HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-18, Page 2ANTER: LIFE IN CIE VLONs
SurPrieing Iiesaitality 0 *he Total
, day is 614ort„" But neither sunlight nem
aceeery cea. call forth any answering 1?right-
ages upon the gloomy vienge of our geant,
swarthy, turbanedbrigaadlike, greom,
(eadiediz Tatail by the more einaple An
raueleal title of 4‘ katl3treikakarrep,") who
sitoizehee elong beside the herse with afeee
gloeray as that of the aethrnine pilot
ineationed the other day by our Calcutta
Oeptain, who was "never eeeci to aroile tine
mice, ead thst was when a baby fell over-
It is true that our Alessulmen friend may
prieb.ape be created for nee feeling very en.
thomaatie aheut the featarea of a ros,d, eve* y
feet of which he eireedy knowa by heare e
bat to ne who new see it ler the firet due
it is, pwrartive in the highest degree. The
"Peastuis • ee. grasey apleade, ever which
our route'llee, at the enteet elcernete
hue pyre/elide!. Waifs, the fest, Vet* reelae
of which thut themeelvea up
Tradition tells of a, certaia youog Eag-
lise clergymea who, heving been ordered 0
the Weet ladies for the good of his health,
ewe eery hoopitabiy eutertained there by
the British reeidence, made the soinewhet
aeutar iseknowlerigneeut ef preaeleieg ou
Atus xxviii, fi "The barberove people
showed to no ittle kindness," though by
aocee iaedvertenee he media it the Btriee-
pep'" inAtt ad, We might certidaly
say ;Du solo 'with regaed. te oer reeeue
joacesey though eyien, where we expert
eeesel hone wee to losee heerty ana tAn-
weeried kiacheeee atierever we Went, Whioll
USVe t 70 ten:4ddye4 to eekeeivie
14 in. however, �e ef ete, meet gomicel
tNree linagiaable fee an a:resider tobeerve
how pereieteetly the Preglish resieenie
C , loam° :411400 aaeleuuzrY
eleesea lesireg la their seiverai \vales ehe meat
weeel le aespitel le Men pp the awe ef
did eveeti—ery oat ogainse eech other far
eati erett inetwara iibew et' heepitelay
"e flux erieiely tv edit% ite, reel oil;
gatrees, Von geup te the has to stay
few deve weea a tee pleuter mei year hue;
tella mete eerceetie leegit, trete he
wes eiewn As Ceiteelle the other dex and
cellee upon 4uSite=ti Aecinaintat."0, WhO3e,
Arat teeestien wea. "Dow long ere you
gel eg ro be here!" "Oily IIIL Feieley,
exeeet ; I haven't mach twee 0 *peva teat
now." "Dear me meet you realty go tie
Eon% es that V' "No help for it, ree aftsid.'
4' WO, onlueky, upen ray word, for
Feidey wee jest the ney thet I wee goleg to
heve aeted yen to denier and had some
peepla io to sloe; you," "Qin, well, If
thirdr rether t'ame el Jin you I'll
try and menage to lite), Seterday meth-
WM you, reellytbet'e very geed
of yco. Bet now 1 ceme to thtel; et it Iha
afraid I've Mean A Mistake ; get en
ergegement for Felday eveniug myself,'
A week later, when yen go down to the
capitel %gain end vielt game Mewl in the
Ear( peen tpaarter, you will beer tLe teWn
Ationtla tette nits ttArIA At Akaft the country
yott've foetid tilo40 plentere
U.XktioSfere.4,1n.ti aLLOWS,
ele I Well, so they Are ea ter as %verde go,
mad no ; bat, cetch 'on geing
teuth pert et ar. ineh further Whee they
Of3113 &Wu bore on hoeicese, and we Wave
'Pm to dinner, therets2.aJIin ciao beerd but
Now mind yen ceme end AfIl me the very
fiat tiro you're up te, dee hills, anti stay as
les* ea pm like Bat., when you write
apel there yoa"re centtog, it elwaye belt -
Rene by 4 4nricws etileeideuee thee that
last the these when therre Obligetl te
away Imre home est beeteess, ad thee. t1;ey
are very Earr$ Indeed roe to be eble 0 re-
ceive you, lint briec to be Mere feetettate
=tether lime.'
