HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-11, Page 2NEWS OF THE DAY, cesettreate Hon. EdwerlBlslsearrived helve Friday; lunch ituerove;l la heath. The total gateracopte at the Indttati'ia1 Pair were $59.6:'4, against $,31,Q70 haat: year. The hlentreal peach combine is. repotted e failure,, etith aloss of about a thousand dol- BlL geia ; Ivi ilmeld is. suing Prof, Hopkiaa, of :Umtata!, for $5,000 for breach of premise of marriage. M. -toms, of Windsor, la one hundred aqd eigt t feels of age, awl retsina her men, tai fecuttfes, though totally blind. The Governor Generaleete offered a sword of how= for competition among the cadets of the Royal Miiieerp College, Kingston, Leamington desires to become A town, and wat.tt the Dominion Genernenerte to erecta dock and breakwater on the lake front.. la is stated that Lieutenant • Governor C.,mpbell's declaims gives a large amount of Saudw'e1 territory to Wiadsort,se. well es 500 ieheletenta, A race ma -lie -Pant type of typhoid fever is prevala uc is Kingston, Oao hundred and forty preens- are reported to bei prostrated with tie disease The Oblate Fathers of Hall have deter- mined to loins fends for rebuilding the church destroyed by ilea some months ago by mean; of a :grand lottery. e o n' ea! .ceases 1'h St. J ,hn a,� Nltd„ Coto tae p the belief that the Rehearse of confederation. of Newfoundland, withtheDomiuionof Cana- ela is dead rot the prevent. The County or Wellington Women's Ghrietiaa Tentperanca Convention met in Geelph and elected their of ieere ma 'elver. intendeets of departments. Ata meeting of the ProteatantMinieterial ,Asaaotetion in Montreal yesterday eceaunit- tee was appointed to conoider a scheme for reaching non•chureh goers. Tire Kingatou Seh' of Board, bas ordered that a teacher and the ueceasary apparatus be secured for the introduction of the kinder- garten system in January next. The dcotor'a cap, Weak. and ring were conferred ou Thur€day on 'cry Rev. i ennrs, O'Ceneor, who for eighteen years has been Seperior o£ Assumption College, Sandwich. A sheeting of Are insurance agents waa beld in Toronto recently, when, rt. wan de- eide;i to revive tine Fire Insurance Agent's Aa; edition wbioh wear foraged three years egg+. The attempt to quash the indictulent' sgalnrt Aeon!. the C.uughnawage Iadieu ;alleged with the murder of his wife, on the ground that the name of the viotiin was in. correctly stated therein, bas failed. Jedge Sadder, of St. Catharines, has been, eppoietcd to act no arbitrator in the suit of City ot Toronto v. The Street Bail way Company, regardingthe defendants' liability for poruuu ent repairs to pavements an streets occupied by their liner. • A force of 4 000 rehab' hag appeared in the vicinity of Seeltim, and elle. Governor ilex applied for additional hoops. Pritce B:snmerekhes expressed theopioiou. that the alleged abstract of the dairy of the late lymperor•, Frederick is npoorypel. Wag Milan hat tortpaily complaaine . to Kiog Cherlea of Itiu ems of hie reqs-rvieg Q seen Natalie se Aa not of insult to himself,. Mgr. Persicae has reported to the. Vatican that the Irish Bishops have succeeded in al. liayirt& Fhe teat unity of the Nationalist el;i- tenon. The crops in Bombay and Deepaa ere threatened be drought, and thee Govern• nicht are preparing to great measures of relief, The Triple Alliance having mode over three to Spain, Premier Sagaete has inform. ed the Gennoil that Spain mast retain liberty of action,. Mr, Dillon vays hie release vat 114ound1- 4onel, and that be ioteode to apply hitt-twit to the struggle on behalf of Ireland more. Closely than ever, A, letter from the Congo State reports a pitiable coalition of Affairs at Aruwimt, where half the men have died either from neweee or statv►nion, Mee Parnell says h'Ir. Ddloe'a release from 40 the brutalities of imprisonment is e. great victory for Ireland and a;Renal discoar,fia:nere. for Mr. lielfoitee coercion." Peet, Jamieson, the companion of Mejor Brrttelot, has died of fever and his death will prevent for aome time the erpankation of another relief expedition, A. meeting of thoao interested in the rain• Jug and breeding of sheep wan held In Tor- onto, when it was decided to form a Sheep Breeden' Association