HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1888-9-20, Page 8• able icwill renevethey)oo littlesufferezIraZ)ittt1e,, tiryite y, Depen upon it, mothers, there 14110 reibtake about it, It mires dysentery and dies. rer ulatea the stint -inch and bowels, ogres l:•indcodic, softeria'the gums, reduces#niiteiuma, tion, and gives torte and energy tothe whole. system, Mits. lt'zxat:ore'SSooxFumetSxatIrFOZt. entrin 2rilTatileiSpte:suettothe timte,aaei 194 160 prescription nurses and ptlyStoia i$ in the Uuiiteed F'a'ils and is for sale br all druggists throng!), ' 1t the world, 'Tree -u cents u bottle, 0 noltretzeitee nakre you disturbedatniglitztutibrokenofyour est ba' a• sick child agti fering and crying' Pahl of Puttingteeth , if so, sent} at one o mad c. get et bottle of )Ins. a1 rs'SLow'S SOOTfrnm Sratal1 Zoe Q^rtnntx rak: '1' 4. 1.4>ttIL A New Horne Treatment fs r the- Cure of Catarrh, Qatacr-. hal dear iess and Hay Fever: The `1iertascone has Iry ,ed that these diseases are e9ot.tgious,att l that t cixroe due to the presence ,if rosin partsites in the udialining membrane of tho r nvv.r s? p). s a,r„s and eustath iatr tabes. Ti:e eosin, is ayeattsts 7�tn3r1 , hurley and Doak endorse fats. and these autheritt is ,cannot be dlo»uteek The r.A a,ar method of treating there dtscales has bt; 11 tv aaple a}irri-autremedy weekly, andel-en -datlr,:thus dtre miff the deecate membrane rn a, wrastan t t itif to end. Rep. ,J. Wilson, p gtor o 141ainst Mel?hodist church, Exete occupied the pulpit for the mornin Rm service, and Rev. Mr. Tlionnpson, of Centralia, officiated for the evening, service, The interior of the church presented a grand appearance being decorated with a full variety o£ grain, fruits, plants,, vegetables and wreaths of flowers. Monday evening was the feasting time, t 'bile the Crediton band filled the balmy air with strains o£ sweet music which was appreciated by old and young,, a large nueeber .o£ guests seated themselves around the tables which were groaning beneath heavy load with "good things') in the way of roast beef, chicken, potatoes, cabbage, pastry, ete. After all had partaken of a sumptuous repast they repaired to the°upper part of ;the church where a choice program Was disposed a eeof in which the Rev, ,)r?a SitaQ at nn chanes io hear, gad ae stoat- � Wilson. �.iorl &rld talconscqueseeofsuchtreannent mot one penman- 111041 133011 took part by.deliverinf,* ad - .10$ recorded. It to oa aiF&o! L p cit caro , n e fact that these dnx;asea cassette cured by 80Suppli- eatieo mule t f: ager titan ones in two weeks, for eta meta' ratio L'ntst pet a Chaucer to heat before an ar - R9 r ie.:ttia- It, iS ar8W sties years ice Nr. Di 93 lis eYeri.d the pars:Ito ui cat„;ria and feraaulated his reg treatment, and since then ,ids remedy has be. �E,l+.•nealtotaseb,dd word 24 every country where the n;; ;isti lan,;m.ge 1s spikes. kee4. Cures e4 sod dresses. Weer class music was ,given by the choie The guests all consider. it to be reelii au old fesitioned "farm- ers” home Aper. The proceeds a mounted Y$4 which goes towards beild- .3°. bees ;alts an addition to the chaarcla. savem ;cam ^,i are cgti�s Wit, there 6 avtug been no rer•rfl of the.dsstase, — tai go highly are these remedies valued, that fgacrant Imitators 'tors ha restarted op everywhere, pretending to t esireyapazaskae, of which they 'loot agthiNg, by remedies.. the resells of the application cf xbich they are equally ignatant. {r; nisoi,•s rersolY leai+p pled •tial' orae ta4 two sree►,s, and fawnieue to three appni- catienaeiftet apertcanent.eurt in Hie tz vit siw4r.w t- eit tamed. Mr. ltivvnaends a phatnp'et describing bis sew treatment on ttos receipt, er stamp to pay postage - The address. Ra 4.13. !AXON $q;,, 314s htri •streot