Ger oral ice/eared eznerienze, Itevrever,
ee ter front emlfirudeg then gleerny enate-
bazars, left ae dente -fail whether we ong.bt to
entiew. the roam of beepitality to the el:W.0.ta.
or to the niaetette All the time thet vee
were in Ceiteriaa evety cue whom WO Mitt —
lacisaling (Sell theft NTilla whim cur be
(144/ntOEV, WAS Of the slialiteet vett:role hied
ineugh the bright weeny green of the wild
grew, erested with derle erees, thet waxes
abOUL tE1.4 114c plemage en the laebnet of
emote gieue %terrier. Every here ad trere
the *ilea eheee Welts tower iutoteleseleee
preclpicee, demi the Week, Inokea ledges
" veriteli eoiee iioy etreeni, not yet wasted
the ateirchleg beet tkee. wilt dry it to the
et drep a few weehe hertee, deucee and
oines in a thousewl cisaiacnce wetne
Wigie the life -exit% heehiesee of
R140411j. etney keeps alise he the gloomy
melee awe e-effes of the great chif eaeoy
beentiful fero, the delicate tracery of
whiela ter Aurtaa.ss the fieeet lacia that
geehito ever wove,
Here and there in the wontlerfulland,scape
nely ha neticel from, time to thee Soma
cheraeteriatio touch of " Jolla coloring,'
which 0 not the least pietoreegee of ite
merveleue feetetea. The sharp Wel of ei
Mighty elk tem lett Ito print deep in the
Olt earth Up On the edge CI thee pebbly
teak whiob. gem aplishiee erel gurgling
down the WOOded helieW to our left. Tele
tong, atreighteuerrow %Wane which baa been
clothaelteer threagit the brietliug thickets
eur eight cruellion down thick InPliee
like grass an'el twietioene atoet Saplings like
etrewe, woalel (mike tor iteelf entioenee
to US tise re:ent laalSage of a wild elephen4
even mith.ent the additieed eVidgAgfl of
levee huge. mead feetprhate, yeas ef which
eite hole the eircarafereeee of MA orginary
weshtela .fieni yowler, far up against the
elem. blue sky, Ube, %Met aro ita eleadleee
beghtrice; hauga a wide-wteged eagle, emit -
log his keen glaime over half the laland from
that tremeadoes height in a integre' eeavela
for prey.
A Int% Anther eur tae.iturn gale
breake Aimee ter A moment to point out
et where, deep down gloomy
gorge between tWe weeded, hills, a vanther
WAS brought to by by hi'e reeeter a doge.
only A feW wetks age. Then we come upon
a emitter hole in the turf half Oiled with
water, where ammo one bee evidently been
dieneloce for sapphires, .aza probebly Sadao
them, tea, 0 caZe may jedge by the heeP3 of
gravel acettered around the meal% ef the
Aisd ge we fin enward, np hill and
wn dale, till all at °nee ateldeu turn
nd the an le of a projeeting bluff briar
• iht o 'dew at whien we halt tu
Ty feet the ground eeenta to
QUO in a mighty priedpice
the middle of ie the whole eemetraetion ie
rocking to and fro like a, Awing, making you
feel very much a you were an acrobat
danoiug upon sleckeope.
Bat et length Alt the bridges are safely
peesed and we fid eurselvee An front of the
bungalow, the hoepiteble owner of which
counse out 0 greet ue as heartily ea if we
were hie oldest friends ineteed of beiag
totel etrangers. In one moment Our stir-
rouedteee cheep by megie. Oetaide
the hope is Aide, with let rocks And 45
jungles, its rope bridgee and elnety bridle
Paths, and hartelimbed cooliee, Ituilde ta
2arePei with 10 carved bookceeee sad gilt -
trained pictures, lee photographic, tilt:eines
awl Oa varnished tattles, etrewn with feth-
loneble novels and illuttrete4 journals. Ia
the cop' aud welleturniehed dielegrurcio
the sole token of the wild region te selnich
wa are is the row of antlered heeds and
beg; fiat eke.% that grin at us lrOtrA the
wall; the tronbies of our entertaleerts rifie.