for the Dominion of Canada, and a committee was appointedto prepare constitution and bylaws. Mr. Blakelyk Hall, the correspondent of has beoh amaein his readers by the atetcment that the defences the New Yat Sun, g The memorial stens in the Wesley chore to be erected at Epworth, ire Leuceehire.. where John. Wesley was born, were laid yesterday with impeeing cereaaontee. The last letter received from mardered Me* 13arttelet, under date of Jane 4, ga, and le fllQom- Planta st Tim p este bodinge of eomus divas. full of strange 6 S ter. Air. Atex, Blaine, ALP., wlio wan nerving sir months` imprieonutent in Londonderry sao1, for inciting tanatite to violence, luta been uncunditioni 1y released owing to ill. health. Lard Selborne contradicts 1tir, Gladatone'e etateaueat to the tf%net that in 1882 the Cabinet uneulaiaLely absolved the 1'arnelt• its inembers from co pliolty in. grimes In Ireland. Admiral Brute, Freaoh Salimeter. of Merino, ei n eedita the etateanent thet heavy fighting recently took pima at the Martins group, is the South Sea between Freencb mnemes end the savages. Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, In his addreee at Bradford, Bald thathe positively a proved of the policy of the Government arae tt load gone, and the be w prepared eu port and defend that policy. A. large box arrived in St. Petcrebarg en Sietardey from Warsaw, which oonta ned the body of a lady attired in a costly dregs, with a profusion of lace andjewel* it to auapootodi. she was murdered by the Nita, Bata At the impost on the body of the Inst woman murdered at W hiteobapel, there wan undoubted evidenoe of the anatomical know- ledge of the murderer, and the anrmise now as that the unknown orleaned is tux in- 4a11e anrgcon. OnF:ridagg evening a priest found In Phoe- nix Park, Dublin, the body of a lady who had committed suicide by opium. She was aubaequentl identified as Mrs. Mary Jane Progress of Manitoba:. " I visited Menitoba four year ago," said Prof: *ream, in reply to wrquestion„ 4.4 and on this my second 'teat 1 was very„ much struck with ire; progress. 1 had very little doubt then that agriculture woald`helesuo- eeesful there, end I have mem,now. ' I believe Manitoba and Eastern. Assini'ofa will prove moat important faotora in the Raropean wheat market. I am glad to fled. that in leteeitoba mixed farming is maki,gg rapid progress, It would bo very unfortu- nate if the ferment of the North-west, by cultivating one prop exclusively; should bring their land down to tha state of ex hanstfon and law yield which batmen in many pats of -Minnesota acrd Dakota. Dairying is a geowicg industry. lashed a cheese factory ab Minnedosa and I learned that there were factories at. Bi"rtle,, Wooieley and Grenfell." 44 What" dg yeathink of the country far- ther west!" -_ fa I believe .Alberta is a perfect mine of agrieulturel wealth. No tower in Canada aeemv to be more happily eireumatanoed than Calgary It far beautifully eituated on the Bew R ver sad, encircled by low hills, and so rich ie the surrounding territory in octal said timber that 1 wan told fuel was cheaper far Calgary than anywhere else in the Dom- inion, The coal crops out ore the river bank so that, in some eases, all, the settler bee to do is to take a pick, and dig oat enough for his own um.. VPaltring Across Greenland. plana . 1t is just two menthe since Dr. Nanism tied hie oonrrade a tended in gaga Greenlenel and ennead on their Ivory tramp of 42.5 Pilch serener the inlaid loo to Cltriatlauahaab on the west want. If aueoesa bar rewarded their labors, they have befaro, this time raaohed the Danish aettlereute, and one of the Dei aiah Severnwe et vermeil' will aeon bring taewe of their triumph. ;rafeeseuhoped with the aid of snowshoes, to mite the jouthey .in about &month, travelling fifteen canna a day. Nordenaklald's two lespps, in the expedition that carried theses ALM air mem geeeniand, made mnch faster colo then t#is. Nauaeu leaded at Serinllik fiord, the 'iterating spot where No. Holm, nearly r yearn ago, discovered orer two hurt- Clerk ire raandom, her private secretary also FOR AND AIIOTT ti OittEN. Tau. QvirS a 4 a Wnaa n. Qineri, Nietoria is, considered. one of the richest- omen i<i Rurope,bee uo one