seat, aronto,[,'analia,-hdentitleAaaseaicon--feline Fater Knife Fiaua4 .Father.Reely'a I"ioxnic, held in Tay-; ees grove,on Wedaaeeday trf last week, waw a. reusing success. .Loll;; before burner, crowds were pouring in from all warts of the county, When the Exeter Brags Band arrived things be - gen to mine different shape,, everv- budy was • gay And everything cowmen eel to get 1i iy. About noon the :rcav, al bast grown,to an enormous disc, and the merry malting wares then in full Mast, dewing citiolliarlous other mous, nrio.3t living indulged in. Dinner Called arnd frown the amount of eatables being coats1,1111 1, one could hazily but sage that, the balmy lake brt'eres,torether with the anuausesanrnts, had given them dart evellent appetite. Dinner was tiis- ltt>tr ut*al with about 2.S0 o'eloe1;Hud the rowti ogai::.settled themselves down to anaucemexlt. Along in the evening hats prizes was Awarded to the success - winners tinder, being las follows: lu's'h -bow 3liss 1. S. SnownderaFather Rna1y'sl,icture, Mrs. W. Holt: clock, DRIWASHINOTON'S i xuRRnx, NEXT VISIT, IhrotiCtand lf-,u1344 Surgeon TO EXETER Will be at Royal Bali Steamships. Liverpool & Quebec Sex -Vice, Calling at 1;?ez t,. mate: of PARISIAN.. POLYNESIAN SA.RDINIAN. CIRCASSIAN . SARMATIAN. , PARISIAN. POLYNESIAN., $ARDI1vIAN, ., OrROASS1AN, SARUATIAN PARISIAN. POLYNESIAN.. SARDINIAN. , , C1IWASSIAN.. SA,BMATIAN. , lira Uinga3. ..Tlaursday, May 24 .• . Friday, June 1 • Thursday, ” Friday " 15 . ....Thursday, -" 21. '., 28 1•iday duly 6 .. • "liursday, . , Friday, tt 20 • , � lel day,' 't 26 , . ar Aug. 2 tt 10 —Thursday, 16 ,....Friday, 24 —Thursday, " 30 RATES.—Cabin, $00, $65 and $75,. according to location orposition. Re- turn $100, -,125, $150, Iuterinediate, Liverpool, Iaclndeaderry, or Glasgow 4130. Return, $60. Steerage at Rawest ites, Steerage pasaeugers booked to frour Glasgow, Belfast, Queenstown,. ondon at Liverpool rates. Buy tickets togo home, taring out friends or seta'- lyes by the Allan Line. For further particulars apply;ta John Rpackman, e only authorized agent ,:for Exeter. THE !ANIJFA CTIIRERS Abso utely Pure Thio powder viewer variee. A, mmaarve., of purity, strength and a holeeemenese, More economical than thcoraiinery kinds, wind cannot be wend in conn etition with the multitude of lots test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. old only in canes, Reran Batumi ze Poweini, Co., 106 Wall St,, N. Y. Father McCrae; cuff buttons, Jas; Con CANADA'S' ,iro. .This being over this contest for t the large Bag was goinz on, in. which -the keenest interest and greet mit .ruenrt was created. After bard strugg- ling on the part of all than 3ativassers, the poll was closed and Mr Wm Hod- gins, of fiensall,was declared the win- ner. This closers the amusements for the day, and escli went lies way sell ,satisfied that they bad spent a day -of teal enjoyment The gross proceeds was in the neighborhood $250. Father Itealy and the committee is to be com-' •plitnented for their Bard labors in mal;- ngthis such a success, Grediten Briefs, Farmers ,in the neighborhood have -finished seeding. \%lrat will be the latest topic for the -fall and winter season. Apple packing is novo the order of .the day amongst the fruit growers. Mr. P, Fravne and wife, of near Alviuston, are visiting atMr.Stephens.' The two Miss Priskators, of Exeter ,vicinity,. spent Sunday ,,visiting friends ;bete. A long looked for shower of rain .favored. us 'bat Saturday night. The .cry was "nlore of it' We regret•to ;earn that Mr. Cough- lin, father of our M. P. is very low. •ile has been ailing for some time. There was quite a number of our cit- izens visited the World's fair at Zurich Friday last, and repqrt a good time, We are pleased ,to ]earn that Mr. Win. Banes, who has been seriously ill for some