But time wed tide wait for no men, and
seercely heve we finished h.elltfast when
tat, white -robed native comes to eoneunee
thee the eteriage whieli te catry ese
he rest et elte way to Muskellia is at thn
aeon Oe genial. beet loolee grievously die
appoletee, and will net- be consoled till we
SOWN *UN 11,Rnagla OVES$I.Tgs
te pay him a longer viele if we ever pes
that way anal). He iestete upon aecom-
phitying 0,13 elowri the hal sad eeeiog
fairly etaeted ale/kg the highroed, and the
leae siound that we hear le hie cheery voice
shoutiag, Now, emote eber that you owe
ma a voile." Away, away. op ridge after
ridge, till the elope grow e so eteep that we
both get one Asa Wslk, on the principle of
tile WOnien-l?ggecl eoldier who r aimed lift
freM the engine driver en the grionel that
be happened to bele great Irmrrylwit Own.
Mel new we ONO aaddeuly to the top, told
bean jut time to jump tote the or/lege
agaia when it alarm off demo bill at tire.
I IL ewey
nnsetieel to TO WI* twItt o-tcr a demi; t any bemire of :let ta depth, and far ba.
their mutest.toeusiet„ au in twin and leernkw to beautiful volley bea grroo ood
mg all Out ue could. And when we wet'
up into the m atntein dietriet of the laterier
to visit the tea pleetstione wo beau
matte fricerele amevie the eleutere ea tepidly
as claret.to nivel Drekena's hoepitebio mem.
hrrd Perlieenettt, in whoa° thine the
Britith. Ilause of Commona coueleted of
" himtelf and the 657 oldtati and deareet
friende whom he lull in the world,"
In trath, the frank, jeviel, metter,of-
course friendliocce of our reception among
tho Bendy= bills by &zeta of people
whom we had leaver aeou er heard of could
only bo paralleled by the treditions of hoe-
palality mating the Areitralian bushmen 40
years ego. To rne the whole of our f.ttgoe
lese journey econted like an enlarged version
of any travele through the weetena dietriata
of Itielwad in Drat, when I ending coraradez
halted, as a matter of course, at every ono
of the quaint little tad -thatched " haere "
(laranhouttes) dist lay along our line of
match, wallowing a, huge bowl of owls
and ereetn at one, borrowing it horso from
another, getting a guida at e. thircleaad
establishing ourselvae for the night in a
fourth, wait the full ateuraucce ef it hearty
welcome everywhere.
More eapectally was this the einse with
on; laat and lotgest expedition through the
interior of Ceylon, viz.,. the trip to A.dean's
Peak, our avant of which has been describ-
ed in one of many former letters. For a
whole day before our final start from Agra.
Patinae to Mnakellia, our planter boat—who
had never seen us in his life till about a
week before—busied himself with making
every possible arran,gereent for the con-
voienee of our journey, regardless of it
DUD= IN 211S
Mina, en; into trim niautetitue, dotted
sith native bete end fogUsh haegalows,
ivillet,) and trevereed in every threaten by
glitterizig etreatne, High agatest the warm,
dreamy ay, on the further nide el this
towere n blue and shadowy grandeur
v. reassiva tango of moentams, erowued by
the dagger ehaped 'Mut of Adsmts Peek in
sell. Aad tins whole. of Oh atrange picture
is framed, as It were, between two bold.
