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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-11, Page 8
West 'iron Teao telt. A Well represented meeting of the which on motion, of Mr. A. Duff, seed by t t Mf W. S Laxxrisce were adopted; to rotary then read the minutes of yesterday' afteri>oon and eYeuing $sectors, West oof Teachers' Association, mea the orderothe Committee then reported the Town; Goderich on Tltctmday and The Iktisittese btisinesa of the day to be minus, Sept, 27th e mill. Below are the the subject on the. programme in the fol- minutes b the ttransa d.;•-• inS the lowingorder vie,- -Nos 11,13, 6, 14, 19, fel- different business transiictcek. 19 an6. which Was agreed, to. met n tWeet he 34de1 Sen heen et 11 a Tbo. 0o motion of G. W. Reline% sewer by president in the eheis Owing to the Mr, J• Delgaty it was decided to adjoin fall itanaences the on1T business trans- at 12 o'clock noun., to meet again at 1.15 p in., and toaadourn at .. a p. ne. O. . Reiman then gave a verbal re - pork of the proceedings of the lasts P. T., Association to which he was theeappoiuteci delegate. Afton giving a report of the Memel. SY S Law -encs an matter discussed, be then ° proceeded to T. J. Wren. On motion of Air. T. Mereh give. his impressions as to these various seed'd by Mr. G. Sheppard, the Associat- topics. On the whole he reported that in ion mdjotirneci to meet again at 1,30 p. ui, hhi ng in the io Beton e a usefulness.j n' unprov . On re -assembling at 1.30 p. in., minutes Moved ed by4i M. o . seconded of last' session at Exeter, and the morning by J. R eviii, that the report of the session }rare read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Brown, aecd'd by 11fr. delegate to rhe Prol'inela • Association be Del ;sty, that Messrs 'Kitty acid Nevin be adopted and hie expenses be paid. Carried. The roll WAS then called and 69 teachers appointed a committee rtot assist. the Semi; answered to their names. Lary in preparing a report dale proceediut; of the Association for the press.--G'arriett The election of of ieera was then pro The con was then, called by Inspector ce ed with and A. EnabltediriGollow�s}�v { Tom and 62teachers :►tisireted to their M. G. Robet:°tson, Sec: Tress,, G. W. Iiol- names, • nn:#n, L'kecuti C C . acted was the a ptointuaent:of the follow- ing eonanutteers, viz. -T -Order of business, Messrs Delgaty,Idurcb. and Miss B, Shar- iitio,BeecentiQn cora,, Messrs. A. Emintuy G, Sheppard, aua T. Elliott. d Auditors, discussion dealt chiefly with the organ- ation and, order of schools. Re held, that ie. curd mixed schools more diffieultieat presented thenieelves than eould possibly appear.in graded schools in cities and toavos, but by audicions application of the principles laid down by the previous speaker these difficulties could be otters come. The time of adjoulttueent having arrived the discussion on this subjegt was closed. Inspector Tony then addressed the teach ern for a few neoraents urging upon theist the necessity of making their hell -yearly returns promptly as the law authorized him to deprive any school of its gra should the haIf yearly report be delayed beyond 15 days front. the Close of the school term, On motion of G. 1'', 1Iolmain, seconded lay :Sa P Rolls, B. A., vote of thanks were tendered to all the retirin°. oftleers. .A. unanimous vote of thanks was tend- ered to the Public School Board of Grad-' erich fortheir kindness in permitting the Association the use of the model school building on motion of Mr. Halls, a:eeond- ecl. by Inspector Tom. On motion of H, I, Strang, B. A., see - tided by S. P. Halls, B, A., the Associ- ation adjourned to meet atcall of the Executiv ti. G. W. Il'obatav, Sem-Treic, D .WASHINGTONIS NEXT J 1 roataisaLuna.g Seer aeon* TO EXETER S1'ill be at `v ewniittee ]iessrs, U. The Business committee then reported ! L Strang, R. E- Brown, Thos, Gregory, that owing to ills fact that or ing,LitL•4n and Afissea Murray and liaise." vrnin the morning, nt a subject dee to leave early in hir. Delgety then introdnc el the subj ct deemed, afternoon the iec allow hili the whole of Arithmotic in Public Schools, lie hie was t r o ends taeoDi. then tie ook ?trough^ advocated the principle,teach�ing Tlnie was agreed to, and 1 d ,t inlet- instead of ride% Too mnehitttetitiou is.,re- hpthe subjec 3' S.. 1 lwith queittty �utl to rules an �, t of Ps chs. o v,an its d not enough to ion to teat ing'. lea, lug particularly y riumplea Re held that arithmetic should the law tna eris s tau^ t113. o morniiug stn r 1 t 1 of late cereal develop_ ah the d front black: meat under three beads viz, sensation, in- board :not frena the hook, tbeirt and e fern baae*eg that these in Tho diaettasiott then became general, tion and.d 'w dorm the bases elf intellect, ems soma talking grammar acid coiupoaition,, tion wile The Ieatiou l eiolt was cull and ethers confining their retuarkp to ducted itt the convexaat oual atyle.waa full aritbwetie, of t and poiutea remark!, and was The foilowlag tools part in the dit ue- highly a preetated. by the teachers. slQns• nessrs, Kilty, Johnston. Enbury, The President then gave leis address on Strain , Neville, Brown end InspCctor •"the teacher es a lauUlnt serkant', The Tom address was carefully prepared and dealt • most of whom agreed in the main with chicon with the folloivin ;statements, vis: what Mr. Dolgaty had said upon the sub kat,---3.'he teacher is a more. eft .�nt jeer of arithmetic. officer than auy other public servant, ;Sr, Strang thought that arithmetic, was 2nd. His work is important as the life generally needs too prominent a subject in of a rodeo depends is ripen its intelligence, our echc,ole, that it was rather overrated a+s obedience to lairs is carefully incul t and not a4tRi4tctnt x ad, _r _n,. ,. - _ ._ l eteeto have a good deal of oral. drill,. pedally in rural thstricte, is too iusecanrt, that the givitae of abstx 4kt Ftibjects to iandon the present law rehaaxl4ng sopor itnniiat- young penile to write a composition upon, loin;verY u,nsatisfzcicrn, Should be avoiided. Tho reproduction Qt The address was listened to very ettenh I the same thought in as aii buy different Way arid well received. arrays as pos7'nble woield produce the heat The lecture ars then drew attexntion to resents latrintag;e lesstants. Rote mock the lecture- and s;ntert v nt,to lar. give i slneuld be aguuied as mucin ons pa4sibto in In the cspeia hoose iii the evening, :noel the Orsunuar and the tneutoriz ins of eumber- carr 4riut committees were appoa n.:°d carr1. ;Gilts aletitlitiattg iva a serion error In y out the arrangements Messrs. 1T. 1. teaching this subject. The discussion on 'Sidra; and Alton to 4411 tickets at the tint: subject was then concluded and Miss door. 13urritt illustrated. her method of teach ug Messrs. Sheppard and Elliott to collect end eomd44ating exercises in s{4nplp eating to A tF, :ushers. Allin, Green and Stalaer singing, by j»'esentmg to the association a to sot as ushers. cilia, ot. small girls and bone, ranging from Dr. 11. This n then took up rlianic ,;even tv tau, whQ Wag sort©Ueaititlal Re - Reading, This subject proved very in- iecfe4.a t , The teaolmrs were well pleased sttructivo, and was very #tally, cii�ot1ssad, with the exercise and spoke in lunch favor all the teachers being; very anxious to pun- of bliss Barrett's method. practical, t.1- 1 i al, In teach- ingcompositiontiff, Stetw thought it (i S.—The above Report was in type last week, it was thought advisable to withold the sate until, this eveek, when all the Carroty papers eoultl publish it at the, same tithe,. Ott the above t;x°oit ds the'Teachers of West i oro i will k.indly excuse the Secretary, G. W. sue the best methods of getting the plum; It was then moved by Mr. S. 1. Halls, tithe , pupils to recognize in the quickest geed by Inspector Pont that the usuaxl fro sound signs. This being reeo;niaed es Cleo bo paid to the caretaker of Godericle of the most difficult things in school work Model School: Carried. eoneiderablo erose -firing was indulged in, The association then adjourned to :nee endno doubt hitch good will result from at 1.15 p. nn. the discussion. At 5.30 P. m. the assoeiat- On reassembling at 1.15 p. in.. the min- ion adjourned to meet in the evening at Utes of the previous session were read and the appointed hour, and in the morning adopted. at 8 30 a. m' Mr. IL E. Brown then introduced a The Evenine session of the Institute discussion on "Religious Exercises and was held in the grand opera house. Dr. Good Manners." The discussion was DdcLeUsn delivered a lecture on °`English, further carried on by Messrs. Duff, Tom, Literature and its value in education, J. Grant, Eniburyand Strang. The gen- ynong the many grand and inspiring; ural opinion prevailing; among those who thoughts that the Dr. gave expression to, took part in the discussion, that too much. we have only space to mention a few. Lit- responsibility is thrown upon the teacher endure wee defined as a perfect expressiou in this respect, and