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The Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-27, Page 4
=--Watch. for Northcott chane of "ad' ii our 12ext sRe. Call at Hick's jewelry store on Tuesday nest, and see his grand dis- play of jewelry. - text Tuesday being; lair Day, the tower of the Trivitt 1etn.orial O tame . will be open to visitors. Admission 15 cents. Sawn. Emile.-.- On'Thursd;ay, Sept 20th, by Rev. Mr. Fy€e, lr Jcih Smith,to Miss Mary fourth dar,,gth- ter of ;Michael • Iilump, both of Stephen. �t edi ou Brie @ We are informed that our.euterpris- ili„ wild obliging butcher, Mr. Wank Carter, is sit bury attending to his custooherathat be ]etas not time to erect agign with whish toad•vertisehislausi- eles and is obliged to wait till time aibuls him to do so.. Mr. Will Feist, of Michigan, while attendingythe Wtstern fair at iolltb% nmitl at Ilyhug visit to friends he 'kS°tlt` looks hale and hearty. Quite a number et our citizens visit xl the !Western Air at Loudon this yrrarw• Mr, John Snaith anti. Miss Mary tf.lntupaare the :ilrst unfortunate couple to fall victims to that undreaded east, "matrimonial plague." It is Ith moretl that several others in the neigh- borhocd, are inclined to follow suit in! the near future. We wish them all'. =wit joy. Mr. and. Mrs; J. Prettie and family, who have been visiting their an inierous friends ]sere, for some time pastintend tun return to their home in Colorado, attiift:.we k On their return they in- tend to visit Detroit Ohieagl and other places of interest We wish them al sate tourney. Bev. Geo. Brown,of Ottawa district, i~l sp riding a few days with his parents and friends here. The Bev. gentle- man wears an exceptional pleasing and satisfying ooaratenancefela son;ereason, he knows lest. Mr. Walter Clarke iihs 1w 1 15s shed and stable„ west of his hotel torn dowse, to be rebuilt in a more commodious style. :kir. John Grant has leased his hotel to Mr. Greb, proprietor of the .Unrola Motel, at Zurich, for a short tenth. TEE Dominion Government on Fri- day received of5gia1 ;correspondence from the I 'ewfottndland Government, the nature of :which has :not yet'tbeen disclosed. JAdging from what has already been made public by the press of the Island% these papers have refer- ence to the intended visit of delegates to Ottawa to discuss the teams of union, :and intimate the abandonrent of the project, As the gererai elections in that colony will be held next year, it is more than probable that the Gov- ernment will ask the Ottawa authori- ties to submit any basis of union they may desire to propose, and thus carry on negotiations by correspondence, instead - of by conference at Ottawa. The Confederate supporters seem to be anxious that the electorate should, in some way, leave an opportunity of proncanneiRng on the question at the galls, Whether the Newfoundland Government will concede this point is a matter for the future to determine Consumption that dread terror, a disease so long baffling sei;ace and the mosts' hied physicians who keels of no*, hiva; to a'rest, nothing to /nevi, ate, nothing to one. Now it is laolonger an incurable malady even 'When given up by pphvsieians. health can yet be found in OVIt IiEINIEDY, it heals caul aoetlzee the Were, brane of thatungs.inflamed and poisoned bythoraveges of this fell, disease, and pre- vents the uigrats:teatsand tightness across the chest lei iehaccompany n;. CURES gUWaAN EE D 1'oroato Medicine Co.. Toronto, Ont, i MDT! 