rocky bluff!, which approach an near to
each other just on the epee where we etend
that wo teem, to be gazing through A VAtt
Caddo Window. "Tide, ' said 1, "must be
the famous • Jecob'e Ladder' of tvlaitth we
have heard an raueh, anti certainly they
Ten well call it so, for one would need the
wings of an angel to get up or dewa,"
faet our groom signs to Odra. Ear to
diernount, explaining partly in his own
leoguage and partly in a few terribly mis-
applied wordo of English, *et to attempt
tele formidable descent on horseback would
be little short of certain death, He
suits the notion to the word by seizing the
bridle and leading away the horse behind
the matted bushes that mask the brink of
the preciplee, -while we follow as best we
may, wondering not it little what is to come
next. What comes next is it zigzeg ledge
of slippery rock, barely wide enough to
hold us both abreaat, which goes down,
down, clowu, self it would never end, past
roaring waterfalls end black, tomblike
clef ta and perilous corners, round whiah we
sidle crab -fashion, ata dark clumps of un-
dergrowth that olbg to the face ot the -ail
like flies upon a. wall. When we at length
rough the foot of the descene and look up
at the meth that we base just been travers-
ing 00 difficult for us to believe that we
have really come down 0 at alb
And now the -way leads across the valley,
which is filled te-day, with a noise and
bustle very unusual suoh a quiet spot.
This 0 the native "New Year's Day," and
the coolie a of all the estates aro out in their
best clothes, drrinnfinte shouting, and en-
joying their brief holiday to the atmoet.
Picking our way through the motley throngs
that eddy along every path, we presently
overtake our beggar coolies, who are rest.
ing under a, tree with our portmanteaus for
pillows, as they have .probably done half it
dozen times at least m the couree of eheir
morning's march
r On AN
Ghlhood is the loveliest and sweetest per-
iod of life, according to the poets, yeti how
ranch lee suffer during that traneition pariod
Neither child nor women the. young girl la
in (hanger of being spaded In both ways,
There hi Always the danger either of awk-
ward shyness; or unlovely boldneee. Doubt-
less :he beet remedy for awkwardeess hi un-
selfishness.- Wheu. we think °fathers' corn-
fott, insteed of the imPression we PrOdliee
upon them, we are not likely to be awkward.
Awkwerd ebeness is certainly painful, but
it its not really so objectieaable as the rough,
or pert, forward manner We unhappily see in
mann young gifts. If they only knew the
impreseton gives they would sorely Oren
the slangy speeek and insene giggles with
which they enliven couvteeetion amen
themetives„ Girls of the present dey need
not 44opb the formal ape.ech ani manner of
a bygone stete, but they 8110144 leern to dia.
laY the stet& elignitY whiett alweye make
a genreworaan. loud ealkieg in public
places, earelees mimeo of language, and
phshitig mestners zney all latt named Penang
gale from whom better thing a might Le ex -
reeiowned as a huntrees, and, A1thcb4
preseee in bad health, has not yet retired.
nom the field, in which both her huntingod
skilul equeetrianiam have been greatly aa -
mired. She has followed the eltaae on every
chosen groundin Ireland, Seolland, elogland,
Prance, Germany, Italy, and at home, and
makes pets of the twee and canine ram
wherever net. Feadoess of tide kind of
sport hae been her epecialty during the
better Pelt cf her lifealthogie et court she
Was geesidered beautiful enough to eclipse
ell ether beauties."
At several Egglish weddinga this season,
the bridesmaids Wive worn plant white mas-
titi dressea and bane monied white kid prayer
books, given them by the brialegreene.
The college hat, or mortar board, is be-
coming faeltioneble for,street wear by Lon-
don werilea. Leather belta of great sae auti
eetareenees, with steel bintklee, are Abe shoW-
log up,
Pele Ririe ewe wear the new and. feeldorn
able eheelee of green, the elives, to great
Advantage, end a green het woederfully
brightens a girl who hee bat little oolorin
her foe.=
pected; At le not Strange that foreigners ^ woman woo betairo cerit harbor
Iola such. Anfavorame opinioua a our Wo- when the tide cerried hr out beyond her
men., -Mrs. della Sheewee4 ieteeets the ilepth. She Wee in great dalleaer of drown -
/lien et refiaelneet ebown at the great sum- ng wnea epee Murphy, deughter of Alder -
icer roorts, where enaay of, the women seem men Murphy of eerie, epraeg in and slue-
gieue, *leave everything that they alionld oo4 eein draining bee m to a roo, LIL the,
be remarked, and this On certainly an Ont, barber. Tbere the two were compelled to
e2reo Of their eerl'i" treiniego It as icet as same until eonee men on ehe cliffe w them,
guy to bea refitted gentlewomen set the re elect, ewiuming cot, brought them eeftey te
verse; it all depends on early traioing and shore,
basil's of thought.
