HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-11, Page 4CAY4D4, PAST,. I'-liESZNT; 1U - ' TUBE. The developeflaent .of the. Dellliniou': of Canada since the British North- America orthAmerica Act came lute] force, a little over twenty oneyears ate, baa been Sq marvelIeus, that, in speaking of it, no ieties, in the fact that another quarter of a century can sear;,ely pass away withoiutt sonle vital change in the relations between Canada and Great Britain. Whether that change will be in the directienof independence and the establishment of a "Greater Brit - in* west of the Atlaaatie or .of a closer language can be deemed extravagant union with. the .mother land,, it, is next or mit of place. Daring that period to impossible, to forecast, but ;all true ibe national on e:s of this country ° patriots must cherish the hope that the lies riot been equalled by any nation on the Erase of file earth, This lite- grand idea of imperial Federation will, a esS too, has been made in f lea of di#licnities which could only have been aurnioumted by the dogged persever base whivlithe first settlers carried with therefrom file homes of their fathers. E`er, it must not be forgotten that the history of Canada does net commence 9.n 1867, Without going hank to the time when, four cezaturit ago, the Cabot of Bristol brought back to Henry VIII, the report of this dis- covery of a AMY country; or to the day scarcely less remote, when -the riven - tine Venal ino, -sit his face towards; the St. Lawrence, and boldly set up a' c)ah i to the country explored by the, C'a bots, under the name of 'New France," and Jacques Carter sailed up tiita wi„htp estuary to pliant the 'r' cc,.cr'e-rus And crossed where NQ1;trval dollAisto DOW stands a it IS 'tv811 to remember f}seit. diet some fortune. that Qutebee was a Fi e,aeli settlement u ent >?cl,e m pearls. two hundred and eighty years age. I was not until a century stud a Jialf of French occupation that 'Wolfe least life and WQia alit empire on ;lac plain ofAbraham. Tiae fail of `C gave, t'anala.t9 Cla-n,I ikitaial tired ]lieT'wFat„c of Paris in l C vd Ni freer -volt of the old . jjnoxi ;391 a door •' took Y i, .'7 ioi YA.0.,, sire;].+ a rilaa:a>:r.o f'.lrth- fal t r,ot;,. 011 dais], Iiia 1,h31 a`aa„eric7tas r;a.atl!e >;1st catm'l.lMt a ,Ala. ii, $11$ Izti tkiicc: iftl''t l:cae,,;ay of l • r regi bicherings 'it7iGt foie i€�s 6taclltax 'ed zrliielt culminate rebollior tai 1S37. The. insurrection. However, was socia suppressed, and in IS 10, the two provinces into which` +Canada has. been divided, fcsr over ]calf a eentuvy, wore re•unittil. Ilii 1' ia•l' fhe schemes for the confederation of the North American provinces began to take Ave, but it was Piot till 1861, that royal procluiilation gavebirth to tllti Dominion of Canada. So much for the past—for, whatever may have lMk ai the history of the leriwiaee;:; form- iug the Dominion prior to l tifr;, it is certain that since that trate tlh it pro• gre':,:i has lei'ai rapid, and their e tlooi: in the near future bi eotslt•s Dior and torr • encouraging. ing. 'Tie interval has aided na 'e than a million Alai a half 't4`Y til.' p lulatioil, wb''1h is 'a:!'.'a esti- li;att,.i to exccuti 5,000,0U0, and lucre iilflf,rt:..l.trv: ill, Ila., t.ilCt:ed ti¢ Den ialieill with a :".'tf"waY s :tem which, al- though yet in its iflffuiry, is, 31ererthe, les , sui'.eie aft to open up vast traets tis t u t l a tali eta ;Lily fr. r ,chic to $,61:11 one r a ; .: oriel':great highways from the Atlantic to the Pa- cific, and by facilitating, hltereziil.Itlu1li- eation between the provinces to bind therm together in still closer unity. About 1::,000 guiles of railway have• already been eonstruetefl at a cost of nearly $150,000,000. Twenty years ago the foreign cornu.orce of. the Dom- inion scarcely exceeded $90,000,000. To -day the external trade exceeds $200,000,000, over half of 'which is -Dolt the treatment of all Chronic Diseases and -ith the;Mother country. In addition Head Diseases peciiliarto Women. S0 years' practice. l)ffico—St. Thomas. bis deposits inthe savings bank The Doctor has been educated in nearly all the Ia g leading Medical 0o1leges and Hospitals in Europe, to t. •ucreased tenfold and glow reach has served as Surgeon in the British,Army in the East Indies; Surgeon in the American Army during have 1. eat least $50000000. 