ap. paves to heve Any cnreee5,Klee' et. tits amount of her,,wealth. She hal .arn"inoome from Parliament of oier °#;36VO:iaa ileal. Leave heard her income from public and private sonreee placed as high as three millions sterling. She is very quiet in her tastes. She is pot fond of wearing jewellery. She prefers the pleb:metdr'essee. Wikem she is going shout the ordinary aA'aire of We she wears Erne black cashmere or soft silk goods devoid of ornaments or trimm ng. It le the dre.s of a reapecthle lady of the middeerelase, and is even more bare of or- naments than the plainest and moat wimple people of that oleos weal average, She leas aim a dielake for displey that tore taste hme beenuse4bitbo way of criticism. Senn of icier eriaiceheaeseeesedherof adepleeed eeanoroy The Euglieh People are bed of display, They are moat liberal iia. their provfsioa• s #ar royalty and everything relating thereto. They are fond of imposing ceremonies, The chief oherm to them of royalty le that: it tea splendid, stately ,and ornamental crap - sheaf to their form of government. They therefore do stat teke kindly to the Queen's method of living, -[London latter. Tan Qu s's MORKLIICe WOR.. According to a weekly contemporary the Queen'sprivate eorzespondenes bas lately been 44 oto exce tronalty ieeevy " that her Alej ' hall *atm been engaged at it" rill roe d ilglet. MIS nail; nog meet wad, sea neater of fent, the citenn, , .never +anti ererna beraelf with,publlotor private bnvine u or with eorree'p enalence of any kind (apart from telegreme, whrah aerie and ere des• petaled. by deemevery' day) oxeept be. twean brealttart and lunehoon. 'Tb*r hoe beer, the rule rand a very judicious one It ial throughout her We, At Balrneraal the'. aaliiciet boxes and neatly rill the private ser. AS Y®1f LUXE 1T. THE eLli *IL&- i, r There's a unable -down millon the eke or the wood, s Ir : di " 1oa he vales h b a t a. t Whereloo m ,y P The barberrieag W where the,piiller'e home &toed,; And close to the doorstep the wild. rosea blow. Long, long rare ago, when my feuoy was yoonk�, I stood by the un ll -wheel and watched it go, round,; I heard the strange song that the ,foaming; fimmementge— Themeg of the brook that was ooeanward !vend How dearly I longed that I too might be free From the Maks of .the "schoolboy„ the dntiee: of home, And a nagleg my way to the beautiful sea, With nothing to do but to ting sed roamt Ab, little 1 new of the 'ships and the rnlll-- The take of the enteral that ooeanwaed flow 1 lido life yeas the brookdi fe far bads in the bide, And. boyhood's, bright vision were all 1 could knots. And now I've returned to the eefilatai that 1 loved,—' The tumble-down rni11" and the rock -fretted brook Oh, the f my eheel not oW emit ti he swat Stream that moved, ,Save over the mill-wbeel, ac backward I look! longod to he free, aao toumde o river would .fain be Tl respondence arrive sheat 6111 the norrung, hill, the massager lrariug left Easton salver's Ohe could i exchange for t aaG Ill ou the previous mornieg. Everything sewed be dealt with between 9'end 1.15,_ dant The creak of the wheel in the tiunble•down which time the Qneertworrta as hard. as any urill 1 1 long to be tae err a orean'e deep a uativea who are cut elf from. the teat being actively teemed In &nether room. be world by a desolate strip of coast At 139 the messenger who arrived the sley aur alrueet itmpaasaable either by laud or lidera Obey sect always allowed to rent a of Kingston are to bo reconstructed, until Ta lore of Niagara, Ont„ who wax a guest they constitute a bulwark against America, compared to which Gibraltar will be a mere catd•house, It has been arcertained that Roland. Gideon Israel Barnett, of Central Hawk the excerpts to the leas: Her nation notoriety, was &treated in London, England, givingp p five days before the warrant waa issued in is sure to bureaus the strained: relations ex. Toronto He had been arraigned and re- feting between her and the Emperor. of dy'Preston, of Kingstown. Great excitement haat been ores°Med it German cffrcial society by the publication of portions of the late Emperor's dairy. 