Mts. Sarah ileadz of citeeter N. g,,A
widow eighty-one yeexe of age, mowed and
Tng OXSF-44400T Or qllggSr, pat ieto her bern, this remmer ene-hall
qltn. vigtorto, tes the 'slee,. Ig etinueet ton of hay. For the lest Ave genre elle him
1V,, who was the brether 0 esat her °Fa nrowood aud her hero is the
whe wee the Aga of fseorge HI.. wbTow
mendeus vette, dying retold a deoSeretts the graMleen of Gee. whe woe the so
comer, eaurrying alemg the brink of A steep of Gwrge 1., who was tho c000lo of Amu,
incline, and daeldeg acroes anarrow SUMO vdto was the oatoreindaw ot semen, tie:
bridge that ePAhe a gioorRY obatrn, down who was the etnebrIew of James 11,, who
the Wank depths of whieh te roaring water- was the, brother of charioi IL, who was the
Id IftsiieshesAgooS in sbeetsots"Nv'whiw son of Oherla L, who wee the 40u of JADICA
feat% T., who wos the eeeein of Blizeheth, whe
awl to the JoureeY 000"a for thro WAS the eider of hiary, who was the eletee
bean% er More/ Ill a etteattnit WOCO€Z3iOn of et utwatd iv.* who was vet, sou o }Tony
crawling Antal, sttit rutalin ,„deaceuts, who WAS the eon Heury VU,, ii
e„.worthl? el the (..1,4,oessee,_ ore tit.0 fs,eisselo,Yot Was the Conein of ilioliard who was the
giQW We are reeetneg page the to:1y thetenee undo 01 F4dwar4 Nr„, ,Rho was the sou of
hevele of a ttaiise village, a the risk of le Learn ev, who was the (moan of Henry
moiling score of nakly boliclay-reekerap VI., who was the AMA of Henry V., wbo
and theawe (struggle up A eteep path- was tee win Of gcury wee ws the
IPS lxlidwaY it coat oocntry .4/144et tIl0 CQUAin Of raebera ILI WAS thegratwleori
garden el whioli two pretty gala are pleYloS tf Henry Ili., wlee was the son at Edward,
lawn tennis with MA energy -diet ellowe they IL who was the sao .a,ho was
from which he was offering at the time.
Messengers evert) sent out all along our line
of march to arrange for our finding it carriage
st one point of the route, a lunch at another,
it guide at it third ; and the quiet, metter-of-
eleurse wag in which he decided that we
illiquid breakfast with this man, dine with
thtit one, and take up our quarter for the
night with it third (evidently in the felled
confidence that all the men up at whom we
were so unceremoniouely billeted would wel-
come us as heartily as he had done himself)
wee the higher of all poesible testimonies to
Cingukse hospitality
It was a e morning the second
week we started on our
distant) lying
I deep, curia
by eteep,
imve endy recently cisme out 0 this* telexing tin; goo or Rolm, who w" the wee of
climate, At leeeth, lett se eftgrueso is to' John, who woe the e'rether et Riehard
toeing to melt tato evening, we ow QV who was the eon of Henry 11,, who was the
ewe item the emu o it wry cwvlaR *Igo nui,in of Stephen, Whe WAS the CNAllin ef
the m
to e mikonio Volley inolW
i and I 411 Mary In who Wee the brother of Willie=
hour later we tiTsS Stingly eetablished in the twee, wee w" tee son et wino= tee
heetic a it men whoze very name we bad uminerors or 609 yoavi 44%
never lama till the day before, but who
welcomes eelas waradY oil the oildea cent
leg of two reelect dr/meets to torn hie A Seesture; Wan,
whele house upside down were 0 fever for lot oog man droidoi to /mho to a
which. isa ceulti never be 4 theil, iett formo afer of bula und
Chinese iVerreiessir.niqt Giai *net:lateen. Ile ceotienely prefoecti his
declareuon with is few qui stiooe, for he lied
earte-,all e was worth—honing for a core
A writer la the "North China iltareld "of, intention of othron,log himself aw.ty.
