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Despite grumbling
county passes
repairs for homes
should honour the warantey.
But Huron East councillor -Joe
Seili pointed nut that by the time the
Tenders for roof repairs of depreciation of 15 years of use was
535.000 in . at Huronview and subtracted, the amount of money
'S16.000 at Huronlea were approved gained from legal action would he
hr countylcouncillors at their June I negligible.
meeting despite grumbling that the Bluewater councillor Bill Dowson
roofs shouldn't need repairs at all. wondered if council should he
Several councillors grumbled that looking at using steel on the roofs of
buildings less than 15 years old the buildings.
shouldn't need to have their roofs Bernie' MacLellan, councillor for .
replaced when they had 25-year Huron East said he had experience
shingles installed in the first with Duraloc steel roofing on his
place.. home and while it costs three times
County engineer Don Pletch said the price of asphalt shingle, it also
part of the problem is the increased lasts three times as long._
heat which is reducing the lifespan In the end councillors agreed to
of asphalt shingles. approve the tenders for- a partial
When someone pointed out that it replacement of the roof on each
was hard to go after the contractor home, with the knowledge this will
alter -this length of
time, South be an ongoing expense for the next
Huron councillor Ken Oke said it few years until the entire roof has
y. as the shingle manufacturer who been replaced.
Huron ahead
of the game
on anti-smokin
provincial law wont, unless the
facility was moved to a ground floor
where patients had access to an
outdoor area.
As of June I, designated smoking
rooms at the county's two homes for
the aged were also closed. There is a
provision to allow such rooms under
the provincial legislation but it
would cost $133.000 in upgrade to
meet new standards and there arc
only three patients in the two homes
that use the rooms. said Barh
Springall, homes administrator. -
While there is additional
provincial money for enforcement,
Nelligan wasn't sure if Huron will
be able to get access too it because
of the provincial rules. Huron has
been using regular staff to provide
enforcement. The province wants
dedicated enforcement staff.
Because of the far-flung nature of
the county there will he a lot of time
spent driving, Nelligan says, so the
county is trying to convince
provincial officials that additional
enforcement staff v, ill he needed.
Rumble strips cause noise again
where rumble strips, .designed to
send a strong reminder 'to drivers
that they are approaching a stop
sign, should he installed.
Klopp had been a strong opponent
last of the installation of "milled in"
rumble strips at the St. Joseph
corner of County Rd. K4 and Hwy.
21. Local residents had complained
about the noise made by vehicles
going over the strips.
County engineer Don Pletch said
the strips on County Rd. 20 are
replacing those that will he removed
during the paving process. They will
he located east and west of County
Rd. 22 (Donnybrook Line), east of
County Rd. I and east of Hwy. 21.
Neil Rintoul, Ashfield-Colhorne-
Wawanosh councillor strongly
supported the installation of the
strips at Donnyhook Line. "That's a
had intersection there," he said.
"People need a wake-up."
Well done
Jory Uyl and Mike Boven from Blyth performed well at the recent OFSSA track and field meet.
The two were among five St. Anne's students participating. Uyl was 12th in '80-metre hurdles
and 13th in 300-metre hurdles, while Boven was fifth in the 800-metre run, They are pictured
with coach Baird Robinson, right. Auburn-area student Tom Lecomte finished 11th in the 100
metre hurdles, while Julia Tousaw was second in the 400 metres hurdles and fourth in the 400
metre run and Nick McGilvery finished second in the 100 metre ambulatory. (Photo submitted)
By. Keith Roulson
Citizen publisher
By Keith Roulson
Citizen publisher
There should be fewer problems for
Huron County enforcing the new
province-wide prohibition on
smoking in public places because a
similar bylaw has been ,in effect here
for two years.
That's the feeling of. Penny
Nelligan, • director : of the Huron
County Health Unit which 'is
charged will} enforceMent under the
provincial legislation. Nelligan told
county councillors, June I , that
because of the Huron bylaw, many
people are already used to places
they can't smoke.
' • The provincial law is more strict,
however. she said. Smoking will
along he allowed in outdoor patios at
restaurants or bars if they are totally
in the open air. Umbrellas are not
Huron's bylaw allowed smoking
for the psychiatric wing of the
Alexandra Marine and General
Hospital , in Goderich but the
By Keith Roulson
Citizen publisher
Repaving of County Rd. 20 west
from Belgrave put the issue of
rumble strips on the agenda of
Huron (Oulu)/ council again oh June
Council agreed to reinstall "rolled
in" rumble strips where they had
previously existed on the road, but
not before some councillors had a
chance to re-express their opinions
on the suhject.
Last year council was unable to
come up with a firm policy on where
roads department officials could
proceed with installation of rumble
strips after several acrimonious
Bluewater Councillor Paul Klopp
said he likes Bruce County's
- procedure which involves the local
municipal council in the decision of