't.evTRiC PLe<ite tc foe al`!tato of the bit till and tier- z4n.* cos 'ns. iV + lF t '6.ta10 C...et-�:e te pedit itbas, a... dent iovitfp.X.rtsiniiii'ets` eit. and Stat .8. • • t..• s ri „' Sersirata' *ireattiusts A.Vel z cc : 4r . y eu S i tRfi 2R U" e -'+ala Ffba'.iSt $£°r;a+a eOt Rt*.`t • ,c r tyyi tc. • P a a.a r . f a} a 11.a,r.' CtiTeaa" titnonials on fine from those cured of female sdamapes pains fol. -a:4;0,4 a... i .. l.t a a l Bmts, nervousi debility, general debility, lueoleaso, whimmaths% tnnnrra.ysis, Porirairte, ca .ties sash of the kidneys, spinal disease,. turpid"iiver gout, leaeorr.teea: catarrh of teat biediner sexual exhaustion,semmnal emissions, assthmaheturs xase,asa dn,sl•>E+g-ta, ccnshpat eryrip-s clap, indigestion, impotency„ plies. c181Ieg3% Altamb have and diorretes. ties d a<,enn) for handsomely illustrated book and health journal. CorreSpondcrcosari.t3•canaria tial. • (29n.• xclti1444 inz i c» style.&.,' treatMentsivee.:Agereta rrsatit,ed everyiriaere. Ars, el . Yetm.-lbta. Cbrea °tzaranteed • Medicated Eleotrle E3Q€t i✓o..155 Queen Sty Waist, Toronto, Ga lana. ° We regret tot chronicle the death of one of our most, respected residents in they person of Mr. (Alders, who depart- ed this life on Friday hest, at a ripe '•1owed First -elms !losses all 1 Rigs.Rigs.old age, ilia remains were fo by a large concourse of sylult.Aizing • +, , friends to the Exeter eeretry for iah- Special Rates with Corn ler- terment. The bereaved of the deceits- Cllii 3Ien. t.ti, have our heart felt sympathy. -4'"11-4 -' °)rdtrs left at nissi::r r Drte.i'. Winohelsea Echos 1 i al°tight°e t4tortt, will receive Auction sales have commented. prompt att(`litian. Messrs. 1). Mills :anti R 8..1 sog,..of T ly Q�p- FsExeter, are busy paekilg apple. in tb �i¢inity. A TRIAL SOLICITED. Mr. Samuel Routley and Hairy l;ISSIsTT BROS Brown are going to have a debates iI1 she old Temperance hall next Saturday General Butler says that the United States flag is the outcome of protection. Ile explains : 4.:!go A,tnerican soldier or sailor even nought a civilized foe un- der fa yard of A.naerifan bunting, bong asap glade till protection Wlls given to tiler utsnufucturer.e It certainly is Tiunlilating to think; that the soldiers and sailors of a mighty nation were compelled to tight under flags menti_' factored in a foreign country- -WHILE AT THE- E.IT;IIIBi T14)11: CALL AT TH E:-,- ' TFIIPHOTOS U IT ..nil leave yt•ar order for :.C:t7traSM ,.r:..r,� ---of thou tamely finished CABIN THAT SENIOR R 1r XECL'TES. Ai. CALL:SOLICITED. PRICES I;l+a UT. ....,.,..ate-,a,w....,.,....,.,,.4. .M..,...,. Bile LIVER , CHRS:TIE'S € E A Liliny „ilY' STigL E A Positive Cure. A !ops Cure, F:lgs and Horses Frt. Class, 'fltti]ere filet as the llttwkshaw house or at the stable will be promptly intended to Teams; RPaAs':uA1h iI. .t; . veiling. Subject; bow to run a thresh- ti . : ittg machine. While at the salts .of Air. Jas. Uardi- i SAILT Ste. MARI' VENAL. if ,f.