HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-11, Page 5Pj ORESCQu:cH'S C0LI]S, Ho AR:$ EN £Ss',STC:, OPAPPIWIRMXIC EXETER MA Red Winter, per bus'i White °C Spring Barley Oats Peas Eggs Butter, Solis Butter, Crooks Wool Potatoes per bus May per ton 44 4' Fa RIKETS. $108 to 110 108 to 110 95 to 100 55 to 65 30 to 30 58 to 58 16 to 17 17 to 20 16 to 18 18 to 18 30 to 30 9.00 to 9.50 BMX REGISTER. op. Lot 9, North 13oundery, Hay, on Saturday, Oct. IStb, Faarsra. Stock and lane- laments, E. Boeganbeuo;y, Auctioneer, W, Reroneneue, prop. On'Thursday, Clot,515th ou lot 21, con. 13, Hay, Farm Stock and j!. auplent.ents. E, Boysenberry, auct., Wan.. Hlopp, prop. Local How" to $axiXC>< ttP. Q TQWU • The prosperity of a town es gauged not by the wealth cif the inhabitants but by the unanimity with which any important undertaking is to be accom- plished, A, man with Ave thousand dollars at his command and a love for his townies bis heart can do more for the building up and improving of it than the neillionare who locks up his capital and sueps his finger at home progress. I -foiling to your money or spending it at a distaa centre is not consistent with good citizenship, he is -The Salvation, Arnim (deers, of this place, attended the large bassinets in London this week. —31r; Isaac Darling,, who has spent his holidays at homes left on Monday for Toronto "University. 1 zrxow from experience that Ever- est's Cough Syrup is firstclasa--Geo, Brook, Forest P. 0 —Wet weather, muddy roads, and no wood. All these things have a tend anclr to corrtpt amp's morals, Trus is to certify that I believe Evers but a cipher, a unitis the census and est.'s Gough Syrup saved my life. Tim. nothing more. Marshall, Forest P. O. Thanl1Sgiving Daa. `ane Government bas pror laimed November l7th. as thanksgiving day. We hope it will be duly observed, Oysters ? Oysters? The oyster season has opened again, and S. 0. llersey will open up his oy- ster parlors on. Saturday evening next. All lovers of the oyster can snake no mistake by`giving Sana, a call- 1F'else. It has been rumored tbatat the open - )g of the TriMittMemorial church,the' fee for admission will be $1. we have instructions to contradict the same, as the ru►nor is without foundation, "The Dream." This is the tittle of anew book just published by Wan. Bryce, of Toronto. The author, E Zola, is becotnin ; the popular author of the day. W. Bryce Las reached the top ring of the leaders as a publisher, Don't Forget. Don't forget the editor when you have a news item. If your wife licks you, let us knew of it, and we will set it right before the public. If you have company, tell us, if you are not ashamed of visitors. If a youngster arrives at your home, and begging for raiments buy a quarters worth of cigars and come around, and ifyou are a coati sub- scriber we will furnish a suitable name for hini or her, as the circumstances will permit; and if you have a social gathering of a few of your friends, bring around a big cake, aeyen or eight pies and a ham. Council Proceeding s. The council suet by order of the Reeve, at the Town: Hall, Exeter, on October 5th, 1888, with all the mem• bees present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and sighed, Moved by T. B, Carling, seconded by T. H. McCallum, that Wm. Down be paid $50 for street watering.—Carried. Moved by T. H. McCallum, seconded by W. G. Bissett, that Messrs. Carling and Pickard look after the surface water at Dr. Browning's.—Carried, Moved. by T. B. Carling, seconded by J. Pickard, that Mr, Creech look after the hiring of men and keeping their time, ete., for the remainder of the y eaan.-Carried, Permission was grant- ed to Mr. Carling to provide against accidents topedestriaus while:repairing his store front, Moved by T. B. Carl- ing seconded by W. G. Bissett, that a ventilator be put in the clock tower, —Bring in the eook stoove. The steve vendor is on deck, leo ••-nasty words, mind you if it is putting up stoves time. —Miss Ella Begg, who has been visiting friends here for a few days re- turned to her home in Parkhill yester- day. esterday. —On Sunday nexttlhecollectious it a the Trivitt Memorial Church, will be for the benefit of the Diocese of Al- goma. Parkinson wants to see every lady and gentleman in. and avowed Exeter at his store to examine his. new stook of goods.. A lot snore new goods at Parkins son's, he does not deal in Bankrupt trash so that you can depend en get- ting value everytkee, price not to exceed $4. ---Carried. The Reeve to attend to Piper's case in the meantime. Capt. Kennp to have the use of the loose eluairs en: the Town Hall at the conning entertainment under his auspices. Moved by W. G. Bissett,. seconded by T. B. Carling that this council adjourn until Wednesday, the 10th inst., at 8 &cheek p. m. ----Carried, I. BaollUT, clerk. ,Auction Sale. .