3 x Empress Victoria is held responsible for mended on a charge of obtaining £45 by Lords Hartington, Northbrook, and Selo - false representation. borne, and Mesar&. Bright and Chamberlain, At the Ce urt et Queen's Benoit, Montreal,who were members of Mr. Gladstone's last the Chief •Jnatioo yesterday gave his decisioCabinet, combine isi denying 111"x, Gladetone's in the Pitcher . cane, and ordered that the etatemett intim reviewofthe life of William gold mentioned in the indictment should be E. Porater,-that the Cabinet in 1882 fluent - returned to the Union Bank of Providence, morals decided that Mr. Parnell and other from whichit wan stolen. In case of the suspected members of theUouoe of Commons drafts on Londoti`and Paris, the court de- were not implicated ie the 'crime that prop tided that they meat • bo recovered in 'the veiled'in Ireland. civil courts. The defence gavenotice of ap- ADikiainarr. plying for a writ of error. During August 114 peraons died of yellow roB&IGN. fever in Havana. ° ' A great lnundation is feared in tbo City St. Paul Minn., has decided to have a of binxfca.winter earn -mei this year. Floods and drought are doing much injury. Three cases of yellow fererhuve occurred in India at Jackson, Musa, and the panicle great. Their stave .hate are grouped along i day and night) aerie for Ballater with as shores of this fiord, into which down tt attly a great ice river from the interior, but also seven little etreem s, where. in anrmner, the natives estop salmon, If Nett. ser, bas been defeated in die purpcaie be wlU probably, like. Wolin, pass the winter' amens thesenetivos, who differ much from their treat coast brethren, being tall and slender, with oval features. They are nowt. intlteir habits benne the west eoaut na- tives, and nnderatand litho 01 the speerlt of other .Eekirno, onarsaonnt'of the dlaleotio difference* that rho long .eparation has lurodaoed, Dr. Nenseree plat was to go to the head of thee great fie , which is sIxtyare miles long, and then to pass over the mountains, nearly tt.000 feet high, that surround. it, to the foe field. beyond. It IS the opinion of A.retio expert. tbet the undertaklug can bo far mare easily accomplished by starting from, the out ooasb, chiefly became the ion lrlolin,es greatly toward the wont, and also became the prevailing easterly wind. will help to propel the 'ledges, which are 's alp - ped 'with sails. This advantage would be apparent, however, only where the snow fa dry and hard. The bold Norwegian was told bofeee be left Europe that he would pratably never reach the east coast uniese ho could travel. MO a polar bear aver the miles of ice liummooks that crowd 'against. the coast. Be was so fortunate, however, as to find open leads, in which he ppropeUoa his boats, now end then dragging them over ice flout where there wan no open water. #tuseia will not allow Chinese immigration The hop atop is short in the States this into Siberia, season and there is an. extraordinary rise in Four thousand rebels have arrived in the prise, viaiiiit jr of Suakin.„ Buffalo is becoming seriously maimed °Ver • AU the :porta in Portuguese India are in- the spread of smallpox and the apathy of her bated. with cholera. health of&eers: i A.general rising against Euroteeans onthe ' The silver itibilee of Arbhbishop Corrigan Zanzibar coast is feared, took place yesterday morningat, St,°,3.'atriok'a -The reported death, of the Ameer of Af. ,oethedral+inNew York. j ' ghanistania discrediiedin Simla. 'It is stated .that Miss Dottie ,Zerega, of Itia nKing r inoured that the of ' Greece West Chester County, N. "Y., is engaged iso be m4enda,to abdicate'fn favor of his son, ; ` married to the Dake of Newcastle: An explosion of melinite at;St; Omer; ' in A , movement ie ori `foot to combine'" inter - Ti epee,,, caused a great deal, of damage. .one alliance the engineers, firemen; brake - Uganda dviceado ri"to Sime127 'contain men and swilohmenof-the ;irailwayein.the news . ; w States.. 