bengted, who how lately been devetim 0 oho love Wm well oeough to live in a sesta,
ceries of articlee to the diecuselon of Cinneee lge with lam? ento elle a, 804E1 cook? eej
charactoriedee, refer:leg to whet he cells the think o =lea duty ta ,he holm happy?
"beeelessutne " of the Chluamen, obeervea wood gee ceueult his testa and %tithes con
that' hithrhieh the nerves of the latter ,4" antieg her mscciates and Raze -eke in life 1
compared with those of it Earopeen may no Wee etto economical, etc.? The youtit; hey
what aP.ornetrlatuot caU "(dinner and eirni-sai& shat before she anewervil hes glee:tom
lerty ettueted," nothing is plabaer titan that sho wood assure him of some negatiro ‘.irtnoo
the MSI of rearm ere ebony different. ahe mussed. she never drahou, sroohod
11; Leen.* to makc,,no P4V4041 ,ae di,!"6134° ta, chewed; never owed a bin to lex Itevadresu
etioenh.lnettrnolwailltiowrw tiotongalhiedraeytreuke: tuazionnuotoPuoleatt boriotafairldsor uneeev'etrreitoatiyued,eaouatnalthl neigslittr epeltesyci9nrg.
toe he will auo., all they tu one plonn, from e ern ima 0,31ta old; girls ; "vox, eteae in
den lee"' dusky eve, warlting away all With the boy* for the cigura end tappers.
his weaving, gold.beating, or whatever it.itstow," sad rate, rising indignantly, "I am
nrc.7 he, htld do it woreT IlaY without 041,Y aesured by then who know, thet you do all
variation of the monotony, and apperently
thee thines aud
without any consciousness of the monotony. it is rather eheurd for ou to
expect all the virtuce in me, while you do riot
Chinese tchool.childten will undergo an Nieto any yourself. I can never he your
=mutt of cottileemeot, unrelieved by
cessesorohauges of work, which would drive wife" tend eh° hawed hint out and Life him
on the cad doorstep, it madder if not a wieer
Western rents to the verge of insenity ; neetu
even Chineee infanta remain as impeastve
as "mud gods,' It uppestre aphysiolegl- PrOailLN Alattn GOOD SWIalums.
eel fact that to the Obinese esereise itt
euperfluous ; they cannot understand why Tho records of the humane nociettes ou
people ehould go through ethletto per- both sides of the Atluatie show that of late
formanees when they might hire coolies for yoara it fair proportion of their medals Call
the purpote. In the motor of sleep there is to the lot of girls There wore nevem'
the bane dillarence. The Chines:nem, geuta- noteble instances of reseue from drownitig
ally apeelthig, is able to eleep anywhere. last bummer by girls under twenty. Isieny
No trifling thaturbances annoy hire, With a women aro accomplished swimmers. This
brick for it pillow he cam lie down on his bed IS but netural. As their hones are merelly
of atalks, or mna bricks, on rattan, and sleep lighter tban those of men, and their fleele
the alcep of thejust, vrithno reference to the more buoyaet, they bave less difficulty to
teat of Creation. Ho does not want it dark overcome in acquirine the art. Some of
cued room, nor does he require others to be them could fleet at their first attempt, if
still. The" infant crying in the nieht " may they could acquire the regulates faith in the
continue to cry for all he cares; it does not power of the water to hold them up.
