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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Citizen, 2006-05-11, Page 6Letter
Blyth Branch 420
needs volunteers
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Letter to the editor
• Morns resident responds to letter
In response to the letter to the
editor on April 25 regarding the
roads in Morris-Turnberry, I was one
of the six ratepayers of Morris-
Turnberry who attended the recent
council meeting concerning the road
All of us have lived in Morris-
Turnberry for the last three years,
which is the timeframe referred to in
May 4 we scheduled our
nominations and elections for 7:30
p.m. I say scheduled because we
didn't even have enough members
show up to make a quorum, which
would have been 14 members.
Out of 280 voting members there
were 10 people show up for this
meeting. Even if everyone in
attendance had taken an office we
would still be short to run the Legion
in the manner that it should be run.
I guess everyone is afraid that if
they come to the meeting they will
end up with a job or position. This is
not really so but we do need the
numbers to vote for the ones that will
run for office.
As you know most of the Legions
today are struggling and there seems
to be only a small number of
members who are willing to assist.
with the day-to-day operations.
We do have a member to move up
to president but we need other chairs
to be filled.
Most of the present executive have
our complaints. The writer has only
lived here for a few months. The
condition of the roads this spring is
what we have put up with for three
years, with each year becoming
worse than the previous year.
As for the condition of the roads a
few weeks after the meeting, if we
had not gone to council the road
conditions would not have changed,
staying the same as the previous
worked for several years and feel
that they would like to take a little
I guess I am making a plea to any
,nember of Branch 420 who is able
and has the time to please help us
out. I know that people who work,
especially shift work aren't able to
attend meetings and we do not
expect them to take a chair under
those circumstances.
What I'm saying is, "if we don't
have an executive, we don't have a
We will be holding nominations
and elections on Thursday, May 18
at 7 p.m. sharp. Even if you can't run
for office, please come out and
If you can help us out in any
capacity you can call Ric at 523-
9580 or Thelma at 523-9444, or just
show up on May 18 at 7 p.m.
Can you imagine how our veterans
feel about the spot we are in. We
hope to see you on May 18.
Executive of Branch 420 Blyth
Thelma Johnston, President,
three years. The graders were on the
roads immediately, seven days a
week-following that meeting getting
the roads passable again.
As far as paving the roads, this
was never mentioned and we have
no interest in having our roads
The only other thing I will add is
that we pay taxes to have our roads
maintained. If this is not being done,
A former Blyth-area resident
has been honoured for
excellence. Brenda Kitching,
daughter of Florence Nesbitt of
Clinton was presented with the
Sisters of St. Joseph's Award
for Excellence. Kitching, a
registered practical nurse at
Parkwood Hospital in London
was nominated for the award
by fellow health-care
professionals. (Photo submitted)
where are our tax dollars going?
Someone has to keep the
municipality accountable.
One would think that all
ratepayers would appreciate the
efforts of individuals who take the
time and initiative to do this. If the
council doesn't know of the problem
then nothing can or will be done
about it.
Continued from page 1
solution for us," Gardner added.
The elevator which enables
patrons to access the theatre through
the link, has made the ramp
Gardner expressed pleasure that
they were able to retain Allan Avis
Architects, Ltd. to design the
project, and Primo as general
"Allan worked for Christopher
Borgal who designed the link
between the bank and the Memorial
Hall, and then bought him out when
he retired. He knows the building
well," she stated.
Continued from page 1
church be three-quarters full in
urban areas, and one-half in a rural
area." said Dalton.
"Every church is one, hundred per
cent responsible for its financial
cost." Dalton continued.
She indicated that where a church
was experiencing difficulty, it
would have been expected to
develop a financial plan to assume
costs within a finite-period of
As far as "Keep up the good work
guys", we made it known that the
problem was not the operators so yes
"keep up the good work guys".
If the writer had lived in Morris-
Turnberry for the past three years
she would know that it wasn't
possible to enjoy the scenery. We
were all too busy dodging potholes.
Ken Warwick.
The present renovations include a
generator for the 'elevator in case of
a hydro outage, a new entrance with
an internal staircase, replacing the
deteriorating brick faces over the
entrance, and regrading the
Gardner added, "The library
moving at this time worked out
really well. We did not have to
worry about inconveniencing library
users during the renovations.
Gardner states that the work is to
be done by June 15, well before the
Blyth festival season opener
The Ballad of Stompin' Tom, on June
Dalton said "There are no further
changes anticipated in the Huron-
Perth deanery."
Dalton indicated that people who
wish to express concerns about the
reorganization are welcome to
contact her at 519-439-3883 ext.
231, (ddalton @ rcec. I )
or the episcopal vicar, Fr. Peter
Keller at 519-393-6187
(( ) .
Ramp not needed
No more changes expected
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