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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-27, Page 8
.411.TIC MoTuE ri, .,Are you disturbed atnigh, 'and btib,+ken eirrouk host by a sick ebild suffering Anaciyingwith 141n of eutttag, it•eth? It ;i`. $0 114 At once and get u bottle of US$, WtssLAW'S SopTittNo SYRUP wott call=ln,sn( $'Eti'J U o. it• value is 14oAlcul• uAt4, It wilt rel£evethepoorlittlesulrererimme- dt•ately. Depend upon it, =Others, there is no mist:Alto about. it, It eaves dysentery and than rhos, regulates the stow:to/lend bowels„ ouzo wtndcoltc, softens the gums, reducesinilatmna: tion, and gives tone and energy to the Whole :system. MRS. \4INS1,01ir'@ SCannti(3 Sr1taProR 4xtr.4)!tt:+Z Tanis .tttctispteauanttothpt8att'dud, is the pzeso rpt; ;n of 011_0"if the 01(Wt Alta oast fepta'e nnrsea,.aud pli ,ittians incite 'United i,tette'i, un+l is rorsale by Sill 4101=0113 thruuglt, t)4ttittktrorkiI. trice ZS :?uts"s4lif le,, V A. T' A. c A New Hon -e `1'.'etntmelnt nor tine tit,}re of Oatat'.'ln, Cater- hal deafness and liay E ever. The ]iierestive hues prated that these tlls;ases are ..• .evitagioes.ard that they are due to the linteeaee o! Wing. ng Z,a.-asites in the interlining mewbratie a the super :ar pas esan"l.astacidentubes. The etuin, ea; srieutists. T"4daT lfuxley a,ut Beale "v,dorse th s. aces these &tither icy cannot be disputed. 'The reg.:oar method t+f t 'su > these diseases ba$'heeu to spiny an iraitaut rarely weekly, aadeten tl"'tS thus l:neFiug the eeeleeate tcemibraue fa a ccust,iat state of irritation. allowing it no chance to heal, zy •(as a eat- uraleensequence L et.rh treatment not est. psnitsu. eat eurchas e,arl? en reet!rele'. It is an absolute tett that these diseases eannat a eared by say appU. r cation nestle oftener titan dice Mn two leets, Icor the nteeabrane moist get a thane to heat t>ef creat a•+pU- Sarer£ate,3 vs ?acme s vea.a rs since Mr. Dean ,lisuetered the parasite in catsr h ra,:a3 ferryulated his new treatment and stn then Itis rcfre.),lc ha- ▪ Vlueat-vus.tut weird An Vi3rt cotmr'p &there the gtigasit t.A ^ css„e le poker): cures effected by bunt sae eu years ago ate carts orad, there bating been no rant:, of tilc+ltisease. a, i,§tilt}artaV ese nr,edies valued,t17atiguorant ▪ alitat•+rs have started vp.esentithere, pretegdimg to et'sir v para.$ite, et %tier, dtcy i,.trur nothing. by maa;¢%es. the results of theap "a,. n) of uhfelaa they are caaeaasty ignorant- Mr: ne 7ton a r ' edr is Ap +heti e,ets- "nee in two Regi s„ and f ern nil.: to three at?pii- ConoTaedect 5 l+ertwszatcore itt tiome$Ze‘t woof u prRi3t• Air . i'"imete:rde s p t:ateir'.et tiesrrilcieg um troatn:e',t nit the teeter: 4f etataiti to ply puseage, 'r'^e a.tdress Fe A. It 131So1S St ;v,: tt1 tiutt'streela , 'west. Totout`.4'amada. , seteetiAe gtneracan--ielr4 We think.a, man like Mr..Keddy'should know better than make such wild and erroneous statements such as those alluded. to. Khiva Note, Miss ..&,nnie Coughlin, of Otra, and Miss 13, Morris, of Michigan, gave Ihiva a short visit on Saturday Last. Mr. John Thompson has gone to Loudon to spend a few days. A great contest is going an between. Maud IL and the "Little Blonde in Blue" to see who is going to.geet Bill. Colne Bill hurry up and Jots know, who the Ittky one is going to bel Khi. ta.