diaturb him. In some places the entire Swimming is very much an art of faith, for
population scent to fall asleep as by it cora1818 generally the case that when it person
mon instinct diazieg the first two hours of believes suffioieotly in the buoyancy of the
litninmer afternoons, no matter where they water to trust to it bis precious body, lo I
may be. In the cue of most working people he is a swimmer. There were young girls
at haat, and alto in that of many others, st Newport, lsat summer, who could float
position in sleep is of no tort of consequence, on the entities of the ocean with no more
"It would be easy to raise in China an difficulty than they experienced in lying
armyofit million men—nay, of ten millions-- upon it sofa. They could have floated for
testee by competitive examination ea totheir hours if measure. Some of the most
capacity to go to sleep across three wheel- famous swimming feats hive been accom-
barrowe, head downwards like it spider, plisned by very young women.
their months wide open, aud a fier inaide."
et hope an the neighborhood.
Alpine hate at striped or aheelted cloth
4 exceediegly low-erewried zerbens of felt
are worn by emelielt yeueg women who adopt
nglish feehione, mai with these the beck
hair is errauged with A Psyche. knot, The
Alpine hate are eitnely belied oed headed
with beevy corded riblean leeepe of heed -
44O1& IOSUF0 ribben, glitterieg ornemeute eet
Ult. meek gems, and fiet stiff birds' winge
e the trimming* far the turban; all of
hich elsow it facing of velvet.
The last eztravegnece le French Itoeiery is
it tinted lees etoceing in pale colount of Apri-
cot, lile; tart, bebe blue, etnewberry, terra -
cote, aud light rdtrieed. T.heee expeneive
luxe copy very eltneay the most delleate aud
intricate petterve of point, Chantilly, doch-
este; and other dole Ives, and are 0 be
_rem over a eecand pair of spun eine eteek-
ego 0 a delig3ta eMOOG or final colour.
Beaten eautiale ef breeze, eleewieg elezci-
en ever the ineeep, ere wan with these
baao, the strop tightly held by it emelt raver
they seeing up with it sudden and violent
assumption of honest industry and tamp
alone just in front of ea, trying hard to look
s if they had been only waiting till we
autumn deneeye Are made of
as degree ef CGO615$ they have
riever fore obtained. Some of the Beglielt.
noven utodete are riehly embroidered in
Oriental design ; otliera ere decorated with
nue gold or silver braldwerk or braid lo
ezetache, this in two distinct coloure, the
Weida lyieg deb by side on the eUtline of
acinerbetepatterote Coatly Frenehdereeys
are exhibited, there nearly ceetresi ithlb
uf eille pamesneuterie la arahniquo aud
weal iletiluge. The hatilaonaly-trironeed,
Rttlillt WatSta are ase wade of Bilk -warp
ht weieht tee y cloth, with Betstilan eaele
the sena., Intoned at the left Me, the
long DI tem snide feltieg low on the dresa
Wbmen with ebetely fianrva Wili bo glad
to A uove that the tight redingote is to he A
fAvOrite garment AgAt12.. "Gnat the poloe-
aiee in every style is to return to our werd-
robes. Tee etritiglet redingotee are usually
open at, tine tides, aliewinat it sleek of seine
contreeting color. Sonnetimee they have it
fall draped beck—often they are quite
straight. The hedice is often trimmed with
wide revere, and, largo ornan caul buttone.
Snrietimes large pocket ileps are put on the
hips ; eilk crow"a-feet are worked at the
camera of the pockets alld SI the top of the
eleshes, A. frugal women who wants to
look wall will find one of these patients
very uueful to wear aver it partly worn skirt.
Lille charity it will cover it multitude of de-
The Bank of BLgland. One of the most noted phyalcians has die.