1t i5 the late war, from 1801 to the close of the same, las > >treated all nationalities and circumnavigated the a total o. < '1st thep practice and experience, entitles him to Tank as a ublic debt has also globe.—Ills thorough education, large and varied quite txge'se money has been speclaust—second : to none. on Ude continent -for ti Y the treatment of those dangerous and difficult diseases 4 here sed b vs, canals and other that have baffled the ski] Of t110 local physician. r lit, t ' The following diseases with many ethers 'success- Spent von `p of permanent fully treated:—Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Diseases ,� IR11rVa� of the. Lungs, Dyspepsia, DIsooses of the Eye and Ear 1, Or1ts as/trivia 'flue has been. Heart Diseases, Epilepsy _Paralysis, Strictures, Rup- .p1rblIc Iiiillr tures, Skin Diseases, Plies, &c. Electricity used when benefit t9 t a hundred required. �1®d Testimonials of Education—The following testi- 1menials and diplomas may be seen at my othee with returned, ill manyda, are many others from nearly all the loading Medical of C'1.. 't ]tai schools m Europe; Trinity College, fold. The capabilitiesp of Medicine and Royal College c4 Surgeons, Dublin Clan,, h 'England; such, that. nothing in„ but time, c� cruel industryare needed to estabi, in the Dominion a t and hliving ;?Adustria1 . egricultural o at 1 fort population of Least y millions. ` To those ion - leek p however, who •aiffert forward into the fnture a:e;7put. lent is not alto? the pies. y bas bet ler • without its seeing o[ ih, all$: Comte. tion: 1 the date. before then, have become an ,acconi- p ' ed fact, and that. the Canadian fish Dominion, in co411110 i with • X111 the other parts a ltha grand .Old Empire n-- qn Which the suer ?lever sets, will be adequately represented in a truly Im. penial Parliament at Westminster. Miens for Halton rite quartflr just ended pnbliish- 1ast weeek. The total number of :de loos was eleven, the smallest SAEiLT STE. MARIE °ANAL. NOTICI TO CONTRAETQES. THE WORKS FOR THE CQ:�STRUQTION OF TUE canal, abcye me etioized, advertismd Lm be let an Lite °Srd mf Ootmber next.are unayoidobly postponed to the following dates Tenders trio be received until Wedoesekr the 7th day of November next. Flans and siieeidcatbea will ready for examine.. Limn at this. allies and at Sault Ste. Dade en .and after Wednesday tha 241h dry of Ootokor next, I1y* Order. A. P. kiA7R Secretary, DePartumentetRsTho w Canal& Ottawa, %all September, 183s. CI-IRISTIE'S COMMER�IAL . IY• RY ora the Scott Act went into Rip and Roes First -Class. and there was iter one undertel.Orders Tett at the Rawholiaw Rouse ►£ tirttilikendas. `.#"ilia is the or at the stable will be promptly attended. cols Act is deworali ing to, 'Tangy: tr BO :ASI:re 5 Of *-p 1 ut 4 -en suis goal Melt. and: tend fie. s, E.i d flub, x cut' A Pee t%ve Cure. A Pal less Cure, FACTS FOR o ALS GES +t*�,.�.y+ DaSD;a.s�i . _ to .. '. ' �.+ , ®' ':�..+ -f t i! .i. �.I O. e, rut �E.1T .i�E•d'LTJX iatxt t of Healing, and Kchinoorot Medicines. -110112.3rL$citerrible po tIre anti (8 rwo $.orettQns WJlo axebroken a own trona the ereere of abuse will find in Nc.• Ga dleai core for execus ;debility, orgauio weakness, invoitlutory vital losses, etc. TO3' ai?on ?eaten No. 8 Suour,i. xr Uslan,—Want o, energy, vertigo want Of purpose, Qi*nem of si lrt, vvorsion to society, want of ounildence, $voidance. Of convorsetion, elesir°tor io1iziildo,1L.I.Uessness and inability to fix the attention on aparticule.xrubjflut, eewardtee, doprtiaelou of rynriia, giddicieas, Iota of mnInurv, excitability of temper, ever. mate rrh'ea, or lona of fife seminal fluid—the result of telt-abuse or marital excess—impo- toaloy, iunutrition, emaciation, barrenneso. palpitation of the Heart, hysteric feelings* featelea. trenrbiing. naeiancisoay disturb tfreams, ete., are ell eymntotee o this terrible habit, ofeentimuS innecently acquired, Tie short, the spring of vital forge having lost its tension, every faneiion wanes In conseque:ea, Scientific waters end the anperintendelttS es4 atrsaue asyiuma unite in ascribing to the effects of calf -abuse the ;great majority of Vested Breis which corse cinder their notice. If 704 are aiteompeient for the axduov9. duties of basin is, Incapacitated