•,r last week, the horse belonging to i MrThos. Horn, ran• away upsetting) t11e rig and spilling out :the occupants,' Nr,tice t.o Cor.Wflctt,rs. Messrs.. Horn and Penwarden. This •BALLO TEND Lilt: atidresse:h to the as oters;reod was a narrow escape. ►"+ and endorsed '•Ttaadersfurthe SaultSte Marie ('anal, ° heed he receit,•.j alt this office until the ar- Afi Mr. J. D. !Moores rig was near- rival of the eastern ^.:ad a •esthro nub's un'1 CTEaUAT. Ing St. Marys the wheel of the wairon the'2..3rd day of Octi her, sett, f••r thn foeatattion and r' construction of a t"anal .n, tho t`anadlan side o: Clic came off and the load of hen fruit -vas river, through the Island of St Mary. demolished.. The loss is about $i50.. The works will be let in two sections, one or wh , e wilt embrace the formation of the tenet through the island; the construedoarn' locks, Sc. The other, the deepening and wide, in4•.rt-tlie channel -way at both ends.of the caual; construetmon of Piers, Zee. A. J. SN LL; a :n-« Vit, EXETER, T�..R, t liar Now In Stock SUM GOODS in the Following Lines. \ Vest of England Suitings and Trauseri legs, ateh Tweed Suit,ings- and Trouserin.gs. Fr°eneti. and English Worsted Chats. 4-. ~ � tat }Gal All3lade np in the Latest Stye At B sYY_t Rates. t'.I! . SNELL. -7-seqt•es ir AIL AGES . r x.47.77331V"'��- a;�"X X 'o.. r goo Gt>U .acsr' #.W,.{LTlJ. JU ) I ne Lie", /��•�+� ldsrval at Hea'.in•. and Pi;ilnvafr of Medicines, \.Ji i.ax , 00 terrible cunoCllTFitt'en ntIndlooro liem* #iacp0i+iwo a,i t °sea ane*. -12" O'C r' ' 0ruxrhz1• Iitta.at�.40 euri.vital Enrrroas volt WftWE No.:3 bitiOritai. nGi Vsci.•--Wit; s .: Li:e qy, veraae•,©n=ate «at'Lxngg8s • 4lianr.€'s or eight. oWei,lfea tt. eiltilOS - ,cent Of cood coomace. e4elita tiae Gf evnvaristiO 8a desirer1ta•Eoiitu[le..11etlessiteea�s owl tuattlliS k Ax flip Attention oli a.Fgaticalarouldectn cowardice, doprt'nioa aT Vpirit% (giddiness. les% sat lac8li' r�y. exeitablha of t45 1'dr. speer. • - sifat0:3r1ice , I r IOW Of the sofuttual Duiil-tba rwu1G of L.1 •illus(+ 111, u'n1.et 040tAs--lwPo- tem, lauutaatmaa, emaciation, barrOnaess,alpitation et ex loam hywtcraefottlitag+ltx feanstes,trembling, tnelaudwoly. duttnrixei�. dreaaas otc.. sere n symptom al hla terrible habit. eitontieateiiuuacet=tiv s_couired, ut pitonthe e �lZxaw ,.f flits force tiii mag liar its tO Z a. eFers fu•aotlma s.•itrtoa as cog; e;gaemex : czeatic0 t erscudt flee tsuporloteudente of iuslne animus Unite .air re;ribiata to flee ei ee:s of felf-oi8320 the ;tent i_ttlority at write liie9 whishe.so atnler tt.eir aaitest. It )1 311 Ara a°_eozleFe: mt for Traf, f 1 :..1 Iduticsol' 'basin. . izfcai,>;;tatatea fcv tele ©nifIxrue .. et lite. two t1Pi%ertan 4k^Rgoyirronli the ePactsofcariyvacs, if yi.af tie Celt-0We :a Ne3VO. NO, 8ti.�aUl 8= 4363 bili visor ;AA €tetntAit. irlicuem lgosola don's. • oar morally free**mix indiwect.i i.I:.1 T'tm*ltCtcE,1:.8'aneounrltan tt 1Form isditreE.aand ledC.,?itstoitru1tay f'ar'.il,Via.1.4 a ri pailful rw Aaolt F9T41 rant ins :s.c Ot blare. Srales1 nod ae;rrJ tensa ctsetc.tt;Gu, iMialiw isfwdelIPonRGARMTHWI+tomWaiS j ani MIES'A3. 11*!. E . ' THIS EILVER•PLATED INSTRUMENT Pleasant Curl. ITAL CATARRH IMPOSSIBLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE x - ter ad -to a ii*ett*only nuaantao given wit a lrumsat WY r.I* ]nava QUO= threat Wes; Toronto, Ont. TheGreatest DltcatVe y Of the Ape PrIo©* - $3. Zurich -Jottings. Mrs. Samuel. Latta is at present very Eli, We. wish her a speedy recovery. Miss A. •0'Mara,of the Sauble Line, passed through here last Tuesday en route to .London where she intends 'visiting frieurls, relatives .and the. fair. Quite a nnmber were to the West- ern Fair held at Loi1do:n this, week. Our interprisit,g ;millers have em-, plpyed another,;hand on account of their 11a4.ting.44 work day and: night. Mr., Extra Miller, who has been visit- ing int. -Michigan for the last few weeks, returned last Tuesday. He says he, Vaal ,a joly time.. . 