "flies on the wheel," unable to assist the workingmen in any way but by the establishment of government soup kitchens 1 The so-called Reform- ers. Who have robbed township conn. oils and boards of school trustees of much of their former pewer 1 The so- called Reformers: Who are actually jealous of their country'sprosperity lest. the "enemy" remain in power ? The so- called Reformers. ellen retaliation was threatened a short time ago, who pub- licly spmpathized with the enemies of Canada I They leader of the so-called Reform party. In a word, a comparison of the policies of the two political par ties of this country for the past ten years, must cause every candid pian to admit that that of the Conservatives is, in every sense of the term, the more liberal; the more patriotic and the more progressive. WISR ,j4 VR. .At the sleeting of the council held on Monday evening . labii 'gr. Verity waited upon the council, as to'whither they would grant his foundry exemp- tion from taxation, provided he enlarge ed it and employed a larger number of bands, The council at once .signified their williuglness to do SO, providing the extension was on a large scale. They asked ?dr. Verity what extension be would ltnake, providing . loan was rnaade to bun by this corporation. They - ed I1c Verity to think the Matter over and attend the next meeting of the council which was held last night, as to whether ho would accept a loan, and what amount he would 'require, if be did accept We hope Mr. Verity has taken the matter into consideration, and is willing to aeeept the le n from ourmuni cipal body to enable hila to make vast ex tensions to his business. Owing to Dear going to press so early on Wednes- day evening, weans unable to give Mn Verity's dc. =ion, Shoeld be desire accept a loan from thio corporation a law will lees submitted to tho people ORM We can haat orly add, that such enterprise as this and of this kind, is the only one that can make our village more prominent and a livelier plaice. We have around and about 115401510 of the 'test agricultural districts to bo found on the ;lobe. We ask, why cannot this aarieulturaal district support home in- dustries as well as foreign. AR must admit it can. Perhaps some of the "cranks" and "drawl)ackers," (such as every town is possessed off) may say that the ar tia• ow nrtiely _; are not so good as tliego manufactured elritswlure, cud that they will not have the improvements, etc. This is all fallacy and the worst kind of fuolishness. There are today in smaller towns than Lxeter;rnanufaet- urea, a, go,41, and even better imple- ments, than thew made in large cities. Pe'r'haps those ; isle individuals will say, ',What i:enhelit would this be to our village 1" Wo can only say, for such is the verdict et every town where a large manufacturing business is carried on. that Exeter would gain in population, property would increase in value, money would bebrought from other places, and that money, ©r a greater portion of it would be spent here, more money would be in circulation, for it is welt known where a large number of mechanics are employe'', thrat is just where the money is floating. We might quote a dozen or more of such benefits. We are in hopes that Mr. Verity will make a large extersionte his business. and should he not desire to ask for a loan from this municipality, the council will willingly grant his foundry exemption 'from taxa- tion. —1I. L. PS1llings Dentist for artifici- al teeth. Office over O'Neil's Bank. Messrs' T. Milburn a Co. Nov. 25th 188(3. I wish I had used B. B. B. sooner,. which would have saved me years of suffering with erysipelas, from which I could get no relief until I tried B. B. B. which soon cleared away the itching, burning rash that had so long distress- ed. me. Mrs. Edward. Romkoy, Eastern Passage, N. S. FE 1 16 GRAND LOVE STORIES, a R v. + package of goods worth two dollars to manufacturer, Ada° large 100p Picture Book, that will surely put you on the road to a hand- some fortune. Write quick, and send Se. silver. to help pay postage. A. W. KINNEY, Yarmouth, N. S. MIMIN CITY HOTEL LONDON, ONTARIO. per day. J. & J. Me-IMARTIN, Proprietors. SAULT' STE. MARIE CANAL. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. / 11HE'i4 onne FORT= CONSTRUCTION OF THE i nal, abov a mentioned, advertised to be let on the 2.:rd of October next, ore unavoidably postponed to the follonang dates;, Tenders will be retched until Wednesday the 7th day of Novimher next. Pians and el�rreeifxe,tibns will be ready for examina- tion at this od1 a and at Sault Ste. 