that where a lack of, .of a perfect human mind, Auld that the moral training was manifest, the .home in- English literature was the grandest liters- fluence and general surroundings were in tura of the grandest people in the world. a great measure responsible. Still it was That no education war/worthy of the name the fluty of teachers to exercise all due that did not cultivate the sympathetiopart of man as well as the intellectual. That ere are living in a fast, age when there seemed to be too nerds of a tendency to Ned trashy and sensativ al novels,instead of cultivating a eleser acgtaaintanee with such immortals as Milton. Shaaespere, Syron and Tennyson. ' Teaehersi were par- ticularly urged to avoid any thing like mechanical teaching of this cut eet,which, if properly taught was calculated to stir up and create =every mind a love for the ,grand and sublime. There should be more • memorising of the beautiful gems to be found so plentiful among our even more ordinary anthers. That teachers were too apt to complain of the recognized standing of the profession, and that they shouldreinennber that theprofession would never rise higher than the hidivid'tals composing it. The lecture was very in- structive and inspiring, and was highly .aP .reciated by the teachers. In addition tolat'4elftre a splendid musical pro- gramme consisting of duette, solos &c. was serried out under the able superintend- ence of Mr. 8. P. Halla B. A. In addition to the President who occu- pied the ehair, the fallowing gentlemen by special "invitation ocdupied scats on the 'platform, and made short addresses viz. Inspector Toru, Messrs. H. I. Strang B. A. and A. Embury. The attendance was good considering the unfavorable stake of the weather. Votes of thanks to Dr. McLellan and Mr. Balls and those who assisted him were heartily given. The singing of the National Anthem clos- ed a very successful entert&minent. SLrrsitBisu 28th, 1888. The association met in the Model School pursuant to adjournment, the president in the chair. Devotional exercises were conducted by 1 tr. Euibut'y. _ SKI POWDER Absolutely PM . Central Hotelx OCTOBER, 18th, PR03i 5 O'OLOOK P,l,L.. TO S PAC. Ck Tonle Brar chItiS Cured. AnEnglish Olierch Clergyman speaks. Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. Dn, WWs>;i>`oTO$,—., DX.#tt S ,—,I stn Blau to he able to in- form yon that my daughter is quite well again, As this is'the second time elle hes been cured of grave broueb-ial trouble, under your treatment, when the usual' remedies failed, I write to expreaes my gratitude. Please except any sincere thanks. True truly, C. S. PETTIT. DisrAsu Tunsyun-•.-Catarrh of the head A f and Tttrort, Catarrh I)e:, ('!ar W Bronchitis, Actium and Conanmptiott, Also loss of voice, sore theoet, enlarged tonsils. Polypus of the nose removed, eoiue early. Consultation free. A. few of the uenny eared by Dra Wash-. ington's new method; R. U. Storey, a storey $. Son, manu- facturers, Acton, Ont., also Pres'd /fanu- faeturiug Asa, oaf Catiiuia, perataeiiently cured of Cater -eh by r, WaeIdut ttan, pio- nouneed incurable by rioted epscieliste un this country and Europe. Write Yam for particulars. Mrs. John McKelvy. Kingetoe, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John l IoKelv°y,lsin ;stOU Ont. Catarrh. Mrs, A. Hopping Kingston, Ont. Bronebo Conitttulitnou, Mr, D. Scott, Einnestoo, Ont., Catarrh head andthroat. l''►fre. John Bertram, Horroweinitln, Oat, Catarrh. threat, I1ties ;Mary A. ila;,taoorg,g, Contrevil!.e, Ont., Catarrh, bead and throat. James 3lathewe, e Mester,. Acton Ont, A, E. isb, Gents k'anranis4aitgs, Belle. ville, Ont„ mired ed clataan►b, thseet. John Phnl•pin, S ettihurrt. P, O., Oat.,' (near :laymen) of Cetaaarlt, la4a;tl, *test sea lungs. Head ulIice 214 'row Stud, Toronto. sultattit,n Fret. J. —FOR— SMALLAC0M8L To Customer a, 4 Fubllo at large, here is the place to get your- self $tute,Vith StVi u►ade up in the 1ate*t Wiles, at hard tintet prices. 