141r. Hatters, of the Sauble. Line,has. become a citizen of this.at Mage. T.he•teaohers convention will be held t; Godorich (to -day) and, to -morrow.. T is:{aeported: that Mr Geiger intends. sul;ting tup a phtttogra;ph :gallery above Itbsaiarn Wel•l'.s shop. This is Whataccretsily Deparetaen" ltahhvo'ss end Ol u bi ave ;v?ertl Fctrat(31g ItfsTait:; wiiilc,.,i Vows,. tiltaT.,asta..1tett. A reap of the locality, together with plans and specificantois of the works: can he seen nt this office on and crier TUESDAY, the 0th day of 'October, next where printed form., of tender can also' be obtained. A like clash of information, relative to he works, can be seen at the (Alice of the Iocal Uteeer in .t:+h WWI) of Sault Ste. Mat ie, Out. Intending contractors aro requested to Ina: in. in mind that tenders wilt not be considered tine made strictly ht aeturdain:0 with the printed forms. and be accompanied by a letter eluting tlaat the person or porsens tendering hat a carefully examined the locality and the nature of the material found in the trial pits. in the case of firms there mustbe attached the actual signatures of the full name, the nature of the occupation and residence of etch member of the same; and further, a bank depbsit .receipt' for the .sum of $20,000 must accompany the tender for the Canal and locks; and a bank deposit receipt for the sum of 27,500 must accompany the tender for the deepening and widening of the channel way at both ends, piers, tic. Tho respective deposit receipts -cheques will not be accepted-mustehe' endorsed over to the 'Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be•furfeited if the party tendering lleclines entering intocontract for the works, at the rates and on the, terms stated in the offer submitted. Tho, deposit receipt thus sent Iu will be returned to the respective parties whose tendersare not accepted. This Department does not, however, bind itself to•aoeept the lowest or any tenders..... ..y order, A. 1'. BRADLEY, _, THE GREAT EYE AND LUNO RESTORiR Adella h nota medicine ors dlgustteq lotion or powder Oaf, Mita Eotrteaui • tang a'apor,easily and pleasantly applied atall bolas, times and *doom. Actin No. 2.-gnickly Aleve and thoroughly aura all Throat sad Luau disease%. Aetna No. 3. -Positively cures all diseases of the•Bye. Cataract Oran Mated Bye -lids, Indamoa Byes. near and far tiulatodness Tim* Ess 'ratl1AT]`n wIItz,B C,.oacn. Tan d:Cr'1NA 15 norm VNDRn OVfe NonrrTl:lf arsruRrna ON 13 DAYS mato Enclose stamp for hautlsomaly illustrated book awl Zisaitla, journal. W. T. BAE1t & CO., ]!,S Quooa Strutt West, Toronto. Ont ORANE READ! emcii how, There is a Machine Oil caned ',,y▪ �.'eay.fPrw 4 OU7' ` r.Ra7FEPBATI•`+O fl . Beit late r wit ran fret aro end tea tho sole r 7 Oteoprlottirof tel , lawitu7.pnria,.i cn+l fha.a a uy t tr bu far., eros n olio •c,urce THEY ARS 11 ° '` 407 FOR SALE El' E ? wf,li v& f (,,repro -,ilcaeo [• �i ' ? '• ri0�.w n n;ltit z t, t othui t .tion u anu all 4 IT IS 1`=:1.7 t'ACTL: REP SOI SLY -BY TQRQMQ_ .rr�i.•, r, oriel lsdip tat ,i, 11O ciIARC[ except for t:,`_;:c •ao: All ,..; peruse. Quiaa-vtr ;c3er, hitt barrels arts branded avith•the'rrAC1e Mark, LAIiDIitiE. 7f ,lour tion. Tor. err, .2u G1 L r., RIcl:: t. o .'