HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-10-11, Page 1VOL The Molsons an t (CIART.SRt'4 8Y PARL,IA IIT,1855.) Peel ups Capital* ,.., *7,00000 Bost Fund._....., ... ......,...... I,Q04,Q0Q 1-leado i. ce Montreal, F. WOLFERSTAN TflOMAS, GENNRAL Ma.NAG .n. Twenty branch @three in the Dominion. ASerreee' lo the Comiuron, Lr. LS, A, ape Euope. °Pena every l;auts,A der. tnam le a. rs, t o s Ix SATAT rAxs, Us a. to,. to 1 fa. u+ mere borkittr busines:strensactul. Three per cent, per mama miaowed for money Depeatt etecel?ta *i4 „Siavi4a,'a peen A. A. C DE,OVA Exeter Jan, 28:, 'SS. Marx, FRE5MA/ 'r , WORM POWDER$ Canto th rr.rvr$ :WV aateneekteel rldreg4w44r14. IlAielrecl every Th uiru k y nurneng et the office, ll'fits e Bator, Out, TERMS AP a liliSL"i'.Il TIoa: tsar duper a Vtikr if pardla sittai1rt'E, 11,l.f4 it sot taroL ', Advortirlrld Matra on neettcal'lon. raper omelettes* etntia au Ixrexragce sr* yai1. rtbements without ePeGa@o aura ons wi16 to shod fill VIVA anicharged accordingly. Liberal out made for trans tear advertisements ewes tee ere I.: -.Ida. ever description of JCR PRINT. -1 out iia Aho W.&.t stale et Me art Ks/ it Men. C ranee.. teeny orders. .ts. tar Enbartapt;aaxas, ecr-, to ha araderyiiatle t* WILLIAM SA DEBS1 £'r d Puh2sIter. Offer The Rervestr Home ° Dinner, held at the Grace Church Boston, passed off ,pleasa=ntly, and was very suceessfel axed a good time in general was spend ?despite the unfavorable weather, the audience was fain 1 t Bidduiph Oounoil Nesting. The nenneilmet plarsuazet to adjo+ rn- meet la the temperance hall Granton oit the 1st innst. The Reeve and all members present. Minute et last' meeting were reed, approved and sign. ed by the Reeve. '.Fee collectors bond ae read and en inetiele stands approv 1. Un motion the clerk wee inetruct- itdei Mr. J' DcarrieSS, P. S. 1. eunuch is dettlr,ua that the tto1'.S.S.No T axil de of the Treasurer obeli eOM OA the Trustees axing ,aecotaiitt were plaid. S. Mills pert tiny i gy sprieg$1.50 .Ara lank for Aruuituges bridge' slim dr(twingplonk ik rep, Breitin 30 ft, plank a ' B, $5,45; An Perrin. ditching N. B. moiety 15.25; Q1tx Clai ilitaers rep, St. Marys G. R. 1 5; Win, Johns(lit 65 loads gravel per A. Laiadforti, $3.25; K McDonald, Baal in fall ter grave! 18198; $3.71; .0 at+lies 62 Wade gravel per M. Grace 2 lye.work $5.tii; Wil.. Hap OS loads ave/ era' , Bremen en i34,76, Tito ouiaela adjourned to meet in the Cuart am Ci tiidelroycn ea Menday the 5th of Nevember1at 10 a, et, Sane Lae Clerk, O'Stock .. ,,- ...:tF WATCHES, CLOCKS EWELERY X311, su PATI ,Tat -per .9w uni.-c 10.'3o ra, aTJ iN:thin41. e11 fi rr Prapermreti SIJ*.is M. a nteevenue inner at: icz ot...D. Pn1k 1ITSA' AAA Ci=fitlt - —.Mt,. Si +at0.:w7 r i1:.'a. e tnal.OAS*.ni. PclinspeRp:opm r 4 a `.ttaiirxiar'tvenu.tt, rt errs 4rat;atS. Cla dr iris -111,..c lisamtdiatcir DISCOUNT 1)1,711ING liuge bear, who made his appeara>;tee on the farm of S, Livergood, o0. the. GosheaLrine, three miles south of this I village It passed within three rods of Mr. Livergood, who happened to be ploughing. Not being armed Mr, L let the animal Make its .wrap( It was afterwards seek by several others in the neighboring woods, and they re - pert the bear to be between three and four hundred lbs. in weight, Irad some of our expert huntsmen got word at. the time, they aright: have cap - tared Mr. Bruin. Business and other GS, Battle Exeter, Ont,' yltrauaa trxlaie gator :palatal attraaGilam, U ;Early brio often. 