1 e ere of either , taaley' or Emirs Bey The ,.y'search,for -the sunken treasure ship, 3elgian fcersof theCongo State'a nS, 'bebroak„ in the neighbourhood ofPhil8del- the atrocities imputed tea/sineBarttelot.:_ } phia, been abandoned owing to:*failure Itis rumored' that Sir Lionel Sackville= of funds., The engagement is announced,' announced` of: Miss;• • o' the Virginia :bl:oTaviiih, '; of Baltimore ,. , tc Duke of Norfolk, ono of the wealthiest peers In England. ) 'Jacksonville had '163:new case of yellow feeder on Saturday, and ;five. deaths,, Panic prevailuiu the South on account of the spread of the disease. •x Messrs. Sibley Ja Bearinger, of East Sagi- felt sack, sad et $ the Rena morning he IS at Kiuga. Tunt#r;i. 4. thninglrtIal.wrlter canis attendee growingwilUnguess of women to; go throe life unmarried. Once it was caneidered bad thing to be an old maid, and light. minded people mid* fon of ons. Now it fat different, Bono of the bdghtort and Haat women become so nemob laterest the notions work of Bite that they re," huebautls a altogether unnooearary incca. veaieuoca.. They aro aat%God lith the cote of single blessedneis, and appear to be jud u happy and useful esthete married ehmera,. It is all right, If a warms rema'nr eteen it it der own affair, and outaidera need ear camera therneelvea about it. As a tido, an old maid it an intellectual and interesting woman. Wean will he'aplibinted Minister: of�Russia.”! It isles ort+ed'thtitaFrarfce has; submitted, l to .the Czar the dreftsof a treaty of gllianoe,, The Etiglis]i;eotton mills.are,to be run on sherttimeui eedex to defeat the New York, corner. - .. Britiah'treoi alutve put tot flight.: the` ad- vance; posts of the Thibetans';tvithout;'losing say men.. Th:'etti'ial of the divorce cage of KinMilan and Queen Natalie been filed tor Nov- ember ember 22. ' diphtheria which recently e -c ofw B.ccptl epidemic y broke out in Madrid: is assuming 'serious proportions.` The Swiss glees denies that SwitzerIand is favourably dlapoeed towards an alliance, with France. Rev. Fathers Farrelly and Clark have bean sentenced to nig' weeks'' imprisonment unler the Crimes Act The Turks recently seized a Greek vessel at Chios and the Greeks are. sending war- ships into Tnrkiah waters. At a meetingof the French Cabinet Coon - ti. Shark's Dinner. We had been fishing for eoa'bass n Groat Egg harbor, and had hauled in aur lines to at luncheon,. when, glancing over the port. quarter of the yacht, 1 encountered the eyes of a shark. His snout and head were there, of course, but I eoarcoly saw anything but the epee, The water was as clear as glees, and he was not more than two foot 'above the anrfaco. Stich oyes t They hadn't the fire of 'a eerpontt* nor the glassy' green of a mad dog's,., bub there, was something so- devilish o devilish in the way he stared at hie—acne. thing so murderous and malignant—that F' yelled right out and was Made the butt of ridicule. One and alt, except the sailor in charge of the boat, vigorously denied thatl had seen a shark. When he was appealed to he soberly' replied : 44,I cannot say, but I:know that man- eaters oorne in here." We had with ne a' young 'Milieu; West.' ern Pennsylvania, a tell raw-boned, dee 'monterative chap, whose clatter no one could beep =still when we had our lines out. When we had finished luneheon he uttered another aneer-at my pale face, pulled off.hie goat and gaiters, and'standing up on the reit Ile `crowed like: h cook andshouted " I'm going to give that. shark a chance to et a goad dinner 1" With thet'he,spranq overboard and swam. off about 50 feet. .There tvae only a ruillie ;:of a sea on, and he was a swimmer who would have'thouglit nothing of a mile.pull. The boatmen:ehouted to.him to come. back but, the others laughed and the swimmer laughed with teem. I was' standing tip in.. the cockpit, looking"' over and beyond the man,' when I: saw a�black:objeot riding on the swift ce. It„looked to me like.a:smail, duck, and I was wondering how it moved so hiviftly, when itsaddenly disappeared. Five seconds later the swimmer: heaved, hermit np breast high, flung his arms ovtr his head' and "uttered a scream which get tinge in iny'i ears. • Then'he disappeared, 'and the• awful silence among us watt broken .by the voice e "Sow I while i eras a boy l" There are girls who freguenly utter this desire, and some of them are not to blame for it. A vigorous girl, with a healthy taate.for ca- tivo play, may have a mother who like' to nee her chested in clothe; without a wrinkle, her hair' in perfect order, her ohms brilliant and 'modest One of two things muat hap- pen t The girl or the mother must be un- , naw.