-Great Slaughtering Sale today (Thursday) 'at 13rodernek's Bankrupt Store, in Drew's Block, Exeter, at 2 and i o leek p, w. Only ane day's sale and the goods must he sold. A splendid lot of Dry Goods and: Grocer- ies. This will be one of the greatest sacrificing sales ever held in Exeter, No Reserve whatever. Meehanias Institute Meeting. A. meeting of the Directors of the Mechanics Institute, was held in the library room on Tuesday evening last. The Directors ordered several new Chairs and a number of paper fyles. They alsa had a long discussion as to forming eveuing classes, and it was agreed to at once set the affair in mot. ton, and hold evening classes during the winter. See notice clsewere regards to meeting to form evening classes. Sportsxrien.as Depot, (.4o to the sportsmen's depot •at Geo. Sanders and see his celebrated powder the "wildrovcr and.thepeople's favor- ite, it immense a full supply of sporting goods which is sure to please all. Brrxtn. Vires magnetic mineral froni matures laboratory, far ulcerated stone ash and all diseases of the stomach, for liver, kidney aid piles, the most won- derful article ever offered to the public. Civil Service Examinations. The next Civil Service examinations will commence on Tuesday' Nov. 13th at eine o'clock p. r., and will be held at Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamil- ton, London, Winnipeg, Regina and other places. Applications for forms 'will be received by Secretary Lesueur until the,l5th of October, and thefornis duly, filled up will require to be re- turned not later than the 25th, after which date the rolls of candidates will be closed, Evening' Classes, Any and all desirous of attending evening classes,for the purpose of mak- ing themselves more proficient in the art of drawing or book keeping, will kindly meet the Directors of the Meoh- anies Institute, in the library room, on Wednesday evening next, at 8 o,clock, This is a splendid chance for all of our young; men and ladies to get educat- ion on the subjects mentioned, and it should be well patronized, Tho class if arranged, will continue throughout the winter months, —Tbe Triv itt Memorial, chore]) fast nearing eomplition, and the gra opening will take place sometime about November lat. —Mr. W. A, Gfay,o£ Guelph,former- ly a, book keeper in 14In. Jas. Pickards establishnent,waa here on Tuesday re- newing acquaintances. Tains is to certify that 1 Lave used Everest's Liver Regulator, and And it the best 1 ever used,—P, B. Rasenberre L D, S., Arkonaa: Ont. At the Rirkton show on Friday 1t►st Mr. I. laowernnau of this village, was awarded flint prize for his Imported team of draught mares. .,-Like everything else, goods will rot lying in stores waiting for hili prices. You can get neer goods. Parkinson's and the prices are right.. .- Samwell & Pickard has ,just re- eoiyocl direet from England, a splendid assortment of ladies' walking Jaokcts Dohnaan's and Ciders, which will be offered at lowest prices, s ears nothing about 'with the U, S., but I do desire Union with the citizens of Exeter and eurrouncling country. Owing to the de- pression of the market,1 have been able to purchase by new stock much below tbo regular wholesale ixikces, and will give any customers thet benefit of if, y stock consists of Dry -Goode, Oi-roeer1e3, .. Cts & Caps, BOOTS ROB * Crocker, A Rare Treat. The McGibeny family appeared be- fore a splendid audience Tuesday night and rendered a rare and enjoyable pro- grauinio, The family is certainly si musical one, frown D'lr, Gibeny down to Nitre Leo. Their programme last night comprised maoy vocal and in- strumental selections and was suffici- ently diversified not to be monotonous, Among the features requiring special mention were the elarionet playing of Master Docket, the cornet, duet of Miss Viola and Mrs, high McQibeny, the violin solo of Mr, .Hugh McQibeny, the ladies, quartette and the anale quartette. The rendition of "Wan- dering Down" by the reale quartette was in itself a rare treat. Another feature that it would be wrong to pass unnoticed was the musical reading„ "The Minuet," by Miss 9.11ie. in this Miss Allie while telling how her grandam danced the minuet displayed a grace of motion and expression that Was charming. Mrs. McGibeny also sings with fine expression, and her "peek-a-boo,' with little Leo 'at once gained the sympathy of the audience. In fact the audience was. delighted. with the entire programme ; and it could•not be otherwise forthe enter- tainment was a rare musical treat Woodstock Sentinel Review. ' Gla s ar 7 P + . i etc., ., etc, The prices of which are in axc3 Way % ueneea iy Ous3onnit Rubies o other tax impositions. 