for the eujoylnents of life. no. $ ofteris no escape from the effeeta of early Wet: Tel you are advanced la ears. No. 8 will give you full. vigor and gtrengtb„ I.tlen are broceudollu, plardealleauamorallyy� 'from early iidiseretton,they result of i orenco and foliar, Pend, your addreea and 10 am* In stitmps for i'd. Y.7ilaaolx'e T, dd s li tlied la nun tiprta to I of Mau, N Sealed7 e li g on B E.. Toronto. A hair via oitIwiedere Boer is a lee'r's pemilse. Win CUARANTEEii. NW. THE SICK. n .FOR SALE horse, ngefl ;re.'n ; 1 top bugg,, Fe»,te �i i ;n ati ; 1 eaittei 1 set' .ti.Il wi§1 btu sold at at'trlat ria iso use for 'them, 1ta:tk er riesth Town hall - A. J. SNELL, WEEKLY EMPIRE OTr : LONDON (NT �.I: "11 Stack GOODS In the Following Linea, ea of England Suitings ai d Trouserings. ©told Tweed Suitings Ti'ousoring8. French and. English Worate Cloths. EttiOULI X11 Marie up in the Latest ''[a".t Be"sstt'jRates. 'j' "j' A. R.1 « SNELL This Year's MYRTLE cute. Plug Smoking Tobacco MUM VR THAN EVER. IN B1 0NZI; ON Plug' ani. Package WILL DE AT THE CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETEI►, TUESDAY` AND WEDNESDAY o��,alebel' i th a>uld 8th. From8a.m.to5p.ht. TWO days only. Patients please call early. TFOS. SPEAR, M. D. Surgeon, Sc., M. O. P.S. (1. S. &L. T. O. D. TEE GREAT GREAT EAST • INDIA\ Col a Park St. School ' 5 /loyal College of Surgeons, Belfast Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburg and Belfast, Licentiate in Midwifery, and endorsed by tho highest edical authorities in the United States and Domin- If Canada. The above with many letters from •nt parts of the globe are a medical pasport— re•exnmination, doubt Or quibble -over and in every land from the rising to the sun. free, Read circular,, and remember CAN.'S LEADING PAPER, on, lir over rtipn j4Freal antecd to CaretrJlrna others agglet ter The GreatXnitItelt viiai, 4alta iia substitute. One package lac =5, by mail. Write: for Tampblet. Addre es Jut Vb.vxuietsl Q.% Detroit, Milch. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and ;gists everywhere, Jan•14S Furniture and Undertaking. --00 TO— and Andrew ' BISSETT S. LIVERY. First•Class Horses and Rigs. Special Rates with Commer- cial Men. Orders left at BISSETT BROS'. Hardware Store, will receive prompt attention. TERMS R ESONABLE. A TRIAL SOLICITED. BISSETT BROS SAULT Ste. MARIE CANAL. Notice to Contractors. tEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tenders for the SaultSte. Marie Canal,"will be moved tit this office until. the ar- rival of the easttrn and western mails on TUESDAY, the 21rd day of October, next, for the formation and construction of a Canal on the Canadian side of the river, through the Island of St. Mary. Tho works win be let in two sections, one of which will embrace the formation of the canal through the island; the construction of locks, So. The other, the deepening and widening of the ebannel-way at both ends of the canal; construction of Piers, Ce, A snap of the locality, together 'with plans and specifications of tlleworks, ,can be seen at this office on and after TUESDAY, the 9th day of October. next where printed forms of tender can also be obtained. =1 litre class of informotibn, relative to the works, can be seen at the office of the Local Officer in the Town of Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. Intending contractors are requested to bear in in mina that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms and be accompanied by a latter stating that the person or persons tendering have carefully examined the locality and the nature of the material found in the trial pits. In the case of firms there must be attached the actual signatures, of the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same; and further, a bank deposit receipt for the sum of $20,000 must accompany the tender for the canal and locks; and a bank depnEt receipt for the sum of $7,500 must accompany the tender ler the deepening and widening of the channel way at both ends, piers, hie. The respective deposit receipts—cheques will not be accepted -must be endorsed over to the Minister Of Railways and Canals,. and will be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works, at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted; The deposit' receipt thus sent