-f'ouths wish to know what entices Peddystack west so often now. Is it a, lady lose. Paddyt Mr. John Boland and a few of his ;chums, of Ailsa Craig, gaves'•s a call on Sunday. Glad to see that John is able to be around again. alter his severe illness. Mr. G. H.. of Crediton, grve our town a sbort visit an Sunday last. We hear that one of our ,iris living west is going to leave us. We guess site has staked her joys on the Hill. S .LE REGISiI'ER. Oct of 'a, ?on. 31 tp. of "Sidtiulph,on Saturday Oct. 6111, farm stock irple- silents enc. Sale to commence at one. o'clock sharp. Mrs. Rd. Quaztce and . Jas. Carnal prop. Jas.. Oke Auctioneer. oil Lot 22 Lake Road, East, Hay, on Saturday Oct. Cth, at one o'clock sharp, farm stotk and implements Rd Williams prop. Ed Boysenberry, Auctioneer. t'n, lot. 15, S. E. Boundary, 1 sborine, en Monday October lst, farm steel•. and implements. nts. W ext. Cook, prop. IlatTey Brown a uetlsneer. Mr. JO lnia Pirt ataii+(t an visiting frig ads in . Minch day last, Ins. Toxo try Sr* a wisiiito-g Mr. Henry Beal,, .for a couple o£ weeks. :air. W. I'enwardcn and wife, Bothwell, are visiting friends Vs11orate. :sir Harry P nsinore, who fractured two ril.s n shore thus ago is improving and will soon be around soaius Sidney, wild lives a Iittle north of 1S'incheisea, : and whom Bachelor Lill raised ester the fence a shqrt time ago smiles now beeertnse he has shut Bach. Bill out front being his Lrotherin-law. The latest gossip in the gossiping circles is that Sidney ant? Bath. Bill ere going to get suarried. They are going; to have a . inion Ball and a- t;.i.erul invitation they are going to gins to all. T *ay! Bob and 3)1ck, won't etre have lots of fun. Paul, who lives ten the Thames Road rest the stone church, had better find ( it, who tlw I'sborne reporters Fre before he eiroulates the names of inno- c -ut people as being reporters. He is I.fo a good many other coon dogs iarlcing up the wrong tree." We hear that Robert, of Winchelsea, 'who occupies the two story .brick as a (anti=age buIldiug,is,about to retire on f.-. ouut ,of a depression in trade and iaa8 almighty dollar being scarce. It na talked ,of that he is going to take out a general agency for sulky plows tad wheelbarrows etc: We guess the dollars are a little scarcer now since he don't have a. female teacher to board :gayer mind Robert, perhaps you can induce the trustees to give George the run and hire two female teachers and you shall have them both to board. 1.Vou't that be finel T.11;:a; DO 'T TIII,vx ITA P AB:IDISF..- 1vVe notice an article in the Exeter Tinged of last week chipped from the Brandon Sun stating what Mr. Ralph Redd;, of Exeter,thought of the prairie province. Mr. Keddy says he does not thins that the prairie province lens been over -rated. We have noth- i +g to say in regard to that ,Whatever, lint when Mr. Kecldy says • that the people of Ontario live on shot;t alluty timers and their fn;Iqs are played out we insist on having a say, as we wish. Mr. Keddy to remember that ;if he live" on short allowances and his farm is a played out one he ;neednot class ha Ontario with himself. It' is an undeniable fact that there is no people iu the universe to -day in better circum- stances and more contented than the l,eople of Ontario. PTo better„ soil can kit found on this earth than in Ontario. ee wo"te t 'rues - trills, is London, AKIO° POW E DR.WASKNGTON sIELURRAE., liURRAT ` _F 1R--- a1l k111 •'- �` LD1,. Ilisilig "4 I tilir mill -RI lilt TT ti T.ci 44.'astoxuers ald Public at lzt~ eR here is the plaler to get s r.siet self ism ted,oith Snits nli'd, up in the latest styles, at hard time Prices, FINE ;RANG -F. OF (Wars ALWAYS I14 STOOK. PERFECT FIT UARAN f,EF.,1) Cloth( $ cIt axa"°(1 and , ealo). attd at moderate prices. A CALL `COLIC TE1%. 1'p stairs, over Post Office. 1,o- G. SMALLACO B.'' NEXT "Ishr )ritaudLattaaaar,ge+o a. TO EXETER Will, be at aLL4w Li Royal Steamships. Liverpool & Quebec Service. Call rig at Der=ry. Date ot S+aaitinigs. PARISIAN.. , . —Thursday, May 24 1'QI,XicESIA Friday, June 1 SARDINIAN.... —Thursday, " 7 OII O SIAx\ , .......Friday 64 15 SAlilll .Thursday, " 21 PARISIAN. . <..... ,+" xt .28 FOL' ESI.AN . .. ,Friday, Jir`ty 6 SARDINIAN ......Thursday, to 412 CIRCASSIA T........ Friday, 4`''20 SARM ATI.A1 . , ....Thursday, " 26 PARIS AN ....... • s" Aug. 2 POLYNESIAN.. — . Ie hit y, " 10 SARDINIAN... , ..Thursday, "t 16 CIRCASSIAN ....... ,Friday, i" 24 SARMAIAN:.. .Thursday, " 30 RA TES...-=•Cebin, $60, $65 and $75, according, to location orposition. Re turn 5100, x125, $150 Interntediate, Liverpool, Londennderry, or Glasgow $$$g0, Return, $60, Steerage at lowest rates. Steerage passengers booked to or from Glasgow, Belfast, Queenstown London at Liverpool rates, Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or rslitt- tves by the Allan, Line. For further particulars apply to a<diY1l Spae'kulall4 the only mutaorized sae, t ete MANUFAGTU RE ' ikiE INSURANCE COMPANY. AND TlE.1 nfacturera' AceMent Ins. Ge!, wo separate and distinct sampan. 4 with.full Government deposits, They 'lorin:d cap t-il and other assets are rel.peetfully w2 C00,000 and $1,6,10,000 PilliSIDENT. ET.,IiO . SIR JOHN A. 11iACLio; A.141-), lrs•Prts-ssor.; ss—GeorgeGoofier]seta, Esq., President Bank ,of Toronto, autl Witham I3; 3:1, F,y:. Marnufaaturer,. Grnolph. J. 11. Callum; "Xlstiaging Director. 'Plea Largest Capital Stock Company on tits continent, Politics issued on the Ortlinary Lift', Endow meet and Natural Premium Plans. remiums fns reasonable as is eotnpat. ible with bonatide life itln;xranee. E. 1a'LOODY, Inspector Iluron alid 3:lrucee. AbsoIutetyyPt re. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and v,intle-otneness, ylore economical hau the ordinary kwinds. and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude ot'low test, short ` weight shun or phosphate powders, &hi only in x tws RorAI. liUstac Pownrn Co., 106 all St.,a'. Y. CANADA'S GRE4T nuint L- I{'AI1L ORON T� ; PT. lOth to 22nd 000 Greater than eve$50 , PRIZES A.nd Special Attractions New Features and Grand Exhibits. The best attractions that money, can secure. Por Prize Lists and Programmes ad dress the Secretary. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 18tH. J, . S WITHROW, H. J. FITT,L re �. President. Sec., 1.Uxo;wro, ismanAray c"v$Aiim whp 1s weak, Nervous, Debilitated, who1nlria Folty and ignorance bas Tr- fletti away his Vigor of Body, Mind "sad Mahood, causing exhati fig drains upon the. Fountatna of Life. Headache, Baokaohe, DreadfuIDreams, Weakness ot men -tory, tlashfulneas in 3ooiety, ,PWO. Face mndall the Effects leading to Early Decay, .Donsumption ;Or insanity, will find in ottr specific lio. 23 e. 'Positive Cure. It imparts 'south -rut 4Ifgor restores the Vital Powver iold and ybung. strengthens and invigorates the Brain And Nerve%. builds up the muscula system ath 'and arouses into action e whole physical energy of the human inane,. With our specifio. 4Ta. 23 the most obstinate ease can bo cured in .three months, and recent ones finless than thirty Fria2k©suaaeBstreat- ment. $ Cu contains Our i o. 541s an intailible Cure forll Private Diseases no matter of how long sta nd- in Sold under pu t written Cuarsnteeto effdat a Cure. 3 rico 55. Toronto' Medicine Co; Toronto Ont. GO TO -- J:0 OJ;,C. ETON EMAN'S I3ENSALL, For Clocks, Watches, Gold, Sit- - ver and Plated. Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, and Stationery. All kinds of repaX ing Neatly and promptly ex- :anted. All Work guaranteed. ATTENTION! yes F'rout'"»' arch? W. SOUTHCOTYS Clothing and Gents' F U±tNISHI1FG STORES EXETER - - - O?: T SOME OF TFIE ;FINEST TWEET S TRT .CAN 13E SECURED, I5 ARRIVING EVERY DAY. Gent;' Furnishings in the latest styles at r,.igilt prices. A CALL SOLICITED. '..'4out heott, +'orner Masi & John stn, ESTE, - ONT. EXETER MARKETS. Red.Winter, per bus'1 White Spring Barley "" Oats Peas Eggs Butter, .Roils Butter, Crocks Wool Potatoes per bus . gay per toga $ 98 to 100 98 to 100 90 to 95 55 to 60 30 to 30 60 to. 60 15 to 15 15 to 16 1;5 to 16 hfi to 18 30- to 30 9.00 to 9.50 `•lti al EPTE [Iii w UNTIL NOON O�StId` ;. Chronic Broncllxtis Cured. An English Church Clergyman streaks. 