1 do not give my goods away, but set thm t the lowest figure consistent with good business principles. Parties in want of goes, consult their own iutorestaby examining my stock be-. purchasing Eons p shag elsewhere. Remember this is a new stook. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. Farm Produce taken at Market rices. Wit; door nor* of tile j91Town Itailveg Man -eta J. PARKINSON Briefs. The very best value in teas at Park- inson's —Tuesday was rather a busy in town. Exeter. if Tau Want FOR XI* 410 Z TO OALL WWI A LOAF OF RIS 13 1J&! AND SEE SOME QF EIS a OR GALL nn4VarAZZAVP 01,311$ 0434Z0 SCHOOL AND PARTY OA MADE AT TIIE 811O1RT ST NOTh ---Parkinson is obliged to give the best valuta in Exeter, because the hest value along with, the best assorted stook of the newest productions, are the only inducements he professes to °Ter. —The people of Exeter and surround- ing oountry do not want to be decked out with old discarded goods, when they tan get new and fashionable .cods at the same prices at Parkinson's, first. door north of the Town Hall, -Goods bought on credit at exhor- bent prices, as all bankrupt stocks are, previous to the great reduction of prices in the wholesale markets, can now be bought for from twenty-five to fifty per cent. less. Sec Parkinson's new dress roods and prices, —We have received the annual an- nouncement of the Canadian Business University and ,Shorthand Institute, It is nearly gotten up, and from the number of testimonials' it contains, we are led to believe that this is one of the best Institutes to be found in the Dom- inion. —Any one purchasing dress goods has to take into consideration where the best variety is to be found where, the latest patterns are to be obtained, where the best value is to be had. These..important : requisites you can always depend upon finding at Parkin- son's. Renton & Co, will have auction sale on Friday, Oct. 12th, Saturday Oct. 13th, and on -Tuesday, Wednesday; Friday and Saturday of next week, at 2:3Q, and ' o'clock p. tn: Goods at your own prices, Come along. Re- member the spot, Bell's old stand; —The directors of the Stephen and' Usborne Agricultural Society, held a meeting on Tuesday last, and revised the prize list, and dict other business in the way of settling up affairs of the show held last week. We understan d that the proceeds were very good, .and they are able to discharge every liabil- ity against the society, —It may appear strange, still it is a fact, that some people will pay more for old, discarded, shop-worn and rot- ten bankrupt trash,when they can buy new, fresh and fashionable goods, for even experienced . people are some- times "taken in" in this way. Park- inson hasnew and fashionable goods at just about Bankrupt _prises. -'Mrs; George Bawdon is visiting friends in Seaforth.. --ti. L. Billings Dentist for artifici- al teeth.. Office over O'1 eil's Bank. -The leaves are turning their coats. Hard tirnts and cold weather brings them all. —11 • L. Billings Dentist gold filling a specialty, over O'NenVs .Bank. —Miss Lizzie Bowden has returned from visiting relatives and friend's in Seaforth. ' =A car load of cattle; were shipped from this station; on Monday, ,by a Hibbert buyer. --The Bell Telephone men are here, and are busily engaged in putting up the wires. xnething NoarteoTT, v,1,0 74= ToWS ai3/4.74** IN St, - EXETER. WHEN IN TOWN TO Dalt THE -a- - 11710 Don't fail to inspect our immense stock of sill kinds of STOVES, r WILL3011,3E4 if 1.1P T 1J. WE IT AVn ALSO A FINE ASSORT.)ENT OF ALL KIN S OF Ha dwwrr of ad' . WE MAKE A SPECIAL LINE ON TSAII!S rl RES,CROSSin fit. Also an Assortment of Lamps, Lamp Goods &Lanterns. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED' RAYMOND SEWING- Aik O n'. BISSETTBROS. •STOP ASL E There is 'a Machine 011 called 1 IT IS MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY COIL liRtiS.), TORONTO, See that barrelsare branded with the Trade Mark, LARDINE, If riot do not take it as it is only spurious oil they are offering you so as to make more money out of you. For sale by BISSETT•BROS., Exeter. July -26-88