HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-27, Page 5N. taut; ,s Visit.
iriN Tuesday text, , October 2n4 Mr,
. Staeu,ley. the celebrated optician, 18
&011d011 .furan 4.11.ltas ,40.0 w iii f revel , , Loudon, Rug,, will seind Frof
R uL,tre ka' L. J. Donal` here for the purpose of fit-
ru"orxcx NORTH-, e':M1 1 BIans'--1'..ss'in'r, ting 'p etaacles, Re will be found at
as icy, 44 part... 7.4.# A.,11-
L'l 'ni..n Or vii-t,ti $.28
Vent, Mlizc, , :..,, 8.4.a
E:i,E4`lf it « '.aa6
fife:ers411,,,,.—•• 9.V6
. 9.14
13roceiie41,9. 2
'ti+iotoo ,, , , 0.40
l<,ao.Adoab,aro', , , . ,10 00
,jeigrave, ,......1+0,25
' ''.lighannarrive,10.45
4 •a P,9 IL Licksjewelry store. ANII those
5.;:o 1 desiring to secure perfect fitting spec -
5. a 4 cycle a'+ti ill do'wr.11 to call.
;>. fiielt rangers.
5.57 1 1 o -•."for oft the 13e11 'Lingers in,
0,09 V Iarew's. Opera House, ou Monday and
6,17 Tuesday',Amt, Ont. 1st and 2nd, 391
CIO laughs in 120 minutes. lluwpty.
6,45 .IauminY• aat•il the Ghost, Geinmodere
7,('3 Foote and sister, the two smallest
7.12 l eoalc- of t?iirir age in the world, Six
7.27 teen *Artists, of the finest type. Their
7,45 eac«.ilei" cornet band will play each
Boers Sozrxn, Passenger l evenio:g in front' of the opera house.
lt1ringnaun,depart. 7.05 4,10 3.40 r•N if y -Int, want a rich treat don't miss
13eagt Arte•., ,. 7,24 4.00 this. Fun for the 'nation every time.
D1 v th , . • „ 7.35 4.15 Football Concert..
I o.edesluotQ', , . 7.47 4.25 On Midas evening last the football
Clinton .. , — 8.07 4.45 club held their first t:oneero in Drew's
Br'acetleld , , , , . 8;46" 6.04 Opera ?,'e=ase. The crowd was very
Klippen . - , .. „ 8.34 ` 5,12 slim, but nevertheless, -this clic not: in
icesatl , • . 8.41 5,19 "nl" away steep the several performers
om noting their part- On mount taf
clod man, Dr, Rollins, bring *1A.
ant Mr. 1?. ,lona opened' up, the
proceeding. Mr. Cosgrove, Oats St -
rye rendered several musical' select.
io Is, which teas pronounced hr those
present to be exceedingly gated. • Tho
Orchestra Also rendered aolia,a good'
selections. The nigger minstrels were
he laughable part ofthe program. The
bong of the football (:tub was well rons-
dered and received a hearty' applause.
in fact everything vine up to the stand-
ard, and it was without hesitation, one
0 the best concert's'lneld id the Qpeia;a.
use this eeaason,
Exeter,. ,. ... 8.114
Centralia ...... 9.07
4lanedeboye . 9.18'
l ucan-cre$teg
i;o a len,strri;ve. , ,10;1:5.
1`a11 Ezchilsttons:
Provincial at lingstart Sept til t
Western, at Louden Sept 20 to
Stephen' and Usb,ai a at Exeter
3 and
South ,Perth at St, Marys Qct 2
D1aarnsbard at Eirlttazl Oct 4 audv
Clinton Oct. 19 and 21
tlacaderich Oct, 2 and 5
Forest Oct 9 and 10."
Wet Marra Etnablo Oct, 12
ETA Munn, Eruesls, Oct 4 aant15.
Fist 1.V waniosla, Relgrave,Oet, 9th.
dein rt at Statin, Oats 3.
Stanley, at llay6e14,oin Monday and
Tue lla)°, Oar. 5 0.
Local' News,
Servant 'Wanted.
A toms; general eervaantwautcd. One
to do general homework. Apply to
Mr -s, D. Johns.
8,lllirrcr}r Opening,,
On Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, Miss Iforn
'tends having her Milinery °inning.
.4'1,x1 the latest New York., PanriN and
l:^aglicaln sty lei w7,3 be shown. Q0.11
foal :limo et her r.Al .'rilliet`nt attack which
will '.e opened ora:th.tt
k3o z eball,
A game, of baseball was = played on
'1'ue•a.ciany ,last, hetwtTn 3ki tear
I;17Liq lfanal and a picked nine. The
guile was as very interesting one, and
some good playing wits done. The
store stood 7 to 11 in fuer of the pick.
cd nine..
A few days ago, while an adopted
daughter of 'Mr. 1). Brawn', i scoter
North, was standing neer the stove, by
,,'mw means a kettle for pot full of hot
water, standing nn my stove got up ' t
aural the contents fell upon the child.