in, will be returned to the respective parties .whose tenders are not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tendons. By order, A. P. BRADLEY, Secretary. Department of Railways and Uanais,t Ottawa, 8th August, IS88. i (Hci61rt, 34 inches.] T111 f 313' UE since its establishment has ;net with unprceedentcd surges, and already stands intim proud. positlonof Caned WS Leading,Tournal : but, in order to place the EDITION fa the stands of every Farmer in the Dominion this fall, the Publirlu rs have had prepared n handsome and I,ifc•lil:u Bust of SIR JOHN MACDONALD, To be given to every subscriber to the 'WEE1iLit I:ArA'111E 1.i1:i3Nil ONE E.t it L1 ADVANCE. 01\T7.4Y $D. P2E11=4. d . 30W I5 THE TIME TO EUBSORIBE, Address THE EMPIRE, Toronto, OOPER SHOP 1 Mr. Felix Wilds would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Dashwood and surrounding country, that he has Opel.- ed out a new Cooper Shop in EDASHWOOD and is prepared to do all classes of coop erage work ,on shortest notice. A call solicited, Oct11-3m Fur.=Y WILDS. MORTGAGE SALE —OF Valuable Village Property. UNDER AND EY ' VIRTUE OF A POWER OF Sale contained in a certain Indenture of Mort - gaze which will o produced at the time of sale niade by Robert Keliaway, to the Vendor, there will be et Id at the Central Hotel, in the village of Exeter, on Saturday the 2Oth day. of Oct., 1888, at b o'clock p. m., by MMR. TAMES ons, nuc- tioneer, (subject to such conditions as shall then be produced) the following propos'ty, viz : All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Village of Exeter, in ;the, County of Huron and Province of 'Ontario, containing by admeasurement one half of aa. acre be the same more or less, being composed of lots number forty seven and forty eight on the north side of -Victoria Street. on the map or plan of the' subdivision of Part of Lot number twenty three in the first concession of the Township of Stephen, pre- pared by H. C. Doulton, Provincial Land Surveyor. Thereto a comfortable Frame Dwelling House with geed cellar; a good shed and stable .on the premises, also sonie fine fruit trees and grape vines. Terms Of Ten per cent cash at time of sale end the balance in thirty dare; For further particulars apply to ELLIOT & ELLIOT, Vendor.s .Solicitors, Exeter. Dated 1st Oct, '8S, --FOR OR ell -room anti Parlor uites, iSitleboards and Entension Tables, Louuges and EnstY chairs. Largest war©roorns in town; UNDERTAKING, outside of the under- takers' ring, in all its branches. Open flay and Hight. STAND: one flour north of folson's bank Main.street, - Exeter. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician whc has hati a life long experience in treating femalo diseases. Is used montl: y wltlr i,erfe.ct hue, cs by over 10,JaOladn s Irle«r .nt, safe, effectual. Ladies ask our drug- gist for'; n ny royal Wtsfe e: and totenou drait rte, or inclose post- ,ageforoit'd particulars Fad by . '"di"`'a drummiots, al per box. Address, I lJIlEKi1. C'u1 iiICAL CO„ I3u-:: tr "1rur. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lugg, and druggists everywhere. Jan -1-8 EVEREST'S Cum gel CANNOT BE EXCELLED. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative properties. Price SS cents. Try..Everest's Liver Regulator For Diseases of the Liver Kidneys. he., and Purify-' ine of the Blood. Price $1. Six bottles for 55. For Sale by ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufactured ontk by GEO. M. EVERIST.OusanaK, Forms; OSx. ,ADVICE TO ItIOTIIIElit5. Are you disturbed at nightand broken of you! rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting tenth ? If so, Send at once and get a bottle of 14 its.WINSLOW'SSOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDnteN 'rEsiTHINO.. It:t value i$ incalcul- able. itwiilrelieve the poorlittle suffererimme- diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there is no rmiotake about it. It cures dysentery and diar- rhma, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures winciool ie, softens the gums, reduces *Stun ora- tion,. and_ gives tone and energy' to the whole system. M its. WIN8LoW's SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN' THETnINGIS pleasant to the taste,and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out the world. Price Pia' cents' a bottle.