HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-05-18, Page 14PAGE 14. THE CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 2006. Summer driving tips for safer travelling - • . As you head out on the roads and highways this summer, here are a few tips to keep in mind to keep you and your family safe. Summer brings increased traffic to roads and highways. During the summer, tourists and vacationers add to the usual amount of traffic faced on everyday routes. The weekends are also busier than usual, with people travelling to cottages, golf courses or one of Ontario's great tourist attractions. Like any time of year, safe driving practices are the best way to deal with increased traffic. It can get hectic out there, so try to stay calm. Drive at a safe speed and be courteous to other drivers. Speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic and not yielding the right-of- way can lead to collisions. If you're tired at the wheel, stop at a safe rest area, or take a break and treat yourself to a coffee or an ice- cream. You'll feel rejuvenated and more alert. And as always, make sure everyone in your vehicle is buckled up. Babies and young children should be in car seats and booster seats. Proper use of seatbelts and child car seats, including booster seats, is' the single most effective way to. reduce vehicle-related injuries and fatalities. Health Canada statistics show that motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death among children from one to nine years of age and child car seat clinics held across Ontario demonstrate that as many as four out of five child seats are installed or used incorrectly. PACKING YOUR CAR On Friday night and Saturday mornings, the highways are full of vehicles stuffed to the max with supplies for the weekend, as well as sporting and camping equipment. If you're heading out to the cottage, don't let these extra items block your view of the road. Make sure any loads are securely tied onto your vehicle, and if you are carrying a large load, slow down. Tie down loads and make sure you have a clear view of the road. KEEP ON THE LOOKOUT In addition to the number of cars on the road, cyclists and motorcyclists come out of hibernation in the summer and can be hard to spot. There is also increased activity close to the road. Once school is out, 'more children are playing outside. There are rollerbladers, skateboarders and scooters on sidewalks and streets, and all-terrain vehicles can appear unexpectedly by the side of the road. Watch for pedestrians and activity by the side of the road. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE Summer also gives us lots of opportunities to get together with family and friends. If you are going to have a few drinks at a picnic or barbecue, make sure you have a designated driver. Summer is also prom season. If your son or daughter is graduating this year, find out what the high school is doing to make sure students don't drink and drive during or after the festivities. CONSTRUCTION SEASON And as everyone knows, summer also brings increased construction on roads and highways. Keep road workers safe by being prepared to stop or slow down in construction zones. N etwork Classifieds: Advertise Across Ontario or Across the Country! For more information contact Your local newspaper CAMPING ONTARIO - Book your Holidays! CMT and Chevy Truck Presents 17th Annual Have- lock Country Jamboree - August 17-20/06. Featuring Lonestar, Charley Pride, The Oak Ridge Boys, John Anderson, Ian Tyson, Crystal Gayle, Carolyn Dawn Johnson & more. Order tickets 1-800-539-3353, www.havelockjamboree.com -‘) 1•;‘,. CREDIT PROBLEMS, BANKRUPT- CY, NO PROBLEM! Wholesale prices, 4000 vehicles, ZERO down, Mr. Green Autowest 1-800-634-0117 Easy Finance-Low Payments MOTOR VEHICLE dealers in Ontario MUST be registered with OMVIC. To verify dealer registration or seek help with a complaint, visit www.omvic.on.ca or 1-800-943-6002. 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