The rh lel suffered intonsly from pain
until Tuesday night, when death i+ut
an end to its sufferings.
On 7'ue,dn,v next Pair day, the
"Ike -
ter "Stang ` play a game of b ,.;ball
with the "Irish Nine•, of Lucau; kr
the championship of North Middlesex.
The games takes place on the, • gentle -
mart's driving park,ane will commence
at 9.30. This will be the: game nil .the
season, at bnth clubs are in excellent
e•ond-ition. Everybody come early: and
witness it. Admission only 10 crabs,
ladies 5 cents
S•portsrr)en's Depot.
44o•to the sportsmen's depot at Geo.
Sanders and see his celebrated powder
the, "wild rover t.nd the people's favor
iter, itis immen se. a full supply of
sporting goods which is sure to please
ELIXIR Vr r magnetic mineral from
natures laboratory, for ulcerated stom-
ach and all.ciiseases of the stomach, for
liver, kidney and piles, the most •,von
derf al article ever offered tothe public,
The Tramps' Latest Ruse.
The trainps have struck 'open a new
and, as yet, very successful' begging
scheme. One enters the house; saying
that he has been looking for work all
moraing,buthaas not succeeded rs ,find -
in any,and. offers to buy a few slices of
Dread and butter. When he receives it
lis searches in his coat to find the mdaley.
Much to..bis apparent amazement lie
discovers that it has fallen through a
hole in his pocket and' he offers re-
turn the food. His offiii is not accept-
ed and he Beta a good meal besicles lots
of sympathy for their loss. Fire them
.out without delay. : Thew areall loaf -
ors .etti
ors.ettd' thi,etes
attractions above stated are enough to
warrant us le stating that a pea day
is in store for those coining to our
lively little town. on Monday and Tues-
day mit.
More new goods at Farkinsoee's.
--New good arriving every week -at
—Ra' Y -.8iui r'sr and Bennett 13rths
change of advertisement.
-*-Call at Parkanson's and see the
handsome tea sets. Cheap,
-�CrQwds are attending the Western
Fair at London this week,
- 1I L 13illit Asn Dentist gold tilling
pecialty, oveeO'Nenl's'l3ank,
fou can see at Parkinson's the
finest selection of dressgoddsinLxeter,
cheap kr cash.
L. Billings Dentist for arti5ca-
tol teeth QtU a over t?'l ail 1'la nth
,„-We - bad %call from R. 13,ryant,A
foreman of the -Taman Entei rri e, on
iFriday last,
. -t'd iii'rrs, and Misr; Amelia Saar
dere were visiting friends in the Forest
City last woek,
wedding passed through town
e n Tuesday last, Thiers was about.
nty rigs in all,
Mr. Garnet Iiyxndanaa rt turueed
isiting friends in Toronto, an
Yob n Carling, Minister
:cure, spent Tuesday might wtth
brother, here.
TlaArf3t, ghee data canal dispul
wing' tine*D'. S. does nznt elect with the
price of good at Parkinson's.
—Everybody visnti tg tfae fiieslxoulcl
sail aatl•'arkinson's for ohoap dress goods
tsceries, boots shoes -ear crockery.
To buy goods at lot* prices is a n
sect you should always have before
au making purchases: Then call at
Ir voliick, ol` Exeter North! has
the.mail carrying nesmtss
e ° ltaa 1 irkten, froaa Ma.
—Mr. F. McDoneU, who has beau in
Chicago, for rouaetiwe past, returned
home for a visit on Friday evening last.
'fhe Chicago breezes seems to bare
agreed with ,Fred.
l'amwdl''tkPickfurd has .juati re•
' eiv^td direct from. England, a splendid
r'sonnient of ladies' walling Jabots,
'hdinnnn's and lrlsters, which wHI4, btu
ollscred at lowest prices,
etre arae eeneiebted to Seaforth "S'nn
for proof of Prize List of Seaforth Full
air Butowzg to lack of space,' we
able to IahLlish' it. Thanks Bro.
E.tete>z+ Fa
.'londay anal 1"ut.sday treat, Octtaier
1st and 2nd, tine fall fair under the
euspie:es. {7f the Stephen and Usbornu
Agricultural Society, will beheld here.
Every preparation i' being wade by
the hotels and others for the accommo-
dation of the viaators, while the direc-
tors of the Asouiation aro znaakins;
every possible effort for the entertain -
meat of those attendizm The first
day will be oaken Lm, cliiefy by the
entering of the different articles for
exhibition. 111 the evening the grounds
will•.be open for visiter+s, 'especially for
clerics and the townspeople who will
raot have the ple<elttre of visiting it on
Tuesday. Also the sante evening' the
great and celebrated Will L. Smith's
13efl Ringers•will give a grand enter
tainnient in Drew's Opera House, and
when we say that it is the best ever
visited here we are confident eve say
what is just and right. Tuesday opens
with a grand and interesting gains of
baseball between the "Stars," of Exeter,
and the "Irish Nine," of Liman. The
game will start ,at'9.3O sharp. It will
:)e interesting to all the via`itors to
witness this championship game. After
the' baseball game the Agricultural
grounds will he immediately opened
for the admittance of visitors. We
cannot describe the different attrae
tions which will and' can be seen at
the grounds as it would necessarily,.
o;:cupy the whole of our issue: During
the afternoon, or after `the show4oloses,
a grand football thatch will take=place.