'Ye' will be sure of a Ba r gain every time, 13 t the Old Stand, opposite Pick ard's Store. I11`a. u. C. S .Eainfxr'.IL s: ,w,Pul EDW.; ise . Edinburgh. clad tllionsew, X. D. P. a 13... Ontario; P. M. S., Toronto. bight bell it *Vico Canon Ontario. Julys:A—tf i W. BROWNING, M. Il., 7K. GI; S. aiiustonf Vie torlarnivereity. OMNIidresldonr' m1hIoaLaboratorv. Exeter Ont. .1unr.Vd7. EN. OFp'IClt— MAU 5T1TIE)*"r. Ender, ra_` Oi alt+ Ceutaal Hotel. r5 - uti — ilia lALreet le*d1i11, to t /010/1724 Wincheisc,, licensed auctioneer a,s for the counties o1 Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Usborne. &dee promptiy attend. ad to, and terse reu m:Able. Sales arranged at the past-otfla, Wincbe1 ea. TAMPA OKE, Exeter, Ontario, Licensed Aucttoueer it forthe Voawty of Heron Solos pmmpUy *graded to, and aatiefactton bnaeaatteel. Hain arranged. at finis *Gino. BERT) ILB1'sR. Licensed Auctioneer for Ray. Stephen, and McGliliarar Township*. Once— At At Post -Mike; Crediton. ILLf"* MOLT LICE SED AUCTIONEER for Tit the Counties of Middlesex and Lambtoe, and the Township* of Stephen and Illy. Alt sales prom- ptly rom- Rom, Saliva postoHle, Ontario. Address all manuntoationii to W. E. DICKSON. Barrister Solicitor of Samaras Li. Notary Public. Conveyancer. Com salseioner. ko Money to Loan. Griller--Fanson's Block. Barter. H. KINSMAN, DENTIST, L. D, 9., extracts teeth without pain by giving Vegetable Vappoor, or using the not/ Ames thetio ont he VMS. Makes Gold Fillinge, and *Mother touts' work the beet possible. Qoee to Zurich last Mu -today in each month. B .2 T BIDE Ob' MAIN STREET }:TP:TEIt.^ Whaahelsear rris, who has been vis Rodger`ville, has return styoung man's Hama Will, that, see the young lady living inthe store. scorner LLIOT ds ELLIOT, Baumann, Solicitors, Conveyancers, aka. Money to Loan at 6% E. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIoT. C. OD, Sunbeam .R e1Q1in Iran Sr.,b gan on a pleasure Mr. Peter Meerai vol le thewueet of Mr. Jae A tat go number *roe 1 the Park Bill fay this 1 report a big time.. A. big raffle was held at E;1. cotter's ace on Tuesday lust, which &leer(lea ood entertainment for most of til+ A 3licha lifornine, yu. itizells took week, mid Il" T1te r(rf is Ting taut on the Methodiet personage. Miss Mattie Sutllerlrrndis, t is wee'. Tasitiur irienth iii Belgreve. Ms Henderson, who .vasa on Wednesday last,, preae el ehnarkh an $nudity, re glad to state that Wee Hunter, who hen been very sick e time, is now coitvaleseerrtr George McEwen is having tore fitted out for ft shoo store Q to hide, end a tailor alum anthe other. tending the a 'Whitton at London, %a still very weak, but it is hoped that she will be ail right in a short time. Mac. John Miller. of Cromarty, sprained hiswrist. one day last week, and hes been namable to work for a few .Agood half days tllreshing was done. at George Seary's, on Saturday, by Mr H. Passmore, but they cannot exceed Haat done at Mr. Butler's some time before ley'Messrs Scott and Wor"dee. We think they are the eleempiou threshers in this neighborkood, We aro informed that 14fZ ,John Cann gave a very edeetive sermon et t last Suedep Cavan Brut; not hero disagree - J. H. Beek has weaved AR ap' t with McEwen aS Hood, oat - as commercial traveller. slake >u goad deuaamen lzutur Has lensed Mr. rm in Tnekersmith, rid, Weeds eno ys, Mr. Coop California.. T. Berry leas the cellar ezeav rnr a dwelling, and part of tl iial is en the ground. We 111 eo those baelholors l,uiltling Houses ►ot to do as George does, rent 'Use' them yourselves, boys! fen wveuing Nee a social gather. it wets held at the residence of Mr. Hayes, where a very enjoyable i+on spout. ssrs Orowley and Fitzgerald, who a been upending a few days at the residence et .Mr, James Bolyn, return e% to St. Thomas on Monday Iasi, Miss B Morris and Master John. Sllorris of Brown City, who have spent the past few weeks among their friends here, intend to return to their home in Michigan this week. We understand that NtrI'utrlek fegan and :family are aabout to move to Aar - risme, Mien,, this week. Mr. Regan is one of the aided settlers in the die- triet,and it is with regret that we speak of his departure from amongst us We wish than all much happiness and eontentment in their nein' home. Mr. Began and family leave many friends and relatives behind; by -whom they are all mach beloved and respected. Staffer The .simnel frill *bow held in this place on Wednesday last, was in eyery sense of the word. a success. Not - withstand• ing the cold inclement weather, the attendance was fair:. Every department was good. Those attending Exeter theday previous, re. port that Staffa far excelled in, roots and fruit, while the display of ladies'' work was good. The outside show was equal to, or above that of former years. Hai the weather been more favorable, the attendance would doubt• less have been greater, Space will not allow here, to give the fall prize list. Hay Farmers Mutual Fire insurance Company. ft./arms DESIRING TO INSURE IN TIrS BEST and cheapest Insurance Company in the Dominion,. oan do so by applying personally,, or by mail to the undersigned. A11 applications promptly attended to. A.1,o agent.. Cor the ;t ellingtoa Company of Guelph. Also AUCTIONEER for the County. of Huron. E, lio,SEN'BERRY, AGENT. no 9.81 Garicb,Ont Corbett. The cheese factory has closed for this season, • • Wedding bell shortly. That's true, ain't it. Jennie The boys have Iajd away their bicy-' aces, and now have to hoof it. Mr. R. Downing got one of his fing- ers badly smashed, one day recently. The weather is very chilly at pres- ent, and the roads in a miserable con- dition, Tommy is inclined to go east often. Why not bring the fair one home, and save those long -walks. Mr. Jatues Gilbert, our best thresh- er, had his hand badly torn while put- ting on the belt on the cylender, one day last week. Mr.: Thos. " Iodgin's and wife, of Centralia, paid our burg a flying visit on Sunday last. Glad to see then, and wish they would conte oftener., Zwrich• it is rumored that the wedding bells will ring next week. Quite anumber from here attended the fair at Bayfield on Tuesday. i'respeet *ppm dila safely eay, tb waging spn t, OP tae wa been present through iia: able weather, while others wvlio reeeav- ed their quarterly pay, frequently let a ry little storm keep them away. The capeciou>a out -building -4 of Mr uncrtn MoLaren u£ the 13th 004 had very rrar1ow escape from being de- stroyed by fico oue .night last week. The three barns join forming a square n which stead the straw ataek. About en o'clock ea oue of the boys was go- in,g home, he noticed the stack on fire„ and inalnediatelygsve tbealarmto the nest of the family, who had already re- tired. Quite trail ex(titerrient was rail- %by sbontulg fire, and riugiilg bells, nd in a short time at zeatebee of the eighhors were present to try and ex lash the fire, whiehthey succeeded oiug .,after about two hours work. McLaren feels very grateful that Id` had no further lovas titan the straw ;tele Hee tem haw been deetsoyetl is lova would have been unestinaalale, © has maenilicont buildings, and of the seaeuin°s crop in the hares. the tire originated, is a mystery, s Ito lights had been used arow l the 'sea for scene., week!. The 3iethodists have posters ou annoulrc1Ug for n Harvest Dinner . al Wednesday, 17th inst. From what we know of tilea Illethodist ladies, anti of the speakers anslouuced to be present,, ve think those who want a good, all traund feat would do well to attend. on can, fill both stenmeh and. mind or 25 cents:, 'Morns COUneil. The council meton October Crtb with all the members present Minutes of the last aJ meeting were read and signed. Moved by S. Halls, seconded by W. Kydd, that by-law No. 4 legalizing the levying of the Township, County, Raiff way and Watercourse rates, and by- law No. 5 legalizing the levying of the School rates for the current year as now road a third time be passed.— Curled. Moved by a,. Shier, second- ed by T. Oemeron, that the clerk be hereby instructed te complete the col- lectern ollecter'en roll and deliver the same to the collector on or before the 15th clay of October, 1888, providing the collector'sbond is found satisfactory.