't'ar'e en and after Wednesdaiy tho 24th day of October next. By Orderk A. P, nRb.ALF,F, Secretary. !re:pertinent of .UgSWO) e b Cane% Ottawa, _fah r e:Aer bei, 15 3. A Positive Core. A Painless Cure. ,.1,'.,► riOR OF ALL ,GIs ma;T-3$ E SZ'a ^,u.;L'' c zd`, :'o ' ill 'c brit AI :'.14W fly' -0:11, Harvel of lieatins and fiobitaver of bled -eines. flOwtoko, 1'4° ge'rrP'2,0 csrz', c1lAteneei ctrifIArfisGre2eu, k;x!tem sge ae :a alt erF orft, Who are br.beu adon n from the effects of shute brill find in No i' la radical cure for nervous • debility, orgenie xvetiltue rte, involuntary vital losses. etc. a[eTo,'t3 Ton Innen No fiSnw!:.T n:';.'FID.—\taut e': energy, vertigo 'want of purpose. ((lenses of sight, aversion to society, v, ant of confidence, avoidepoo.of acomareae+saim4 desire forgetitUde; li e,e_,z:. and inability to At theazttention on a partteuler subset, cowardice, depression of Writs, giddiness, less of =morn ercUtabilaty of temper, spare materrhuua, orloss of •the seminal fluid the result of self abuse or marital exeess--irupne Loney, iunutr3tion,, eipagiation, barrenness, palpitation of tiro heart, n -terlo fee'livb. in • fergaaes, trenablitig; tnelencftoly, dzsturbnia d�e, eto., aro old lyse :oma oC this terxibla habit, oftentimes iuuocently aecguired, Inctms She . the spring of vrtal force having loxtita • Unstop, every function wan s in coosegnence. re:entine 'wirers and the sugeriutendc r is oI irnssno asylums unite in ascribing to the effects Of self ribose the great majority of Vested lives which come under their notice. If you ars anooanpetent for the arduous duties of battingss, incapaeftat&1 for the enjoylnpenta oI life No. b Om en e.Capet from the ef<ects of early vice. If you aro advnstced du Sears, 2:o. 8 win grvapo ; fold vigor arc strength., If yen are broben down, phy,steak's anal nhozally froom earlyilaaiscrettoo. t ..i, • result of tguorance and folly, road gone address and 1a ce4ts 14 entraps for lit. 1l Xon, OWei %rcatcee in Biot Vona 94 Dieeaseet of Man, 6t alod and snow from observattou. Address alt con nuntfcotfeus.toa M. ik. TiCSDXY, 47 Wellington fit.1Ct'., Toronto. A Lean *teed von fives to eteeirkeeteelse. COES CUUAiiANTEE . IiEAL THE 544 .Itigs and 11larses First -Clasp. . Oilers Deft at -era Ra'vD;shewa'loalse or at the stable w.iU be prompey attended to, Tre s .bn,4SON s..INA A Pef'1rneaaaant Cure. Al Pleasant`scree A. t, SNE Alas Now in Steck artartamn GOODS In the Foliov ing Lines. st of England, SSuitings and. Trousearingn. e,li Tweed, Suiting s and Tit-: neerings. French and English Worsted Cloths. r, c,.3 isseheeraw.u4ke4domeatl All Made up in the Latest Style At Lest Pates. WEEKLY EMPIRE onrraus's LEADING ParrEa. be Greatta�a lt'reeerlptIona• A antMea ft►l cltle tried ever as years in U}ntmuld.5 itf ca.es, e'ures 8gcrrv,twrhea, tlepnu9 ll'e ;rets, A'raas eau.,, Jr� . 1,cre WA JI ti a5t'S catlsral bei abuse. .1Ei uttlisrretttrn. or ewere5crUuta. alit tai ki. �riashA;caUttdrantec-lfo!<`1reracncaddothera 'arfp. t►eSt yni I rU"' dsG form .f a trai6;4'ritwl, 1'rt:rrttNttgQ. take o tFat?satute. One paCka SI. Sia $+, by mail. Write for I'Azrirlder. Addzta Eureka Claeuxtcol Co., Detroit, Mph. Fold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz. and druggist-,‘, evt-ry villa . A. 3. SNELL SS TTI I E0Z.1 SIV Y First.Class Nor: es an 1 Rig& Special mites 'with Commer- cial Men. 3rders left at 111SSETT Duos'. hardware Store, will receive preempt attention, TERM IIESON_ABLEe A TRIAL SOLICITED. ETSSIsT'T IROS WILL BE AT THE' CENTRAL JCDTEL, EXETER, _0 — T UESDAY AND WEDNESDAY November i tit. z1;><Itit 8th. From Sa.In. to;ap.11h, Tsvo days only. Patients please call early. TIIJS.SPEMLLtDM Surgeon, &c., AL 0. P. S. G. S. dt L. T. C. D. THE GREAT BAST INDIA /3' U-4.100 1 .A... J—iiI S gr DIA►7r 71011 the treatment of all Chronic Diseases and JLC Diseases peculiarto Women. 30 years' prae.fce. Head Office—St. Thomas. The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the leading 'siediosi Colleges and Hospitals in Europe, has served as Surgeon in the British Anny In the Mast Indies, Bannon in the American Army during, the late war, from 1501 to the close of the same, has, treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the globe. His thorough education, large and varied practice and experience, entities him to rank as a Specialist—Second to none on this continent—for the treatment of those dangerous and difficult diseases that have bullied the skill of the local physician. The following diseases with many others success- fully treatec1 Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Diseases of the Lungs, Dyspopsaa, Diseases of the Eye and Ear' Heart Diseases, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Strictures, Rup- tnree, Skin Diseases, Piles. &o. Electricity used when required. 