„ naw; Mich., have purehased 400,000,000 feet of pine ereBriiiali Columb , for which they paid $150,000. Th Etruria, e b made er last trip from Liver- pool toDTew York, hi six days, one hour, and thirty minutes, beating her own record by twenty miuutesF , Southern planters are storing their; cotton to frustrate the bagging trust, and, merchants who' have 'advanced" money on c'dtton are ()rippled by the existing atof affaires. Yellowfever is steadily aton tbo increase, and the rigid quarantine that is being effect- ed against` the towns where the disease is increases the hardships of the sufferers and their friends. til recently, it was decided not to suspend It has been decided to ask Mr. Rudolf. the import duty on cereals. Hering, of New York, and Mr. Samuel M' happy. Often thorn is a compromise between them. But in canes of compromise the etrongor party generally hu the better bar. gain. if the girl has the more resolute will. oho tears her clothe'', voila her boots and wounds her mother's feolinge, without get• king of the city.' Be is a Retie inau phyat• ting much enjoyment herself. If tho mother Dally. Iii. fortune antennae a to $..00,000. is the stronger oharaotor, the girl mopes in An old lady Who died in Pittsburgh lately left a8:0 for home missions and $4,000 for foreign missions. The innocent old soul, exelatmn The Chicago Tribune, did nobbe» Hove there were any heathens to speak of in this cannery. In b3;ruriogbant, England, phyaicfans charge their patients according to the rental of the houses Achap who has a toothache in a 20,000 house pays twice as much as a fellow who has the same ache in a $10,100 heuae, It is said to work equitably, , The anoient Egyptians believed that there was somewhere in the went a tall 'ladder which went straight up from earth to heaven.' Code and goddes ea watched it day and night and no one was allowed to climb it tiniest he new the pees -word, Porcelain shot are now made in Meath, designed for .cleaning wine and medicine bottles. The advantage over lead shot, often used for this purpose, is that the por- celain is entirely free from contamination MA is net acted upon by either acids or al- knifes. • AMilaniF11 k. In the heavens rolled the thunder, Neater now, then for away;. Bittla Peden heard in Wender* Deft her blocks, and ceased her play. Faded moon: the look dlatrew.ed, Thoughtful grew the little ince, Cheek on dimpled, hard was pressed, With use muck us, ehild-iike greeo. "' While I uttered words consoling, This is what the midget Bald 440od,1 auk, its just a milieu' Ant emelt slag I'm truadel-bad 1" When a mea is Coo tied truutworthy oath Montana they say 14 Belt stand with• t hitching." A settlor in the Townehtp of Sinclair, fuakoka,ateteq that up,to Saturday hit week 26 bears bad baso slaughtered within a radius of 4i tailor from Cattn a Careers. Superetitloue people ot Reoknk, Iowa, were almost soared to death by a whistling bonv,whlah was placed in the elver by the Go tenement. They thought' it wo&. a, OWL An ela4tlo hat has' been invented. It will be a great thing for the man who has boon out art night end 'lads in the morning that his head cannot acme:modato itself to the ordinary bat. Martin Luther wrote t—"*dosis governs the world. It makes men batter sad soften, their moaners. Music is the true oonaoler of the *filleted; It refreahoa the soul and rooter** it to happinesa." The richest and moat influential China• man in Chicago is Ilip Lung, the iifayar of the Celestial (taloa there and the laundry her finery, and says to her frienda : .4 Oh, that I were a boy 1" As sho gem older, she grows rebellious sometimes, because the folia thather health and fredom aro aar-rifiead to the vanity of her mother.-.