The Benz of England doors are now so covered it new danger that Menaces ladieo
finely balanced that it clerk, by pressing a who keep pet dogs. There is an invisible
knoll under his desk, can close the outer worm that rubs of the dog's tongue. These
doors instantly, and they cannot be opened worms work their way into the flesh of hu -
again except by special process. Tltis is man beings, and it is extremely dangerous
done to prevent the daring and ingenioue for a dog to lick even it lady's hand. This
unemployed of tbe metropolis from robbhig fact was discovered by one of our best phy-
the bank. The builion, department of this edam, and was made public by it gentle -
and other banks are nightly submerged sev- man who is the husband of ono of the ladies
e 1 feet in water by the Dation of the
hinery. In some banks the bullion de- who has had it nest of dog worms removed.
A wealthy lady 'residing in Brooklyn had
meat is connected with the manager's e strange lump growing on her cheek, and
ing-room, and an entrance cannot be
ed -without shooting a bolt in the dor- she consulted her family physician. The
doctor informed her that she haa it nest of
y, whioh in turn seta in motion an al- dog worms imbedded in her cheek. He ex-
it it visitor during the day should. pleined that he had treated a number of
In to knock off one from elaile of 11231 ladies for the same ailment, and had ope-
igns the whole pile would disappear, rated successfully on them. The dootor
of water taking ite place. frankly explained the cause of his patient's
ailment. The lady told her husband what
the doctor had add on his return home that
evening. The &Tutted 111=1 took his re-
volver ard his wife's pet pug to his stable,
and shot the dog,
The new corduroy fabrics ere called Bed-
ford collie, aud ehow novel pieterns in silk
and wool, which have proved very popular
abroad. One imported costume nada at it
Wont Bed house in Landon has a skirt of
moss- green corduroy or reps, with it atripe
of velvet in rich golden brown. Above this
is a stylieh redingote in Directoire style, this
of plain green rcpa. .A. second gown in blue
Bedford cord of it ahado known as the Prin.
eee3 of Wales -blue, dark, but unmistakably
blue, 0 striped with the deepest Boman red.
velvet, the stripe hairlined et the edges
with a vivid gold -coloured thread. There
is an English aurtout of plain blue cord, with
wide lapels of blue velvet braided with gold,
the immediate front of the coat showing a
narrow vest of the stripe below the fifth
buttonfrom the 0
IL Pointer for Canada.
ersey oyster 'sloop and the Unitsd
'war ship Boston collided the Other deer,
time unacconutiehle reason the oyeter
gob the tvorat of the eecounter. The
as towed when private yechta and other
crafts can awAgger up to aur war ehips
eat holes in them, e,nd the sooner they
er Slab fait the better it will be for
The 4, Senorita" is is °berating jacket of
velvet adapted for dreasy house wear by
maidens and young matrone. It is close -
fitting at the back, and barely reaohes the
waist. In, front it fastens with it silver or
jet clasp, and then parts broadly in round-
ing ehepe over it shirt waist of sure,h fast-
ened all the way up with fancy buttons.
These waists are as varied as they are
charming, One for instance is of vivid
Roman red under a " Senorile, " of black
Lyons velvet. A eecond jacket of olive
velvet opens over it pleated shirt waist of
pink *torah, striped with olive, A dark
moss -green jacket, this square at the cor-
ners, in front like a Russian jacket, and
opening over a waist of almond silk,
embroidered in green, is very elegant, and
is lined with silk to match. Another black
velvet jacket in Spanish style has it shirred
blouse of white eurah, and still another
shows a plain, full, tuipleated biome of red
surah, figured with vary large black polka
dots. Bandanna -plaid shirt waists are also
seen beneath velvet jackets in bronze, olive,
and myrtle green.
Patronized by all Classes.
There never was a time when theatres
were zo generally patrorized as now, butthe
attendance is of all classes. The majority
— ..oely want to herr eyes or ears momentarily
A Mormar DIA. --
tickled. They don'teere to have their minds
fatigued by any exertion. Formerly the
Speaking of the reigning Pinny of Austria etage was the recreAtion of the cultured and
it recent writer says :--"Emprees Elizebeth, , intelligent, now it is the pastime of the
who was fifty last Christm long been 1 MasSes.