1 FINE RANGE OB' GOODS ALWAYS IR ST'OOI , A MS,FECT FIT GUARANTEES Qlotbee cleaned and renovated tt moderate prices. J CALL SOLYOITEA. ifs, over Post Office. TIAL A OMBE'a Thio poenler never varies. A. marvel of purity, strength awl wholesomeness, More econoutieni than the t rtlinar kiitals . and =not be weld in competition with. the multitude of low tt•st, short 'weight alum or phoephate posnletn. Serif onto in rcit:ttr. Rov.0 BAKING I owt ni:tt Co., .1 0 11i.,411 Vit„ N. X. vigilence in this respect and as far as ATTBNTIONI 33337 es irro st ? Qui :ti. iVrarcla —TO— SOETHCOTT'S Clothing and Gents' FURNISHING STORE, EXETER - - - ONT SOME OF THE FINEST TWEEDS THAT CAN BE SECITRED, possible, check all improprieties in speech IS' ARRIVING EVERY or schen, Mr. 0. Seager, Mayor of' the town of. Godericli, being present was iarited to address the teachers. Mr. Seeger, in at neat *beech, expressed hiineaelf as thor- oughly id sympathy with the objects the teachers have itt view in thus assembling together for their mutual benefit aatad also with a view of ireptoving the means of education, and concluded by inviting the teachers of the neighboring niunieipatities to bring their pupils on a given day to joht with the children of Godorich In yisiting the fair during the coining week. The Inspector called the roll and TO teachers answered to their names. ° The Auditors then presented their re- port which was aua follows:—We, the undersigned auditors beg leave to report. that we have audited the Treasurer's books -and compared the expenditures with the Touchers held and find the same to be correct, W. S. Lawjence ,T.: T. Wren,' Auditors. On motion of. Iiia. R. E. Brown, seconded by Mr. H. 1. Strang, B. A., the auditors' report was received and adopted. lttr.. Lntbuty then introduced the dis-. cusston on School Managenee:tt and Dis- cipline dealing more particularly with the requisite qualifications iof a successful teacher. He said that such a •teacher should possess tact in the 'nanagement of not only the school as a whole but in order to deal wtth iudividnat' pupils, for all pupils did not require the application of the same principles of discipline. A properly; qualified teacher should also be a person of culture, have a large amount of sympathy and needed constant prepsr- ation. Mr.' J. P. Nevin, Viii continuing the DAY. ants' Furnishings in 'the lat at right prices. rIOE Ilaav+ing recently WU 4, New Factory, 3. am now better pt°ona, ell to furnish. my Customers, with all I wx with cal. ate 1 {ill a who f;aVor 114, Idntls of Land Rollers, t styled A CALL SOLICITED S liscott, Corner Mein & John ate, ■ EXETER, ONT. Gates, Ems. DOMINION LABORATORY On shortest notice TURNING DONE UM M. EU litathe8ola NTR ORT. our Suck is seg + + ttaa 4gglB4i1'0 teach LOW lll,RtabtJa is 'QOBB1 8 -16 lba,'sugaar fax $1.00 1 lbs. w1I to sugar fox $1.00.. 3va caul be ev490+111 is '1I'saa 4440444 204t+► 7,14t,i.�r1b. aoolssfShoo Oil >f' les) e; tow proles. fuck fit F 1R1�S,SCITTIIF sea GLASS si7 ttosi eti s et) Tat YacAiatn 04, }'z r alti7ti'Cgts 041 Oil 'le* a Wee Toa Sett Q144 pieces, *2.15• A qaiJ 1..r. , ilii,s4prra 4404444 kart far ^�, to, st., rE:a taitn4 get up ie r,. stale Our Dree A Goods are roue c-. +cls cvtlotstotrAf1owe 001'10N -2O yda. for $1;010 Abows radtt44n,tsaa•.tsoxt ince, att.y to JOHN MATHESON, Hay pootutt'iee SOMETH1NG NEW TII E PR0I 'RIBTOR OF TII.B WITH-- a4Q11ICKNESS —oastd — DESPATCH. aa♦ All Orders by radii or Otherwise, Promptly Attendee to. A CALL SOLICITED. �■ C�''*. WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, DYSPEPSIA, GESTIO�Is IAUNDICE ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE,` OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS. OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease nsisin disordered BOO sroMaE .BW OR LJ. T. MILBURN & CO., pro1?)4O13014TO. Bogs to atunonstot to bis 1iarmer- ou* .vends +kind Patrons that ho ostia is grit in 6 tell, lime of Staple it Eamon Stationery, Account Books, School gooks' rad 'ill kinds of t requisites Lettere and Note Paper Fools 4g3, raper, Account Papers, Colored Tissues, Gilt. Papers ad Drawing Paper Pens, I> e, I'tttleils, ana also a fall lino of al ilio newest and most pyit, lax weai.l* of Fiction, all of whisk will At gold at the lowest remearati a rates. Was • 1PW' a11i • PROPRIETOR. The Lion Provident Life and Live Stock Associtn. Read. Office, Room 13, Arcade, Toronto, Ontario. Incorporated Aug., 1887. Purely Mutual. No Assessments. Owners of Valuable Horses and other live ,:took urn ttew getthein insured at two thirds of their actual market value' In case of a,ceident or death. Send for Oirreeilars to J. SKINNE11, Box 215, Mitehell, Ont., agent for Huron and Perth, or to W. Jones, Secy., ,Aroade Building;, Toronto, Ontario. aep6 P The subseriber isbee to Worm the farmers and general public that be is prepared to furnish all sizes and kited of r a. Well digging promptly; done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on Ansi street, behind Christie's Livery Stable, cALL SOLICITED. ";zi=6