[Y,"outh's Companion. A law wes in force- in England in the y,ear. 1770 to theeffeot that rr whosoever shall en- tice into the bonds ,of matrimony any male subject of her Majesty, by means of rouge, white paint, Spanish netted', steel: roraets, crinoline, :high -heeled shoes or; false hips shall be.peosacnted for witchcraft and the marriage declared null and void." .If aueh a law were in operaatton in the•yoar df grace 1888"it'should' be supplemented" by a pro- vision that "whentotorer a femme subject shell be enticed into matrimony by means of creased trousers,she shall be Gent to a_Iunlia- tioaaylnm at once, no other evidence of her insanity being' necessary." Bean-bag parties promisee to be .popular this winter among young people. Each player-is•provided witha fancy bean-bag, the colors of no two being alike. A;boatd about three feed long' and two teat wide, with a hole in it six inches square, is placed slanting against.,, the swell,„ The ` Bags are thrown from the end of the,room and who ever' throws through' the hole the greatest ntthiber`of tines gets the prima hag corres- ponding in calor to his; or ,her own. ,The greatest .fun, consists in opening the prize bags.. Sometimee'they contain peanuts' and som'etintea doh -bons er'even "lase ha,ddker , chiefs, or eln)ost anything of the boatman saying boatman been pulled dowil•by aa; man °eater l'r - t , a, Tie object I had aeen;flitting on, the sur - fano was the dorsal fin 'of a,' shark. There was the shriek:: -a aplaah-,•azewirl—and nog thfngmore. The shark bad hie dinner, n. Mayor O'Brien, of Boston, says that if Montreal does not: bestirs herself; Toronto, will eclipse her commeroially. In his opinon. the people in Toronto appear to, be more. Americanized than those of Montreal. One of the remarkable women of the age Is Miss Cornwell; villose sambas in 'deciding upe,n and cstinaetineethe_peopertie,s: of mines hus,won fpr herself the:title of re The, t'rin- "`� a' o' heis'Efl lisp but,in'baby- hood bad - seas Mid s. � g , y hood was taken to Australia..' Piv©' years ago•>sheebcgai;.to Visit :.m infs,.and to 'ask questtfon"s She listened tot `e exQlanatsons The young Englishman'who "recently con milted suicide in the Hoffman house. New York, has been identified as Edwin V. See. Bohm, whose dramatization of 4, Little Lord aunt cloy create some excitement in %' 1 " d London last winter. A letter from St•;Petersbnrg fstat8%that a most interesting experimenthas, been made with three balloone of novel construction. The ecronauts,all of them Russian officers, hid" "Orders to take instantaneous photo- graphs of troops manceuvring under fire. The'resulta are said •to be on the whole aatis- factsry.. , The Prince,of Wales has purchased;a new uniform,his eightieth. Each nett' costume of military character that he buys costs him about $450. He therefore owns about $36,- 000'orth, of uniforms. ' His _;latest, invest- mentis the gorgeous costume of an officer of Austrian hussars. "A gold tunic, red breech- eh;"ffeseibh hoots aid white shako make him look like a °lamely cut toy plater. , e. As delicate a charity, as 1 remembers was tine sat of a gruff, taciturn old physician in ^'` ` tial'mine`ra"to n:Coloradomining town. A.poor,agedpar- of `tiieortsta end et ' jaract c, teaoh her what p Pluck. To the theories son„ was curefuily„att,ea}da ,,bq tile irritable andLfaczathus obt ned she added.hert eise docker4 _Mien thegiiiiicher b.ad tif6Ciently intnttions and judgments ,arid. thus devel- oped sack a eematkabldw faehity 'for' deter- ,mining'the v:alues:of minestthat many per- sons think she has the gift,of; second sight. • he effect of adv.©rritising,�01d,Mr. Bane; ley (*Rho haa3 j est moyed because .ho could nt• live in the flatany longer)—The agent 'bas an advertisement in td -day's 'paper 'boys that'misereble flat we've just left: He send the rooms are large an' airy, perfect'eteant heat, appurtenances 'bust class and tho,loca- lity desirable in ev'ry way. Old Mr. Bent- ley (half regretfully) -Well, now, Josiah, I'm a mos t sorry we give ib up. recovered to dispeese..eith futhei medical attentlini nitikal f e�rt his bill. u Your bill . Here it is," said the doctor, opening his pocketbook handing the minister's wife a ten dollar bill. ' ' A Petroit-man who had the yellow fever and reaoyeeed says : -' If you can imagine •what it would feel like to have every bone. in ybnr body' broken into inch lengths, you -Will have' e'omo ideaof -what it feels like. r felt at though I had been jam- med into small pieces. Then combined with that pleasant sensation was a splitting '` pain in the head and back and all the nauseous symptoms of a bilious fever. ,4