time, has taken a change for the better. Hope tp see hiau around soon again. There is rumor of the "matrimonial plague" attacking this neighborhood in ;the near future. Wonder who will be the first "unfortunate" couple to fall victim to that endreaded disease. Rev. Mr. Limbach,, of New Rain - burg, presiding, elder of the west dis- trict cf the Canada Evangelical Can ference, held a series of quarterly meet- ings here on Saturday and Sunday ;last. The Harvest Home festival, held under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society, on Sunday and Monday last, was ,ra de,ided ;neaps from beginning TORONTO SEPT. 10th to 22nd Greater PIZES than ever And Special Attractions New Features and grand. Exhibits The best attractions that money call secure. For Prxe. Lists and x'rogralnrnea ad dress the Secretary. ENTRIES CLOSE AUGUST 18th. J, J• WTHROW11. J. HILL, President. Sec., TuitOli rQ. miniaArtilv PEA/imam no is 'Weal'„ Nervous, Efabiiltated, whole hie Fooiy and ignorar.po has Tri- flQ3away his Vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, Causing exhausting Urniztn'upon 6 Fountains Cf Life. Headache, Bgokaohe, DrenrifulDreams, Weakness et ;,memory. Bashfulness in Sooiety, Pitrmien upon the pace and authe Effects • leading to Early .Decay, Consumption or insanity, 1 And in our specify 1\o. 23 8 Positive Cure. Vs imparts Youthful vigor restore- the Vital Fowee to old anti young 'strength ns and invigorates the Brain annd Nerves builds up tho muscular system will arouses into action the v#ole plivslcal energy of the human frame.- Wii>i oar specitlo No. 23 the most bbstinate case cdan.be oared in three months, amazement ones in less than thirty days. Each przolliga contains two week treat - Ment. Trice $2. ores Guaranteed. ''Our spec- ific No. 24 is an infallible Curator all private Diseases no matter of 110W !Ong stand - „ling. Sold under our written Cuaranteeto ,offeot aPure. 'rice a t5, Toronto . tedious '. r' uroato Ont. C. goo TO' • . J. C.STONEMAN'S HEIVSALL, For Clocks, Watches, Gold, Sil- ver and Plated Jewelry, Silverware, Musical :Instruments, and Stationery., All'kinds of repairing Neatly and promptly ex t'uted, All Work guarante,d, LIFE SURA CE COMPANY. AND ' I-1 faeturera' .Accident qua, Co'y e two separate and distinct compati- with full Governu ent deposits. The authorized capital and other assets aro respectfully $2 000,000 and $1,000,000 Pr.Esinis x. ---ET. HON. SIR JOHN A. MACDON':tALD, P.O,,G,Q,B. VICE-PREsziait,:ars.. eorge Oooderhunu, Esp., President Bank of Toronto, and William Boll, Esq„ Manufacturer , Guelph. J D. .C+anzizf:, ,.Manning Director. The Largest Capital Stook Company on the continent. Policies issued an the Ordinary Life, Endowment and -Natural Premium Plans. Premiums as reasonable as in compat- ible with bouatide life insurance }S. FLOODY, Inspector Jlurott and Druce. ATTENTION! Eyes Front? ) (Ca,r'ch? W. SOTJTiOO .''S 019t1i hlg and Gents' rmTR.ISHING STORE, EXETER - oN T S"OIWE OF TO FINEST TWEEDS THAT CAN, ,l3E SECURED, IS ARRIV410( EVERY DAY.) v,, ents' Ferut. mgt in the latest styles right prices. CALL. 'SOLICITED. Y. 246!Hitt (6001; • Corner Main & John sts, ,, ,E E y ONT EXETER MARKETS.. Red Winter, per bus'1 $ 95 to 100 white tt • 95 to 100 Spring Barley, ° ° Oats Peas , Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crocks • Wool . ” Potatoes per bas, 7 It y ,per toad tt• ' 90 to 90 5Q, to 56 to 28 . 5$ to 60 •15 to 15 15to16 15 to 16 18 to 18 30 to 30 09.00 to 9: :0 Central Uotel SEPTA 'R 8 ter NTiL NOON ONLY. Chromic Bronchitis Cured An English Church Ole Clere,yinan speaks. Rectory, Oornwaall, Ont Da, WAa. S txrex, xuRRA.it FOF— J. IL SIRLUCOIN To Customers and Public at lar , here is the place to get your.- self snited,,A ith Suits n i 4 up in the later styles, .at hard 'time prices.