'rostimonials of Education—The following testi- monials and diplomas may be seen at my oihee, with many others from nearly all the leading medical schools in Europe; Trinity College, Park St. School of Medicine and Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin; Royal College of Surgeons, Belfast, England; Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Glasgow, Scotland; Licentiate in ;,liewifery, and endorsed by the highest medical authorities in the United States and Domin- ion of Cann. The above with many letters from different p its of the globe are a medical pasport— without. ri •examination, doubt or quibble—over every sea, nd in every land from the rising to the setting of l e sun. Consults ion free. Read circular and remember the ditto. Furniture and Undertaking. (I411t.11 ILebce.) TUE TIMER olncn Its e-Sa141iailment has met with unplrl edented ntarrt'r'., and already aland9 in the',acid pa 4tlon of t an:"1 t telr'ading Journal: hit. in order to place the WEEKLY E01210.70i in thte bands of every Fanner in the Dominion this f:111. the Pnbli':kers have had prepared a lhmdt+nnle and Life.Ilito hilts[ SIR JOHN MACDONALD, To bo ziVen Newry ellbeeribi'r to th° WEEKLY li:3iL"IltI1 )'.1. 111."r9: em: TEAM. IS .tD'.t\el'i, O7qLY' ^al 23.—aR A3VzTYJM.. NOW IR THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. . Address THE EMPIRE, Toronto COOPER MIOP 1 Bed -room a n.I Parlor lilies, owl lute nsitrn T.:irr!'a'. Lonzzrxes and Eairiy eiznix•<a. Largest w€aren•Ae ins in town. UNDERTAKING, tins-i•le* vi titv ltntl,'r- tahla,!ran' ren,;. in all it ltltntelte,. telein► .htr and Light. STAND: t.:It`eltiOr fled tli o1 Mt lb •n r 1 aui .74411'-treg.t, - Ext.l4a. owcattinmenrcnormnrirs PENNYROYAL'WAFERS, I're.'ri ltlon of r. p s„ln!in tal;E Las had a lite l3:i;, t 7tcrlt uza in lrcatinT tenant, dr a, i a WO monthly with perreet rue. c: s 117 over 10.S0111neie a. 1" ant. c''te. tff.-ete..l. i .'!i'n rl ! surd:ug- Pict fur P.nay r, yet Ra era anti ;r. i'nnrra11u1.,oriatlrea t - n ,rc. wa ? a7'r El iloy at! Sru . d' ', � t 'r h ;,x in:arise Lonna.. CHEMICAL 11ICAL C.V.,i ...:;r 12.211 Sold in Exeter by 1)r. Lutz, and .flan -1.8 dru gists everywhere. OBINUOC EVEREST'S COUGH SYRUP. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try It and be convinced of its wonderful curative properties. Pricy 53 cents. Mr. Felix Wilds would re'spectfu'l 1 ir.ftuyll the inhabitalht a of Dashwood;Ind surromulhe; country, that he Iris open- ed our a nt'w Cooper Shop in DASHWOOD and is preplred to do all classes of coop erage work on shortest notice. A call solicited. Oct11—Bm r>;LIx li'1>;DS. MORTGAGE SALE Valuable Village Property. TTVNDERAND DY VIRTUE 01' A POWER OF Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort- gage which will bo produced at the time of sale made by Robert Kellaway, to the Vendor, there will be re Id at tho Central Hotel; in the village of Exeter, on Saturday the 20th day of Oct,, 188S, at 3 o'clock p. m„ by 11i12. JAMES 05E, auc- tioneer, (subject to such conditions as shall then be produced) the following property, viz : All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in tho Village of Exeter, in tho County of Iiuron and Province of Ontario, containing by admeasurement tine half of an acro be the sante more or less, being composed of Lots number forty seven and forty eight on the north side of Vigtorla Street. on the map or plan of the subdivision of Part of Lot number twenty three in the first concession of the Township of Stephen, pre- pared by H. C. Boulton, Provincial Land Surveyor. Thom is a comfortable Frame Dwelling- House with gond cellar; a good shed and stable on the premises, also some fine fruit trees and grape vines. Tex -ms of &ale. Ten per cont cosh at time of sale and the balani in. thirty days. For further particulars apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Dated 1st Oct,'SS. Vendors Solicitors Try' Everest's Leer Regulator For DIseases of the Liver Kidneys, die., and Purify - In; of the Blood. Price $1. Six bottles for C5, For Sale by ALL Ll2UtaG1STS. Manufactured only by GEO. 31. EVEREST, Curxtar, Ftutssr, Ori. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of gutting teeth ? If so, send at once and get a bottle of MRs.WINSLOw'5 SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalcul- able. Itwillrelieve the poorlittle suffererimme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery' and diar- ncoefa, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures windcolio, softens the gums, reducoeinflamma- tion an d ggl1vas tone and energy to -the wholo system. MEB. WINSLOW's'SooramiSYRUP YOE CHILDREN TEETHINGis pleasant to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and bust female nurses and physicians in the 'United. States, and is for sale by an druggists through- out the world, Price 25 cents a"bottle.