12 eturu, C"ui & al., Cult. Tit, Wss m mons— DEAR SID, -1 am glad to be :dale to In- form you that ray dnttghta+r i 1 (111:1r e+„it" again. As this istthe sec•+ud tits ;she has been eared of grate l,r,+ne'llial trouofes under your treatment,, when the usual remedies failed, 1 write t"1 -expre ii my gratitude. Please eseept .u;; min"rera thanks, Yours truly. C. B. 1? T1 "I , DISEASE TR>"ATt:D—Ca r.:rabko.f tit-: head and. Throat, : Catarrh Deafness, (Imam Bronchitis, Asthma and Cunstnnileiun. Also lots t4 voice, sore throat, etalitrtrd tonsils. Polyleus of the #:one resitotird, Cou a early. Consultation infs. A few of the many cured ):ay. Dr. Wash- ington's Dew method; Storey, of storey a Son. maim- lecturers, Acton, Ont., also Preset). Munn titeturing Asia. of •Can :ds, permanently cored of Catarrh 11^"17r. Washington, pro - tweed incuutbisysv noted apue►alists int this country and „ urope. Write him for 1,aartit ulats. lrs7Jubn McEelvy, l inl sten , Ont„ Caterri,+, and (;'oua+unni+tion. ,X"lieu ftitclfelvy,Kinf aton Ont. V:starl•h, i11n:i, A. hopping, Kingston, Ont. Brous/to Congnrption. Mr..D Scott, KingRton, Ont,, Catarrh heard and Throat. M Mrs, John Beriram,1Tawawsmith, Ont, Catarrh, threat, ?tti.,s Mary A. Th nthourg, Veritraville, Ont,, Catarrh, heard anti throat. .141111t3 Mathew, 1' .11a9r ter, A.eton Ont. A. B. Fish, Gentsurnislaiugs, Belle- ville, Ont., cured of G'atarah, threat. Joint Phip in, i. *udlzur: t P. O., Ont., ;neatr i~lapanve) of Cat•srh, head, throat unI 1iuij s. l t�wil{ officio- 214 Young Sheet, Toronto. Coni 'Winn P rero. nc Laving recently built a NOW Factory, 1. am xtaty better prepared to fmnish air t'u:tomert`, and all wlw favor me with a call, with all Rinds of Land Rollers, Gates, Enc. On shortest of ce. TUC DONE «IQIJICKNESS DESPATCH.D» All Orders by Mail or tOtherwise, Promptly Attended A CALL SOLICITED. v esti E ET b NORTH, iT, r yt uk ie wtr, assorted for the scaean'* trade. Ler prices add wait fain. GROCERIES ;---1 bs+'&cigar for oral' tt��LOO ibs. �rhl to far a#i1.00. Weren't he owt:;..old In ' 'elf) a Ewan 20 to .e per BM* cf «hoes tail Styles) s: IOW prices. to e4iA s, nte',l `tr:,'1'i, elf tfiltriVirmaat *0(4 fi('YTII-T $art. GLASS off s,sa,,l. IesE 11:1i Mae 1010, is,r ,1Nan" 1 le a» w a ntoe Tea $eft offs pieces« $2.75 A ice"4a it tt S. at9 i ^a'.e (7+ chivy ft<c $5. Asda Cai t aii`a;, ^'ot up in grad stye; QttrOres tOneonsare sr? r% ed dove t't) the lowest, .4, COTTON--- :10 yds. for 1.' A house and lot, els , a farm for sale Applin t„ JOHK MATI `� Far Nett MMHG THE E PROPRIETOR OF `I'I! It: DOMINION LABORATORY Pegs to announce to his aura r ons Thiends and Patrons that he has just put in a full line of Staple & Fancy t tatic- ery., Account looks, &hoof Books, and kinds of School requisites Letter.ar d Note Paper Fools cap Paper, AccGpunt Papers,' t o1o:r'e( ']'i> sllcs, d=1lt Papers and Drawing Paper Pens, Ink, Pencils, and also a fug line (rf all the newest and most its : Imr works of Fiction, all of wbzc'i will eb sold at the 'lowest remeurative rates. '® BROM102. PEOPRIB OR. TIie Lion Provident Life and Live Stook Associ'n •3eacl Office, Room B, Arcade, Toronto, onta,' lo. Incorporated Aug., 1887. Purely Mutual. No Assessments. Owners of Valuable Horses and other live 'took can now get thele insured at two thirds of their actual market value In case of accident or death. Send for Circulars to J. SKINNED, Box 245, Mitchell, Ont., agent for Huron and Perth, or to W. Johns, Secy., Arcade Building, Toronto, Ontario. Sep6 1,,, o' tS ? i o The subscriber wishes to inform the armors and general public that he .is prepared to furnish all sizes and kind of E3' Tar I` Well digging' prcmptlY done, and at reasonable rates. Residence and shop, on. Ann street, • behind Christie's Livery Stable,. A VALL SOLICITED