- r3 FINE RANGE OP 0001)g ,ALW,IiTS IN STOti., :Asea. Slit, -.-I tun esti to be mile to in-' , x A I'Elli'E F :t form you that my daughter is (uitY Hell, G l;�.R.A�TElh'�. again. As this is,the seeend time she has been Cured of grave F,li'olaylzial troubles under year treatment, ^avlaws the usual' reunediea<f ailed,1 write to express my gratitude. Blease except mY ^& 3tcet4 rheas.' Yo truly, 1 S5asir a. wn--Cat.arr •eithebead': and Throat, Catarrh Dea1nemas ehreufn Bronchitis, Astbiva and-onenurption. Alae loss of mice, Moro throat, enlarged. tensile. Fotyppue.o'f the nose zereoved. Come early. s_Cousultetion free. A few of *canny slued by Dr Wash. tn,gtores new Toothed; H. H. Storey,, of storey & Son, menu - rectums, ,Acton, Ons., also Freed Manu- facturing An'. of Canada, lternianeutly' edtf Catarrh by Dr. Washington, pr? uuccta incurable by noted epecielists in his country and. Europe. Write him for rticulare. John Melelvr, Rtngo'ton, Ont., latarrh and Consumption, John tircKelvy,Kiugston Out. Oatarrlr.: re. A. Hasping, Kingston, Out, oho Cotisttislrlatnon. lr. D. Scott, Kingston, Ont,, Oaterrii alt and throat. John lleztmu, Ha,rrowstaitb, b. throat. F$ Mary A. ]Rterutiour , Destrevill :atarrh, head and throat. Jztaaea Mathews, P Master, Acton Ont. A. E. Fish, Gents Furnishings, Belle- ville.' Out, Cured of Catarah, throat, John. Plnippie, Sandlnntet P. 0., Ont., xacar Nalene) of Catarrh, heed, throat. and lenge, lilted other i l5 Young Street, Toronto. Oonsultation Free. NOTIGE Having recently built a New Factory, 3. now better prepared to funneb my Customers, and all wbo favor me witlx a, call, with all kinds of Land Rollers Gates, Etc. On shortest notice. " `6$ DON --•-WITH °1QiJICKNESB --ttt, tit DESPATGH,DO All Orders ' by Mail or Otherwise, Prompt Attended to. A CALL SOLICITED. aCO Z.M. The Lion :Provident Life and Live, Stook Assooi'n Head Office, Room "B , Arcade, Toronto, • Ontario, rncorporated Aug., ,1887. Purely Mutual. No Assessments. Owners o Valuable Horses and other live stock ,can now get them insured at two thirds of their actual market. value, In case of ;accident .or death. Send for Circulars to J. SKINNER, Box 245, Mitchell, Ont, agent for , Huron' and Perth or to W. Jowhs, Secy,, • Arcade Buildiu Toronto' ()ntarie. Sep$ .Clothes cleaned and renovated moderate prices, A C.AI,I. SOLICITEIY.. irp stairs, over #rose Ot9„ e. G. SMALLACOMBE.. ;aaaataa GROCER8:T16 ibs.'3ngar for M1.00; 18 lbs, white sugar for $1.00, We can't be examen is 'rear from V9 to Basila' 4 Shoes (all $j sit pi" A zaizely as91e-tesi mug,:k of FORKS, SCYTHES GLASS ell nl 30,13`40 k'e:4 t2t iurl;al c4tnIflluslow aw tbelonezi, Tea Sett of 44 piece*, 2.75- m 4 nraito ileat44•tua,TMo cleti.it far 15. tlaa e,ear al.4aiao get tilt is 1pt-a5 sagle, Our Drees Goods are mark - eel Clown to the lowest lcatoh. COTT(`N, •20 ds. for X1,00 er: e SOI alto a loan ferrate. ATHa ON, its c nslstntlli:- SOMETNING NEW THE PROPRIETOR OP THA DOMINION LABORATORY Bess to announce to bis =alter - ens Pi.iends and Patrons that h* iias just put in a full lilte,vf Staple & Fancy btationery, Account hooks, r` c1too1 Looks, and all %illus• of School rc nisites Letter an(1 Note Paper Fools cap Paper, Account Papers, Colored 1 isms, Gilt Papers and Drawing Palter -'ens, Ink, Pencils, and also .a Loll line of all the newest and also .t lwc uti lar works of Fietioza, all of �rL:mss will els sold at the kneel' remeurative rates. . . k W. BROWNER& PROPRIETOR, The subscriber wishes to inform the farmers and general public that h4 iv prepared'to furnish all sizes and kind .of , Well digging promptly doper and at reasonable. rate Residence and shop, on .Ann siet; behind Christie's Livery Stable.' A °ALL - SOLIOITED , <, 770Sic Moo RP +a ;.