— Carried. Moved by T. Cameron,, sec- onded by J. Shier, that Menne J. Halls and W. Kydd be appointed to get :the necessary repairs done to the town hall, and also"to procure seatsfor the same:—Canned. Moved by W. $ydd, seconded by T. Cameron, that the collector's bond for 1588 be accept - edit being satisfactory to this council. and thatthe collector be instructed to make returns to the treasurer at least once every two weeks.—Carried. Most- ea oved by e . Halls, seconded by 5`. Shier, that orders be granted as follows:— S. *Tacoma, $12; M. Samwell, $13; J. P'olon5; A. Stewarte$5.25; E. Hewitt, $20; T. Brace, $3.85; J. Bell, $21.50; J. Gardiner, $9.10 ; W. Martin, $5 ;; The roads are at present in a miser- able state, on 'account of it having rained so much lately. Last Tuesday Mr. S. Gidley, of Exeter, paid us a friendly visit. Sam, "Vas niachen de Gensen da" Quite a number attended the fair at Exeter, last week, and had it not been for the unfavorable weather, several more would have taken it in. To -day, (Thursday) there will be a grand millinery opening at Ds- Stein- bache. Don't forget actin, for he has an excellent stock of millinery on hand The season for rabbit hunting be- ing at hand, a number of.our hunts - mien have -been trying their skill, "Harry, do not pull the trigger too hard.' Quite an excitement was caused 'ou Tuesday last, in this locality, by a Orange Nows. L. O. L. No, 710, intends having an olltertaiument o1v sono kind between now and Christmas. The date is not yet fixed. L. 0. L. No. 153, Colborne,will hold a Royal Arch meeting on the evening of Friday the 19th Inst. A large number of visiting brethren are expect- ed to bepresentt A meeting of the Provincial Com- mittee, for the purpose of taking in tatory proceedings in making arrange- ments for the next meeting of the Su- preme Grand Lodge at aoderich, will; be held: in Clinton on the 20th inst. The Orangemen of Blyth, purpose holding a monster Loyalist .Demonstra- tion, some time during the month of October, when some prominent Orange men and Rev. gentlemen are expected to give addresses. County -Secretary, W. Laidlaw, is endeavoring to secure the following prominent speakers Rev. Bro. Cobourn, of Gerrie,- B.ey. Torrance of Walton,, and B. V. Clarke, of Toronto. N. Clarke Wal lace, Grand Master of Woodbridge, Dr, Potts, and R. Birmingham, Grand Secy., of Toronto. Blyth always has largegatherings on.sueh occasions, and the pr&ant one being in the hands of a good conimittee,-it' is expected that it will surpass all former occasions: County -Master Toting, of Brussels, is asked to preside, and the public .are cordially invited. W. C. M., Bro. E. Floody, paid an official visit to L. O. L. Io. 145, 4th con., Goderich Township, on Monday evening, 4th inst. 1Eotwithstanding the fact that tie weather was disagree- able, a fair number of the members Ii Quintan, $20.40; F. Davis, $9. were present. The members , meet in Carried.. On motion of T. Cameron, a well furnished and comfortable hall seconded by J. Shier, the council ad- journed to meet again. Saturday the 3rd day of November at 11 a. in. G. W. HoLI3.x, Clerk. Ribbert Catches. Miss Rowe, of Mitchell, is the guest of Miss Nellie Whyte. Rev. W. Waddell and wife, of St. Marys, spent last week with Mr. and ()range Insurance, and at the close 3 Mrs. Thompson, of Cromarty. members made out applications. 145 Miss Annie Tewers, who had a nor- is one of the most prosperous lodges in row escape from being trilled, while at- the county of south Huron., of their own, Bro. T. McKee is W. M., and presides with honor to him- self and ;credit to his brethren." The W. C. M. addressed the brethren on the principles and growth of the Orange Order, its necessity at the present time, and on its success in the future, He gave the brethren an account of the proceeding of the Grand Lodge re- cently held at Winnipeg. He also spent a little time in ' advocating the