.3 �y�;;;q do not •take it as itis only spurious oil they re offering you so as to make, Sur magnifieloproparatimisarewa:rantedper• more money out of you. For sate by'pIssET'r BROS., Exeter. July -26-86 •' :etly 7'arn.le.,s. :1 a l.repitro ti,o • fvllowinqq• els"-;-t'.:a doer uhadrn,:ricefrotn theaheir itself; !lief Ia :t .,ws Nir'aurl Brown, •Cbosttntt, i.f¢lat t-li t taus t,n J .I reale, AV: or Blonde at.,r a yaorl Fant :d of hair when ordering. •`rico, *e for bett.iu. Toronto itt«tdicino Go., TOiLET RE'3UISrTES in ordering }}sit ava sportily which inn require oopua1•aatou thein to giro entire satiefoetion. .o 1 tuioarts to the skin the color and frostiness ?r. iia.uhooh'harmless end cannot bedotootcd. �;. Ito.0l.tmnvcs wriu.t es. $2. No. 10.5oo- aOves7,ivnr;3laoto VIZ. No. 11Removes Plash (Tram:. : No. 12 Removes Freekle+a. 51.25. NO. lIGIIICAMs1'itnpl's. t L25. lin. 14 Removes ran. $f n,, No 16lt,unovcs Idol:rt. E2. NO. 16 .lerloves l'oc :ma ks 58. No. undue L resknrat on. s i e °i n. i.Au absolute unfailing "pe:i;1cforIto retc ,iot1 dcveleosnout orrestor- ticn of the iiu,r foLsi. Toronto Ideiliuisio -Go. TM • DUST 1• 11. 10 Tn a cumbinvl in -ern 1 and extsl hal .roatniwu whirli e1 ocdily dnveiol.es or rr.stores rho i'einalo bosh to 411E'proportions ofvoluptuous nature: is cntirely1in_•lnlara and (sorban in re- sults. Price O. Toronto Medicine CO. Torolito, Mr ° WIEN'S 141.51 No. 201. c'rtriu euro for ueucorruma,orWhited Palling of the Wood,, Ulc uatioiis Painful Men- struation, "Bearing iiownyairs"•and all Diseases and Weaknesses peculiar to females. Endorsed by the hitlteor,nodical authorities at en' "un- rivali{irl"isms dy. Pries 52 per bottle. Toronto illedicino Co., Toronto, Ont. T=1i NC - f EOULA'TION Par superior to Ergot. Tansy-,. Pennyroyal' .or Oxide. Endorsed bythethousoildsof:ladies- ladies -00 o usetboinMONTHLY. Never fail, Relieve pain, 1NEIT '101BT:11'ULtI ITT- PleaesneandEf1'eetuai. !?fries 5,2 Toronto Mndloino Co., Toronto, hit IM W?ALO/A. & Can be cured.by using opecifto •lTot-22. Itis won. dorfnlSale isduoto;thesimpl ,Asot?that it•doee ,i1• that 'fit claimedMoe it, s :. •7:oxouto goal, eln.o0kt..Tyrorrfe'Ont Furniture and Undertaking. -GO TO- and,Andrese "r Bed -room. and. Parlor iiite;5, Sideboards and Entension-Tables, . Lounges and I a•s9 c axis Largest wa.reroorrls in town.. Til `DERTAKIN!(f, outside of the under- takers?, ring, in all its branches. Open day and night. .ST AIM.: one door north of Molaon's b n.1e . Vain- abrett, 6 : Eleeter !Time Orcat Englisla Prescription, - A successful Medicine used over 0 years in thousands of cases. ;Cures Sper:x.atorrhoa3 Nervous Weakness, Entissio)ts.,tsnyaotency and all diseases caused by abuse. futons* indiscretion, or ov4rLthertion. fttvfssj Six packages Guaranteed to care when, all other: Fafl. Ark your Druggist forrTrbe .,Ossa Enelieh •- J' esertptaon, take nit sobstitu One package :51. Six §'fi, by mail. Write forFamvblet. Address lEurata Chemical.Co'.4lIettoit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and ' druggists ,everywhere. Jan -1-8-._ • arms PENNYROYAL WAFERS, Prescription of 'a physician who has had a life long experience in treatingfemale diseases. Is used monthy with perfect success by over 10,000 ladies. .Pleasant, safe, effectual.. Ladies ask your drug. gist for Paunyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or Inclose post- ea.g�e for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, El per box. Addressi VIE EMMA A CIELEMiOAL*C.O., Dame"; Ifoa. Sold in Exeter ,by Dr; . Luiz, and ; druggist:' :everywhere. J t