The club opposing Exeter, we are
ucaable to state About 7.30 the -crowd
will be seen rushing to Drew's Opera
House to again hear the Bell Ringers
which will finish the day's proceedings.
All those who ^remain home and do
not attend • the; Exeter fair to,+~ethen
with the,, other attractions mentioned
wi1i•.naiss a treatwhich may not again
,be seen in a lifeti;nae, We again ,say
.that +every accommodation is being
made for the thorough entertainment
ofathe'Tisitors. We might also men-
tion here that the Exeter Roller Rink
will berlopon on both••days, also, the
evenings,, where a very pleasant tune
can a!tia'1)t spept ., We tF. nk ,that the
-N'Ve were sl:darn on Thursday last,
y Mr. Eguander, o1? illolsona Bank
ere,a. ran kbox lately sent to him from
1orway. It i,a all calved, and is a
magnificent a niticcnt piece of workmanship.
---Millinery opening for balance of
1888. S'antwell s Pickard twill on Oct,
let and 2nd show the latest Novelties
in French and American millinery.
Every lady invited to call and inspect
the goods.
--September's a jolly good fellow,
his great barn of plenty*hl:'ll fill, and.
pour on: the earth all its treasures, with
generous hearty good will. No'wonder
the welcome Septetitber, we. wiaah that
he longer would stay, and not hurry off
on his journey, hot linger for many a
—We have repbatedlystated through
these eoluutns that we would not in-
sert any., .communication unless the
name andfaddress of the writer accom-
patties it:' This week we again recent'
ed a communication signed "Khiva•
Ratnbler," but we decline to publish it
untilthe writer sends his name, not
necessarily for publication, but as,:'
guarantee of good faith.
--A correspondent •bf°ar'New York
paper writes thatfhr•saw an advertise-
ment wlrinh'st,ted that 25 ;useful house-
hold artibles would be -sold for 25 cents:
He sent the money•and received 25
needles. . He asks if there`is-no remedy
in law. Why should`:tlteiie• bel The.
contract vas filled, Need'lell•- ..re ush1
.ful household articled: Th did not
the man • 'nee common• sense eddy ask
liianself what •these articles'migihi= be?
117any othhr "useful articles" cohld be
sold at a goodyirofit for 25 cents. The
moral is—think,before,you grail...•
—The famous MoGibiity Fatally of
Pbrtland.Oiiegou 16 in • =number..• The
largest unisicaliataily'in tbe`• wotid`
'consisting of father; moti4>'r, 12'' child.
ren and two daughter-in4la•Nvs:'•• Grand
Orchestra, Full* Brass :Band. Full
Chorus. 10 Solists.• Ladies. . Male
String anddlouble quOtet, • This farnily
travel in their own "Palace Hotel Car."
one of,tne finest and best equipped, of
the•"Palaoe Cars" Tliey are engaged to
give an entertainment an. Exeter, on.
Friday Oct:' 19th. Capt: Kentl's., gni::
oar nothing about with the U. S., but 1 do desire Union wetly
the eitizena of Exeter and surrohnding country. Owing to the de..
pression o£ the market, 1 have been able to pnrtrlaa:sa nay now slosh
much. below the regular wholesale prices, and will give my cnstomers
the betaeint of it. My stock consists`of
-Goods, Grccories,Eats ,Cels,
Ordtkery Glassware etc>, 'etc.,: etc
The prfees of Bch are in no way. influenced by Critomet Duties or
other tax impos1tions. 1 do not give my goods away* but sell thenar at
the lowest fi;guroo consistent with good business; principles, Parties in
stant'of goods, consult their own interests by e>tamannxug�, stock be-
fore•lruro1ut xng elsewhere. Remember this is a new stock.
(Awe taken at Market pries. First door north of the
ltPPrown sill
QRT ICOTT, late from Testae•, Devonshire, • would
the public, thnt5hc has purchased the Bakery Business
Q nbe;rger, of Exeter, and intends to carry on the trade in all its
lv '
frann 1tr.
lnis trade in the Old Country, intends to like cakes Vic, in the
real old Devonshire style, cornmeneing on
receive prompt and personal attentions.
*- "^�- •� :m 1.�.� .mss,
Don't fail to inspect our immense stock of nil kinds of
y�'• WILL, t -
Hardware, lei' kinds
[Also an Aisofttlettof tamp, Lanni Goods & Lai tarns,
e+It=o XeXti+1i"=---=? -T = X l n`.ri-riXn'i ail n
'4011.re* 4. or nogr tilt of 36.E!* saute ;w
JWI' t�`T S i'C, Ftl may„ nE:X'*7 '11 f.